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In favor of the super wealthy this is going to be not only an economic challenge for the Republican Party its a political challenge as well you know weve spent weeks discussing what this bill does or doesnt do the challenge Going Forward is what their republican fix can successfully sell this to the American Voters before next novembers elections than frankly this was a gamble they had to take given the head went that theyre facing next november but in the short term chris shays on most people are going to see an increase in their paychecks. I think theyll see an increase in their paychecks and i dont think republicans are as concerned as democrats about making the case because i think that youve got a whole year almost a year before the election and. The trade deficit i think will be positively impacted i think there will be some economic engine to it you know am i disappointed its not bipartisan of course im i disappointed that theyre not looking at the the expense side of the equation you know as youre cutting taxes but youre letting your spences go up higher you know its a counterbalance its not good so are you do you favor the bill or not you know i dont know if i would have voted for the bill because it didnt deal with the spending side but i do think it will be a positive impact of a positive impact on our on our country and i do think having a Corporate Tax is high as it was was just foolish and stupid. About the deficit. Well i think thats an interesting question you know the people that voted for this bill have been long time deficit hawks and they seem to have put those principles aside to vote for a bill that is costing one and a half trillion dollars and you know there are differences about how much Economic Growth we created but i dont think anyone believes youre going to make up a trillion and a half dollar deficit with greater Economic Growth nor do people think that this is really going to grow the wages that the president has been talking about and so this is going to lead inevitably to cuts in entitlement programs down the road a speaker ryan has already said that and i think thats one of the challenging messaging issue for republicans that youre running up the federal credit card more and then youre going to use that to cut programs that serve average americans you know when we balanced. Larry we balanced the federal budget with on a bipartisan basis with president clinton but what we did was we froze Discretionary Spending for one year and so from that point on it built on a lower base and then we slowed the growth of entitlements im not troubled by an effort to slow the growth of entitlements weve got to do that but then them republicans have got to be willing to get more out of defense and not just say we got to spend more and more and more like so many are advocating weve got to spend our Defense Budget a lot better a lot wiser. To know what actions do you think. You know republicans were already facing a significant headwind and i think as i said this is a gamble they frankly had to take but the question is whether the average American Voter will see any tangible benefit to themselves before november of two thousand and eighteen look i worked in the white house in two thousand and nine when we passed an eight hundred billion dollars stimulus package in many respects the tax breaks and that stimulus package were more heavily weighted to lower class a lower and middle class workers they didnt feel it and we paid the penalty ultimately in the two thousand and ten midterm elections and so i think ultimately this is going to be about the messaging and right now as you pointed out larry the American Public is deeply skeptical about the benefits of this bill chris shays this bill appears to attack people in new York New Jersey illinois and california do you agree well i think i agree that theyre the ones impacted its funny i dont support you know im not enthusiastic for the bill but i find myself becoming defensive from my fellow republicans and the reason i do its not an attack on new york its not an attack on california its a recognition that those are states that have high. Taxes and so they benefited disproportionately than other americans for tax cuts so in one sense is trying to say you know enough so i understand it now i come from connecticut and it would have been difficult to vote for me in part for that reason but its not an attack on those states its just that they have higher taxes. Trump says the tax cuts in the bill really rocked the economy and he thinks that democrats who voted against it will be heard in the elections where you think crucial to. Oh i dont think so at all i mean you know we already know that american corporations are sitting on two bill a two trillion dollars right now that they could be using to for Investments United States to grow wages to hire people i think most of the benefit of this is going to go back to their shareholders in terms of buybacks or in terms of higher salaries for their executives i think history will prove that this is not a well thought out tax bill and whats notable is how unpopular to this is right now its not only the most unpopular major piece of legislation in about thirty years its actually the most unpopular tax legislation this is even more unpopular than the tax increases that president clinton and president bush pushed through. Chris shays the government funding is first up let me say hey i agree with chris in large measure i mean this is its like my fellow republicans have been kind of stone deaf to the fact that there is a big gap between the very wealthy and the rest of americans and weve weve contributed to that both republicans and democrats the difference between republicans and democrats the republicans are willing to take the heat and say yes im going to help business and im going to help wealthier people who will hopefully invest and the democrats are willing to to accept a tax write off so they dont have to tell their democratic constituency that theyre helping the rich but both parties have been helping the rich over a long long period of time. Trickle down never worked. Well if you look at george w. Bushs tax cut in two thousand and one or the tax cuts that were pushed through in the state of kansas in two thousand and twelve neither of them led to the kind of Economic Growth that the proponents pushed for and