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They have to negotiate and definitely that will give the Palestinian Resistance and hamas particularly huge deal in dealing with the the israelis, its not about only about exchanging prisoners, we are talking about you know really finding a real solution to the siege of gaza and allowing gaza at least to breathe normally in a way or another, so yeah, the israeli are in. In not only on saturday but even today and tomorrow and for the coming a period are in deep deep problem that they cant really get out of it easily. All right, hold to your thoughts, i need to just make sure that our viewers are aware that some of these scenes that you see there in the four frames thats uh being displayed on your screens, gaza now that means whats happening now currently as we speak and uh this is uh on the right hand side where it says gaza monday probably better to put gaza earlier, this is these are the scenes at the hospital earlier as to uh how uh palestinian lives have been uh massacred in a matter of speaking where one instant was the jabala refugee camp where over 50 uh palestinians were killed uh based on the incident there uh so these scenes are are are being um updated as we speak um if not being played from the most recent uh developments that have happened subshath are you still with us . No, all right, so uh, subn, you talk about negotiations, well, you can negotiate about maybe the captives uh, that you mentioned, that the resistance groups have, but what are they going to negotiate for . I mean, whats the aftermath of this is very unclear, because its not like uh, the past where they can negotiate over something and then palestinians go back to the gaza strip, and israel has what it has, i think uh this operation alasa flood uh was not executed in order for things to go back to the way they were, but what is the future hold . What do you negotiate . What do you negotiate for . What would the palestinians want . Exactly, i think that this operation, the flood had changed the whole formula of dealing with israel, now the israeli do know the ability and the capability of the. Palestinian resistance, especially in gaza, and what they are able to do, and and it showed also to what extent really the israeli Army Reaction was very poor, and even after their learn of what was going on, it took them more than six hours to react, and their reaction is also till now they are not closing the borders with gaza and there are still palestinians. Resistance personals are going into the this area which was targeted before and even with the huge targeting of more than 22 positions which was attacked during this operation its really really a great and huge operation now the aftermath is something really important and the palestinan resistance i think they are wise enough not to you know to waste uh this very very expensive hunt if you like of that they had now more than 130 hostages now or let me i dont want to say hostages but rather you know war prisoners if you like its its quite clear that its not about you know releasing only releasing the prisoners in the west bank in israel all the palestinian um prisoners but also its about um limiting the um incurgence on aqsa mosk definitely that will be like a a red line and that israel should commit not. To enter the mosk again and about the settlements and the settlers who are you know grabbing land and in the last you know few few months or the last two years if you like they were out of of of even any kind of control in in attacking the palestinians and grabbing land and ethnically cleansing the palestinians and also about the situation in gaza gaza it has been under siege for the last 17 years 17 years of this sie which really the israel were controlling even the the how how the amount of food or even electricity or water which is getting to gazza, which by day by today gallant the defense minister in israel declared that he is going to cut all these totally from gaza, water and electricity and also food, its not going in, so definitely there will be negotiation over this issue, the siege of gaza to end sige of gaza, allowing gaza to have a port, allowing gaza to have its own you know access to outside world apart from the one in just in rafah with egypt, ease the situation in gaza by allowing you know contact with the gazza and with west bank, all that should be you know address definitely, i dont think that they will negotiate over like you know what happened with sharit, the only one. Soldier to release 1000 palestinian prisoners, but this time its a huge issue and it should be you know worth uh changing the situation totally, maybe that will change the whole formula of the also kind of relationship between israel where israel is always in control and israel is always giving the orders and now its about time to shut down and listen to what the Palestinian Resistance will say. The role of the us is very prominent here uh and its becoming more uh distinct in the type of support that it has announced that it will give uh israel, but we were trying to figure out maybe you can tell us as to the amount of involvement the us will have uh the latest that we have is that uh its sending an Aircraft Carrier along with a group of warships to the Eastern Mediterranean as it said and that it was uh adding to the Fighter Aircraft squadrons that are in the region um do you think that theres a possibility that the. Us is going to get involved or is it just in terms of military hardware that it provides israel and that it will stop there . Yeah, they are, they are already involved, they are already involved, they issued 800 Million Dollars to israel immediately, and the the aircrafts already coming to israel carrying you know weapon and israel are asking for very accurate uh. Missiles for and for their use and they are asking also for supplies of the what they call it the the dome, the rocket dome, all these is already in there and now the the craft, the seacraft thats coming to the mediterranean, the american are involved, maybe they are not involved personally, we wont see american soldiers and on on the palestinian soil, thats for sure, because the israel are not needing but they need supplies definitely, they need most importantly the um Legal Support by the americans to give them the if you like the order, not the orders, but to give them the cover in the United Nations and in the in front of the International Community that what they are doing is you know selfdefense and all these kind you know to legitimize the. Their operations in gaza and the killing of the people and to give them the green line on that, this is the most important thing, in addition to the weapon and the money that they are sending to to israel already, so yeah, they are involved, they are involved heavily and we think that we are fighting now the american weapon and we are fighting the american support, we are fighting the