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Out International Live from moscow studio with me in a day or two to welcome to the program the israeli Prime Minister has ordered the country to withdraw from the uns culture and Heritage Organization it follows a similar move announced by the United States in october over perceived bias against israel heres how that countries and boy to the agency explain the decision you know has broken records of people incitement and lies against israel and the jewish people while polluting its noble Core Principles with politicisation and diplomatic terrorism that sometimes bordered on semitism and with more on israels move his caleb morgan. On the heels of quite a bit of criticism from the United States and israel of you know ask those activities now you know asco is the uns Cultural Agency now the Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesperson specifically cited what he called the attempts to disconnect the history of jewish history from the land of israel now unesco has angered israel over the past year they passed resolutions in which they said that israel has no right to jerusalem they said that the temple mount and the old city are both muslim the holy sites now as far back as twenty eleven go actually granted palestine full membership in its organization now this is danny the israeli ambassador to the United Nations this is him touching on the recent decision no you know. No empty speech you know didnt want to be revolution will improve divide about. Recently we saw that the usa had withdrawn from unesco that happened in october and when the United States pulled out of the nasco they specifically cited what they called an anti israel bias now when that happened israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a courageous and moral decision and praised the United States for doing that it stands for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization it has a number of tasks it fights violent extremism around the world it promotes female education it promotes Media Freedom it also protects certain cultural sites around the world now what is in question at the moment is what will happen to certain cultural sites now that both the United States and israel are no longer participants in this very Important International body. You know ask a list that does and World Heritage sites across to israel and representing three thousand years of history and study newspaper economist believes the organization is also a platform for diplomatic action and that israel may eventually with this its decision every u. N. Agency the. Battlefield in the Foreign Policy and diplomacy arena and unesco is no different than the Human Rights Council and others but whether or not israel or should we drove from it is another matter altogether because just we throwing just leaving the field to others is not acceptable to many israelis we have been through such cycles of un bashing. Eventually israel and presumably the United States too would come back having symbolized. Dead displeasure. Is just a gesture one shouldnt read too much into it. Meanwhile both girls on the west bank have seen more clashes in the Third Straight week of unrest in the region demonstrations on friday left two palestinians dead and more than sixty injured. The palestinian polity has called for christmas celebrations to be canceled buying more days of rage instead the ongoing unrest in the region comes in the wake of u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. In the palestinian administered city of ramallah Israeli Soldiers were pushing back paramedics were trying to reach the injured troops used weapons under the force hold much as preventing emergency crews from reaching the wounded. On thursday the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn dong thomas unilateral decision most members believe the dispute over the city status should only be resolved by talks on the nine states including the u. S. Voted against the resolution and voiced support for trumps move even so the countrys u. N. Ambassador remained undeterred putting the focus on the few friends backing the jerusalem decision. This will make a difference on how americans look at the u. N. And on how we look at countries who disrespect in the way and this will be remembered. Its. Jewish communities in germany say theyre facing growing anti semitism when you say theyve been the target of discrimination or harassment on a daily basis on believe the problem has been made worse by the us president s controversial position to recognize jerusalem as israels capital has all europe correspondent. Yeah. That israeli flag burning in the center of. The aftermath of the u. S. Decision on jerusalem but apart from protests its feared the backlash would overstepped the line into attacks against jewish people a Police Investigation is underway here in berlin following a shocking display of anti semitism outside of a jewish restaurant plus what you know from your i six me your dimensions and apart from from i need much of. It because. The owner of the restaurant says he expects these type of attacks considering the current climate it was a typical latest incident thing against jews the typical. Israelis bed story is a burden they go to the gas chamber in five years and we have unfortunately a lot of cases different in this similar to do mostly its an anemic we get a lot of phone calls with. In fact the leaders in the Jewish Community say that beast type of incidents a far more common than we may think think its a horrible incident but i think its something what happens sometimes on a daily basis here in germany i wouldnt say that its that its a bad feeling as a jew living in germany but on the other side there are things happening and if youre a member of a community or an institution you get confronted with those kinds of incidents. Like really every day the u. S. Position on jerusalem has certainly added fuel to a backlash against israel but if you look at a study that