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Thank you, thank you very much, your excellency, the ambassador of palestine, what a powerful message, we want to assure you that nc is not neutral, we stand for peace, we stand with the oppressed, we will fight. Everything from the last strength of our atom, everything against the oppress will fight it, on that note, were going very, very short messages of the anc you league, there after the womens league, they dont take three minutes, they will take one and a half minute, the president of the youth league is here, thank you very much, thank you very much uh, we are here today and we are told that the ambassador of israel, now we are calling upon the president of the president of the. Giving you a clear instruction that when you live here when you see it down protect when you live here we are in a revolutionist every day all we do is to protest and walk around the days of protesting around to an end. Was saying that we must stand up and act like the people of pakistan, yes, the day of kissing around and moving around the went to an end, yes, the ruling party here, yes, and we are saying to you here, the moon, mussan abbas is a journalist and political commentator who joins us from london to share with us his thoughts today. Mustan abbas, welcome, 14th day of the onslot on the gaza strip, the israeli um onslots have resulted in more deaths as is natural with the way that they. Have uh the past 24 hours targeted 100 uh sites from what we understand um what are your thoughts on this day and in terms of uh some of the uh action thats taken place not only from uh lets say in the uk from rishionac to the us President Joe Biden to uh israeli officials and uh how they are explaining whats going on well its another tragic day of course for those whove been martered in the way in the way of liberation of palestine, and my commiserations go out particularly to those of the Christian Faith whove lost their brethren in the porfrius massacre, yet again, the israeli army, the Defense Force and its its its deliberate targeting of civilians, of residential areas of churches and of hospitals, is a crime against humanity, these war crimes have to be investigated, they must be taken to the highest courts, those responsible for them must be brought to trial, and there must be a call for immediate embargo on you. Us nato weapons going into israel, because its its the us and and western weapons which israel is predominantly using to kill these children, so the blood is on the hands of rishi sunak, its on the hands of joe biden, even more so arguably than even israel, because israel would not dare to come commit such inhumanity unless it had the support and the backing and the full military arsenal of the anglozionist empire, that anglozionist empire has committed another act of henous complicity in genocide by uh vetoing on the Un Security Council a russian proposal, a perfectly good and decent proposal, a humanitarian proposal which might have given respite to uh all people in this conflict, but particularly of course to the the the tragically targeted children of palestine, i mean we havent we barely man. To uh cope with the idea that hospital has taken the lives of 500 plus children and women uh to see this christian uh holy sacred site devastated and destroyed which shows that the zianists have no mercy, they dont care about your religion or your ethnicity, theyre just a complete uh Crazy Mission to genocidally, infanticidally ethnic cleanse gaza, thats what theyre targeting. At the moment and rishi sunnak should be ashamed of himself uh for supporting this, kirstama, the labor party, the democrats, the republicans, theyre all involved in this crime, the eu itself has barely just after 15 days come out with uh a statement to say that whats going on is humanitarian uh crisis, well its more than that, its a genocide and the eu to its eternal shame should uh should uh should look back on this and realize that their double standards and hypocrisy. Are laid bear because simultaneously while ukraine doesnt have civilians targeted necessarily and the russians do uh calculated attacks on military targets, they cite uh the ukrainian case, cry about ukrainian liberty and freedom, but at the same time are sanctioning the the the blatant murder and bloodshed of the palestinian people. I think the world has had enough of anglozionist lies. I think that you see all the eruption. Of emotion in the uh protests in every capital around the world today, and you see it for a reason, because people know the palestinians are in the right, and they they are increasingly willing to stand up and say enough is enough, this hopefully puts pressure on the hypocrite governments like saudi arabia or egypt. Saudi arabia on the one hand is saying, dont do any armed resistance, just go back to civil disobedience and have another 160,000 palestinians killed, tortured and memed in the next 10 years. Is just as you had it in the last 10 years, thats their solution, the egyptians are saying, by all means ethically cleanse the ghazas, bring them to the nejev, well make another concentration camp, and perhaps this time we can do the genocide, so these leaderers, do apologize, sorry, sorry to jump in, im sorry about that, we have to go to ashraf shanan over khanus to get some updates, do apologize for that, ashref, tell us what you have, well, kav, just now the ambulance has brought in four palestinians who lost their lives, after israeli warplane attacked, four by four truck in a farming area, killing them instantly, and earlier we saw how hundreds of people were standing