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6 31 p. M. And youre watching press tv world news with me your host perus, welcome. The cycle of bloodshit keeps repeating in gaza as the telavive regime takes no pause in the air and artillery attacks on the palestine territory. A fresh rate in the satur raffa has killed one person and injured several more. The relendous attacks have killed 90 people and injured scores more over the past day across the gaza strip in gaza city warplanes created a belt of fire around the school thats being used as a shelter, the death toll from these ready genocide in a Palestinian Land stands close to 30,000 now, most of the women and children. The humanitarian situation is deteriorating with hospitals being under immense strain. The palestinian red criss society has suspended us work in gaza for two days because the israely military has failed to ensure the safety of its teams. Now to get an update on the latest situation, lets go to central gaza today, our corresponding is there for us and watching all those development. And reporting that life forest, lets go to m and see what he has for us, yes, actually the Israeli Occupation forces maintained and continued their air strikes and encouragents against several areas of gaza strip over the last couple of hours and this begin from khan city, particularly the eastern part of the city, abasan neighborhood, it was targeted by the israeli fighter drones actually another civilian car was targeted and at least two palestinan civilians were killed over the last attack and even in the same area the israeli fight drones attacked and a group of the Palestinian Civilians who were attempting to evacuate the palestinian dead bodies uh who were killed over the last couple of days as the israeli incubation forces have been intensifying their attacks over that area uh in the meantime here in the central area of gaza strip particularly fugi camp the center of the camp was targeted heavily by the of israeli artillery and even the northern part of that of the same refugee camp and azahra neverhood was subjected to continuous and several israeli air strikes wed by the israeli fighter and trons and the meantime gaza city was under heavy bombardments where ash neighborhood was targeted once again by the israeli air strikes and even a zitoon neighborhood was targeted heavily and intensely by the israeli of Artillery One more time, so we are talking about continuous air strikes that are still covering all areas of gaza strip amid the catastrophic humanitarian conditions. On the other hand, the Palestinian Resistance is still fighting back against the israeli accubition forces particularly in a zeitoon neighborhood, as you know that the israeli tanks are still attempting to destroy and to uh to attack the zait neighborhood amid heavy bombardments bursed by the israeli. Strikes and the israeli artillery, according to saray cods and kassami brigade, they have targeted several israeli tanks in the eastern part of the neighborhood, while many Palestinian Resistance factions announced and stated that they have targeted the Israeli Occupation forces mobilizing in the eastern part of gaza city with multiple mortal projectiles and palestinian missiles, so this is the Current Situation of thehruz. All right, tell us about the uh humanitarian uh aid we hear that they are just being piled up uh near gaza but they are not let in and also how many hospitals are the left . Yes, as you know, its its very clear for everyone else that the Israeli Occupation forces are adamant uh to allow any any entry of those humanitarian aid to the Palestinian People, we are talking about at least 2. 3 palestinian, 2. 3 million Palestinian Civilians are still deprived of their basic humanitarian needs and this is actually uh as a result, this comes as a result of the the israeli policy uh that once to deprive the Palestinian People of those basic humanitarian needs and to deepen the suffering of the Palestinian People, and according to according over the last couple of weeks the israeli incubation forces repetatedly and frequently attacked the Palestinian Civilians who were gathering near annabulcy round about waiting for the humanitarian aid and the humanitarian relief to reach gaza city. However, the israel incubation forces for at least the eighth consecutive time targeted them and killed thozens of those Palestinian Civilians. So its the fixed policy of the Israeli Occupation forces to keep attacking the Palestinian People and targeting the Palestinian People and on the ground leaving the Palestinian Civilians and the Palestinian People uh under the brutal salvation as they are still fighting and grabbling with this with this unprecedented family that they are experiencing these moments okay thanks for the update our correspond and uh live for us in central gaza now moving on uh in other news, us President Joe Biden expressing hope that a cease fire will be established in the gaza strip by next monday. And datomit reports of progress in the talks between negotiators in the katari capital. My my National Security advisor tells me that were close, were close. Its not done yet. And my hope is by next monday well have a cease fire. Well the comments came today after the white house National Security advisor confirmed the negotiators are close to reaching. Sessfire deal. Joha is hosting a new round of talks in the presence of representatives from israel, qatar, egypt, and the us. Hamas official has reacted to bidens remark saying that there are still big gaps that need to be bridged. The official says the comments of the us president s