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Hello and welcome everybody, its 3 30 p. M. Here in the iranian capital tehrani, watching press tvs world news. Our top story for this half hour, pakistan is rocked by two backtoback explosions which have claimed the lives of dozens of people. The first blast took place near a mosk in mustung city, the southwestern province of baluchestan. It happened as people were gathering to mark the birthday anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad nearly six. People lost their lives, more than 60 others were injured. Local Officials Say it was a suicide blast. The interior of ministry blamed it on terrorist elements. However, no group has yet clean responsibility. Following the balches on explosion, a blast hit the Northwestern Province of during friday prayers that left two people dead. Iran has condemned the attacks. Press tvs correspondent and islamabad me joined us earlier to give us more. Details about the blast in pakistans baluchistan province. Apparently the initial report so far with shared with media said that this was a Suicide Attack which occurred during the birthday of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him today as the taken out in balochistan as well as in other district of pakistan. This incident was specifically occurred in baluchistan province near madina mosk when a procession of eed miladun through that area where thousands of people were participating in this mass gathering. Today is a general holiday in pakistan like other muslim countries and people are taken to the streets to celebrate the Prophet Muhammads birthday, but this was an unfortunate incident which have which has taken place today in baluchistan district, emergency has been declared in the hospitals, while several the police force are as well as the Security Forces have cardened off the area, let me recall Something Back behind these terrorist attack, we have seen that pakistan has been blaming afghanistan for such militant attacks and decent months we have seen that there was a surge in a recent attacks in pakistan and pakistan have been requesting afghanistan to stop the cross border of militants who are said to be hiding inside afghanistan specially taliban pakistan the ttp militants and pakistan has requested kabul several time that the entire setup in afghanistan should take concrete measures to stop those militants. Who are infiltrating in pakistan and carrying out attacks on Security Forces as well as on civilians. The bricks group of countries plans to create its own financial messaging system that will replace swift. The plan is part of uh measures by the group to reduce dependency on the us financial systems. We discuss that issue with our guests in our News Review Program. Its take a listen. And i welcome everyone to press of tvs News Review Program where we get indepth in one of the days top stories. Another bricks group of countries is planning financial messaging system to enable members to conduct trade in local currencies and ease financial transactions. The russian finance minister anton sullonov made the announcement, hes that creation of an alternative to swift will be on the blocks agenda in the 2020. Before meeting brooks leaders held their latest summit in johannesburg in august and they call for reducing dependency on the us dollar in favor of local currencies. Brazil also called for a bricks common currency. See to be used for trade and investment between members, a group which consists of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, represents 40 of the worlds population across three continents, and accounts for a quarter of the global gdp. Iran and five other countries will join the block as new members starting january next year. Joing us for the program now is mr. John ross, senior fellow. Institute of Ryan University of china joining us from london and alfred zayat, lawyer, writer and historian joining us from geneva, gentlemen, i like to welcome you both to the game here uh, to the program here and im going to start it off with you uh, mr. John ross, if you could uh joining us there, um, mr. John ross, okay, recently we saw bricks expand, just a month and a half ago to to absorb saudi arabia, iran, i believe it was ethiopia, the. United arab arab emirates, argentina and egypt, and then there are dozens of countries that are voicing strong interests to be absorbed, this is the first absorption in the last 13 years, my question to you, why the frenzy . Well, i dont think its a frendsy, its a logical process of whats been taking place in the world, which is at the present time, the us is a big absorber of capital international, it cant even finance its own investment, it its it is dependent increasingly for development of its own economy of for its investment upon capital take from other countries which they could have used for themselves, so what the United States is basically saying to other countries is what we want you to do is dont use the capital for the your own capital for the development of your own country, instead invested in the United States for the development of our economy, well thats not really very much in the interest of these other countries, so therefore bricks on the contrary is development of winwin relationships