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W welcome to our studios in the capital tehran. This is prest tv news. Thanks for joining us. More palestinians have fallen victim to israels attacks on the gaza strep, as the Regime Presses ahead with a steady onslot against the besieg territory. Dozens of people have been killed after israeli war planes pounded more palestinian homes across the gaza strip. Over 20 people have lost their lives in the city of hannunis so far on thursday. Dozens more have been injured as a result. The regimes raids, that after an israeli air strike on gazas alahli Arab Hospital killed close to 500 people on tuesday. That is the highest single dayll in the territory since israel launched his war on october the 7th. The hospital was packed with people who had fled from northern gaza after israel forced them to leave their homes. The regime has falsely blamed the carnage a misfired rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic jihad. The Resistance Movement has strongly denied the allegation. Israels blood. Has so far claimed the lives of nearly 3800 palestinians with more than 12,00 others wounded. Soon after the strike in in the hospital in gaza, an advisor to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted in a social media post that the of regimes air force was responsible for the attack. It is post on x, Hananya Naftali claimed that the Israeli Air Force had struck a hamas base inside the hospital. He said multiple. Members of the Resistance Movement were killed as a result. Hours later, however he deleted the post, although screenshots of it went viral on social media platforms. The recent bombing of alli Arab Hospital in the gaza strip have drawn international condemnations. Restv has published the feature story, highlighting the details and the backgrounds of the attack. The latest factual revelations have prompted many countries around the world to blame israel for the hospital bombing. However, the israel regime is still refusing to take responsibility for the carnage, rather shifting the blame on the gaza based Islamic Jihad movement. The Resistance Group has categorically rejected the israeli claim. The press tv report highlights a similar israeli of shelling as well as air strikes on hospitals, healthcare facilities, and even medics over the past days. The report also gives a brief history of israeli violations of International Humanitarian law by targeting civilian. Infrastructure and medical facilities. You can scan the qr code shown on your screen to read the full article. You can also log topress. Ir to find this and more similar stories as well as the latest news, exclusive interviews and articles on the channels website. The Palestinian Authority has described forced displacement of the residents of the gaza strip as a red line that cannot be crossed. The pa said displacement of people of gaza is as unacceptable as the displacement of palestinians to live in the occupied city of alcolets and elsewhere across the west bank. Emphasizing that the people in gaza are not alone, the pa called for measures to protect palestinians in the base territory from israeli crimes. It also called for a collective effort to lift the blocade of gaza. And to provide its people with medicines, fuel, food, water, and electricity. Israel forces and settlers have killed five more palestinians in the Violent Attacks across the occupied west bank. A 16yearold palestinian was killed in the city of tulkarum during raid by Israeli Forces on the new ors refugee camp. The Palestinian Health Ministry Said that Young Palestinian also succumbed to enjuries that he sustained during an israeli attacks. Many others were also injured across the occupied west bank during the israeli raids. The Regime Forces also arrested dozens of palestinians. Nearly 70 palestinians have been killed in the west bank since the start the israeli bloody onslot against the gaza strip on october the 7th. The west bank has been witnessing fierce confrontations with Israeli Forces and settlers using live rounds against palestinians denouncing the regimes deadly attacks on gaza. Hamas has fired a barrage of rockets towards the Israeli Occupied territories as it presses ahead with his retaliation for israels relentless bombardment of the fully besieged gaza strip. Qasam brigades, the armed wing of hamas, says that they have targeted tel aviv in response to the beijimes war crimes against palestinians. The Resistance Group also fired missiles at askalon in southern israel earlier today. In the meantime, alguts brigades. Military wing of the Islamic Jihad Resistance Movements say that they have struck an israeli settlements in the occupied territories. This is the latest series of retaliatory rocket launches a mid israels onslot on gaza. Israeli media say that over 200 israelies have been killed in attacks by the resistance front since october 7. Propalestinian rallies continue in many countries across the globe. A display of solidarity with the people of the ghaza strip. In the iranian capital tehran, people from all walks of life held a massive rally to condemn the israely crimes in the besieg territory. Similar demonstrations were held in other cities across iran and other west asian countries. Police in the lebanese capital bay route fired tear gas to disperse angry demonstrators near the american embassy. In the jordanian capital, amman, police f also fired tier gas to Disperse Protesters who had gathered near the Israeli Embassy to vent their anger at the regimes crimes. The demonstrators demanded their government close the embassy and to scrap a peace treaty with the regime. Hundreds of tunisians also hit the streets protesting what they slammed as israels genocide against palestinians. Hundreds of thousands of yemenese also hit the streets of the capital. Sana to condemn what they call israels genocide of palestinians. Crowds of yemenis filled the streets of the yemenni capital to voice their anger against the israeli bombing of hospital in gaza, which claimed the lives of over 500 innocent civilians. Protesters burned the us and israeli flag while chanting slogans of anger directed at israel and its western partners. The people of faith and wisdom came out today to strongly condemn the crimes committed by the american israeli enemy. We tell the israeli enemy that no matter how many crimes you commit, we will force you to stop. The existence of your regime is only temporary. We will fight with palestinians side by side and will liberate palestine, god willing. The end of the Israeli Regime will come