was carried out just this year over sixty percent of the youth who were surveyed were from a jewish background said that they dont think until semitism. On a daily basis with almost thirty percent saying that theyve been targeted or harassed in the last year just this last month in the venting district of a school boy was attacked by a group of classmates who told him that hitler was good because he killed the jews from the government side weve heard a strong response from the German Justice minister us any kind of anti semitism is an attack on everyone and he said it is a must never be allowed to have a place in society again but looking at an uptick in attacks in germany targeting jews that may seem easier said than done peter all over. The u. S. Olympic committee and the countrys gymnastics governing body are being accused of helping cover ups in years of sex abuse and child molestation and the lawsuit filed by champion gymnasts Mckayla Maroney she alleges to have been abused by a u. S. Team doctor for years and then paid to keep silent she also accuses other sports institutions of preventing her from publicly coming forward more details from its american. Mckayla maroney americas a limp big darling one of the worlds most famous gymnasts u. S. Household name and victim of childhood sex abuse that apparently took place over years and when she wanted to speak out both usa gymnastics plus the u. S. Olympic committee made her keep quiet rhody claims she was paid hush money and is now suing them for silencing her she hired a lawyer and asked for a settlement conference or mediation to get justice to what she didnt ask for was a draconian confidentiality agreement that prevented her from telling even her brother and sister about this and then i think even worse it said that you cant ever say anything bad about us if you bastards ever for your whole life shes come forward with a horrific story of abuse by team u. S. A. s former doctor larry nasser it started when i was thirteen years old and it didnt end until i left the sport it seemed when ever and wherever this man could find a chance i was treated this carries night of my leg happened when i was fifteen years old i had flown all day and night with the team to get to tokyo hed given me a sleeping pill for the flight and the next thing i know i was alone with him in his hotel room getting treatment i thought i was going to die that night but one would naturally have expected usa gymnastics to support its crown jewel but the Organization Claims that she herself chose to settle this all quietly into in sixty mchale as attorney at the time Gloria Allred approached usa gymnastics requesting that the organization participate in a confidential mediation the process culminated in a settlement agreements that included a mutual nondisclosure cools and a mutual disparagement moronis case is just the start over one hundred and fifty women have now accused the same doctor of sexual abuse i dont want to be in a courtroom telling about how a man you know pandered to me. Front of my mother when i was eleven the fact that he just thinks oh i flew to guilty and now you guys can start healing is ridiculous to me i dont think. I dont think he truly understands how many people are hurting and how bad people are hurting over this now dr nasser admits to exploiting his position to abuse his patients and he was recently convicted and sentenced to sixty years in jail but his victims believe justice has still not been served and its not just nassar who they insist must be punished but the sports officials who failed to protect the child athletes lympics are something that brings people hope and joy sure from the outside looking in its an amazing story i did it i got there but not without a price we discussed it with foreman gymnast rachel downhaul and she was the first to puppet hughes former u. S. Team doctor larry not Sexual Assault and isnt surprised by claims of the big coverup. You know i wish i could say that i was surprised but the reality with usa gymnastics is they have a decades long policy of covering up sexual abuse and of and of silencing victims some of the most prominent coaches in the u. S. A. G. Who have trained olympians those those coaches have been found guilty of sexual abuse too and again like like their member coaches they were allowed to continue preying on little girls and even their elite athletes for decades and usa jews response to that was to defend in under a testimony to defend their policy saying they wanted to avoid a witch hunt so when you have an organization that has a decades long policy of supporting sexual predators a decades long policy of silencing victims by literally shoving reports in a file cabinet and then they can defend their actions by saying they want to avoid a witch hunt it shouldnt come as any surprise to us that theyre treating their elite athletes the same way theyre treating the youngest gymnast in their member gyms. Well you know mckayla said that she had signed her agreement in two thousand and sixteen but just a few months ago in august the o. C. Register which is a local california newspaper did publish that they had been able to confirm that another case had been settled in twenty fifteen with another victim of larry nasser in the lead gymnast so yes i think its i think its likely that there are others that have been silenced. I think there needs to be an investigation into whether illegal activities occurred there are very legitimate questions about whether or not this nondisclosure agreement was even legal under California Law because it did involve felony sex offense crimes and i think there needs to be a complete board change from the top down because these Board Members have have made it very clear that the safety of little children is not their priority that they see nothing wrong with how they have handled not just the larry nassar situation but with how theyve handled sexual predators in the organization for decades but when you have an organization like u. S. C. G. That