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Slipped in the west bank and gaza journalist him both witnessed just how tense the situation is. The situation here and extremely was no. Its not a race because ive been running down the road now and. Holders have made their way to the right in see them off my last time a cardinal somewhere made certainly in firing tear gas and everybodys been running amok the streets are rich and. The soldiers are just you know to hear us. All the way into the pit. You can hear the ambulances so they certainly will be you. Who has been in the us and at the same time interested in my coming over to the back of the posse from here exactly whats going on but. Weve taken prothero weve taken cover in a way in a petrol station. Waiting for him to be in front of a trace and when father told him who was taken. And. Were standing right over here you can see that theres a number of injured people you can see the insist on carrying people with them you can see the israeli tanks that which in the last few minutes just made their way from up the road to emmaus and see the feasting also from allah but they really have come all the way in now so. Now. That. Todays day of rage that has been called for by various palestinian factions is well and truly underway there are youngsters who have been here for the better part of the last hour whove been hurling rocks and pavements at these waiting soldiers who speaks only been inching their way closer theyve been filing tear gas in the stomach so many are still quite a strong smell of tear gas that is hanging over us. The protesters and demonstrators come here today for the third friday raids. This friday was different other than the two fridays people were very close to the fence this time and we piece out very important leader act and put it to since and activist joining the civilians during the protests as you see it there are at least five ambulances waiting for any injury and rains to pick them up there are still hundreds of protesters as you can hear we can hear live bullets i think there is another another injury right now and theyre actually throwing gas bombs on the demonstrators as you can see despite all of the blood of bullets despite all the gas bombs despite all of the rebel berlitz by listening protesters whether in guards are the less than full reach of most of them are still protesting are still demonstrating people are expressing their anger. But this all comes after the United Nations voted overwhelmingly to condemn Donald Trumps unilateral decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital only nine Member States in fact including the u. S. Voted against the resolution while one hundred twenty eight of those believe that the citys status can only be resolved through talks the Us Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley also pointed out the voting would make any difference to where washington puts its embassy the United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation we will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the Worlds Largest contribution to the United Nations america will put our embassy in jerusalem no vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. Even countries that usually clash on major issues joined forces to condemn the u. S. Move on jerusalem rivals including saudi arabia and iran came together the General Assembly. The use of the b. To obstruct to deceive the council a media unable to perform duties on two decades of work of the International Community but it is considered the police in violation of the rights of palestinians must be resolved through negotiation between the two parties are un members very threatened or the other members this is bullying and this jumbled will not walk to the road on several analysts that we spoke to think the un made the right decision to ignore the pressure from washington its unfortunate that the United States finds itself under this kind of leadership which is undermining the standing of this country internationally countries acquiesce to the u. S. And if they accept being punching bag for the American Administration and voting in accordance with directives from nikki haley then whats the point of having the United Nations i think we all know. A new era in which a major. Resort to blackmail and bribery order to secure votes in the General Assembly each state to create a vote the Security Council has resorted to search measures i do think that it will be good to or believe the United States will to carry through threats of this kind because theyre called indicator states in peterson has visited moscow for the first time as the case foreign secretary the trip comes while relations between the two countries are at an historic low of the cellar trunk it was following johnsons meeting with his russian counterpart. Well we hadnt seen a u. K. Foreign secretary in moscow for five years and i can tell you that i hadnt seen such a remarkable press conference at the Foreign Ministry villa behind me for a long time there were many jokes many ways to poke each other not necessarily in a bad way after listing all the essential topics that are usual for such talks ranging from north korea to ukraine and russia and the theories that it meddled and the votes all around the world and the u. K. As well came up with once before just to remind you the foreign secretary Boris Johnson said that he hadnt seen any evidence of russian interference he even used the words not a sausage well mr johnson seems to have changed his mind today he said that he hadnt seen any evidence of successful attempts to interfere and i asked Boris Johnson to elaborate on that a little bit there was last on the free abundant evidence of the. Russian interference in the elections in. Germany. From. America but as i say there is new evidence of any successful russian interference. In the u. K. Other highlights of the press conference included Boris Johnson speaking russian a few times saying that he has committed to fall