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Andryukh, pour it, pour it, well done, i figured it out, but i already doubted that he wouldnt figure it out, wont figure it out, well, well, with a baptism of fire, well, i agree, but can i say, come on, thank you very much for accepting me into the team, today showed that i have something to strive for, and most importantly, someone to look up to, of course , im very worried, excuse me , theres no need to worry, emotions are completely useless in our business, but dont worry. Everything will work out for you, well, for a new friend in battle, thank you, for a friend in battle, and borya, just not this, borya, no, no, no, borya, please, calm down, i congratulate i wanted to, but hold it, oh, no, no, you cant, i need some juice, im on duty, thats right, thats great, well, come on, well. Tv company vit presents. Hello, good evening, the program wait for me is on air. Every week we announce new searches and look forward to your responses. We believe that every search will end in a meeting and that nothing is more important than this hope. So here we go. In families where children from different marriages are raised, relationships develop differently; this is, in principle, not such a simple situation, because even siblings are often jealous of each other, but in the story that you are about to hear, everything was not like that children from different marriages, despite the big difference in age, were very attached to each other, tatyana fedorovna came to our studio borisov to find his maternal sister. Tatyana, come to us. Please, hello, tatyana, come in, please, hello, tell us, tatyana, where did you come to us from . I came from kursk, im looking for my sister, our dad, well, for me, well, i got along with my mom, they got married, ksyushka was born, i personally gave her the name myself, because my mother asked what we would call her, i named her ksyusha, we lived happily, but then there was discord, how many children were there in the family, three sisters, the eldest of the world, me and ksyushka, and it turned out so that they quarreled a little and separated. Who is this in the photo . This is my mother, mother, uhhuh, alina mikhailovna ivanova, she died in 1994, on december 15, and what was her fathers name . Valentin vasilyevich ivanov, here he is with his tongue, it was svetas wedding, her eldest sisters, unfortunately, she is also already deceased, she died. I wrote letters to my wife there, but the letters were returned to me, they didnt reach the addressee, and how old were you, i was 17, 17, at this moment of separation, when my father took ksyusha away, how old was she when he took her, in february i turned six, six, yes, i just left the Maternity Hospital in march, and when i arrived, they werent there, uhhuh, uhhuh, theres a huge difference in age, yes, theres a very big difference between us. Well, in fact, you were also like a mother to her, if there was such a big difference in age between you, then of course she probably perceived like a mother, she was always there for me, yeah, we slept with her, yeah, my older sister is not like that, thats why you love her so much, youve been looking for her for so many years, yes, but tell me again, please, what do you know, where did you take her . Father . I know that they left for kazakhstan, the village of kievsky, what kind of relationship did you have with him with sochimo, yes, he raised me from the first grade, he loved you, how you felt some kind of love and care, but how could that be . That he left and there is no news from him, i cannot answer this question, because i dont saw when they were leaving, that is, you would be very surprised when they suddenly. Yes, i thought that he would be with us until the last, since he lived with his mother, and i thought that he would continue to raise us with us, since i am seventeen years old, there are two of us left, in principle, the older sister is married, but alas , yeah, he left, you know, to this kiev village in kazakhstan, we went there, we didnt find ksyosha there, but we found people who remember both her and her dad very well. Lets see the story, then, by the nature of my service, i worked as deputy akim shakhsyn district, naturally, these were very difficult years and there was information that there was a girl there who lived with her father who was a drinker, and suspicious people were gathering there. Naturally , we immediately involved the commission on juvenile affairs, the juvenile affairs inspectors found out that there ivanova oksana. Before depriving someone of parental rights or sending them somewhere, my principle was to look first of all for their parents, but since the girl was still small, she couldnt say anything, so we generally no possibility. To find out where she came from, who she was with, how she came to us, at that moment, right now, we had no way to determine anything, so we began to look for someone who could train this girl at least for a while, so that we could think about the future fate, so we went to nichporog matryona petrovna, we bowed in a purely human way and asked. please take this girl for a while, and then we will decide, well, ours will decide, it lasted for many years, and oksana stayed with matriyuna petrovna, matryuna petrovna took on the entire burden, dressed her, sent her to school, taught her, probably some family values, family matters. And thats how matryona petrovna saved our oksana ivanova. He didnt raise her, but he generally drank, you remember, there was Something Like that, of course, but i didnt expect to give up ksyushka to such an extent, yes, i understand, of course, the news is unpleasant, yes, but there is also good news, dont be upset, dont be upset, were not in kievsky. Found oksana, but thanks to our voluntary efforts. We learned from assistant ilgizar sharafuddinov that oksana lives in almaty. Lets get a look. Stars final. Today at 21 20 on ntv. Platinum credit cards do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. Tinkov platinum can do this. Apply for a tenkov Platinum Credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. Tenkov, he is like that. Hey, what are you doing here, making comfort accessible, so those same headphones with purebass technology for 2. 