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Hello and welcome everybody, its 10 30 p. M. Here in the iranian capital time watching presss world news our top story for this half hour, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic jihad resistance move and has slammed the normalization of ties between some arab countries and the israeli regime. Ziadhal said those arab regimes are submitting to the zionist project and falling into line with the enemy. He expressed the ghazabased Resistance Group support for palestinians and resistance fighters in the occupied west bank at escalating israeli crimes. Nahala stressed that palestinians will eventually achieve victory through resistance. He also emphasized that the islamic jahar, hamas and other Resistance Groups in palestine will remain united until they achieve their goals. Nahala made the remarks on the 36th anniversary of the islamic jahats foundation. He noted that the anniversary is marked to honor palestinians martyrs and underscore. Palestinians determination to continue their path until their land is liberated. Earlier a we were joined by palestinian activists and journalist wafal odai from gaza city, she tells us how palestinians are pinning their hopes on resistance as the only option ahead. Oh, of course recently. We witness as Palestinian People, we witness rising in the resistance attacks in all in particular in occupied west bank and in occupied jerusalem, and this is we can say that this is really normal reaction and normal response to the israeli subjugation against the Palestinian People, and of course since the occupation, you no keep oppressing the palestinians more and more, of course we are expecting that such resistance attacks are going to grow uh on again and again and of course this is this seems so promising for the Palestinian People because they just you know got uh disappointed from the the negotiations with the occupation government and then so on so. So they they really believe uh strongly in resistance by all its forms as a choice to free their land from this uh occupation. Nearly 80 palestinians have been injured as Israeli Forces attack morners attending the funeral procession of a man in the occupied west bank. Thousands attend the funeral of 19yearold Labib Dumaidi who was fatally shot by Israeli Settlers during their raid in the town of hawara, south of anabus, israeli troops used live rounds, rubber bullets, tear gas and sound bombs against the morners. 13 palestinians were also arrested. The palestinians were chanting slogans against the use of violence by Israeli Forces and settlers and in support of the resistance. The morners also called for. The blood of palestinians a hamamas Resistance Movement also stressed that Palestinian Resistance will eventually put an end to israeli occupation. Syria has held fenal procession of for the People Killed in the terror attack a military academy in the western city of homs. The funeral was held outside of. Hospital in central homes, the defense minister was in attendance, general aliabbas said syria is paying the price for its dignity and prosperity on thursday, several weaponized drones struck a Graduation Ceremony for Army Officers at the homes military academy. Families of the new officers were there when the attack took place. According to the syrian government, 89 people including five children were killed and nearly 850 people were injured. A ukbased war monitor has put the death toll at 110. Syria has declared. Three days of public morning, well the terrorist drone attack has drawn condolences and condemnations from across the world, the iranian president pointed the finger at terrorist foreign supporters, including those occupying syria. Indeed, the responsibility for this tragic event lies with the foreign supporters of terrorist groups including those occupying syria, and preventing the enforcement of National Sovereignty across the c territory and the effective combat against terrorism. Its expected that Relevant International organizations, particularly the Un Security Council fulfill their responsibility in this regard. Right, he said, giving daesh and other attacy terrorists breathing room to carry out their operations completes the israeli acts of aggression against syria. President Vladimir Putin also reaffirmed russias resolved to continue close cooperation with syria and combatting terrorism in all its shapes and forms. Belaruan president alexander lukakashenko also stress that the International Community should not turn a blind eye to the scurge. In lebanon the resistance moven heswal said the attack shows that foreign back conspiracy is underway in syria and stressed its support for damascus. Palestines Islamic Jihad Resistance Movement also expressed confidence that syria will remain steadfast in the face of plots targeting its unity yemens ansera movement at. That the us and israel are behind all plots against syria because of its support for the resistance, the uae, egypt, jordan and venezuela have also condemned the attack in homes. Journalists and activist sabi barudi explains why some western states, especially the us, continue to back terrorist groups in syria, despite