Means the entire muslim umah is hurt, and until they start thinking like this, and until we get rid of those people were at the top of the tree in most of these these socalled muslim nations, that you will get just talk, and the mere fact that Iranian Foreign minister has to argue for the case of action, Practical Action like and hes absolutely right, the economic sanctions, the the kicking out of the embassies, the boycotting of even wet. Uh western powers themselves, once you hit them with in the pocket, they do turn and they will, they will have to take note, they may turn on you, thats the problem, and the problem is that most of these popic governments from egypt all the way to azerbaijan and beyond and in the magrib, theyre basically scared that the minute they stand up and Say Something against israel or then the americans will put their sanctions on, well great, because what you should be doing is creating an islamic. Economy, you should be uniting as federations around that world, and between the muslim world, they have oil, they have technology, they have the scientific powers, they have the population, they have economic leverage which not only china and russia, but the west would ultimately be forced to take into account, and this is the way the palestine and the interests of of muslims of arabs of all the people in that central, west asian region can completely change, but first of all to do that, you need to give uh some courage and some backbone and get the corrupt leaders out, so theres also an obligation of the public, if they expect those corrupt leaders to do all the things that the Iranian Foreign minister is saying, then first of all theyve got to look at whether those uh those leaders really are the ones that out to be there, the arab spring was false flag, it was an operation carried out by the west, but that doesnt mean that there wasnt meant to be a revolution in all these countries, thats exactly whats needed, because what you want is nonp leaders whose whose economic ties are linked to the west in order to get independent sovereign action of the kind that the foreign minister of iran has wanted, ultimately its also now down to the resistance, there will be tactically decision needed to be made, at what stage does the loss of life warrant hezbollah and the resistance axis intervening, at what stage will it be necessary, that the israelis need to be given a further bloody nose in order that. They stop this attack on civilians and come out and fight the soldiers uh in the in the field, thats where we where we want the battle, as far as that is concerned, when the the strategic opportunity arises, im sure that resistance will uh give their words, they will right, more uh propalestinian demonstrations taking place now in el. In iran, weve been covering these uh demonstrations uh in various cities across iran, not just in iran, also but uh in various countries around the world uh where these demonstrator uh demonstrations are continually in support of palestine and support of gazans denouncing the israeli onslot on the gaza strip, denouncing the of israeli war, the asemetrical attacks that are being carried out against the defenseless uh palestinians in the gaza. Stripped, of course, lets not forget, all these demonstrations are denouncing uh, and condemning the israely attack that was carried out a hospital in central gaza, uh, the official reports are stating that over 500 have been killed as a result of the attack, press tv, reporters have stated that the death toll could be as high as 700 so of far, with the score. Was still remaining under the rubble as a result of the uh attack that took place, the Israeli Regime continues its indiscriminate aerial strikes on the gaza strip for the 12. Consecutive day, killing more people in the beside, palestinian territory, the death toll has now reached over 3200. Reports are saying that uh, a thousand children have been killed, leaving more than 13,000 others injured, hundreds of people uh have been killed in the israel air strike on the hospital in gaza city, the Health Ministry in the gaza strip said that hundreds of the victims. Were even still trapped under the rubble of the alahli hospital in central gaza, thousands of civilians were seeking medical treatment and shelter there, the Hamas Resistance Movement strongly condemned the attack saying that israel is committing genocide in every sense the word uh the regimes raids uh which took place on tuesday also killed 107 palestinians in rafa and khan unes thats in the south of the gaza strip with terrifying is that the israelis had given a warning to palestinians to move towards the south where around 1. 