between countries, if you take the biggest economy within it china, its still an exporter of capital, so it can aid other countries, and so these other countries are coming together in bricks, not not necessarily because they they have the same systems, they dont, theyve big differences between them, but because they want to to concentrate on their own National Development rather than subordinating themselves to the United States, so its not a frenzi, this is just number of countries acting in their own selfinterest. Thank you sir, mr. Alfred des, welcome to the program sir, now mr. Zaias, is this is breaks a threat to us highermani, and why are we so seeing so many countries that are very cordial ties, if we dont want to call them allies, at the least they have cordial ties like egypt, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, with washington, and yet here they are, part of bricks, well bricks is wonderful development, so is uh the belt and road initiative, the world is evolving from. From the unit polar to the multipolar world and financially, of course the dollar as the World Reserve currency, 90 of most deals are done in dollars, that will gradually decline, its not going to be overnight, the proposal to have a bricks currency is viable proposal, and of course its in the. Interest of brazil and india and china to have a common currency so as not be subjected to dollar subjugation, you see the problem is that the United States and im an american citizen, the United States has weaponized uh the dollar, has weaponized a swift uh system, and appreciate your input, mr. John rosster joining us out of london and mr. Alfred dezias joining us from geneva and viewers that brings us to the conclusion of this segment of your press tvs News Review Program. Thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. The government shut down loones in the us as the democratic at senate and the house controlled by republicans remain at longer heads on plans. To fund federal agencies, the senate is pushing for a stop gap funding bill that would extend federal spending until november 17th, but House Republicans are opposed to a shortterm funding expansion. They also want deep spending cuts. The House Republicans have already passed several bills to fund parts of the government. That however would not stop a shut down because there is no hope the bills would pass in the senate. The Us Government has started notifying federal workers that a shutdown is imminent. Government funding in the. Us ends early sunday, if Congress Fails to come up with a clear plan, federal agencies will run out of money, that would affect hundreds of thousands of workers, halting a wide range of services. New study has shown that britains cost of living crisis is set to cause premature deaths among thousands of people this year, millions of britains have been hit hard by levels of inflation not seen in decades. That has been blamed a number of reasons including the war in. Brexit and the governments economic policies. A new study has shown that britains cost of living crisis, that mainly results from the governments economic policy, is set to cause premature deaths among thousands of people this year. The results of the research were published by the Bmj Public Health journal. The study showed that the cost of living crisis and sustained period of high prices will reduce Life Expectancy among the people across the country by 6. 5 this year, the. Increase in premature deaths from baseline of 463 per 100,000 people to 493 per 100 thousand, equates to thousands of extra deaths a year in the uk. The study says that the most deprived households will experience four times the number of extra deaths than the wealthiest households with the poorest having to spend a large proportion of their income on energy, the cost of which has saw. Evidence shows low income is associated with poor health and that falls in income adversely affect health. According to last months figures, the uks inflation stood at 6. 7 . For me, this whole conversation is about whether heat the price or whether i breed, and it its so hard to describe what that feeling like in real terms, because its an immediate threat to your life, although it was down from a high of 11. 1 , britans inflation still remains the highest among the Member States of the group of seven, meanwile there are gloomy predictions about uks economic pros report by the washington based Peterson Institute for International Economics says that the uk economy will shrink this year and in 2024, says a drop in gdp this year of 0. 3 would be followed by fall of 0. 