congressman shays appropriately pointed out the surpluses that we had under the Clinton Administration those disappear with the two thousand and one bush tax cut and so frankly if were going to spend one trillion dollars i would rather have spent it on a infrastructure bill that would have actually created jobs grow wages and really help speed up commerce in this country. It disappeared in two thousand because we got rid of grand rudman in the other elements that when you cut taxes if it didnt if it wasnt revenue neutral then you saw slowing the growth of spending our problem was we just lost track of spending and i take responsibility as a republican under the bush years i dont look back fondly at how we were dealing with spending under george w. Gentleman so both you Mitch Mcconnell says he wont do you think hell be a Government Shutdown friday night. Chris new first i dont think so by all accounts theyre working on some type of short term a spending measure that really kind of kicks a lot of these hard decisions to january i think im troubled though by the fact that whether its the chip program which is supported on a bipartisan basis or the dream act kids and theres a bipartisan desire to fix that these are getting pushed down the road you already have states right now that are notifying people on the chip program that they might lose their Health Coverage and again this was an important thing thats going to affect nine Million People that frankly should have got it figured out before now and the end of the year but i dont think the governments going to shut down is the government wont shut down and both those issues that chris rightfully points out should have been addressed will be addressed before the deadline so you know it why we put people through the suffering of wondering is this not a good thing but it will be dealt with a gentleman for caching is the hardest thing in the world like this would. Be easiest thing and its these if they just make it up. Chris who are going to be like. Politically i think twenty eightieths going to be a great year for democrats and thats not just because of the history shows what happens to a president in off year elections but i think in terms of just the spirit right now of the antitrust movement i think thats going to certainly put democrats over the top in the house and i think there is legitimately now the senate is now in play and i think the potential in states like nevada in arizona there are pretty good democratic pickups i am struck frankly larry that that all of the red state senators who people think are endangered every single one of them voted against this tax proposal and these are very smart political folks and so they they believe that they can sell this vote to their constituents. Its not going to be as good larry as democrats think in part because roy moore thank god last. I mean i can imagine being an incumbent congressman republican having to live with him being the senator from alabama in fact that he loss was a great gift to the Republican Party so its going to favor its going to favored democrats but i think the democrats are going to overplay their card you know you can talk about impeachment trial and then just. Thank you both for your time today thank you when we come back resume interims newly announced National Security strategy rather after the break stay right there. I. You know the palestinians have used the United Nations as a weapon of war against the future of peace both for palestinians and israelis the United Nations General Assembly has passed more resolutions against the Democratic State of israel that it has against north korea and iran and syria combined so that you know it is a bubbling cauldron of hatred and anti democracy. The confidence and the fiance system is collapsing and there is no turning back this is the collapse of the nation state and the central bank and the fractional reserve money system big coing is to banks what the Printing Press was to the Catholic Church it collapsed it in many ways this is the end of this era this is the new beginning this is about everyone having autonomy and sovereignty with their own money. Will get back to politicking taking a back burner to the political hoopla over passage of the g. O. P. Tax reform package is President Trumps recent on veiling of his administrations National Security strategy summarized as an american first it received both a claim and criticism for what is considered a radical departure from tradition and from the policies of previous administrations lets start with Robert Siegel bryan hes the former u. S. Representative to the u. N. General assembly during the administration of george w. Bush hes the author of while americas. Leadership to a world in crisis oh its a pleasure to welcome him back thank you very much great to be back lets think i would do you make of this new national. Security who do you regard as the most significant as you know you the most significant aspect i think its a i disagree a little bit with your introduction because while its called America First it really returns American Foreign policy to where it was prior to president obama it really goes back to the broad bipartisan consensus that the u. S. Needs to lead and we need to stand up against our adversaries and support our allies and so i see this going back to reagan peace through strength which is discussed in the document going back to even clinton and bushs Foreign Policy president obama was lead from behind us a little away from our traditional American Foreign policy so i see this returning us to to where we were prior to president obama taking office surely you dont see it as a radical departure from american tradition i dont but i do see it as a radical departure from the Obama Administration where we reached out to the iranians did everything we could to get a nuclear deal with them there was some great reporting in politico that you probably saw this week about the Obama Administration turning a blind eye to hezbollah taking over the world drug trade so that he could get the deal with iran the kowtow into north korea the russian reset all of those things took place during the Obama Administration the distance ourselves from our allies in japan and taiwan in israel in the u. K. So those things are going to change in that in the Trump Administration and again so i see it as a radical departure from obama but going back to a more