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Of the particular type of radiator that we are focusing on in this particular facility is steel Panel Radiators, now thats a third iteration of radiators, because first we had the. Cast iron radiators, the first kind of radiators that became wide spread, then we have and still have um aluminum radiators, each of them had their own kind of problem, so especially with the cast iron, the biggest problem was the very low efficiency because of the low thermal coefficient of cast iron, and also it would very easily and much faster of would corrode as a result of the iron reacting with oxygen, aluminum radiators, they fixed a few of those problems. But still they had rather low thermal coefficient, so they can still definitely be improved upon, which brings us to steel plane, steel Panel Radiators. Lets hear a little bit more about why steel Panel Radiators are becoming the norman industry from the ceo of this company. Panel radiators has come to the market after aluminium radiators as the Third Generation of radiators and the reason why these panel radiator. Has become so much popular, i can mention couple of reasons for that, one is that the first one is that it is better looking than aluminium radiators and lots of customers they like it more, and the second reason is that although are using the first uh you know the first hand material in producing the Panel Radiators, but there is still cheap in the aluminium. Radiators in general, because aluminium is very expensive material, so the material which is used in aluminium radiators are not first hand and they are second hand, and there are so much of impurities in that. Third reason is that Panel Radiators are matched better with wall hangy boilers and it needs less dearation and and also the fourth reason, Panel Radiators has much higher thermal coefficiency and you know which means that in transferring the heat to the environment it is acting much better and faster uh here in touch group of radiators we are producing radiators by help of nanotechnology. Uh which is, i can mention, just emphasize that domestic nanotechnology, and are using that in prepainting of our radiators. The manufacturing process of the radiators starts right here with the procurement of the steel plate rolls necessary for production. So these steel plate rolls actually come in much larger sizes, but they are cut up into smaller ports uh for the different sizes of ports that we need to put in the radiators and different. Sized radiators and also they come in different thicknesses again for the different parts within the radiator because the front panels are a little bit thicker than the uh convectors inside of it which i will get to so one interesting thing that i found about these steel plate rolls is that they have ids each one of these plates plate rolls has ids attached them once they come out of their manufacturing facility and they reach here the ids includes an Expiration Date which lasts about year after they are of produced in the. Steel making factories, now why is there an Expiration Date for steel . Part of it is because steel can actually corrote and react with oxygen, so the oil coating actually prevents much of that oxidization reaction with the steel, so thats part of it. Another reason is because uh one of the first steps uh to the manufacturing process of these radiators is pressing, so we press these plates and make something that looks like this uh so this is the convector uh which uh is a one of the most necessary parts to allow for Heat Transfer between the water that runs in the radiator and the metal plates, the the metal plane uh planes in the front uh so. These have very sharp edges and when they are pressed, if they dont have that oil coating applied to them uh after they come out of the steel making facility, they might actually break under the immense pressure of the pressing uh, so thats another reason why we have that oil coating, of course all of this, this means that you have about one year uh before you put these steel plates to use and coat it with Something Else that would prevent the corrosion, which very much happens in this facility uh once we are done. With the manufacturing process, theres a bunch of nanoceramic coating and paint that is cured, so those will prevent the corrosion the steel and give it actually much longer lifespan uh, but thats as far as the uh raw material procurement goes uh, now lets go to the next stage which is the pressing. After the steel plates go through this beheemoth, 640 ton pressing machine, theyre ready to be welded, two similarly shaped press. Pressed steel plates will be welded with each other to create the water channels and the dry channels. The water channels obviously being the part that the warm water runs through and the dry channels being the parts that connect the two panels together. So here this giant machine is simply responsible for turning on the panels upside down and put it top of the other and then the wolding begins which involves set of electrodes on either side of the plate. And when both sets come intact with the plates and really close each other, the current that runs between them causes arking, which very quickly melts the metal and welds the two panels together. Once the panels have been welded together, the convectors must also be welded to the dry channels of our panels to more effectively spread the heat. A convector in thermodynamics is literally vessel for Heat Transfer. The convectors are welded. Into the panels in the same way that the panels were welded together. By the way, the smoke that you see coming out of these steel plates during welding is the oilat is still there and steel plates, burning and releasing fumes. And now comes another stage of welding, which is meant to fully tighten the inside of the panels, so we wouldnt have any leakage of water as it circulates inside the panel. This time, since its not a point by point welding, we need rolling. Of electrodes to arc, melt and weld the panel shut once horizontally and once vertically. After that, we need to put two sets of panels in convectors together through