2 next year. Uh, now if we look at the data that weve seen recently, obviously there can be some revisions in the gdp data, we saw quite a contraction in july, um, now we are expecting, perhaps there are some quirks in the data that we havent seen as much industrial action recently. Um and there could be some technical issues and a rebound, but i think the outlook for the rest of this year is quite weak, we see that as youve mentioned in the pmi surveys, both manufacturing and services moving into contraction. Well, the british economy is expected to shrink this year, and in 2024, thats according to study by washington based Peterson Institute for International Economics. It says persistent inflation and a shortage of workers among other things will result in a. 3 drop. The uks Gross Domestic Product this year. The fears the uk is suffering structural economic conditions. Factors related to the underlying weakness of the uk economy and the fall out from brexit would leave the uk behind, while most other developed economies expand. Uk was also suffering from an unequal recovery that benefited better off households while the bottom half of the income scale continue to be affected by falling real incomes. Persistent inflation, falling real incomes of low. Income households and a shortage of workers will result in the drop in the countrys Gross Domestic Product. Cuts to Government Spending next year will also drag on economic growth. Central bank held rates at 5. 25 at this meeting and betting on Financial Markets showed investors expect there will be no change at the next meeting in november. The next move could be upwards should inflation prove to be more stubborn than the Central Banks forecast predict despite a weakening of economic growth. I think really what were seeing is they are worried about the recession. They are worried about weaker growth and they think that perhaps going into the rest of this year inflation is likely to continue to decelerate, so what were seeing is the lagged impact of fairly aggressive monetary tightening really starting to bite, and theyre probably thinking, right, here is the time to pause, but we dont want to get too complacent, there are still a lot of inflationary pressures ahead. The economic crisis and persistent inflation has caused trouble for the ruling tories in the uk. Prime minister rishi sunaks popularity has fallen to its lowest levels ever. 68 of britains currently have an unfavorable view the prime minister, the highest figure since becoming prime minister, while only 23 have favorable view. Truth is the fall fell in for millions of family because of their economic mayhem, the classroom ceilings collapsed, because he cut vital school budgets, and now the walls of our National Security have been breached because theyve ignored repeated warnings, no one voted for these shambles, no one voted for him. So how much more damage do the British Public have to put up with before he finally finds the stomach to give them a say . Demonstration against the illegal arrest and detention of a palestian italian researcher by israel has been held at homes Largest University la sapienza, there are hundreds of students called on the Government Act immediately to secure the researchers release, max more on that. Kalaize is a palestinian italian. Researcher and student of the department of oriental languages and civilizations at the Sapienza University of rome on august 31st, he was returning from a trip to bethlehem with his wife and fouryearold child when the Israeli Occupation forces arrested him a checkpoint on the jordanian border. El kaizi has been detained without any formal charges since that day. On thursday, hundreds of students from Sapienza University staged the demonstration against israels unlawful practice of detaining palestinians indefinitely without charge or trial and italys inaction over the detention of alkhaisi. Administrative detention by israel must stop once and for all. Alkhaisy risks being held in prison indefinitely if the Italian Government doesnt take a Firm Position on the issue. El kai is currently being held at the peta tikwa Interrogation Center that is notorious for torture and inhuman treatment. His detention has been entended to october the 1st over, quote, National Security concerns. Some members of the Italian Parliament have tabled a parliamentary inquiry on the legal arrest and detention of alkaisi by Israeli Occupation forces. However, the Italian Government has so far done nothing or very little to protect the rights of an italian citizen, unlowfully seed in front of his family. I dont know for sure if there is a connection. Between italys government and the media, if our media are subjected to some form of pressure by the government, what i know is that the executive seems to be more interested in protecting its political interest rather than one of its citizens. Latest report by the United Nations special coordinator for the middle east has found that 1,264 palestinians are currently held in administrative detention by israel, the number, according to the un envoy, is the. Highest in over decade. Max chivilli, press tv, rome. Speaking at meeting of the dprks parliament, leader kim jungun emphasized Ongoing Nuclear development in the face of the worst threat posed by the us and its regional allies korea and japan. Piongs representative to the un had also recently remarked on the growing Nuclear Threat the us poses to the region at the United Nations General Assembly, this comes with south Korea Holding its First Military parade in a decade, for press tv. Correspondent frank smith reports from the south Green Capital soul. Leader of the democratic peoples republic of korea kim john un addressed the Supreme Peoples Assembly of the dprk this week, emphasizing the countrys Nuclear Weapons policies. The dprk has been deadily develop nuclear and missile deterrant as it views the us as a threat a position recently outlined by