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Areas near three hospitals in the gaza strip after the regime orders 20 hospitals in the besieg territory to evacuate. Irans president raisi strongly condemns us president s pro israeli remarks as reactionary and inhumane saying that they prove the regimes fake nature. And people around the world. To the streets to condemn israeli atrocities against the people of palestine, of warm welcome to our studios here in the capital tathran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining. Us leave or face death, this is yet another warning the Israeli Military has issued to residents living in the northern part of the bessieg gaza strip. The warning comes as hundreds of thousands of gazans have already moved southward to take refuge in temporary shelters. However, the areas that they have fled to are also being hit by israeli war planes and artillery. More than 4700 palestinians have been killed since the regime launched its onslot on gaza over two weeks ago. More than 16,000 people a been wounded. According to the un agency for Palestinian Refugees or ana, it has also lost at least 29 of a staff in israeli mombardments. In the meantime, the Israeli Military said one of his tanks had accidentally fired at an egyptian post near the border with gaza. Meanwile israelly warplays have rain down bombs in areas around three hospitals in gaza, adding to the immense strain on medical facilities in the besieg territory. According to palestinian media reports, israel. Missiles hit the vicinity of alshifa and alguts hospitals in gaza city. The strike also heard near indonesia hospital in northern gaza, and its director reported injuries and Severe Damage to the complex, but there were no immediate reports of possible destruction and injuries near the two other hospitals. On saturday, israel ordered 20 hospitals in gaza, including alguts to evacuate. The regime is of facing a course of condemnation from around the world over its bombardment of alahley hospital and tuesday, nearly 500 people, including those who had taken refuge from israels assaults were killed in the strike. Of kuriaria goda is with the federation of the iraqi trade unions. She tells us about the need for solidarity with palestinians amit israels onslot on gaza and the normalization deals between some arab states and regime. Right now the people of gazza and the children of gazzah. Are dying and the world is quiet, even some of the arab countries that pretend to be concerned for the future of jerusalem and its liberation, they are now normalizing with israel. This thing, the normalization, which is humiliating and frightening, because the people of palestine is in need of total solidarity and and support and a firm stand of every arab and all free people of the world. We are embroiled with him in the struggle, even though we are from far off land geographically. We continue our struggle with him in all. To prepare and mobilize the Arab Public Opinion and international Public Opinion in order to assist and and support and stand firmly with the struggle of the Palestinian People, and now i believe that the iraqi people will spare nothing, will not hold back to be with their Palestinian People in solidarity, and in fact some youth have all the determination to go to palestine in order to help their people in gaza. Israel is also escalating its atrocity. In the west bank while continuing its relentless bombardment of the gaza strip. The Regime Forces have killed two more palestinians in the occupied territory. 17yearold jahad saleh and muhammad abu 29. Were fatally shot during an israeli raid on the town azawata, west of nablus. Two other palestinians were injured by the regimes live bullets. Earlier, another Young Palestinian was killed by israeli tops near a refugee camp north of al khalil. Since the start of israels bloody war in gaza, 93 palestinians have been killed and some 1400 others injured in the west bank. Israel says one of his troops was killed and three others injured during raid and the gaza strip. The Israeli Military Spokesman Says the raid was carried out as part of a preparation for a ground attack and to gather intelligence. Earlier, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance moved hamas said that it had ambushed in Israeli Armored units that had trespassed few meters into the territory. Those galasan brigades added that two israeli bulldosers and a tank were destroyed and the forces retreeted back across the separation fence. Hamas has warned that gaza will turn into a graveyard for the invaders. The Resistance Movement has also been firing thousands of missiles into israel. Since the beginning of operation alaxsa flood, at least 1500 is seven killed and nearly 5000 injured. Mr khandial as a correspondent joining us from occupied ramala to tell us more about the ongoings in the occupied territories. M, i believe were seeing an uptick in terms of uh the number of palestinians that are being killed, unless im im mistaken there. Tell us what has occurred in the past 24 hours. This morning, the