To live from moscow. Thanks for joining us on the program this hour a north korea is set to hold official talks with its southern neighbor for the first time in two years as tensions run high on the peninsula there are some signs the spot is easing with some progress already made at the start of the year has already seen the reopening of a cross border phone line the next day trump delayed drills would soul until after south korea holds the Winter Olympics coming up next month face to face negotiations with the north are set for tuesday. More than takes a closer look at whats in store with the negotiations. Well its hard to tell exactly everything that will be discussed now we know that one thing that is probably going to definitely be on the agenda will be the upcoming Olympic Games now weve heard from south koreas unification minister and he has said that he hopes that the talks become a place to ease the tensions now if youve been paying attention to everything thats been going on on the Korean Peninsula over the last few months you can tell theres quite a bit of tension there and you almost cant really imagine it being worse lets take a look at whats been happening. Now when the leader of north korea kim jong un was giving his new years address he surprised a lot of people and unexpectedly called for talks or said he was open to talks between north korea and south korea this is what we heard from kim jong un during his new years remarks which if the south really wants reconsideration in u. N. Including the south Korean Administration opposition parties groups from various fields and quantities and individuals now the Moon Administration in south korea as always you know called for a more diplomatic approach to the north and so we immediately now we did hear however donald trump first on twitter and then later in comments to the press and elsewhere take credit for the renewal of dialogue between the north than the south this is trump a lot of people have said a lot of people have written that without my rhetoric and without my tough stance and its not just a stance i mean this is this is what has to be done if it has to be done that they wouldnt be talking about olympics that they wouldnt be talking right now. Here of strategic patience. With the north korean regime has noted states is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea little rocket man rocket fuel for the American Economy is a sick puppy but unlike previous dialogue that has taken place at this point the usa will not be at the table so if donald trump himself is responsible its odd that he wouldnt get a seat at the table for something that he arranged the whole world is watching the Korean Peninsula people have seen how the usa has paused its provided military exercises during the Olympic Games you know the Olympic Games are set to commence and now the world is watching as north and south korea are going to Start Talking to each other a lot of possibilities here in this moment people are waiting to see what could happen next and we spoke to professor of law and government on the. School tom brooks he told us the talks may go well beyond just the Winter Olympics. I think the South Koreans will be wanting to explore different ways they can lower tensions and i think it is a very important opportunity and a welcome one between the two sides but i also think that one or two meetings in the run up to a Winter Olympics next month theyre not going to achieve everything i think that these talks are happening certainly not because of trumpet in the sense some sense despite trump that it is very telling that usually the americans are always in the room and now the americans are nowhere to be found it what trumps rhetoric has done has increased the kinds of threats if we were to get threats in the United States from north korea but increase the level of severity the fact that hes got no representative in the room for the talks no one will be actually there to help have anything to do with what goes on in the room or help the negotiations in any way is a sign of how powerless how much the United States is genuinely walked away from world leadership in areas like the Korean Peninsula. Now thousands have marched through the streets of tel aviv in israel demanding the resignation of the countrys Prime Minister over mounting corruption allegations the protesters were carrying placards and shouting slogans denouncing the government what does the if has this report. Six weeks now its release have been demonstrating against the Prime Minister the Prime Minister as theyve affectionately nicknamed him not just in tel aviv the capital but its now growing but israel proper always been here for the last three years everybody is talking about it all the time to the media. There is a feeling that the government is corrupt and puts its interests before the citizens. Government is corrupt. Theyre tired of it i think is going to get elected again. There are two publicly known cases against netanyahu in the first his wife and he alleged to have accepted illicit gifts tobacco and alcohol from a hollywood billionaire luxurious champagne for the lady and fine cigars for the gentleman case number two netanyahu reportedly struck a deal with a major newspaper where in return for more favorable coverage he would weaken a rival newspaper using his office and powers as Prime Minister serious allegations stuff like this has put people in jail you think bebes scared if there will be recommendations by police to indict so. Heres a fact i doubt the public knows the vast majority of Police Recommendations in with nothing more than sixty percent of Police Recommendations are thrown out here of course denies everything just like his predecessor whod all met also denied ever taking bribes even as he was handcuffed and convoyed off to jail b. B. Doesnt care police can recommend whatever they want its only if the state prosecutors decide to act will he face trouble and he seems sure they wont they knew a year ago even before the investigation why did it take a year and a waste of time and public funds theres more of course questions about netanyahu is connections how bibis cousin ended up in the middle of a controversial billion dollar deal to buy german submarines you know how these things happen but isnt it amazing how a man can be so flippant about corruption allegations against him and so righteous about corruption allegations against. Others bridgie reunions are pouring into the streets they seek freedom they seek justice i wish the renewed people success in their noble quest for freedom and you know. This. Against the corrupted rigid new learn but try to manipulate. Criticism against it it is really the. Government