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Which was leaked by the saudi media outlet, which was denied on the same day by both washington and tel aviv. When bin salman was asked in his interview with fox news what he needed for normalization with the israeli entity, he said, there has been contact with the Biden Administration to achieve this, and for us, the palestinian issue is very important. We need to resolve this issue. We of have good negotiations going on so far, and we will see where things. Go, we hope to reach a place that alleviates the suffering of the palestinians and where israel plays a positive role in the middle east. Now bin salmans words simply reflect that the National Security of the saudi regime is still on display before the americans in the bargaining bazar even after the major transformations that the world has witnessed. Riyad had taken advantage of that transformation to pressure washington back to the security in exchange for oil agreement, the implementation of. Which in recent years had been moving in one direction, which is the american interest, when it seemed that the American Protection had practically been completely lifted from the saudi regime. Things are not going the way that the saudies want in these negotiations, as raising the prospect by the israeli entity Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, who once again announced his rejection of the twostate solution indicates failure to achieve tangible progress. However, limiting the failure of negotiations time after time to the israeli and. Rejection of the a4 mentioned solution does not completely reflect the truth. The real problem lies in the inability of any Us Administration to market a military treaty to protect the saudi regime internally before congress and Public Opinion because of american hatred for saudi arabia and for this regime in particular. The news leak published by the New York Times last week stating that bidens aids are studying the possibility of reaching a military treaty with saudi arabia similar to the treaty signed with. Japan and south korea has already ignited severe of legislative opposition to it, welcome to stream, imman. After a long silence, saudi arabia began to publicly approached the issue of normalizing relations with the zinis israeli entity which has been under negotiations. For months between it and the United States to reach a formula that includes in addition to normalization agreements that guarantee the security of the saudi regime. While it is out of the question for Benjamin Netanyahus cabinet to accept the establishment of a palestinian state, what is actually presented to riyadh today is normalization in exchange for promises with no guarantees. To discuss this issues with us from beirot is mr. Hossain ibrahim, journalist for the lebanese albar daily, an expert in Arabian Peninsula affairs. Its a pleasure to have you with. Mr. Ibrahim, now the talk of saudi normalization with the israeli entity and the efforts made by the Biden Administration to try and complete the deal of the century 2. 0 if i may were the focus of commentaries and media coverages all across the world because it was the crown prince himself that uttered it last week. We know that normalization talks began several years and even have been going on uh aggressively for the past several months as well, both secretly and publicly, but what is new . About this build up in the media at the moment . I think that what is new in this issue is that the parties have reached final results that require either approval or rejection. It has become clear what conditions are presented to each party and what they can accept or reject. We fully believe that this deal is tripart and not bilateral, meaning that the saudis inexchange for normalization will receive American Protection. The protection is in the form of security arrangements. With the United States of america. The agreement was proposed in the american media, but not one has officially adopted it yet. Saudi required agreement is similar to the existing security treaties between the United States, south على korea and japan. So what saudi arabia can gain is an agreement with the United States that protects the regime in exchange for normalization with the occuping entity. The issue seems to be related to what the occupation can provide to the palestinians, which is little. Therefore, saudi arabia cannot go to normalization without a minimum of zinous concessions to the palestinians. The israeli enter on the other hand refuses to give any serious to the palestinians, this hinders saudi arabias acceptance of this deal. Well, we have. Salman promising that uh or talking about the israeli entity as a premise that it has become a reality in the middle east this is what hes saying and that the is no longer revolving around whether the saudi uh kingdom will actually do the normalization or not, its rather about the price that must be charged in order for the step to be completed. How how can he talk about this and say that uh with the with the weight of. Arabia, being such an important arab and islamic nation, what is muhammad bin salman hoping to get in return for this somewhat of a shameful deal, because you just said that theres not much that israel is putting on the table at the moment, i think that the issue of bin salman speaking in a normal way about the occupying entity indicates that there is an existing unofficial normalization