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Continue doing this all over the world we will come to london again soon we want to go to ireland and we have a lot of friends in the united ok away from the Mainstream Media journalists they come under attack all the time what about the pictures surely they dont lie seeming to support the idea as a ruling elites here that your government is abusing human rights on a routine basis and theyve done that seen two thousand and two you know there was a coup detat against command and the charges and this was the george w. Bush best yes which was supported agitate by the then labor government. And then there was economical sabotage that same year and then these are the people of the opposition go to the streets with terrorist actions trying to overthrow our government and what do you get from the media the Mainstream Media is that we are repressing the the police man the national. Man you know in venice where they met in one thousand nine hundred eighteen in forty eight i was five thousand when the swimmers were killed by those governments and they were doing nothing against the government they were protesting demonstrating discontent with the economical situation here we have people of the opposition who go to the streets gangs with weapons with us with they put people burn people alive and what we do is to try and you know to do what we have to do to do to make things peaceful and then they say this is a dictatorship we have evidence we keatings cables showing cia backing for what people might tell the terrorists militants in other latin american countries do you have any proof that washington is being these forces in your country we have tons of proves even the classified documents from the cia that have been appearing in recent years they were behind the coup that the economic cost. The behind and supporting the opposition with finance from the use aid from the ned and theres enough proof for that and they are still and they say it you know they say that the director of the cia said he was working with colombia and with this it with the opposition in venezuela to to make a change of regime thats the use the word they use in venezuela so they confess that they are doing so and the president of the United States himself his words he said he didnt discard and military operation against our country i dont know why because we were present no threat not even to our neighbors we are very Good Neighbors we help the caribbean we help our neighbors much more less to the most important country in the world who has the most important army that and the weapons in the history of humanity so its always a reaction when donald trump threaten military intervention in your country on television were used to these aggressions it was president obama who issued the creed saying that venezuela was an extraordinary and unusual threat to the u. S. National security that. Outshined there no change really and trump uses this to create with his personality and his behavior and but we do not discard that this man may use the force against venezuela so we are preparing for that we want dialogue we want to have a channel of communication with the trumpet ministration but if we are attacked we will respond if they want we know what we have to do to avoid the whichever army invaded invaded us in the future to have a drop of oil in one hundred years i do want to get to britain but do you think that lawmakers in washington to stand the United States reliance on the a country with the largest known reserves of oil in the world its what they want they want to have a traditional government from the. Not popular government not sovereign government in venezuela so that they can take our oil for free as they did for for ninety years but thats our or and we have to sell it at the market price and we have to invest in education in health in the people thats what we do so they have to respect this did the British Foreign office talk about sanctions at all well i told him that it seems like theyre following the steps of the United States administration dont trump and he said no were not and i said how come not because if they have imposed sanctions to us and you want to discuss this in the European Union go doing the same so youre going to tell me youre not following the steps of this man of trump and he said he wasnt but its obvious they do and so we shouldnt be happy if the European Union is to board the native to the International Policy of the United States because European Union has its own spirit has its own values and it cannot follow orders from the United States i learned the irony of britain is leaving the european you. You need to take the lead is still in iranian and i am but can sanctions help selfreliance in venezuela weve seen in quite a few countries sanctions have actually aided the independence of countries outside near the no way yes we can you know we can say its the worst thing that could happen and abandoned and give up power but presley and i do too i said this is the best opportunity we have to change our economy structurally and to look for other markets and thats why he went to russia and he went to turkey and we have teams going to china because we have to build another i can texture for the financing routes of venezuela to guarantee that we can maintain the social investment in venezuela as fate made famous speeches against the i. M. F. Do you see the brics bank and new institutions created by these emerging economies as being crucial to all of all shoulder Bretton Woods agreements after World War Two have collapsed they have no sense anymore they have to be changed brics is one of the alternatives the world has to china has a big account to me with a big bank of development and it gives opportunities as well to latin america and russia has as well you know i should tell you though interrupting britain defied washington to join the bank and downing street said we are not washingtons poodle here that those those affairs you know but we believe we need like a common Dentist Services and my daughter is doing as well a world with several centers and poles