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While rifts between the us President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are widening over the aggression overall. Let me introduce our guests for this edition of the program. Sad nimber is a professor of Political Science at berzate university who joins us from bermala. Also joining us is sam parker, political activist who ran against mitt romney for the us senate joining us from of saltlake city, utah. Welcome to you both. Remember first over to you, this is very shocking and grim stat uh coming from philippe lazarini, im sure you heard of him, the commissioner general of unra, a war in children, he said a war on their childhood and their future, the number of children reported killed in just over four months is higher than the number of children killed in four years of wars around the world combined, whats your impression of what he has said . Good evening to you and all your viewers and Ramadan Karim and we know that what was going on in in gaza of this aggression against gaza, its a genocide, its not even a war like any other war, because the israeli they dont have any intelligence about whats going on in gaza underground, and since they lack of information, what they are doing is just these bombardments and definitely when you are talking about 2. 2 Million People living in a very small area, not more than 365 square kilometer. Then definitely there of will be very high casuality among the civilians and since palestinians in general of withher in gaza or in the west bank and in jerusalem 52 of our population are under 18 years old so we are talking about 52 of our population are children so wherever you hit definitely half of the casualities will be children and definitely the others will be also women so women and children. So far are more than 70 of the casualities in this in this aggression or genocide, so because of that, indefinitely the number of children, we are talking about more than 12,000 so far of children were killed because of these bombardments and that thats not to mention those who were severely injured and those who became you know handicapped because of. Limps being cut off or hands or legs or these of kind of things in addition to the last numbers of children who are dying because of hunger uh taking a look uh at uh the stat that you just heard uh im wondering what you think uh about this uh sam parker when there are two things that stand out here just as recent as few weeks ago the us was reported to send weapons to israel and this invasion of threat um in the brafa area and uh this and delivery of bombs and other munitions comes also on the heels of another report that came out by the washington post, if you heard about those, i guess contracts that were hidden, not revealed, where again bombs and munitions were sent, which has contributed to this number of children that have been killed in the gaza strip, what do you think about the Us Administration and the assistance that they given to the Israeli Regime militarily . Thats a good question, i appreciate you having me on, but absolutely, its very duplicate. And obviously its a lot of optics and its a pr stunt essentially. I have picture uh saved on my computer that i saw few days ago that was circulating online of of the parachute airdrop of the food with bombs blowing up buildings in the background in gaza. In the same picture, us uh food pallets drifting down out of the sky and bombs falling and blowing up buildings and people. So were. The United States is engaged in doing both things and playing both sides, but really theyre just playing one side, theyre playing the israel side, because theyve been sending all kinds of bombs and munitions over to israel to. To drop on gaza and to use in this conflict, its not a war, right . Its this is not a war, people are calling it a war, but its not a war, because gaza doesnt have armed forces, so to speak, it doesnt have tanks and planes and attack helicopters and armored personnel carriers and and infantry and marines and all these things, its not a conventional war, its mostly just 2. 2 million civilians just getting bombed from here to there and everywhere by the most modern weaponry known to mankind, and the United States has been covertly sending this without the knowledge of congress, circumventing congress, without congressional approval, and now to sort of save face, to curry favor with their voter base and to not look so bad on the international stage, theyre doing these stunts like dropping a couple truck loads worth of food that really dont amount amount to much, the first air drop only fit, only uh had 38,00 meals, which if you think about it, 38,00 meals, how does that begin to feed a population of . 2. 2 Million People who are literally now starving to death, the figures, the latest figures ive heard are about 600 thousand gazens or at at catastrophic levels of starvation right now, and so a couple truck loads of of aid delivered, thats just a pr stunt, especially when as you pointed out its being done at the same time that were sending b, just truck loads of bombs and munitions, and many them in secret, so its duplicitous, its just a pr stunt. And i think it signals an unseriousness from the Biden Administration number i guess talked about this uh food drops that that have occurred how minimal they are um you know its quite mindboggling when you think about what he said where you have the food drops and you have bombs in the background that are blowing up buildings that have civilians inside of it i mean one has to scratch their head and say what can we do what can be done theres not a phone call that you can make because obviously this