all the harm that they are inflicting on people there. Unfortunately theres not a limit to terrorist. Groups inside of syria armed by the west, we have the armed rebels who are backed by western countries with weapons, with policies, with propaganda, so i dont know why no one has claimed responsibility yet, im sure that the signs are all there, its very evident, as once again as mike pompeyo has said, we lied, we cheated, we stole, we had an entire training course, of the american experiment, he he boasted about this a University Conference back in texas, this was into. 2021 still, i think that the fact that i just think that the fact that the us has blatantly admitted again and again to arming these terrorists, as mentioned before, the wikileaks clintons emails. All of this shows how disingenuous they are about their claims for human rights, about their claims for antiterror tactics, they have a reason to be in syria and they have a reason to exploit and plunder syrias resources at the same time try and attempt to overthrow syrias democratic. Elected government to undermine syrian sovereignty, selfdetermination and democracy, because syria is one of the countries in that region that has been standing strong against israel and israel works as ally, israel works as a lap dog for the United States and australia. Passing out of a girl in a tehran subway station is triggered Misinformation Campaign by antiiran Media Outlets overseas. Heres a report on that 16yearold. Armita gerovaban fainted while boarding a train a subway station in the iranian capital. Immediately afterwards, antiiran tv channels and outlets embarked a Media Campaign blaming the incident on the subway police. They accused the police of pushing armita out of the train after noisy argument leading to her fall. Now the tehran Subway Company has released all camera footage from the moment armita enters the station to. Until she is taken to hospital. Here is 6 52 a. M. October 1st. Armita enters the station alone. After two minutes, she passes the ticket control gate. At 6 54, she enters a Grocery Store in the station, and after that she is seen here heading to the platform where she catches up with her friends. It can be seen that the whole eight minutes of her presence and the station passes without a problem. Armita and her friends wait to board the train, but they dont take the first one. It seems they are waiting for a friend. Armitas are. Arrival on the platform and her boarding take more than eight minutes, still no scene or any problem, and here is the moment armita and her friends board the train, but after just four seconds, as can be seen, she gets dizzy and falls down after armitas fall, people on the scene call the Emergency Services and try to revive her اور. According to her medical report, she has gone through low blood pressure. Armitas parents say they have not seen any irregularities in the camera footage provided by the Subway Company or her medical report, they. Ive seen all the footage and followed it closely, nothing was wrong. Last year, similar media tactics employed by the antiiran news outlets incited violence throughout the country, yet the Misinformation Campaign has only failed. فقط از مردم خواستم برای دخترم دعا کنن همین چیزایی که میگن درباره من خانمواد هم صحبت میکنیم صحبت کردن شنیدیم خیلی حرففاشون واقعاً زشته نباید این حرفا رو بزنن اونا باید به ما امید بدن باید بگن برای دختر من دعا کنن نه اینکه برن درباره ما حرف درست کن پشت سر ما حرف بزنن دستگیرش کردن نمی دونم چی حرفایی که می زنن واقعاً دروغه واقعاً دروغه میگن آقا اینجوری شده اونجوری شده همه اینا رو پشت شدن ما اصلاً خانم کنارمه دخترم کنارمه کنار مریضم هست بیمارستان در روزی ۵ بار هفت بار هر موقع بیام اجازه میدن میام کنار دخترم چرا اجازه ندادن حالا میگن اجازه نمیدن واقعاً چرا اجازه نند علیسلام your press plays western friendly media for jumping on the story of army gerovan. The evidence is very clear, although those who have agenda, they dont care about the truth and they will manipulate it anyways as has been done, and we saw as you mentioned last year a very similar incident, young woman with health complication, very Serious Health complication, unfortunately led to her untimly death, and very quickly the Fake News Media uh jumped on it and spinned on the story. Unfortunately, this involved a inside infiltrator within iran who after the riots and everything began, it was investigated by the iranian authorities that she was being handled by various cia agents, she attended some ngo training conferences outside the country, im referring of course to nelofar, and she worked for some of the liberal leaning prowestern newspapers in iran, and she published this without any evidence, barely spending any time in the hospital, not waiting for cause or not waiting for sufficient evidence to publish her report, and unfortunately this fake news, was propagated by many of the foreign funded, news Media Outlets that you mentioned, which have the agendas of the hostile forum backers that fund them, and so it led to a large outport, so but after one year it seems like the truth has come out. Uh people have seen that what these rioters of what they are for, especially the the leaders among them, terron