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Hello everyone, thanks for tuning in to press tv world news. In our top story, syria has held a funeral for People Killed in a terrorist attack a military academy in the western city of holmes. In uh funeral was held just outside a Military Hospital in central homes, military band played somberly while lined up troops gave a salute assian defense minister was in attendance general ali abbas said the seria is paying the price for its dignity and prosperity on thursday, several weaponized drones struck a Graduation Ceremony held for army cadets at holmes military academy. Families of the new officers were there when the attack took place. According to syrian uh government, 89 people, including five children were killed. A uk based war monitor has put the death toll at 110. And condemnations continue poring in following that attack in syria with Different Countries strongly denouncing the terrorist attack in homes. In a phone call with the syrian counterpart, irans foreign minister condemned the attack expressing sympathy with the syrian nation. The United Arab Emirate Foreign Ministry issued a statement rejecting all forms of violence and terrorism. Also in the region lebanons Resistance Movement, hezbollah said attack shows forback conspiracy is still underway in syria. The movement reaffirmed its support for syria in its fight against terrorism. Palestines as jihad Resistance Movement said syria will remain steadfast in the face of plots aimed its unity. Yemens anser Love Movement said us and israel are behind all plots against syria because of its support for resistance. Egypt, russia, belaruse and venezuela also condemn the attack in homes. Columnis and commentator sabir abuan believes that us back terrorism is to blame for the suffering. The syrian people, including those displaced as a result of war. The us pack israeli terrorism faced by syrian people, Syrian Government that resulted 100 and thousand of people have been killed and more than more than you million and maybe, i dont have any report regarding how many. People are now refugees, but millions, i think is million, so this is all resulted by the israeli back terrorism, and day by day these kinds of attacks occurred in the syrian territories, which is the highly highly violation of international laws, International Norms and unfortunately the United Nation organization which is the responsible for the peace, for in the maintenance of peace. Across the globe has been failed and i am surprised when the antonio gotras, secret general of un says, we are, he says, we are watching, we are of observing the syrian situation, what you are observing, what you are watching in syria, you are watching about the killing of people, killing of innocent people by the terrorist groups, those are backed by the us and israel, so it is very a surprised situation by the un, so i would say that the United Nations organization has been failed and has been lost its credibility. Regarding to maintain the peace and order across the globe and it is a tool in the hand of us and israel and other western governments. The venezuelan Prosecutors Office says issued an arrest warm for opposition leader. The prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for guido and the respective interpol read notice so that this man pays for the crime. The Justice System in the United States knows and shares. Guido is accused of treason and Money Laundering among others. Hes used resources of venezuelas public oil giant pedivisa to cause some 19 billion dollars in losses, and thats according to karacos authorities, they said guido relied on revelations provided to the press by a us federal court. Gaido is now living in exile in america, but back in 20. He proclaimed himself as interrum president of venezuela challengeing the reelection of president nicholas maduro. At the time us and European Countries through their support behind gaedo, but last year the venezuelan opposition formally ended his position as acting president. Ukraine says russian strike a village and northeast of the country has left at least 51 people dead. People gather for a wake when the strike took place. Ukrainian officials said Russian Missile slammed into a c cafe and Grocery Store in the village of groza in the region of karkiv. They called the attack single deadliest since the war began with russia in february of last year. Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelinski says its not a blind attack accusing moscow of conducting such strikes every day. I believe that nothing but air forces. Especially during winter can protect those people that absolutely tragically died because of this inhuman terrorist attack. Zelinski was speaking at European Political Community summit in spain, he said he secured agreements for more air Defense Systems and artillery supplies, meanwile the United Nations as well as the us, the uk and germany have condemned a missile strike in ukraine. Russia has released a statement saying that it does not strike civilian targets and strikes are carried out. On places where military personnel are concentrated. Now sweden says it will send new military aid package to ukraine that mainly consists of artillery ammunition. Defense minister paul johnson said aid is worth nearly 200 million dollars. He said sweden is also looking into sending fighter jets to ukraine as well. He added that they will be decided after armed forces present the report on. Central supply by early november, latest military aid is the 14th that sweden is sending to ukraine since it entered this war with russia last year. Other western states have also provided kiev with different kinds of weaponry, and thats strong criticism from moscow, which argues that western support only fans the flames of war. And now a pro Russian Party has won general elections in nato member state slovakia, left is similar sd led by former premier robert fico, obtained over 23 of the vote. Pego seeks then military aid to ukraine and is critical of the European Union and nato. His victory is seen as a sign of wavering support for ukraine and the European Union. As the war drags on in ukraine, signs are emerging that do not vote well for the Us Led Coalition against russia. Just days ago, the slovac social democracy party, which is a pro russia party, won the countrys parliamentary elections. The leftist smeresty party let by former premier robert ficco has not secured enough votes to form a government and needs. To form a coalition with other parties, but the victory has been interpreted as a sign of growing war fatigue