american help to israel, not only that, additionally the americans have. Warned if you like lebanon that hisballah should not be interfering and that was a warning and we believe that if there is involvement in the north and hizballah was engaged because some of the israeli writers they are talking about if the israeli started a land invasion together that might triggered the lebanon and hizbullah to interfere and in such case we believe. The american involvement will be even more by maybe in this case will help directly with their soldiers in the north or in the south to help the israelis in doing that if they felt that israel is becoming under really really heavy fire and and that might you know be defeated hardly all right another thing that uh maybe you can clar clarify for assad um is the fact that when it comes to the cap yes i can im sorry i think we have our lines crossed im sorry are you still with us . Yes, okay, great. One thing, one thing that im curious about and this is about the news that we had where we had alqam making this announcement, you may have heard it, that uh, the monday morning attack that happened, killed four israel captives and also the hamas guards, so you have israel that has gone ahead and killed the captives along with the hamas. Im im curious as to whether that is the approach that israel is going to use towards these captives uh our correspondent says that that is one of the protocols in the playbook of israel where it doesnt negotiate for its captives but we know that it has done that in the past um but but im curious as to how you think israels going to proceed when it comes to these captives is it going to continue this type of approach by killing the captives. Uh for the benefit of killing also the the the resistance fighters who are holding them captive . Well during the war of 2014 and because of shalit issue, the israeli, the protocol in the israeli army is to apply whats known as hannibal plan, which in this case if a soldier being arrested or being you know captive taken captive by the resistance that to kill the soldier and the resistors all together, and this is what was as hanipal, though there was huge debate in israel regarding this issue, they try it in 2014, when the Palestinian Resistance and hamas particularly, they captive, they catch some of the Israeli Soldiers and they killed some of them where their corps are still now with the palestinian. Distance in gaza that they used to negotiate over. Now we are talking about a different scenario, you are talking about more than 130 captives and i dont think that israel will be applying this hannibal protocol at all, but if it happened by you know, maybe they will you know call it kind of a mistake or collateral damage, when they are bombing gazza. That um some of these bombs just you know killed some of their hostages or some of those captive uh israeli citizens, so in such case israel try to justify it, but i dont think that they will do it as a hannibal protocol, because the number is really huge, and in such case this government wont stand one one day, if they did that intentionally, but if that happened unintentionally, they they dont care that much about you know if some of their hostages or some of their captives were killed during the operations they dont that much care, what they care about is you know if they could target the palestinian resistors and if they could you know get something to their people to say see we are achieving you know some progres in in putting down hamas or in bringing down the palestinan resistance so so in such case they can justify the killing of some of their own citizens, but otherwise i dont think that they will declare it officially to do that in a process like you know in a protocol protocol as they will call it. Thank you so much for that let me bring in another guest we have uh joining us in this programker guess is member of the Kenya Palestine Solidarity Movement who joins us from nairobiker and guess welcome to the program are um the way that the the. Pace the developments in the past uh couple hours has increased, a in terms of the number of strikes that uh is occurring on the ghaza strip, israel is not only doing it via uh the occupied territories to the ghaza strip but also via the sea, its targeting uh the different locations and thats uh increased uh the death toll also now unfortunate for the palestinians reaching 530, we also understand that israels death tholl has risen to uh 800. Um were trying to figure out my question to you, trying to figure out what approach israel is going to use when it comes to um the plans to go uh into the ghaza strip via ground uh which is invasion of the ghaza strip, how do you assess the strategy that israel is using right now . Will it go ahead and do that . Wont it endanger the ones that are in captivity . How do you see it . Uh, first of all, thank you very much, and firstly is to pass our greetings and solidarity with the palestinian resistant movement here from nairobi, and um, secondly, um, our analysis here is that the Israel Government is not doing anything extraordinary that it that they havent done before for the several wars that have happened in israel uh versus the palestinian resistant movement there have been unprecedented you know attack and even now the mobilization of the tanks and the call for the support from the United States and even now now the Prime Minister of the british are promising more you know support in terms of military hardware and money to the Israeli Regime, but the truth of the matter is that the collective will of determined people to you know to to fight for their right to statehood, to be free, to fight for their own freedom, they cannot be broken by just any little force, and this is a lesson that the Israeli Government has refused to learn from the african liberation movement, remember we had the the apparent army in south africa, the border regime we used to say that they could march from cape to kairo, and we had the the same tactics of bombing forest and killing innocent people in kenya by the british, the imperial british, so all these tactics, what i can assure. The Israeli Government is that the collect to fight for their right to selfdetermination, to fight from their right to land cannot just be thought by little you know a little force or air power. After all, to actually defeat a people you must put boots on ground. Im not sure if the you know the the Israel Government will want to send now boot some ground to fight after this. Of war and we have also seen that the resistant movement in palestine is not just about throwing some stones now, they have gotten into a lab where they can launch surprise you know in the mode of a gerilla warfare that of course is very non conventional way to confront the israeli you know apparent forces so uh for our analysis from the south we see that whenever there is a repressive regime like the israel apart