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Stay you know human regime would expand and if israel is going to expel them by force it will be one of the most shameful steps that israel had ever taken note less than these theyre not refugees theyre criminals who crossed the border illegally not all men but youre can talk about this solemn seekers when the people come from their country to another company to save their lives they how well they they have done quite a long way they didnt want to stay in egypt for example for some reason they want to benefit from our rich from of merciful society and now people like you dont live in a who are all true liberal radical bourgeois they live in pure white neighborhoods of tel aviv where they have no problems but the government duffy israel is here to protect this citizens of israel and the people in poor neighborhoods that maybe the roads are suffering tremendously from this invasion of criminals who. And third the country now some of them of course behaved fine this is exactly the way that they spoke at the surtees in some European Countries they change the nature of the country sixty says. They offer a country of nine Million People i mean how race i said that poor people sombrero his i am older i didnt say that i said just. A neighbor holds a terrible problem we cannot accept any Illegal Immigrants no one no more no more and were sending them to the places where they all be safe with mommy in their pocket or with the money which they earned eighty percent of their iterations in europe are recognized as refugees it is way less than one percent how can you call it but races those. Fighting for their lives israel is a Refugee Society kid zorba certain seven thousand people and its unbelievable how good it did to speak in such a racist way but thats israel. French nationals who went to find with Islamic State in syria could be facing trial not back in france but instead in kurdish held territory in the middle east. If in syrian kurdistan there are judicial institutions that are capable of assuring a fair trial with guaranteed rights of defense they will be judged there are debates over what action should be taken against this Holding French passports has been gathering pace since the arrest of a notorious female recruiter in syria last month she was blacklisted by both the United Nations and the us and is said to have recruited more than two hundred french citizens. But according to a u. S. Based Research Group more than fifteen hundred extremists of french origin joined idles ranks over a three year period around three hundred of them have since returned to france we spoke to anti terror expert Louis Harrington about why in fronts could be willing to allow its nationals to go on trial abroad. Before she went to syria was heavily involved as a jihadist recruit up bringing her back to france to stand trial could incite others to commit acts those theres no theres nothing of any interest to bring her back for that i think the french would rather see a languish in jail for years to come you know this is this is a fight for. Values that we believe in innocent until Proven Guilty that if there is evidence it should be transferred from the kurdish authorities to the french prosecutors and she should stand trial and in france if that is the case the u. S. Thats to make this forty thousand foreign fighters from one hundred twenty countries nobodys said nobodys interest to have these people returned to their homeland simply because the dea radicalization programs that we have in place now they cant even account they cant even do anything with the guys who have not been on the front lines how these the radicalization programs going to cope with hardened jihadists that may return it its not peace which better to keep them languishing in in syria in jails keep them keep. Long as possible. A deadly week long antigovernment our pricing in or around us put further strain relations between tehran and the u. S. With i. Q. Stations and criticisms flying back and forth between the countries our administration will continue to support the protesters in their cause for Freedom Washington intervenes in a grotesque way in irans internal affairs. Irans military chief said the turmoil that swept the country is now over the civil disobedience has been widely condemned and around over the past two days these are images of rallies that have been held in a number of cities in support of the authorities according to the countrys interior ministry around forty two thousand people were involved in the op rising it began with protests over declining Living Standards on high unemployment and then took a violent government turn to see a church in a house more not on the u. S. Reaction and how washington appeared keen to exploit the protest for its own ends. When they ask for a better economy when they ask for the government to spend money on their own country as opposed to terror exploits overseas or in other countries sure we would certainly do when they say that to you i support mat im not going to go im not going to see thats why youre trying to trap me into Something Like that im not going to go there to try that is no that is not our that is not our policy but we hear what the iranian people are saying poverty corruption and Economic Uncertainty have the potential to trigger protests the world over. And they can quickly turn ugly. But the International Reaction to such an rest seems to depend on the country and question this is the precise picture of a long oppressed people rising up against their dictators so well be going out to get you in any country people can protest against high prices but well have a such them astray sions happen in our country opponents of the establishment come out and support them some western leaders are barely able to contain their enthusiasm for regime change and are rushing to throw their weight behind the demonstrators we are now seeing an organic Popular Uprising organized organized by brave iranian citizens on the Largest Scale since two thousand and nine the great to bring in people have been repressed for many years theyre hungry for food for freedom along with human rights the wealth of iran is being looted its on for change it is essential that western powers to bring to the. Marriage of the west the powers. Back of the arena. Because its only with their backing that being the iranian people will feel secure and can go all the way to securing their freedom in the of the previous regime but weve seen where this apparent prodemocracy fervor can lead. To an. Yes. The american president says he supports the protesters but these protests are not protests against the government these kinds of demonstrations happen in any country and they are against rising prices but each time these demonstrations happen we see that the authorities opponents use them for their own purposes the majority in iran i believe want evolution not revolution or. Arab spring style which has brought so much suffering elsewhere on the other hand the west seems oddly quiet about the massive rallies that are being held across iran in support of the government to. The root of it is just