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It helped the Scottish National party and its landslide victory and twenty fifth the. Warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with mean icky arrogant to happy where theres this hour now our top story line to me appears in size an explosion ripped through a supermarket in the russian city of some petersburg on wednesday was a terrorist attack fourteen people were injured in the blast sure but it will just yesterday there was a terrorist strike in some pieces but just recently Security Services prevented. These images from inside the shop where the explosion took place most of the counters and shelves have been destroyed we spoke to eyewitnesses who were in the supermarket at the time of the attack. The blast happened as my mother was painted but still i was totally disorientated the ceiling was hanging above me. I started to look for my mom. Call for. Him to go in i couldnt see anything everything was black i couldnt understand where i was then i close my eyes and open them again and there was my son close to me. Supermarket security cameras filmed this man entering the building and leaving his backpack in a lot where the bomb went off reports say Police Believe he was the perpetrator of the attack r. T. Travelled to the scene as soon as police lifted the cordon. Theres still blood on the stairs outside the supermarket but if we walk further down here you can see through the window the damage and saw it obviously nobody is being let through the doors but right now we can say that the people that were wounded during the wednesday blast inside the supermarket can be almost one hundred percent certain that they were caught up and survived a terrorist attack the investigators that are still work in right there theyre walking in and out every now and then still havent completely ruled out any version of events but the metal balls that the improvised explosive device was stuffed with point at the worse Case Scenario in St Petersburg six people are still being treated at a hospital they got trapped not once but the person who physically put the bomb inside that storage locker still hasnt been caught when addressing security bosses lot of our putin told them not to hesitate when dealing with terrorist suspects you know because when you instructed the over the federal Security Service to act within the law when dealing with these thugs but its the look of the law roofless is in danger they must disinterestedly the prisoners they must destroy these thugs on this book besides that the russian president called russias military operation and the syria a preemptive move against terrorism at home according to mr putin the threat of terrorist attacks could have been much worse if russia hadnt intervened than otherwise he warned of thousands of trained attackers infiltrating russia we remember of course that the previous major terrorist blast happened in the metro train in this very city and that is especially alarming given that russia is in the peak of the whole. The season security is heightened all across the country and it is definitely being felt here in St Petersburg and everyone is really waiting for the suspect to be found and arrested earlier we spoke to terming topi a loto an expert in preventing terrorism he says russias actions in syria helped to prevent a number of attacks in different countries. Should be grateful for. The Security Service is walking really how people were picked up this particular incident id go without anybody being killed moving forward we need to start looking. Close lights on individuals who are likely to be involved in discount all four incidents a lot of course is what i do want to see it not have to be good food to be to do the president of the Russian Federation for the walk in syria because of the zero day thousands of judges will be returning back to you rupa a lot of parts of the war if not for the walk to have been drawn into getting rid of most of them on the battlefield in syria when in a Global Village regardless of whatever. Regional politics in order. To know more to the other countries. It is to come to fight to destroy the stories of because he doesnt know why black green yellow religion they kill anybody they could get down and. Families in syria and iraq are attempting to rebuild their lives following the fall of Islamic State the kurdish speaking is it the minority in Northern Iraq has been among the worst hit thousands of people were killed and thousands more were kidnapped and then slaved by the terrorists only around half of them have escaped or been returned those that did come back are at the mercy of people smugglers that charge vast amounts while other families are paid ransoms directly to ice the terrorists are increasingly reliant on than income as other sources of funding collapsed arties Senior Correspondent mark gans they have spoke with a woman held hostage by the militants and the most forced to buy back her daughter from Islamic State. It takes a great bravery you agree. Desperation to act in the chaos of battle when the jets came isis salmiya acted and years commanded that they had locked the door but i broke the window and got out that way when i run for a day in the ninth did you make it to live where did he run from their resort or a local family who were not with i still took me in they hid me they told me where the Kurdish Forces were salmiya and her family were captured by isis back in two thousand and fourteen she escaped barely two weeks ago monologue and i was pregnant but i was so terrified that i lost my child my husband and my family were captured i was left alone with my mother so i took poison i decided it was better to die when they caught me i thought that