in response to another question by me the u. K. Foreign secretary confirmed that once he was in tehran a couple of weeks ago he visited the Russian Embassy secretly to see the venue of the famous tehran conference during the Second World War he was also asked about moscow travel advice that he received from one of the british m. P. s which included warnings about drinking challenge again. And honey traps many other things so the question was about trust and the question was about whether he had encountered any of these threats so far in the russian capital. You know i want you to know its a measure of my of my trust. Soon as i got into this. For a loose try mediately handed my coat my hat my gloves i mean did everything that was in my pocket secret or otherwise to Sergei Lavrov in the knowledge that he would look after it. Would come to no harm more than just a few times Boris Johnson reminded of the differences in the views that london and moscow have on various International Issues it seemed that he really felt it was essential to keep talking about this every time he said something positive about russia but at the end of the day the common message was from both top diplomats that dialogue needs to prevail during the joint News Conference with foreign minister lavrov Boris Johnson even showed off some impressive russian skills. A rush to find and they committed so far. But thats not a relationship that is right for one hundred fifty years old dates from the time when the Queen Elizabeth sent an envoy to the terrible writing before. So far the first foreign secretary in the history. To become. Customers as i said earlier only buying. British things for a few quid crisps to. Somebody has just given me a pass from the for the wrong. Be as opposed to that you can i guess thats the fs. When it comes to trust or trust poorest and trust him so much im ready to call him but. As i think as i think. Regular Mikhail Gorbachev used to say trust that there is. A coming war that is in russia. Im ready to trust without any verification. The British Foreign secretary also visited red square as well as seeing central moscow and his team laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier a World War Two memorial by the crown that during the war britain and the soviet union for together against nazi germany by train broadcast america jet ski thinks the visit will bring positive aspects but only with time. You can see maybe some glimmer of hope on the horizon just in terms of the sort of growing report at the sink at that meeting between Boris Johnson. But i also think that anything that is anything. Positive thats going to come out of that meeting seriously positive will only emerge in time i think Boris Johnson is going to come back to london hes going to say you know ive really put it to the russians i didnt give an inch. And then it will be with time well see maybe this another maybe well have a reciprocal visit and maybe just maybe things will start to unfreeze but then you know im an optimist and were coming up to new year so heres hoping. Shocking revelations have emerged after a limb picked gymnastics champion Mckayla Maroney claimed that she was abused for years as a child by the u. S. Team doctor and was then paid to keep silent the doctor Michigan State university and the u. S. Olympic committee all allegedly conspired to bribe maroney not to speak out a lawyer takes up a story hired a lawyer asked for a settlement conference or mediation to get justice which she did for was a draconian confidentiality agreement that prevented her from telling even her brother and sister about this and then i think even worse it said that you cant ever say anything bad about us if your master is ever for your whole life dr laurie nasser pleaded guilty to first degree Sexual Assault he was sentenced to sixty years in prison this is the first time sporting organizations are alleged to have bribed victims to stay quiet usa gymnastics insists that a year ago the caylees law is approached the organization to request a confidential meeting that resulted in a mutual nondisclosure settlement mckayla shared her experiences in a series of testimonies but she was far from being the doctors only victim. It started when i was thirteen years old and it didnt end until my last sport it seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance i was treated this scariest nice of my life happened when i was fifteen years old i had flown all day and nights with the team to get to tokyo hed given me a sleeping pill for the flight and the next thing i know i was all in with him in his hotel room getting treatment i thought i was going to die that night i dont want to be in a courtroom telling about how. You know pandered to me in front of my mother when i was eleven the fact that he just thinks oh i pleaded guilty and now you guys can start healing is ridiculous to me i dont think. I dont think he truly understands how many people are hurting and how bad people are hurting over this early we discussed moronis claims with former gymnasts rate children holland she was the first to publicly accuse former u. S. Team doctor larry nasser of Sexual Assault and then hold a wasnt surprised about the allegations of a wide scale cover up you know i think theres plenty of evidence that there was a cover up not just because of the way usa g. Has handled Larry Nassers case but again because this is their longstanding policy they have been covering up sexual abuse in the organization literally for decades you know some of the most prominent coaches in usa do you have trained olympians who have worked alongside bela and marta curley those those coaches have been found guilty of sexual abuse too is that when you have an organization that has a decades long policy of silencing victims by literally shoving reports in a file cabinet and then they can defend those actions by saying they want to avoid a witch hunt it shouldnt come as any surprise to us that theyre treating their elite athletes the same way theyre