in the background as the friends, and and relatives of those people who lost their lives and uh something others. Also wounded, some of them have sustained moderate to serious injuries. It seems uh uh over the last few days the Israeli Regime is held bent on killing as much, as much palestinians as possible, all everyone, people from all walks of life are being murdered by the Israeli Regime, murdered uh a on an hourly basis, not a daily basis. Uh numbers are rising is extremely high and just yesterday the attack on remember when i brought i broke the news uh yesterday about the uh rate on the orthodox church, the saints church, 16, out of out of nearly 50 fatalities, there were 16 christians and this is the First Time Since 2014 that we had a christian fatality among palestinians, i remember back 2014, they bombed the house to killing an elderly woman and her son and now he have 16 christians. Of of of gazas very Small Christian Community being uh literal literally executed by the israeli attack, deliberate attack, like all the attacks have been taken place, deliberate attack on the orthodox church, and the in the up in the old city uh of gaza where hundreds of people were taking refuge there, the similar situation happened the day before, uh at the protestant hospital which also houses a Protestant Church as well and hundreds of people were killed and immediately the the the Israeli Regime and even the United States blamed it on on and Palestinian Resistance fighters, but you ask anyone, you ask the victims, they will not lie about who did it, they know what happened, at least 200 people filmed the attack. By the israeli war planes on the protestant hospital or also known in gaza as al ah arabi hospital and this has been the amo of the Israeli Regime for decades is by killing palestinians uh causing explosions and blame it on other palestinian factions trying to make the people of of palestine, especially the people of gaza hate the Palestinian Resistance. That did not happen, all these attempts have failed for years. Lets not forget that uh octobers october 7th, hamas fighters managed to defeat the Israeli Regime for the first time in decades, actually it was the 50 years after the Egyptian Army defeated uh the israeli army in 1973 and now 50 years on hamas fighters are humiliate. The israeli forces, uh, take them caftive, uh, fight with them, kill them, and also get killed as well, were not saying that hamas fighters were super men, they were actually killing israel, also being killed by israel soldiers, but the difference here, they managed to bring back dead and alive Israeli Soldiers and and z settlers back to the ghaza strip and also bring back military gear, this has been a historic day for palestinians, the reason im bringing up the october 7th attack against the Israeli Regime is that despite the suffering, despite the pain and misery that all of us here, myself included internally displaced persons in khans and southern gaza, you ask anyone, small, young or old, they will tell you, they they if if they had to uh they tell you theyre extremely proud of their resistance and they will always back the resistance no matter what happens, they also keep saying they will not go, theyre not going anywhere, theyre not going to sai, theyre not going to the negin and they will not leave palestine or the gaza strip, we understand uh that uh theres this 20 humanitarian trucks are on the other side of the raffi Border Crossing waiting to get in and there some technique. Technical issues at this point that is experienced or else it would have made it in already, you have any information on that . Yes, the technical issues here is that the Israeli Regime wants to expect to inspect all the trucks, they want to inspect everything before the aid comes into ghaza, so now theyre waiting for uh, theyre waiting. To find a way uh on how to uh arrange for israeli inspectors or maybe International Inspectors to inspect the trucks before coming into the gaza strip. I understand that one of the things that is holding it up if im correct to say that is the fact that they dont want any gas or gasoline i should say entering the ghaza strip because theyre afraid that its going to get into the hands of the resistance fighters. Is that correct . I doubted, the fuel is not an issue, although um the hospitals are running out of fuel, i mean uh, i mean to make rockets uh, im not a rocket scientist, but rockets do not need diesel, fuel and gasoline, they need other things. Okay, lets go back to mohsan abbas, if youre with us mohsan abbas, um, there been some major developments coming regarding the uh gaza strip, supposed Ground Invasion where you had the uh um israely minister of military affairs gallant saying that we uh are going to. To go in stages, three stages when it comes to uh its war as they say with hamas, what do you make of his statement if he heard it where he said he doesnt plan to, israel doesnt plan to control life in gaza after destroying hamas if they can, well they know they cant control it, they cant erase the resistance, even if they flatten it, even if they achieve some sort of surgical advantage through the operations, whether its one phase, two. Or three, what a ground reality is that what the what the uhfan has uh ignited is a confidence and a in the ability of the Palestinian Resistance to take the israelis on in a what is a gorilla war still at the moment, but in the near future that could develop into a formal war as well because hezbollah is is gagging at the bit to be given the the the. The chance to to show what they can do, and what we really require is a equaling