Headed and were showing live uh images now this is the new york uh protest that took place thursday another paris uh protest that took place thursday we should add both of of these protests were condemned by their governments the paris thursday uh protests and also in marseille and leon were actually banned by the government and people still came out and were teergas and uh today were seeing live images from sad yemen and uh tehran. Union uh capital uh gisu, where are you right now . Exactly, youre youre speaking to us, what part of tehran are you and uh are you located and i can see were finally seeing the whole uh spectrum of the street there and it seems like this protest uh is pretty significant and still people are are adding to it, few a few minutes ago when we first uh tuned in with you, it seemed like it was every minute it seems like people the more and more people are are adding to this protest. Because well the uh hours that were scheduled for this protest for 10 30 tick on time, so yes we should be expecting more crowds gather in streets eventually be full of people from inqalab square or revolution square where i am located, which is close to tehron University Uh until Player Square and we are expecting this to be full of uh palestinian protectors and of course like i said this is usually uh the venue for the of friday prayers. It is a uh rather cold and rainy uh autumn morning in parron so the fact that people have gathered out on street in and of itself is uh very significant people uh to uh spare this time and make an effort, get their voices heard, this is something that uh needs to be noted considering the weather conditions and considering the fact that its a friday morning, its a weekend, daniel, and normally people would want to uh sleep in and relax, these are the govers for the friday players, so the fact that people are coming out, particularly at this time, and well, as you mentioned, according to your images, what youre receiving right now, people are triggling in, crowds are gathering to uh start their demonstration, their rally in support of palestinians in this time, this is quite significant, like i said before, pretty much unprecedented, because what we see is of such demonstrations taking place after the friday period, but this time like i said, they want this to be an independent rally to get their voices heard. Right and i should mention the iranian uh people and uh of government have been very very vocal and uh and big on the palestinian cause, the palestinian issue, their uh basically fight for the rights of palestinians, the right to return, the right for selfdetermination of their independent state, um, the iranian government and people have been stark advocates of palestinians since probably the forever for as long as i remember, but it it took much more of empetus after the uh revolution of the the Islamic Revolution of 1979, weve seen uh the the the Islamic Republic really put lot of support and weight behind the palestinian people, unfortunately lot more than lot of their uh arab breathren have, weve seen some of them even normalized ties with the regime, which lot of people people feel has emboldened the regime to be carrying out the atrocities its carried out over the past six days on the besieg gaza strip, the humanitarian Affairs Coordination office, ocha has reported mass displacement is continuing there over 1500 uh people. Have been uh slain mostly all civilians, hundreds of children, women have been killed in indiscriminate bombings on civilian infrastructure and that is coupled with a siege the israeli authorities have put on the besieged enclave thats been besieged for for going on 20 years, but now its um actually theres nothing getting in, no food, medicine, theyre cutting off water, theyve cut off uh water, fuel supplies and uh electricity to the. Enclave and uh over 2000 structures, let me just share some uh figures here with our guests, the uh mass displacement has been continuing there, increased by its increasing by 30 every 24 hours and thats according to the un spokesperson Stephen Dujerric whos briefing reporters in new york, more than uh 45000 people have been forced to flee their homes in the gaza strip, this is all according to the United Nations as heavy is really. Bombardments continue to hit the palestinian enclave, these are live images youre seeing from sauda, yemen, tehran, iran and uh repeat images uh from paris and new york uh yesterday or say yeah thursday which is yesterday now uh mass displacement across the gaza strip continues, this is according to humanitarian agency ocha said by um let me see announcement israel is pounding indiscriminate targets in the gaza strip a densely. Populated enclave of 2. 3 million people, and this is all in response to Resistance Group surprise saturday attack, Israeli Forces said so far 12 or 1300 people have been killed in this retaliatory operation out by the al khasam brigades, thats the military wing of the hammas resistance movement, saying this is the worst in the regimes history, the worst answer its got for it 70 years of atrocities against palestinians has in this answer we saw just few days ago operation alexa flood. Ocha says now that over 300,000 people or twothirds of those displaced have sought shelter and schools run by the Un Agency Supporting Palestinian Refugees and that is unra. Another nearly 15,000 people fled to schools run by the Palestinian Authority. 