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Are not protests against the government these kinds of demonstrations happen in any country and they are against rising prices but each time these demonstrations happen we see that the authorities opponents use them for their own purposes the majority in iraq i believe want evolution not revolution people arab spring style which has brought so much suffering elsewhere on the other hand the west seems oddly quiet about the massive rallies that are being held across iran in support of the government chanting. The root of it is just a canard its the problem of youth unemployment i personally havent been able to find a job for a long time but if people have a job they dont have any problem with the government of course most of Iraq Economic problems are domestically generation but another reason why investment and thus huge. Not have the slow in coming is that contrary to their obligations under the Nuclear Agreement western countries notably the United States have not taken sufficient steps to facility normal financial flows when it comes to iran the west says its listening but clearly selectively coopting democracy for its own ends is a difficult habit to break and especially if youre going to r. T. London. Well as the protests in iran began to gain more International Attention a number of fake images were circulated widely on social media this tweet shows a photo of a woman hitting Police Officers with the caption around but it turned out to be a screenshot from an iranian movie after being exposed the man who posted it claimed it was supposed to be symbolic the video which gained thousands of views on was said to show a march in iran was later proved to be of a protest in bahrain from twenty eleven other fakes were perhaps less clear one post claimed to show the op rising when it was actually a photo of a progovernment rally. Ok weve got some news just coming in right now from the Afghan Capital where a suicide bomb has hit the city Officials Say eleven people have been killed around twenty five others injured the bomber blew himself up next to a group of Security Officers its believed in kabul the attack was reportedly targeting an anti drug raid close to the u. S. Embassy no word yet nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack we will keep you up to date on the story if it develops so eleven people dead in the Afghan Capital. Israel is pushing to remove illegal african immigrants from the country weve got a live action to the after this short break. Join me every thursday on the elec so im sure ill be speaking to a guest of the world of politics or business im show business. You. Know. That. If you speak french. Youre back with r. T. International Violent Crime in germanys lower saxony region may be linked to an increase in migrants according to a government backed study but is it really that simple taking a closer look polus lier. Why have reports of Violent Crime in one german state increased by more than ten percent in the last two years but this is exactly what a group of criminologists at Zurich University of applied signs to find and what they established is that there is a link between the increased Violent Crimes in lowest sex to me and the influx of migrants but the authors say there are a number of important contributing factors the first and foremost is the age of the migrants most of man between the ages of fourteen and thirteen not generally speaking people in this age bracket are more likely to commit acts of a vine that nature than people in other age groups secondly where they come from is important my goods who come from syria iraq and afghanistan tend not to carry out the same number of violent acts as migrants for example that are coming from north africa and then third what is also relevant is the fact that there is a lack of woman among the migrants only a quarter of migrants are female which means that you have groups of young men without their wives their mothers will be sisters and they are more likely to carry out acts of a violent nature now these findings do reflect earlier reportings that suggests that there is an increase in acts of a violent nature that are connected to the migrant crisis since two thousand and fifteen more than a million migrant have arrived here in germany thats say that wolf is there is an important mitigating factor and this is and it could be that people may be more likely to report acts find them in acts that are carried out by migrants than if they were carried out by local germans not criminologist believes that only integration isnt the solution and should bring down the high level of crime rates among my goodness. From. Our point of view the study shows once again that you must not abandon those who come to us but actively provide integration and that means for example compulsory and comprehensive integration and language courses more places in kindergartens in schools lets ask people here in berlin what they think other things today he would say that this is coming from both sides the more people that come the more the dissatisfaction will be from those who have lived here long or i think thats something that should be driven by politics but then it at the end of the day its just its just part of the society that we all need to change and if youve got people that are pliable changing our behavior and that you can lose a really of it one of the more radical solutions would be to deploy the immigrants from germany interation stuff its all day they need to work at some point being an immigrant and working its a different story were kind of try to to get them get them something worthwhile to do while a solution to the problem continues to be sort of a sad reality is that a Violent Crimes continue. Our team. The chairman of the