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Have this Christian Community are fundamentally honduras, el salvador and chile, which is where the palestinians of that group have settled, now you are third generation, arent you . Yes, i am the third generation. Did your parents always raise you as a palestinian . My father, above all raised me as a palestinian. But more than as a palestinian under the consciousness of a palestinis and i also believe that he has to blame for me being a palestinian activist because i am not aware of when i started to become active given my father always taught me about and showed me zist and antiarab propaganda since i was little he showed me the movies how the arabs were portrayed as the bad guys among other people among the russians etc but well he always made me very. Of in relation to media propaganda and how the media continues to this day right, we can see it, they are absolutely taken hasta el dia de hoy verdad lo podemos ver estan tomados absolutamente, lets see, kind of have answer that you just said you dont have, ill try it, because you say i dont really know when i became an activist, and i feel that you become an activist when you find your place in the world. You found your place in the world of theater, in the world of theatrical creation, true, and i remember since we knew each other, which are many more years than we would like to admit to, right . From your first steps after leaving theater school, you started creating theater around palestine. I remember very well the first work i saw of your own creation, it was mimunda patria, right, which told the story of fada waba, a palestinian immigrants, and from then on, i remind you, always linked to. Of course my own need, a common need to make known the reality of palestine. Since i was little, since i was in school, i talked about palestine, and they seem to look at you as if youre against the jews and poor jews who are in the holocaust. That was the story only. I say, well, how should we talk about palestine in a way that we can really attract people . So what i did was take certain relevant episodes, which is the loss of homeland and childhood in three people of different nationalities, origins or identities. And among those people was took testimony dramaturgy network and that is the result of my homeland which was incredible, it took place for years and its a senior heritage today, in fact we saw it recently, yes yes and then take on the challenge of creating a work from the antagonistic look, whats that . Met chilean jews and palestinians, i proposed to them, well, the only thing i can propose here is that we go as far as we can, and i invite you to generate or establish a dialogue to see how far we can turn our look, we cant see others than that way. Were always talking about hegemonic stories and other stories, macro stories, right . But we had micro stories based a question, which was to what extent do we generate otherness for fear of rejection . This work is very necessary because we are increasingly polarized. I want to invite the viewers to have the experience of meeting and daring to discuss and showing the other side. Of course, the palestinian reality is so absolute that it always goes on, and if there is someone who dares to look, there is no turning back. Se atreve mirar, no hay vuelta atras, verdad . Sin duda, yo por eso hablaba, definitely, thats why in my second question, i was talking about the reconstruction of a coexistence that was historic in palestine, jews, christians and muslims were together in palestine even before the arrival of zionism as a political movement, and they saw hundreds of people who intended to dominate the world, but to that end they had to pass through palestine, occupy it temporarily and extend their domination from this geopolitically, geostrategically important point. In the history of humanity, palestine has always been the connection points that unites africa, asia and europe, and the first step in any commercial exchange. I participated in a meeting with this group of jewish and palestinian actors, it must be said that most of them were leftwing jews, therefore they had a different predisposition regarding understanding what authority is. This always reminds me of a book. That became fundamental for me, it is murderous identities by aminf who starts by defining all these identities that affirm their existence based on the denial of others, and of course it is very, very modern book because it talks about this perpetual peace, about ks and about this universal brotherhood. It says in this book very clearly that the only way to reach total equality between all human beings is by value. Differences as a fundamental source of wealth. I believe that this work is a fundamental contribution. What has happened to you during this constant aggression . Israels aggression and policy of extermination and genocide towards the Palestinian People has lasted your entire life and more. In the area where your work is focused on is under siege. Whats wrong with this danger of extinction, not only for the Palestinian People, but also of palestinian culture. You have very close relationship with the. I would like you to describe them for our viewers a little. He was in my office sometime ago visiting chile and is the director of the theater of silence. The freedom theatre. He is one of the two directors of the freedom theater ahmad tovazi. Well, his life is amazing, like all the people in gen in palestine. He was taken prisoner as a child, and there he later entered the stone theater. Which was founded by a pro palestinian israeli married to a palestinian and the son of this couple cofounds the freedom theater with ahmad tovazi. This son however is killed later. Im not going to say anything about it right now, i already said it, but well. Children and young people participate in this theater. It is a theatre to heal and it talks about the palestinian reality and people come into the theater to get healed, and this theater has been destroyed. So im super very sad, very sad because it touches me deeply. We met ahmed in summer and i also want to tell you that together with anna archa we have another work called irreversible palestine, nonexistent palestine. And precisely this performance play that she writes when we direct, she creates it from her trip to jenin, from her trip to palestine and specially to jenin. So well, we are super active with cultural actions, but we are also realizing the terrible censorship. And i dont remember which theater it was that has to bring the show down because they clearly dont want to get involved with the Current Issue of the palestinian genocide, so thats very strong. We also realize that they dont give you space to be seen, our work, irreversible palestine, talking about censorship, i am talking about journalistic and cultural corruption. In chile we are very accustomed to perceiving acts of corruption only around the management of resources, right . But corruption also has to do with disrespecting the attributions and powers that social function has, and therefore today, the journalistic corruption that covers up the palestinian genocide, the cultural corruption that in one way or another makes palestinian culture disappear, they are symptoms of hegemonic. Candy given to children when terrorist attacks are carried out, we shine the light against this dark place by burning it until there is no trace of this entire place. We just found huge well, very close here around the corner, a well that logistically serves all the wells here in the chagia neighborhood, terrible neighborhood, happy holidays, happy holidays, happy hanaka holiday. I care about israel, i belong to israel, im attached to israel, dont speak about symmetria because there is no symmetria, i would even suggest that there is no conflict, was there a french, algerian conflict, there was a brutal French Occupation in algeria which came to its end, and there is no israeli palestinian. Conflict, there