about soon. Prominent ansar allah official muhammad alithi who was at the demonstration slamed. Arab nations and accused them of protecting the Israeli Regime. He expressed that arab leaders do not represent a sentiments of their people. The leaders of the arab nations today are at the forefront of protecting the zianist regime. We have seen the masses in these nations take to the streets demanding access to palestine to fight side by side with palestinians. We saw this in jordan and number of other nations. So we tell these leaders. You are the ones protecting the occupying entity, and if you want to represent your people, you should change your current position. According to some of the protesters who spoke to press tv, condemning israel for its crimes is simply not enough. They want israel to be confronted militarily, and they also want to be at the forefront of accomplishing such task. On a day of rage against the bloodshed of palestinians, protesters here in the. Capital are calling nations like egypt, jordan and saudi arabia to open their borders so that yemeny fighters can marsh into palestine to confront the israeli aggression. Yusuf press. Okay, lets get some ideas to whats going on first, we go to han yunis, i believe thats where ashaf shanan corresponded this, he joins us now, and also we going to get an analysis into the picture. But first ash shanan, if we have you, tell us whats going on there in khans and updates that you can give us on the situation, good evening, right now, funeral funeral processions are taking place as bodies of pan victims are being taken out from the morg inside naser hospital in khanus by families and friends hearing out the anast hospital for barrial and it was very emotional as mother of one of the of the victims was screaming her her head out and just fainted on the other side of the road and others were chanting god is great, god is great, allahu akbar, as they were taking out taking the taking the body out of the hospital uh for berrial, as you see the the ambulance behind me, it probably just dropped one of the victims, whether they are dead or wounded in the area, few hundred yards behind. Me thats the emergency room of Nasir Hospital, this is the Nasir Hospital is the biggest hospital in the southern part of the gaza strip used to carter to around half million residents of khans and the surrounding areas, now it has to take care of national 1. 1 Million People who were displaced from the northern parts. Of of the gaza strip upon the new nak or the new catastrophe that is being perpetrated or being thats underway as a result of israels uh lets say uh terrorizing the residence compared to what they did back in 1948 upon the creation the Israeli Regime at that time it was forceful, you know by a gum point, moving people out of their historical land of palestines from their homes and villages, displacing them and dispossessing them, so basically 75 years on the Israeli Regime is repeating the same the same thing again, but uh with more op great, theyre using f16 fighter jets, f35s supplied by the United States, bombs supplies mainly by the United States and the United Kingdom to do the same job as they as their grandparents of those soldiers and pilots dead back in 1948, not only the destroying our homes and properties, and im talking about everyone. In gaza, including myself, we are homeless, we are refugees in our own land once again. Kav, my my father was born in yatha, he was a refugee, i was born in gaza city, as a refugee, and now im a double refugee in the town of khan yunis because of the massacres, im not talking about talking myself only, im talking about hundreds of thousands of people as a result of this in new nakbah in newnak. Its not even new nag, its like series of nakbas are taking place every minute, every hour of the day here, every nak every person out of the people who live in gaza has his own special na designed by the Israeli Regime, a unique na unique catastrophe because of of of the type of suffering that people have to go through, the type of of agony that everyone has to go through, everyone. You see on the screen Walking Around young and old has been through held back and forth hundreds of times in in few days and this is the least i can say all right thank you for that uh we do obviously feel for you and people like you there uh obviously our um hearts go out to the type of suffering that youre that youre feeling we do um try to highlight not only your story which we have uh but also obviously uh the plate of other palestinians w to the same degree uh lets cross on over now to uh he is uh a activist and political analyst he has traveled to lebanon and here he is uh in a place called aitarun uh which he joins us uh perhaps sarbas you can tell us why youre there and uh of course whats going on in that part of lebanon where youre at yeah yeah uh initially my peace and salam to Ashraf Shanon and all the people in gaza who have lost their lives. Loved ones, families and houses, im here in aitarun village in southern lebanon, just next to the hizali boder, where there is a ceremony going on, the burial ceremony of a couple of the. The members of Lebanese Resistance forces hazballah who are just being buried in this graveyard in they got muttered just in recent days after different encounters that took place between the Resistance Forces of hizbullah and the Occupation Forces of israel you should know that just within a period of five days more than 30 operations have been carried out by hisblah by the resistance moment of different bases and different installments and different settlements of the israelis on Northern Borders throughout those variety of operations that is in average every day seven six eight operations are being carried out against israelis beside different casualties and death that uh took place among the army of the enemy uh hizballah has delivered 13 marters a couple them just buried here now but after gathering that took place by the presence of all the people of this region, men women, children, all get together and they buried the you know uh two members of hizballah in this graveyard, one important point i observed here was that the banner of those two shuhada, those two marters, it was written over there on that banner that they were on the path of palestine and jerusalem, is delivering in support of the palestinians and in support of the struggle of the oppressed Palestinian People and its an ongoing encounter in southern lebanon as i said to you and i was also reporting in previous days again and again there are encounters