and thats in america should be a center ok well just fine you right now dont trouble and only threatening arguably the people of venezuela hes threatening Big Multinational Oil interests what would you say to people that chevron phillips sixty six will arrow energy. He who invested billions in refining imported Venezuelan Oil for the United States they were surprised many refineries in the United States are built for our oil and to to change that technology its millions of millions of dollars i dont know if the president of the United States is aware of that and if he was aware of that before issuing these these sanctions but i believe these companies that are that have invested in venezuela and i are very happy in venezuela should talk to their own government and make them take reasonable decisions and if anyone watching this interview watches a program on c. N. N. The statement it will be we see Corporate Media in the states saying that you are torturing people imprisoning people killing people on the streets of venezuela what should they do we have made a big effort you know eight million venezuelans voted for the National Constituent assembly not even obvious ever have ever had these figures and what they did was they they were patient they saw people like them being burned alive being brutalized by these opposition gangs and they were patient we spoke to all of them be patient we have to solve this through democratic means and they went and they voted eight Million People i was surprised i expected a little less maybe seven million and even people of the opposition that were tired of violence of terrorist attacks couldnt go out to work or to study to the university who voted for the National Constituent looking for peace foreign minister thank you thank you very much ive seen so pleasure thanks after the break working nine to nine we asked Country Music legend like the dalai part of a remake of a classic film ninety five would be possible as unemployment reaches two hundred million around the globe and tourism a resorts to charges of anti semitism against germany who wins u. K. Labor party at this weeks b. N. Years old is more coming up. But to have going underground. I played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i see. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch pull the funnel school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman each of killian erroneous and spending children twenty million and one player. Its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance with. The base its going to. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and they fell the matter over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and hes just stealing money from folks and with us right to be attic but america is like that for it for a while ok already there actually are in the process of reform but thats about evil. About your sudden passing ive only just learnt you were a south in taking your last bank turn. Youre at the top to us we all knew it would i tell you im sorry for me i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. But then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still some more fond of you those that didnt like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters in mind its consumed with death this one difference i speak to now because there are no other takers. To claim that Mainstream Media has met its maker. In the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox dealing with customs are here permanently and all the site is controlled by as a monday impose the opening time story of the opposition to prosecute these families all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe most to pieces by artists like pecan so unordered kept boards and sold in the side this warehouse thats where the report comes in it covers a deal. Naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. Some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the Geneva Freeport system youll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand its a matter of confidentiality only is it the worlds black box of the art business. Welcome back all you believe theres no more pressing issue for the poor in austerity britain than the rollout to teresa mayes universal credits policy and Jeremy Corbin raised it in the first british Prime Ministers questions since to raise amaze disastrous tory Conference Last Week dres m h os to focus on tony blairs policies so call been changed tack to plead for something practical no more telephone sex line style charges for the most vulnerable desperately seeking help but absolutely mr speaker the universal credit helpline costs claimants fifty five pence per minute for the privilege of trying to get someone to help them claim what they believe theyre entitled to will the Prime Minister did to me show some humanity intervene and make at least a helpline three know the most vulnerable in British Society whether they be homeless pendulous or hungry will have to come up with fifty five p. Or nearly a dollar a minute to phone someone who might be able to help them and anyway Jeremy Corbyn and his friends probably racist and hate jews here quantities and Human Rights Commission set labor needs to stop leash thats not a racist policy. And then theyd be. On the labor leader right in council frightened transparent labor conference is because the freely expressed and see senate says that if anyone seriously thinks Jeremy Corbyn is a racist and t. C. Might youre welcome to email us all contact us via social media. Well now lets forget the uncertainty created by trump withdrawing the usa from unesco its National Libraries week here in britain and germany corbin has pledged to develop a National Policy on libraries in the face. Of hundreds being closed up and down the country to bail out the banks but arguably no Single Person has done more in the cause of promoting the truth see than legendary Country Music star and actor dolly parton this week dolly parton has released a new album i believe in you all proceeds of which go to partons Imagination Library which is meant one hundred million books for