system, there will always be resistance, and that resistance can only built, and at the moment, also we see that the Israeli Government and the zionist regime is losing, you know in terms of the Public Opinion its media and propaganda war is getting much weaker and there is more solidarity for the palestinian brothers and sisters coming from the south, why . We not seeing more um or a more active role of the palestinians in the occupied territories uh there are a few million of them there and they are seeing what their brothers are doing out of the ghaza strip in terms of the Palestinian Resistance fighters um do you think that the they may be contemplating that or maybe uh that is a possibility for them to come out in order to support uh the palestinian fighters and to act against the regime. Forces from what we have, im sorry, this for sid name, ill come to you next sid, go ahead, okay, booker, if you heard that question, go ahead, yes, um, what we have seen, particularly from ramala, even to the border of israel with lebanon and and occupied territories within the palestinian state, and and even the the today, there are few morters, at least we have witnessed that went into the socalled israeli territory by the hezbollah in resistant group, so we can see that this build up of resistance is not just about gaza, only that in gaza. I think why it is even much the resistance is much intense is because also the repression is quite intense, remember the gaza sige is what the gaza residents have. Been really asking for is not too much, in fact they have only been asking for lifting of the gaza sie to have medicine, to have food, to have you know access to clean water, and if they continue to push that sie, now they they are calling it total 100 sige against the residence of gaza, then you will see more resistance from there, and in other occupied territories, this is the this fight, this hamamas a surprise attack to the israel army has also proved to the rest of the Palestinian People whether they are within the occupied territories or abroad that the oppresses army is very weak indeed even though they keep on shouting how you know how invincible they are, but the Current Events now can prove that whatever. Any any predator army talks about invincibility, then it will give more morale to the people in the occupied territories of palestine to advance even more determinedly to liberate their land you know from the occupiers, yeah obviously the liberation of the land is the ultimate goal, including alasa, which is one of the central points behind this operation, im sure, but transition uh from what were looking at now to liberation uh, im guessing needs to occur maybe in a few phases, unless the goal by the resistance fighters and their leaders is that they want to go all in with this and take away their the and get back their land that was uh um that was theirs in the first place. How realistic is it to think that that should be a goal and and thats obtainable . Or are we looking at uh something thats going to happen in phases maybe and this is major spark towards that process . Um, what i can say is that the resistant movement have set a very legitimate goal in terms of the 1948 and in fact they are even calling out quite Clear Solutions from the United Nations and the the the territorial borders as they were, and this is the distance goal that they are working on, but they are also on the reality that for them to reach that you know the distance goal of reclaiming the state of israel, they will have to continue to advance, not just through an armed resistance within the occupied territories of the Palestinian People, but also to appeal to internationalism and solidarity from their brothers and sisters that actually know the pain of colonialism, so indeed, it is feasible, it is, it is, it is an achievable venture that the palestinian state as as actually figured in the 1948 territorial borders is still achievable, you know, because the propaganda of the Israeli Regime or the Zionist Movement has been always that you know that they have permanently deflated those borders and there is nowhere else to go, and they keep on continue stealing the palestinian lands every day, and with the view to tell, its also a way to humiliate the Palestinian People, to break the their will and to tell them that you will never be you know win against our army, but this propaganda has this zice propaganda has indeed even failed, because for example if you look at gaza, which is basically a strip with an populated now about 2. 5 million palestinian you know uh lives there, what is basically happening in that territory is not anything to do, im sorry to jump in, unfortunately, unfortunately were going to go with a live uh footage thats coming through the ghaza city, the skyline were looking at now, but thank you b is member of the Kenya Palestine Solidarity Movement uh, so you can see there uh unfortunate numbers uh of the number of people that have been murdered as result of the air strikes um is uh climbing rather rapidly in the past hour so were jumped uh the latest being 530 the skyline there uh when you see smoke that means something has been hit and were seeing more and more of that in the past few hours theres been an uptick in that uh keeping in mind that uh some of the strikes that are happening are coming from uh the the sea uh into the the ghaza strip by the israely gun boats for example so its not just coming from uh by the air. Uh, so uh, in that regards that could be a sign of the operation expanding into the gaza strip, which israel has threen that it would do, it hasnt happened yet, there was anticipation that that would have happened um in the morning. Hours there, but so far that hasnt happened, also at the same time, based on the sources we have, which may be now public, the number of uh israelis that have been taken out has reached uh 800 uh civilians and uh military personnel. That covers our extended rolling coverage of the developments of the alasa flood operation, it doesnt mean that its coming to an end, were just going to go for uh a break and uh well be back uh to continue with this coverage um. Once uh we go for short pause, so do stay with us here on press tv. News and brief at press, israeli media raised to over 700, the death toe from operation alaxa flood launched by Palestinian Resistance fighters inside of israel, more than 2,300 were also wounded. Meanwhile, in the besieged gaza strip, over 410 palestinians have been killed and more than 2,00 wounded. The Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas says its fighters have captured more Israeli Soldiers on the second day of their antiisraeli operations and taken them to gaza. Meanwhile, it says palestinian fighters have recorded video footage of israelis, israeli killing of its own soldiers who were taken captive. The leader of the gaza base resistts

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