traditional American Foreign policy that obama sold more digital than the president the more than all president s combined he droned more people than any president ever. Well look hes a he would he could be aggressive to well he could be aggressive but it but but to what effect so while he was you know using the drones to take out some terrorist isis grew and took over a very big chunk of the middle east isis has been defeated in the first nine months of the trumpet ministration big. As he changed the rules of engagement he turned our military forces loose and we won the war against isis now theyre still dangerous there are still isis cells around but very different from the Obama Administration approach and with respect to israel look i think one of the great things that were going to look back on just like we look back at the Truman Administration recognizing israel at the time it didnt seem like that big of a deal President Trump moving the is saying is going to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem and recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel thats going to be something that is going to be part of President Trumps legacy and its something that as americans were going to appreciate more and more over time if you think a lot about trump is the way he does things the bellicose said it to me against you the tweets. Personality wise you know i look i think. Its a very different style from past american president s i was the Reagan Defense forum a couple weeks ago up in simi valley where you know your old friends were you know running nancys to put their one of the great president ial libraries and my pump a i was asked that same question he said you know it was interesting is that once in a while the at the president s tweets help. But i you know look its got to be tough for general kelly to get up in the morning and deal with the tweets and deal with the style but having said that you know the president is willing and you know hes hes making some cases passed tax reform he moved the embassy to jerusalem hes rebuilding the military so people may disagree on style but when you look at the record it looks pretty good why such a low popularity you know i think were a polarized country larry and i dont think any president s been under attack from the media the way President Trump has for you know hes was stood a year of broadsides and thats you know so that that is. The key hes got a style thats different than other president s and thats thats going to take some some getting used to for some people but i think what we need to do is focus on the policies over im glad you had doing the have the conversation today on the National Defense strategy you look at the people that put that together not just the president but general mattis whos just a first rate man general kelly first rate general mcmaster ive seen speak several times about strategy. Not a shadow dina powell i mean these are first rate Foreign Policy strategists and they put together a great document and its something the press and you got to give the president credit for that people can get a hard time about the tweets and that sort of thing but at the same time you got to give him credit for the team he put together if America First is a misnomer in a sense but he used the term. You know. Thats a good question because when you look at the document you know i think maybe what the president means by american for America First is different than what. People ascribe to it i mean what President Trump is talking about the strategy documents rebuilding the military getting close to our allies whether its japan or taiwan or israel or the u. K. Work in concert with them to defeat threats like iran and north korea thats a pretty traditional American Foreign policy and let me thats America First that doesnt mean we dont work with our allies or we dont stand up to our adversaries. But i think maybe the you know folks are using that as a pejorative in a way perhaps the president doesnt intend to play it was pretty rough on russia yet the president is never personally or its what do you make of our policy toward russia. Crushes an important power and im glad that the president has a relationship and can talk to the russian president i mean we need that theyve got enough Nuclear Weapons to destroy the entire world as do we so we have to have open lines of communication so i dont think needless bella casa the is is helpful in a relationship whether its the russians or the chinese may be different for the iranians North Koreans but with the russians and chinese we have to have lines of communication with them but at the same time weve got to let the russians know were moving army units into europe that we havent had there for many years were going to stand up told were not going to tolerate them invading a nato country were not going to tolerate them interfering with our elections or the elections around allies and so we have to be tough and resolute but at the same time i dont think theres any you know theres no reason to poke the bear unnecessarily the strategy is says that diplomacy is indispensable. To developing solutions to conflicts. But the white house is cutting the state departments budget isnt that contradictory to the document you know the state department can be a lot more efficient i say that having been there and when i heard that. The russians were kicking out seven hundred fifty. Diplomats or someone more local employees. I didnt realize we had seven hundred fifty people they could be let go in russia and still have a full complement there theres a lot of waste and fat inefficiency not just at the state department but any Government Agency the key is having effective a policy its not having a Big State Department its having effective state department and we need to nurture the young Foreign Service officers are coming up through the ranks we need to find our best and brightest there make them and asters and make and give them policy roles but we dont need the bloat at the state department so i think theres a difference between having an effective nimble state department and having a Big State Department. Attitude very believe maybe what might be going on behind the scenes to have north korea. With north koreas a real problem and you know if they would start a war they might theyd they just might i dont i dont trust kim jong un and now that hes got i. C. B. M. s this was all