number of palestinian by the Israeli Forces had even to 95. Israeli troops raided al jalazon refugee camp early on monday and clashes erupted between the Israeli Forces and palestinians, the israeli troops killed two more palestinians, mahmoud saif nakhle and muhammad nidal. Both are from the aljalizon refugee camp, four others has been wonded and at least 17 palestinians were arrested by the Israeli Forces in the refugee camp of al jalazon, elsewhere in the occupied west bank, over 75 palestinians had been killed, had been arrested by the Israeli Forces only on monday in several areas in the al jalazone refugee camp in bet lahm, in al khalil. And in jeneen as well, those palestinian prisoners who had been detained by the Israeli Forces, the palestinian prisoners institutions say that the majority are palestinian or civilians, others are palestinian activists who express their rejection who call for the end of the israeli massacres being curred out on this being cur out in the gazaship of course they are posting on their uh pages on social media, others were taking part in the anti israeli protest and demonstrations that had been taking place since the first day, the seventh of of october when the aqsa flood operation started and the israeli were being carried out on the ghaza strip, yesterday as alone, in 24 hours eight palestinians had been killed in several areas in separate incidents in alkhalil in ariaha in askar refugee camp nearnapolis as well as in the junian refugee camp on the israeli air strike targeted when israeli ear strike targeted a mask inside the refugee camp of of jinin as you also mentioned the Israeli Military declared that at least one israel soldier had been killed, three others had been wonded by antitank missile fired from gaza, the missile fired towards the tank, this operation near the gaza border, according to the Israeli Military. Um, are we looking at still the state of affairs when it comes to uh the occupied territories as a whole where you have uh people and businesses uh and not much activity going on in that respect. Movement between areas is almost impossible here in the occupied west bank where the areas leading where the the the roads leading to northern the occupied west bank are completely closed with the numerous military check points the main one is the huara military checkpoint that allows the entry to the cities of neables had been closed and even the village of hawara that is adjacent to the military checkpoint of hawara, the shops had been ordered to continue. You be closing, no schools there, no businesses, and the israels had sent even more soldiers to deploy, not only at the military checkpoint, but also jeeps are seen in the narrow roads after the huara military checkpoint, in al khalil for instance, yesterday a palestinian was killed while he was trying to leave his village uh there in the uh the the in one of the palestinian villages in al khalil, immediately Israeli Soldiers were stationing inside one of the military towers, he was 400 meters away from them, however the israels had been ordering that no one is allowed to leave the villages there in al khalil, he was according to our sources there, he was trying to reach his sick father, his father had heart attack and he was to visit his father uh in the hospital immediately, because of this curfew he was driving his vehicle and Israeli Forces opened fire at him and killed him, so yes there is no official declaration that there is a closure on the occupied west bank, however several areas are completely closed, several areas palestinians are are not allowed to leave or to enter these villages, the. The the the roads between northern the occupied west bank, the center and southern the occupied west bank are cut with the numerous checkpoints and with Israeli Forces are using their guns to shoot and kill people in cold blood. Okay, thank you for that. Lets bring in brian dawson whos a human rights activist, joining us from saul. Brian dawson, welcome, i guess im going to start out with a simple question, uh, where uh when you take a look a 15. Days to have uh now transpired ever since the war broke out from october 7th, were still seeing seeing israel uh bomb the ghaza strip and were still seeing uh the death toll mount on the palestinian side, isnt there something wrong with with this picture where israel is allowed to continue doing what what its doing, obviously, and the the pictures are out, the videos are out, theyre bombing apartments full of people, they bomb moss, they bomb. Churches, they bombed hospitals, they bombed infrastructure, they even bombed a caravan after sending leaflets to say, hey, move south this direction, and then they bomb that too, but theres no Real International pressure, there was a un resolution, they got vedoed by the us, then the us made its own resolution, which was horrifying, they drafted it, it hasnt been passed, but they drafted a revolution, a resolution saying, yeah, iran cannot supply hezballah with weapons, but of course the us can supply the israelis with weapons and they did, they gave them