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Is r. T. International coming to you live from moscow im Kate Partridge thank you for joining us. A new report by Human Rights Watch claims he has eighty fighters kidnapped and executed fifty two civilians from two iraqi tribes in june he is it is are an ethno religious group which are by by their own worrell code witnesses claim yazidi forces killed men women and children who were fleeing fighting between Islamic State and government backed forces the victims were from tribes that had reportedly sheltered and helped i so militants from Human Rights Watch told us that anyone in these tribes is and has now become a target there are two tribes these are sunni arab tribes one called. The other these are famous tribes from the area of so enjoy the historical. The mind of the user according to the izzy these two specific tribes were complicit with isis and the day that isis arrived in the area these tribes helped isis to round up his eastern women into sex slaves and to massacre other members of the Community Since then i have spent much time with u. C. D. Elders who told me they had drawn up a list of individuals and of tribes and would target them and kill them if they had the chance heard of incidents where are what is now a group of u. C. B. Fighters a u. C. B. Militia empowered on the payroll of the baghdad government that has targeted members of these two tribes but what we understand is that they are targeting anyone from these tribes women children men not because they were specifically involved in nice abuses and abuses against the israelis but just be care because they carry the name of this tribe according to top iraqi officials almost seven thousand years cd people were kidnapped by iceland twenty fourteen alone and three thousand still missing. Little. The men would offer us and skiffs in the evenings they would get together and treat the women and have their fun with us. But. It was indescribable for me laugh turned into endless suffering tears and hunger i couldnt do anything that quite. As i saw loses ground in iraq bell says the unlawful killing saw and torture of tribe members by as eating forces are another dark chapter for the water and country if the aim in these battles against isis has been to end up. Horrific cycle of violence and year of violence in iraq allowing groups of actors to target tribes to target women children men and we have had nothing to do with the crimes of isis with complete impunity allowing them to torture and execute with impunity really will spell disaster for for the next steps in iraq in any hopes of reconciliation through communities. With the world gearing up for new years celebrations berlin has come up with a new way to ensure security safe zones for women are being set up at the Brandenburg Gate party this comes in response to mass sexual assaults at celebrations in the german city of cologne two years ago arties more if a notion has been gauging reaction in the capital. Just like at new years celebrations the world over hundreds of thousands of people are expected to flock to this place here in berkeley to see out the old and ringing the new you can see preparations are currently on to go in but keeping everyone safe without spoiling the atmosphere is a huge challenge for the authorities and these here organizers i go in one step further aside from usual safety berries and alcohol bans and socalled womens safety area is being set up its a zone where female guests who feel sexually harassed of just uncomfortable can get special help is being manned by members of german red cross and comes in response to events two years ago back then hundreds of women who were sexually assaulted at new year carnivals they were groped robbed intimidated and separated from their friends according to leaked police documents there were more than one thousand cases reported in cologne in hamburg alone more than two thousand men were reportedly involved most of them Asylum Seekers the new idea of the womens safety area has received a mixed reaction thats a good idea many people feel like need help but they dont know who to ask to do and having this service is kind of nice i think Sexual Harassment was people who were in groups and you were so how do you get from here to the safe place i mean. It seems a bit far fetched i dont think its such a good idea its to me it sounds its a bit like an early be set up. After freight but this is this is too its good because its needed. In front of many its kind of interesting that they do it in a new years as an event its because id be better if its like a long long get to like tutor or like that they. Artistic one think that you do first pressure because i dont know you sounded a little commercial you know way too early in police has also issued recommendations for those who are planning to come here for new years celebrations including avoiding aggressive groups pane attention when someone gets too close and in case of any danger reporting to police reach nationality from the early. Frank hands or a member of the f. T. Party in berlins parliament thinks instead of safe zones for women its migration policies that need rethinking. We feel that there is a new step of. Danger coming into our country weve seen it since we have to already build vaults against our Christmas Markets this is a development we do not want to see really policy should change we should not continue to have this mass migration of illegal Mass Immigration we do have we have to count and see who the people are who came to our country have to register them this is a process which has not been come to an end and we must close the