10000 are being sheltered by relatives, neighbors and a church and other facilities in gaza city. And now the Israeli Regime has told everyone in gaza. The city and in uh north of gaza to completely flee the area so south as a it seems like the regime wants to significantly it said step up its operation against uh northern gaza so all these people that are sheltering in place in gaza city have to once again be displaced. Osha said around 30 people have already been displaced within the enclave and that was prior to saturdays attack the Bombing Campaign destroyed or rendered unihibitable at least 2,540 Housing Units in gaza. According to ocha now, this is not press tv, this is not any other uh news outlet, this is the un human rights uh organization ocha siting members from the Gaza Ministry of public works and housing, another 2,200 and 850, pardon 2,200, pardon, let me do this again, 22,850 Housing Units sustained moderate. The minor damage, it said, so over 2,500 structures completely leveled Residential Structures, over 1500 civilians killed, and uh, at least 88 education facilities have been struck including 18 unrus schools, two of which were used as emergency shelters for displaced people, as well as a 70 Palestinian Authority schools and uh so this means that for a sixth consecutive day more than 600,000 children have had no access to education in a safe place in gaza, but thats really just the tip of the iceberg, kids arent going to school is really the least of the ghazans nightmare uh right now, as over three or 400 children have been killed in six days of indiscriminate is really bombings over 800 women out of the 1500, so i just mentioned over. Thousand of them have been children and their mothers basically killed and were not going to hear about this on western media, weve heard, weve seen endless protest throughout europe, all condemned by their governments and support of palestinians and number of us and and canada, major cities, universities, and theyre getting very coverage, getting lot, they get blowbacks by the university, the president s are saying, well we we condem protest by our students. The government is in the states in canada are apologizing for the propalestinian protest by their uh residents and uh france has outright banned them. And then weve seen a blowback in the netherlands in the uk and uh germany with respect uh to people wanting to protest and their governments of these socalled European Countries that support the freedom of expression uh have given lot of blowback to protest but youre showing us this is gaza now on the bottom left of your screen there and this shiva hospital today in gaza bringing in those injured from india. Discriminate israeli shelling and uh missiles being dropped on residential infrastructure there, it seems like we lost our oh there we go, thats these are live images from a propalestinian protest in the iranian capital tehran. Nation of israeli atrocities which the uh organization of islamic cooperation, the arab league and number of uh arab leaders and World Leaders have said is and the United Nations have said is a theres genocide taking place against the people of gaza, there are war crimes, crimes against humanity, all illegal humanitary crimes against illegal under humanitarian law under international law, what is taking place in the besieg enclave, weve covered uh. Of protest here on press tv with respect to pro palestinian demonstrations taking place throughout the world right now uh my producer notified me she wants to bring you guys uh a sound bite uh from authorities there in the besieg gaza strip with respect to the humanitarian situation that is unfolding in gaza. Its a dire situation in in the. Gaza strip that were were seeing evolve with with food and and water being in in limited supply and and quickly running out. Wfp is on the ground and is responding and were providing food to thousands of people that have sought shelter and in schools and and elsewhere across the the territory uh, but its were going to run out very soon. We dont have access to the gaza strip thats uh been been closed down. Were looking to ensure that we can. Have uh means to deliver to these people as the crisis evolves. As the sound bike from the besieg gaza strip um saying that its just indescribable the humanitarian toll its taken on gaza in six days of relentless israeli bombardment of the besieg oncley taking place morning day and night and um its resulting over 1500 uh deaths gazans and the Israeli Regime says it is just getting started, its its told uh multiple towns of northern gaza to evacuate to the south of the besieg enclave, we know its just a little over 300 square kilometers, its a relatively small piece of land gaza is, and its occupied by over 2. 3 million people, so you can imagine without telling half the population to flee south, its already a tight squeeze, and now to tell people. To basically uh huddle to the south the besiege enclave there because they want to carpet bomb the north is um i dont i dont what what it is really but we just we know there is no water no electricity no medicine no food in the besieg ghaza strip joining us now is alfred dezias lawyer writer and historian joining us out of geneva hello mr deiz pleasure to have you and thank you for taking time to join us and talk about what is unfolding in the besieg gaza strip your initial thoughts please. This is of course a tragedy for both sides, for the world, it is entails, a threat to International Peace and security, it can escalate much further, but there has a 76 year prehistory, this is not some. That happened last saturday when hamas attacked israel, israel has been attacking the palestinians since 1947. Dont forget the expulsion, the ethnic cleansing of more than 750,000 palestinians back in 1948, and the closest that i can think of as a historical parallel to what is going on in gaza today, is the nazi destruction of the wars of ghetto, you will remember that back. In the 1943 uh the germans had put all the jews