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International news center in moscow this is our team from the team and myself you know neil welcome to the program the chief of britains defense stuff warning that russias navy could sabotage underwater internet cables taking nato countries off line with more on the latest accusation against moscow. Warning has come from ph he is a senior nato official and hes also the chief of British Defense staff and he says that russian ships have been spotted perilously close to land tick cables these are underwater very important strategic cables that cross the atlantic from europe to the u. S. And since according to peach russia has continued to develop its Unconventional Warfare well the internet could be the kremlins next victim russia in addition to new ships and submarines continues to prefer both unconventional capabilities and information war for there is a new risk to our way of lines which is the vulnerability of the cables that crisscross the seabed well according to says peach that kind of disruption could have catastrophic event effects and he stressed that russian ships are constantly cruising the atlantics waters potentially with the purpose of causing these cables when no one is watching and as is often the case when military officials make these warnings well there is a way of mitigating this threat that hes talking about according to him and that is by spending more money on defense quite an important and perhaps also ironic side note to this story is the fact that these cable cables that were talking about are the very same cables that we know that britain and the u. S. Have been tapping we know that thanks to the leaks of Edward Snowden from back in two thousand and thirteen we know that g. C. H. Q. The British Spy Agency also its u. S. Counterpart the n. S. A. Theyve been gathering intelligence through these cables for years for example g. H. Q. Tempora program that placed dates or interceptors on those fiber. Optic cables that connect the u. S. And europe and all the information flowing from the u. K. Was intercepted it made this sort of transplanted network that allowed British Intelligence to access huge amounts of traffic going from europe to the u. S. The n. S. A. Had a very Similar Program which is called prism as well none of that appears to both this nato official who is making this warning about russia potentially cutting the cables the message from him appears to be that next time that your internet is playing up well before you start cursing your Internet Provider make sure it wasnt the russians fast poly boy who will be us previously showed concern over alleged on the water wiretapping by the russians in twenty fifty bucks when it was claimed was probably plotting to sever the lines during socalled periods of conflict no evidence however was put forward by either washington or London International or first commentator Jonathan Steele britain is using threats real or imagined to avoid cutbacks to its armed forces. Well it is an old allegation i mean two years ago already u. S. Naval officials in the pentagon in washington were making exactly the same claims i mean its just part of the new technology thats available to. Countries like russia and the United States and britain part of the sort of hybrid. Capabilities which everybody seems to be developing. Satellites hybrid war. He said navies and air forces and armies are always trying to get more money theyre always against cuts so anything that helps them put forward what they think is a strong argument they will try and use of course i mean we know that its long seventy one the United States managed to tap a secret underwater cable in the sea of a hot japan of the soviet Nuclear Forces to find out what soviet nuclear probabilities in intentions were so this is a very old technology. Tensions are continuing to break out in violence between israel and palestine following double trumps culture first the recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital for protesters have been killed and dozens more injured in clashes with police. Palestinian is said to be in a critical the decision after allegedly stabbing an Israeli Defense soldier earlier today at a checkpoint when to stand in the west bank town of ramallah while here in jerusalem there were a small number of protesters who spent most of the day shouting allah akbar no they were generally peaceful although there were some small but intense scuffles between Palestinian Protesters and the Israeli Security services here including we saw footage of what appears to be a woman being punched in the face by a member of the Security Services in addition to that small group of women who were holding that protest for a number of hours actually were at one point preventing jewish people from being able to leave and go up the steps here at damascus gate and as a result of that the Security Services came down and forcibly removed them pushing them up the steps and away from this area so the tensions still remain there bubbling not just under the surface but over the surface people incredibly unhappy by that decision by dawn from more than a week ago now on the latest develops of that weve heard also that. Lebanon have decided that they are going to open embassies for palestine here in East Jerusalem that comes off the back of that extraordinary meeting that was held in istanbul just a few days ago where it was announced by the organization of islamic cooperation that they would recognize East Jerusalem as being the official capital of palestine in direct contradiction from what the usa did more than a week ago by recognizing jerusalem as being the capital of israel therefore the tension still remain and it seems though its not just a tension here between israelis and palestinians but this is a tension thats now expanding to many other countries. In the world yes charlotte mentioned protests in solidarity with the people of palestine are being held all around the world in jordans capital crowds demonstrated on its side the u. S. Embassy after friday while in lebanon hundreds of people gathered outside beiruts u. N. Building waving palestinian flags. Protests have been raging in the gals district as well one march was largely peaceful but saw protesters burn us on this really flags and elsewhere and local journalists in could already reports things turn violent quickly. We are still not the freezone and tensions are increasing their israeli army are throwing tear gas bombs as you can see actually raids of tear gas bombs theyre also throwing live bullets we can hear the live bullets. I as you can see. Bombs are finding the planes people are running. Out of the ambulances here taking dangerously. No no no no. I dont know what was your sense that morning there were lots of protests and demonstrations all over gaza strip there was a million march all over the gaza strip the palestinian factions and the palestinian leaders come out their supporters and the palestinian citizens to come to the confrontations to contract with the israelis against to express their anger i guess startled trumps this is jen. Ok lets move now to the u. S. Where the United Nations Security Council meeting is under way on the north korean crisis lets go live to new york and of course when killam up