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Hello and welcome everybody at 7 30 am here in the iranian capital techran watching press tvs world news. Our top story for this half hour israels indiscriminate attacks continue to claim more palestinin lives, more than five months into the regimes genocidal war on the besieged gaza strip. At least six people were killed in air strikes and shootings by Israeli Forces who targeted civilians in central. In the west of gaza city, Israeli Forces once again open fire on Palestinian Civilians waiting for aid trucks killing at least five people and injuring over 20 others. Meanwile mounnutrition and dehydration continue to recavec on the palestinian population, a 15yearold teenager and a 72yearold man have died in two hospitals due to lack of food and water. Gazas medical sources say the number of people dying of malnutrition and dehydration in gaza has surged. To 20, more than 30,700 gazens, most of them women and children, have been killed since the israeli onslot started early last october. Press tvs moti abu mosape joined us earlier from central gaza city of daryl balot update us on the fresh israeli attacks on the gaza strip. The israeli accubation forces committed at least nine o paning massacers against the Palestinian Civilians across different areas of gaza strip over the last 24 hours, claiming the lives of at least uh 86 Palestinian Civilians and injuring 113 others. Its worth mentioning that the israeli killing machine continues claiming more lives of the Palestinian Civilians. Over the last couple of hours the israel incubation forces intensified their attacks against the central area of gaza strip as at least seven palestinian. Civilians were reportedly killed uh in addition to 10 injuries after the israeli incubation forces opened their gun fire towards the Palestinian Civilians gathering near gaza valley area located between the central area of gaza strip and gaza city. Its worth mentioning that uh that area, particularly the northern parts of anusarati fiji camp and almograga neighborhood uh witnessed harsh israeli attacks against that area, including the. Consecutive and the continuous israeli air strikes and the constant israeli artillery shilling uh destroying more zental buildings and uh resulting more devastation in the infrastructure there and in the meantime here in balah city the israelicubation forces destroyed another residental buildings after the israeli war planes destroyed and leveled to the ground that building uh its located in the south the southern part of their balah city south africa has once again asked the International Court of justice to take additional emergency measures against israel amid the regimes genocidal war in gaza. South africa urged the world court to take immediate measures to stop an imminent tragedy and save gazans from dying of starvation. It also warned about the threat of a looming allout famin in the war ravaged territory. Pretoria urged the world court to force israel to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of the desperately needed humanitarian aid. In gaza. It said such measures must be taken without new round of hearings because of the extreme urgency of the situation in the coastal territory. In case filed by south africa in january, the icj had ordered israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention. Earlier we discussed south africas call for the icjs additional measures against israel to save gazons from starvation and imminent famon. In our News Review Program. Calissa now welcome everyone to press tvs News Review Program where we get. In depth in one of the days top stories. Now joining us for the program is jim cavanaw, political analyst and blogger from new york, and frank emspack, radio producer and political commentator joining us from madison, wisconsin. Frank, i mean south africa, they got that ruling at the icj back in late january, i believe is a 26, if im not mistaken, that israel refraine from genocidal acts, a ruling that. The regime basically just laughed at, so why expect the icj now to push for measures to uh prevent uh starvation and and famin, im just kind of shows that nations at this point are are are desperate and really dont know where to turn for action for answers. I dont think thats true, i think Everybody Knows where to turn for action and answers. 14 billion dollars is a start, unlimited arm sales is second aspect. Of it right, and so you could have serious initiatives on the part of other countries in the world to say cut off uh Financial Aid as they did with iran, but over the nuclear stuff, people didnt seem to have a big problem figuring out what to do, and they wanted to do it, and the ruling classes in these countries said, right, boom, you know, uh, the dutch took this little baby step saying were not going to send uh, spare parts to parts of the Israeli Military, every. Country in europe could do that, United States could do that, so Everybody Knows where to turn, the question is the political mixture, and the fact of the matter is that yes, significant sections of the american ruling class, for a variety of