borders in order to have a Stable Society you can go much further than the Security Forces or the politicians in germany goal so thats a problem and that i think this is not a good sign for the new year to come. One protester has died and dozens more were injured after thousands of palestinians clashed with Israeli Forces in gaza and the west bank on friday rioters threw rocks and burning tires as they confronted Israeli Defense forces while the soldiers responded with tear gas. I. Was. Already i was. I. Was. On one demonstrator died in hospital and dozens were treated by paramedics the Israeli Military retaliated after rockets were fired from the gaza strip as i know casualties were reported as demonstrations have become a weekly occurrence since donald trump recognized jerusalem as israels capital on december the sixth. And jerusalem is just one of many bitter land disputes in the area and Israeli Court has sentenced a sixty eight year old bedouin man to ten months in prison and fined him more than ten thousand dollars for trespassing but he claims the territory in question belongs to him a mother i am is a village elder in our iraqi in southern israel bedouin tribes had settled there long before the state of israel was proclaimed israeli authorities claim the tribes occupy the land illegally and have scented riot police and bulldozers to demolish the village whenever its rebuilt so far theyve leveled it more than one hundred times arties police leer reports. Im hearing the nor the negev desert where there isnt much except a few dozen unrecognized bedwyn villages this is one belonging to the to retry but there are some two hundred fifty people who live here and they say that this land is they is going back generations but the israeli authorities insist they here illegally. Come here. The. It will take years until this fighting ends they looking to push us they will compromise and well give this land to the state. Ema your duty if i was jewish the soldiers wouldnt come here at six in the morning on a rainy day they dont care this is just a bedouin house they dont think the bedouins are human beings they dont care that bedouins the citizens of this country they dont care that bedouins live on this land not the countrys land. The trying to say is theyve lived here for seven hundred and fifty years. Manning this document is from nineteen zero five in the autumn and the era of the second one with the red stamps is also from autumn in times nine hundred twenty nine and this third one doesnt have to do with the land its from nine hundred thirty six and these are receipts from taxes for the land. Everybody here is family father mother uncle and relatives only the alps henri family is buried in this cemetery no one else only el torito tribe and their relatives. Live. Russia has had a very busy year in twenty seventeen if you were to believe the Mainstream Media especially when it comes to sowing discord and interfering in elections worldwide but russias foreign minister had a few words to say about that in his latest interview. Theres all the billboard. But if. We get the goods to put you. Off work you do a new. Push to reduce again theres nothing you post was right. Up there with. The manuals in the political news theres a simple user words. Which is the group of weve said the oldest about the bill will go go go go. So did you hear that russias foreign minister actually admitted to meddling in elections around the world i dont Pay Attention as i did no no that is actually a video. What do you think do you think that that actually i mean are you surprised by that that he would admit to actually meddling in the u. S. Election absolutely i think definitely changed everything that the public was seeing right now and of course he would never admit if they did anyway right its quite surprising that he would admit Something Like that and even go further its actually its a prank video it was a comedy show that he did he was totally being sarcastic i mean this only i knew. He was being sarcastic ok much more sense youre saying hes joking yeah it was a Comedy Program yeah right but who knows that hes joking do you feel like people are predisposed to believe negative things about russia one hundred years ago and. I think that we have a very negative connotation about people and yeah its the way versions are pictured than western countries. Now if you saw it installing the latest antivirus software. To protect chain from being hacked then think again even leading a Cyber Security expert john mcafee hasnt been immune he claims his twitter account was breached and used as part of an elaborate cryptocurrency scam is what happened. Can who is hacked or has been notified of the day tweet was not me. John mcafee is the creator of the popular Mcafee Antivirus Software is also behind a wide range of other Cyber Security products well we spoke to him about his own Online Security woes and his take on the rise of cryptocurrency. On a number of people are large areas of telephone terrorist twitter my son. Through my carrier eighteen fires are being hacked my phone was totally disabled you couldnt call into it i got calls from it they sent to my phone number a special code so that i could get them but it wasnt me it was the hacker. This is something totally out of my control totally out of everyones control and what happened to me is not a threat but theres a great threat to our mind this is a great threat to our. Most people do not come and see it on their own while were living in a new world or very. In the new world of risks before all of us using the internet at first i think having more and more efficient and more sophisticated in their