Press the headlines five days of indiscriminate israeli attacks on gaza claim the lives of more than 1,00 palestinians in 260 children. Irans president says israels war crimes against palestinians with a us green light will be destructive in security upon the region regime and its factors and more moralities are held worldwide in support of palestinians and in condemnation of the Israeli Massacre of the people of gaza. Hello everyone, thanks for tuning in impress tv world news, this regime continues indiscriminate aerial strikes on the gazos trip for fifth consecutive day, killing more people in besieged palestinian territory. Spors of palestinians have lost their lives in fresh israeli attacks on gaza, pushing the death toll to over 1,100 including scores of children, attacks have left more than 5300 injured as well, israels pound gazas commercial zones, residential areas and refugee camps, gaza is under full israeli siege, and now the only power plant there is shutting down since its run out of fuel, according to Health Authorities overwhelmed hospital. Without electricity will have to rely on emergency generators, which will only last two to four days, meanwile the turkish president says israel is committing massacre in the besieg gaza strip. Cutting off a city is water, electricity, entry and exits, collapsing its infrastructure, destroying all of its centers of worship from mosks to churches as well as their schools, preventing people from getting the most fundamental needs and bomb. Housing units where civilians reside, in other words, managing a conflict using every sort of embarrassing method is not a wall, it is massacr icinde sivillerin yasadlgl, says israel is trying to portray bombing civilians as a proof of skills, the turkish president comments come as israel is massing troops and tanks near the ghaza fence, possibly for a ground invasion, israel has used internationally banned White Phosphorus bombs and its strikes on gazas korama neighborhood. Over two million palestinians are trapped in gaza, which is known as the worlds biggest open air prison. Regime launch its onslot saturday after gazabased resistance groups carried out a multifront operation in response to israeli crimes. According to the media, operation is left 1200 israels dead andnully 3,0 injured. Our correspondent ash joined us earlier from gaza amid intense israeli bombardment. He said regimes. Disconnected a densely populated territory from the outside world, any moment now, because theres nothing coming in, the rafa crossing, the south most step of ghaza with egypt is open basically from the egyptian side, from the palestinian side, separated right now from between the. Of separated the separation between egypt and so israel is unable to to attack the egyptian side of the crossing, there is Peace Agreement between israel and egypt, so they hit the rafah crossing from the palestinian side, they they hit it with a with a small rocket earlier, so people are afraid, people are afraid to even reach the crossing, those are who manage to to go there are having a is impassible right now, something crazy, this is something grays thats taking place and no one is paying attention to it because of Corporate Media, Corporate Media thats around the world is controlled by the Israeli Regime, everyone knows it, even in in the United States they know that the Israeli Regime is controlling Corporate Media, whatever you see. On press tv and the other Islamic Republic of iran channels you cannot see anywhere else because no one is showing this here in gaza we have international uh News Agencies working theyve filled everything and they give their material they sell their materials to all the news channels in the world but none of the things that happen is and earlier. We spoke to our beirout correspondent, madyam saw the serious impact the operations carried out by hamas and hezbollah resistance movements on the israeli military. The israelis are in a state of not only his, theyre not just hysterical, theyre paranoid. Today, three, four reports, more than that, i think came out of the israeli media and were baseless, first they say theres a group of. Drones being sent by hezballah then they say theres infiltrators from hezballah or um Palestinian Resistance of fighters um then they say theres a security issue and the sirens kept sounding on and on the unif were always on high alert because of the israeli um paranoia so it seems that the israelis are really in a tight spot now theyre being cornered and they always fear like theyre working in gaza theres a war in gaza. Is shooting and of course the Palestinian Resistance is doing everything it can to try to defend that area, but at the same time they feel that their back is not secured. Now we heard from netanyahu saying that theyre getting all the weapons, all the support, you have the the naval carrier, you have gerald ford coming for their rescue. Geral ford for lebanon is considered something that was clear symbolism of us atrocities against lebanon. They only launched aggressions against leban, but as a result we have. The marines operation and the killing of over 200 us marines and lebanon, so i think the United States also understands that it needs to bring that to try to bring some sort of deterns, some sort of equilibrium to face hezbollah, because they believe, perhaps it seems that us looks at hezbollah as an equal to the u. S. Army, youre on. President ibrahim raisi has stress the need to end israels war crimes against palestinians during regimes brutal onslot on the gaza strip, in a phone call the Saudi Crown Prince muhammad bin salman, the iranian president also called for unity among muslims in the face of the regimes atrocities, he had israels crimes against palestinians which are committed with us green light will bring destructive insecurity upon the regime and its backers. Phone