in europe. The parties leader has said that no more weapons would go to ukraine. He has also questioned the logic the eus russia sanctions and even accused nato of causing the war. I believe that on the one hand, yes we should expect uh certain lets say uncomfortable relationship between brussels and slovakia. But then on the other hand, i also think that the relationship will also be rather pragmatic, however the the danger is real when it comes to slovakias declining support to ukraine and this will also have its impact uh to weaken the eus unity when it comes to its support for ukraine. Just weeks ago, poland, a stunge allly of ukraine announced that it would no longer supply weapons to its neighbor and with a diplomatic dispute over kievs grain exports. Prime minister matties moraweki has said that polands focus was instead on defending. Itself with more modern weapons. The countrys president later tried to modify the stance, but the dispute is seen as a rift among members of the antimoscow alliance. Poland has supplied hundreds of soviet ara tanks and 14 make 29 fighter jets to ukraine and served as major transit help for weapons from other western nations. These developments have stirred talk of a global shift in sentiment towards supporting. Ukraine as the war grinds on more than year and a half after it began. It is full of ukrainians here. This is what i seriously do not like, they get benefits, energy costs went up, everything went up. So basically they are getting benefits and we, our citizens, we pay. Now western nations led by the United States supported billions of dollars of military aid into ukraine since the war began with russia in february of last. Last year, however, there are now signs that ordinary people in the eu and the us have become weiry of that support. Just this week, german protesters rallied in major cities to protest their countrys military involvement and support for ukraine. The money spent on the war in ukraine has unnerved many citizens in European Countries. Days ago, hundreds of people staged rallies in. Different german cities to vent their anger at berlins growing support for ukraine. Many protesters carried banners and placerds advocating for peace in ukraine while expressing opposition to Government Policies including the remilitarization of germany. Demonstrators said germanys decision to send more weaponry to ukraine risks escalation of the conflict with russia. Some protesters demanded that germany pull out from the nato alliance. Some said the united. States is benefiting from germanys intervention in the russiaukraine war. Germany is among western countries that have provided ukraine with a wide range of weapons since the war erupted in february 2022. Im mainly concerned with crisis intervention and resolving this Armed Conflict on the one hand, and the other hand, of course, there are trends in the militarization of germany. After all, from purely political point of view, germany is right in the middle. America is shamelessly taking advantage of that too, using citizens through media policy to perhaps ultimately use them for their own goals and ukrainian citizens were also exploited. The German Economy has suffered due to crisis in ukraine, it tipped into a recession at the start of the year and stagnated in the second quarter. High inflation, industrial slowdown and reduction in Global Demand for manufactured goods have all been weighing on the German Economy, and earlier in october, dozens of antiwar activists new york city said that the interest of nato depends on the perpetuation of Imperial Capital and extraction of wealth from the dispossessed. Unification of peace forces in the United States, recognizing that its the United States and nato who are the the are to blame and the fundamental cause of the conflict in ukraine, and that if we can force the Us Government to stop uh sending money and weapons to ukraine, the war will end the very next day. A poll conducted in august said most americans oppose congress authorizing additional funding. Overall, 55 say the us congress should not authorize additional funding to support ukraine versus 45 who say congress should authorize such funding. And 51 say that the us has already done enough to help ukraine. The removal of Kevin Mccarthy as speaker of the house of representatives has added to the uncertainty around aid for ukraine. Deputy permanent representative to the un says the sanction. Imposed by certain countries on other nations violate human rights inflicting harm on peoples health. Was speaking at the Un General Assembly meeting, shes a detrimental effects of these horrific measures. On women, children and the elderly are selfevident. Airshady especially highlighted the impact of us sanctions on children suffering from epidermillosis, bolusa, which is a chronic skin disease. She said, as a result of sanctions imposed by the us in 2018, exports of all items needed to treat such patients to iran have stopped. Iranian diplomat noted that this situation has led to great suffering and even death among children affected by this disease, airshedy said that unilateral coersive measures have also curved irans access to lifesaving medicine and medical devices needed to treat other rare diseases. Joing us out from hong kong, is david chan special advisor and Research Fellow at the charhar institute. Hello sir, pleasure to check in with you. Uh, now uh, mr. Chan, if i could, your thoughts on this this prolonged, this really protracted restriction that. Iran and its medical industry have faced as a result of us sanctions now for many years. Yes, i think the intrinsic nature of uh sanctions are are wrong, they are unethical, because um, its really the people that are suffering from the sanctions, um, and that thats was most borrowing, um, but theres always this temptation for countries to to impose sanctions, because its easy, right . You just cut off the ties, but the cost is the the people, the policy makers um, they dont see the politic, they only see the abstract political ramifications, but they dont know the people who are actually suffering from from this sections, so i really really think we should move on from from this old method, because the world has changed, were now in a new era thats thats calling for more cooperation, calling for more understanding and dialogue. Um, just this august, i think iran announced that they will join the bricks, the bricks organization, that is a great initiative, im really hoping that there are more um opportunities for countries to cooperate rather than uh keeping people isolated. Right, and david, its