since my family my husband and my house were gone it would be better to die. She was a slave made to work in factories do menial work beaten for any offense and then. When the men would offer us as gifts in the evenings they would get together and trade the women and have their fun with us. She now lives with her mother near the hook Northern Iraq home to many displaced. And returned ones far from rape beatings and humiliation but theres no escape from the memories this photo was taken in two thousand and fifteen the rains ease another happy family from north west the rock all of them but the mother were killed or captured as they fled from isis all but to a dead or missing but as. It was indescribable for me laugh turned into endless suffering tears and hunger i couldnt do anything but cry. For years she lived in pain in torment it was a freak phone call the changed her life someone had recognized her daughter by the telephone had someone contacted my relatives and told them that they have found a photo of a girl on facebook they asked if it was my child and they recognised her the sound was in turkey but said he would deliver her to baghdad he paid over ten thousand dollars inas seems happy if a little hyperactive and boisterous and impatient and then entirely adorable tries we might we couldnt get her to talk though her mother says that she has trouble getting her to be quiet she was five when she was taken by isis nine when she was returned. As nasty not him she didnt recognise me at first and i cried a lot about that later she told me that she was upset that i was crying the whole time. They both saved each other their reunion and ones like it give hope to thousands of people hope that one day theyll be able to get them missing families and loved ones back before its too late or i guess the key from the hook iraq. According to kurdish officials over six thousand years cities were abducted by i still in twenty fourteen alone with around half of them still missing. Well the number of humanitarian organizations of a comment heres what it is that a humanitarian group and also Human Rights Watch told us about the situation but this community have been suffering having suffered so much throughout this genocide three years have passed the Community Still drastically displaced in the recruiting the woman who brought back to come from captivity. Taken care of those who are still in captivity are still there and there has been in all of little of effort whatsoever to look into the years we deployed to what we feel that this is still ongoing and the National Community hasnt done much to repeal this. In the process of the battles against isis of course now thousands of civilians were killed and among them surely also you see the u. S. Use it is that were being held prisoners by isis but what you have not seen is any serious effort by the grinch or baghdad government to ensure that you victims get their day in court and get justice for what has been done to them but this friday well add the story of one girl kidnapped by ice the when she was fifteen years old that was almost three years ago and shes now managed to return home from a story of her life with Islamic State watch this channel on friday. The moment the. Islamic state says it was behind multiple suicide blasts in the Afghan Capital kabul early this thursday which killed at least forty one people and injured eighty four local journalist a muslim shares that reports the toll is rising from forty to forty one dead son all saw it before enjoyed. In recent attack into doubt i can call. Moments ago the president get his spokesperson and the ministry of well the spokespersons hailed a press conference and told about the rising of the tolls and the credit situation of some people in this attack is that its coming after the deadly attack on the shia mosque today shown that the new phase of attacks on kabul against the shia minority is going to increase the reason attacks or socalled islamic a city or die as this has a history of in the last year especially when we see these kind of attacks which was him on some on in the north of the kabul in twenty six of our october and after that the two of the of august before that was the did the attacks on the shia minorities and inside of the country and less attack which socalled Islamic State clinton sponsibility talked about the curate of fatah immune which called against islamic instead and middle east especially and iraq and syria this costs that the Afghan People especially nowadays especially today and the Afghan People especially in social media are going very angry against the Afghan Government and. The British Military has caused a stir by ordering members of the armed forces to use their gender neutral language. Looks at which would lead to change and a new era of equality. Well these new guidelines are about avoiding gen did language so weve had that special post as have gone up in the toilets of one particular ad base that trains recruits for the royal navy the Royal Air Force and for the army take a look at some of the very traditional phrases that army bosses have suggested amending. The. Indian. Than the. Odyssey got in touch with the m. O. D. To find out all about the new phrases and they have said that they are promoting a modern inclusive working environment to ensure individuals are recognised and feel valued now the guidelines rates and by a unit called the joint Equality Diversity and inclusion unit which troops reportedly called gentle for sure but diversity and inclusion is a big issue for the british army right now to put this all into context last year women were finally able to take up combat roles in the army and from the end of next year women will be able to apply for school the same