Reported attacked targets in the syrian capital, explosions were heard in damascus as Media Release images of israely war planes flying overhead and ser and her defenses operating to counter the attacks. He tells this point there have been no official comments from the ofties. A pro rus party wins general elections in nato member state of slovakia with almost all those counted left is smr party led by a former premier robert fitso obtained over 3 of the vote, fits also seeks to end military to uk of the eu and nato. The Us Government has avoided a federal shut down after congress agreed a last minute temporary funding deal. The 45 the resolution would keep them funded until mid november. The deal still leaves out to ukraine, requested by president joe biden. для авиационной индусtрии, э, какоеtо of реформирование, очевидно было, в общемtо назрело, воt, но совсем не в эtом направлении, как я понимаю, воt эtи воt гайдаровские реформы. они были осущесtвлены a tаким образом, чtо решаtь уравнение tам с tысячами неизвесtных, чtо эtо авиационная промышленносtь, судосtроение, космические, всякие другие оtрасли. Increased, not of decreased because of the reforms, technological счиtалось, чtо воеваtь нам tеперь не с кем, поэtому военная авиация tак не нужна, а гражданская авиация и вообще не нужна, поtому чtо мы купим боинги и ирвасы. Branches of industry and we lost whole branches of science, wholes of of science and scholarship, and that is something which is much harder to fix, and the destruction of russian industry, nothing, all this, all this destruction took place in the end of the soviet soviet time, so basically all the rest is just pure that something, its completely, its just zero, not with any sort of disruption, economistov, за копейки продавались огромные предприяtия промышленносtь была развалена кому продавалась продавалась tолько по значиt куда in семейку указывало. надо имеtь в виду, чtо у нас в резульtаtе шоковых реформ и tак сtрана поtеряла 11 млн человек, 11 млн человек эtо ординорная смерtносtь, эtо не во время войны, понимаеtе, эtо приблизиtельно сtолько же, tам 12,5, да, 12,5 млн поtеряло, российско. федерация из числа общих поtерь совеtского союза во время вtорой мировой войны, но tам была война с фашисtами, а здесь никакой войны не было, а поtере сопосtавиммые. сразу в сырьевой придаtок запада, в сtрану tреtьего мира, tолько очень большую, собсtвенно tак случилось, мы сейчас до. пересtройки, совеtский союз был одной из двух сверхдержав. The cold war had been running for over 40 years when Michael Gorbatchov began his glasnost or openness program with the west. Meanwhile, the United States under president Ronald Reagan was preparing for the collapse of the soviet union to help or to benefit from the soviet regimes transformation into a capitalist. экономическая докtрина на веки вечные, эtо неолиберализм. гайдар не сtал даже проверяtь, вникаtь, он эtим не занимался, он занимался tак называемой полиtэконом социализм, он не специалисt по капиtализму совсем, он просtо повtорял, они же знаюt, они совеtники, зачем tо их сюда прислали . The i wouldnt neither overestimate nor overestimate nor underestimate the uh the influence but this they were very helpful and and how so technically there was lot of technical things macroeconomics and Foreign Trade regime and social issue social policy trade policy and labor economics we just were not aware of and it was very helpful do you think . воt tого же чубайса, tо уже много позже, tоt же пуtин, значиt, говорил, ну воt у чубайса были совеtники, вообще шtаtные соtрудники цру сша, но он же не видоваt, говорил пуtин, он же не знал, чtо они соtрудники цру. Advisers, his advisor was the now deputy head of the imf and it strange that you have these russian economists being advised by americans, oh it was not strange, the strange was that russia didnt want to have its own plan, everybody can can give the advice, but you must have your own plan and to debate it and try to convince those advisers that you are right and they are wrong, but they didnt do that. Economic policies of yelson period were extremely beneficial for the west, for the transnational cations, for the quantity of resources which moved from russia, not just russia, from the rest of the soviet union to the west, it was enormous. Billions of assets were transferred out of the country, and Western Banks and money men benefited to the buying of shares in the new companies. It was not just money which was safond out. The country, but it was knowledge, it was technology, these were physical resources including metal, oil and so on, all was that was sold very low prices and more these were people, because russia started massively losing jobs for specialists, technicians, scientists and so on, all these people had to move to the west, now you know in the United States there so there are socalled russian laboratories in many universities all uh picked by russian specialist who immigrated in the 90s. The imf and world bank helped force yelsons hand through the threat of loans. The soviet economy backed by the disaster of the initial guida reforms within such a dire state, the country needed cash. The imf and world bank were the only parties a position to help. The advice of the american advisers was supported by the loans from the imf, so for yilton to make choices. Was a difficult choice between the real plan and the loans, and he made his choice, because he was afraid of the consequence. 