between saudi arabia and the zionits, such as the visit of zionist businessman to the kingdom of. What he wants as the price for this public normalization is, as we mentioned previously, he wants better relationship with the United States, we know that saudi arabia is still in a Transitional Government state. As we know, the United States is very influential in the processes of transferring power in the regimes of the Arabian Peninsula, this is because the regimes in the Arabian Peninsula are primarily based on Relations First with britain and then with the United States. Therefore, muhammad bin salman needs the United States, which is why tried to blackmail previously in order to obtain. Level, it seems that they were able to reach new agreement with salman in the saudi american arrangement, but the new problem now seems to be in the palestyning. This is where i want to touch upon because when the Saudi Crown Prince muhammad was asked in the interview on fox news about what he needed to complete the normalization with the israeli sist entity, he said and i quote what he said, there has been contact with the Biden Administration to achieve this, and for us the palestinian issue is very important. We need to solve this issue. How does he intend to solve nearly 80 year old conflict between the zionist entity and the arabs in general and specific . If we return to the deal of the century that was proposed during the days of the former us president donald trump, we see that the palestinians as a whole, that is the authority and the factions all rejected the deal of the century. Even today when positions on. Saudi zinist normalization began to be presented, Mahmoud Abbas said that it was not possible to reach peace without the palestinian people. This means that there are minimum borders that no palestinian can accept, even the palestinian authority, which sometimes goes to the extent of security coordination with the zionists and exerborates problems with the resistance factions, even this authority itself cannot cross the palestinian red lines. In my opinion, this issue is the most difficult right now, and is what hinders and between the zionis and saudi arabia, because as you said, it is an 80yearold crisis that concerns not only arabs and muslims, but also christians of the east, so muhammad bin salman cannot make a concession on behalf of all of these people, he can pursue a separate reconciliation with the zionist like that of sadat or muhammad bin zayid, he wants to appear like a leader who resolves a big conflict, but the saudi internal situation may not allow him to pursue a unilateral reconciliation in the egyptian and imati style. And by the way, if normalization actually takes place, it will be very dangerous for the saudi regime. بالمناسبه خطر النظام. هذه المساله. Definitely because most the media is talking about the timing of this normalization because it comes a very escalating moment within the zionist entity itself and i dont how positive is it it would be for muhammad to take it, but all in all i want to thank you very much mr. Hossain ibrahim journalist and at dailybar and expert in the Arabian Peninsula affairs for joining us to talk about this matter. Thanks lot for your time. Ladies and gentlents now. Please stay tuned because next we will be talking about the massive military parade inside of yemen. Now the yemeni army and ansarulah Movement Held an impressive military parade in the capitals square to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the september 21 revolution. Speaking at the event, abdul malik althi, the leader of yemens ansarulah movement emphasized the imperative need for a comprehensive overhall of state institutions to fulfill their role with responsibility, ethics and rigorous oversight. More details in the following report. In conjunction with the end of the second round of direct negotiations in cad last week, the san forces organized a large military parade in al70 square, one of the largest squares in the capital, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the september 21 revolution, where the Yemeni Armed Forces revealed various models of their military, land, sea, and air arsenal. Various units of the armed forces affiliated with sana participated in the. Parade led by a battalion of Wounded Soldiers who were injured in the war, while the latest productions of the Yemeni Military industry were revealed, especially in the field of ballistic, winged and naval missiles, air Defense Systems and drones. Also, yemeny military helicopters flew in the sky of the capital after they were returned to service, thanks to the young expertise that was able to maintain and restart them. At the naval forces level, various models of boats, missiles and mines were displayed. Thecision. Meel sea missile was also une which is a winged missile with range of up to 180 kilometers and is characterized by the accuracy of hitting with a warhead weighing 100 kilograms. Also revealed during the show was the nadir boat, which is a combat boat with multiple Battle Missions including intercepting moving naval targets, storming ships and raiding islands along with different models of the asif boats in its three generations, the mahallah and tufan. Among what was also displayed were sea mines the types saqib, karar, mujahid, rais, and mazjur, and see missiles of different types such as rubige, faleh, mandab, and sayyad. At the air force level, yemani forces