treating the youngest gymnast in their membership so i think we already know that u. S. C. G. Has a longstanding policy of covering up sexual predators larry nassar is not an exception by any stretch of the imagination. Well the twenty thousand people have signed a petition to change the usa gymnastics leadership in the wake of what is being called the biggest child abuse scandal in sporting history is demanding all u. S. Gymnastics chiefs are replaced by those who quote put athletes safety first it will endure again she thinks that the allegations could impact the u. S. Olympic Committee Just ahead of the winter games in south korea i think there needs to be an investigation into whether illegal activities occurred there are very legitimate questions about whether or not this nondisclosure agreement was even illegal under California Law because it did involve felony sex offense crimes and i think there needs to be a complete board from the top down because these Board Members have have made it very clear that the safety of little children is not their priority that they see nothing wrong with how they have handled not just the larry nasser situation but with how theyve handled sexual predators in the organization for decades you know when you have an organization like u. S. C. G. That is in charge of our libyans that is in charge of the entire sport from the top down and they cant handle Something Like sexual abuse against little children yes i think it is time for the u. S. O. C. To look at simply removing their authority to run our Gymnastics Program in the United States because they have proven that they care about something more than the safety of their athletes and thats inexcusable. Be shot rise in the value of cryptocurrency is this year but their false also been spectacular going dropped under thirteen thousand dollars a coin on friday after hitting all time highs of more than twenty thousand just the we can go you can stand off discuss the coins rollercoaster ride my colleague kate partridge. This freefall has triggered some very polar reactions to it because some are saying that bitcoin now is absolutely done and dusted others are saying that its just a correction nothing to be afraid of and this is a Good Opportunity to get more big corn at a more well attractive price and but theres also one other trend going on here some of the earliest and most passionate supporters of bitcoin are now looking at it from a more critical standpoint and investment in between right now i would say is the riskiest investment you can make it is an extremely high risk as soon as people realize that this is how it works they will start selling theres no fixed definition whether its a currency or not this issue is a difficult one it has not yet been proven to be credible enough to become a currency so i need to watch bitcoin for a little while more imagine your average stock increasing in value not two not five not ten but twenty fold while this is bitcoin twenty seventeen in a nutshell for you this crypto currency has been really breaking one price record after the other as youve just mentioned over the weekend in fact on sunday it brushed the twenty thousand dollar mark now this is something insane and this latest plunge is the most serious hit bitcoin has taken so far this year and when i say serious i mean losing somewhat over a third of its value in a matter of days so no wonder that this skyfall may have very well caused a few heart attacks among the big newbies feelings group. To make you realize whats a maybe hold looks like a very volatile week for b. To coin a disappointing end to what was a very promising year thats it going keep dropping let panic ensued let the want to be investors sell then ill buy its like the christmas sales have come early really youve heard it but corn is a is as high risk high gain as it gets so dont let yourself get deceived by these outrageous charts dont think its an easy profit because trust me there. As many big corn millionaires now as those who have lost fortunes on it. But they were put it has addressed russias military it is annual meeting with the defense ministry. Has more now on the president s plans for military spending and Foreign Policy well put in a head on a number of issues everything from pensions to the military budget with of course a heavy emphasis on International Defense strategies and he referred to americas current military strategy as offensive and said that if you were to look at it from a Military Point of view and it was build up of nato missile launchers and leslie extending its military might lets take a listen im seeing this without any irony we will rely on our peaceful Foreign Policy its important because we dont need all around the world and we dont want to be the worlds policeman. And when it comes to russias military budget one fact to be shrinking next year and already pales in comparison to a number of countries throughout the world and put also mentioned that its better to take a brain over brawn approach to the world again we can take a listen to what he had to say on that absolutely. We need wisdom that says that we wont rely exclusively on our socalled military marceau we wont be dragged into an economically pointless and exhausting arms race there is no way we will do that. If you were to do. So there you heard him while there is still fears arising of an International Arms race putin himself says that russia will not be one to participate and. The families of british soldiers killed in the iraq war have abundant legal battle to have former Prime Minister tony blair and other u. K. Government officials prosecuted for war crimes the law is that they have exhausted every possible means to get justice for those killed during the invasion. Almost fifteen years have passed since the invasion of iraq turns of thousands of british troops took part with one hundred seventy nine losing their lives if you will british inquiry into the water is the chilcote reports was published last year that criticize the