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Celebrations as bidda and its amazing, i think its its so amazing to see that people for a short while may have had some confusions, but youve seen that now people are completely denying those facts and saying, weve always weve always celebrated the birth of the holy prophet and he is a uniting force amongst all muslims, celebration of the holy prophet or personality of the holy prophet is what makes us muslims there. Is so much to celebrate, if you look at the characters, the polities, the message of the holy prophet, which is universal, his entire life has given us of examples of who we should be, if we are call ourselves muslims, then what sort of characters that should be inbuilt in us and and i think the reason why you see people coming out in forces is because this message is very universal, it talks to our inate cells, you know the the principles. Of being truthful, of you know having a qualities that the holy prophet possessed, these are innet qualities that every human being relates to, and so therefore when you see people coming out in his name, its because we all accept that this is the best you can be, and therefore why not celebrate the best human being to have walked the earth. The case of yemen is a is very incredible one, i dont know if you agree or not, because of the fact that we looked a country that was pour to begin with, and then you had uh this war happen of which uh, it uh was stretched to so many years and so many died and so many suffered, that suffering is going on, i think that one of the things that perhaps made the people be able to endure all that suffering, as reflected in what i believe to be the turnout from today, just one example is the belief that they not only had in their religion, but also uh one of their prophets muhammad. What types of teachings do you of think the Prophet Muhammad has had that makes of people such as the yemenese uh believe in him so much so um to be able to withstand the hardships that they did throughout these years of war. I think if we look at the life history of the holy prophet we see very clearly the manner in which first of all the holy prophet suffered himself so for example whats going on in yemen we see examples of how difficult life was for the holy. Prophet as he initiated his mission of islam, the wars that he had to go through, but the steadfastness and the belief in in humanity and the truth prevailing at the end of the day was very strong, and i think this is something that the yemenes are probably relating to, and also remember that sometimes difficulties, in fact all the times difficulty come with a strength behind that, we always see light in dark. And i think having gone through those problems that they have been through, if anything, it has only increased their faith, it has increased their vision of seeing where the reality lies, and i think i think they get courage, i think prophet gives them courage from his own life, if you study his own life to see how he succeed after all sorts of things were thrown at him, and he succeeded because his mission correct, his values. Right and i think this is what i see the yemen is relating to given their own difficulties. Id like to get your thought on something that uh press tv started uh the news channel that youre speaking on right now and uh it was uh very inspiring to see how uh this actually based on the hashtag it will never burn and it was a campaign that uh our station started against the quran burnings and i i want to ask you about this because uh its something thats trending and theres a lot of. In new york, you know, when you have Something Like this happen, aside from the fact that you had ibrahim, have the quran in his hand, displayed the form and manner that he did, and about it in in the way that he did, uh, it it seems like theres a thirst for the support that islam needs to have, the International Arena or on international scale, because uh, the west has tried to undermine. The uh the religion as a whole, im not saying all countries of the west, but weve seen instances that that has happened, the most recent being the desecration of the holy quran. First of all, why do you think theyre doing that, and second of all, what about the success of this particular campaign which were looking at at this point executed by press cv . So i think the first question about why they are doing it is, islam has always posed the threat to people who for example. The west, the ideologies of islam and what it stands for, is a direct threat, now of course there are two aspects here, one is the issue of people who are doing this, and it could be, you could discuss it as something that a small, its a small group of people who are taking this initiative, and thats because they are extreme in their beliefs and they islamophobs and therefore they are doing that, but then comes in the question of why the government in which this is happening are not taking a stronger stance against what in these nations the west we believe in the freedom of expression, freedom of you know why is this allowed, why is it allowed to go and burn you know books that that millions of people around the world rever . So i think one of the issues here is that there is constant efforts to try and see. How awake the muslim ummah is, when the muslims dont react, are we sleeping, and therefore this is just a spark, what else can come from it, and in terms of the success of the campaign, i think there are two factors, one is i think people in the west, i think sometimes as muslims we feel guilty because we are not able to stop or do anything of to contain this, and therefore when we have a platform already running, we join it. Because its our way of saying we support it, but we dont know how else to do it, but also there