are premature, and they do not match the situation on the ground. According to media reports, someos has received dr proposal which allows for 40day initial halt in all military operations in gaza. The pause would potential allow the release of 40 israeli captives in exchange for 400 palestinians held in israeli jails. It also includes the return of displaced palestinians to northern gaza and the entry of eight trucks to the beseich territory. A potential new cease fire deal between Hamas Movement and the israeli regy was topic of the Explainer Program today. Now in that program we took a closer look at the. Tels of two size demands and the stumbling blocks to a truth in gaza. The truth talks appear to have switched gears and is now back on track in terms of israel and hamas based on reports that are coming out of paris where the most recent true stocks were held, but as the saying goes, cautious optimism is the rule of the day. Well, the latest is that hamas has received this draft proposal from the gaza trups and initial reports, well they have come up with a resolution on the issue of the. In prisoners for example, and israeli captives. Lets take a look at the proposal and what it entailed in terms of what was hammered out in paris and then now in the hands of hamas, youre looking a 40day pause in all military operations. It also includes the exchange of palestinian prisoners, sticking points, for israeli captives, which is one of the major points mentioned here, and also the ratio, thats really important, before it was 3 to1, here were looking at 10 to1, that means for every israelity captive, yeah. 10 palestinian prisoners that will be released, well if theres an agreement on the issue of captives and also on the issue of prisoners, that would be major breakthrough since that has been again as mentioned one of the sticking points. Now in this latest truth package, lets take a look at what the this would entil. For example, in terms of uh what hamas needs to do, 40 captives need to be released, they need to be all woman, and also the sick and the elderly need to be included in there over the age of 50, and also israel will need to then. Uh going to what israel needs to do, it needs to release 400 prisoners, thats where the ratio of tento one comes in, and also no rearrests, why is that important . Because israel has a practice of releasing palestinian prisoners, then arresting them again. For the last time around, one of the reasons hamas did not agree to a cease fire was that it said it cant not go ahead with talks while the palestinians are starving, and by the way, that is a war crime thats being committed by israel, but in this case we have seen that. Has actually addressed that under the proposed seesfire, for example, hospitals and bakeries need to be repaired, okay, so there you have a humanitarian and hunger issue being dealt with, also 500 eight trucks daily need to enter the gaza strip uh and thousands of tents and caravans will need to be delivered to house the displaced. This one is really important because youre looking at thousands, tens of thousands even more that are not only displaced, they dont have anywhere to stay at this point. Now its interesting to note the us president s input in this matter, and uh according to the reports joe biden has been really eager for immediate cease fire to take place, even though it was supplying the Israeli Regime with bombs and missiles through. All this time, taking a look at some of the statements that he has made, which is again very important, for example, he said israel has agreed not to engage in military activities during ramadan in the gaza strip. Okay, now thats important, ramadan begs begins on march 10th. He also said that israel will make it possible for palestinians to evacuate from raffa, again this offensive on raffa, which has been in the news so much, people fearing for the lives of palestinians. One of the now when we go to the issue of displaced. There has been another revelation which has been major on on the issue, and thats the palestinians return to their land, their homeland in the gaza strip. The most recent truth actually includes the following, where you have them returning to the north of the gaza strip. Okay, so a gradual return to the north of the gaza strip except for men of military age, so thats a condition that israel has set. The return factor is important. That it may mean, may mean the elimination of displacements such as the palestinians to other countries like egypt, because that would again uh mark another nakba, as many have described that to be, but maybe thats not in the works any longer. Now if there is a sign that this truth proposal may work, it may have come from the move made by the now former palestinian Prime Minister who submitted his governments resignation. Lets take a look at what uh he has said, muhammad shataya, he stated that the next administration would need to take accounts the merging reality in gaza, which has been laid waste by nearly five months of heavy fighting, okay . So thats what mr. Shataya has said, and it is reported that this move could actually open the door to reforms for the pa. This is what was reported before, remember the us saying the pa has to be reformed. Well, even though this may indicate that, uh, keep in mind, this is something that not only last time around, but this time around most likely will also be rejected by hamas. Unless theres a change again, this is evolving story in some respects. Now no sooner had the news come out, hamas already said that big gaps remain that need to be bridged before it goes a ceasefire. These