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Hello everyone, youre watching press tv live from the studios in tehran. Thank you for joining us. In todays story israeli bombs raining down the besieg ghaza strip for the 14th day in a row leaving a trail of death and destruction in the bloccaded territory. The latest israeli air strikes killed three palestinians in han unis in Southern Gaza strip, adding to the 20 killed there earlier on friday, dozens have also been injured. The death all from the twoweek aggression is now over 4,100 with more than a thousand people missing. Meanwhile the un chief has visited the rafa Border Crossing between egypt and the gaza strip in a bit to get aid flowing into the besieged palestinian territory. So these trucks are not just trucks, they are lifeeline, they are the difference between life and deaths for so many people in gaza, and to see them stuck here makes me be very clear, what we need is to make the move, to make the move to the other side of this wall, to make the. Move as quickly as possible and as many as possible. We tash said trucks carrying International Aid for gaza should be rolling in the next day or so. Some 175 lorries filled with vital medicine, food and water are awaiting at the rafa crossing. Israel has cut off the supply of electricity, water, fuel and medicines into the territory, and according to the gazas ministry of health, seven main hospitals are now out of service, the un says more than 1 million of gazas 2. 3 Million People are displaced with the humanitarian situation beyond catastrophic and deteriorating daily. The Hamas Resistance Movement says it has released two american women that were taken captive in the gav. Hamass military wing the gassam brigades says the mother and the daughter were released for. Humanitarian purposes, the Group Spokesman abubaida says the move proves to americans and the world that that claims by us president and his administration of false and baseless. Abu ubaid says they are also considering the release of other captured foreigners. Hamas officials earlier said nearly 200 people were taken captive during operational flood on october 7th. These include highranking Israeli Military officials. Has suggested the captives could be swapped for 6,00 palestinians held in israeli prisons. Laila khalid, one of the iconic faces of the Palestinian Resistance, gave an interview to press tv. She is member of the popular front for the liberation of palestine. Laila joined the struggle for the liberation of palestine in her 20s. She is now in the late 70s and is still fighting against the Israeli Occupation through her activism. Lets listen to what she says, no the israel is from themir, they occupied palestine in lintil also after. 67 the resistance was there even my women in palestine they were not studing they are putting explosives and at the stations and and they were centers for life of course every ax should use on the. Tactics to promote the revolution, to be nearer to liberation, so in every era of the struggle, you have tactics and you have to strategy, then in 1987 the intifada broke out, this is new stage of our evolution that the people. Went to streets to face the army with all its any their weapons, but our children were facing also the army of israel, and it took about six years. Unfortunately the leadership of plo led by arafat went to negotiations, we were against that, but and he was supported by the arabs also to go for negotiations and to signs afterwards this now we ended up for with the intefada who raised the slogan freedom and independence and if it went back and if arafat and his, allies, we could have done that, because the army began to shake the israeli army, they are following children, some of them committed suicide, but it was a historical, even the world intifad was in all languages intifather, they nobody changed it, and that was also an other era of liberation movement. Palestinian resistance groups have launched more attacks against israel in retaliation for the regimes bombardment of the gaza strip. The military wing of Hamas Resistance Movement, the isadden alqassam brigade launched missiles at the city of tel aviv. Israeli military positions in east algots were also targeted. Hamas had previously stated that he can target anywhere in the. Israeli territories. Palestinian resistance fighters entered the gaza envelope area on october 7th, following missile strikes on israeli targets under the operation alaxa flood. At least 1500 israels have been killed and nearly 500 injured since then. Hamas says it launched the military campaign in response to repeated israeli desecration of the alaxsa mask and the regimes crimes and aggression throughout the decades. People across the globe have held demonstrations in a show of support for palestinians in the gazas riv. والجهاد سبيلنا. Propalestinian protesters took to the streets of the capital san ardemning israel for its crimes and calling for International Action to stop the onslaught in gaza. People in baghdad held a rally as well slamming washingtons support for tel aviv. Protesters in mirvoco also express solidarity with palestinians. Iranians fill the streets in different cities, including