is another factor that you know Something Like the holy quran, allah has promised that this book is going to be always there, he is going to protect it, so when we are, you know, we are talking about protection of the quran, we are mostly talking about ourselves as people, rather than the book itself, because this book is going to be divinely guided, so we are worried in protecting the quran. The message the muslims that feel subjugated with this event, this is what you when people are taking up the message and talking about the quran, its not only the protection, its our protection, its our subjugation that we are fighting against, and i think the reason why this particular hashtag is is trending is because sometimes we see vacuum in leadership in the entire muslim world globally, so we may have you know small growth in . One community or within one country, some kind of leadership, but globally muslims are coming together and they are looking for this leadership a global level, and sometimes this is failing, so when something shows up such as you know the brain president coming up with this talk at the un, for example even at one point when we seen these these are leaderships and therefore the rest of muslim world now find there is something they can letch to i think this is what is happening in this case, yeah, its its very unfortunate that you have large muslim communities that live in different parts of the world, be um undermined in some of the rituals or things that they believe in, and one of the ones that has been under the spotlight uh throughout the years and decades, practically, if you really want to look at it, has the issue of the hijab, which is something that muslims believe in, now some have various forms of belief on that. From uh just the hijab to the um other gear that they find appropriate under in islam, but unfortunately some countries uh want to impose their will on them, one of the most recent examples of that uh from what were understanding is france, now theres a lot of things that france is doing regarding islam that is not that helpful, but basically uh, i guess the french feels it necessary to ban french athletes wearing the hijab at the. Paris olympics next year, when you take a look at that, by the way, the un has criticized this move by the by the french government, uh, first of all, why do you think uh, theres a sitivity to that . I mean, its basically saying that you have to. Look the way that our people that that that we think you should like, instead of respecting uh the their belief and wanting to wear the hijab, but why is france in this case about looking at it this way . So i think you know its well known that france has this secularism as a big issue in their country, this is their whole makeup of france is all about secularism, however here theres a lot of forces behind it, i dont think its only matter of it. Secular, hijab is a you threat, i remember was one time when had mentioned the hijab of woman longer than you the life or the blood of a marty, now women, but i think there is constant and there will always be constant efforts to make women forget divinity by by exposing them so that are not thinking about women are very powerful, when a woman decides to to to be divine to wearing hijab is an outward display, but when you put a hijab internally what you are saying is that im going to dedicate and going to stead be steadfast and and be in touch with my lord and therefore whatever he wants. Now such woman is going to raise a whole society, a whole community starting with her own family of people who are divine, divinity is very much sh upon in the western countries today because as you can see, there is all sorts of freedoms and that that are being promoted, people, they dont want you to be close to god, because they takes you away from lot of materialism, the promotion of materialism of making more money, if we were to become divine, how are we gonna buy into this secular, this materialistic society, so these are some of the factors, however, i really, i think the the challenges that we face are very short term, and even even though what is happening in france, as me myself as a. Jabby woman, it bothers me and it hurts me, but i dont see it is very big problem for now, sorry, im sorry to jump in here, unfortunately we have to interrupt you, and i do apologize for that, the leaderment is making a speech uh on this stage, were going to cross on over and listen to him, thank you so much, lets listen to what the answer leader has to say, and his book, on god almighty is knowledgeable of everything, god is the most trustworthy, most honest in the name of god, the almighty, the most. Merciful thanks, gratitude is to god almighty, and we witness that god is the one and righteous, and we also witness that Prophet Muhammad is his, his worshiper, the final prophet, final messenger, he is a mercy to mankind to remove humanity from darkness into the light, and to save them ignorance and free and liberate them from being slaves the tyrant and also guide them to the righteous path, and he has also given him theges which he extended to mankind, and he was able to strengthen the pillars of righteousness, the angels and the prophets, also pray to Prophet Muhammad, and may everyone say, their salawat to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions, peace be upon Prophet Muhammad. May god send his peace upon Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad, as you have sent peace to abraham and the family of abraham, you are the one who listens to our prayers, and may you also give your gratitude your deeds to the companions, those who were immigrated with Prophet Muhammad and those were his followers in madina, and bring us, as part of your mercy,

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