genocide continues but then you have the other side another ally as a whole the eu, sorry. Although has critiqued israel, they have come out with the maritime food corridor, i dont, have you seen that uh barge thats carrying what is said to be 200 tons of aid, that doesnt look like even holds thousands of palestinians, why are they doing this when the such minimal amounts of food uh going to the strip in the first place, and be when you have the uh crossings that have trucks waiting there to go inside the strip, whats whats the deal there . Well, the only way im go ahead, sorry about that. Yes, i do agree with you. I cant see whats going on. Whos the question to . Its for sad number. Ill get to you though, sam parker. Okay, go ahead. Yes, i do agree with your guest from utah that it is a vr thing, because we know that in gaza we have five crossings for goods between israel and gaza strip. We are talk about kisofiem, sofa and carne, apart from rafach crossing with. Egypt and apart from as which is also for personal, but for goods, its there are for four other crossings between israel and and gazastrip, so if the americans and other arab countries and some European Countries can drop and have the agreement of israel to drop some of the goods by air, i think they should you know force them or agree with them to open the crossings and to get in all the goods. Normally as it used to be before the 7th of october, before the 7th of october we were talking about 500 trucks or or shipments coming to gaza every day, now we are talking about only 100 and only through rafah, so its absolutely absurd, so its a br thing, its not nothing more than that, and then the american came with this brilliant idea about you know making a kind of a port into gaza and they order the military to do it, it needs Something Like three months to be established, three months, what will happen to the people who are starving now in three months time, this is, i think also it is because the israeli they dont want the onorwa to be involved, and this is part of the war on the onora, so now they are talking about alternative organizations to deliver the the aid to the palestinians and they want to ignore the honor because. From their point of view the anorwa is helping the Palestinian Resistance which is not true at all and its we know the aim by the israel why they are targeting with anorwa because it is the the the organization that is keeping the right for the palestinian to return and to their land and thats why they have this war against it and the americans are involved in that wh when they just you know cut all the aid to the honor. Just lately, it and during trump era era also they did that before, its targeting the honor, yeah, we could talk about the logistics and how ridiculous it sounds thinking that this is going to work better than the land right . Which un has said that, sam parker, the land routes are obviously the way to go, but we got to move to another topic of this us military assessment that came out this intil report, just very recent, and im going to combine two issues into one, one, it said hamas uh on hamas, israel probably will face lingered armed resistance from hamas for years to come, and then you have uh on another notes how israel Regime Forces uh suffering defeat on the battlefield, um, the theres plans to lift military service, exemption of. These alter Orthodox Jews, do you think that they are losing that on the battlefield . Combined with this report uh, that is one thing they want to do is to uh keep feeding the uh the Regime Forces side of things in order to continue the genocide . Well, it certainly looks that way, and i saw the protest from the or these Orthodox Jews in israel that erupted last week where they were blocking highways for several hours a time and you had you had conflict uh physical conflict going on between israeli police. Officers and the orthodox protesters, and this this is an idea thats been building for the last month or two inside of israel, i think adammir ben gavier has been pushing for this, he hasnt wanted to make it a force of law yet, but theyve absolutely been pushing this idea of drafting these people into the service who have traditionally been exempted, so that does signal that they are short on manpower, that they do want to prolong this conflict, and i think, going back to the last topic of this this aid package thats coming from europe uh through the maritime corridor thats i guess going to be delivered under this temporary pier that the United States is constructing, its going to take two months to build that pier minimum, and so that signals right there, thats a soft signal that this assault on gaz is going to last at least for another couple months even though you have Benjamin Netanyahu saying maybe four, maybe six weeks, but the United States is counting on at least two months, so do you think thats by design . Im sorry to jump. Do you think theyve designed it that way in order to have that that two months or three months maybe uh for the i dont for israel to be able to do its military maneuvers on the ground . Absolutely, i think theyre giving cover to israel, theres no question about it. Look, benny gance, one of you know the leader of the opposition party, the National Unity party who uh is thought of as one of the major uh one of the major uh rivals to Benjamin Netanyahu made visit to washington dc last week basically with the coordination the Biden Administration. To help the Biden Administration politically to take heat off them uh, but also to signal that they still support israel, but take heat off of their relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu and and and put forward a positive, were