790, rbt, making comfort accessible, any customer is the main a reward for any entrepreneur, you dont just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, dont give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, dont create fashionable things. Give the opportunity to be the center of attention. For each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. Sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite Small Business award for them. Become a client of sberbank, and we will support you in any endeavor. Sberbusiness. Touch croque star burger king votter on fire tastier, im something good, better, and im useful , oh yes, and you manage me regularly, and im the new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods, you get cashback of up to 25 on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you , you cant put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, i will only steal from very bad people, who take the best from the worst and give it to children, that uncle lyosha, i am an experienced person, i did this twice, but also modest, uncle lyosha, criminally kind comedy, look now at. The new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a Smart Solution against poisoning, what is missing for construction, easy to find on avito, huge selection of goods from suppliers and low prices, all that remains is to build, take avita and build it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners there is a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch, beauty, why bother, its so expensive, no, mom, this is absolutely inexpensive, saved on my mother, liran refrigerator for 69,990, liran, we make comfort up to to make money on my savings, i open a deposit with tinkov with a rate of 17 . I can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. Open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17 per annum. Tinkov, hes the only one. Slana petrovna . Good afternoon. Your banks security service. Another moment and the machine would have had access to the money. Turned on the scout, the count was in seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that we can bring money to a safe account, calling the window to the bank, she hung up on herself, whoever the scammers pretend to be, so that you. I didnt think that in 30 years someone would look for me, its just that in childhood, when i asked my dad, he said , that i dont have, in 94, my dad took me to kazakhstan, because my mom was killed, my dad and i. Made a choice between me and her, and naturally my dad chose her, he refused me, then he will take me to one family, then to another. He would take his family away, they thought that they would receive money and benefits for me, but no one formalized anything for them, it turns out that the last family i lived with, mm, she had two daughters there, she seemed to constantly beat me and there my husband harassed me, i was already in second grade, when i complained to her, she beat me and kicked me out with the house at night in winter, it was an uprising, it turns out it was. March 6 at 6 00 in the morning, at that moment i was talking with one grandmother and grandfather, who just constantly gave me candy, i , naked in only a dress, ran to this grandmother, the grandmother opened me, let me in, they didnt have children of their own, they already had enough moment, 62 years old, they were already both retired, too, but my grandmother left me, it turns out they completely. Raised me, dad then somehow came up to me, i was probably already in the sixth grade, and he came up, my daughter said, naturally, i was already at such an age that i already understood everything, and i just simply turned around, i told him, i m not your daughter, i went to the tenth grade, and went for half a month, then i didnt want to, then i told my granny, come on id rather go to ostan, it turns out we lived on a state farm, ill go to ostan, id rather go for. To earn money, she says okay, okay, go, bastanu arrived, started working as a waitress, and then worked at a construction site, then she got married, my grandmother, when i got married, called my daughter, when she gave birth, she immediately called me, says come, what do you want . There to do in the city, live here, we really arrived, my husband gave birth to one, a second, a third child, my grandmother was still alive, it turns out that my grandfather died when my daughter was. 2 years old, my husband started drinking, very heavily, started beating, letting go of his hands, at the end i gathered the children and left, it turns out, but my husband, he has a sister, she told me, she says, give me children and says go earn money, and i say, okay, fine, i left to earn money, then i got married a second time, i lived for 78 years, but there was no point wasnt there, separated. Moved here to almaty, my son, who is now with me at the moment, his own father left, abandoned him, i still havent changed my last name, i still go by my maiden name, to