Hello everyone, youre watching press tv live from the studios in tehran. Thank you for joining us. In todays top story, the leader of lebanons Hezbollah Resistance Movement urges muslims across the world to strongly denounce any normalization of ties with israel, said hasan nasrolah says muslims should feel responsible to help the oppressed palestinian nation, he regarded normalization. Normalizing ties entity as a stab in the back of palestinians. Natural advised the islamic world not to keep silent on what israel is doing to alaxamask in alguds. He also touched on the west media war aimed at dividing muslim nations. The hezbollah chief made the speech on the occasion of Prophet Muhammads birth anniversary. In a celebration of scientist. Excellence, iran has honored five luminaries at the fifth edition of the mustafa Award Ceremony in the central iranian city of esfahan. The prestigious award was given to five scientists from muslim countries during the closing ceremony on monday. The awards were granted across four main categories, including life and medical sciences as well as science and technology. Over 2,00 participants from 100 countries attended the scientific event. Mustafa prize, also known as the muslim. Noble was established in 2012 as a symbol of scientific excellence and has been held bialy since 2015. It recognizes leading researchers and scientists in the muslim world. Former member of the british parliament, alembit opic joined us earlier from london to comment on the mustafa prize ceremony held in iran. We asked them was such a prestigious scientis. That those who love the human race, love science, love knowledge, love our future, think only of improving things and using technology, and also everything that is good in the human spirit to do that, and i listen to that speech, i was fired by it and i think to myself, why would anyone treat iran differently to any other highly developed country in the world . Its because there are some countries who still think power is more important than progress, and although this is not a political discussion, anyone who is frightened of iran should listen to that speech and welcome it. Herans army is about. How largescale joint drone drills across large parts of the countrys central and southern areas. More than 100 drills uh will be conducted as of tomorrow morning, thats what were planning to do, the drills will conducted both in daylight and at night and in the Electronic Warfare atmosphere, so we should see how long our drones endure when it comes to electronic. Warfare, the commander of the drill says ivan is boosting his defense capabilities against any possible threat. Reor admiral sayori stressed that ivan has made great progres in the Drone Industry in recent years, placing itself amongst the strongest in the region. The iranian armies, navy, ground and air forces will be taking part in the exercises starting as of tuesday. The drills aim to assess various types of home grown u craft, including reconnaissance and combat drones. Terwan has always stressed its military power poses no threat to anyone and serves as deterrant. Journalist and political commentator mohsan abbas says iran needs a very sophisticated defense mechanism because it is surrounded by us and israeli bases all around this borders. Iran has need for this military hardware and this defense uh of very highly technological nature because they are up against virtually every border from afghanistan through to azerbaijan. Through to iraq and the gulf itself, iran is surrounded by the anglozionist imperialist military bases and uh and missiles themselves, but of course missiles is just one aspect, the Standing Army amounts to at least million personnel in itself, so huge numbers, theyve also advanced in terms of naval power, which theyve been flexing their muscles on over the last kind of year or so particularly uh with or what i would describe as unconventional uh naval power as well as the conventional sort, the most unconventional being speed boats literally which are now armed with with very sophisticated missile capability, which is a threat even the seventh fleet of the americans which is based out there in the persian gulf, in bahrain and and other ports. The bottom line is that iran has solution to virtually everything that the americans and their uh their atlantic. Partners have in terms of their belligerant efforts to dominate that part of the world. Irans Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says tehran is against any geopolitical change in the south caucasus region. Nosanoni said in his weekly pressure that tahan supports expansion of transit routes and networks in the region in line with regional interests. That was a reference to turkeys proposals for new regional road link. Cannon. Also called for the differences including those between baku and yeravan to be resolved through regional frameworks. The spokesman say tervan is against foreign intervention and presence in the caucases. He added that terran supports the proposals for a framework of dialogue amongst the three south caucasus countries of armenia, azerbaijan and georgia and the neighboring countries of iran, russia and turkey. The format aims to address Security Issues and promote economic and transport ties. Terwan is hosting the 37th International Islamic unity conference. The annual conference is organized by the iranbased world forum for proximity