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The lord of the world, let alone us, the ongoing negotiations are very difficult, but we are steadfast and wont give up on our prisoners. We fought this war and made all these sacrifices for the sake of these prisoners in order to preserve alax mask. We cant back down on the prisoners and unpreserving. Thats our decision, no israeli captive will be released unless the palestinian detaines are released. And the freedom of belief and said in the quran, so whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve. That means that allah said to the unbeliever, if you want to disbelieve, you are free to do so, of and to the believer, if you want to believe, then you are free to do so. God has granted people the ability to think and will hold them accountable for their deeds. The Palestinian Society is a diverse one, as we have islamists. Secularists, communists, etc. And dialogue must be based on respect. We have to show respect for each other, regardless of our beliefes. I have no issue with jews and the jewish religion, but i have issue with the occupation. Theres also diversity in the prisons. In the same section, for example, you will find rooms where hamas fighters are held, different rooms with Islamic Jihad fighters, different rooms with fat members, different rooms with the popular fronts. And different rooms with the Democratic Front members, we had kind of a written agreement on how to organize our affairs based on Mutual Respect and regulations that we have made. When the israeli authorities released the large number of members in 1993 because their movement was engaged in negotiations with the regime, members of hamas and Islamic Jihad remained in prisons along with a small number of patah members and as i speak hebrew fluently, the fellow detainees back then selected me to represent them before the prisons authorities and to ask for their demands. In prison, there are elections, democracy, commitment and love. I was in charge of the members of these factions, with each one having a demand such as medication and clothes. I was writing them down and asking prison authorities for those demands, so i was famous for maintaining unity. Worked on unifying the palestinians and while in prison, we worked on unifying the palestinians and the efforts. Thank god, that agreement and approach was fruitful and has unified the palestinian factions. We have unified them in prisons in universities and in the street, and now they are united against the israeli war. All palestinian factions are taking part in the fight that is underway in gaza and the west bank, including hamas, the Islamic Jihad. The popular front, all the palestinian factions are united to defend palestine against that usurping regime. Im so happy because of that unity, and that unified stands, and we pray to god that this unity will lead to the liberation of our land. We also pray to god to remove the distress of people in gaza, including the bereeved families and the injured people, and to rest the souls of the martered people. May allah also have mercy on this oppressed nation. The muslim nation. Should support the oppressed people of palestine. The palestinian nation is the most oppressed people in the world. We have been subjected to oppression and occupation for more than 70 years. We will move forward on the path. That we selected until victory is achieved and palestine is liberated. Youve been a strong advocate of unity among different palestinian factions, does it make you happy now that all currents of the Resistance Movement have come under the same umbrella of alaqsa flood . We know that regime very well. At the beginning, when we were addressing the world, we were addressing the arab and muslim countries in particular, as we werent in contact with the western world. We were always telling the world that we are an oppressed people, and that the palestinian cause is a right cause, and that the palestinians have the right to establish their state, and have the right to selfdetermination like other peoples. We were also telling the world that the Israeli Regime is colonial. Expansionist and seeks to seize the entire Palestinian Land and displace the palestinians, but no one was hearing us until the alaxo flood operation, the war in gaza clarified the truth to the world, the massacres, the killings of children and civilians, the destruction of homes and the attacks and masks, underwath schools, ambulances and medics have revived the consciences of the people and changed their perspectives, what we failed to change through word during more than 70 years has changed within 3 months. I have read that young people aged between 18 and 25 in the us are calling for deleting israel and the establishment of a palestinian state. We didnt hear that before. The americans didnt know palestine and whats going on there. But now many protests are held in the us a daily basis in solidarity with the palestinian people. In britain also dozens of pro palestine protests have been held. A week ago, 100 protests. Took place across the world in a single day to show support for the palestinian nation and to call for a cease fire for the establishment of a palestinian state. That change occurred because of the alaaxo flood operation. That was the impact the alacso flood on the world. We changed the minds of the people in the entire world, especially the west. So there is a change and many countries now call for the establishment of a palestinian state. Many countries want to unilaterally recognize a palestinian state. Israri regime opposes that and insists on negotiations. We tried those negotiations for more than 20 years since the oslo accords, we have been negotiating, but to no avail, the world has recognized that the occupation is the problem, and not the palestinian people, then the alaxo flood changed the perspectives and concepts. Now the entire world looks at the palestinian nation with admiration and respect. When foreign woman sees a man saying, thank god, while he is attending the. Funeral of his slain son, she begins thinking about what pushed that man to thank god in such circumstance, and begins reading the quran and getting familiar with the religion of islam. Hundreds of people have converted to islam due to the palestinian steadfastness in the face of the oppression, then alaxo flood changed the peoples perspectives, their feelings towards the palestinian people, and also changed their policies with countries calling for the establishment of a palestinian state, that didnt. Exist before the alaxo flood operation, so the also flood operation was beneficial to the palestinian cause. Now all free countries should unite to hold the Israeli Regime accountable, as did south africa. South africa filed case against israel at the International Court of justice to hold the regime accountable. We want the countries not only to hold the regime accountable, but also to recognize the rights of the palestinian nation. We hope that the blood that was. Thank you very much for being with us here on hidden files, sheikh talal abdul rahman sharim, a former prisoner of the Israeli Regime and the head of the prisoners files for hamas, i appreciate you being with us, thank you viewers for being with us on another hidden. Files, im marza hashimi and hope to see you right here next time, goodbye. This week on expos a, although aaron bishnel explicitly stated that his actions were a protest against design. Communist entities genocide of palestinians, western media misreports his motivation as a protest against the israeli hamas war. A debunked article claiming that hamas sexually assaulted palestinian women. During the alaqsa flood operation causes controversy for the New York Times and propalestinian activists prays bushnell as a hero who succeeded in bringing attention to the calamity and genocide suffered by the palestinian people. Right here on expos a, the truth is just a revelation away. One of the components that can help. Help us understand the social, cultural and political identity of an historic region is its architecture. Architecture brings to light the lifestyle of the people. What caught our attention more than anything else in the region of hozdar, which is 60 km to the southwest of the ancient city of zobol was the huge mass of historic and ancient ruins. Ruins that draw a perfect picture of just how impressive this land must. Of being, thats why we can venture to say that the horsedar region

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