the dprk representative at the United Nations General Assembly. Owing to the reckless and continued hysteria of Nuclear Showdown on the part of the u. S. And its following forces, the year 2023 has been recorded as an extremely dangerous year that the military security situation in and around the Korean Peninsula was driven closer to the brink of nuclear war. Prks assembly unanimously supplemented the constitution to quote, deter war and protect regional and global peace by developing Nuclear Weapons to the highest level. Politics in south korea have motivated the norths military buildup. The trilateral relationship of the us, japan and south korea has definitely given kim jong un reason, he thinks, to improve or enhance or increase his nuclear. Capability, exponentially, that was the word that he used in translation. Analysts also suggest the us and its increasing Alliance Relations in the region have spurred pyyongyangs drive to increase its nuclear and missile capabilities. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have increased since the election of president yunsuk under president yuun who came to office here in may of 2022, joint us south korea military exercises have resumed. Which pyongyang views as a rehearsal for invasion. South korea has been eager to display its military buildup with its own drills as well as those with the us, and earlier this week. With the First Military parade in a decade through the capitals downtown. Frank smith, press soul. Thats a wrap for now, lets stick around, ill be back on the top of the our news and brief, see you in a bit. The Islamic Republic of iran strategic agenda unfirled at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly in new york, emerging eastern powerhouses and the new world order, president Ibrahim Raisis policy to promote Regional Security and cooperation. Irans pivotal role in west asia and the world and more all this edition of iran today. Aleppo, a city raised to the ground, destructed by war. But beyond the ruble, but beyond the rubble and a half destroyed house, life still continues, with all of its beauty, zest and hope. Im zahied hasan um. A professor of physics at princeton university, i kind of come from family of lawyers and with some intellectual background, but not necessarily in science. I did my High School Work in dhakaka, and then i came to us at the university of texas at austin for bachelors degree and then i did my masters and ph. From stanford university, the research work, i am being awarded this time in this context, its actually, it it goes back to my early work at stanford, whether that device will be better than the device on the market now, so our goal is to push Quantum Technology to its next frontier to to serve humanity through the advancement of technologies. Say iphone or your smartphones that are that maybe you have to charge once year or maybe you can browse the internet thousand times faster so with this all these insorts we can deposit atoms and control their position in certain ways so that we make our quantum level material we transfer the sample that Quantum Material to this other chamber so in this chamber the end there is a tip that goes all the way, so this tip has atomic level resolution, at the end the tip there is a single atom and it can scan the material atom by atom and it gives measure of the where the atoms are and where the electrons are, what are their properties, so this allows us to tell did we make a superconductor, did you make topological insulator, did you make semiconductor . So once we know that or any and some other nanomaterial, so we want to know what are the properties of that system, so that if we put that material in a device, what type of Electronic Device it can create, they they can make cubits, new type of cubits, so you can make new type of computers and these new type of computers could be much more billions times of powerful than the existing ones, this is really. So what we are our research in some way is planting the seeds for Technology Say 50 years down the line. There was another math professor next building, this is mariam mirzakani, that also inspired me to look more into intellectual history of persian lineage, so i was amazed to find all the. Is the islamic golden age that happened in the middle ages, people like ibn sina and albiruni and number of scientists, astronomers and engineers and scholars in general, this is not a government level award, this is based on private endown, so i think this is amazing, this prize has recognized a number of individuals so far, they are really contributing to the human civilization in a broader context, its a happy surprise, but yeah, i was not aware this was happening, press tvs news and brief. Kiston is rocked by two backtoback explosions which have claimed the lives of dozens of people, the blast target at two mosks as people were gathering to celebrate the birthday anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad, no group has claimed responsibility for the explosions. Authorities in russian korsk region say a Ukrainian Drone strike has hit a substation in a border village cutting off power to hospital and some settlements. The Defense Ministry says russian air defenses

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