releases still months away from issuing an official recommendation on whether to try the netanyahu or not the b. B. C. Allies as striking back theyve passed through legislation that would be the police for making any public recommendations on whether people should be taken to court netanyahu is a survivor israels longest serving Prime Minister he has weathered and survived plenty of scandals and next time this law will make it even easier under the israeli law the Prime Minister does not have to resign even if he is indicted and even when hes standing trial only after he has been convicted in a certain District Court in jerusalem and after hes appeal has been denied by the high court which could take two years or so but this is only the legal point from the public and political point of view there will be a lot of pressure on him to resign or at least step aside for a while once hes indicted. Now the headlines the National Security agency you know United States is facing troubling times with a number of employees leaving the Service Increasing dramatically the discuss this when i was. Live by former n. S. A. Technical director ton whistle blower William Binney thanks for joining us on the program say good to have you on. When its not a lot of cases off have quit the n. S. A. In the last few years does it sound like theres something about the Organization People perhaps arent comfortable with that isnt right i mean why are people leaving but my my guess on that is that the the the internally in n. S. A. You see there a program called see something Say Something about employees your fellow workers so theyve got the workers inside and they say watching they other workers so that they can get their what their objective is to get somebody to tell them about someone who might be another Edward Snowden so that was the whole program thats what thats all about so im sure that that creates a very hostile you know kind of. A bad Work Environment and in addition to that i think some of the things theyre doing like spying on u. S. Citizens spying on everybody in the planet they object to and theyve even written internally some from some of the material from ed snowden theyve read theyve written articles about not being able to figure things out because theres just too much data for them to work with so i think those are the basic reasons we also understand if you are a few people applying work for the agency you mentioned Edward Snowden the one you know very public very famous will solo and i mean does that trend reflect a sort of public distrust perhaps in what the agency is doing in the wake of those will supply activities such as yourself on Edward Snowden as well yes and i think their participation in this fake russia gate thing its also discrediting them and so you know who wants to work for a corrupt organization and thats what thats what we have out there now theyve been a lot of security precautions introduced you mentioned one of snowden leaks do you think thats made working out affected the Work Environment somehow internally. Oh yeah i think that destroys the morale of the people do it work doing the work there i mean can you its like you were in the middle of the i was in the original program set up by the stasi to they did the same thing in east germany so i mean well when you i mean anybody who had a vendetta or some gripe against someone else could Say Something about that and just to get them into trouble and have difficulty so i mean that just sets up a very bad Work Environment for him full time known do you know your experience and what youve had what actions can and i say do in times of reforming itself introducing measures you know to change that environment you mentioned would say which has changed and become more difficult for employees. Well i mean you have to have to encourage the you know creativity and in the penance and get get get the fear of actually trying to do something out of the employees so theyre not afraid to try things i mean when you have people watching you all the time for some kind of slip up i mean that kind of that kind of makes you and inhibited that kind of says i dont want to try to do things because somebody might perceive it incorrectly and if they do and i get reported i get in trouble so you know thats thats a very bad thing for them to be doing so they need to correct that they need to they need to also. They need to automate be automated out of the automated out of magically audited on what theyre doing so that you know congress can really know whats happening and the people can really know and so can the Justice Department theyre doing illegal things like violating the constitution of the United States which are currently doing now. So they need to correct all of that and then that will create a better and Work Environment and actually see the big get the people who are working there to see that theyre actually doing positive things just in terms of what is security progression see a presumably you know there is this full recruitment and applications people leaving n. S. A. Does an important job you know amid a rise in Terror Threat increases other crime increases as well i mean do you think this issue will have a wider security for United States at all well i mean i dont see them succeeding at stopping terrorism anyway i mean the only thing they stop or this set ups that the f. B. I. Does you know they entrap people as far as the the attacks that have really been planned by terrorists or people who and who are intending harm to people i mean they havent stopped this for any of them that i know of because alexander general alexander former director there had claimed to the Judiciary Committee in the senate that theyd stop fifty four attacks and he was challenged by senator leahy to prove it and he couldnt prove any of them so i mean the point is the thing that theyre doing is unconstitutional illegal its crimes against the laws of the United States and they need to stop that that would change some of the way that the work and employees working there would perceive the job and the charter and the duties inside in a say so i mean for what youre saying. William understand this is really an entirely rooted problem is not something thats just an external p. R. Image that needs a p. R. Makeup of people to you know its applied something thats very much in time is that is that what youre saying its fundamentally a cultural issue. Inside and they say theyve developed a culture that says you know we are basically on our own doing our own thing if Congress Gives us money its our money you know its not theirs and were not accountable to them or anybody else how we spend it or how we use it that has to change or it