is condemned as biased and political the move by the Nobel Committee toward this years peace prize to convicted iranian, the iranian for administry spokesman said nagus muhammadi has been jailed because she has repeatedly violated the law and committed criminal acts. Now sir cannon he stress that the move by the Nobel Committee is in line with the medalsum and antiiranian policies of some government, he said, this shows that the Nobel Peace Prize has deviated from its original purpose, and the committee has turned into a tool. Can idded that the the award is another link to the. Western pressure chain against iran and will only strengthen the nations resolve to follow up its independent policies. He noted that tehan has always stressed the need for the objective realization of regional and global peace uh and never wants this process to be abused. According to media reports, us considers preemptive strikes on the democratic peoples republic of korea, miss launching programs at aims to deter the dprk from developing its capabilities. Press tvs frank smith reports from soul. Over the past year and a half, the dprk has launched more missiles than ever before. The us has tried to deter that testing with initiating and expanding more sanctions against pyong yang. On wednesday, key expert on the peninsulas issues told us senators that washington should now threaten. The dprk with preemptive strikes. One of the ideas there and its a risky one is declaratory policy to say that we reserve the right to actually take down a missile if its headed over japan or if its headed towards hawaii um or the west coast of the United States and that could be a midcourse intercept or it could be on the launch pad. As the us and south korea have boosted military cooperation and weapons deployment, the dprk has been developed. Its advanced capabilities, including testing ballistic, cruise, hypersonic and submarine launched missiles, activists say the threat of preemptive attack will not deter pyong yen. The us threat of a preemptive strike against north korea does not dissuade north korea from developing nuclear weapons, but rather paradoxically, this has been a factor that further encourages north Koreas Nuclear developments. Activists suggest that suspending sanctions and negotiating with north korea is the only way to reduce tensions on the korean peninsula. While the us seems intent on restraining the dprks Missile Development by any means, it pursues different policy towards south korea. In may of 2021, the us agreed to lift all missile restrictions on south korea, opening the way for soul to potentially produce its own longrange icbms. Frank smith, press tv, soul. Britains labor party has won a byelection for a parliamentary seat in scotland, the leader of the Opposition Party has hailed it as seismic result. Earlier a correspondent in london sidepura joined us for more on that. But why is this significant . Its one way, one reason, its significant because its a barometer of labor revival if you will, in uh scotland and also its national appeal, labor Partys National appeal against the smp and of course the tories, the conservatives who remain very unpopular, labor having a 20 point lead against the conservative party, nationally speaking, its also significant because um, it could labor could make significat inroads in elections next year that might give it the margin it need. To amass more votes against the smp and against the tories uh in the elections um next year. What it also means aboutdia is the smps collapsing fortunes in the uh wake of in february of nicholas sturgen the former first ministers resignation and that financial scandal that hit the smp involving nicholas sturgens husband was party leader at the time. Misusing donations to the smp that money that should have been invested or was donated to be invested in a possible next referendum of on Scottish Independence the pro russia party has on general elections in nato Member States slovakia, leftist smaire sd led by former premier robert fico obtained over 23 of the vote. Fico seeks send military at to ukraine and is critical the European Union and nato. His victory is seen as a sign of wavering support for ukraine in the eu. As the war drags on in ukraine, signs are emerging that do not boat well for the us. At coalition against russia, just days ago, the slovak social democracy party, which is a pro russia party, won the countrys parliamentary elections, the left is maresty party. Led by former premier robert ficco has not secured enough votes to form a government and needs to form a coalition with other parties, but the victory has been interpreted as a sign of growing war fatigue in europe. The partys leader has said that no more weapons would go to ukraine. He has also questioned the logic of the eus russia sanctions and even accused nato of causing the war. I believe that on the one hand, yes we should expect uh certain. Lets say uncomfortable relationship between brussels and slovakia, but then on the other hand, i also think that the relationship will also be rather pragmatic, however, the the danger is real, when it comes to slovakias declining support to ukraine, and this