wild, the us when if any of its allies or anyone for that matter, say its a human right violation, you cannot deny a country medical medicine. Or medical equipment, theyll say we havent, medicine and medical equipment are totally exempt from the sanctions, and guess what, david, they are, but you know, the problem is here that um, you cannot get a license to export medicine to iran, if uh youre outside the country, you cannot engage in Financial Transactions with the country, you cannot uh ensure your shipments or even ship stuff, as well as fear of retribution of violating possibly us sanctions by pharmaceutical companies, so you you dont have to, you can to. Keep uh medicine and medical equipment totally exempt, but when you face all these challenges and getting the lifesaving medicine to the hands of women and children in iran or men for that matter, you understand that its a play on words, you can try to act like your politically coherent when it comes to uh, you not enforcing sanctions on medicine, but guess what you really are. I very much agree um with with what you just said, i think yeah i wanted you thanks for the agreement, can you speak a little bit . For sure. Um, i think us has tendency, actually to do so in the past, um, and we we have seen that sanctions just dont work, uh, this both both in in lets say cuba and and north korea, um, and iran, they have failed terribly, and it is really that the people as you said, theyre theyre suffering from from the cost, are the ones that taking the the cost and uh the us should should definitely work a new way of uh negotiating with with iran that is more ethical um diplomacy remain should remain the First Priority for for for us um on that end and david before we let you go to what political end what is that achieve targeting the sick a country to what i mean it it just boggles the mind. How can that benefit you politically, geopolitically, however you want to mention it, how does that benefit you to go after sick and dying children . I think thats certainly um whether intentionally or not thats something that has happened, thats a consequence that we have already witnessed, um, so there must be policy changes that that to stop this, and uh, im really hoping we will see that coming very very soon. All right, thank you mr. David chander joining us out of hong kong, thank you, yeah, you bet, stay safe. All right, political tensions between india and canada, over recent killing of separate seek leader could spill over into indias upcoming general. Elections do in may 2024, as mon reports out of new delhi, issues providing political narrative for the ruling, bjp just ahead of elections. Political uncertainty between india and canada continues to mount with no break throw. The fallout of the diplomatic dispute started after separatist leader. Hardeep singh nijar was gun down outside a sikh temple in canadas british columbia. Three months ago. Canada claims the agents of Indian Government were involved in murdering the leader. India has denied the allegations as absurd. Now both countries are engaged in tit for at diplomatic expulsion as the row intensifies. For the geopolitics, its very important for both the countries, india and canada to streamline their relations to correct their relations, and i think it needs a little effort on the diplomatic level. And the brains are to be put together to call off the stand off. Political observers in india believe the issue could well be used as a Political Tool to garna votes as the seek separatism and its impact on the countrys National Security could potentially become an electoral issue. Many however argue the issue will have limited impact on elections since the movement has died down decades ago while its gaining momentum overseas. The Justice System should do its work, its job, find the people that actually did this, if canada is actually declaring that india is an actual actor in this, i think thats a First Step Towards acknowledging and a First Step Towards justice. In 2019, the ruling bjp capitalized from the pulwama Suicide Attack on paramilitary convoy in indian controlled kashmir, resulting in death of 40 security personnel which india blamed on pakistan back separatist groups. The incident. Helped the ruling bjp gonna more votes, leaving opposition parties almost decimated. Nizar was separatist leader who advocated Khalistan Movement calling for establishing a separate seek homeland in indias Northern State of punjab. The issue of khalistan seek separatist movement has died down in india since decades ago, but its overseas campaigns have gained momentum in recent years. Reports some two to three million sikks live outside india. Canada is currently home to largest sikh population abroad which many call a mini punjab. Experts say the ruling bjp is trying to polarize hindu and Sikh Community to pursue voters outside punjab. Mun zaban press tv new delhi. And thats right for your latest here on press tv everyone. Thanks for tuning in. Byebye. Aleppo, a city raised to the ground, destructed. By war, but beyond the rubble in a halfdestroyed house, life still continues, with all of its beauty, zest and hope. Take your pic of Current Affairs, iran and west asia are news factories for indepth look at whats happening in and in relation to iran. Iran today is your show. Spotlight is exactly what it says, beaming a light on important topics of the day, wherever they arise, from an alternative viewpoint. If you want American Affairs analyzed by experts from the usa, watch we the people. Perhaps youd like a track to india and pakistan. 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Mideast stream like its name streams whats happening anywhere in west asia from yemenese exchanging fire or accepting truces to iraqis fighting daesh or receiving pope francis in a nutshell summarizes big issues in five minutes. It puts words and events frequenting the new. News in perspective. Press tvs news and brief syria holds a funeral procession for scores of People Killed in a drone attack a military academy in homes on thursday, the government condemned the attack as heinous crime blaming it on us back terrorist groups trying to destabilize syria. Other countries including iran have also slammed the terror attack. Israeli forces and settlers have killed four palestinians in less than 24 hours across the occupied west bank. Two palestinian men were killed in raid on shafa village near tulkarum. Two others were fatally shot by the regimes forces and settlers in the flashpoint town of huaara. The venezuelan pros

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