In a year where many of our politicians feel it’s their patriarchal duty to abridge women’s rights, it’s encouraging to see plays on both sides of Tampa Bay that celebrate female empowerment. One running in St. Petersburg through Feb. 5 is a dark Southern comedy ultimately celebrating family. American Stage has mounted a sterling production of Beth Henley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “Crimes of the Heart,” which is firmly rooted in the quirky Southern Gothic traditions of Carson McCullers and Flannery O’Conner.

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United States ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Mississippi ,Petersburg ,Sankt Peterburg ,Russia ,American ,Carson Mccullers ,Elizabeth Margolius ,Macy Smith ,Willy Logan ,Jada Griffin ,Henian Boone ,Babe Shelby Ronea ,Jack Magaw ,Joseph Oshry ,Megaj Baldwin ,Wendell Pierce ,Debbi Lastinger ,Mike Tutaj ,Beth Henley Pulitzer Prize Winning ,Rita Cole ,Flannery Oconner ,Rita Coleman ,Disney ,Tampa Bay ,Beth Henley ,Pulitzer Prize Winning ,Southern Gothic ,Little Mermaid ,American Stage ,Shelby Ronea ,Doc Porter ,Creative Loafing Tampa Bay ,Reative Loafing ,Ampa Bay News ,Florida News ,Elections ,Rts ,Culture ,Restaurants ,Oncerts ,Events ,Hings To Do In Tampa Bay ,

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