was a low on foreign to say technical director William Binney thanks for joining us today giving us your take on that story. Maybe. Now there are calls to boycott clothing giant h. And m. After it advertised a black child in a hoodie with the words coolest monkey in the jungle in the same campaign a white child was also shown but in inoffensive clothing has now taken down the image and publicly apologized as well but hasnt stopped a massive row though with the brand labeled as racist. Marketing. Puts a black child in a hoodie that reads and the coolest monkey in the jungle and the white child is the survival expert and now fox are pretending like they dont know the black children have long been racially characterized as monkeys. Is just irony i highly doubt they were like lets put the monkey who. Make it seem there is a white supremacist who works for the thought it was funny to make a blackboard mandala hoody coolest monkey in the jungle its an am is not an American Company brands do not have to be familiar with usas or other countries hysterical conflicts on how to do Background Research for advertising a simple hoodie youre all going to feel how your feel about the. Situation by folks who do was cute see you me a little black boy in a monkey hoodie of course its offensive but its so obvious im hysterical over the lack of awareness by. Joining us live now. From spike magazine and ready for their of models of diversity and advocate for more variety in fashion thanks for joining us on the Program Great to have you both on today if i can go to you first perhaps luke i mean this is. A controversial issues got a very split reaction online on social media many accuse the out of having racist undertones thats very much understandable absolutely you know other people see absolutely nothing wrong with that theyre saying its a bit of a storm in the teacup i mean where do you stand on this. Well i think its a really sad i think what has happened is the word monkey has been used because this boy is a child and the word monkey is used to describe children of all races because theyre cheap and you can see this across childrens clothes for children of all races and this was part of a jungle themed clothing line the idea that this was somehow racially malevolent i think is ludicrous and i think that really this is a symptom of. What twitter does to people i think really what it does is it encourages people to see the absolute worst in peoples motivations and so i think we do have real problems with race class gender in this society but what we need is a sense of racial solidarity and what twitter does is it makes racial solidarity completely impossible by encouraging everyone to believe the worst in everyone else and what i think it does is it creates social division it Fosters Division encourages people to see people as different rather than the same and if we continue on that mindset were going to fail to formulate a common response to those problems around race and gender and Everything Else that we experience in society so i think we need to get this discussion off twitter as soon as possible its a recipe for social dissolution for a nation you know were going to end up in a situation where white teachers will be worried about teaching black children in case they say the wrong thing white people be worried about working with black people in case they say the wrong thing and this is nothing to do with the people themselves this is a Small Community of people online which encourages people to think the worst in others and that makes any kind of solidarity impossible. To you i mean as. Mentioned there are obviously there are problems within society of racism of discrimination youve got experience of the fashion industry the wider fashion industry is that a problem that is there this discrimination and racism or is this symbolic of it or as luke said is this being made too much of a big deal out of. Theres no doubt that theres an issue there its not its not something its. Something thats just as a when you know theres definitely there has been issues with people of color coming into the fashion industry in the first place need to be represented fairly and even the connotation of beauty for people of color for star not just the first issue and but. The whole issue is with this Advertising Campaign its an Advertising Campaign the. International its an International Campaign and its so obvious that if youre going to use a connotation like monkey whether a child is a monkey youre going to choose a black child hold for the campaign and the white child as a survivor of the jungle there is not going to have connotations its ridiculous to think its not going to have any contagions whatsoever im sorry i dont know having exploded. You know how you can say that the thing is this. I dont think this has that connotation for the vast majority of people the vast majority of people think this is a perfectly innocent campaign involving children of all races involved in the jungle and im afraid i think its really sad when adults pre conceptions about racism and race read into childhood interactions i think that is potentially extremely corrosive if this kind of thinking gets into our School Environment for example what are we going to end up saying that black children can be involved in games that might involve. You know. Now i disagree that because i do think that yes children are going to get involved in games involved younger animals but if youre going out specifically choose a campaign where the black child is chosen as the monkey and the white child is chosen as the jungle survivor in a climate of racial tension you know its going to have connotations especially for their parents. When i was growing up as i suppose older this is that this is a historical this isnt a Study Commission i dont think its just about all about parents its something thats going to be inherent in these children subconsciously youre going to continue this and i dont think its about im looking at this objectively to be honest personally in my opinion i think this is actually an issue to do with promotion promote in and making sure that youre going to make the brand more successful if. I get the job. And about i dont think its necessarily a race issue if i can just jump in remy i mean the hash tag. Has been trending on twitter they have actually obviously apologized theyve taken down their vote since then are you happy with their apology or do you think theyve done enough to put an end to the matter or would you back with them as a result of this. To be perfectly honest although you are always shocked and i was a big fan of hate that im so disappointed by this campaign ive seen them do they always