7 30 pms capital tehwan, this is press tv news. Thanks for joining us. Over five months into the israeli genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is pushing ahead with a steadly onslot on the territory, even during the muslim holy month of ramadan. Gaza Health Ministry says, that nearly 70 more people are killed and about 110 others injured in israeli attacks since wednesday afternoon. Israely forces once again open fire on aid seekers in northern gaza, killing at least six and wounding scores of others. The attack came hours after the regime warplanes bombed an unraid Distribution Center in the Southern City of ruffa, leaving at least eight people dead. Separately two civilians were killed and some others injured after their vehicle was targeted in rafa. More than 31,300 40 palestinians have been killed since the war began early october. Most of those killed are women and children. Over 73 gazins have also been injured. The correspond joined us earlier from gazas central city of darabala with the latest updates on israely atrocities. The israeli war planes continue their strikes against the residental buildings, particularly here. And der balah city and uh even al bure refugee camp uh the last and the fresh attack actually targeted a residental building and alb refugee camp at least five Palestinian Civilians were revertedly killed over that attack while douzens are still trapped under the rubble uh in the meantime another civilian car was hit over the last couple of hours in gaza city at least for Palestinian Civilians were reportedly killed over that attack even in jabalia refugee camp the israeli. Bor blins also renewed their air strikes and incursions against several areas, more residental buildings were pounded by the israel uh brilliantless air strikes against that area, we are still talking about continuous israeli air strikes, are still hitting the residental buildings acclaiming more lives of the Palestinian People while the israelvition war is still continued and maintained, particularly when it comes to the uh food and aid Distribution Centers in elsewhere in gaza strip. The usisraeli campaign of killing and destruction against gaza continues, adding miseries to palestinians even during the holy month of ramadan. People in aid star of gaza are forced to break their fasts and the rebels of their bombed out homes. Last ramadan was great, but this year it isnt a lot of things are not there anymore, my sisters, my family or house got destroyed, there are still. People under the rubber and youre still not pulled out, this house was the childrens dream, their toys and everything is lost, there is nothing that we can offer to the children, no food or meat or anything that they need, we only eat soup and cant food, it can of beans, we are tired of canned food and we get sick because of it, my son keeps telling me that his stomach is hurting him because of cant food, we have can. Many diseases that are spreading in schools and i was worried about my children so i said we come back here to the house where i used to live and where i had a dream and when my children also had a dream but it became a rubble last ramadan i had all my neighbors and loved ones over we used to sit and spend nights together but this year there are no papers or loved ones, theyre not here anymore, its only me and the children left of sitting here, and we dont know what will happen to us. Do you want special . Reporter on the right to food says those countries that are currently supplying weapons to israel are complicit in genocide and starvation in the besieg gaza strip. Michael fakhly made the remarks in an interview with press tv website. He said that the israely regime not only declared a complete blockade on gaza, but restricted and denied humanitarian relief after waging a war there. The un official accused israel of intentionally starving gazans that has resulted in fullscale famin in the bessieg palestinian territory. Fakri said is forces or israel Regime Forces have also been targeting aid seekers and convoys carrying humanitarian assistance. He called for a permanent sease fire to prevent famon and to ensure unhindered humanitarian aid into gaza. The restriction aid has created dire conditions in the territory that has been under crippling israelly sie for over 17 years. The ship carrying almost 200 tons of food aid is making slow progress towards the besieg gaza strip. The mission is. Part of Pilot Project open new sear out of aid to a population on the brink of famon. We discussed that issue in our news review program. Lets take a listen. Were watching press tvs news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. On this segment of the program, a vessel loaded with food aid is gradually heading towards gaza amid growing calls to deal with. Humanitarian conditions in a besieged palestinian stripped, the vessel sent by a spanish ngo was towing a barge with 200 tons of food aid, it set sail from a port in cyprus. On tuesday meanwhile Cypriot Foreign minister said, second aid ship with the bigger capacities being prepared in uh larnika port, israels bombardment and ground offensive reduced much of gazs infrastructure to rubble. The on continues unabated on wednesday. Day the main agency in gaz is set an israeli strike hit one of its warehouses in the Southern City of rafa killing at least one staff member, the dire Food Shortages causing malnutrition and dehydration and gas have already claimed 27 lives, most of them children. International aid agencies say the current aid entry cannot address the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. Joining us on this edition of the news review we have uh journalist and geopolitics expert leila hatum joining us from the lebanese capital beirot and also we have journalist and podcaster esha krishna swami joining us from st. Petersburg, welcome to the program to the both of you. Lets start off with miss hatum in uh beirot, give us your perspective on this um vessel that has set sail from cyprus to uh get aid into gaza. Of course we know the dire humanitarian situation there will not be uh handled in any way and will not be remedied by uh this means of aid delivery, International Aid agencies have already said uh that even the current aid entry that is getting into gaza cannot address the dier humanitarian situation in gaza. Unpack that for us please. Well as you know basically uh there is total maritime siege imposed by the israelis against all of gaza, all of gaza strip and its basically