is in charge of our libyans that is in charge of the entire sport from the top down and they cant handle Something Like sexual abuse against little children yes i think it is time for the u. S. O. C. To look at simply removing their authority to run our Gymnastics Program in the United States because they have proven that they care about something more than the safety of their athletes and thats inexcusable. Gymnast Rachel Dunn Holland there are red faces at facebook which admits that its fake news flying to floundering well explain why after this break. Russian athletes taking. Pics remains controversial what awaits the olympians in south korea and more importantly what awaits them after they get. Is a civilization just a tiny bit more advanced than we are that they can already pick up Jerry Springer or any other sit coms interview shows the nightly news they see what were doing to our planet you know it isnt really a very pretty picture and so in addition to sending this chaotic messages that we use to communicate with one another we want to send a clear signal to the extraterrestrial but theres also some rationality. Welcome back to the program facebooks find has resulted in a boomerang effect the size being trying to red flag articles that contain false information but have been food tastes the sweetest. Explains facebook sees itself on the front lines of the fight against fake news theres a huge amount of misinformation out there on the internet its a problem weve been working hard on at facebook were committed to fighting it after all people want to see Accurate Information and so do we. That battle heated up in december two thousand and sixteen when facebook teamed up with Fact Checkers to flag stories it determined to contain socalled disputed content but when youre on the social media titans forced to admit not only is the method ineffective it may actually inspire the opposite of the desired reaction Academic Research on correcting misinformation has shown that putting a strong image like a red flag next to an article may actually entrenched deeply held beliefs the opposite of fact to what we intended apparently a fake news label actually makes people more interested for example facebook red flag this story by the newport buzz which claimed hundreds of thousands of irish people were brought to the us as slaves but the little red sign didnt stop it spread on the country traffic skyrocketed but facebook isnt daunted by the discovery that flagging stories has backfired coming up with a new plan to provide alternative articles on long side possibly false stories to give people more contacts but the question remains are those alternative stories definitely relevant and balanced and whos actually making that call the choice of the articles the choice of the outlets is going to reflect human bias he would bias is inevitable whenever human beings are involved theres always going to be a social political cultural and so on bias and the selection of those related articles is going to reflect that facebook obviously has an agenda the people who work at facebook have individual agendas and biases they might not even be aware of their own biases as facebook and others struggle to contend with fabricated news stories connecting our less science the u. S. Ambassador to the netherlands is not exactly helping matters after describing his own remarks as fake knees. You mentioned in the debate. That there are no go zones in the netherlands. We would call it fake which is why i never said. Yes there. Goes the netherlands. Knows all knows no go zones. You have a problem with the english is your second language ok. The fake news obviously i didnt call that big news i didnt use the word no no. I think thats to do with the second he said these words in the beginning from his stance as an on the dish him and when he was as the second time he was already elected as ambassador as an investor and just sense the words hes words thats kind of weird of course i dont think there will be and problems i think he will be sitting just like all the other best interests in the. U. S. Intelligence chiefs are urging congress to re authorize the National Security agency to fall reaching spying program which expires at the end of the year they say that if you know my kids do not renew it the countrys security will be undermined. If Congress Fails to reauthorize this orthe already the Intelligence Community will lose valuable foreign intelligence information and the resulting intelligence gaps will make it easier for terrorists weapons proliferation is malicious cyber wrote is and other foreign adverse reason to plan attacks against our citizens and our allies without detection internet spying program was established in two thousand and eight it permits intelligence organizations to collect data from foreign targets but it also allows for the interception of Americans Communications in certain cases to critics and social activists say they fear the renewal will actually lead to increased levels of surveillance the proposed bill is not a reform measure on the contrary it would expand surveillance grants the government more authority under other provisions of pfizer and could be read to codify current unlawful surveillance practices. Attorney Michael Flanagan outlines his concerns about the program under the law theyre allowed to listen for just a few seconds i mean its regulated down to to an actual time limit i dont know exactly what it is but its really a tiny amount of time that theyre allowed to listen but they get to keep the same the same frequency you know keep listening for a few seconds and turn it off and start again turn off and start again and we have more than a little bit of evidence that that has happened in an effort to listen in and other calls when theyre actually trying to listen to the american and so you have a ridiculous subterfuge gone through some some some crazy crazy handstands that have gone through simply to have intelligence agencies of the United States