interact makes this is going to have them send me a promise it can happen to anybody. Coming up the son of an elderly french aid worker abducted in africa says president micros not helping to free her story and of us off for the short break. Manufacture consent to public wealth. When the closest project themselves. Nor the roots to. What. We have. Doctors here never thought about but we just care until after year ago they thought the relatives would hate them and i would just love them and theyre just so absolutely inspiring to hear something at telephone call or a person coming actually i just had a man in my room at the same words as my wife has just died thank you. Welcome back the son of an elderly french aid worker abducted in africa i have family is disappointed had it all president has done to help free sophie bets on the law is seventy two years old i can twenty sixteen she was abducted in the city of god by local terrorists this july she was showing me an socalled proof of life footage. It showed her alongside five other captives her son says despite an Ongoing Investigation he has received no information about his not. No. The paris prosecutor ordered an urgent investigation but it has stalled were now trying to find new materials to restart it so it wont be apparent in due to a lack of results were establishing contacts to try to trace her and seeking any information to establish with the shes alive and where she might be found so far we have no news nothing concrete be the from the kidnappers nor from any contact persons and also nothing from the foreign ministrys crisis center. Over the past five years the number of people kidnapped by terrorists has been rising sharply last year there were almost sixteen thousand kidnappings worldwide and after hostage footage of sophie was posted online the french president pledged to eradicate the militants behind the kidnapping however after a year she is still trapped in mali. If your boss will agree a little but the odds of he did today my thoughts are with our compare traits of people who are not who was abducted in go on Christmas Eve be sure that all the resources of the state are being mobilized to find her and bring her back to her family but also be certain that as far as im concerned i will not give in to any provocation because that is precisely what our attackers want its good that they can be contacted for support but our family has been disappointed by the governments failure to make any decisions on this case yes its wonderful that we are being supported but the one who really needs support is my mother we need to ask mr marquand about this he has power in the situation he can decide on a course of action it must be admitted that so far no progress has been made in tackling this matter. Now iran has been hit by a massive rival rallies across the country both opposing supporting the countrys government earlier this week protests against the high cost of living took place in irans second largest city russia later turning political and spreading across the country on saturday crowds nationwide and took part in mass rallies in support of the government and the countrys Supreme Leader they were marking the anniversary of vast progovernment rallies back in two thousand and nine which condemned what they called foreign orchestrated unrest well for elections however u. S. Criticism is focusing only on the government protests. Many reports of peaceful protests by iranian citizens fed up with regimes corruption and squandering of the nations wealth to Fund Terrorism a brooch. Iranian government should respect their peoples rights including the right to express themselves the world is watching. Well lets discuss this issue with Saif Mohammad marandi a politics professor at the university of tehran thank you very much indeed for joining us i mean why do you think the u. S. Ignores the progovernment rallies. I couldnt hear the question very clearly but i just wanted to clarify one thing person that is that the first rallies that were being held they were against austerity and the economic difficulties and then there were some people in these rallies that made political slogans so it wasnt a united thats a rally that took place and in some cities theyre almost completely against economic austerity and they didnt say anything about the Current Administration or the government or the state and in some other cities. They were political so i think thats an important distinction to be made so some of the pictures that have been shown about the protests are quite misleading because some of the foreign News Agencies basically western and saudi News Agencies they sort of manipulate the pictures and the sounds to make it seem as if the whole crowd is against the government and this is i think a problem that the west usually has whenever theres some sort of discontent in the country they say theres the socalled regime is about imploded the socalled regime is unpopular theres and its point when theyve been saying that for thirty nine years now and iran has been has an elected president elected Parliament Local elections a leader is elected by a body thats elected and theres a high degree of legitimacy and i think that its in future years every time some demonstration takes place somewhere in iran people in the United States think tanks will hopefully. Will speak in hope of some sort of color of solution well lets look at some of the some of the the antigovernment protests and in terms of lets look at the policies then that the people are against i mean do you think the iranian government will be able to solve the economic problems that led to the protests against it. Well