positions as men in the British Forces japan is set to boost its military capability in the wake of the north korean threat its we have all the details for you after the short break. Corrals all the america its the National Debt the unaccounted for damages all Security Medicare medicaid the corporate debt and yet all that debt together i havent seen the numbers lately but its something in excess of five hundred thousand dollars per household and because the debt sellers wall street packages debt sells that makes money and profits and fees from that they feel like they need to make even greater profits they have a big fat cow product that they stick into everyones back and they say negative Interest Rates are good for you go buy more go give us more of your money go into debt go buy margin going to bargain give us more. They are a robot governments going to be much more russian much more compassion the. Oligarchs human governments the. People will be more happy with the new situation than there are with the. Welcome back facebook claims it helps the Scottish National party when i landslide victory in scotland during the u. K. General election in twenty fifteen the social media giant created a special unit to help politicians connect with a wider audience facebook is currently under pressure of allegations that helped russia to meddle in the us election i thought hes kind of open explains. When it all started facebook was fun and innocent was a place to share your holiday snaps and keep up with friends but then it got political facebook is even boasting about the fact that it helped the Scottish National party to win sweeping victories in the u. K. General elections of two thousand and Fifteen Campaign is across the political spectrum now recognize the using facebook and Facebook Accounts in particular made it to months real difference to the final Election Results at this point little did we know but facebook has a government and Politics Team that helps to win victories for its clients right now the director of the team is katie harben the former Republican Party digital strategist and apparently shes quite good at her job. Philippine president rodrigo did tard say took office after a Strong Campaign that included social media including facebook with the hash tag the leader i want. The trump campaigns digital director also says that facebook helped them to win the race so facebook now lets you get to places we took opportunities and i think the other side did their stuff imbedded inside our office what were doing inside the building teach us how to use a platform. Germanys rising anti Immigration Party the a f d actually had meetings with the Facebook Team which was happy to offer them electoral advice doesnt this all sound a lot like election meddling you know that thing supposedly done by evil russians who purchased ads and american lines i dont want anyone to use our tools to undermine democracy thats not what we stand for so facebook is just completely square and bipartisan and thats why it has a special team that helps politicians to win elections that makes sense right i think social media the people that run it are very biased according to their own political beliefs and i think that thats very very dangerous and its a shame and thats why i that we catered for a long time that concern because usually conservatives in this country are the victims of it i think conservatives in the United States should certainly think of forming and starting their own version of facebook and their own version of google and their own version of twitter and i dont understand facebooks kind of subversive of political machine that i dont think most people are aware of and i think most people who when they become aware of it like me would be kind of concerned about it. And its already caught has just decided to keep a sixteen year old palestinian girl and two more of her relatives in custody for another week postponing its final ruling i had to mimi attacked Israeli Soldiers in the west bank in front of her house after her teenage cousin was shot by a rubber bullet an hour earlier a video of the instant with our head went viral with some hailing it a symbol of palestinian resistance. And. This. Video shows a head on her cousin kicking and shoving i. D. F. Soldiers and her mouth and then joins. As you can see the two soldiers do not respond all three women are currently in custody and israeli rep a bullet hit to mimis fourteen year old cousin mohammed in the face during protests against the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel i had father basle who is also an anti israel activist says his daughter feels she had no choice but to take action to pull herself as of. What ive heard of for the palestinian issue she believes that we must study the weekly or the time she needs to be in the fruit of the song in the. In the clashes with me. This is what you believe in. For that we. Saw her when she saw. That she would care more the more she warned the leader to avoid the we requested a comment from the Israeli Defense forces on the girls case the idea of says if the court is investigation the court is investigating not just her suspected or thought on the soldier but also alleges participation in throwing rocks the girls twitter account has also been deleted though its unclear whether our head herself is behind the move former i. D. F. Soldier ari weisberg says the israeli presence in palestinian areas is on the military level what happened last week and the video thats gone viral with her slapping and pushing two soldiers. Is not part of a protest it went much more viral once they showed up. Later on a few days later early in the morning and arrested her a sixteen Year Old Girl for pushing somebody