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Hello everyone, youre watching press tv live from studios in telefon, thank you for joining us. Todays top story, israel has of announced the expansion of its ground raise in gaza as the regime intensifies its bombardment of the besieed strip. The strikes are described as the fierces since. Start the Israeli Aggression on october the 7th. Officials in said Israel Communications and most of the internet across the coast sliver to perpetrate new massaches against palestinians. This as the un chief has urged the humanitarian sease fire as he warned that gaza faces an unprecedented avalanche of human suffering. The gaza based Movement Hamas says its ready for any ground incusion warning that territory will become a graveyard for its invaders. The war on gaza has claimed the lives of over 70. 300 people, at least 70 of those killed are women and children. Israel has also imposed the complete sie on this, worsening humanitarian situation in the strip. For three weeks Palestinian Gaza have been witnessing heartbreaking scenes of devastation and death caused by israels constant air attacks. Every day and every hour they pull out their bodies from under rest women and children, the residents in the besieg strip are angry of the worlds silence and inaction. Its like the Nuclear Bombs of hiroshima. Theres no humanity left in the world, no ones standing by us, we havent slept since yesterday and we havent been able to pull anyone out from under the roll. In this house, there were 70 to 80 people, Young Children still remain under the rouble, what have done . Did they kill israelis . They didnt kill anyone, they were just sitting safe in their homes and the whole residential block was boat down. All those who lived here were innocent civilians. The air striks targeted our. Homes while were inside them, thank god we were able to emerge from under the rubble, god saved us, but there are no homes, nothing here, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance movement, hamas has once again targeted tel aviv with barages of rocket fire in response to what he called the massacre of civilians in gaza. Six israelys have been reportedly injured in the operation by thesam brigades. The Resistance Movements rock out. Hit the seven cities of asalam, ash and sturt. Regime relimitary base near the gaza strip also came under attack. So the israeli cities have been targeted by the Resistance Group while israel continues to bombard the gaza. Over 1400 israels have been killed since the Palestinian Resistance fighters launched operation anla flood on october 7th in response to decades of crimes and occupation. Thousands more or israelies have also been wounded while over 200, including the regimes have been taken captive. The mayor of london siddiq khan has broken ranks with his partys leadership to call for se in gaza. He made call during a video posted on social media. The terrible situation in gaza now look set to deteriorate even further. Thousands of innocent civilians, men women and children have already. Be killed, is becoming impossible for aid to reach the people who desperately need it. Substantial military escalation is now likely, which will only deepen the humanitarian disaster. I joined the International Community in for sease fire. It will stop the killing and would allow vital aid supplies to reach those who need it in gaza. It would also allow the International Community more time. To prevent a protracted conflict in the region and further devastating loss of life. Khan war spread israeli escalation. Will only deepen humanitarian disaster, adding that the regime does not have the right to break international law, describe leader as well as hundreds of the parties counselors and nearly a quarter of the mps has also called for an immediate sation of violence. This mass pressure on labor leader k. He and the Ruling Conservative Party leader rishi sonak have so far resisted calling for total cease fire. Starm is also facing criticism many voters across the country since appearing to give his support to his cutting off water, fuel, energy and Food Supplies to gaza. So does the episode surrounding, tell us about the state of western politics. Hes our correspondent. Who would have ever thought that politician could be considered radical for simply causing calling for an end to the bloodshed, the absolute devastation of a people, the absolut absolute decimation of population thats been held random for the past 17 years plus, it it be belief that hes a drided in the world labor man, i mean no ones accu khan of being particularly radical, but it seems this is how any idea that you are not paroting washington line, the line coming out the kinness in in the temporary entity, and of course coming out of the war rooms downing street, then suddenly your. Position could be at risk, let me just put something to you, you mentioned very clearly there when you were introducing this piece that he is following in step with the Scottish First minister uh has relatives caught up in this situation, he is following in the footsteps of shine leaders of people coming from the north of and from ireland of ireland itself in saying this is simply inhumane to have anything else than even if we want to dress it up and call it a human. Humanitarian ceasfire, so more ae can go, so you can patch up so you can bomb them some more, it seems this is the very bottom of what weve come to expect from our politicians, people across the world continue to stage rallys in support of palestinians, thousands of high demonstrators to the streets in jordans capital to condemn the israeli atrocities in gaza and call for the dismissal of the israeli ambassador to anman. In yemen, our protesters denounced israels genocidal war against palestinians also gathered in an azar mask to voice their support for palestinians. Iraqis took to the streets of the capital baghdad for the same reason. Palestinians in several parts in the occupied west Bank Including ramallah, alkalil, nablus and tolkam also rallied insolidarity of the people of gaza. Similar rallies were held in several other countries on thursday including the us, india, belgium and spain. Argentinas capital buenos aires two saw thousands of people marching on the Israeli Embassy to denounce the regimes brutality. Author and journalist Arnold August says the us is losing the propaganda war as huge cross of people are turning out day by day in