alibited various types of detection and tracking systems, most notably the nabar which directs air Defense Missiles. Also, the ofoq system was unveiled, which is a tactical system characterized by accuracy in identifying and tracking air targets a distance of up to 90 kilometers. And an altitude exceeding 35,000 ft. In turn, the air Defense Forces revealed the miraj missile, which is new air Defense Missile announced for the first time in addition to bark one, bark two and saqr 2 missiles. At the level of the missile force, models of various missiles were displayed, some of which were revealed for the first time such as bad for, quds for, aqiil, tufan, muhun, tankil, mutiat and quds. Z0 other missiles such as sair, red sea, karrar, qahir, quds and bader in their three generations were also displayed. At the level of drone weapons, various models of reconnaissance and combat aircrafts were displayed, including rujum, rased, qasif and others. The air force also revealed the waed 2 attack drone with arrange of up to 2,00 kilometers with a penetrating and fragmentation warhead. The display. Also included dozens of modern, locally made hanny Armored Vehicles. To discuss this impressive parade with us from beirot is muhammad alwaji, yemani broadcaster at asaha tv and expert in yemani affairs. Thanks emillion for being with us. Mohammad, now the sanah military parade, which included a large number of vehicles and missiles belonging to various military units, including strategic weapons that were revealed for the first time in yamen confirms that san prepared for war as much as it has been preparing for peace in the at this moment, how do you assess the scene . In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, first of all, thank you, dr. Marwa and regards to all the kind viewers and followers, we congratulate the yemani people, the yemeni leadership, the leader of the revolution, sayid, the Political Leadership and the military leadership on the national day on september 21, and on the occasion of the prophets birthday, evaluate this scene today and watch this military parade, we must analyze it in terms of form and content. In terms of appearance, it shapes symbolized peace because when president mahdi and masat participated at the beginning of the parade, he did not enter on board the saudi and imarati tanks and Armored Vehicles that the Yemeni Armed Forces had seized as he had done in previous military parades. He rather split the ranks with the civilian car and in civilian clothing, resembling the former leaders and president s of southern yemen, as was also message to the yemeni interior and to the advocates of division and separation. In terms of content, at the beginning of this military parade, pictures of the marters advance in the rose, and then the Wounded Soldiers who are more honorable than us all advance, because without them, the great victory would not have been achieved. There were many significant improvements that were revealed, especially in terms of missile power. The yemeni Leadership Today pays great attention to the naval force because yemen has more than 2,500 kilometers of sea. And is located on the indian ocean, the arabian sea, the red sea and the gulf of aden, where it previously did not have naval force. Today it has naval missiles and they were used last month against many western companies that came to plunder yemeni gas from the port of aiden. Many drones that exceeded 2000 kilometers were also revealed, as well as Ballistic Missiles that exceeded 200 km such as the quds 0. Z missile and the wing quds 3 missile. The israeli media even talked about. These missiles and their names, considering that they are not to be used against saudi arabia, but they go beyond and reach the depths of the zionist entity. It was clear from the presentation that the yemeni army not only protects yemeni sovereignty and the yemeni citizens, but it means that yemen today is considered an integral part of the access of resistance and that yemens military display goes beyond yemens borders. Definitely, well mr. Muhammad, definitely what we saw was. Was very, very impressive, but uh, you were, you began by saying that the beginning of the parade was a showcase of peace and not of war, by the president of of yemen, no peace will prevail without ending the aggression, lifting the siege, and departure of Foreign Forces from the yemeni land. Do you think that the ongoing yemen saudi negotiations in riyadh will secure these yameni needs and demands . In my personal belief, this saudi enemy only understands the language of force and will not move towards peace except with the yemeni strike that strikes deep inside saudi arabia, but in reading the reality of today, we see that the saudi regime is moving towards economic projects such as the Economic Vision 2030. The leader of the revolution said abdul malik alhuthi warned a few days ago in one of his speeches and said that saudi arabia cannot indulge and talk about projects and he mentioned the neon project by name. This is a zionist project a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars. The leader said saudi arabia cannot build these projects while it is still continuing its aggression and siege on yemen. If the saudies really care about their Economic Vision 2030, theyll be serious about their peace talks with the yemeni delegation. If they are only pursuing these talks to kill time in the event that the region sees some change