a canard its the problem of youth unemployment i personally havent been able to find a job for a long time but if people have a job they dont have any problem with the government of course most of irans economic problems are domestically generally but another reason why investment and thus new jobs have been slow in coming is that contrary to their obligations under the Nuclear Agreement western countries notably the United States have not taken sufficient steps to facilitate normal financial flows when it comes to iran the west says its listening but clearly selectively as coopting democracy for its own ends is a difficult habit to break and as i see it youre going to r. T. London. Allows the protests in iran began to gain more International Attention and number of fake images were circulated widely on social media here some of them this is a tweet showing a photo of a woman acrobatically attacking Police Officers with the caption around but it turned out to be a screenshot from an iranian movie after being exposed the man who posted it claimed it was supposed to be symbolic the video which again thousands of views on were said to show a march in iran was later proved to be of a protest in bahrain for twenty eleven other fakes were perhaps less clear one post claimed to show the uprising when it was actually a photo of a pro all government rally. A rise in Violent Crime in germanys lower saxony region may be linked to an increase in migrants according to a government backed study but is it really or that simple all this leader took a sort of. Why have reports of Violent Crime in one german state increased by more than ten percent in the last two years but this is exactly what a group of criminologist said Zurich University of Applied Science sits out to find and what they established is that there is a link between the increased Violent Crimes in lowest sex to me and the influx of migrants but the authors say they are a number of important contributing factors the first and foremost is the age of the migrants most of man between the ages of fourteen and thirteen not generally speaking people in this age bracket are more likely to commit acts of a vine of nature than people in other age groups secondly where they come from is important migrants who come from syria iraq and afghanistan tend not to carry out the same number of violent acts as migrants for example that are coming from north africa and then third what is also relevant is the fact that there is a lack of woman among the migrants only a quarter of migrants are female which means that you have groups of young men without their wives their mothers will be sisters and they are more likely to carry out acts of a violent nature now these findings do reflect earlier reportings that suggests that there is an increase in acts of a violent nature that are connected to the my Current Crisis since two thousand and fifteen more than a million migrants have arrived here in germany thats say that wolf is there is an important mitigating factor and this is and it could be that people may be more likely to report acts find them in acts that are carried out by migrants than if they were carried out by local germans not criminologist believes that only integration isnt the solution and should bring down the high level of crime rates among my goodness kind of from. Our point of view the study shows once again that you must not abandon those who come to us but actively provide integration it that means for example compulsory and comprehensive integration in the language courses places in kindergarten its in schools lets ask people here in britain what they think. I would say that this is coming from both sides the more people that come the more the dissatisfaction will be from those who have lived here longer i think thats something that should be driven by politics but then it at the end of the day its just its just part of the society that we all need to change and integrate People Better lie about changing our behavior and that the colors are really of it one of the more radical solutions would be to deploy the immigrants from germany interation stuff its all day they need to work at some point being an immigrant and working its a different story were kind of try to to get them get them something worthwhile to do while a solution to the problem continues to be sort of a sad reality is that Violent Crimes continue. Our team. The chairman of the vice barden academy for integration believes the same behavioral patterns can be find among any group regardless of whether they have a migrant background or not. What is written in the report is basically common sense that people without any perspective with the Living Standards which are very hard. Common to go into the thinking about criminal activities if you talk about integration of immigrants its a dialogue and once for integration you have to build perspectives and give them the chance to be one part of the society but on the other hand you have to hear their worries about the germans and find together with those people who have worries solutions which can help for a Better Future together. Ok lets find our way back to the u. S. Now where Donald Trumps lawyers are threatening legal action against former white house strategist steve berman base a bomb and has broken a nondisclosure agreement by making a number of in century cleans and comments for a new book about the president was really struck by his former right hand man who cleans among other things that trump wasnt ready for the oval office the president says bombing was never a part of his inner circle only work to further his own interests unquote lost his mind after being fired the White House Press secretary also weighed in on the issue. I was curious what these reports first came in order to say so. I think furious disgusted would probably certainly fit when you make such outrageous claims and completely false claims against the president his administration and his family. Well the book the center of the spot is called fire inside the Trump White House now in its balance quoted as saying the meeting between members of trumps camp on a russian lawyer during his Election Campaign was treasonous patriotic he also allegedly had sight of the president s daughter ivanka trump. Well steve left the white house in august a year after joining trumps Election Team he was a pivotal figure for the president during the campaign and was seen as the ideological driving force in the administration to the spite the stir his comments have caused the legal and media analyst lionel doesnt think bill calls donald trump too much of a headache though. Heres a simple rule if you dont go after trump he doesnt bother you go after him in any way insult him criticize him take him to task and hes on you with a death grip youve never seen does anybody think that anybody in the Drug Administration cares one i older about this i mean its what it does is it throws the Mainstream Media the Washington Press corps and the Mainstream Media news troops and throws them into disarray which trump thrives on and after hes done with bannon hes going to Say Something about france or italy or or some