children in the u. S. Canada australia and britain she joins me now from nashville tennessee dolly welcome to going underground to tell me about the new album i believe in you and the proceeds will go to partons Imagination Library oh well im happy to tell you all about that and im very excited about the childrens album is the first time ive ever done a mainstream childrens album although ive written many childrens songs through the years i love kids and for the Imagination Library where you know we give books to children from the time theyre born till i start school and a lot of the books i write themes that whatever the theme of the book is are out of song about and the fact that all the money from this cd believe in you goes to the Imagination Library to put more books in the hands of more children. I dont use a quantity were literally talking about tens of millions of books to children its been responsible for a hundred million books maybe one hundred million books with any day now were just about to get to that that milestone weve started the Program Twenty two years ago in honor of my father who is gone now but he got to live long enough to see the Imagination Library start to take off and here in the children call me the book lady my dad couldnt read and write and so he was a country kid and grew up in the mountains and had to work to help feed the family so he didnt get an education so that was the reason that i started this whole program because i do believe if you can read you can separate yourself and the younger you are when you learn to read the better off you are so its been a Wonderful Program but im very proud to be part of its not of course just the south and tennessee weve ever austerity the Library Closures here in britain and you helping children here yes we have were actually we started out in my home county then we went all over tennessee and many states here in the United States in the canada and in london were on our strength and were just weve got places to scattered all around and were just put in books in as many kids hands as we possibly can so you recorded i think one or two of the songs the rest are very much childrens songs tell me why you chose to record a coat of many colors i really felt like coat of many colors needed to be one of the songs in the album although ive recorded it but one of the main reasons we also have a new book trade book the coat of many colors and its in the law and then the Imagination Library so i am doing my reading as a bonus track on the coat of many colors book and also i felt that i should sing it and have children sing along with me on the courses of it instead of like the background singers that we used to do i did it more sample more kids. Anneli i just think the message is very important theres another song in the album along those lines its called making funny funny and it addresses the bullying that is just so prominent these days with children let alone could have many colors Tennessee Mountain home brewed seemingly love songs to tennessee youre still based there though rather than metropolitan l. A. Or new york well no im still live in nashville i love tennessee asked about the old home place you know back years ago where we my early days and so ive kind of built up that part of the you know of our world of they are close i love my family i love the Smoky Mountains i love who i am and where im from and the people that made me everything that i am so i love travel and i love going to new york i used to have an apartment there for years and i have a home in l. A. Because i do a lot of business there but i just fan like days or weeks not months and years there because this is still. You know its a poor state of im reading that maybe nine team found direct jobs have been attributed to dollywood and maybe one of billion dollars of Economic Impact for me about dollywood well dollywood we actually have dollywood the theme park we have a water park we have a couple of dinner theaters out on the parkway as well so we generate a lot of jobs for a lot of the people in the area and now we have a new resort called the dream or resorts is doing really well and that employs a lot of people as well so we really like to feel like that we give back because through the Dollywood Foundation which is actually is the house for our Imagination Library we do a lot of good things a lot of good charity work and a lot of things for the whole community and addition to that i can say provide jobs for our local people i mean aside from those initiatives do you think i mean tennessee is there is a poor state do you think they need not only jobs where they. Needed Country Music to survive the people are dead and thousands used to i well tennessee is known for its music for sure in all parts of tennessee whether youre in the mountains of used to you know where we have the mountain music in the bluegrass or youre in nashville where they have all kinds of music are in memphis where they have the blues and all the good stuff so tennessee is like three states in one youve got your mountains you got your kind you roll in heels and you got to the flat part of you know west and see so but theres a lot of poor people in every state and there are poor people in tennessee but there are a lot of prosperous people as well certainly the big star down in nashville. You sound like a one woman u. N. Relief agency you mention the great Smoky Mountains i want to get on to the Hurricane Relief or to recall of course still suffering apparently your telephone may have raised about nine Million Dollars for for the twenty sixteen great Smoky Mountains wildfire yes it did actually that number is world wide is up to like twelve million now and then all the money that we raised for that has gone to the bar victims and i we are back in business now we did not burn down our beautiful gatlinburg really done some damage there mainly out in peoples homes and in rural areas but it was a horrible horrible thing and i had so many country artists or many artists from all over the world in different genres of Music Performing or making donations or both and a lot of people have