of islamic schools of thought and takes place during the islamic unity week marking the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad. Gisumisha ahmadi has more. Over 200 muslim scholars and researchers have once again gathered in the iranian capital tehraan. This time to take part in the 37th International Islamic unity conference, annual event that provides an opportunity for them to share their views on recent Political Developments affecting the muslim world, and also a platform that allows them to bridge the gaps and promote solidarity among muslims worldwide. Muslim unity among muslim nations across the world is very important, we have to Work Together and focus on the views that we share. At the first time i participating in this International Islamic unity conference and the reason is that its very important to for the unity of muslim ummah we can exchange some ideas some reflection and we are very happy to be in iran with all these ulama and mashaik to discuss about the Muslims Union we need now uh because its period is very important and we need to be union and to have reflection and strategy for the future, we are read one quran, we believe for one god, we have one Prophet Muhammad, and this is our way, we have yes mazhabs, sunni or shia or and others, but also we want and we we need to speak about this and we need like this in the our participants, give the good picture about our community. Very interestingly, islam takes his name after value system, its called peace, and peace is what everybody needs, every family needs, every community needs. We are here in this conference, i believe to demonstrate this value and to be the ambassadors of this values, especially for the most needed peace in the world. Views that were reiterated in the opening address by irans president , also emphasized on the liberation as the most important challenge in the muslim world. Unity in the muslim world becomes more important day by day in the face of the enemies. Plots, sacriligious acts of desecration of the holy quran, heinous crimes by tacfiry terrorist groups and normalization deals with the Israeli Occupying regime are only few to name. A new world order is emerging and the muslim ummah must establish itself as key player in this new order. The enemies want to divide the muslim world in order to stop the Muslim Community from achieving its goals, but despite all the efforts of the world. Powers and the United States, muslims will always be a united community. Solidarity among muslims is important. The enemies try to divide muslims either because of their ethnicities or their country and geographic locations. It is their policy to create rift among muslims, but we should remain vigilant. Participants explain that becoming united means cohesion and solidarity and safeguarding the interest of the islamic ummah, which is demonstrated by adherance to the holy quran. And Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which is why the annual conference organized by the iranbased world forum for proximity of islamic schools of thought takes place during the birth anniversary of the prophet referred to as islamic unity week. The 37th International Conference on islamic unity started with online panels on september 28. The event will continue until october the 3rd. Yasum shah ahmady press tv. Lets now turn to the asian games underway in the chinese city of hangu, iranian athletes have grapped two more gold medals this time in discuss throw and kurash wrestling. Discus throwers hossin rasuli and essan haddadi claimed the gold and silver medal respectively. Rasuli threw over 62 meters to win the fifth gold for his country. In kurash wrestling, Sadeq Azarang also clinched a gold medal. Heran ranks 11. In the overall medal tally for now, over 12,00 athletes from 45 nations are taking part in the asian games. Ivan has 289 male and female athletes in 34 sporting events. In the Afghan Capital kabul, a large ceremony was held to mark the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and the islamic unity week. The event stress the need for unity and solidarity amongst the followers of the prophet of islam. Is more the grand khatam nabiyin mask in kable was the venue for the ceremony celebrating the Prophet Muhammads birthday and the islamic unity week. The ceremony drew people from all works of life, including religious scholars, taliban officials and students. The speakers emphasized the need for following the path of Prophet Muhammad in all aspects of life. And strengthening the islamic bonds. God has introduced the prophet of islam as the best role model for humanity. Prophet muhammad is the role model because he is the mercy of god for us, following his path will bless us lock and good in the life and the hereafter. The attendees of the ceremony also express their views on the occasion. Many of them said they were happy to see muslims. From different sects coming together and celebrating their common faith. They also said they hope for peace and stability in their war turn country. غربی همیشه تلاش. Western countries have always tried to divide muslims. This has been one of their plots implement their goals and dominate muslim territories. But fortunately today, all our muslim brothers are aware and wont let anyone divide us or create hatred among us. We should Work Together. Unity week is annual event that is observed by both sunni and shiah muslims