welding four fittings in between them. The connecting surface of the fitting is designed to have less surface area, which means it has lower resistance to current, which means it will melt more easily. Great for Agile Manufacturing facilities that need to weld parts together quick. Quickly and then some mounting brackets are welded onto the back of what we now can call radiators and then the whole thing is submerged into a pool of water with High Pressure air flowing through the system. An operator then starts to monitor the radiators for any potential leakage which will be visibly apparent through bubbles that would come up to the surface. If there are no bubbles, were good to go with the structure of our panel ready. Then we get the coating. The radiator will have to undergo seven stages of washing before paint coating can be applied to it. The first two stages are meant to get rid of the layer of oil that we still have traces of on the steel panels and convectors, because the oil will eventually be nuisance when it comes to applying the coat of paint. We do this via an initial deep dipping into a pool of highly alcal. Liquid to break apart the oil particles and then we spray the radiator down with a similar liquid to essentially wash the oil off the steel, kind of like how soap works with oil particles. This liquid needs to operate a High Temperature to keep its alkaline properties. Once weve gotten rid of the oil, the radiator goes through three similar stages of washing, but the sixth stage is where things get interesting. When you think the surface of various metals, especially the shiny ones, you would assume that the surface is all smooth, but thats not the case if you get a really closeup view of the surface of any metal, youll. Actually see that its quite an uneven surface, but the bumps you see here are in the nanometer scale, and this is where the nanotechnology comes in. The sixth stage is spraying nanozirconium coating. The nanozirconium particles will sit in between the nano crevices, but despite what you may think they do, which is evening out the surface, because the nanoparticles are crystals, they in fact add more surface area for the coat of. Paint to more easily attached to, that means in the painting chamber, less paint is sprayed to the radiator with more assurance that itll stick. But why is lowering the thickness of the paint so important . You may ask . Well, because the paint itself is an epoxy polyester material. It itself can trap heat if its supplied a thickness of around 150 micrometers, but the nano coating allows. To make dew with just about half of that paint, around 70 to 80 micromes, meaning more heat will be radiated without the paint blocking it. So up until this point, our radiators have gone through the nano coating procedure uh, which uh has them coated with nanoceramic material, and theyve also been through that chamber which applies the paint, and then soon after going through that chamber, it goes through uh essentially a furnace to cure the pain. And uh at the hottest point of this furnace uh the temperatures can reach up to around 210 degrees celsius and they stay there for about 10 minutes and once they come out of it uh they go down to Room Temperature and essentially the paint is cured the product is basically ready to be shipped so only a couple of parts are added some installation brackets are added to the back parts that are necessary for installation procedure and then there are packaged and sent to wherever uh they are ordered from so that brings us to the end of this production. We have been able to successfully achieve these two advantages in our r d department, at first taking advantage of the rule which theres the higher connection the blades have to energy source, the more thermal efficiency we will have. We connected all our blades and the convectors as much as possible to water channels, which are the Energy Sources and radiators as well as the other innovation we had in our r d department, this gave us a higher thermal efficiency. The next point is about using nanozucanium coating. Before radiators get coated with electrostatic paints, instead of using phosphate coating, we use nonosiconium coating after degreasing process. Compared to all coatings which are still used, these coatings are far more useful. First of all, it is environmentally friendly, which means theres no toxic contamination for the environment, but the phosphate coat. Is toxic. Secondly, theres no need to heat it because nonosekanium particles do not need to be heated to be adhesive, but phosphate coating does. The last point is that it coats the specific surface area. After the specific surface area is coated with nanop particles, it leaves a crystal layer on radiator sheet, which dramatically increases paint adhesiveness to radiator. Thanks to this procedure, we are unable to guarantee Panel Radiators for up to 12 years. Using nanozirconium coating provided domestic knowledgebased companies with the opportunity to stop being dependent on european countries. Previously we had to import this nano product from saltech company in germany. The average annual production rate of this massive facility is around 500 thousand meters of radiator panels, yes that is 500 k. Kilometers per year uh with a potential of increasing up to 700 to 800 kilometers depending on the markets demand and twothirds of these radiators are actually exported to countries mainly in the region including iraq, armenia, georgia, azerbaijan and afghanistan and australia which is definitely not in the region, but also russia and turkey, which are themselves some of the main hubs for manufacturing radiators, which i found to be surprising, not the fact that these countries. Our main hubs for manufacturing radius, the fact that we actually export to them uh, so with that said, i hope this episode you found it to be informative and just as unexpectedly exciting as i found it, and with that said, i will see you all next week, take care and bye bye. Depressed coverage of this astination of plasany now entering its uh fourth day, were looking at some. 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