Different Reasons have decided that israel is our Aircraft Carrier in the middle east, maybe thats the reason, but the cost is going up, and i think that this also depends on what other countries are prepared to do. And in other countries the populations are in fury, and again in the middle east in particular, these regimes which were able to overcome the arab spring, may not be able to overcome this, and i think they have to worry about that, but our problem here in the United States and i want to focus on that is to figure out how were going to move this government, now if we take the position that nothing that people ever say here makes any sense or can influence politics, well then i guess theres nothing to do. I have been active for a long time and in 1968, which is uh, when we had a referendum here in madison, wisconsin. Not one Single Member of congress at that time supported immediate withdrawal of troops from vietnam. That was what we had on the ballot here. 44 of the population voted for that here, not a majority, but huge amount. It was one of the reasons that johnson gave for withdrawing from the race, president ial race at the. Done, well, i think were in a similar situation, were a cusp here, and really going to have a more democratic, serious discussion here in this election, or maybe youre right, were going to get down the drain here, but i think that the key is the United States and people building and making sure theres the political space, buse were not getting the leadership, the political space to push people to say enough is enough, because i think we cannot do this, cannot predict world war over israel as the way to solve the palestinian problem, because if we if somebody, the chinese, the russians or somebody else said to the american navy, were going to come in whether you like it or not, what does that really mean . So i think its here on us in the United States to figure out how to have the kind of democratic and Popular Movement to force the policy changes. Good, good stuff, frank, and jim, last thoughts with you, ill put the same. Question to you and you can answer it if you want, take it back to washington, the way frank did or go on another tangent, but basically why is south africa going back to the icj, why take a uh, i dont, a thirsty horse back to the same trough that was dry last week, expecting for not to be dry this week, well south africa is doing its best, this is a front of battle and its good for them to do that, but as right said the icj doesnt have enforcement capability, something somebody has to enforce. This and look, i was at vietnam too, i saw things change in vietnam from one, one year to the next, and thats true, but you dont have, you did not have the same cohorts of wealthy, powerful people around the world, in the western countries who are absolutely committed to saving, saving uh, american imperialism in vietnam, you have cohorts, wealthy cohorts in the United States and around the world who are. Absolutely committed to saving zionism and no, thats whats at stake here, so and and the other problem is the people of gaza dont have time to wait to see what happens in the American Election in in november, mm. Theyre theyre over, they have they the starving and dying of disease, something has to be done or theyre gonna go and we can sit around and say by six months from now or 10 month, oh look how the uh the public, there are three more congressmen in in in congress that may Say Something against israel, still be given the money and and still be given the arms, i dont see whats going to stop that in the next 10 months, so and i dont think the the gazan people have time for that, thats the the the situation that i think. Uh we have to take seriously and realize its a terrible situation and somebody h and its under the now any any party go were not coming in to attack israel were coming in to bring that humanitarian aid under the sanction of the icj uh thats thats whats going to enforce the icj ruling if nobody does it then its never going to be enforced and the people of gaza will be expelled and exterminated. Thank you gentlemen both of you for joining us in the program and your respective takes on this. Are jim kavanaw, their political analyst and blogger joining us out of new york and frank emspack, radio producer and political commentator joining us from Madison Wisconsin and viewers, this brings us to the conclusion of this segment of your press tv News Review Program. Thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now, elsewhere norway says many countries that have paused Financial Support for the un agency for Palestinian Refugee onroa are likely to resume their funding soon, norway, which is top donor uh to the Un Agency Says many honor sponsors have agreed that the funding needs to be resumed, honor says uh none of the 16 donor countries that had frozen their funding have resumed yet. This is while iraq and qatar say they will give extra funds of 25 Million Dollars to the agency honor sacked dozen of its staff following israeli claims that they took part. In the hamas operation against the regime early last october, several