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A very warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with me becky aaron good to have you with us this hour now americas former intelligence chief James Clapper claims about amir putin is handling donald trump as an asset it comes after the russian president thanked the u. S. Lead to fish airing intelligence that helped to foil terror attacks in some petersburg. What a group q. Source or. Them or putin knows he knows of a handle. And thats what hes doing with the pros and the words from James Clapper the former director of intelligence they were in reaction to words from donald trump now recently in a speech u. S. President donald trump emphasized the importance of cooperation between the u. S. And russia and pointed out that u. S. Forces and Russian Forces had recently collaborated and actually prevented a terrorist attack in St Petersburg this is donald trump they were able to apprehend these terrorists before the event. With no loss of life and thats a great thing and the way its supposed to work that is the way its supposed to work important to be clear James Clapper is not opposed to cooperation between the usa and russia in order to fight terrorism and such however in his remarks he said that this is a one way street and said that russia never returns the favor and cooperates with the United States well the record seems to indicate things to the contrary now when James Clapper was director of the National Security agency there were instances where russian authorities approached u. S. Authorities about one of the design of brothers one of the people who perpetrated the bombing in boston and repeatedly indicated that this this individual was dangerous and potentially a terrorist now that is an example of russia going out of its way to help u. S. Authorities and try to prevent terrorist attacks at that point James Clapper who made these comments saying its a one way street at that point he was director of the Security Agency so he should have been fully aware of that taking place now its pretty clear that James Clapper has some rather strong opinions this is a comment that he made in the past the russians who typically almost genetically driven to coopt. Poetry to. Gain favor rather than celebrate the fact that lives were saved in a terrorist attack was a verted he seems to complain about russia and make statements that dont exactly add up to facts as we just heard on monday donald trump outlined his vision of the world and americas role in it and a key note National Security speech like his predecessor is hes not letting go of the idea of u. S. And. America has been among the greatest forces for peace and justice in the history of the world a strategy is to advance american influence in the world the American People are generous america will lead again when the American People speak all of us should listen in a statement to the u. S. Defense secretary gave his backing to the president s security plan james martin is that the new strategy will ensure american diplomats always speak from a position of strength in his speech trump framed russia and china as rival powers challenging americas global dominance the two countries are also accused of developing advanced weapons that could threaten u. S. Infrastructure however trumpeted say attempts must be made to build partnerships with the russias foreign minister responded by saying the document is confrontational in tone and indicative of washingtons growing weakness while beijing branded it obsolete. We urge the u. S. To stop deliberately distorting china and spirit are dated ideas such as a cold war mentality and Coalition Game otherwise it will hurt others and destroy itself. Political science Professor Joseph chang thinks its in americas interest to have competition at the time used leadership responds in seeing that you would like to have. Type of major power relationship with the United States meaning nor major confrontations. Challenges and so on the United States needs enemies of to put it more nicely strategic competitor those are needed for the United States to to remain and to and to be able to muster enough resources to me to be i think the time and russia understand this and this is also well recognized by many americans. In the u. K. Extra police and special armed units are being deployed to city centers over the festive period following threats from Islamic State security has been increased at Christmas Markets in particular where barriers have been put up to prevent the possibility of vehicles plying plowing into pedestrians on tuesday u. K. Police arrested four men in the counties of darbyshire and South Yorkshire on suspicion of planning a terror attack. And this comes a year after the attack on a Christmas Market in berlin where a memorial has been held to remember those who were killed were relatives of the victims as well as survivors laid flowers and candles at a memorial at the site of the attack chancellor Angela Merkel was also there she admitted the country could have handled the aftermath better. Yesterday i spoke with the relatives of the victims and those injured in the attack it was an open conversation that showed what weaknesses our state showed in this situation. Or germanys Justice Minister has also admitted errors were made in their response to the atrocity piece all of a look back at last years events and speak to some of those who lost loved ones and they had. A year on from the berlin Christmas Market attack tributes to the victims mixed in with the usual joy of the season this year a concrete blocks ringing the Christmas Market intended to make sure that no one could repeat the or trotty. Not each is model for it stopped by the Christmas Market like many others that evening she was killed when armory plowed the stolen truck into the crowd leaving behind a grieving husband and young son. You know so when i call the hotline there was only information that shes not on the list so i didnt know anything either because the official statement was that she was missing. But of course it was known to the police that she was dead he was pretty determined you know not to have any information at all this is really bad when you lose your view or power actually how are you telling your son about what happened how are you preparing him for anything when hes all much older he will understand a lot more about this talk of how this is for of course this is not easy because he doesnt understand fully yet. And this will change definitely he will ask questions so i try to answer all his questions which will create the best i can. So thats probably the only thing i can do while maybe we can try to look into it find out what happened actually i would be interested myself. But. The question is how successful can be this quest. To painful to go to really for this anniversary so we preferred to commemorate our girl here where she was born and grew up there is no amount of money that could offset the death of my daughter now amount. New documents have emerged in the german press that show the Security Services knew omri was a potential terrorist threat back in twenty fifteen and may have allowed him to remain at large in the hope of using him to catch biggest fish. In open letter to angola merkel the families have asked why help promise to them hasnt been forthcoming and why amery has been free to carry out his attack in the first place what im really angry abroad is actually what happened before the to terrorist act. Is pretty known that this person is dangerous and still the authorities didnt. Arrest him didnt work here for some reason. What bugs me also is that nobody actually. Actually took the responsibility. Its still you know everybody is doing their own work still the time if Nothing Happened germanys Christmas Markets remain on high alert but for the families of those killed and injured during last years terrorist attack its left an indelible sadness on the festive period piece