around the world. This is also an opportunity for muslims to celebrate their common values. Following decades of invasion and war in their country, Afghan Muslims have gathered today to show their unity and brotherhood. They also voice support for other muslims across the world in the face of Global Arrogance and oppression. Press tv, kabul. Former us President Donald Trump has once again appeared in court, this time over case of civil fraud. The lawsuit is filed by new York Attorney general latitia james. She has accused trump and his Family Business of inflating the value of the asset. By billions of dollars to secure better loan and insurance terms. If found guilty trump could face fine of up to 250 million dollars, a ban on running businesses in new york and a 5ar restriction on commercial real estate activities. Trump, however has denounced the case as a sham and part of a political witch hunt. And now i have to go before a rogue judge as a continuation of russia, russia, russia, as a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time, and i dont think the people of this country are going to stand for it. The trial is expected to last several weeks and could have major impact on trumps business empire. It marks the latest in a series of legal wows, the expresident and the front runner for the 2024 republican president ial nomination is encountering. Trump already faces charges sexual abuses, alleged mishandling of classified files and attempts to overthrow the 2020 president ial election results. The former president keeps denying any wrong. Doing. Tens of thousands of doctors in the uk have walked off their jobs yet again in escalation of payer with the government. Its the second joint walkout in the past month affecting thousands of appointments. Press tv has more. If youre a britain a waiting nonememergency. Or surgery this week chances are its been delayed like nearly million other appointments postponed thanks to the marathon Healthcare Strike pay dispute with government since december last year, for which this weeks striking d have one reason. The government just dont want negotiate with us, our disputes been going on for 11 months now, its lated in october last year and soon, the Prime Minister has refused to meet with us, he hasnt come to the table at all, let alone to provide a credible offer, Junior Doctors are demanding a 35 pay rise to bring them back to. The level of renumeration they received in 2008, the final offer from the government, 6 . Their senior counterparts, referred to as consultants were offered the same amount. This weeks strikes represented another disruption to the uks nationalized health service. They mean more delays for people have already been waiting months for treatment or surgery. What they also mean is a workforce and a system at breaking point. As the crisis deepens, more and more doctors with decades of experience are leave. The National Health service for better salaries and working conditions abroad, leaving behind thousands of vacancies. Britains Health Minister has shund calls for negotiations for six months and last month announced plans to force doctors back to work. Its frankly a responsible, thats not how you negotiate. We know uh how to negotiate because whats happened in scotland is a Junior Doctors there were asking to restore their pay, they balloted for industrial action had successful ballot. The government met them at the table and actually produced them a credible. Offer and actually what we saw was that not a single patient missed out on their appointment, here we know that patients are being affected every single day, we got 7. 7 million patients waiting, months if years for treatment, and we need doctors to treat them, otherwise that number is never going to go down, hes only going to go up. The strikes are estimated to have cost the government more than a billion dollars. Money the doctors say could have been used to fund their payrise. Despite the disruptions caused by the strikes though, public support for the doctors. Remain strong, and without a pay increase, britains will see more of these pit lines in the coming months. Said puraza press tv, london. The European Union has pledged more military aid for ukraine, despite russias repeated warnings about the consequences of armed supplies to kiev. Our support to ukraine not only continues, but increases. Oh, at least. By the time being, the position on the table shows that we want to continue and increasing it, and hope member state will decide it together with the financial perspective before the end of the year. Our support is not conjunctural, and not, it doesnt depend on the the advance is one day, its a permanent and a structured support, because we are facing an existential threat for europe. Ukrainians are fighting with all their courage and capacities. And if we want them to be more successful, we have to provide with better arms and quicker. The topics that was speaking in kiev after meeting with newly appointed Ukrainian Defense minister rostam omerov. He said the blocks military support for ukraine has reached a figure of 25 billion euros. The eu Foreign Policy chief also reacted to a stop gap funding bill passed by the us congress that excludes any new aid for ukraine. And to tell the truth, we were surprised by the fact that the last minute agreement has taken a decision that we have to regret deep. Burell called on us lawmakers