calls the first between irans president and the saudi crown print since riyad and tehran resume diplomatic ties following a china broker deal back in march. And four ministers from the arab league have strongly condemned israels brutal aggression against the besieg gazo strip in a statement at the end of their meeting, they describe regimes onslot as collective punishment which contravens international law. The attacks carried out and prepared by the Israeli Occupation for. Will not bring stability, but will lead us into more cycles of violence and blood, the collective punishments practiced by these authorities against the residence of gaza are rejected and condemned in international law, rejected the killing of civilians and terrorizing innocent people as unacceptable, calling for an immediate seas far. Arab league also warned about serious possibilities for further deterioration of the situation and expansion of ongoing military confrontations. Steven added the continuation of the conflict could push the entire region toward an unknown fate. This was arab leagues first ministerial meeting since start of the Israeli Aggression against gaza. Air forn ministers have denounced. Israel sie of the gaza strip, demanding the aid be immediately allowed to enter the bloccaded territory. And concerns mount over the worsening humanitarian situation in gaza, amid relentless israely bombardment. Now the un secretary general has called for rapid humanitarian access to bloccaded enclave, warning that there is no time to lose. Uh, are working around the clock to support the people of gaza, and i deeply regret that some of my colleagues have already paid the ultimate price. Crucial lifesaving supplies, including fuel, food and water, must be allowed into gaza. We need rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access now. There is no time to lose, every moment counts. Reter also thanked egypt for its constructive efforts and facilitating humanitarian access through the rough crossing and to make elish airport available for critical assistance. He had that about 220 palestinians, pardon about 220,000 palestinians are now sheltering in 92 un facilities across gaza. Gutierez stress those facilities as well as hospitals, schools and clinics must never be targeted. This is israel has leveled over. Buildings and imposed total siege on the territory, cutting off food, water and Energy Supplies for 2. 3 million people. Cause the solar power plant shut down wednesday after running out of fuel, some countries a call for humanitarian corridor to let civilians get out. And people in Different Countries have held new rallies and solidarity with palestinians in gaza and their struggle. To free their land, theyve changed the slogans and supported the palestinian cause and denounced Israeli Regimes atrocities apoya la justa lucha del pueblos es la solucion trumpara, israel terrorista palestina libera. と か 制法 力 と か は 絶対za viva resiste. It was standing room only as thousands gathered a narrow street outside belgiums Foreign Affairs department in brussels on wednesday evening. With israels aerial bombardment of gaza continuing, emotions were running high. Two of my cousins yesterday had been found burned under the weapons and they are now in the sky, because of whom, because of israel, listen to me, please. Stop killing innocent people, stop killing innocent people, that means you are weak because you couldnt do anything to the resistance, in palestine all children, one years, two years, 10 years, why why fighting for children . I want this to be seen, because the cnn, the bbc, the western media is not telling the truth about whats going on in gaza, the death troll in gaza is rising by the hour, those. Attending the demonstration are angry that israel is enforcing illegal bloccade, while the west refuses to intervene. No, water, no electricity, no gas, no food, so it means its against international law, violation of the International Humanitarian law also, israel is colonialist, and thats the point, and in a democracy uh, you can, you can accept this. Protesters brand benjamin netanyahu, a war criminal. Just before the brussels rally took place, eu dignitaries held in event outside the European Parliament in solidarity with israel. There was not a single mention. Of palestinian victims, meanwhile activists insist their campaign has nothing to do with religion. Here for example, we have lot of juice, they are with us here in this manifestation, we are friends with, we dont have a problem with juice, we we have a problem with sionism, we have problem with the occupation. As the carnage continues in gaza, more protests are currently being organized here in belgium. The message we keep hearing from campaigners is this time its different, the world is being informed like never before, and its now simply matter of time before palestinians win their freedom. Tradom huws press brussels, save the children, leading International Humanitarian Organization Says scores of palestinian children are among those who have been killed in israeli bombardments of gaza since saturday. The latest reports that we have is that Palestinian Refugees are not fleeing to egypt, again unfortunately the crossing rafa was hit by air strikes both yesterday and today, which means that that crossing is not safe, people cannot be crossing, fleeing when theres active air strikes, so again the population of gaza really have nowhere to go, theyre literally trapped in gaza trying escape from air strikes, we now have 125,00 people that have. Their homes, theyre all in schools, theres limited amounts of mattresses and blankets, Food Supplies will run low, palestinian children that have been killed um is 140, that is out of total of 770 people, meanwile the World Health Organization is called for the establishment of an emergency humanitarian corridor into and out