rather arty berlin. And u. K. Parliamentary committee has convened to discuss fake news and in particular its potential impact on catalonia the independence referendum in october and like in similar hearings in washington the buzz words again were russian interfere. Brigus course this is a predicate democracy European Union about to lay fall to pieces form and division these outlets are tea and split in the affiliated characters medlin got them on the russian trolls and russian forums no specific giving and spreading propaganda to feel that the goal was to polarize but despite all of those buzzwords the committees experts failed to provide any real evidence of meddling and they even say get a number of basic facts straight and asked to see a check and explains. A new day is a new opportunity to discuss who russia is and to at this particular parliamentary hearing focused on an inquiry on feek news was carrying on for over two hours and had to Panel Discussions with experts sharing their opinions and of course russia social medias use our role as well as this channel were discussed in abundance yet again however not without a hick up from one member of the committee away admitting that he doesnt even use twitter apparently not even deeming it worth the two names of artes editor in chief basically invented as well as realisations that some Committee Members dont really know where Julian Assange is not im not interested because lifes too short is. Used to say we. Used to say we would like to offer to the to go into a few of these scenes but she feels hes holed up in the stands for them to go over it with the reader it was always with the girl that we need to research the letters were here well know this the research was also widely focused on russias allegedly meddling specifically in the capital our friend if you remember there was plenty of talk here in the u. K. About attempts to try to drag russia into its alleged involvement in the bratz it referendum which led to nothing so this time around the context was catalonia however a lot of attention was paid to it but as soon as the tough questions popped up about evidence that was a bit of a problem is your evidence that the russian government is seeking to interfere you see and become the referendum in catalonia. I dont have evidence that i get the picture basically what you say is true that the evidence you claim to around the referendum to that show a great deal of the consortium told with focus that we have we have no no specific give because this is a new. Study says that its that we dont know. Well look this was the first public evidence hearing of this particular inquiry so surely there will be more to karl. Case a backdrop of political strife canceled lonia is preparing to hold elections on thursday with the vote likely to have major implications for the fate of the regions independence push literate has been vocal in his condemnation of the separatist politicians are deep in ski has more. Just a few days to go now before the elections on thursday december twenty first and the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister has taken the opportunity to slam the separatist leaders of catalonia she has branded them as betraying their supporters when they call that independence referendum this year and she described that referendum as being a fake as if there were other scenario as betrayal has been to catalyze who genuinely believed in independence because they were made to believe that it would come true when in reality it was all a big show a symbolic episode a fake in the full sense of the word back on october twenty seventh the catalonian government the Catalonia Parliament declared that catalonia was an independent state within an hour of that happening madrid took some very unprecedented steps and actually took control back of the region using a piece of legislation that had never been used before in the thirty years since it has been created now the deputy Prime Minister was then asked to take control of the region to steer it to wards these elections on december twenty first now she has accused the cats of land leaders the former leaders of that region of misusing public funds saying that they use public funds towards their goal of creating that independence referendum and she said by doing that there she neglected other areas such as the Judiciary Health and education now the spanish Prime Minister as we know also called back on october twenty seventh these new fresh elections which will take place on food stay at the same time the local government in catalonia was dissolved some of the separatist leaders were arrested and several other warrants would issued for the former catalan president carlos proves you want to actually travel to brussels where he remains of aiding that european arrest warrant however he can still be campaigning full. This election thursday from his base now in brussels in belgium the reality is we dont know whether this election on thursday will play into the hands of the separatists again all will play back into the hands of the spanish Prime Minister it is a big gamble and they still could go either way. A study like coalitions that has shot down a Ballistic Missile targeting the royal palace in the capital riyadh this video apparently says the moment of the attack yemeni who think they responsibility a similar incident took place last month when saudis intercepted a healthy missile over an International Airport near riyadh. As strikes by the Saudi Led Coalition have killed one hundred fifteen civilians and injured eighty three in yemen in the last eleven days the u. N. Says it is deeply concerned about the rise in civilian casualties and the country. Has destroyed everything around even the neighboring villages our we can rely only on a lot of people they say must drink. Because one or two times is not enough even for the ten families. What were some of the airstrikes began their hearts but no one helped us here you see the mattresses no below the children. That if you are using starvation as a weapon you are in breach of International Humanitarian law i very much understand the strategic importance of our relationship with that relationship into difficulty. And pounds in aid to yemen because human is to stop selling weapons to saudi arabia when saudi arabia started its war in yemen it went up by a thousand percent during the course of this war despite the evidence from human rights organizations that those weapons have been used to British Forces are part of the joint operations. Command in saudi arabia theyve been part of Training Forces of picking targets so theyre very much accountable these war crimes or this blockade has been discovered yesterday its been going on for a long time and you know weve seen how the British Government have reacted to that and i think if britain really wanted to help the people of yemen then they should stop supporting saudi arabia stop selling them weapons stop giving them diplomatic cover. Donald trumps National Security adviser has said the u. S. Is prepared to force north korea to abandon its Nuclear Weapons program if necessary h. R. Mcmaster stated that while washington would prefer a diplomatic solution to the crisis its not committed to peace we have to be prepared if necessary to compel the denuclearization of north korea were not committed to a peaceful work remitted to a resolution the comments come as the u. S. Carries out joint drills with south korea in the plan chang mountains which is where the upcoming Winter Olympics will be held around two hundred twenty marines from each flight to taking part in the three week long exercises in an effort to reduce tensions on the peninsula ahead of the games though the south leader has said hed be willing to reshape other drills planned for early next year. It is possible for south korea and the us to review the possibility of ive made such a suggestion to the us about the mixed

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