is a brutal Israeli Occupation which must come to its end one way or the other. In our backyard, there is a regime which is today, by far one of the most cruel, brutal tyranies on earth, and i know what i say, because i cover it for 40 years, and this regime cannot be defined, but as an apartment. Two peoples live on one piece of land, one people has all the rights in the world and. Talking now only about the occupied territories, one people has all the rights in the world, the other people has no rights whatsoever, it looks like a party, it talks like apart, it is apart, and nobody can contradict, go to the jordan valley, see the prosperity in the settlements and then go and see the palestinians to live there without electricity, without water, without any rights and then tell me if its a partide or you might invent it another title. In the two videos that we have just seen, we can see two intellectual attitudes both come from israeli and zionist education, however one of them survived. It is surprising for having managed to get rid of this construction of a usable past full of hatred, full of animosity, and the product of a supposed jewish supremacy over the rest of the people of the world. On the one hand, completely dehumanized is. Soldiers burning humanitarian aid after destroying all the towns in israel, on the other hand, Israeli Soldiers who have destroyed all the neighborhoods in gaza that they have been able to destroy, killing thousands and thousands of people, and in the other gideon levi and israeli journalist who has not succumbed to the journalistic corruption of the west, and it was capable of calling a spade a spade, he calls genocide genocide and apartide apartide, beyond the nefarious campaigns we are used to. Doesnt end its political, economic and military. To israel, which continues attacking the Palestinian People. How does the Us Government benefit from what we could call active support for the genocide . My name is my question is this as a chilean and in general, as latin american people, in what way can we support the Palestinian People who are in a painful situation currently . Thank you carlos for your questions, look, it is important to understand that International Relations are defined by interests and not by values or principles, therefore we must assume that the United States does not have values and principles to define what it does a global scale, it has only interests and the interests it has in the. Region or diverse first, it is a region that, due to its strategic location, allows it to divide and govern the great arab nation. Palestine is not only the Geographical Center of the known ancient world, but when you look at the history of the world, you realize that the first cities were born there, agricultural surplus was born there, in that area, west asia, agricultural surplus is discovered for the first time, techniques of storage, and therefore it was always the center of dispute, but centuries later it became the center of attention again with the discovery of oil and the role it plays in the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism. If you look at this scenario, you will also understand that palestine is the ideological center of the world, it is the place where all the most important monotheistic religions come from, religions that until today have dominated the passions the majority of the world population, result anyone who controls palestine controls the emotions of 80 of the planet. Jews, christians and muslims care about what happens in that land, that some call it sacred place or holy land, but because of the appalling things that happen every day, it seems to be one step away from hell than from heaven. Thank you also, angelica for your question. I believe that the role of the people of the world is first to understand the concept. Of unity of the world, when you worry about the suffering of people who live geographically distant from us, you are not doing an act of solidarity only, but rather youre also doing an act of selfcare, because what is happening in this world, what makes up the world, were all parts of the same body, and everything that exists outside of us is our inorganic body, and as mark says, we must take care of it as we take care of ourselves, from that perspective, what the people of latin america can do, in particular, the people of chile is to put pressure on our governments, is to put pressure on their own governments to cease relations with this genocidal regime of israel, to cease economic cooperation, to cease technological dependence, especially in military aspects that the latin american countries have with israel, because when this happens in one way or another, the occupation regime and its genocide are practically financed, we should not allow our needs to push us towards financing. Como pais, no, los que terminamos financiando algo que decimos deplorar. We wanted to end this chapter by showing images of the massive demonstrations of support for the Palestinian Resistance and condemnation of the genocide practiced by israel today, which contrasts enormously with the position of the governments of the world, including the governments of the arab world. Why this . Because it is Crystal Clear that bourgeois democracy today is in crisis and governments are no longer able to represent the feelings of the people, and this is just a symptom, its a symptom of even bigger problem. In 1922, after the First World War, the International Community decided to organize itself in the league of nations to prevent Something Like the First World War from happening again. Of course it failed in this primary objective and from there the United Nations emerged with the same objective, but also with the mission of denying the possibility and trying to prevent a holocaust from happening again at all costs. But what is the reality in practice . Today it is even more evident that the United Nations has functioned in recent decades only as instrument of domination of the north american empire over the rest of the planet, and this has to end, the time has come to end the United Nations and give us new International Order where all the peoples and nations of the world have new International Order, we give the same rights and the same duties towards humanity. Thank you very much. See you in the next chapter. Fighting for democracy while ignoring the fate of this union is genocide and people say that this country is divided. Dia siapkan b, aku bukan artis membuat berita ada dan berrifat ganda lamasik, rumah rakyat kaukus surahantani kau rampas, i believe that uh working together we can make history. When i first heard that in this weeks episode of irowan tech were going to be going into a radiator manufacturing facility. I wasnt super excited at first, but now i have to say i didnt know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i venture deep into this facility in this weeks episode. This week on expos a, although aaron bischnell explicitly stated that his actions were a protest against designist entities genocide of palestinians, western media misreports his motivation as a protest against. The israeli hamas war. A debunked article claiming that hamas sexually assaulted palestinian women during the alaqsa flood operation causes controversy for the New York Times and propalestinian activists praise bushnell as a hero who succeeded in bringing attention to the calamity and genocide suffered by the Palestinian People. Right here on expose. The truth is just a revelation away. That lines, the death toll from the us israeli genocide in gaza nears 30, 880, more than five months into the war in the palestinian territory. The us president comes under fire for his state of the Union Address voicing support for to gaza while he keeps supporting the genocide there, and the un rights chief says expansion of israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian Land constitutes a war crime

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