the capital tehran and the holy city of mashad. Similar values were held in dozens of other cities across the globe with demonstrators demanding an immediate end to gaza siege and a stop to the aggression. Mother, the symbol of love and peace. She cannot stay at home and be a bystander when she sees the disturbing images of murdered children, so iranian mothers with their children gathered at mothers square in tehran to express sympathy with palestinian mothers and children. They say that the only thing they can do today is to come to the streets and beat the voice of the oppressed. We have witnessed heartbreaking scenes in the past few days, such as children waking up to find their homes destroyed and searching for their mothers. During these moments, all we could do was cry. Perhaps these gatherings can help awaken public conscience and draw the world. Attention to gaza. I asked her why she has brought her daughter to this gathering. I brought my daughter because i think that from this age she should be able to develop a sense of sympathy so that when she reaches adulthood she will not be indifferent to what is happening in the world. I asked her how she felt about the recent events in palestine as mother. Tears weld up in her eyes. We have come here today to support the. We cannot watch our brothers and sisters in gaza being unjustly martyred and remain indifferent. I know it was my duty to come here to sympathize with palestinian children. I cannot imagine what is happening to palestinian mothers, it is very sad. Today mothers around the world play a significant role in teaching their children about the palestinian cause. Irans four minister has compared the atrocities committed by the Israeli Regime to those carried out by primitive terrorist groups such as daesh. Hossain Amir Abdullahyan condemned the israeli bombing of Greek Orthodox gaza church where at least 500 muslims and christians were taking shelter. At least 16 people were reportedly killed. Amir abdul said israel aggression, desecration of divine religions and attacks on humanities. Cultural and historical heritage, echo terrorist actions. Israel has a long history of bombing religious and civilian infrastructure. Lebanons Resistance Movement says it has targeted three israeli bases with precision guided munitions. In a statement hezbollah said the strikes took place in kaf shuba and shaba farms region. He said all the strikes hit the designated target. This came after israel carried out attacks on southern lebanon. The area has witnessed exchanges of fire since the 8th of october, a day after major palestinian operation against israel. The recent clashes between Israeli Forces and hezbollah fighters have left over dozen people dead. Earlier on friday, israel said it will evacuate the town of kiriyat shamona near the lebanese border. Propalestinian protests are in full swing across the globe ammit growing antiisrael sentiments over the regimes deadly war on the blockaded gaza strip. Our correspondents have filed us the following reports. Pakistan has dispatched a 100 ton package to gaza which is reeling from israels relentless bombing. The humanitarian assistance includes medicine, and blankets which has been sent to egypt through a chartered aircraft late on thursday. According to pakistans Foreign Affairs ministry. The supplies will then be transferred to the people of gaza from egypt. Israels actions violate International Humanitarian and human rights law. Deliberate attacks against civilian targets, constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. We call for an immediate. Fire and end to the siege of gaza and the facilitation of humanitarian corridors for unrestricted relief supplies. Meanwhile, in a show of solidarity with the palestinian people, pakistani president arif alwi visited the Palestinian Embassy in islamabad and met with its ambassador ahmed jaward rabbi. The president issured the palestinian invoy that islamabad will continue its unconditional moral and diplomatic. Support for the people of palestine, we condemn what the brutalities which are happening in gaza, we condemn the disprop, disproportionate reaction which israel has always done, we condemn the aparthide which which has stood there for the last 30 40 years, we condemn the fact that people are being brutalized, people are being killed, in fact the ali hospital in gaza was demolished and five more than 500 people died there. Meanwhile, protest against Israeli Aggression continues in pakistan as thousands of people took to the streets to condemn the ongoing violence in the gaza strip. Pakistans decision to help palestine despite facing International Pressures demonstrates its moral commitment to the welfare and Self Determination of the palestinian people. Nasik kazmy press tv islamabad members of the Islamic Movement in nigeria held a peaceful protest after friday prayers at the national mosk in the capital of. The demonstrators chanted slogans condemning the israeli attacks on gaza which has resulted in the killing of thousands of palestinians. They further condemn the western refusal to call for seasfire and the support that the United States and European Countries give to the israelis. The demonstrators