thermoric bunkerbuster bombs, which were used on civilians, this theyve bombed this city more than dresdin, they bombed this, theyve dropped more bombs on the gaza strip than the us did to afghanistan over a 20 year period, and this is two by 25 mile area, most the world is sick of it, sick of seeing it, they are decrying israel as committing war crimes, israel is also in addition to that usemic weapons like white phosphorus, but there isnt much they can do about it, as long as the United States stands with israel and puts his carriers in the mediterranean, everyones afraid to act, look how long it took egypt to get aid across the border and ended up only being like 17 trucks and then israel bombed raphia anyway. Yeah, so um, trying trying to understand um, well trying to understand lot of things over here, but um, the. The way that israel is continuing with this with this carnage um it has accomplishes and um this is a scenario that the us is unfortunately used to, but uh the biggest accomplice to this is the us uh what do you think is the communication between the two uh when israel is continuing with this carnage does that mean the us has given it the green light for it to go ahead and additionally wants it to continue uh but a wider scale if it goes into for the for example into the gaza strip. It apparently it looks like that, you would think that this is insane act, but in addition to giving israel more weapons for their air force, the us decided to to create aid package and and joe biden got out and gave a speech how theyre going to lump it all together with ukraine and israel and maybe even something for the uss own border, but the majority of thats going overseas, as if israel needs tens of billions or even a hundred billion dollars, that was the reaction of the us after. Not many, but some, even within the us, actually, were seeing uh some lawmakers or people who are in a higher capacity uh within the government, for example, like lawmankers in the us, that have shown uh their compassion for the palestinians, they have realized uh that they need to speak up, and that is causing divisions, thats accompanied of course with the mass uh protest that were seeing uh out there on the streets uh that some are saying the genius really is out of the bottle now and theres no way it can turn back. How do you see the thats uh turning out in terms of uh people in the governments around the world uh some of them anyways speaking up for palestinians . Yeah, joshua paul resigned from the state department because of the humanitarian crisis in gaza and pointed out correctly, how is this going to make this better . The last five wars of going in and go and go mowing the lawn didnt do it, how. Is this going to make it any better . It wont, so people are resigning from their positions, there are protests within the United States, in fact they went into the capital building, um, completely propalestinian group and took that, theyre all in the streets of new york city, you can see them in chicago, unfortunately, too much emphasis is put on people yelling at buildings and waving flags, that isnt effective unless the media covers it and everyone else gets to see whats going on, and the media isnt. Covering it, thats the problem, it would be much more effective if all those people went in and lobbied and went directly to the people in power to make the rules uh and talk to them instead of chanting from the river to the sea and those kind of things, that is lot of wasted energy that could be directed in a much much more uh papable model that would be much more effective uh doing the adult thing and going in the building, if you have Representative Government like the United States does, go talk to your governor, go talk to your state sen. Go talk to the people in dc, your congressmen, the people you elected, because theyre the only ones have the power to change this, running around in the street with flags does show solidarity and feels good emotionally, but its not effective compared to lobby. Uh, we had the uh south african for minister here in iran um that uh spoke about about lot of things, but in particular about the uh conflict, lets take and listen to what she said ryan, and ill going to come back to you with a question on that. Believe as south africa that we as Global Community need to pay far greater attention to the situation of injustice and lack of enjoyment of human rights that is confronting the people of palestine. As south africa weve often spoken about how to the world community. Particularly the most developed countries in the world, some deserve human rights, others do not deserve human rights. We see this in the treatment of the people of palestine, that their land can be occupied, but we dont talk about occupation, so it is important that as the Global Community we really begin to draw together as progressive nations. To have far greater activism against the injustice that is being experienced by the people of palestine. It is sad that many countries in the region in which palestine exists had essentially deserted the people