taking place, different encounters are taking place and the main target that i am getting and analyzing from the operations that hisball is doing in southern lebanon is try to make the uh you know intelligence. Eye of the zionis and you know intelligence machineries that they have and installments and the bases by which they are controlling this area trying to put effect on them and you know damage them and that has taken place in previous days, different cameras being you know targeted by hizballah for different bases, different merkawa tanks and you should know about the merkawa and how israelis are describing their melkawa power and merkawa tanks, several of them dozens, maybe if not dozens, several of them have been targeted by rockets throughout recent days, just few hours ago, i also had a report from ras from the base of almanara, israeli base of almana in karamon where another israeli base was targeted by the forces of Islamic Resistance in southern lebanon has. Thank you for that, do stay with us. And if we still have you, i like to ask you about particular incident is, is ash with us . Okay, very well, um, we have joining us now Khalid Muhammad from the samid palestinian prisoner solidarity network, who joins us from colone, germany. Mohammed, welcome to the program, we were looking at the less of Bombing Campaign happening today, which could be. Prelue to the uh storm to come, um, im wondering what you make of uh whats happening here when it comes to the israeli us plans uh for the gaza strip, in terms of the uh, i guess flurry of visits, which was by anthony blincon and the u. S. President that came and visited the israeli um Prime Minister netanyahu, um, and of course the what many have said, now its the 13th. Say but it hasnt happened, this imminent ground invasion, which uh will entail many casualties, most likely on both sides. Um, thank you so much, um, we see this whole International Movement for um, for support of the for the zionist entity over its offensive on the people on gaza, as a part of a bigger plan that aims empty palestine from its original. Residence um israel has taken this opportunity to make it more of a bigger chance to remove more palestinians outside of their lands, so these these um movements by um biden and his visit towards the middle east was basically to start promoting for this plan. We have seen this, we have we have seen um hints of this plan and yet the moment they came out, there was a popular rejection towards these plans, weve seen the steadfastness of all the Palestinian People in historical palestine and gaza of course, and 48 and the west bank and even palestinians in diaspora, weve seen people go out on the streets to reject all these plans of another nakba, weve seen people all over europe going out and support the resistance, even with all this oppression, huge oppression campaign thats happening over activists around here, weve seen activists in in all over germany go going to being arrested, weve seen clashes between the between palestinian, the Palestinian Youth and the people. On the streets in berlin, particularly the zone, the arab street, yet palestinians will always be be there to reject these, our existence as palestinians is now being threatened and the only way to face this threat is by all of us, the palestinians and all the revolutionary forces in the world come together and stand one firm stand against this. Plan done by the west and its imperialist interests on our lands. Okay, thank you so much for that, do stay with us while i try to get some information from uh, if youre still with us as to some of the ongoings that have happened today, some of the developments that have happened today. Um, im looking at few developments here that i like to ask you about starbust in terms of the validity of it, were looking at what has been reported in the past. Our sounds of explosions heard in more than one Israeli Military site on the border with lebanon, it doesnt specify where, but also israelly bombing targets on the outskirts of the towns of hula and massal jabal and uh that there were guided missiles that were launched from the lebanes territory toward the israeli minar site. When it comes to Israeli Military sites uh and on the border with lebanon, it brings about the question, how many are there . There are different israeli bases and you know specifically. Recent years after 2006 war israel has tried to install different israeli bases in Northern Areas to secure those areas a possible future attack and that has taken place, there are so many different israeli bases, most of them are controlling and most them are actually trying to get information from whats going on in southern lebanon, and specifically the area here and the air here is highly controlled by the drones, also israeli drones, different spy and solments and intelligence solments have been stoled in different areas through this long uh southern southern border between lebanon and the occupied lands of palestine and it has of course increased and and interestingly the encounters that took place you take it from maros which uh sorry you take it from the from the western corner of the lebanese border with the occupied. Lands of palestine which is naqura and come to the to the to the eastern part which is a shab form lands, there there have been different encounters uh between hazballah from one side and also some them were with the participation of the palestinian Resistance Movements and groups who are active in different parts in southern lebanon and that has as i mentioned to you, as i have calculated maybe. In just four days, almost three different operations has taken place, and an average of everyday seven eight operations is something that i countered, and the main target, the main goal that im getting from the operations of hizballah is trying to you know blind the zianist eye in this region, thats what im getting from all the you, encounters taking place at this region, when you take it. Muhammad as uh to how israel along with the us, which is said to be the one actually devising uh these war plans, because there is uh, there has never been a precedent where you have a us president inside the war uh cabinet session with netanyahu that took place yesterday, thats deemed to be a first, um, the uprooting of palestinians, which is called another nakba at this point, its something that they have worked to achieve or thats in the works for them. To uh obtain uh and i think you indicate uh what is the role that is playing here or in it

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