to reconsider their decision to admit Financial Support for ukraine, the stop gap budget bill was passed to halt a federal government shutdown. The us has been leading a coalition of western states arming ukraine since the beginning of his war with russia in february 2022. It has provided ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in military aid so far. Russia has repeatedly warned that the influx of western weapons will only prolong the war and add to. The suffering of ukrainian people. We discussed the impact of west decision on the ongoing war in ukraine in our latest edition of news review program. Lets see what our guests had to say. Paul is the secretary general of the cip foundation joining us from brussels and we also have john stepling, author and commentator who joins us from inderoy norway. Welcome to you both. Let me first start with you. So interesting situation, it seems like has evolved here where you have uh the eu pledging uh military aid to ukraine, but based on the most recent stop gag bill as they call it to aver shut down, the ukraine bill was not part of that in the us, that is. Uh, do you think that that is the beginning uh of uh the uss decision, or i should say the republic. Decision not to provide more aid to ukraine on the from the us side . Well, first of all, we have to to say that the the entire issue of ukraine has been a miscalculation of a Group Leading the Security Sector in the United States, namely mrs. Noorland, as we know, was been promoted over the time to the position. Where she is today, so it is something that the United States intended as a part of the Security Apparatus of the United States, have engaged in with the total miscalculation that wanted russia to be defeated and possibly even splitted into regions and ukraine has been used to this scope, the European Union has being caught or captured by the security apparates of the United States through nato and has been supporting ukraine with these uh flow words of existential freight and so on. The situation today is that a large number of people in the European Countries despite the continuing the propaganda on the media. Is questioning the decision of the united of the European Union to basically melt with the nato priorities, in the United States, the the basis who has to vote, is questioning why to waste so much money and armament in a war that they do not understand, and the situation may be changed. In the United States if the republican size will prevail in the elections. Okay, john stepling, the eu Foreign Policy chief joseph burell in that particular press conference, made a statement that id like to ask you what you think of it, and that is how you portrayed russia as being an existential threat uh to, i think he was referring to the eu. Uh, why does he think that russia is an existential threat . I mean, then what should russia think when you have. I dontknow how many countries are members of nato uh, who are gunho and ready to go against russia. Well, everything, he was simply, he was simply lying through his teeth about everything, i dont, i dont know that he believed any of it, uh, but but there was an opped in the wall street journal, uh, a couple of days ago, and and a speech by zelinsky where they open. Said, we should be, we should be cheering on the defense industry, and zelinski said, lets cut out the middle men and turn ukraine into what he was essentially saying was a massive Industrial Park for the defense industry, come and builder factories here, we will be the arsenal of the western world, and uh, this this was surprisingly candid, actually, they thats thats the goal, because the war is over, the ukrainian soldiers are are surrendering in mass as we speak, in fact, this thing is over, and uh, the us and the defensive. Industry, it may seem like a miscalculation because they underestimated russia sure, i guess they did, but they certainly have made a massive profit on this, and they intend to continue making a profit, and thats what zelinskys speech was about, and thats what the wall street oped was about, the wall street journal opped, was that that we should, the United States should continue to support the defense. Industry, the us spends Something Like you, 6 billion dollars a day on defense, it it dwarfs any other country in defense spending, and theyre going escalate that. Thank you so much for that, paulo rafone, secretary general of the cipi foundation. John stepling, thank you, author and commentator, thank you to you both. With that we come to an end for this edition of the news review. Thanks for tuning in. Hussein and ibrahim are standing on the ruins of the house overlooking the school in the Northern Gaza Strip town of beid hannoon. The israelis rounded them up and killed 16 of them where they stood, mostly children and wounded more than 55 oters. The children were. Playing in the street, somewhere playing on the swings, we were surprised by the explosion, but when we turned round we saw the children had become shreds of flesh laying in the street, some were injured and some others were dead. My uncle shaban, jamal and muhammad were among those who died, every child of palestine now carries with them memories of explosions, of screams of horror by the inhumane, uncunonable act. The pres coverage of this assassination of themani now entering its uh uh fourth day

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