countries, including the us and the uk paused their funding to the agency following those allegations, the agency has strongly denied the claim saying israel has obtained confessions from its staff under torture, it is warned of deliberate and con and Concerted Campaign aimed at ending its operations in gaza. Uh, weve asked investigative journalist tony gosling why funding to honor has been suspended by donor countries in the first place. Heres what he had to say. The fact is that these were just allegations, and the countries that went along with this, well look at the main countries, uh, United States, united kingdom, uh, canada, australia, new zealand, well, who is this, along with israel . Its the five Eyes Intelligence Services of the angloziist. Uh and so theyre not really re testing the um information the israelies have put out about unra uh and and alleged links to the 7th of october they are simply doing knee jerk reaction uh which is actually complicit with the genocide uh the other countries france holland germany sweden italy um romania estonia finland these are now nato countries so were looking at the anglosanist countries and nato being the ones to. Try to stop food getting through uh to the palestinians. From the environment to business and economy to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts. We bring you the over. Looked aspects of world events and news from the farflunged corners of the globe. 10 minutes only on press tv. Welcome back the homos Resistance Movement has blasted these really. Expansionist plans in the occupied west bank the movement says israels plans for building thousands of new settler units near outlots proves the regimes intention to bring Palestinian Land under its control. The movent added israel wants to isolate the palestinian nation by building a network of settlements across the occupied territories. Hamas also noted tel aviv wants to prevent the palestinians from establishing a state with algod says its capital tel aviv has uh advanced plans for building 3500 new settler. Units east of alquds. The israeli settlements are illegal under international law, some 700,0 israelis live in around 160 settlements built in the occupied palestinian territories. The isamic resistance in iraq has launched a new attack against israeli targets and the occupied territories in support of the Palestinian People in gaza. The Iraqi Resistance says it has targeted kiriot shamone airport in the north of the occupied territories with a drone. Earlier this week, the resistance targeted israeli port of hyfa twice, hitting a chemical facility and power station and its airport using drones. The Islamic Resistance in iraq says that it will continue its attacks on israel, the targets until the regime stops its genocide in gaza. It has also struck major American Military bases in syria and iraq emit anger over the us support for israels onslot on gaza. The emmy army says it has carried out fresh attacks against the us target in the gulf of aden. The naval forces of the yeman. The armed forces carried out an operation against a ship, an American Ship in the gulf of aden, with number of appropriate naval missiles and the targets were hit accurately, thank god, which led to the ship being engolfed in flames. Yahya, he said the attacks came after the american cargo ship ignored warning caused by the. Army to stop for inspection, he stressed the operation was in response early air strikes by the us and the uk on yemeny cities and also, in solidarity with the palestinians in gaza, how many forces have targeted over two dozen israeli run or israeli linked vessels in the red sea since the beginning of the israeli onslot on gaza, sano stressed its Naval Operations will continue until the israely regime stops its onslot on gaza and lifts the siege. Tentions are boiling along lebanons southern border as israel and hezbulah Resistance Movement are engaged in heavy clashes on an almost daily basis. Heswella says it is carried out fresh attacks against Israeli Military bases in response to the regimes recurrent shelling of lebanons civilian areas. Earlier we were joined by our correspondent mariam sela for more information on that. Well today has. For the shelling against civilian areas and the destruction of many civilian houses in the bordering towns and other areas as well, they launch an air strike as they called it by using a kamikazi drone in the in the area of mute against the base in mutulle specifically uh of course the entire area and the the whole five kilometers beyond the border have transformed into basically a military zone by the israelis as a result of hezballahs operations. Hezbulah also launched its rockets against the the bases in alam infashuba hills as well as the zibdean post in the shabat farms the israeli shelling of course did not stop and many of the bordering towns and a little bit beyond that were talking about yaron and yatar in addition to dira and marwahin as well as the surrounding area of the shiba which is the shibba town which is not occupied and self of course that is always under constant israeli shelling. Now despite the israeli