2 million palestinians uh were told to evacuate uh their living quarters and move to the south of the gaza strip and then we see the the israelis are actually attacking the south of gaza strip where palestinians were directed to take refuge out. Six people were also killed when a school run by the United Nations Refugee Agency was sheld. So those are violations being carried out by the Israeli Regime across the board, these are live images now from birjan uh in uh eastern iran, we were just showing these images just a few minutes ago. So the rallyers are condemning the israel. Occupation of palestine, the Israeli Aggression being carried out against the gazans and theyve all in unison these demonstrations and rallies across the globe have condemned the palestinian deaths that uh occurred as a result of the Israeli Attack on the hospital in central gaza on tuesday. Gaza as we know is under a full israeli sige and now the only power plant there has shut down uh it uh it stopped functioning last week as it ran out of fuel according to Health Authorities the overwhelmed hospitals are now without electricity uh initially they had to rely on their emergency generators which only lasted for few days the Bombing Campaign has destroyed or rendered uninhabitable at least uh 3,000 Housing Units in gaza. The United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs uh gave those numbers of course those numbers are increasing by the day as the israels continue uh their uh indiscurrent attacks and arial assaults against residential areas in gaza. Another tens of thousands of Housing Units also sustained moderate to minor damage uh. Buen agency also voiced alarm at the significant destruction of civilian infrastructure damaged in the areal assaults among other things and to add to the horrors of uh what the uh what the gazons are experiencing as a result of this war. Sewage facilities now are serving more than Million People which have been hit by air strikes leaving uh solid waste accumulating in the streets posing new health. Get out israel has also cut off water food and Energy Supplies for the 2. 3 million uh people that says the uh Israeli Regime had already implemented and kept in place uh illegal israeli illegal blockade against the palestinians in gaza since 2007 a draconian air cnn and bloccade by the israelis which have effectively held the 2. 3 Million People in the gaza strip hostage since uh 2007 and once again were turning to the gaz skyline, thick plums of smoke are rising through the air, which indicate that the. Onslot continues there. Author and the lease expert saib shaft joins us now from belfast offer us more insight on whats going on with regards uh to the war on gaza. Mr. Shath, welcome to the program. Lets start off with the most recent horrifying news of the Israeli Attack on the hospital in central gaza and the International Reaction that weve been seeing in cities around the. World uh few last night we saw live on tv committed by the zinest entity and its its specialless when we saw these images since the people uh they went to this ancient site in gaza which house the hospital and a church and mosque. Uh to seek shelter, the this hospital, which is protestant hospital, the Baptist Hospital, they were the the the directors of the hospitals and the director of the Health Services in gaza, last night, they said they received warning along with other hospitals from the zinest entity, they gonna they have to evacuate and the. The the directors of the hospitals and the local government in gaza got in touch with the the Angelican Church in england and told them to do something about that so we cannot do anything with the piling amount of sick people and angel and its any attack and there will will cause massacre thats what they said to the and they they came back to them from england said carry on about that like they got in touch with someone, so this is the first line of of the intention of massacring the people even along with some International Figures trying to tell the design entity not to target hospitals and they targeted the hospital after that, there is in its own, we i see, i have with me some tweet from somebody. Called hanina natali and he is under netanyahu proudly posted that israel bombed the gaza and ahly hospital and even botting the image of it themselves. This is his tweet and thats and it was deleted two minutes after that and they when they because they wanted to fabricate a story and blame the palestinians. The american wall street journal. As well said that the bomb dropped on the Baptist Hospital was an american mk84, which can only be deployed by plane that hamas dont have any, so when we go to the history of the zanis entity massacres committing against the palestinians from their yasin and before that to kafer qasim and all, all of that is is being committed to install fear within the palestinian. Psychy and commit genocide and to push the people to clear their villages and cities and town. This is a kind of policy used and there is lot of books about it by themselves, the generals who committed such a things. We have a couple of days ago even put videos of some them were in circle just having flashbacks and remembering the happy days while the old men who committed zist generals and fighters. Were at the time committed massacres in in tantura village which is at the edge of of java now, its a beautiful kind of village, they on the seaside, they how they talk about how they killed, how they raped, how they burnt, how they destroyed people in that village, and they are proud about that, there is nobody in the western, let me define in here and the western side of the author. Or the countries or the masters who supported the creation of the business entity condemning them, they only supported them because they are using them as a tool to to control the the. The the the east mediterranean and the region and then the transport and then the oil in the