this day since then, you can find me on any social network, of course im offended that you started me so late look, as if i didnt try myself either, because i was afraid that suddenly you dont want to see me and. My dad inspired me with the fact that you are not there, you are not my family, it turns out that you are related to my mother, of course, i really would like to see, meet and communicate, its like i live in almaat, you can come at any time, i havent gone far, so well just wait for the meeting. Yes, dont cry, oksana was found, this is the most important thing, everything is fine, she lives, she has children, there is some kind of stormy story, a little confusing, but its okay, we can handle it figure it out when you meet and talk, yes, we were, of course, surprised by some inconsistencies, what the woman who worked in the Village Administration in the first story told us with a story. And most importantly, she assured us that her adoptive parents, whom she calls her grandmother and grandfather, they died a long time ago, so what a surprise we were when we found that same grandmother, though she doesnt want to hear anything about oksana, lets see, she was a very good girl, count nine grades, she was all our two pensions with my grandfather, everything was gone she didnt want to go to the tenth grade , well, they persuaded her, and somewhere before the new year, she said, grandma, grandpa, i love you very much, ill go to tselinograd and buy you gifts, i also give her money, shes leaving with both ends , doesnt come back, and i dont even know how much time has passed, and i receive a letter, grandma, i got married, a very good husband, a little light was born between us, ill come and we and i ll watch you to death, ill watch you, i think i was happy to come back, they are coming, little light , this is in their arms, these are the ones living with me, already she agreed that i would buy them an apartment, yeah, well, i was in Good Standing at the state farm, borisenko was then the chairman of this state farm of ours, he tells me, he says, he saw this oksana somewhere, he says, tell me, he tells his grandmother so that she i didnt buy you an apartment, ill give you an apartment, ill give you a good apartment. Really gave me a good apartment, i put all the furniture in the apartment that i could, i always had two or three cows, i give them a cow, one, well , pigs and a bird, thats it, i give all this to them so that they can live, like they live normally i already see that she is pregnant again, i think that one cow is not enough, i am also bathing the pregnant cow so that there is more milk for the children, i give it away, stasik, the second boy, is already born, already back pregnant with the third child, nadyusha was born in august, i even gave her the name of this girl, and this dad turned out to be a jailer, he was in prison for murder, then one evening he comes to me, she is all beaten up, blue, and dad threw this stasik over the fence, and just as people were walking, they saw this kid, the Village Council was immediately informed, the Village Council called the police, and thats it, in the morning i hear that these children are already in the hospital, in quarantine, they are already preparing to send them to their grandfathers house, she found such a good husband, she couldnt stand it, she left her. Well, in a word, she ran away and thats the end of it, and thats why i have a disgust for her, that i think, by any means you leave him, but dont leave the children, somewhere in 2001 i began to work for the makim of the district administration, supervising issues on affairs minors, they said, there is a young woman with three children. In the kiev state farm, that things are unsafe there, that life is very bad with her husband, her husband, her husband drinks, its very hard for her, we took her to the zhaksy, gave her a room in the dorm and put her in school as a cook, but we sent the children to the hospital, at first she went to them, went to the children , we also remember helping her with. Then she left school from work, she said, its hard for me, i wont go to them, i dont even have anything to give them there, but we realized that she practically doesnt need children , so it turned out that these children were sent to an orphanage, i cant judge her too much, and i cant forgive her i can, would have come to me, what. And to this woman from the guardianship, what do you think about this . I just cant understand my dad at all, why he left me like that, left me like that, not only did her family leave us, okay, were not family, probably all her troubles youre right, all her troubles come from there, from there, why is that what he did . But we cannot know his relationship with that woman who gave him an ultimatum, you see, as a result, your sister turned out to be a lost person, she was led into some different stories that are unpredictable, tell me please, you want to meet your sister, despite this whole story, we really wanted oksana to come to meet you today, we started preparing this trip, but it turned out that oksana has very large debts. By the state, including including for alimony, she cannot leave the territory of kazakhstan, if you decide to go to her, then we will help you, provide you with the whole trip, organize it for you, buy tickets, do everything, you want, yes, maybe, maybe, with your meeting , something will improve in her life, i it seems that she also really needs a relative, a close person, you will definitely help her, connections, love is born in childhood, you are like an older sister, you will guide her on the path of