use a mix of models but this is really not you know its time to say the least is what this campaign is its really badly thought by a board of white so rectors because even if it was even if theres that opinion its just like buckley thought it might be parents that are negatively thinking about this you cannot deny the connotations that it held you as i said and i mean i was bullied by a whole class called a monkey by the by a whole class when i was going into a class and then really had an effect and if thats going to have an effect on me thats going to have an effect on generations to come because often without having to stand trial you cant get away because of course for were going to. The strongest way we can deal with this is by moving children beyond race that should be the goal for everyone in society is making children not think about their race thats the way we should be proceeding but what this thinking dars is that it reads into peoples motivations a racist and malign motivation and the previous speaker just did exactly that they said well theres a white board of people this must be a racist thing this must be racial why cant it simply be that this is a child a child. Who cares it doesnt matter the point is that the word monkey is being used to describe a child in the childhood. And i think the more that we allow that kind of. How on a second hold on the more you allow that kind of toxic level of debate that happens on twitter to permeate our interactions in the real world the more we become distance from each other the more we sow racial difference and the more any genuine racial solidarity becomes impossible because people no longer trust each other people read into peoples motivations the worst possible malign thinking and i think its absolutely toxic and although this example is a relatively trivial one i think most people in the country recognize why the term monkey was used and the context that it was used the more that we encourage the kind of thinking that we see on twitter the more difficult its going to be to formulate a common response to the real problems that i mean if i can just jump in and ask you this i mean is this a question really you mentioned you know the board of directors the racism perhaps that does exist to me in history but is this perhaps more you know a thoughtless choice i mean everybody can see the connotations here everybody can see you know that this was perhaps a very poor you know poorly thought out choice but is that all it is do you think if this had been the other way around a white child were in that top had a black child were in the other or injured jungle survivor top would that have been such an outcry over this. No is the simple answer if thats the whole issue. Advertising campaigns really well for how. It was just about player think its fantastic and i think its and thats what i like about hate you know and in fact a lot about benetton as well because they used to use controversial campaigns but they never they never crossed the line of it being overtly appearing to be racial using any sort of. They sort of made it by you know. Which is a completely different thing altogether i really believe in u. T. Absolutely i just think you really have to be. Think about how youre going to promote these things and how youre going to bring that about and just another thing im going to say i dont know about the twitter board i havent looked into that the moment but what i would say is that spring in this as a defeat is a really important thing to do actually you might think it might bring tension and it does bring arguments but the same time a lot of support for coming on to the show and talking about because its pretty new tea from people on white people to sort of say you know were worried about how or how a child will be perceived or and thats the issue here you know if i can get back to you i mean you know one can see both sides of the argument here cant know the fact that there are racial connotations the fact that many people do see this as an overreaction but i mean surely you can see that bearing in mind the historical connotations bearing in mind. You know towards black people of the word monkey i mean really perhaps a little more common sense here at least would have been a good idea. I think the clear distinction is between adults and children i think but when the word monkey is applied to a child it doesnt have any racist connotation no matter how you read it and i think imagining that it does is very very dangerous so i dont think theres any room for any more racial sensitivity on behalf of them because i think its perverse to see this as having any kind of racial connotation and i think the more we read a history with which obviously these children have nothing to do with into the interactions between children the more we imbue them young people with racial insecurities and i think thats the most harmful aspect of this the more we do it the less likely we are to have a generation who genuinely do move beyond race the more likely it is that we actually saw those kind of racial segregation the more chance there is that we remain so racially sensitive so where of each others differences and i think thats the real problem with this we were running out of time really if i could just go to you a quick you know thirty seconds summary what do or could have done better you know to mitigate whats been a very sensitive issue here. Obviously first of all an apology and an explanation of to why they did him what they think would be you know their intentions for me i think is very important and. I just think that they need to recognize what the how it affected people. Of color need to recognize how it affects people of color and how it could potentially affect children because they dont live in a bubble they are aware of whats happening in the world like football teams and. Footballers and they were aware of this we dont live separately from History History of your lives i think ill just ill still you know our guys filthy rich and yet we already are on drugs that im afraid that so well you have to. Just very quickly. I think its the idea that you would lie for a monkey a black Football Player with a child wearing the jumper with the word monkey shows just how easy this discussion is the two things are very very different one is very clearly racist the other has no racist content whatsoever but we have time for today god is good to us from magazine and models our diversity is ready for day great to have you to have this debate has really set a very right we do discuss this controversial issue thanks both of you for your time today great to have you on. The

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