vice bobbin academy for integration believes the same behavioral patterns can be found among any group regardless of whether they have a migrant background or not. What is written in the report is basically common sense that people without any perspective with the Living Standards which are very hard. Common to go into the thinking about criminal activities if you talk about integration of immigrants its a dialogue and once for integration you have to build perspectives and give them the chance to be one part of the society but on the other hand you have to hear their worries about germans and find together with those people who have worries solutions which can help for a Better Future together. Donald trumps lawyers are threatening legal action against former white house strategist steve berman they say berman has broken a nondisclosure agreement by making a number of incendiary planes on comments for a new book about the president has already struck by his former right hand man who claims among other things trump was not ready for the presidency the president sees bahman was never part of his inner circle only work to further his own interests and quote lost his mind after being fired the White House Press secretary also weighed in on the issue. Was curious were the first. Orders so accurate. I think furious disgusted would probably make such outrageous claims and completely false claims against the president his administration and his family with a book the center of the sponsors called fire and fury enough inside the Trump White House and it is quoted as saying that a meeting between members of trying to count on a russian lawyer during his Election Campaign was treasonous and patriotic he also allegedly had side the president s daughter ivanka trump well Steve Bartman left the white house in august a year after joining trumps Election Team he was a pivotal figure for the president during his campaign and was seen as the ideological driving force in the administration despite the stir his comments have caused legal on a media analyst lionel doesnt think bill course trump too much of a headache. Theres a simple rule if you dont go after trump he doesnt bother you go after him in any way insult him criticize him take him to task and hes on you with a death grip youve never seen does anybody think that anybody in the Drug Administration cares one i ota about this i mean its what it does is it throws the Mainstream Media the Washington Press corps and the Mainstream Media news troops and throws them into disarray which trump thrives on and after hes done with bannan hes going to Say Something about france or italy or or some of his neighbor has someone this is his pattern does anybody not Pay Attention trump thrives on this he loves this. The french president is vowing to come back fake news by proposing a law to regulate media influenced by foreign states and money will mccrone annoying to the move to journalists in paris on wednesday it was finished between fake news machines and the professional media we run the risk of losing the truth the barriers have been destroyed in president ial campaigns and almost all modern democracies have displayed their weakness and our collective failure to come up with a response. Well in the speech he wasnt specific about which countries or Media Outlets he thinks could be influencing the French Public but the Sputnik News Agency however drawn microns ire in the past our correspondents were denied access to his president ial Campaign Last year labeling both agents of influence on propaganda. You know we keep you on the internet. You. Know. Russia today and sputnik have been influential outlets which have several times spoken mistruths about me and my campaign thats why they have not been invited in my Headquarters Well here out r. T. We launched a new channel for the french speaking world over the Christmas Period mediately ruffled a few feathers several French Public figures published an open letter calling for r. T. Frances license to be revoked they said r. T. Has repeatedly face numerous allegations from the us and several European Countries physical commentator Adrian Yellen believes mccrone should be curfewed by taking legal measures against any media i think what he is now trying to do is to change the french civil code in order to prevent what he sees as a threat to democratic life of the nation he clearly sees also in sputnik as part of that but i think that he will also want to change the merit of the conversation to make this more about the use the head of what he calls false news fake news i think you need tread very carefully i think its a very thin line between exercising new rules that protect. Peoples rights and not have their their views challenged by untruths and actually clamping down on freedom of expression so he could find himself acting unconstitutionally if youre not careful well president mccrone is also facing flock even with his other half theres criticism of his wife bridgette is breaking protocol and behaving like a quote french queen because she wants to stand beside her husband at offense rather than behind. The old. Cattanach to say no. More news can always be following an r t a dot com always plenty of air to keep you busy and ill be back in half an hours time or just over it with more global news here on twenty four seven r. T. E. International. Flights to hamas. Scale. Its the cradle of jazz. The american. We. Know this jazz feel. The city of climatic contrast to fish alligators on the list of poverty and crime by the at least twenty members of my close most. Of street racing in the heat of the night this is new orleans. The best place in the world. Happy new year and welcome to the alex salmond chill today we have a special focus on europe not about blacks of the European Council