of palestine. But i think they can see today why countries like south africa have been consistent in their support for palestine and have. Never deviated from the belief president mandela held that until the people of palestine are free, south africa will not be fully free, nor any other person that suffers from injustice, so it is our task as nations of the world to do much more than we have done before, to support the people of palestine, be it in the United Nations system or elsewhere, to. Sure that finally they enjoy justice and the human rights that many of us have access to today, and we dont pretend that palestine is not occupied, we do not pretend that the people of palestine do not enjoy rights. We find it uncontrable that israel is supported to essentially wage a war of ethnic cleansing. Against the people of palestine, and the world should be horrified and should be acting far more urgently on this matter. Hi, ryan, you. There the uh south african foreign minister is speaking i couldnt help but think uh if you agree first of all with some of the things that she said uh particularly the one that was uh accusing israel of waging a war of ethnic cleansing and and the reason why we played her is because she is uh one of the members of the bricks grouping of countries they represent a large portion of the World Population do you think that uh the and theres many countries that actually want to now join uh bricks not because of this but prior because of the division that exists mainly because the us in the west in terms of the economic aspects of things, but thats a whole another story, but you think that they have a voice now and that they can make a difference when it comes to the palestinian cause given the stance that she just said that she has, which is uh pretty much what other bricks member countries also um agree with uh she can, and you bricks people are joining bricks because of how the us would just freeze dollars if you disagree with them politically, theyll just hold your funds, so its very fragile. People want an alternative to that, that speech, she really struck the root, she didnt start at october 7th, she didnt start the story in the middle, she brought up the occupation, the annexation, that is, if theres a ceasfire and things go back to the status quo, thats not acceptable either, because theres still under blocade, the west bank is still being annexed, they have racial colonies being built right top of people, sometimes theyre just kicked out of their house and replaced by somebody else, and they could be a migrant from brooklyn or long or somewhere in europe, the United States is going to steal a house from somebody, and if you remove the occupation and the annexation from the story, it doesnt make any sense, it just looks like hamas is crazy and attacking israel out of the blue for no reason because of jihad or something, they are reacting to the occupation, and so her speech is on point, it wasnt dealing with just this current situation, its the ongoing 75 years of abuse that. To now, thats what has to end, hamas would not exist if there wasnt an occupation, there wouldnt be, there wouldnt, these conditions wouldnt have been created if israel wasnt colonizing into the west bank, and they colonized gaza for a long time too, its george bushs road map, peep they got rid of the settlements there, but as soon as they removed the settlements, they relocated him to the west bank and they bomb gaza back into the stone age, this isnt the first time theyve been. Reveming apartments, this has been a cyclical event, this is the first time lot of people are seeing it, but this is the first time the media monopoly has been broken, its the first time as we internationalize more, you can get oppress tv and aljazera and even twitter now can come out with these stories, and lot of people are seeing this for the first time, theyve never seen the abuse that they theyll see it when it happens to israel, they have never seen such thing, the most horrible things anybodys ever seen in their life is watching this little children being pulled out of the rubble. Saw yesterday father pulled out dead holding his baby, theyre holding each other under the rubble, the baby looked only to be about one and a half years old, they died together, they they pull their corpses out of the rubble, no one used to be able to see things like that, these images, israels really stepped in it, and when this all gets resolved, assuming because they cant genocide two million people, they cannot physically do it, we cannot end this with a ceasefire, that the address, the occupation has to be addressed, there needs to be viable twostate solution, there cant be one state, theyre never going to nobody if you bomb two million people, 42 their houses, they dont want to live with, there have to there has to be a real twostate solution with real sovereignty in the bloccade in the annexation, thats the only way forward, israels never going to be safe, theyre never going to be secure, because theyve got the tiger by the tail, they cant wonder why, why do people