are some of the reactions that are coming in, disagreement with us President Joe Biden that fighting should be halted, thats one of the other disagreements or other points made by hamas, characterizing the us request as premature, and finally uh he has said does not match the situation on the ground, so you have three points. Over there uh that has been uh at this point replied by uh the hamas uh ismahana uh also uh senior hamas reap in lebanon osama hamdan has added his uh input into this calling the ceasefire proposal publicity stunt that the us is trying to influence the palestinian Public Opinion and the way its doing that is by leaking the news that we just uh have been telling you about this agreement with the aim of exerting pressure and creating weakness among the palestinians. So so far this is what uh has been revealed based on the true stocks that have come out of paris waiting for a reaction from hamas overall as whether this is going to be going ahead or not. Okay, well wait and see. Now lebanese resistant movement, hezballah has fired dozens of rockets at an Israeli Military base located in the northern part of the occupied territories as well as says that it targeted aerial surveillance space. The upper galile region with 40 rockets, the attack was in response to the monday israel strike on the lebanyese city of balbec that left two civilians dead. On monday resistance groups also shot down an israeli drone over southern lebanon as well and israel had been engaged in clashes since the regime began the genocidal war on gaza early october. Lebanese resistance fighters said mainly targeted israely minature positions, but the tel aviv regime is even targeted residential areas in lebanon. Causing the death of several civilians. Now correspondent uh mariam salah joined us a while ago from the lebanese capital with details regarding hezbollahs retaliatory rocket attacks on Israeli Military targets. Yesterday israely attack targeted balbak, they targeted also several areas that are civilian and so therefore the response was like we said tens of rockets that reached the command center and headquarters of the golan group, and that is the first time in the town or the area of nafaah, and that is the area that is that was targeted for. The first time, excuse me, for the first time by hazballah and it is considered relatively far far away from the other bases that have been targeted, after the very significant attack and the fact that they took down their hermes 450, that in itself was considered very big achievement, and how do we know it is a big achievement, not only because of the significance of this drone, how much this drone has cost the israelies, also from all the talk we see in the israeli media. How they are talking about it as something of a blow to them, also this morning we had another 40 rockets on the maroon base, the maroon base had also been targeted as part of hizbillahs retaliation for the assassination of arudi and other hizballah commanders and so that in itself is very significant, as you know it is on the highest mount in all of occupied palestine, the mount germock, so in itself targeting that area, they said, hazballah said that they targeted with with tens of rockets from more than one launcher, it seems that if we do have a truth, the israelies will escalate as much as they can just before the truth, but then when the truth comes, i think that it will be a relief for them to stop the confrontations, but what would how would they deal with the hizballah arsenal that they know is very significant, theyre even hiding that from their troops in order for them not to be terrorized uh by this the capabilities. This is my land and my country. It is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. I am not ready to let go of a centimeter. Israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. Thats why they separate the land. Well i was at the babbo shams protest last week and uh i myself had a my head banged against a bus by soldier. Illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us the palestinians. This is historical palestine. Welcome back, the iranian fl minister is in the swiss state of geneva where he is attended the 55th session of the un Human Rights Council, and also held talks with number of his counterparts on the sidelines of the un meeting. A corresponding joined us earlier with an update. Iranian foreign minister attended three highlevel meetings and addressed those meetings in all of them highlighting the situation of palestine and the fact that israel needs to be disarmed, well as you mentioned there is the uh 55th Human Rights Council meeting, its an annual meeting and of course this meeting which the iranian fire minister addressed was a highlevel meeting with many of his counterparts from different parts of the world attending. And that is why the address the Iranian Foreign minister, which was also by the way, echoed by many of these counterparts, the foreign minister of iron is holding very important meeting with the foreign minister of egypt, there was a sideline event last night, it was actually very important meeting in terms of the number of countries that turned up in support of palestine, that sideline event, and we have the foreign minister of saudi arabia, the foreign minister of egypt, many arab countries uh speaking out loud in in support of palestinians and of course all of them calling for immediate cease fire uh so uh thats as far as the meetings that the foreign minister attendeds concerned, but there were also quite a large number of bilateral meetings that the iranian fire minister held