will also have its impact, to weaken the eus unity when it comes to its support. For ukraine. Just weeks ago, poland, a stanch ally of ukraine, announced that it would no longer supply weapons to its neighbor and with a diplomatic dispute over kievs grain exports. Prime minister mattheos moraweki has said that polands focus was instead on defending itself with more modern weapons. The countrys president later tried to modify their stance, but the dispute is seen as a rift among members of the antimoscow. Alliance poland has supplied hundreds of soviet ara tanks and 14 make 29 fighter jets to ukraine and served as major transit help for weapons from other western nations. These developments have stirred talk of a global shift in sentiment towards supporting ukraine as the war grinds on more than year and a half after it began. It is full of ukrainians here, this is what i seriously do not like, they get benefits. Energy costs went up, everything went up, so basically they are getting benefits and we, our citizens, we pay, western nations led by the United States have poured billions of dollars in military aid to ukraine, since the war began with russia in february last year, however there are no signs that ordinary people in the eu and the us have become weary of that support. Just this week, german protesters rallied in major cities to protest their countrys military support for ukraine. The money is spent on the war in ukraine has unnerved many citizens in european countries. Days ago, hundreds of people staged rallies in different german cities to vent their anger at berlins growing support for ukraine. Many protesters carried banners and plackards advocating for peace in ukraine while expressing opposition to government policies. Including the remilitarization of germany, demonstrators said germanys decision to send more weaponry to ukraine risks escalation of the conflict with russia. Some protesters demanded that germany pull out from the nato alliance, some said the United States is benefiting from germanys intervention in the russiaukraine war. Germany is among western countries that have provided ukraine with a wide range of weapons since the war erupted in february 2022. Im mainly concerned with crisis intervention and resolving this Armed Conflict on the one hand, and the other hand, of course, there are trends in the militarization of germany. After all, from purely political point of view, germany is right in the middle, and america is shamelessly taking advantage of that too, using citizens through media policy to perhaps ultimately use them for their own goals and ukrainian citizens were also exploited. The German Economy has suffered due to. In ukraine, it tipped into a recession at the start of the year and stagnated in the second quarter. High inflation, industrial slowdown and reduction in Global Demand for manufactured goods have all been weighing on the German Economy, and earlier in october, dozens of antiwar activists, new york city said that the interest of nato depends on the perpetuation of Imperial Capital and extraction of wealth from the dispossessed. Unification of peace forces in the United States recognizing that its the United States and nato who are the the art to blame and the fundamental cause of the conflict in ukraine and that if we can force the Us Government to stop uh sending money and weapons to ukraine, the war will end the very next day. A poll conducted in august said most americans propose congress authorizing additional funding. Overall, 55 say the us congress should not authorize additional funding to support ukraine versus 45 . Who say congress should authorize such funding . And 51 say that the us has already done enough to help ukraine. The removal of Kevin Mccarthy as speaker of the house of representatives has added to the uncertainty around aid for ukraine. Thats a wrap for now, but stick around, ill be back on the top of the hour with our news and brief. نظر قطعی جمهوری اسلامی این است که دولت هایی که قمار عادي سازی با رژیم صهیونیستی رو برای خودشون سرمشق و شیروه کار قرار میدن ایننا ضرر خواهند کرد بااخت منتظر این هاست دارن اشتباه می کنن به قول اروپایی ها دارن رو اسب بازنده شرط بندندی می کنن. رژیم سهونیستی لببریز از کینه و قیز است نه فقط نسبت به ما حالا ما که اهمیت نمیدیم نسبت به جمهوری اسلامی که خب معلومه واضحه اما نسبت به کشورهای دیگه هم همین جور اینجور نیستش که رژیم صهیونیستی از کشورهای دوربر خودش خرسند باشه خوش باشه نه اونا با مصر هم کینه دارن با سوریه هم کینه دارن با عراق هم کینه دارن چرا اونا هدفشون از نیل تا فرات بود نشده. Press tvs news in brief, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement has slammed the normalization of ties between some arab countries and israel. Said those arab regimes are submitting to Design Project and falling into line with the enemy, he said palestinian. Will eventually achieve victory through resistance. Nearly 80 palestinians have been injured as israely forces attack morner is attending the funeral procession of a man in the occupied west bank. Thousands attend the funeral of 19yearold lebiub who was fately shot by Israeli Settlers in the town of hawada south of nabus. Seria

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