of his neighbor has someone this is his pattern does anybody not Pay Attention trump for arrives on this he loves this. Up to the minute updates as always can be found on our twitter page and you can get your stories on the go as well with her news up available for download no more r. T. Programs ahead though in a few moments stay tuned if you can. Biggest goal this periodical the number seventy nine and thats unique attributes and they did great for money they think a big point did with not more in a vacuum it has got forty years of history to it and its evolved through all these technologies its a unique protocol and it like gold it is attracting a huge amount of Capital Force for the for this achievement and you cant say that you can simply go out there and create another one there are competitors of course just like there are competing species on planet earth for energy and survival but there is only one the apex predator that is man at the moment before he dies from all the garbage. I had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. I never had to worry about how i would eat some where i would sleep. But im facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. Well you know to be honest. I thought the world of the bully like you go to school you know to simulate it to still give up food for the purpose. Of. Her. Because you dont really feel like you could be you know. And then. Go use came over to muse to me and gave me a change of this book. Five. Ft bragg hello my name is peter and ive been living in a bush now for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things ive got soaked through in the time. Of the stimulus bill sheaffer who would be the first one you fulfilled which gave you before good boy you will see me if you believe that. You wouldnt believe it but this beside the area a place called should make you feel you might expect to see some maybe a minor. Would definitely help people in the swimming pool. Cue you like a good. Bud look at each of them look good i would be looking to make. Sure you get those good professed every spring and thousands of people for kids to ski dont bounce in your mouth. So we just behind the stop ok yeah. Well. Its almost impossible to get any would still be there with so see only a couple use the ija thanks to all the kind little. Girl you see of me this is your business you will. Fight me as if youre going to grow my business. Just like this because the cool thing. To do. So would just behind the side so would just behind a stop thats good about. What youre going to get yet but your money if you do it with you yes but. Sure noone could touch him you i saw it doesnt know it yet the seriousness. Of the new cause is so beautiful its just done theres still a duty for office thats why its got to. Start does not shes going to. Do it yourself. I dont have a clue what theyre just saying its bush a series tricks plain anything else of the old. With a like russia on this russia and that russia isnt bad either. Of course pressing people are really very great yeah ok it was interesting but the president of the area. Ok yeah and in. This case a period than just have to leave in such payment so used to you know use three excellent well a list of the event starts english i want to start you thank you very much its nice to me and i could look on my c. V. Back saying yes if. It turns out to always keep the bikinis inscription specific yes for such a large scale events start of thanks to crazy russian. Hes going to blow up a middleman but thats evident up that he has a salesman i want that will send me yet a kenyan crucifying where you got a man to be the chief theory here for. A lot me why did he i should say yes were. Losing that in the place you lost them where you can like about us but those can make you know theres got to begin to spend in the web even when actually its the might but youve got to get a period of time when this month youre going about sort of cruel of you tube one number as much all star plus more that ive put on these its about them this is this huge. Not to imagine issues not similar in the me on the bus or certain but ill make allowance is that watching is used up all of them and im crazy but you know you kids move for a local because you like the teaching t. Z. Maker loco. And you cheated we should cheer or sing this song but i dont want you to say you. Know bob. This is hindsight this is my friends really in the Financial Community the shining. City. Amazing i think winter is now my favorite time of year and whatever you do. Dont forget yourself the state. Has yourself a stake i dont know why dogs. And the ok because they can but easy like a house has a feeling myself how you feel after that. Really very happy that it was a part of me yeah. Like no need of you to speak break it yeah i just. I thought it was true i was just very sad oh yes said that yeah. It was about that you move such a system. And c. B. S. Was so much i was there. I wasnt doing that much about separate the young exercise that were just going to cause the males across the. Yeah yeah i want sure didnt they said it was a personal pride but. Thats ok but. I got pretty tired of telling everyone that i cant ski so i decided to do something about. It was probably the idea of the flavor. You think. That was the fault oh. You. Know what are you. Ok. The fire and youre saying that. You have. To believe you. Know. Whenever you would you know god you know oh i knew about and. You know that you know the stuff is most will be more. Movie watching plus you see the world. So i finally learned to ski and now i birdie to do it in my swimming shorts i just need to get through the summer somehow. My kicks off with the bits of truck to race it simply isnt for me either. Oh well do you believe this question. Just experience through. Bodies to do with. This. People. Ok thats enough culture for one day. Thats better i sure did you know at the last. Boast. Well you can hear the water men which were. Its the me and. Whats my visual natural right now dont worry this isnt my neighbors flats this is a room specially created to relieve stress. Lets see if it works. Governor patella formal and as a sledge that. I must admit is not a bad way to relax nor to just want to thank you. Id recommend it you know what they say smashing a shelf a day keeps the psychiatrys to wait. Well just get used to. It i almost fell on my in that. Time. But i still miss the mountains so. I went to the rules of hoops or ski resort in salt. The brutal festival starts tomorrow its basically the same school consistent with a little intake twist this only want. This unfortunately isnt a ski boot its a leg brace i need to wear after breaking my uncle. Who will take things to a different level the mountains are higher there are more people and that means one thing even if you know my goal busters. Superclusters you guys are more bikinis i was the only one with a broken leg by the looks of it so things could have been better this is. The. Last of the. Very. Short goodbyes hoarded. So i played on some knowing me. Anything. Oh. Oh sleep with a slow. Oh. Yes. Oh. Please

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