shoreline so i want how this ship will be able to get in and if it gets in the get the green light from the israelies to do so six months after this war had started after over 10000 victims between killed and or injured mostly women and children and then you have starving people in the dozens dying and now they decide to send a flotella why didnt they do it before that makes me question the matter however any aid that reaches gaza especially north gaza where the israel is ban the. Of aid over there where they bombard the convoys of trucks of humanitarian aid coming in and they kill people in the hundreds doing so and recently they started bombarding the air the aid thats air dropped by the planes as well that makes me wonder why they would allow a ship to go in thats the first thing is it because of the port and why would those private entities move now im not questioning the intentions but after seeing all the mistakes that have been happening on the ground i have to draw a question mark absolutely uh miss chris. Swami uh lets get your um perspective on this issue of aid why is uh aid delivery being impeded in the first place if the israelizes have stated that they want to uh in their words dismantle the hamas military machine and the capabilities of the resistance in gaza then why is aid not being allowed in uh to reach uh Palestinian Civilians in gaza women and children uh this is of course violation of the Geneva Convention and it is collective punishment of every single man, woman, innocent man, woman and child living in gaza. Multiple statements by Israeli Government officials, their intention has nothing to do with hamas or hamas militants, their intention is to have settlers resettle in gaza, so um, what, so this is another form of israel using aid as a bargaining chip in order to get people cleared out of gaza so that more settlers can move in, so it is a form of ethnic cleansing, and top of it you have Israeli Settlers who are by the government who are also blocking the aid um, which shows that it is um the dehumanization and propaganda of dehumanization runs very deep in israels society, its not just among the elites, but it seems to have trickle down to many people, causing them to actually block aid, food and water to people within gaza. All right, were going to leave it there, allow me to thank my guest, journalist and geopolitic expert uh tom joining us from the lebanese capital beirot and thanks to journalist and podcaster esha krishna swami joining us from st. Petersburg, with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around theres plenty more to come here on press tv. Is Climate Change real . Is smoking cigarettes really hazardous, do ddt insecticides really work against malaria mosquitoes. For decades, companies have hired scientists to sew seeds of doubt among people and keep them perplexed. This way they can keep excreting oil produce. Cigarettes and many other things without a nusance. Watch the details in this documentary. Welcome back to the news here on press tv. At least three is really seters have been injured an alleged stabbing operation in betkama kaboots in the occupied palestinian territories. According to the israely media, one of the injured settlers is in Critical Condition and the palestinin man that carried out the operation has been killed. There is no report on the identity of the palestinin man yet. On wednesday, a 15yearold palestinian was killed after allegedly stabbing and wounding two Israeli Soldiers a checkpoint outside of our huts. The backtoback incident comes and advising israely crackdown on palestinians during the first days of the holy month of ramadan. Joined us earlier with more details on the latest antiisraeli operation in the occupied west bank. Lets take a listen, according to the Israeli Military that a palestinian man arrived at the bkama junction, its to the south of the occupied west bank near the illegal settlement of his derote, this is what the israelis have said and that he stabbed israeli setler. There the Israeli Police opened fire and they neutralized him, neutralized mean that the man who carried out the stabbing was shot and killed, the identity of this palestinian man is still unknown, the Israeli Soldiers have killed since the 7th of october over 430 palestinians here in the occupied west bay and there are palestinian experts. Warning that the situation might even might even go to very violent lets say turn especially that the Israeli Military is threatening the palestinians with more strict measures with more accurition and especially that its the holy month of ramadan and palestinians from the occupied bank will not be allowed to enter al quods to pray in alaqamas. There are new reports of hisbollah Resistance Movement and the Israeli Military exchanging fire along the southern border of lebanon. According to reports, the israely military has targeted southern lebanese towns of nakura, tarharfa, among others. There are no reports of possible casualties so far. In return, reports suggest that hisbollah Resistance Movements has targeted the occupied sheba farms as well as Israeli Military sites south of the lebanese border. The Resistance Movements and the israel military. Have been engaged in exchange of fire since the regime began on the gaza strip in october. Hisballah has vo to support Palestinian Resistance fighters, battling Israeli Aggression by making the Regime Forces. Fight at another front, thousands of iranian legal experts and attorneys have joined the Global Movement of lawyers who have volunteered to file a genocide complaint against israel at the International Criminal court, referred to as the army of lawyers for palestine, the initiative has so far mobilized more than 200 thousand lawyers worldwide. Gisumi shahmadi has the details. Unprecedented Global Movement gaining momentum. Initiated by veteran french lawyer and academic, the army of lawyers for palestine now has over 200 th00 lawyers of different nationalities on board and still counting as he travels from country to country to promote his grassroots campaign. We are witnessing new movement in the world. The atrocities committeed in gaza are no longer. Only matter that concerns muslim countries, far from it. Here we have a french lawyer that has started an initiative that brought together 300 lawyers from across the world in less than 10 days and that number grew rapidly to 100,000 and now with the mou that we have signed at the Iran Judiciary bar, that number will be rising to 50,000 