with his counterparts from different parts of the world, there was a very important meeting with antonio guter, Union Secretary general, which you know right now now uh the un even is uh basically maybe just trying to say face because of its inaction and not being able to uh actually stop the bloodched bringing into question of what the un is there for you know in the first place uh on the other hand there was a head of the icrc who held bilateral talks with iran you know that uh at this point in time they are the ones responsible for sending humanitarian aid into gaz. Three palestinians have been killed in israeli raits near the occupied westbank city of napolis, a funeral was sell for one of the victims to got killed in a ton of tubas. This palestinian was member of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement. Palestinians have announced a general strike protesting the killing. The two other people were killed in al fara refugee camp near to bus. Since october 7th, theres already forces and settlers have stepped up attacks against palestinians across the occupied territories. In the latest report the un said around 400 palestinians including at least 100 children have been killed ever since. The pr correspondent and ramala kendle joined us a while ago with details about the latest israeli deadly rates on the west bank. The Israeli Forces reided the refugee camp of alfara and as well. Al fara intobas and heavy clashes have taken place between palestinian members of the resistance groups and the Israeli Forces. During this military raid that continued for several hours, the Israeli Forces assassinated the three palestinians. Why we are saying assassinated . Because the Israeli Military just issued a statement saying they succeeded to kill the leader of tubas. Battalion mohammed bayatzi, this battalion that is part of the sirial quds, the armed ring of the Jihad Movement here in the occupied west bank and bayatzi was also killed with two other palestinians during this operation, the Israeli Military also said they carried out military operation elsewhere in the occupied west bank in jeine in romalla in ariha. As well as in napolis, here in ramala, the israel has stormed the zone refugee camp and detained at least two palestinians. Now iran is gearing up for two key elections that will be held on the 1st of march simultaneously, people will be going to the ballot boxes on friday to elect both members of parliament and those of the assemble of experts. We have a report. Iranian voters are due to head for polling stations on friday to pick new members of parliament and the assembly of experts. The iranian legislative body is called matless. Members of parliament are elected in maltai and single seat constituencies through direct public vote every four years. Majlis has 290 members, five of them representing religious minorities. Namely zorastrians, jews, assyrians and christians. According to the interior ministry, around 15,00 candidates have been approved to compete in the parliamentary elections this year, a record figure since the 1979 islamic revolution. In the assembly of experts elections, hundreds of candidates are vying for 88 seats. The body elects and oversees the activities of the leader of the islamic revolution. Tough since the number of candidates is unprecedented in the history of the Islamic Republic. Most of the candidates, particularly in small constituencies, are reportedly doctors, engineers, Civil Servants and teachers who are not affiliated with any political group. The new parliament will convene in late may. Voting in the Islamic Republic of iran is considered to manifest the peoples power and their active presence on the scene. Nearly. 40 elections have been held in iran since the victory of the islamic revolution. The friday vote will be the 12th parliamentary election and the sixth one on the assembly of experts. Russia has warned the west against sending troops to ukraine saying that such move would not be in the interest of western states. Krom Spokesman Says the fact that the possibility of sending some nato contingents is being discussed is a pretty important new element. He warned that conflict between russia and the us like nato military alliance would be inevitable if european members of nato sent Ground Troops to ukraine. The comments came after french president said to the option of european nations sending troops to ukraine was on the table, the comments have been dismissed by german chancellor olaf schultz. The south korean president has pleged to go ahead with a controversial reform in this countrys health sector, despite Junior Doctors outrage and walkout over the plan. Youun called a walkout a threat to human lifes and safety. He accused the striking doctors of holding. Patients hostage, Health Authorities meantime have permitted nurses to take over some of the functions of doctors to reduce the strain on the sector. Trainy doctors argue that they are being paid a less in comparison to the workload. Last week, thousands of Junior Doctors either resigned or walked out the job, protesting the planned reform. The move caused disruption to services. The Health Ministry has war the doctors to return to the post by the end of the month to avoid possible prosecution. Thats right for now, thank you for watching and goodbye. Nations the first force. Frente a una crisis general, economica, social, face with a general economic, social and criminal crisis, is ecuador its way to overcome them or simply failing in the attempt, and even ending as a failed state. O simplemente

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