government for rushing into the conflict based on flawed intelligence on his police one man who lost his brother in the war on numerous occasions of mystic and the like why is of course the cost someones out of memphis but not so long book and thought i was doing this mike wilson lost his identical twin brother Lance Corporal david wilson in iraq in two thousand and eight david was twenty seven hed become a father to his daughter poppy weeks before his death people say the twins have a rare twin bond kind of thing and i never really believe in this kind of thing im quite pragmatic their daughter there is the you realise its me who switched off together with other families of the soldiers fallen in iraq might push for a civil case against tony blair but lawyers have told them that british courts cant make judgments on matters of Foreign Policy military decisions or the legality of war for the grieving relatives the legal route here in the u. K. Has been exhausted condemned the loss of a loved one in a conflict that the chill court report concluded was based on flawed intelligence will never be forgotten. The damning report revealed that Saddam Hussein presented no immediate threat and that politicians spoke of weapons of mass destruction with a certainty that wasnt justified forging tony blair has been made immune from. Prosecution in the high court seems that pretty much they can do what they want and get away with it yes that leaves the families was destroyed some of the families you know to this day you know some of them havent recovered a lot of them still you know relive what went through you know from the day that they got that knock at the door it seems a bit pointless now that we know we were told to have weapons of mass destruction then we found out that it didnt and then when the chilcot inquiry came up out of the blue sort of we got the. The outcome was kind of like well what was all this for you know and all sort of from a sort of nine years down the line does not closure at all it just all seemed very very pointless with all the legal avenues closed off the Iraq War Families Campaign Group is launching a petition demanding that parliament hold the politicians responsible for the war to account tony blair you know was you know even there the decision was his and he was in full fact. In full knowledge of the of all the facts that circumstances surrounding her and the reasons why we went in been privy to all of the information so dual him personally responsible for the petition is mikes initiative his way of continuing the fight even after losing the possibility of a legal battle for politicians and museums the iraq war may have been pushed into the archives but for families like mikes the wounds of losing their loved ones are is rule as ever december and there were never a great time for us as a family but you know all those little and aversion between so like the nineteenth for example was the. You know the elevons when we brought him back but all that kind of stuff does feel a little bit of a kick in the teeth you know or consider which saw along for the ruling. Party darling. The u. N. Security council has just approved a resolution imposing new sanctions on north korea the document was adopted unanimously is the tenth such resolution and the sanctions in this latest round of the strongest to date despite that russias representative said that the way the document was negotiated was unacceptable and once again called for easing of tensions between the u. S. And pyongyang these calls were also mirrored by his chinese counterpart on of a twenty nice north korea tested its most capable missile to date weve gone young saying that north korea is a responsible Nuclear Power and that the measures are purely defensive against u. S. Aggression. And i will be back in just over half an hours time with the latest headlines the other. Man made Global Warming incinerating clatter of it causing an eco full of coffee but the corporations feel like you know what that might cost us a penny at the end of the year so do have donek adjustment to our algorithm will take out the city in alaska that would flag us to take action appropriate first survival of the species and were going to instead rely on our Balance Sheet and our algorithm like im going to g. P. S. Monitor in your car thats pointing over a cliff theyre saying i dont care if the cliff is there my algorithm says its not there so i keep driving im going to have found little ways ill go right over the cliff because out of the data tells me. He everybody im stephen both gumption to ask hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all im just george bush in an r. V. Im using just this is my buddy max bemis financial guru and were just a little bit different im on the. No no no no no with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have to meet every. To bridge the gap this is the great american. Sophie chevre not say the us decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital has been condemned as illegal around the world even by americas own allies well this mean for the Palestinian Conflict well i asked former head of the Un International Law Commission Christian Thomas shot. The israeli Palestinian Conflict is heating up once again with american recognition of jerusalem the capital. Over the west bank clerics calling for a general uprising against israel what weve. Accomplished in the middle east how will the world react to washington and the road to jerusalem spark that will ignite more bloodshed in the conflict question tom was shot former had of the u. N. International Law Commission welcome to the show its really great to have you on our program now its almost strongest move to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel goes against the u. N. Security Council Resolutions that the u. S. Itself supported like you said so tell me can the usa go against a legally binding decision stat it has backed itself. Security council

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