said they fully support the palestinians. The Islamic Movement has been calling for justice for the palestinian for the more than four decades. There is just. Is not just uh now that the islamic women started, the islamic women started from the beginning, is is one of the frontiers of calling for justice, the demonstrators express solidarity with the people of palestine, but regretted that many people still do not understand the motives of the israelis who have continued to oppress the palestinians for several decades. They explained that the occupation of palestinian lands and the systematic. Murder of innocent people, including women and children is part of a grand plan of the zionist. Some people are still saying israelis are are acting on defense, what defense . Yesterday, if you feel they are killing muslim, yesterday they went and and and destroyed a church, a church of 16, 1,600 years, they have destroyed this yesterday, today they have attacked another most of 1,400 years of existence, so they are killing muslim, christian whoever they see they kill him. Zionism that is fighting humanity. Meanwhile, muslim organizations under the Supreme Council for shariah in nigeria have condemn israels genocide in the gaza strip. They also called on the Nigerian Government to urgently review its relations with the regime. Danjam abdullahi. Press tv abuja. In much of the west, propalestinian protests against the latest israeli atrocities in gaza. Have been allowed, but not across france. Frances top administrative body ruled that president emmanuel macrons blank ban on all propalestinian protests was not legal, but the ruling isnt binding, which still allows local authorities to keep outlawing propalestinian rallies a casebycase basis. Macron and joe biden have just given israel a green light to invade gaza, which means their external. Nation, so of course we have to protest, theyre calling muslims animals when it was europeans who massacred the jews, not muslims, and now they want to massacre half of palestine. Thousands showed up in paris to a socalled illegal protest and face down hundreds of cops and water cannons. Surprisingly, an hour into the protest, word came through that the demonstration had actually been approved. Thousands likely had been deterred from attending due to the initial ban. But frances Infamous Police brutality was avoided, israel, vous avez pas gagne, israel, you have not won, macron, you are their accomplice, where is our freedom of expression here, long live palestine, israel, get out, palestine is not for you. The french elites bias against palestine has been undeniable since 2014, when france became the first country ever to ban propalestinian rallies. Banning protests, near Certain Police brutality, the effective criminalization of public support from. Palestine, the socalled antiyellowvest laws, and despite years of these types of policies, the french government still claims to be beacon of human rights and a home of freedom of expression. Our official government policy is to support a state of apothite, so how can we claim to be a country which supports human rights, how can our government claim to be on the side of human rights, but also on the side of racist . Colonializing israel, its illogical, dangerous and immorral. The almost blanket ban will likely reduce frances normally strong public support for palestine during yet another israeli attack, but many say they will continue to protest no matter what. Ramin mazaher, press tv, paris. Us President Joe Biden has visited the occupied territories where he met with israely Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the ongoing war on the gaz rib while many countries around the world have condemned the israel strikes on the gaza hospital biden reiterated washingtons all our support for the ration. Since the beginning of the latest spade of violence between israel and Palestinian Resistance fighters in the gaza strip, western countries and the us in particular have voiced their unequivocal support. For israel and ignored the legitimate rights of the palestinian people. The us President Joe Biden visited israel on wednesday and mid intensified Israeli Campaign of air strikes on gaza, the most densely populated strip of land in the world, which has killed thousands of palestinians injuring over 13,000. Biden has unequivocally defended the Israeli Regimes ongoing genocide in the coastal gaza strip. Biden said washington would provide the embattled regime with everything it needed to quote defend itself. For decades weve ensured israels. Qualitative military edge, and later this week, im going to ask United States congress for unprecedented support package for israels defense. The us president promised to ask congress for an unprecedented military aid package for israel to assist this ongoing war on gaza. Reports indicated that biden was considering a supplemental request of about 10 billion dollars for israel. It is not feared that the us President Joe Bidens unflinching backing of Israeli Aggression against palestinians in the beside gaza strip could give the tel aviv regime the green light to. Commit mass atrocities and genocide against the people of palestine. It is now reported