again the protests werent necessarily against administration as a whole some were vocally speaking it becomes president rouhani and some were just speaking against certain policies but i think there is a general consensus in iran among the Political Parties and i think among many ordinary iranians that much of the problem today is because the United States has not abided by the. Way and the nuclear deal after the nuclear deal where iran even though your was a Nuclear Program was peaceful there never was any evidence to show otherwise the iranians sacrifice a great deal gave many concessions in order for the sanctions to be lifted and we saw that both under obama hands the sanctions were not with the United States and obama passing laws like. Iran sanctions act hes a restriction laws and under trump we also had president ial decrees and the recent sanctions that russia was also included in and of course the treasury has also increased sanctions as time went by so the iranians have not seen the benefits of the nuclear deal and i think that many recognize that its not just because of the mismanagement of people within the romani administration a lot of it has to do with the fact that the United States is completely unreliable. Partner in any in any agreement side in a hammock brandy politics professor at the university of tehran thank you very much and a few thoughts thank you. Well for more news go to aussie dot com otherwise ill be back in just about half an hour with the headlines. All see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and youre better than a legend to keep it so its at the back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r. C. T. Recently ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call from that throat or three. Thousand no joke. Here i call. Strikes. Left left left more or less ok stop thats really good. Use. Im Afshin Rattansi were going underground ahead of tomorrows vote in bolivarian revolution revenge as well are held in the shadow of threats from washington of strong and swift economic actions coming up on the show stocks and theyve broken economy we speak to actor and director nick moran about his upcoming Edinburgh Fringe play performers written by of in welsh and whether the real gangsters are in the city of london and while britains privatized British Airways faces yet more strike action could we learn from iran whose National Carrier just appointed a female c. E. O. Well ask one of the islamic republics senior clerics if western sanctions benefit the nations they target plus who is and hes going to move anyway all the simple coming up in todays going underground but first in the past twenty four hours donald trump and barack obama dont know chevron the Oil Multinational released results to the New York Stock Exchange the company infamous for allegations that it is responsible for Water Pollution soil contamination deforestation and cultural up he will allegations in. These pictures of the ecuadorian amazon told an emotional story and its easy to blame a Big Oil Company like texaco for images like this. Theres just one problem texaco now owned by chevron already cleaned up its share paid by chevron to back up that claim with former u. S. Trade representative Mickey Kantor or and former bill clinton chief of staff and even in the past few days a Dutch Appeals Court has rejected claims against the company but to chevrons opponents just like the opponents of exxon mobil which also reported results yesterday with its c. E. O. Rex tillerson now go on to become us secretary of state big oil will always be part of a class war and class war is arguably at the heart of a new play premiering at the Edinburgh Fringe festival next week based on the one nine hundred seventy s. Film performance starring mick jagger the performers is a. A new play cowritten by Dean Cavanagh and the author of trainspotting irvin welsh the play is a record by mick were on the star of lock stock and two smoking barrels and the harry potter films he joins me now nic welcome to going underground to tell me about the new play the performance. Where you start its as you probably know its written by emotion and then kavanah and i think its just sort of a modern day waiting for god oh really the pair of them came up with this absolutely brilliant premise which is the nineteen sixty nine dont know camel film performance people may know that stars james fox and mick jagger dont kind of had this idea of using real villains it was part of this new wave of of british cinema and so he he reached out into the underworld to get. As many connections with with real life gangsters and chaps as he as he could. Quite good friends with james fox he plays this devlin the gangs the character in performances directed him in the kid in the movies i made him and i heard all sorts of fantastic stories about how james had to hang around with the south london gangsters and learn to box and you know learn the parlance and be one of the chaps so in. The premise for performers is that. To gangsters of being asked to call dish in for donald camel for this nine hundred sixty s. Of film and basically you have these two chaps in and theyre very alien and uncomfortable environment for them sitting in a director in a car scene directors waiting room about all dition and its about the parlance between them and how theyre you know the discussions and how they put the world to rights where they chat and then and then down the camels assistance turns up and starts soaking them so them about done well and Francis Bacon and nick rogue and then. The with the codirector of performers

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