and the aggression continues, then bensan will be risking the National Security of his kingdom. It is not me saying this. Anyone who watched the military parade of the 9th anniversary of the 21st of september revolution would say the same. The level of military development achieved by the Yemeni Armed Forces is the main deterrant for any future aggression and is also the Main Foundation for any success between the yemeni delegation and the saudi regime in riyadh. Among what the commander also talked about was the removal of the occupying Foreign Forces, which is basic humanitarian requirement. So saudi arabia cannot obtain yeameni guarantee. Unless it removes these Foreign Forces that it brought into yemeni territory. Well we also one of the most iconic statements that we heard on that day was by uh leader sayidhi during the parade was that the siege pushed the Yemeni Armed Forces to military industrialization inside of yemen uh from pistols to missiles adding that the Yemeni Government will not ignore the priority which is correcting the situation of the state institutions. Do you think the yemeny government . Will be able to do that just like they were successful in uh the weapons industrialization, will they be able to meet the public needs in yemen . ثوره 21. One of the most important aspects of the september 21 revolution is the fight against corruption in 2014. Today, despite the aggression and siege for over 9 years, we find that the leadership is great attention to the humanitarian and economic aspects. It is amazing the leadership since revolution until today has maintained the effectiveness these institutions. Today the occupied governance have no institutions, no salaries, no water, no electricity and no security and safety. The ye citizen and the occupied governance does not have the most basic necessities of life, but in the san government, where 30 Million People live, most of the yemani population is within the scope of work of the sanart government. President almasath has been moving from one government to another for several months, opening dozens of service projects. We saw him yesterday in sanha, allocating the republican hospital, which is the largest Government Hospital in yemen to the poor and needy. Recently, government provided 247 Electricity Services in hudaida. Almost free of charge, also at the agricultural level, despite the aggression and sie, we see today, the thousands of kilometers that were desert for decades, we see today a great interest in cultivating them, so much so that we are close to reaching agricultural selfiency. This is all despite the fact that the sanhat government today owns only 15 of the budget the republic of yemen, according to the Prime Ministers admission a month ago in the house of representative session, while the tools of aggression have more. Than 85 of the revenues of the republic of yemen, in addition to all the donor money, donations provided to them by the whole world, and yet we are watching them live in the worst economic conditions. Many broadcaster tv and expert in yemani affairs, i want to thank you immensely for the amazing amount of information that you are able to give us within just eight minutes, thanks million muhammad for being with us, ladies and gents, thank you for following us and uh hearing what we have to say, especially about our region right here in west asia, please do follow us on telegram and on x and we promise to give you always the best uh from uh right here in uh at press for the mediast stream and we promise to give you the latest from west asia as we always have and see you again next week on the mid east stream salam alaikum. Im lambatopic here on press tv and i want you to join me for cats and dogs where we take a quick look at dirty laundry in washington, bad manners at the united nations, and barking people in germany, literally. Thats all on press tv. With me lambotopic and cats and dogs, dont miss it i was born in erzinjan turkey which is in the east of so my career at stanford was very interesting and fruitful when i was contacted by koche university for the presidency of this fantastic university. The research that i did at stanford over 36 years involved the space that is around the planet earth and its upper atmosphere. Its very interesting because the atmosphere as you go higher in altitude gets thinner and thinner and at some point. The density of the atmosphere becomes so tin that the suns rays and ultraviolet radiation from the sun ionizes the atmosphere so the atmosphere, instead of being a neutral atmosphere where you can breathe, it turns into electrons and ions and electrical environment, in this electrical environment, its called the ionosphere, and beyond this environment is the socalled magnetosphere, the magnetosphere is dominated by the earths magnetic field, and some of the most interesting physical processes take place in this region of the planet, so in my group we studied everything from the clouds where lightning occurs with enormous electrical discharges all the way up to thousands of kilometers away from the planet, not all the way to the moon, but about halfway to the moon, all the electrical processes that follow. I had heard about the mustapha prize back in 2015 when it first got started and i was very pleased to see that theres a prize uh that is a prestigious prize uh for for islamic scientists in islamic countries

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