truth, as they say, yes, i am sure in childhood, all the best , we remember these especially since she was so attached to you with this, and you know what, if you need to look for her children, we will be happy to do it, its just important that mom needs it, you understand me, yes, thats why talk to her about it, like an elder. Sister in a family way, like they say, yes, and tell our editors about this, and we will definitely start this search if oksana needs it, now i think that we will not shelve your trip, go get ready for a good journey and that everything will be with you ok, thank you very much, goodbye, i believe that it will be so, thank you very much, goodbye. This is a show of stars, a grand finale, a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get divorced, participate in the show, until the vli again, moscow and beijing in recently they have become very close, he says the last one is beijing. Today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner. Today at 21 20 on ntv. Via superstar, premiere, tomorrow at 20 20 on ntv. The pain can vary. It doesnt matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. A universal remedy against different types of pain. Pentalgin, we can do without pain. To make money on my savings, i open a deposit with tinko. With a rate of 17 . I can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. Open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17 per annum. Tinkov, hes the only one. Who covers other peoples tracks during the day and leaves their own at night . So its you, uncle lyosha is here. Lore is also very good. Thank you for catching him . Uncle lyosha, look at kion now. I. Something good, the best, and im useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and im the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, choose the right categories. Thank you, thank you, you cant put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, magnet, price, what you need, ochakovsky kvass, 99. 99, catch a firebirds feather its not easy, but anyone can get an Interest Rate on a deposit at gazprombank, the Interest Rate is up to 17. 5 per annum on a deposit for. 6 months. Get real income from a reliable bank. Open a deposit on gazprombank. Ru. Ill eat ass. What to do . In case of poisoning entermin. 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Sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite Small Business award for them. Become a client of sberbusiness, and we. Will support you in any endeavor. Sberbusiness. Moscow coffee shop on the floors. Taste, pleasure. I love it, i recommend it. Central television. Today at 19 00 on ntv. It seems that we have already seen and heard everything in this studio; nothing will surprise or frighten us. And yet our next story forced us. Thank you, well, i think that the audience is very intrigued, where did you come to us from, tell us, from st. Petersburg, yes, the story is unusual, in fact, you correctly said that it looks like mysticism, but if not for our feelings that were after this story, i had a cousin andrei, in in the twentieth year he passed away, suddenly in the twenty second year. A man came and rang the doorbell where andrei had previously lived, and he looked very much like his brother, it was practically the same person, like andrei, yes, yes, himself andrey, this is andrey, yes, this is andrey, yeah, how old is he here, well, this is just before the selfpropelled gun, here he is 48 years old, so it turns out, in the twentysecond year, 2 years later, what s happening, tell me, the apartment where he lived andrey, equipped. Special equipment that provides video information if someone rang the doorbell, video intercom, well, no, if you are not at home, then the message comes to the owner, accordingly, this message came to me. It so happened that no one was at home, no one was at home, my daughter was at home at that time on vacation and was not in st. Petersburg, but my daughter thought it was dad, daughters, well, yes, she was extremely surprised and she even thought it was dad, but when this message was sent, the daughter forwarded it to her mother, andreis wife, she also didnt understand where this came from. Messages, who is this person . Son seraphim, he is now about 16 years old, he also thought that it was his father when they sent me a message, my first question is, its in the correspondence, i ask, where did you get this video from, andrey never wore long hair, he always has i had a short haircut, and they answered me accordingly that this is not andrey, i say, this cant be, and we dont understand who this young man is, lets compare the photo. This person can clearly be even more, well, younger, obviously, yes, i m younger, yes, yes, much younger, 1015 years, i think he is about thirty years old, well, the eyes, nose, mouth, the location of all these parts of the body is actually very similar, this nasolabial fold is like this, it is very similar, listen, well, in general, of course, if the children say that this is the father. This is such a significant thing, what did the widow say . Well, shes still crying, she really wants us to find this person, and even if its a stranger, well at least close this topic, well, he called his apartment, yes, of course, he called ours apartment where andrei lived, otherwise yes, maybe he was looking, but what versions do you have, who is this, but i want to think that this is andreis son, i dont understand how old he is. Which version seems more plausible to you . Well, i want to think now that this is still andreis son, but why . Well, because andrey and i are relatives on our mothers side, and