were just against, were just against terrorism in general, and we support israel, so i think there are a lot of political moves being made, this is a pr stunt, and some have even suggested that this peer will become a permanent period that israel will use once they completely take over gaza once and for all. So i do think that this is a stunt uh, because as you said, as has been said by the other guest, theres five crossings into gaza already with food trucks ready to go, does make any sense . All right, this um us military um intel report uh said neems needs a little bit more opening up and one of the things that has said is the fact that theres distrust on netanyahu by the masses, israeli masses, and that that uh the protests are going to swall up even after the genocidal war ends and theyre going to demand netanyahus resignation and that may actually force him to leave office. Do you believe that netanyahu is on his last legs . He could be, listen, im sorry, this for side nemer, sorry about that, ill get to you though, sam parker, go ahead, side nemer, okay, uh, yeah, i think that yes, netanyahu is facing really a big problem now inside israel, last week there was a poll conducted in israel and most the population in israel for 53 of those who were uh conducted in the poll, they said that we believe now that netanyahu is making the war now going on and on for his own personal reasons, not for the sake of israel, otherwise he should agree to the deal to release the prisoners captive by the palestinan resistance, but hes doing that for his own kind of you know personal issues, knowing that hes going after that to the you know to face the court and maybe also. Prison, but definitely not being a Prime Minister anymore after gans being even welcomed in in in america, and that was really make make netanyahu very very angry with that, because now the americans are dealing with the gans as the next Prime Minister in israel. Now in israel itself, there are now and its unprecedented, its for the very First Time Ever in a war in israel that you you see this fragmentation in the israeli system. Society apart of that is the the the families of the captive prisoners in in with the in gaza, on the other hand you have people of. Especially the mothers and families of the soldiers killed in the in gaza and the numbers are really very high though the israel are not announcing it quite right and they are demanding that we dont want our children to be killed now in gaza anymore and also you have another pressure coming from those who were removed from north of palestine because of hizbollah in in lebanon and those who removed from the south of palestine because of the uh aggression on gaza, so now you are talk about lots of problems that netanyahu is facing, and all these are elements of pressure on netanyahu, so yeah, i believe that he had to finish this this job by the end of the day, because there is lots of pressure coming from other countries and from the americans, the problem with nathaniahu, my last sentence, the problem with netanyahu, if he go to sease fire, he is admitting the defeat of. Israel for the second time in this aggression, interesting point you make there, sam parker, the rift between uh bb and biden, mean is it real, is it deep, is it as bad as uh what it uh these red lines for rafa where biden has uh put it out there taking it back but put it out there again um that theyre a collision course, mean even uh theres uh this again intel report thats saying a senior israely official on the condition of anonimity revealing that the us is actually seeking to el the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are we looking at what is being reported to be real when it comes to the two . I, there may be rift between the administration and betanyahu or netanyahu, but i dont think that there is a fundamental rift between the Us Administration and israel itself and the police and its current policies and its current war mongering. I dont think theres a rip there. I dont think that the United States is going to stand in the way of what israel wants to do. Now netanyahu has become immense. Has is starting to become more of a political liability, look in israel, like your last, the other guest just said, hes deeply unpopular, he was already unpopular before october 7th, there were massive protests out in the streets of jerusalem, uh, some say that israel was even on the brink of civil war, and since then they blame netanyahu for the debackle of october 7th, they they blame him for the death of these hostages, theyre furious with him that he wont he wont negotiate to bring the hostages home, and that that and. And they know that israel has killed, likely killed some of their own hostages, so hes even more unpopular than he was before, and he was deeply unpopular before, its just that you know, in the middle of a war its hard to make you know a change like that, so i dont think that there is a red line, i think that politically this is hurting the joe Biden Administration and its hurting his reelection campaign, and i think that any rhetoric that seeks to diminish Benjamin Netanyahu or to you know. To put forth any any idea of a red line is really to serve his base that is mad at him for supporting a genocide, and so i think its going towards his reelection campaign. I dont think it shifts a fundamental chain, i dont, i dont think it signals a fundamental shift in us policy towards helping israel do what it wants to do. Look, this we just said this period is going to take two months, that gives that gives israel cover, it needs to the cover it needs for at least the next couple or three months, so i think its mostly rhetoric and to take heat