lawyers. With iran on board, you can also expect lawyers from iraq, syria and lebanon to join in. As well, and an optimistic gil de ver, who has already filed a complaint of genocide against israel with the International Criminal court, demanding an arrest warrant for top israeli politicians, including Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. This is going to be tough battle without a doubt, but in just few months, all these lawyers have joined us. This kind of solidarity is unprecedented. We have never seen so many lawyers join. For one purpose in history, so this is a great sign, because it wont be enough to tell a judge, look, theres no many of us, instead we have to be able to defend palestine with strong legal arguments and by the looks of things, we have solid base for that. A south african fellow companion, shedding light on the legal aspects of the matter, while explaining how the case brought to the International Court of justice by south africa is all. Also paving the way, the icj order specifically spoke about creating a humanitarian corridor and humanitarian assistance to the people of gaza. The United States and israel were saying that the word seesfire did not exist in the icj order, but this is not true because the humanitarian aid on the ground at scale cannot be delivered without an effective and immediatefire. It is very clear that we are witnessing a birth of new age, new movement of justice siking people from all over the world is emerging, and that is why while the south african government files a complaint, we see a Grassroots Movement also taking shape, very unique one that has brought together lawyers who are seeking justice in the battle between good and evil, and in the words of these legal experts, this goal is not far from reach, these lawyers believe. Believe that we live in a new era in which this new Global Initiative will eventually lead to justice for palestinians. Gisum shah ahmadi press tv, tehran. Iran, china and russia have officially concluded the joint naval drills which were held in the iranian territorial waters in the sea of oman. Our course, mon in the southeastern city of konarak had more details. Um. There were different operations, it was uh shooting at night and then they practice rescue operations, rescuing uh captives in um a ship stolen by pirates um as well as uh extinguishing uh a ship that is under fire and uh various other uh lets say operations that are all aimed at uh building more synergy and cooperation between the naval vessels and the navies of iran, china and russia to provide um peace and security in the region. The other thing i have to note is that this is the last year uh that iran, china and russia are conducting the the uh this naval trail, the this um particular naval drill coat named Maritime Security belt uh. Is now in the uh calendar of the navies the three countries, which means that annually all of them are committed to participating in this particular drill, so the other thing. I have to highlight is the um uh open call uh the Iranian Navy Commander um rear admiral Shahram Irani last night said that uh all regional countries are welcome most welcome to take part in the drails in the coming years as iran sees the regional countries as the true no as truly the ones that are responsible for providing peace and security for the region. During the holy month of ramadan muslims in afghanistan not only observe fasting, but also practice a spiritual act of helping others, particularly by distributing food to the less fortunate. President has more from kabul. The holy month of ramadan, revered as the most sacred month in the islamic calendar, is a period during which muslims observe a daily fast from dawn to dusk. This fast is not merely a about abstaining from food and drink, it is also a time for spiritual reflection, prayer and doing good deeds. Says it is a time to do business with god. The holy month of ramadan is the best of the months. It is said in the quran that this month is better than 1ous months. This is a month to do business with god by giving charity, doing good deeds, praying and reciting quran. We muslims should seize the. Opportunity of this holy month and get united with our brothers and of course pay serious attention to the poor and to the less fortunate. Ramadan is not just about fasting, but also a time for giving to those in need. The fast is broken each day with the evening meal called iftar. Muslims here in kabul provide food and distributed to the people in need at the sunset for iftar, a tradition that continues throughout the holy month. Ramadan is the month of the feast of the lord, it is a month to take care of the poor, generous people raise funds for this purpose, it goes on throughout the month with approximately 900 people being fed every iftar, the act of providing food to the poor and needy is seen as a way to purify ones wealth and is an important part of a spiritual practice of the holy month of ramadan. During ramadan, muslims unite in a journey of a spiritual growth. This holy month, marked by charity and communal meals, illuminates the essence of humanity and brotherhood. Press tv, cobal. And that does it for this edition news. Thanks for being with us, its byebye for now. الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون صدق الله خانم پروین اعتصامی اولین شاعری بودند که به جنبه های گوناگون انسانی در شعر توجه کردن زبان مردم خودش هست رنج های جامعه خودش رو می بینه همین رنج ها هم بعدها برای او تنگناها و محدودیت و دشواری هایی رو فراهم می آورد. What is most important is the depth of paris belief and her vision. For the empowerment of women. Das ist eine wohnung finden und die kinder zum schule gehen. Da gab es durchaus konflikte. We must not become part of south africas problem. We must remain part of their solution. We must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. Damn it, we have favorites in south africa. The favorites in south africa are the people who are being. Repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. I also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. More than 1,000, 1, innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. These guys make, they make alqaeda look pure, theyre pure, theyre pure evil. I said from the beginning, the United States make no mistake. About it, stands with israel, United States stands with israel. كلب يما الله عليكم. On the exterior, the fbi investigators were looking at that, it just a short

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