been pull that together so it was my duty to do that because i am from the smokey mountains it just so happened that everything kind of failed or it could be done in the right and the timing was really well done well for that i mean i was lucky and fortunate we just got off tour when that happened that we were on our last days so we just came since we already had our band and all of our instruments and all of our equipment together we just brought it down set it up and just went right at it so we were happy to do that so i mean aside from all this Amazing Charity work i mean we interviewed the director of a new recent film Nick Broomfield he wrote he did it for gold with me and i and i know that we need used in the covered your song you told me about the pressures of fame obviously that film about Whitney Houston about those pressures of being a huge singing well thats been one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me have and Whitney Houston saying that song that most simple country song that was straight from my heart but she took it and made it into this grand. Wonderful piece of music and ill always love Whitney Houston for that but that song is very important to me and i mean i think of course the country people would have always recognized me for it but it was only when she did it in the movie the bodyguard Kevin Costner had loved the song and he directed that a movie and was in it and so he was the one that you know wanted the song he and his secretary had loved the song so they sent for it and whitney just killed it i mean she just absolutely destroyed a wonderful job nobody could have done a better job than she did on that bench and the book lady which was a part of the campaign for childrens literacy in the United States will go door to miley cyrus was also in the do you think you influenced her music visiting a new album is country influence well i dont know if i have or not id like to think so in some ways i think maybe i have inspired her because shes a freshman to me as well shes very giving very talented very special and i was just so excited that we got to write and sing that song together in her new album the rainbow land but yes shes i think shes moving back to nashville and i think shes chance of new things and mothers relist smart and i hope she does well she will always ive always said no matter how high she jumps shell always land on her feet. And stars these days of to be pretty careful of the current highly polarized Political Climate in the United States oh well im just myself i dont usually talk politics i dont because i have a lot of fans on both sides whether democrats or republicans are trying to stay in the middle i say abba hypocrite so i dont i dont try to do the politics but yes i think that you know a lot of people you know have need to voice their opinions and we all i try to live an example and i just think that everybody should be treated well we should love one another would be great to live in a world of peace. But what are the chances of that happening any time soon so i guess we all have our own way of expressing that you want to would for acting actually i think as well as the music for a nine to five and then the chances of a sequel to the film let alone a rewrite of a song maybe nine to nine. Well im not sure that we were planning anything or little all now for that i think it would have to call it ninety five instead of ninety five but i do think its a good story i think they could actually do a remake of a movie or something with using younger people but not likely that were going to do another sequel of that and the album comes out. Teens as it proceeds some of them may end up with books with children here in britain yes all the money goes to the Imagination Library every damn of it im not keeping a penny of the sales from that album so it all goes to put more books in the hands of more children as we said and thank you for allowing me to come on and talk about it. And thats it for one of your favorite shows of the season will be back with a whole new episode to going on the ground on wednesday the seventeenth of january children can be judged by social media have a happy. Its a new year but the same stories persist out front is the chaotic Trump White House followed by the steel dossier and a possible breakthrough with north korea. I had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. I never worry about how i would eat somewhere i would sleep. Im facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. Well you look. Like the boy you like. You know just silly. Still give out food for the homeless. But you dont really feel like a human being in that. And then. The guy just came over to me saw me and gave me a change of this book. In two thousand and sixteen the Panama Papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion United States dollars pass through most. In the amount of time that weve been in Panama Papers exposure thats what it shows a lot of money it really is. Journalism its an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. Millions of most documents were examined. Me all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was just paper. And probably other politician which was stuff other politicians the media were quick to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several Prime Ministers. And russian president Vladimir Putin of course. Oh my god ive had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things dont just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go especially good a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. Of the panama chronicles. I. Know. That. The israeli Prime Minister faces mass protests over mounting corruption allegations with thousands of again marching on the streets of tel aviv. Allegations that donald trump has Mental Health problems make headlines across the Mainstream Media that house the u. S. President promises to give awards to god as fake news providers. New Coalition Talks are in full swing in germany. To end what some see as the countrys worst political crisis in years

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