of gazas, israels indiscriminate bombing of the bessieg enclave enters a fifth day, its also regime has imposed a complete blocade on gaza, cutting off food, water and fuel. The World Health Organization is also calling for an end to the violence, health facilities, patients, Health Workers and civilians in general have to be protected and safegured, as dr. Taddress has said over the weekend. The human humanitarian corridor is needed to reach people with critical medical supplies and who will work with partners on this, fuck are you talking about, were earlier joined by former palestinian senior diplomat ali khazak from camber with this take on the way western medias covering up israely crimes in palestine. The the western media is behavior and and there. Double standard has only one name and that is called hypocrisy, you know, on one hand and it is racism because because you know um, what justified them, you know, for example, you know, bombarding the whole world of the situation in ukraine and covering up. On israels crime, daily crime against the entire palestinian population. This is something we have been suffering of for the last 75 years. Leader of the islamic movements in nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim zagzaki has arrived in tehran to a warm reception, revered as a significant figure within the muslim community. Zagzaki represents the culture of resistance and fight against depression. Tehran plays host to a distinguished visitor, revered muslim figure Sheikh Ibrahim zaksaki arrived in tehran for medical treatment among warm welcomes on wednesday. Crowds of people, having traveled great distances to catch a glimpse of the revered leader gathered outside the airport, bearing welcome placards. Known as the leader the shia population in nigeria, sheikh zaksaki. Has earned a claim for his steadfast resistance against oppression and his role in propagating Islamic Teachings in nigeria. The sheikh delivered a brief address to express gratitude to the. Those came to welcome him upon his arrival. Im very pleased and happy to see this uh faces of people in solidarity was us and the future love and interest in what in what has in what has happened to us. Thank you very much. We thank allah for giving us the opportunity to have passed this difficult periods and we hope inshallah in the near future this message of the Islamic Republic of will engulp this world, not only africa, but beyond the american continent, european continent, until the whole world is ready for the appearance of imam mahadi. Zaksaks name is closely linked to the name the founder of irans Islamic Revolution, imam komaini. He became shia after he met with Imam Khomaini right after the Islamic Revolution in the country. We learned the way of them. Like imam khumeyni, he invites African People to know ahlel. The person whom we have come to welcome today is the one who, because of being a student of imams school, changes the life path of millions of people in nigeria. He suffered many physical injuries and lost his children in this way. As long as the culture of resistance is concerned. Is one of the most important people who has opened a new. Resistance front in the world. Press tv, tehran, thats what for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. The sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. It was the 13th day of the war on the gazas rap. Look at the missile, what did we do to deserve being hit by this . The army bombed the children on the beach and destroyed our houses. They killed children, men women and old men. I have no. Other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless. It is the israels habit from ages, they say that children fire rockets. I was wearing. Uniform and holding a gun when i was in the army, i was shocked at the reality like this can happen 40 minutes from my house, approximately 800 to a thousand children are detained each year, the fairly terrifying experience for the next 12 to 24 hoursking, now whats special about my unit is that it does . Um undercover operation, we many doing the occupied territories, its about making sure palistins will never be free. On a journey from light to darkness, he may not see the way we do. With eyes so bright and quick, he has to fight constantly the terrible shadow that stands between him and the world outside, but with a dark paradoxical gift, he can see what other people miss, this is a private story between a man. And his eyes an experience of beauty a way invisible, acclaimed by millions, mashti ismail soon on press tv. Every news channel claims that it covers the latest breaking news. News as we do, so that alone is not what sets press tv apart. What mainstream news outlets conveniently leave out . With breaking news from around the world, we are here to bring to you, we fill in the blanks. We are the other side of the story, the less represented side of the story, we are tellers of inconvenience. Truth. While they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast and our social media platforms are persistent always perseveres and it makes you wonder what is it were saying that they dont want you to hear. We are the shadow band, we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless. We are press tv. Keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv, as well continues this indiscriminate aerial strikes in the gaz trip for fifth straight day killing more people from bessieg palestinian enclave these 5 palestinians lost their lives and fresh israeli attacks on gaza, pushing death to over 1,100, including scores of children. Palestinians ambassador to the un has condemned israels Deadly Campaign against gaza. Riyad mansur also blast regimes decision to impose a complete siege on the enclave says israels measure amounts to genocide and war primes

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