theoretical and you and i have talked about this over the years larry when when they didnt have a delivery method method for their Nuclear Weapons it was one thing but now that they can hit l. A. And San Francisco and chicago and maybe even washington d. C. It becomes another. My point on north koreas weve got to do to them what was done to rhodesia and people remember a lot of people will remember rhodesia was the name of the country before it became zimbabwe it had a white minority rule in rhodesia and the world said hey this has to end and youve got to give the vote everyone in one thousand nine hundred six kissinger went to the South Africans who also had a white minority government and told Prime Minister forester president forrester at the time you got to cut off the road asians and if you know if you cut them off we will give you some time to work out your problems but you have to cut off the rhodesians now and when the. South africans cut off the rhodesians cut off their oil cut off their gas very quickly the regime change they entered into negotiations and eventually you had majority rule not didnt work out very well with Robert Mugabe but. We need the chinese to do to the North Koreans what the South Africans to the rhodesians we have to have full comprehensive sanctions we have to cut them off from the International Community that in my view is the only way theyre going to avoid war at look we dont want war on the Korean Peninsula i think the way to do it is to is to have very effective sanctions and told youre an advocate of a three hundred fifty five ship u. S. Navy President Trump has made this a goal but no money has been locked in for it because its just words right now unfortunately right now it is just words now the president promised it to the American People as campaign is sex the navy sector spencer has promised it but there is not money for the three hundred fifty five ship navy and that means the president s going to have to sit down and work with congress were going to have to get rid of this defense sequester ation this idea that the Defense Budget cant increase unless the domestic budget increases weve got to get more money for our war fighters because the results that weve now seen with the mccain of the fitzgerald crashes with the groundings of other ships were putting our sailors in harms way theyre dying with was seventeen young men because were not theyre being stretched too thin they dont have the equipment they need to do the job weve asked them to do in a modern world with missiles and nuclear. Whats the need for a huge navy. Or american to have battles at sea you know were its a very good question but were a maritime country and most of our trade passes through the straits around the world and passes over the seas five trillion dollars passes through the South China Sea if we dont have presence there if were not enforcing the rules of the road so to speak on the high seas that trades and get very expensive other countries are. Step into the breach pirates are going to step into the breach we can we build very effective ships that can defend themselves and that can threaten other ships and other actors that would harm us and so weve just got to build the right mix of ships that can defend against the missile threats the anti access area denial strategies youre talking about we can do it but we cant do it on the cheap and we cant do it with two hundred or two hundred fifty ships when we need three hundred fifty or four hundred what do you think of the recent revelations about our Governments Program research in u. F. O. s you know is its money its money it wasnt all in the big scheme the Defense Budget i think was about twenty Million Dollars so it wasnt significant money but its what thats real money as you know the old saying if you million here and a few million there are the end up with real money. You know we got to do Space Exploration weve got to do we got to explore the the universe the galaxy and all that sort of thing you know im not im pretty skeptical on on u. F. O. s but. You know to the extent there were some reports in the Mainstream Press over the past week of some f. Eighteen pilots of saw an aircraft that they couldnt explain maybe it was one of ours it was experimental maybe it was chinese we dont know but we do have to investigate went to our pilots see something that they can explain weve got to investigate it so im im not opposed to the money but im you know im im somewhat skeptical on the you know if i was or source and things. Are ok do you expect to listen to us to. Just its just hard to know i think hes i think there are people that were expecting him to go last summer there were people expecting him to go in the fall he seems to. Maintain a relationship with the president you know hes hes out there is as our secretary of state so you know there are rumors about palm pale coming over ive even heard removing the rumors that you know mitt romney is being considered again but having said that Rex Tillerson is the secretary of state and i think hes doing a good job and and so i could accept him to stay until the president wants somebody else to. Theyre always facing the other thank you sir. And thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me of kings things and dont forget use the politicking hash tag have a Great Holiday and thats all for this edition of politicking. I. Played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i see. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman to just kill you narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million a one player. Book its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance for. The base this minute. The headlines here on r. T. Pro independence parties looks set to keep that absolute majority in the council on Parliament Hill that would likely lead to renewed political conflict with the spanish government. The u. S. Suffers a stinging rebuke over its recognition of jerusalem as israels capital and the un General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn the move. The use of the to obstruct the Security Council shameful but even me police in violation of the rights promise to america will put our embassy in jerusalem this is. Not. In about one hundred countries ignore the intense pressure from washington and threats from the u. S. President and the ambassador

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