want to do Violence Towards, because youre doing Violence Toward them. The whole reason they went and grabbeds of hostages is because you already had imprisoned lot of them in the first place, thousands of kids are in jail, no trial, nothing, they just kidnapp people off the street and put them in detention, theyre trying to do a prison exchange, so these are the things that have to be negotiated, they cant act like theyre pure victims and hamas took uh these hostages for no reason and they have absolutely no reason to be mad at the israeli state, and its its thats the missing part, and and she nailed it, we cannot pretend. Like the occupation doesnt exist, and most of the world doesnt, its the United States thats the problem, im embarrassed to say, but the israel couldnt do anything it does if it wasnt propped up militarily, financially and politically by the United States. All right, im going to ask you again to stay with us while we play a scene that unfolded in the streets of uh germany, in this case i believe it was in berlin, but anyways it was a protest that uh took place, lets take a listen to what transpired there. Letzten durchsage die zeit 14 42 all right uh ryan um what was transpiring there i dont know if you had a video or not or if he just had the audio um there were protesters obviously coming out in solidarity for palestinians but uh turned a little bit uh violent and there were some arrests that were uh being made there on the spot regarding uh the way that the demonstration, the demonstrations were were, i guess being executed by the uh, by the protesters. Um, what, whats interesting about this is uh, two parts, i think, unless you um, you have other things you would like to add to it or if you agree, is the fact that you have so many people that have come out and theyve theyve shown their solidarity with palestinians, im guessing that its not just about the babies that are being killed, some these uh people that are out there uh, theyre educated, they have seen not one, not two, not three, four wars. And of course add to that the decades of oppression, so so thats on the one hand, theyre educated in that sense, and on the other hand, um, you know, the of countries that are actually um, other side of the story here, that are outlawing protest or people who are showing solidarity with the palestinians, um, and if youre uh, god forbid, if you sympathize with hamas in 90s in france, you get five years uh, jail time, uh, what do you think about those two points that i made, and of course, any thoughts you have on the way that the protests are being handled by by i guess Security Forces uh, in a violent way. Yeah, so much for free speech. Listen, when you have protests as large as whats happening in europe, you have to think 9. 5 of them arent arent violent arent having a problem. Um, sometimes its a provocation by the police, stop resisting, and they start it, and now and then somebody might got get out of line and then the cops go use excessive force, but overwhelmingly. For days people have been protesting peacefully and that of course the camera is going to zoom in on where things go arry, but by and large thats not what happening. Its much more disturbing that in a place like france you cant have a palestinian flag like i have behind me or you can be arrested that youre not allowed to show support for a certain side. Now youre allowed to have israeli flags, youre allowed to do that, so but youre not allowed to promote palestine, and of course they always link this stuff together, well if youre opposed to israel then thats the same thing as being opposed to the jews and then its antisemitic, of course thats a canard, israel is a state, its not an ethnic group, and if you support palestine, then you not only support hamas, but the very specific actions of all the things theyve been accused of, some of which arent even true, like the decapitated babies and the shooting people a rave and the rape and things like that, so you just, yes, youre right though, it is educated people, its not just the dead babies, that is something that really triggered people. Emotionally though, people are sitting on the fence to get more involved, but yeah, mean any grow adult anybody thats been a live through from the 2000s and adulthood is seen, this is a cyclical event, israel is always bomb departments, israel is always going after infrastructure, this is not the first time theyve cut off electricity and water to people, this isnt the first time they abused them like this, and then obviously theres the ongoing bloccade, the calory count, they wont let eight in and then the abuse in the west bank as well, the checkpoints, the different ethnic groups, the racial segregation, okay, thank you for that, we appreciate it, thats ryan dawson speaking to us, im not sure i think we just got cut off with him, hes the activist, human rights activist, actually from saul. Were going to now cross on over to mariam salle who joins us to tell us more about uh, particular the developments between

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