of the playing fields, because as america and the west are uh pumping weapons in you, of every kind of the most modern sophisticated kind, and the israelis arent arent uh scared of committing uh war crimes with phosphorus uh bombs and just about every other band uh kind of missile that you can imagine, so there should be no holding back, the Palestinian Resistance must be armed with ballistic and cruise missiles, with all the latest drones, with hypersonic missiles if necessary as well, because if you got a war, you cant have one side, which is already weak, being having its hands tied behind its back, and im sure that while the israelis are planning their three stages of a socalled land invasion, at the same time the resistance will be planning their various stages of how theyre going to uh teach the Israeli Zionist tyranny a lesson, so they will get answer the israelis are have taken this long even think about going into a into a land of invasion, because they know the consequences, they understand the Palestinian Resistance is trained, they understand that they know the lay of their own territory and their lands, they understand that there is a 60 kilometer tunnel network, which the Palestinian Resistance can disappear down and come back up anywhere. Anywhere they like, so one thing is guaranteed, they can plan any phases of land invasion they like, but they will be taking body bags back to tel aviv, by by the hundreds and by the thousands potentially, so uh, that is just one present that is waiting, which the resistance has promised that it is looking forward to see meeting the israelis on on the land, instead of watching them bomb their children from the sky, which is what theyve elected to do as the as a cowardly. And and inhumane uh antigeneva convention policy that theyve adopted, so i dont think the land invasion scares the palestinians, i think youre seeing the eruption of a similar kind of revolutionary spirit that you saw in yemen, where the real people of yemen, supported and led by ansarulah, have led laid out a war which is now ground on for 10 years and theyve not given inch to the anglozionist imperialist tyranny, saudis w part of that network and youve seen that the theyve not been defeated and theyve held their own. Youre going to see exactly the same within the the palestinian scenario that you will see the them dig in and you will find that the west bank will also be a blaze if theyre not careful very very soon and hezbullah if it gets involved then uh Bader Organization all the other resistance groups that are are waiting uh to engage uh well also come into the equation and then well see the next phase and we will see just what israel is really made of, because even now what were seeing are really the the pelues, the skirmishes, if the war goes to the next level, then were going to see it develop into an altogether a different phenomena, and i think that you know the people in the in the resistance are doing what i would describe as um a sort of strategic anger, they dont behave in a reactionary way, they go base on the basis of of realistic military strategy, this is legacy of of the alquds force and they understand how to fight asymmetrically, they know all the tricks of the. Made the israelis are going to taste that for the first time uh very very soon, even now i dont think that theyve had a full taste of it, but uh, they should go and do their homework with uh the people who fought the yemeny resistance, they should go and do their homework with the people faced hezbollah in syria, the isis agents that they released, and they should remember what hezbol did to them in south lebanon, in 2006 and 2000, in order to refresh their memories that now, 10, 15 years later, the resistance is so much stronger. Has so many more allies and is also uh militarily uh capable of inflicting huge damage. Uh, i dont think its in the interest of israel to continue a war beyond certain levels, they they are dreaming of flattening gaza, the deluded people at the top of the israeli leadership right now, and the deluted mr. Biden who backs every war, in fact has been part of this beginning of every american war that i can remember in the middle east, in west asia, they are all deluted. Still living in some sort of alternative reality where they think they can stamp their imperialist foot and and and stamp this out. The more they stamp, the more people rise on the ground in palestine, and the more Public Opinion will turn against them around the world and their own credibility is already lying absolutely intacts, theyre fake words of democracy and freedom and uh equality and all this nonsense, is absolute tripe that they rolled out and tried to control the the the muslim world with. That will fall flat on their faces and they will get answer. Now on the ground, how do i back it up . Well, hezbollah, we know, 13 hezbolla marters have already been listed, but in return theyve inflicted huge damage on surveillance systems, disabling radar uh facilities of israel, giving a distraction to the israeli army so they cant fully engage with the the gazans in the way they want, knocking out tanks a regular basis, rocket barrages, shots from golan, continuous bombardment of of tel aviv, ashcalon, most of all, most significantly, the greatest victory so far, arguably is that ashcalons zionist, colonialist settlers, are evacuating ashcalon because they cant handle the Palestinian Resistance shelling, so theyre giving them a taste of their own medicine, thats 150, thousand terrorists, who are having to evacuate the borders of gaza because they. Cant handle the heat, if they