solidarity with the Palestinian People. The United States is losing the propaganda war in the sense people. Longer believe what the United States says with regard to socalled amas atrocities and the the the demonstrations that are taking place in the middle east and other in europe, in north america, canada, United States, people are not at all inteminated by this narrative that that israel, that hamas decapitate babies or any other socalled atrocities or so make up atrocities, so this is an important. Turning point, i think one of the result of this is as we speak today, there is something new since yesterday and today that apparently qatar is trying to broker seasefire between United States and hamas, which would include the release of hostages to israel, this is major breakthrough, and we remember only few days ago israel ordered all of its me want not to talk about the ceasfire, ceasfire is off the table, and now apparently they are. Talking about a cefire, so this, if this is the case, i think its a major turning point in this war, and it is definitely a victory for amas and the courageous Palestinian People, despite all the attempts to stop them from resisting, they are continuing to resist and have increased the number of supporters around the world by millions and millions. Israel has intensified this crackdown in the occupied west bank while also pressing ahead with this bombards. The gaz trip in palestinians have held a funeral for two of the latest victims of the regimes atrocities. Israeli troops rated the towns of kalkalia and janin earlier today, killing four palestinians including newly freeed prisoner. Regime forces also arrested dozens of people there and elsewhere across the west bank. Tensions are simmering in the occupy territories with palestinians outraged of the Israeli Massacre people in gaza. At least 110 people have so far been killed during israely raise in the west bank since the gaza war had began. The Resistance Movement hezbollah has hit at least six military targets Israeli Occupied territories. Hezbollah said it struck the targets including the misgav and kiboot with position missiles. The group said sites in kaf shuba and shaw farms region were also hit. The state added added that some technical capabilities of the israeli facility were destroyed. This came after israel carried outs on southern lebanon. The area has with his exchanges of fire since the 8th of october, a day after major palestinian operation against israel, there have been several casualties, deaths on both sides. As the Israeli Regime continues this Genocidal Campaign against palestinians and the beseest cause. Strip attempts to silence voices in support of the oppressed people have also intensified. Reports of circulating at along page about activists being sacked for their positions, journalists relieved of their duties and even athletes stripped of their contracts. Is more. Since october 7th, israel has launched a lendless bomb campaign against the people of gaza. The bombardments have claimed the lives of thousands of innocent palestinians. Most of them women and children. Israels genocidal war on the people of palestine has spark mass rallies across the world. Journalists, actives and even athletes have joined the growing calls to put an end to the carnage. Most of these voices are being suppressed due to the pressure by israel and z slabbies. Reports have been circulating at alarming pace about actives being sacked from their positions, journalists being relieved of their duties and even athletes being stripped of their contracts. The editor and chief of academic journal that he was fired from his job after sharing an article about people dying in gaza. Michael eisen, a geneticist at the university of california berkley and the editor of the science journal elife tweeted to say that he had been informed that hes being replaced as the publications editor. Egiptoker kary said he had sack from his job in france because he made three videos on tiktok in support of the people of palesstein. Jack friends recently appointed as a sixers beat writer for philly voice was relieved of his duties after sending out a tweet in solidarity with the people of palestine. Frank a vocal supporter of palestine in one of his tweets days after his unceremonious sacking termed the israeli atrocities against the people in gaza, as quote genocide in the canadian city of ontario, the new democratic party, ndp expelled np sarah jama from the conc earlier this week for her statements in support of palestinians. Governments and institutions in canada are trying to use their voice to wait and wait. To silence us, to silence workers, students, educators and peaceloving people who care to support palestine and every person taking risk to speak up for palestinian and safety, i see you and i hear you, and i am with you, they silence us, but we know her words are powerful, and we must keep to speak up, no matter the cost, in a series of tweets, sarah jama called for an immediatefire and descalation, one of the top agents in hollywood, also had to call it quits for role at the creative artist. Agency ca after she posted into palestine. Antania sing, a unionist from minneapolis, said she had been terminated from her job in a union for antisemitism over her support for palestine. Governments across the world, an attempt to address antisemitism and somehow redress the horrors of the holocaust, are allowing israel to get away with apartite, ethnic cleansing, detention of children. Torture, restriction of movement and other freedoms and the illegal occupation of land. After every genocide, the world cries out, never again, here you see another tempted genocide unfold right in front of your eyes, and you dont just watch on quietly, but actively supporting the oppressor. Since the launch of the oppression resistance fighters against israel western leaders have equavocally voiced their support for telfief. They have ignored the plate of the Palestinian People and supporters of palestines just cause. Germany has moved to ban pro palestan rallys and france. Has also declared an outright ban on all palestine related protests. Meanwhile the crisis gaza has unveiled western double standards regarding the issue of palestinians and their cause. Western nations have tried their best to silence propalestine voices. Germany for example, and recent weeks moved hysterically to ban propalestine demonstrations all together, smearing them as