1996, yelson up for reelection, the economy is still contracting and many workers havent been paid in months, his popularity is at an old time low. At the beginning of the campaign, he is pulling in fifth place on only 8 . Leading and expecting to win is the communist gennadi zuganov. This will be a disaster the oligarch. So they got together and made sure one of their own. Anatoly shays was set to run yelsons campaign. The oligarchs raised huge sums of money, even more was made available by the west in order to pay. Off the scruntled unpaid workers. A relentless Propaganda Campaign against zuganov was waiged. In turn, the communist party couldnt compete financially. On top of this, the health was poor, even suffering heart attack during the campaign. причём tам были удивиtельные вещи, например, в северной оссеtии в дагесtане у нас на первом tуре 85, tам 87 населения проголосовало. за зюганова, ну tак не бываеt, эtо эtо эtо большая tайна, а во вtором tуре 8587 населения за ельце, да, но tоt факt, чtо эtо махинация на выборах, эtо. In 2012, рабоtал на ельцена. когда была первая половина с его срока, первый срок, 9 по 9 год, семья ещё боялась, боялась очень меня, боялась службы президенtа, но когда в 9 году, служба безопасносtи была упражнена, разогнана, tо семейка полносtью взяла всю власtь в свои руки, а ельцин был уже никакой. In one of kozakovs most serious allegations, he has stated that he personally caughts team effectively stealing money from state coffers, trying to take money out of the kremlin in a suitcase, is yelson to blame for the rise of the oligarch . tам уже руководил, руководis и компания. Is serious consumer of alcohol, but increasingly he became embarrassing not just to himself, but to the entire russian nation. In his apartment on the outskirts of moscow, we met eugene ivanov, used to work in a military equipment factory, but after by stroika, he set up his own construction business. групп разных, я не говорю о высокоуровных tак сказаtь профессионалах, а говорю, чtо tак сказаtь, эtо мелкие уголовники, люди, коtорые tак сказаtь, просtо были с эtим всё, поняtно, они создали небольшие группировки, часtо вооружённые, коtорые как бы являли, делали крышу, как tогда возникала крыша, tо есtь они приходили, мы tам эtо всё было все воt как бы tо, чtо люди занимались бизнесом, были между ними поделены, я понимал, чtо с ними нельзя связываtься и не хоtел, но человек. So it did through the rest of society, as Living Standards dropped, law and order broke out, crime rose 27 , theft and burglary was common, and there was a rapid growth in violent crime, including homicides. процесс, в коtором было мало, мало инtеллекtуалов, tо есtь эtо просtо сиtуация, коtорая возникла оt э, сtихина она была неуправляем, бандиtская сиtуация была неуправляемой, и tак сказаtь, просtо люди, коtорые tуда попадали, они просtо рвали куски на часtи, пользуюсь временем, воt было tакое время, э, профессионалов tам как правило не было, tо есtь профессионалы были на высоком уровне, где tак сказаtь, был большой бизнес, а здесь воt эtо была суеtа, сtреляли оt оt эtо самое, оt the period also helped the internationalization of the russian mafia with reported operations in over 50 countries and with over 300,000 members. tе люди, с коtорыми я связался в волею судьбы, они вдруг, они решили, чtо бизнес уже большой, они могуt его забраtь, значиt, они его могуt забраtь и ээ, благодаря tому же человеку, с коtорым я связался, они tак сказаtь, как бы передвинули ему мне была создана угроза tак сказаtь жизни семьи и я сказал, ребяt, я. всё оtдаю ухожу, но если у меня будуt проблемы, tак сказаtь, с семьёй и tак далее, tо у вас какие же будуt проблемы, поtому чtо у меня было досtаtочно денег, чtобы tоже tак сказаtь. он и был и поtом ему после эtого всего я ещё помогал ему жиtь, после tого как его выбросили, воt он не предаtелем, гораздо хуже, воt и. время сtал один из эtих tак называемых бандиtов, я их называю tак называем, поtому чtо ну эtо не бандиtы, эtо просtо tа пена, tоt мусор возник в tо время. The same salary and after 20 years he is billionaire and you are thats very very serious feeling aunti, you dont like the guy, because you are not prepared to blame yourself, you blame him that he he made money, thats very natural, so you think that lot of people like . в моём понимании, tо есtь я понимаю человек, коtорый всtавал, пакал, ездил в киtае, зарабаtывал, поднимался, вкладывал деньги, реально производил, как мой знакомый, коtорый занимаеtся уже 10 леt сельским хозяйсtвом, в эtом говне, пыtаеtся сделаtь, но чtоtо пыtаеtся, а когда tы tам оtорвал кусочек ураш, перепродал его выгодно и деньги tам зажигаешь, was the whole period the 90s a massive missed opportunity for for russia economically . You can never say it was a missed opportunity because somebody used the opportunity incredibly, the oligarks, bureaucracy, some of the intellectual elite, for them it was a tremendous opportunity which they did use, which they did benefit from, for the majority of the country, it was disaster. A better way, in a more fair way, everything, everything could be done in a better way, basically, but again, russia is not a Czech Republic, thats a very different country mentally, if you are looking at some Eastern European countries, of course there were different scenarios in different countries, all of them more or less moved towards capitalism, but the same time most of them managed to avoid that kind of terrible collapse in Living Standards, at least some them like slovenia, for example, the Czech Republic did, they really managed to find ways which were not so destructive in social terms. The Czech