whole western asia so these guys they know this entity they can act with immunity from International Law since the United States of america is protecting them and we know that today biiden is there and biden the only statement we heard from him yes sir, he feels sorry for the loss of lifes and and the explosions in the hospital, like the hospital exploded itself or somebody planted something in there, so within his statement hes trying to condemn uh the victims. Right, uh, lets expand on that a little bit, when were talking about the uh, the media coverage, that this distorted narrative, theres a lot of hypocrisy there, because we can see um uh that. Sort of hypocrisy when it comes to whats taking place with ukraine, i right . Yes, yes, since for for them, its just let me put it that way as well, i want to distinguish between government supported or imbaded media with the government as they send with their soldiers in wars like when they were attacking iraq and the people the the people during the war the on on iraq, they were making a human changes all over europe and United States of america against the war, but the governments didnt listen, the government marketed the lies, which is the used to attack iraq as well as the marketing, the lies and the atrocity propaganda manufactured by fanatic or by government in design entity and happily received and decimated by biden and used by the western media as fact and today from the massacre they talking about beheaded babies and today the massacres in last night massacre in in Baptist Hospital so many of these of our babies been lying beheaded because of the explosions in inside the the hospital hundreds and even till today they cannot count how many is been killed in that way, its a growsome scene, we witness, but the the muslim media itself, which is the its part in the campaigns used in in any in any mission, if you look in when they were targeting iraq, when they were targeting afghanistan, when they were want to target gaza and that, the the media is the first tool. Is being used, the first weapon is fired, it start to try to brain wash its own people, and then its impose the lines which can be published or can be transmitted or not, and then trying to silence lot of other views, we we know from the start from 2009 and 10 when they started breast tv and then rte and before other arabic channels, who bring different point of view or reports live without makeup on the news and touches, they silence them because they they expose the lies and they expose mr. Shath, im sorry, im going to have to interrupt you there, were going live to the lebanese capital beirout where hamas representative and spokesman asama hamdan is uh addressing gathering there regarding the recent events in gaza, lets. And they with their struggles and blood, they secured the victory of alquds and the alaxamus, the Us Government and other western countries supporting the Israeli Regime, they are fully responsible. For these crimes that the Israeli Regime commits against our people in gaza, and the latest of these crimes was the bombardment of hospital in gaza, and this comes with the support, with the media and military support the Us Government and the Us Government support and other western countries also. Support the Israeli Regime in its attacks against our people in gaza and the Un Security Council failed to issue a statement in order to stop the war, and this is a. Disgrace for them all and it shows their support for the killers and murderers of women and children, and it shows their double standard policies with regards to our issue and our people and our legitimate rights, six, the occupied the claim, the occupiers claims were unmasked. They are pulling shinanigans in dealing with the palestinian nation, and today the reality of these terrorists and the maskeling of women and children and innocent civilians and also their attacks against the institutions of gaza, that reality has been masked more than ever before. That was spokesman asamam down holding a press conference in the lebanese capital beirout uh, but were going to continue with our uh indepth coverage of the israeli war on gaza, live uh demonstrations taking place in cities across the world. These are live images that weve been showing you from birjand in eastern uh iran, but various cities across iran and various cities across the globe have been uh. Gathering uh in rallies to support uh palestine to support the besieged uh gazans who were undergoing this uh indiscriminate and asymmetrical aerial assault by the Israeli Regime and theyre also all denouncing the Israeli Massacre that took place on the alahi hospital in central gaza were going to go back to sab shath author and release expert whos joining us from uh from belfast mr. Shath. You were uh speaking about uh the uh um the hypocrisy that were seeing uh with regards to the mainstream western media but that hypocrisy is evident not just in the Mainstream Media but also in many of the the comments and the stances of those very western officials as well true thats because those guys they believe from from which is better than the people in in the arab world or in west asia, they are supremacist, white supremacist at the end of the day run the western governments and run the United States of america, and as we