quote. Antice. Gatherings, berlin has violently cracked down on palestinian activists, French Interior minister gerald daminan has decared an outrate ban on all palestine related protests. In addition, those standing in solidarity with the palestinian cause are also reportedly being stopped, questioned and find. In the uk, the rishiona government has come out openly in support of the Israeli Regimes genacidal campaign in the besieg gaza strip. Home secretary Swella Braverman insisted at waving. The palestinian flag could amount to inciting racism or violence. At the same time, Prime Minister sunak demanded all state buildings should display the israeli flag. The response by the european officials to the massacre in gaza strip and the subsequent intensifications of siege and the indiscriminate bombing of civilians by tel aviv, has late bear the hypocrisy of the european leaders and their blatant bias towards israel. We know for sure that we resent the views of. Majority of people in ireland, we represent the views of our parliament, and we genuinely believe that we represent the views of the majority of european citizens who have taken to the streets in their tens and hundreds of thousands of past number of days appled by the stance of the eu socalled leaders who have been complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing by allowing israel to behave, just days ago, more than 800 eu officials wrote a letter to blocks chief ersonder. Criticizing her uncontrolled support of israel. Signatories of the letter said there is seing indifference demonstrated over the past few days by our institution towards the ongoing massacre of civilians in the gaza strip, insregard rights and International Humanitarian law. The letter represents deep Division Within the block on how to approach the israel gaza war. The iranian armys grand force has kicked off twoday military drill in Central Province of esvahan. Drills launch was overseen by chief commander of ibans Army Major General sayyad abdul rahim mussi. Various units of army are taking part in the maneuver. They include infantry, armed, missile, artillery, aviation, drones, engineering as well as electronic, modern and cyber warfare units. The military exercises aimed. That improving irans deterrance power in the face new threats and assessing combat capabilities of the participating units, reviewing different tactics for ground battles is also amongst the goals of the drill. Us says it has launched this strikes in Eastern Syria against two facilities link to irans Islamic Revolution gards court senior us defense officials said the striks took place in the town abu kamal near iraq using a pair of f16s. A separate remark, defense secretary loyd austin said the strikes were in respon to attacks by iranback groups against us forces in iraq and syria in the past week. Houston said the us will take additional measures if the attacks continue. Tervan has yet commented on the pentagons air strikes. Bust Resistance Groups in iraq had already warned that they would target us interest in region if the Israeli Regimes crimes continue against palestinians. The groups claim some attacks on us bases in iraq and syria in the past few days. They say. The us is complicit in israel crimes because it backs the regime. And people in pakistan have observed the anniversary of the black of black day on friday to show solidarity with people in indian administered kashmir. Press tvs correspondent nasar kasmi, reports from islam about. Like every year, people in pakistan march in the streets on friday. To observe kashmir black day. Pakistan observes black day on 27 every year a day when india, according to islamabad, ignored the british partition plan and took control of the dis territories of jammu and kashmir back in 1947. The rails a demonstration of solidarity with the kashmiri people and their struggle for Self Determination against indian rule. Atrocities against kashmir people should be stopped by. India now the United Nations as well as the organization of the islamic operation should play their role in ending the ongoing violence against innocent men, women and children in the Indian Occupied kashmir. The annual commemoration is an opportunity for pakistani people to express their support for Kashmir Liberation Movement and to raise about human rights abusesly committed by Indian Forces in kashmir kashmiri stand united with the kashmir people in the pursuit of freedom and Self Determination like kashmiri residents in india, the people of palestine are also suffering from the atrostities of israel. Muslim nations should stand with the people of kashmir and palestine. The protest rally is also aim to draw International Attention to the issue of kashmir and put pressure on the Indian Government to resolve the dispute to dialogue negotiation. Its a message the india and also a kashmiri nation that the kashmiri nation is not alone in this struggle for the freedom of kashmiri people. Kashmir, a muslim majority himalayan region is divided between india and pakistan and both claim it. The kashmir dispute also led to several was between the two Nuclear Armed asian rivals since they were separated back in 1947 International Pressure commitment to kashmir peoples right to Self Determination and continue to advocate a resolution to the conflict that reflects the way of the people of kashmir. Press tv islamabad. Those were the top stories for this hour, thank you for being with us, take care and byebye. The United States recognizes the provision government as the. De Facto Authority of israel 948, the beginning of arab Israeli Regime war. Arab leaders gathered at the hortoon summit and said, no peace with israel, no negotiations with israel, no recognition of israel, this documentary describes the behind the scenes process of the arab israeli war, suas crisis, six day war and yokipor war. Using brief this hour israel has announced the expansion of raising gaza as the regime intensifies its bombardment of the besieg strip. Officials in gaza say israel also cuts communications and most of the internet across the cost sliver to pitray new massacus against palestinians. The militry wing of the Palestinian Resistance movement has once again targeted tel aviv with barage rocket fire in response to what it called the massacre of civilians in gaza. Six israelies were reportedly injured in the operation by the khassam brits. The mayor

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