that joe biden has told israeli Prime Minister that washington is fully in support of tel avivs plans to launch a Ground Invasion of the besiege gaza strab. Earlier this week, the leader of irans islamic revolution, ayatollah highlighted the role of the us in israels ongoing atrocities against the palestinian people. Ayatollah noted that numerous pieces of information suggest that the u. S. Is formulating the current policy within the zionist regime. اونطوری که اطلاعات متعدد به ما میگه سیاست جاری این روزها یعنی همین هفته اخیر داخل رژیم صهیونیستی رو آمریکایی هارن تنظیم می کنن یعنی سیاست گذاار اونان اونا این کارایی که داره انجام می گیره سیاست آمریکایی هاست آمریکایی ها مسئولیت خودشون رو the u. S. President promised to ask congress for an unprecedented military aid package for israel to assist this ongoing war on gaza. The us has sent second Aircraft Carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean to support the Israeli Regime in his war on gaza. Its now widely believed that israels massacre of palestinians is fully supported by washington which is the regimes staunchest. The us was the sol vote against the resolution on wednesday. Reports say the pentagon, if need be, will deploy virtually 20 troops to israel to assist the occupying regime with this war on the besiege gaza strip. The boots on the ground are set to be tasked with providing advisory and medical support only. These specifics, the where and when of the deployment remain unclear. The report comes after the pentagon said it was moving another Carrier Group to the mediterranean. The usa. Eisenhower strike group, combined force of more than 500 sailors, will join the uss gerald ford, which arrived off the coast of israel last week. The Biden Administration has rejected arab calls for descalation or ceasefire, rendering the us complicit in present and future israeli war crimes. Theres been hardly any american mention of the palestinians flight during a week of vicious israeli bombardment of gaza. For years, polls have highlighted the overwhelming arab support for palestine as the foremost arab cause and the growing hust. There is the possibility that if the war really widens not only to include gaza, but maybe the west bank, that it will not only alienate arab allies, but could potentially lead to uh, a breaking of relations with israel, first of all, biden is unwelcome here because he has major role in this game, major role in the aggression on our people, and he is providing the money and weapons to kill our people in gaza and everywhere. The long history of us military aid to israel has helped the regime develop its military prowiss and it continues to represent a significant share of israels military budget. Currently israel receives 3. 8 billion dollars in military aid from the us annually, under memorandum signed in 2019. Instead what we have seen is that israel has been allowed to do whatever it wants. When it comes to uh killing palestinians, when it comes to stealing palestinian land, when it comes to ethnic cleansing, when it comes to crossing the red lines that are enshrined in international law, israels allowed to. Get away with it and not only get away with it, but continues to receive support and and uh and Financial Support from the United States as well, that accounted for about 16 of israels total military budget in 2022. The us has strong historical and economic ties to israel. The us is israels top trading partner with annual bilateral trade of nearly 50 billion dollars in goods and services. And with that we come to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, news and brief is in about three to four minutes, take care for now. Palestinians continue to scramble for safety as the Israeli Occupation carries on pounding the sealed off gaza strip. The occupations massacker of families displaced under the bombing is heinous crime that will only increase the palestinian peoples adherance to their land. As such crimes reveal israels lies and deception. Despite the occupations intense threats to evacuate the air. Areas north of the gaza strip, the residents of the strip are still steadfast in their homes, despite being given narrow deadlines to leave before they die, but leave to where in the biggest open air prison on earth, no one hears their cries except their own resistance that is still giving the occupier relentless drinks from the cup of defeat and humiliation, genocide in gaza this week on the mideast stream. Vi som paktor, organisationen har den israel hittill borja pa att och disnut. Keeping you up to date with world news half hour on press tv, your top stories on press tv, israels relentless strikes on the besieg gaza strip continue to claim more lives as the regime maintains this genocidal policy. The regimes bloody onslot has killed over 4,100 palestinians since october the 7th. The number of injured. Is over 13,200 with more than 1,00 others missing. The Hamas Resistance Movement says it has released two american women that were taken captive in the gaza strip. Hamass military wing the gasan brigades says the mother and her daughter were released for humanitarian purposes. The israely regime is crack

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