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Here in moscow thanks for joining us for the week. This week has shed light on the fate of the small ethnic and religious minority of iraq. Despite the fall of Islamic State thousands of this speaking group still being held hostage and many of them are children who have been abducted and sold. The men went off. In the evenings they would get together and trade and have their fun with. It was indescribable for me last turned into endless suffering tears and hunger i couldnt do anything not quite according to top iraqi officials in twenty forty no loan almost seven thousand years you were kidnapped by ice all three thousand are still missing. Dia reports on the long way home of some years the eightys straight from terrorist captivity. Age ten location. Starting bid ten thousand dollars russia age nine location techie starting bid fifteen thousand dollars keenness age eight location syria starting bid thirteen thousand dollars. Age fifteen. Baghdad sold for two and a hard thousand dollars d. D. Was kidnapped by isis in mosul in two thousand and fifteen for near enough three years she endured horrible things things that new fifteen Year Old Girl or any woman should ever have to endure two hours ago she was bored back by her family here in baghdad no one called the police no one wanted to risk her life she spent her first hour of freedom crying in the hotel room where in mind isis tells its hostages that their families will kill them if they ever return but her arrest would be brief asking her if she shouldnt show sufficient. And up front about it with. So many people who are happy that shes. Telling shortly after our meeting her relatives took her shopping. She was rescued by a group of men who specialize in tracking down these e. D. s kidnapped by isis they then either negotiate a sale or steal them back they have begun secrecy i dont think she could you know i says say that if we show the girls still in the possession with their relatives apparent t. V. The deal will be off that theyd kill the hostages as such some of the. People involved didnt want to appear on camera but the stories i chilling and what you get your good to this day one of the girls was kidnapped when she was sent. For. A consecutive house here where there are several girls san eleven twelve years old who were all raped gifted or sold as many as fifteen songs. If not for sexual pleasure isis brainwashes you see the children and sends them on Suicide Missions or sells them for money oh when isis fighters flee to turkey they sell their slaves because they need money to go back to their home countries. You may not know but when the u. S. Led coalition and their allies in syria reportedly led hundreds of isis fighters need that then besieged graca whose jihad this took not only the guns and families but also the hostages and slaves the same people that are now being aborted back given the prices vary depending on where there are if theyre in dangerous place you can be eighty thousand dollars otherwise around fifteen thousand. Others also tracking down missing people one iraqi m. P. Has made a name for herself rescuing children. She spend her own money buying out several of these kids and the other half you know one of the girls told me the story of her escape she and her aunt were in isis captivity two of the terrorists watch them day and night to prevent them from running away then the girl told one of them that she couldnt sleep and asked to see a doctor the isis fighters gave her some sleeping pills she kept them and put them in the street. Terrorists fell asleep and she and her on managed to escape us the girl was eight years old and was too terrified to do anything so the girl told her lets destroy and run away they will kill us anyway and they skate three thousand years e. D. s is still missing hundreds presumed held by isis the International Community no longer really cares if these dont attract the same ratings now that they arent being slaughtered so its up to them to recover their own children and to help them heal from what isis has done to them or i guess the odd see from the hawk iraq. R. T. Contacted several human rights organizations about whats being done to help the victims of these crimes so far weve heard from the red cross and human rights watch. The battles in mosul and ramadi and fallujah all over iraq has yielded an overwhelming overwhelmingly large or high amount of missing people people who whose fate are unknown the families are still looking for them whether they are in captivity with Islamic State group or any other party in iraq if they have the right to know the fate of their loved ones whether they have been dead or are still alive somewhere in iraq being held by a Certain Party to a conflict. Three years have passed the Community Still vastly displaced in the refugee comes the woman who brought back to come from captivity. Taken care of those who are still in captivity are still there and there has been no International Effort whatsoever there is a community singled out basically wouldnt Iraqi Community and theyre not supporting the women in. Their areas arent. But you have not seen. Any serious efforts by the kurdish or baghdad government to ensure that the victim get their day in court and get justice for what has been found to them even when some of these men and boys it made it to judge during the trials against them that they held you see the sex slaves but you see these are not being invited into the court room are not being invited these trials are not being granted real access to justice. Is really a court has extended the detention of a sixteen year old palestinian girl and her mother after their daughter was caught on video shoving and slapping two i. D. F. Soldiers the court says the pair pose a danger ahead tommy confronted the two soldiers in front of her house in the west bank and after a relative was hit by a rubber bullet a video of the incident with our head went viral with some hailing it as a symbol of palestinian resistance. Then. The footage shows along with her cousin kicking and shoving the i. D. F. Soldiers a mother then gets drawn into and i had a cousin who was also arrested but released after forty eight hours detention another pair had been angered after another of our heads cousins that fourteen year old boy was injured after being hit in the face by an israeli rubber bullet i had father has defended his daughter saying she feels she had no choice but to take action. Pillar to put his head physically the what if i thought for the palestinian issue she believe that we must study or the time she needs to be in the fruit of the soldier in the dynamic of the egg in the