who was without any sort of authorization standing on her property image of a fearless young woman shes sixteen standing up to fully armed soldiers in the soldiers if you know. They come into these villages and i did when i served in the i. D. F. As well fully armed for battle the heavy military presence in palestinian communities is thirty years old. The amount of force is overwhelming the use orders are only partially trained for doing what are essentially Police Duties but you notice theyre in full battle dress they dont look like police men i dont think that the i. D. F. Sees itself as in a precarious position. Japan is building up its military it says to counter the threat from north korea the country has decided to convert a warship into an acrobatic area this will be capable of hosting f. Thirty five jets which the country recently bought from the us this will be the first such vessel owned by japan since the Second World War earlier this month a Japanese Defense Ministry Announced it was considering acquiring missiles capable of striking north korea the missiles will have a range of five hundred kilometers japan has also launched a study to determine if it fighter jets are capable of carrying missiles with a range of nine hundred kilometers now the countrys law prohibits japan from having any of these missiles on the move have been heavily criticized by china. You usually aint youve been at a change and usually historical reasons each move the japan makes in military security draws a great concern from its asian the brits and the interNational Community who have noticed the related reports in which some people think such moves might violate article nine of the japanese constitution asia specialist andrew long suspects japans real reason for wanting an act of carrier is to contain china and north koreas main threat is against the United States if. Its not attacking the North Koreans why should a lot of korean attack japan thats the first point secondly the threat is the. Power or Hydrogen Bomb and also the Intercontinental Missile Delivery Systems now this kind of threats cannot be resolved by developing aircraft carriers so thats the first point as far as the threat from north koreas concern is for the threat from china the center on the disputed islands in the tire or the sink islands but then of course the japan developing is. Perceived to be a guarding the that this island of course would could pose a risk of escalation because according to china. The trial of the world so i think that thats a recipe for as collation. I thought that with the headlines in about thirty five minutes. Its all to see we have a great scheme we need to strengthen before the free float world cold and youre better than a legend to keep it so its at the back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that weighting spirit to the r. C. T. Recently ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will come from that steroids are asleep. Thousand old joke goes oh you didnt hear i called russia. I fly strike. Left left left more or less ok stuff thats really good that. I had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. I never not to worry about how i would eat and when i would speak. Im facing christmas alone on the streets of london well you know. I thought the love the glory like going to school you know just single that it would still be about food for the home thats. What you dont really feel like some people being you know. And then. The guy just came over to me saw me and gave me this book. Welcome to a special edition of the alex thomas show from here in the esplanade of Edinburgh Castle there is no better place on the planet to celebrate new years eve all hogmanay as we call it in scotland than here and scotlands capital city and weve got a bump a show fest of show laid out for you today weve got judy money the most successful telescope some history who got jealous bargains scotlands most famous portrait painter im a good test clock a man who does the donald even better of than the donald himself does we nominate sherri could be presentational gentle bubbles his paintings but first lets talk to my favorite part of the show your tweet some email some messages lets do it quickly because although scotlands National Dress is great it can be a wee bit chilly but im the nice. One of the great new year traditions around the world is a new Year Resolution a new center send quite a few david jones says to be a better person next year than i was this year sound of a Stevie Thomas rossetti says i hope i can avoid the temptation to work for family unscrupulous organizations who lured me in with a lucrative salary offer how about you alec or thomas i think i should be all right tom down i. T. V. And theyre going into the jungle and thats for the b. B. C. Well lispenard all the money in gary lineker. Monty says to try not to get i pop in the angry whenever i watch the news understandable jones monty im not sure if its the news of the the way its presented which is making you angry and quiet here says become an m. P. Claim as many freebies holidays time off a second plus a fantastic wage me even do a reality t. V. Show appearance for a few extra bob when im supposed to be working sorted inquired i would be too hard to members of parliament most of them and i emphasize most of them are doing their best and will in seattle says trump resigning and most of the white house going to jail yeah i think quite a few people are wishing for the states is probably just Wishful Thinking and finally sunny dear from pakistan try to apply good quotations of life and humanity myself as excellent that sounds like a bit of eastern philosophy for the new year. Show

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