cant handle the heat in ashkalon and and that heat rises all over uh the occupied palestine uh i i really i really wonder at the israelis uh ability and their moral resolve and capability to to withstand a longterm prolonged war. Thank you very much for that. Its a very good point that you make, we cross on over now against state Must Withdraw its business dealings with israel and south africa must be a leader. In doing that, it is our responsibility to save the lives of women and children that are turtured in palestine and in gaza particularly. It is us with our unity in struggle that can foster mobilization that will ensure that is achieved. Long leave the strigles of the palestinians long leave. Amanda, amanda, comrades, we have south african friends. Of palestine, comrad naim patel and we also have Sheikh Gabriels and who are going to give us very very short messages, there is a main message from the anc, i would like you comrades to really stay much more longer and little bit patient because this is moment where we communicate, we talk to the whole world, it is not only south africans who are listening, the whole world. Is listening to these messages, the whole world is listening to these messages of solidarity uyamamelazela behind those gates, so let me call upon nayim and for few minutes, seconds rather to make message our south african friends of palestine, all protocols observed. Those people who thought the anc is dead should come to this march today, did you look at our youth leader . Did you hear our youth leaders . Thats our future, i have a statement prepared, but im not going to read it, im just going to say two things, one south african jewish board of deputies. In the week said president thinks he owns south africa, the anc thinks they own south africa, the south African People support israel, i say to them, why did you run away . You thought we dont own south africa is the anc, why did you run from the embassy . Every time we come to the embassy they run away, they bring the police to support them, we are here and we are not leaving, palestinians have arrived, we have arrived and we are live, we will fight, we must know one thing to the palestinian people, it got worse before it got better, the last few years before we won our freedom as south africans were the worst years, our leaders were imprisoned, our leaders were exiled. It got better in 1994 we won our freedom, so today i say to the people of palestine, we the south african friends of palestine, and as the counselor of my word lodium, i say we stand with you, the people of palestine, viva, palestine, viva, sheik gabriels, the anc v im not going to repeat what other people said, i just want to ask a question, who are the real terrorists, but before that, before that, we want to so we want to say to joe biden and to the Us Government that you are not in moral position to tell us who are the terrorists, because hammas and the anc didnt drop an atomic bomb on hiroshima and hamas and the anc didnt kill and murder millions and millions of american natives, the hamas and nc didnt murder millions and millions in cambodia, in vietnam, in somalia, in pakistan, afghanistan, iraq, and the list goes on, so who are the terrorists, who are the terrorists. Honorable comrades, honorable comrades of south africa, and the reason why i address you as honorable comrades of south africa, because in this great south africa, a great leader said that we in south africa, we wont be able to enjoy our freedom unless and until palestine is free. Who is a great leader . I am sol from. Us now to uh tell us whats going on there uh especially regarding southern uh lebanon uh marian what do you have for us . Mariam if you have my voice go ahead doesnt look like she has our voice yet all right where mariam is located uh we im sure momentarily were going to have uh, there seems to be demonstration taking place, mari, if you have a voice, go ahead, tell us where youre at and what do you have . Sorry, it seems that we had a problem, couldnt hear you, but we are here at one of the biggest protests in beirot, this is the Southern Suburbs of beirut called, this is where basically you find many supporters for hizbullah, and here this is protest specifically is organized. By hazballah and the yam movement who are two strong allies in lebanon as you know of course they are all supporters of the resistance basically at the forefront of the fight against the israelis during the occupation uh we had decades long occupation against lebanon and that is what uh we are seeing the fruit of today these are people who continue to to support the resistance in palestine and they continue to believe that there needs to be a full liberation of palestine here we can see the. The scout boys, the scout girls uh, we see students coming back from their universities, from their schools, all coming to take part, and we still have many people coming back, the entire hall is basically uh, this place is is filled with with people uncrowded, and we still have more people coming in uh, bearing, Holding Palestinian frags, flags of hazbollah flags, flags of the amal movement, but mainly you have the palestinian flag, also the flag that you see the most in this area since the main supportive ground here is for the resistance inside palestine, now just lately we heard that hazballah has only several minutes ago, less than an hour, they launched an operation in the occupied fashuba hills and we know that they hit those targets very precisely, and after that also the israelis shelled the areas in the vicinity of the

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