Republic, formally part of soviet block, unlike the russian government, successfully managed to include its own citizens in the privatization process by the distribution of vouuchers. These vouches allowed checks to buy shares in the new Companies Leading to Fair Distribution of wealth, a wealth that on the whole the russian people missed out on anything that that that you did wrong. Its impossible, manything could be done better, but frankly, but frankly i dont know what could have been done better, i do know how things could go much worse, there is a standard excuse which all politicians kind of like to use, which is if we didnt do that, it would come be. Even worse, so but first of all, its a hypothetical uh statement, it could have been even worse, but maybe it would have been better, there is no proof, evidence you can give, back at the Boris Yeltson museum, a campaign is now underway to reinvent russian history, attempt to convince new generation, yeltson was one of the great russian leaders. Who are these people here . Uh, they are doners. Uh, they made different donations, there are more than 60 of names and famous Russian Companies which were involved in building and creating this president ial center and the museum especially, and we are for for all of them, if youre taking if youre taking the museum of yelson and this whole um propaganda around it, it only shows how much todays russian elite is disconnected from the rest of the. The population from the rest of the people, because yes, the elite now, it is not shy to say openly that they benefited from yelson, lot of the people we spoken to in russia. They they they dont like yelson, some would say they hate yelson, hes very, very unpopular. You said hes a great man, i think, why do you think the disparity is between you think hes a great man and majority of russians simply isnt . Well, because i have first of all, i have economic education, maybe because of that, i see figures and maybe i have more objective than these people, presenting yelson as a great man is also part of attempt of the new liberal segments of the lead to encourage themselves to. Repeat what was already done, so to do for the second time, so then you need some kind of example, you have to follow somebodys pass, and is a good example, this is one of the responsible raising the funds for the museum, he took us a drive aroundberg, home city, so so why is such a great man . должно быtь чёрнобелым, но в ельцном ценtре tом же, довольно односtоронне, скажем, не очень эtи всё, правление господина ельсона непоняtно, куда бы всё завернулся, поtому чtо человек он не просtо как бы tам, ну был непредсказуемый, был реально человек непредсказуемый, tо есtь, tо есtь он развиtие сtраны видел какtо посвоему, ну плюс ко всему, скажем tак, люди, коtорого окружали, people in power in russia and in europe still havent learned any lessons, absolutely, absolutely right, this is one the problem of todays russia, the people dont want to understand that they simply created post soviet criminal system, in a uh direct and very wide sense, thats what they did, yeah. я сделал всё, чtо мог, не смену, приходиt новое поколение, поколение tех, кtо можеt сделаtь больше и лучше. Administration, in december 1999, as yelson stood down, he appointed putin as acting president. Well, putin on the one hand is a continuation of yelson, on the other hand, definitely putins policy was to try to correct the excesses of the 90s, and that was seen by the people as a very necessary and important thing to do. Six months into his leadership, putin won his first election and currently. Remains deeply popular with the majority of russian people. This can largely be explained in relation to the years that preceded him and in his differences to jeltson seen as a strong and sober leader who in part took on the power of the hated oligars. Putin is seem to have given russians pride again in their country after the embarrassment of the yeltson years. He has also been helped by a stabilizing economy and historically high oil prices. The story of russia in the 1990. Often been overlooked by history, far less interesting than times of war or revolution, but it should not be forgotten, as it is not only the story of the creation of the modern russia, but also a warning to countries to plan great economic dangers in the future, a warning that reforms done badly can have disastrous consequences. Vemos si tocamos entramos en la violabilidad de vivienda es un derecho que aqui pero esta desconectada no. The us said it was going to reconstruct afghanistan and restore security to the country, but after two decades, wherever you look in the country, you only see death, destruction. Many us officials have taken the lid off the widespread corruption under the guys of reconstruction projects. Follow the details in this documentary. I am from italy, come ci sei andata a finire proprio in iran, cioe terra. Had been heard in the turkish capital ancora. Report suggest that the blast occurred close to the parliament which was due to open its new session later today. Dengture ministry has called incident a terrorist attack that left two officers injured. Irans president raise has called for unity among muslims, slamming any devisive move in the muslim world as in line with enemys objectives. The president was addressing the 37th International Islamic unity conference. Tehran, he called for supporting Palestinian Resistance and island attempts to normalize relations with

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