clashes with me. This is what she believes in. For that when the well i saw her when she saw. The lot of me she became more and active more and she warned that he needed to fight them we requested comment from the Israeli Defense forces on the girls case the i. D. F. Said shes being investigated for suspected assault on a soldier but also for throwing rocks at the girls twitter account has been deleted though its unclear whether had host self might have been behind the move we spoke to former i. D. F. Soldier Henri Weisberg who says the israeli presence in some palestinian areas is at a military level and is why its such incidents occur. What happened last week and the video thats gone viral with her slapping and pushing two soldiers. Is not part of a protest it went much more viral once they showed up. Later on a few days later early in the morning and arrested her a sixteen Year Old Girl for pushing somebody who was without any sort of authorization standing on her property image of a fearless young woman shes sixteen standing up to fully armed soldiers and the soldiers if you notice they come into these villages and i did when i served in the i. D. F. As well fully armed for battle the heavy military presence with in palestinian communities is thirty years old the amount of force is overwhelming these soldiers are only partially trained for doing what are essentially Police Duties but you notice they are in full battle dress they dont look like police men i dont think that the i. D. F. Sees itself as in a precarious position tensions have been high in the region ever since Donald Trumps decision at the start of the month to recognize jerusalem as israels capital he also announced the intention to move the u. S. Embassy there from tel aviv of a standoff between israelis and palestinians has continued for four weeks now with many left injured and dead. Thank you. This is the floor its friday of rage actually palestinians all over gaza strip East Jerusalem and the west bank are demonstrating and protesting against Donald Trumps declaration that is right the army is throwing tear gas canisters on the protestors as since the morning since that announcement was made. Well you can smell the tear gas from here so those terms made that announcement fourteen palestinians have been killed and those figures according to the Palestinian Health ministry they also report that more than three thousand people have been injured its escalating its uprising but that is right the army has been at throwing tear gas canisters all the. Testers are running away from the but for some fans the israelis have been shooting live i mean ac and i remember bullets as one that landed very very very close to where we were standing so. The situation here like it has been for the last month. Quite tense and we can certainly smell tear gas every way does that mean nation there were at least five ambulances that. Floor or three injuries youre watching on t. V. International thanks for joining us on this sunday so far december thirty first and many more stories coming your way including shortly before rocca in syria was recaptured thousands of our soul terrorists were escorted safely out of the city well give you details on a. Little walk still of you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battles. That you saw to try to tell you to be gossiping probably by fell. Off of advertising telling you are not cool enough to buy. All the horrors that we along the border with. Heres what people have been saying about redacted in. The show i go out of my way to. Really. Do the same. Better than. See. Heard of. The next president of the world bank. Send us an email. Good to have you with us to the us backed Syrian Democratic forces have told you that thousands of eisel terrorists and their families were allowed to leave iraq shortly before the city was recaptured its claim the deal with Islamic State was agreed upon with the full knowledge of the u. S. Led coalition to share this video here from the fighters they shared it with us they claim it shows a convoy of trucks carrying eisold terrorists the drivers claim that they were misled about the convoy and told they would be carrying only displaced civilians and the deal loud i sold militants to escape deeper into syria while others reportedly made their way straight into. I saw the arsenal fighters they left on buses for the resort i dont know where they went after that there were about three thousand people fleeing i still fight this along with their family members about a thousand were injured others seem to be unharmed. I was working at the green storehouse when we saw the isolate and sleeve there were lots of them but we were not afraid. Well according to the Truck Drivers they transported around four thousand people the convoy was around seven kilometers long despite a new agreement to only take personal weapons there were ten trucks loaded with arms and ammunition and dozens of foreign fighters also reportedly managed to escape with some of them making it out of syria and the drivers say they were shouted at and threatened along the entire route while the u. S. Led coalition has confirmed that this deal did take place however it denies taking any part in the socalled negotiations the coalition also says only four foreign fighters were in the entire convoy and all were later captured by the s. D. F. International relations professor jamal wakim says if indeed washington did play a part in this deal as it said it did it would undermine its claims to be fighting terror. This video. To the material evidence of the implication of the United States army and the fighters with this is. Evidence to the fact that the United States knew would use where i supplied goods. They were allowed to get three. Through american. Lines to a safe haven maybe to other areas where they could fight the syrian army and their allies i believe this also undermines the claim of the United States that its fighting terrorism and. Gives credit to the accusations that the United States is using terrorism as a door to achieve geopolitical objectives and. Intimately. Austrias a recently sworn in chancellor says the e. U. Is migrant relocation quotas are not helping solve the refugee crisis Sebastian Kurtz believes the problem should be handled in the migrants home countries migrants who cicero for europe dont want to go to bulgaria are hungry they want to go to germany austria sweden they should be hilton safe areas in their own continent the e. U. Should support that perhaps even organize it and back it militarily there have been somewhat similar calls in the past from other european leaders last month the french president proposed military action to put