spying on citizens of the United States which is absolute theres no one in congress who would approve such a thing but this law allows them as you correctly observed a backdoor way to be able to do that. How would you feel if you looked up into the night sky and saw this this is the looking shape was spotted above lost on teeth in the u. S. On friday it freaked out more than a few people to Contact Police to suspecting it of being anything from a u. F. O. To a missile attack their explanation was far more down to earth it was actually the final launch of the from space x. Thats the private contractor it gets satellites into orbit and occasionally supplies to the International Space station. Now a crime in bodyguards are getting a boost in their hand to hand combat skills from a top mixed martial arts fighter. Was as been training agents from the federal protective service hes primary aim is to guard high ranking officials including the russian president. Thats been a dream no more than since i was a kid to visit it and of course i never in general to be invited to train or special forces so i was very excited and joined every second the priests were trained professionals so were always enjoyed a lot more when i get to coach people though that understand what fighting is. The main thing youre in the fighting is not just the skill skill can be learned its the heart and this guys are ready to give their life for their country so there are many great fighters no doubt in my mind. Homer vs the interviews and. This is this is the former. I dont know where mildred you sure hope how does the who play you know its all this there are very different businesses. Around up of our top stories and i got to follow us on facebook twitter. Dot com ill be back at the top of the hour with more of the like this news so do stay with us. Across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to meet a few palaces with simple song alone events like Company Guess will elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities many by the telescope was allowed to miss you guys who got booked but a violent up going to go by ben this is a map of us to quote them out. For you man but the lift bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water its about water but its also over much more than water its about the hurt and the redistribution of all as to purchase their debt downwards we want to. Make this manufactured consent to instant of public wealth. When the ruling class is protect themselves. When the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. I mean real news. How does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world its as close to being a king as any job there is what Business Model helps to run a prison now we just do or dont like is there nobody oh visitation i dont know what comes anymore we dont have to serve them anymore is Cost Effective thats what they want to do that loan they dont give a damn if you do the chores and that theyre actually paying to put it back into the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us and preach what secret is behind such success. Well either im actually dies or this is the kaiser report magical thinking whats the hold up the singularity pixie dust elucidations l. S. D. Lets find out. Oh ho ho Merry Christmas this is our prechristian episode its going out a few days before christmas we dont actually have an episode this year on Christmas Day but you know a lot of people say santa claus is not real they think its just magical thinking so i thought my headlines today would reflect this magical thinking obviously sent as real because were all getting a lot of presents right magical thinking is stopping us from taking to the streets this is from truthdig and they were looking at this tax reform policy and how its a big huge giveaway for the wealthy and taking from the poor again and then theyre asking why is nobody going on the story and part of it is magical thinking that you know the russia gate hoax will save us or or one of their various magical thinking that if we go to the voting booth and will elect somebody and somehow that person is going to fight for on our behalf rather than on the corporations behalf. Oh ah yeah so in other words there is no there there theres no help coming theres still cavalry theres no plane like hall theres only ruby slippers that you can click three times and take you over the rainbow to fairly magic land of the sticks and leprechauns where only cryptocurrency is grow yes of course you can take to the afterlife and to your friend to see were when he called bit coin a fantasy currency but those are not my hell mines im going to look im going to. Answer the question of why people arent taking to the streets and im going to talk about these fantasy headlines and the first headline here might be one reason why people are not taking to the streets ruled bots are being used to deter Homeless People from setting up camp in San Francisco and San Francisco autonomous Crime Fighting robots that are used to patrol parking lots sports arenas and tech company campuses are now being deployed to keep away Homeless People the San Francisco Business Times reported that the San Francisco s. P. C. A an animal average kid c. And pet Adoption Group put a security robot to work outside its facilities in the gentrifying Mission Neighborhood the robots presence is meant to deter Homeless People from setting up camps along the sidewalks so the robot is known as canine and its there to prevent crime well this is obviously part of a Dystopian Nightmare where robo cop you have autonomous robots and machines and drones targeting human beings economically theyre not participating in the grid they havent purchased anything in six hours therefore they must be almost therefore they must be killed and swept up into an open pit lighter fluid doused on them set a fire and whats great is that these new autonomous robots will probably be all jacked up

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