shelling uh the lebanes today held a mass a mass funeral actually in the town of hola which is adjacent to the border and it was actually remarkable to see the number of people that went and attended this funeral which was the funeral for the woman and her husband and son who were killed by israeli shelling yesterday has of course had already retaliated uh for that israeli crime by launching uh several kachusha rockets tens actually kachusha rockets against several settlements and not only one. Iran has strongly condemned a joint statement by the United Arab Emirates and kuwait regarding the three persian gulf islands of the greater and lesser ts and abu musa. Foreign Ministry Spokesman naser canani dismissed the two countries medals allegation saying they were devoid of any political and legal value. He said, the Three Islands are inseparable and eternal part of iran asserting that the countrys territorial integrity will never be open to negotiation. The Three Islands have historically been part of iran, proof of which can be found and corroborated by countless historical, legal and geographical documents. Teran has repeatedly rejected uaes claims over the islands saying they are inseparable part of the country and will remain as such. The First International conference on Family Health is underway in tehran. The twoday event has turned into an opportunity for participating countries to familiarize themselves with irans National Health program. Described by the who as successful model. Gisumi sham, he has the details. Health diplomacy in full swing. Irans successful national Family Health program and referral system, detailed for healthcare officials from 14 countries as they take part in Panel Discussions on the second day of the First International conference on Family Health dubed pac for uac, in other words, elaborating on how primary healthcare. Can be oriented to provide universal Health Coverage . Well, i think iran has lot of uh, what i might call demonstration projects, uh, it has lot to demonstrate and show, not only at the gross level of of the health pop of the population, but individual uh, efforts in primary care and how primary care can move forward, and uh, i think that one can also say that iran is humble enough to say that they have more to accomplish and thats a thats a model for other countries, basically everything from the day one up to now, its interesting because lot is being learned from iran, what they are doing, actually what they are trying to do, especially on healthcare, its so interesting that uh iran is moving with the technology, i came to know that more than 90 of physicians or healthcare practitioners, they are using eprescription, so that is a great sign and i could actually am very hopeful by adding these small small components, one day is very soon we will have a complete Digital Health ecosystem. Going back to back to countries to our countries, we can implement some of the recommendations and we can take also with us some experience from the other countries, at the same time we share. Our experience, what we are good in and present it in these conferences. That is why this conference can be considered an essential step for achieving the who Sustainable Development goals or in short 2030 sdgs. Iran is the first country in the region to start healthy cities in 1991 in three settlements in tehran. I think the movement is very well taken in iran and we are close to 2030 and achieving sdg, this will be an opportunity to have all the sectors, including the community to work under one vision which is health and well being. I think iran they develop too much in the Health Sector and we try to cooperate with with iran to in the Health Sector and we appreciated that the minister of of iran you attend a conference in qatar. Last week. The success of irans uac plan, which relies greatly its wellfunctioning pac network as demonstrated in this International Conference can pave the way for stronger bilateral relations with participating countries. The participants of this conference are impressed with the level of development of irans halfcair sector, and theyre hoping that their bilateral relations with iran will allow them to achieve similar goals. Gisum shahmi press tv, tehran. Thats a rap for now, but stick around, theres plenty more to come here on press tv, see you soon. Operation took israel off guard. Playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. But did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason . Gaza stripped of life soon unpressed tv. یه افتخار داشتم که به عنوان اولین بانوی دریانورد جمهوری اسلامی ایران و خاورمیانه وارد سیستم دریانبردی بشم کسی بهم کار نمیداد اوائل می شستم تو اسکله همه میومدن مسافراشونو می زنم. استادم که خلاصه یه نفرشون پایین کار بده به کار هرکس نیست که بخواد این کارا رو انجام بده بخواد این حکومت این دریا رو این شناوری دریا رو به دست بگیره من تونستم مطمئناً از من قدرتمند ترم هستن که بتونن بالاتر از اینی که هست برن. No mas petro, no mas petro, estamos cansados de que en el gobierno nefasto de de gustavo. I believe that working together we can make history

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