an end to people trafficking in libya but. From the Damascus Center of strategic studies believes such an approach is deeply flawed. To send european troops or european armies to protect these. Very true will save zones i think its not practical in first of all these armies will be involved in the internal affairs of these countries and their reaction from the law people will be may be negatively they will lose a lot of. Soldiers first so i think to be engaged in internal a verse of any account you would it would be reflected on their internal affairs and i think they should read very good the story of syria during seven years they should read the story of libya the story of a man in the street in africa and i dont think that this is a good approach so these pictures here show just how desperate some migrants are crossing the alps from italy to reach france battling freezing temperatures and often inadequate clothing trying to seek a better life in europe european leaders are now increasingly looking towards the migrants home countries. Do. Believe they are just using the crisis to actually exert influence in the region. You have been you know they are feeling that they are. Outside of the political settlement now example in syria they are outside in libya they started big ocean against libya then they became not a. Real player in the internal affairs of libya in yemen they say maybe in africa we cannot see that. All is very important so because of that they are trying to. To review their role in the middle east. With the Holiday Season upon us each culture is putting its own stamp on making this time of the year special for the Africanamerican Community the chance of celebrating a relatively new festival that of kwanzaa although its origins are somewhat unusual panix. With christmas festivities still underway americans are waking up to find donald trump sending out greetings for yet another holiday today marks the first day of kwanzaa a week long celebration of africanamerican heritage and culture thats a celebrate the richness of the posts and look toward a Brighter Future its our static at the start of kwanzaa one is that a holiday that millions of people around the world hold dear a secular celebration to honor African American and pan African Heritage and values never heard of kwanzaa dont worry youre not alone according to a survey taken in the last three years this Holiday Season is the africanamerican christmas is actually only celebrated by less than three percent of africanamericans do you celebrate kwanzaa no i dont celebrate kwanzaa i dont so it kind of. I try not to get too involved with so much hype of all these different festivities you know anything about the history is it something you identify with i really dont. I havent really been exposed to much about clones that i actually dont think too much about it i grew up celebrating christmas the thing about donald trump sending out a statement for kwanzaa you know today a lot of stuff that he does its pretty hypocritical. Nothing he does because surprise me so what is kwanzaa what is it all about well the holiday was started back in one thousand nine hundred sixty six by dr melodic harang he is a black nationalist and he felt like the holiday would strengthen the Africanamerican Community and resist the white majority i wanted to give black people a whole day of their own so i came up with kwanzaa i said it was african because you know black people in this country wouldnt celebrate it if they knew it was american now just five years after he came up with kwanzaa kurang i actually went to prison for torturing two of his female followers now in the media generally chooses to ignore his jail term and his nationalist views when they do coverage of the holiday and they also still invite him on to talk about it however at this point weve learned that not everyone in the african america. Community is a big fan of kwanzaa there is no holiday in the on the continent of Africa Associated with this set of events this is all made up by a person who when the radicals in the nineteen sixtys the black panthers were operating thought he was too radical for them and he wasnt able to be a part of what they were doing and he helped put this forward as a way of distinguishing himself and trying to build a greater following africanamericans have a diverse and rich history but kwanzaa seems to have very little to do with it many africanamericans dont see a need to celebrate what they consider to be an artificial holiday kaleb mopp and r. T. New york. When i thanks for joining us here on r. T. This sunday as we show you some new years shots from moscow maybe just take a moment to wish you a very happy new year from all of us here at the incentives. For. Small room good. To come in the studio to eighty. Thousand. East. Into. The so for the for. All to see we have a great see we need to strengthen before the free world cold and youre better than a legend to keep it so its at the back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r. C. T. Recently i had a lot of practice so i. Can guard see that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call the lets throw throws three. Thousand zero zero zero zero hitter here i call rush. Drive. Left left left more or less ok stop thats really good. With the make this manufacture consent to stick to the public wells. When the ruling classes protect themselves. In the final merry go round if suddenly the woman. Doing all middle of the room signal. Is really low. The Pittsburgh Police internal report states that the officer had repeatedly violated the rules he shouldnt have such in the car despite this why in hospital leo is told that he received twenty years of imprisonment feeling and putting the lives of policemen in danger. Today with his family by his side near tries to get back to a normal life the officer who shot lee and still works in the Pittsburgh Police department. Alabamas. He was still working around here he knocked on her door one day the say. So sounds call the police for another matter because the same officer arrived i just couldnt believe my ass i mean it felt like my legs was coming from underneath me out was just so stark that you believed. That i was just scared that you know he may do something to me. Is this is another para so. If you want to shoot a black man join the police were police did in addition to his disability and is now suffering from severe anxiety and depression he sued the Pittsburgh Police department. The prosecutor canceled the charges against me in a few weeks ago in order to improve the relationship between the police and the black community he said. Something

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