witness this ideology which is the nazists used, is failed and was destroyed and defeated by at the time by the soviet union, even the people and there in the soviet union, they suck refies 27 million lives to stand against the nazist supremecist invasion of their country, as well the people in in algeria they they they they they lost millions in instanding against incubation uhcubation of france, the same thing happening in palestine, the people in palestan, they know this this, this this this fascist, nazist. Zionist regime is committing brutal massacres, henious crimes against the palestinian like in the Baptist Hospital to uh to so fear and terror and panic in the hearts of the Palestinian People as the nazists did when they beseed leningrad when we beseed stalingrad when when they invade and and were attacking many countries and the design entity cobic their master plan the nazism even in in the gito of warso when when they beseed it for many years and the rationals of were counted entering they done the same thing in ghaza so they repeating the same thing they they use genocide and ethnic cleansing to to terrify. The people as they done uh previously as we spoke and in other cities and towns like in der which is a tiny village beside jerusalem orsim this kind of of of tactics to to cleanse land of its people they they dont know the people the Palestinian People will not gonna listen to the arabic official regimes as in 1948 they told them okay just leave your homes for a week were gonna clean it from the science gangs and you can come back and these Palestinian Refugees around the world over 8 millions of them today still waiting to go back to their homes, even the. United nations issued 194 194 the resolution 194 Security Council to allow the people to go back the refugees to go back never been implemented 181 which is said at the time to divide historical palestine even some for the 45 50 for 55 sorry 55 for the jewish entity and they rest for the arab to establish their own state till. Even the 22 which is the west bank and ghaza they refuse. 1 of whole of palestine is the ghaza strip which is beseged and terrified and used as an open air prison bombarded by the international uh we know Geneva Convention and annaces for it even after 19. 97 which is displacing people within within an own territory by occupation force is a war crime, pushing the people outside their territory is a war crime, cutting the water from the people in gaza and humilating them to look for even sewage water to try to to find to you to reuse or recycle is a war crime, cutting them of electricity and targeting their hospital and and bushing their fleeing convoys is all crimes and at all of that mr. Biden in tel aviv leading the war against those innocent people in palestine. Right what what can we see uh when we are looking at the operation alaska storm that took place uh last saturday, many experts are pointing to the serious uh flaws that were exposed in the Israeli Intelligence and security approach. Would you agree with that . Yeah, its you see, its its not just the flaws or anything, the if you look at the border of gaza, thats what they they tried to to send an image, like there is something wrong happened at this time, no, its not something wrong, as their soldiers were saying in social media, this border is no fly can go through the the the fence electrical. And the the cctv footage and the info and the Artificial Intelligence devices in the area solid said we they were sitting on their screens for hours and hours and hours and so many hundreds of them watching the borders, nothing can move without they which what happened . What happened is an intelligent resistance intelligence resistance send away . The first way of attack which is cyber attack and then it send its own improvisation of of tactics which they never expected and never saw, so they are dealing with very intelligent resistant movement, know how to attack and they got the will of steel to to an iron to continue the battle, this is what happened, the israeli army was built as the the the palestinian will fight. Will tell you they never seen in a battlefield from the 60s up till the incubation of beirout 1982 up till the the last war in gaza today they dont see israeli soldiers, they see machine attacking them, these their soldiers built like playstations fighters, they they they hide in rooms and push buttons, thats the way they are, the palestinian are hard in real field, they dont have the high tech, the. They they beseed a place like gaza strip for the last six 17 years when this place manufactured their own drones manufactured their own missiles manufactures their own guns from material recycled material this is the ingenuity and the genius guys in there is amazing while the United States of america and the west supply europe with the state of the art technologies and at the same time uh designist entity became the base of the soviet military complex after the collapse of the soviet union. They yel and before him gorbatchov bush half million nearly of jew of the soviet scientists in their undercover they were a jewish people immigrating to palestan and all of them Russian Orthodox till today they they built the Strongest Military base in the area

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