and killed there were hints stop progress was being made this issue this week what are we hearing from the meeting whats the latest from there. Well the meeting is ongoing in the chamber at the moment we are hearing from various countries the fifteen member body of the u. N. Security council now weve already heard from Rex Tillerson the secretary of state of the United States in his remarks he called on russia and china to increase pressure against north korea in an effort to stop their provocative activities this is what he had to say we particularly call on russia and china to increase pressure including going beyond full implementation of the u. N. Security Council Resolutions now just after tillerson spoke we actually heard from u. S. President donald trump and he began remarking about the phone call he had with russias president Vladimir Putin reporting on the conversation which involved an extensive discussion of north korea this is us president trump. Because we would love to have this. Guys a selfish russia is not helping wed like to have russia for. Now we have heard from the representative of the Russian Federation he emphasized that as tensions are escalating in the Korean Peninsula the world is wondering if there would be war now he called on north korea to stop their provocative activities and condemned their actions but he also emphasized in his remarks that there was hope that there would not be hope for peace on the peninsula and a deescalation of tensions as long as north korea felt like it was under threat as long as the north korean government felt like it was in danger of being attacked it was going to continue its provocative activities we also heard from the representative of china and china reemphasized its call that it is made as well as russia has also made the call for a double freeze the idea is that the United States would end the provocative military exercises being conducted conducted in south korea in coordination with the south Korean Military and in exchange north korea would and its provide military exercises and provocative missile launches as well as its Nuclear Proliferation the idea is that both sides would deescalate a double freeze and now we are at this point waiting to hear from the representatives of the democratic peoples republic of korea as a u. N. Member state they have the right to address the u. N. Security Council Meeting which is discussing them so were waiting to hear from them so the meeting is continuing in the u. N. Security Council Chamber as we speak well be sure to keep you up to date to keep us up to speed with going it meeting if you would come up in reporting from new york city thank you. Concerns are growing over the freedom of the internet in the u. This after federal regulators screw up socalled Net Neutrality rules major tech giants including Facebook Twitter and netflix slammed the decision calling it a blow to innovation and freedom of speech they were joined by new yorks attorney general who developed to sue the federal Communications Commission over the move this is more than an attack on the future of our internet as we know it its a travesty for anyone who cares about the integrity of their voice in government so we are going to fight back you know we are a lot of terms but just how does Net Neutrality actually work will we access as users the web through Internet Service providers up until now companies how to treat equally all online traffic but the us federal Communications Commission say hes preventing websites from investing trillions of dollars in their services so now with the regulations gone Internet Providers will be free to charge a premium to prioritize certain ups and services explaining a little bit more here so. Well the f. C. C. Is latest decision will repeal obamas regulations that were passed in twenty fifteen and as expected the vote was three to two along party lines with republicans voting in favor of the deregulation order and democrats voting against it but one democratic commissioner who voted against the order made her feelings known and had some very fierce for marks for the committee to say the very least i dissent from this rash decision to roll back Net Neutrality rules i dissent from the corrupt process that has brought us to this point as a result of todays misguided action our broadband providers will get extraordinary new powers. They will have the power to block websites the power to throttle services and the power to censor online content now our broadband providers will tell you they will never do these things they say just trust us. But know this they have the technical delivery and business incentive to discriminate and manipulate your internet traffic now many are outraged understandably so but with all the backlash this could eventually end up going to court and activists might even Pressure Congress to overturn the vote but this is a partisan issue so would it really have any effect nonetheless these online democracy defenders shouldnt really lose hope because they arent exactly without allies thirty nine senators sent a letter to the f. C. C. Expressing their discontent representative Keith Ellison he even spoke at todays protest is just to the American People and we are not going to stand by for were not going to stand here were going to fight back and we are going to win now with all that being said scrapping Net Neutrality could very well affect how we surf the web but is it really the death of the internet like some are saying well that of course remains to be seen well despite the outcry over changes to the internet one member of the federal Communications Committee explained that actually very little will change for the average american but its still grammar. You can still stay part of your favorite band. You can still show all you perceive online. One joined by tim carr tim is the senior director of strategy at free press a member of the media Democracy Movement yuri welcome to our team this hour whos going to benefit from the absence of Net Neutrality and whos going to suffer. Well the only. People organizations really i should say companies that will benefit from the absence of Net Neutrality are a small handful of very powerful phone and Cable Companies companies in the United States like comcast a. T. T. And horizon who stand to take control of this open network and by doing that they can discriminate against websites they dont like they can block or throttle competing services and really take control over this very Important Communications medium away from Internet Users Net Neutrality guarantees that Internet Users actually have that choice and use what was an open network to extort new money making schemes that really dont benefit anyone except themselves so those who are most harmed are not just Small Businesses who may find that they have to pay more to compete with Large Companies but people who are organizing social Justice Movements may find it difficult to reach audiences via the the internet this has been very important for movements like the black flies Matter Movement in the United States which really wasnt getting a lot of attention to it the issues from traditional media and relied upon an open internet and all of these things all of this ability to

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