on the council of europe an organization which long predates the European Union and which has not twenty eight members but forty seven stretching across the entire continent from east to west. Today we find out what it is what it does and why many people believe it to be both relevant and the cortlandt in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow before starts here from the smell of a rundown of what you can look forward to it today is our exam and show thank you alex well be hearing from the data directly form a leader of plate country and the party saw pir in the house of lords here in the studio wholl be stating his case on the importance of the kinds of europe from strasburg alex will be interviewing lots of key players but first to your tweets Facebook Messages and emails now the debate around breaks that of course rages on and we have a tweet from Stephen Morrison who says excellent show alex salmond was surprisingly even hundred allowing kids to unite elevens room to air their views a clever way to expose the fragility of their enterprise he says. Many people have watched alexs interview of the president of lebanon michel aoun and we have a message here from carol hatton who says hes hoping the lebanese people see through trumps felafel starting attempts to manipulate them as he has done with the us she actually xenophobic right wing its up to the lebanese government to set the tone for their people and ignore trump for the narcissus child he is strong through some color and indeed jacqueline who also messages us to see this will be so interesting and just too close to trumps declaration on jerusalem hes a loose cannon i cant understand how and why hes allowed to continue as president mind you i cant understand how you managed to get voted in in the first place i think there are many jaclyn who share your view across the world we also have a message from a mickle who attended our Christmas Show where we had an audience who says im really glad you find a new career in the media and im enjoying your short stay well alex and thank you for all your many and continuing contributions to scotland story thank you finally a message from chip lead low he says hello alex im from edinburgh ive watched every episode of your show as it comes on more thank you jake im proud of your show and how it deals with its issues by asking and often post sides of a story and like most news broadcasters keep up the good work upright scotsman and supporter of the alec salmon shield thank you very much indeed and now lets hear from lloyd taffeta weekly whos going to state his case on the council of europe. Of all the aspects of your reform that have been generated by brecks it the most incredible is the hostility to the European Court of human rights and they fear that the u. K. Government shares the subversion. This is frankly ridiculous this Strasberg Court is no spinoff from the European Union but established by the European Convention on human rights its a mess were drafted in one thousand nine hundred fifty eight long before the was born and one of its early supporters was Winston Churchill those basic human rights go to the core of european civilization they are to protect individuals from abuse by state power safeguards against torture slavery forced labor rights to a fair trial and freedom of conscience. European fascist regimes viciously nor these rights so it is vital that individual citizens could take court action against guilty governments the European Court of human rights has forty seven states as members including countries such as switzerland norway and the ukraine way beyond the use twenty eight members whatever the outcome of the current grex debacle surely no democratic politician can argue against such a civilised institution hatred of all things european threatens to drown out decent human standards a red line must be drawn in the bracks a debate to safeguard this fundamental European Institution its in the interests of every person throughout europe that this be done a lot of weekly a warm welcome thank you but dont the un to europeans have a point when what is the purpose of drawing from the European Union to get out from under the Luxembourg Court and then staying under the jurisdiction of the court in stars but will i of course would like to remain in europe and the both courts to be applicable but they are two totally different courts of the court in strasbourg deals with fundamental rights extends way beyond the twenty eight countries and it was something established after World War Two to avoid the sort of happenings that we experienced in europe during the years of fascism and that is something that we should always be aware of and awake to and therefore the fight to maintain a system that protects citizens in countries it could be vulnerable to that is mightily important but the u. S. Has to suggesting that if the u. K. Withdrew from the jurisdiction of stars but court that fundamental liberties in this company wouldnt be protected by the Supreme Court in london well there are times where that has doubts about it any court including of course the courts as book it doesnt always get it right but i want to see britain the United Kingdom and particularly wales or scotland in a system that in. Sure is those rights for all our colleagues in europe and not just in the European Union it is so important because once you start getting a rotten apple in any box that can start affecting the rest and therefore we want to ensure theres a generality of fair play and human rights running throughout our continent but surely to these amaze opposition to the Strasburg Court is based on her experiences holmes said when she was frustrated that she wasnt allowed to deport people because of da thrilling for both the Domestic Animals and pets sort