together in warso in a ghetto and when the jews rebelled against nazi terror, they were absolutely destroyed, this is like in roman times, cartago de lenda est, the idea is just simply to totally annihilate them, this is nothing less than genocide, this is nothing less, than a crime against humanity. This is matter for the International Criminal court under articles uh five, six, seven and eight the statute of rome, but of course the International Criminal court, as everybody knows, has no authority, no credibility, because its been hijacked by the west. The International Criminal court does what the west wants, and its used as a tool to attack africans. Is kind of neocolonial tool to maintain the unipolar control of the west over the rest of the world, but lets go back to what is happening, we know that about 3,000 people have already been killed, we know that there are reasons for this rebellion on the part of the hamas, since 2007, gaza has been under illegal blocade. So that you know the muslims in in gaza cannot travel to jerusalem to pray in jerusalem, the muslims in in gaza have uh no water, no food, no electricity, etc. , they have been bombarded so often uh by israel, and now uh, were having, you know, right on our television screens, we are seeing the carpet bombling. Uh of civilian centers, i mean this uh should uh remind us of the nurenburg uh trials that should remind us of the norm judgement, here we have major war crimes being committed, and its not just now, the best book on the issue is Norman Finkelsteins gaza, this came out university of California Press back in 2018 and norman pinkelstein is the son of holocause survivors from auschwitz and and my danic and he very much criticizes the Israeli Government for crimes that are comparable to nazi crimes. Now here i know personally and have interviewed and have been. In the carter center, us president , jimmy carter, published back in 2006, a really Landmark Book called palestine peace, not a partide. Now, it is because of a Party Practices that the palestinians rebell. I mean, you cannot humiliate a population, nonstop for. 76 years and expect that theyre simply going to accept it and that theyre going to turn the page and theyre going to reconciliate. Now our interest i a peace activist, have always been a peace activist, i want to see a ceasefire, i want to see the United Nations come in and invoke responsibility to protect against israel, if there is any. Occasion to invoke responsibility to protect, this is it, and what we are having is complicity on the part of the united states, canada, united kingdom, france, germany, everyone in the west, is engaging in apology of war crimes and crimes against humanity, now the genocide convention, of 1948 is very clear in article 2 paragraph c prohibiting blockades of the kind that uh israel has imposed on gaza, if you create conditions that lead to the destruction in whole or in part uh of people, you have committed one of the categories of crimes that fall under the rubric of genocide. Now underigle two, paragraphs a and b, you also have instances when you disproportionately react to an act of attack like happened last saturday when hamas attacked israel, but as i said, it was not an unprovoked attack on israel, i mean when you deny a whole population a future, when you deny a whole. Population their human dignity, when you block their rights to health and the rights to food and the rights to education, etc. Etc. , you are responsible for the response that the victims are going to give you, one thing, in the west, in the black and white means media, the israelis are the good guys, they are democracy, and the hamamas, the terrorists, the terrible people, well if you know United Nations jurisprudence, i will cite you resolutions 2625 and 33 14 of the general assembly, which both reaffirm the right of people to resist, that is people that has been subjugated. The people that has been oppressed has a right to fight for its selfdetermination. The uh International Court of justice on the 9th of july 2004 issued an advisory opinion on the building of the wall, its a 120 page document, and in the course of that analysis, they indicate all the violations by is trial of International Humanitarian law, that means the hag and geneva conventions, but also the violations of the un charter, the violations the International Covenant on civil and political rights, International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, convention against torture, convention uh the rights of child etc. Yes, i dont mean to cut you off, im going to let you continue, but let me just update our viewers with with respect to the images that that were sharing with them, these are live uh uh images of a tehran protest in the iranian capital on the left of your screen there we can see its become quite significant scores of people are pouring out for this pro palestinian protest as were watching uh structures being leveled by the minute by israeli authorities in the besieg gaza strip of over 2,540 Residential Structures have been leveled in the besieg gaza strip and its led to humanitarian catastrophe there is no water uh no uh basically water, electricity, medicine or food being allowed into the uh besige enclave right now, and um, also on the right side of your screen there, you can see that those thats a gaza strip there uh yesterday, images from the gaza strip a thursday, okay, um, were going to, okay, alfred, im going to have to ask you to hold on just a little bit longer, were going to go to the world and the people of palestine will hold you to account. Death to israel. از فلسطین. And we say that we defend the palestinian rights

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