off for his reelection campaign, well said. Remember that the us president joe byan was very um sure and confident that uh there would be um a uh ceasefire. He even announced the day of the week monday uh few days uh prior to ramadan we saw that that didnt happened. Now one of the reasons, one of the reasons was the insistence by hamas to have a permanent cease fire. It did not want a temporary one. Whats wrong with that . Why should that have been one of the thorney issues that many some are saying that led to the uh to the ceastfire uh not to have . Yeah, well, you know, lets put it just, you know, blantly like this, what they wanted, they wanted hamas to deliver all the prisoners, to give them back, and which is the only card in their hands, hamas and then they will continue the war, so whats the purpose then definitely hamas is not going to give all these 134 prisoners that they have for only a cease fire, and when they deliver them, israel will continue and resume the. And the war against gaza, so definitely they will insist a seasfire, and there is a huge understanding anyway, among all those who are involved in this negotiations with that, and they believe that there should be cease fire, the problem here is the netanyahu himself, now for the americans, yes, i do agree with some, when we are talking about the deep state in in United States, definitely they are going to back up israel and always will support israel, but sometimes you have. Between the administration and the government in israel some problems and we saw that also during obama, so it it might happened like that, but it is not that deep re. In in the relationship which would make biden force israel to do something they dont want to do, we know that biden can, in half an hour ordered israel to stop the war and they will stop it, otherwise we wont give you anything, so if they want to do it, they can do it, but they are involved and they are still going on with israel in this war, so this pressure by biden to achieve kind of sess fire before ramadan, it failed and we failed it was not. Yahoo because he insisted and he withdraw his delegation from egypt in the last moment and he dont want to continue negotiations, and he is blaming hamas, so yeah, we think its not that much of of of negotiations anyway, since they are sticking to their opinion, one minute, we keep hearing about how the us can pick up the phone, sam parker and tell the war uh to the onslot to stop, we we hear that lot uh, but we dont hear the fact that the us was. All the military assistance its given has not been able to help israel win the onslot. Why do you think that is . Less than a minute please. Well, i think the goal hasnt been to quote unquote win, because i think israel wants that land and it wants to move the people off the land. It also wants to have exact retribution and revenge for what happened on october 7th, and so theyre starving these people, theyre collectively punishing them. Theyre systematically destroying all civilizational infrastructure, hospitals, schools, mosks, church. Apartments, homes, everything, roads, theres nothing left in many parts of gaza, so theyre not fighting a war, theyre not fighting a conventional war where were just were trying to beat the enemy and take out its enemy force so much as that theyre trying to clear out the land, ethnically cleanse them and take it over, thats been their goal, and so i think while they project the idea of winning, thank you very much, sam parker, political activist ran against robney for the us senate, saltle city, utah, that never a pleasure, professor of Political Science, brazil. University from ramala, with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight, from the team is goodbye, i was at the age of 16, very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i was. I traveled when i was 17 years old, i traveled even to iran. Can i kind of protection between me and the rest of the world, and its very, very useful. It became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name ofeni. He was a symbol, this trump is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east, this week on expose. We touch upon the western narrative the parliamentary elections in the Islamic Republic of iran as it centered around made up tales about iranians abstaining from voting in protest against the government. In the meantime, most Opinion Pieces published by wellknown Mainstream Media rejected the idea that iran is democratic country essentially recycling tired stories and narratives with no fresh perspective. Also this week we cover social media reacts to the famon brought on by the ongoing xenosis. Israi genocide in gaza as well as the air drop trade of aid and expired food on gaza residence. Right here on exposey, the truth is just a revelation away. The general configuration of irans Upcoming Parliament has become clear to a great extent. Will the new parliament change the course of the country in the International Arena . There are already burning issues such as sanctions, the iran Nuclear Deals in afghans in iran that the new candidates need to deal with as matters of great urgency. These and more on this edition of iran today. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Israeli forces kill and injure nearly 90 civilians waiting for aid in northern ghaza as regine genocide enters its 160th day. The Palestinian Islamic jihad dismisses u. S. Plan to build eight port off gazas coast as a misleading measure aimed at buying time for israel. And leader of hezbulah says israel is paying a high price in its war with resistance in gaza and lebanon, but is trying to hide its losses

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