of course and there may well have been deft rulings although in that context i think it was massively misinterpreted and wrongly projected in the media but you dont throw out a whole system a system or of courts just because one ruling may have gone wrong and in any case i cant help but feel that terrorism is been playing this for political purposes shes now in a position where she wants to make sure that she can carry so the pro european wing of the party with her and therefore as a token is reversing a position with regards to grier the stars because so do you suspect that she could reverse again the ones blacks are safe where the way that her opposition to the court in strasbourg to the European Convention to the Parliamentary Assembly could remember most certainly i think that her feelings are very fundamental feelings its as if somebody has done her susceptibilities and she wants to put the booted and she cant do so no but there will come a time when she may well try to souping that she lost the course but i think the argument is much wider that its in terms of our rights throughout these islands and throughout our continent weve got to stand by those and what is the would be the impact on the devolved positions in scotland and wales if theres some point in the future that was to be a you came of coal from the jurisdiction of the stars because course that assumes that scotland and wales are still an integrated part of the u. K. Scotland has a slightly different position because scotland has its own legal system and have that have been a record. Of cases arising from scotland i know you yourself wrote it as first minister in that context but scotland and wales will have to make their own course for the future and i would hope that scotland and wales whatever their relationship with london is that they would be fully supportive of the European Court of human rights but theyre more words to my own experience you know space and welsh politics i mean they have had a member collectively of the Scottish Government lost the case. On their internal sanitation of prison cells where peter had personal and we were forced to to rebuild peter a person is something that you should be ordered to do by a court and start well says luke rebuild the person because were not satisfied with the party availability for persons well i think there is a question of the standard at which you hold people in prison not just in scotland or particularly in wales and england at this point in time it is just not good enough human decency should be respected you are paying the price for losing your freedom and being locked up for the fact that a European Court may have directed this must make you think whether scotland itself should have addressed the issue first. In terms of the future when very few people in this country know all the difference between the European Court and lots of bugs in the Strasburg Court of human rights very few people even know of the existence of the Parliamentary Assembly and stars would come in something which is so relatively unknown which is regularly in the press confused with the European Union itself can something so unknown really this all important well you asked the question to what extent do people in these islands know the details of the court to take different term decisions and operate the law here its not something people talk about in their daily lives but its important that is. The human rights element particularly is there as a safeguard it is the backdrop to which people can revert when things go wrong within their own jurisdictions and i think for that reason it needs to be available to law are you confident that your case for retaining u. K. Membership or scotland and welsh levels of the European Convention will succeed well if it doesnt succeed we have to reinvent it because its so important not only in our own terms but in terms of all our fellow citizens in europe that were going to thank you very much know before you go as a new year gift. This is a quick at the ballot for the loving cup of whiskey and there are none of that well stuff only scotch we have excellent welsh whiskey but i will abate that and im very very grateful for this gift and also for the opportunity to talk ludwig with thank you so much thank you so lot wigley is constant but the future of the Council Europe one of the key players seeing across the continent coming up after the break strasburg to find out. Because gold is periodic album number seventy nine and has unique attributes that make it great for money they think a big coin did with not more than a vacuum it has got forty years of history to it and its evolved through all these technologies its a unique protocol and it like gold it is attracting a huge amount of capital for its fourth for this achievement and you cant say that you can simply go out there and create another one there are competitors of course just like there are competing species on planet earth for energy and survival but there is only one the apex predator or that is made at the moment before he dies from all the garbage. Its all to see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free float world cold have been a legend to keep it so its at the back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that winning spirit to the r. C. C. Recently ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will come from that steroids are a sweep. Of the euro zone. Russia. Left left left more or less ok stuff thats really good. Hello my names peter and ive been living in bushnell for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things ive got soaked through in the time. When youre going to get. Along youve got it is punished or did you cry because the pirates got. Attention

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