accordingly then it will be another person, a relative, but do you have one . There is no reason to believe that andrei had other women who could give birth to him , there are no such grounds either, vdava says that, well, she rules it out, so the story is even more forgotten from my point of view, but still, maybe this is some kind of younger brother andrei, its quite possible that hes also a younger brother, we dont rule that out either, you sent photo of andreys dad. Yes, well, it seems, indeed, it even seems to me that the young man is more like his father, a member of the same family. Yes, interesting, huh, did you ask your neighbors if anyone had seen him . No, we didnt ask our neighbors, we immediately started searching on social networks, we didnt follow up with this line, no, we didnt ask, but i really hope that we can help you solve this riddle, the riddle is really interesting, indeed, lets announce a search. Dear tv viewers, please look carefully at this photo. This is a man who called the intercom of an apartment on Marshal Zhukov street in st. Petersburg on september 1, 2022. If you know anything about this person, please contact our program. We will be looking forward to your responses. I think that only our tv viewers can unravel this story. Hello everyone, im Timur Rodriguez and im pleased to announce, that the unique travel show the fellow traveler is returning with a new exciting season. And thats why im announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to fellow traveler dog ntv. Ru, show daddy calling the second, see you, stars, finale, today at 21 20 on ntv. This is a security service, give me the code from the sms. Lets do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. Order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts. 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TiÒ£ Platinum Credit card does not charge any fees or interest for transfers. Tinkov platinum can do this. Apply for a tenkov platinm credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. Tenkov, hes the only one. Who covers other peoples tracks during the day and leaves his own at night. So its you, that uncle lyosha. The thief is also very good. Thank you for catching him . Uncle lyosha, look at kion now. What is missing for construction can be easily found on avito. Huge selection of products from suppliers and low prices. All that remains is to build. Avito, take it and build it. Well, lets go to nature . Oh, what is this . And this is a spending scheme, there are different cards with cashback. For what . You need one vtb card. Obe. Receive it for free from any bank without commission restrictions for purchases, cashback up to 25 in vtb rubles, together everything will work out, ill eat something funny, what to do in case of poisoning, enterum enterum absorbent of a new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a Smart Solution against poisoning. Customers love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. You dont just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. Dont do fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer. Each other, do not create fashionable things, give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. For each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. Sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite Small Business award for them. Become a client of sberbank, and we will support you in any endeavor. Sberbusiness. What are you doing here . Are we doing . Comfort is affordable we make comfort affordable in order to make money on my savings, i open a tenkov deposit with a rate of 17 . I can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. Open a deposit in tenkof with a rate of 17 ready. Tinkov, hes the only one. Childhood memories are a. Amazing thing, we we often see this, some minor events are always vividly imprinted in the mind, important facts are somehow lost, and today we will try to restore some events from the childhood of Irina Vladimirovna razuvaeva, who came to us from barnaul, Irina Vladimirovna, please come to us , im here, hello, hello, please. Thank you very much, come here, have a seat, uhhuh, erina vladimirovna, and please tell us why you are in our studio today . I have. There is a little daughter, yeah, who came one day from school and said mom, some data appeared on my phone, i said, daughter, what data . She says, someone, i think mom is looking for you, i say come sit next to me and read me, she read me, they are looking for so and so, my last name, first name, patronymic, and we you called. Absolutely did the right thing, yes, but did you understand who was looking for you . You know, i find it difficult to say honestly, well, maybe you have some assumptions about who it could be, who could look for you, aunt, my aunt, you think that aunt, yes nina ilyinichna, she has a son sergei, thats all i remember from my childhood, tell me a little about yourself, from the third grade i was sent to an orphanage, yeah. The class teacher told me, irina, calm down, you will now live in an orphanage, i said for what reason, i will live with you, why did you take me away from my mother, your mother died, thats all, thats all i remember, and dad, was there dad . I dont remember anything, yeah, i have practically no memories about no, uhhuh, that is, how old were you when you ended up in the orphanage, it turns out, 10 years old, but what do you remember about life before the orphanage, well, that i was raised in a family, uhhuh, with my mother, with my mother and dad, well, remember mom well, mom is better than dad, better, huh . You know why your mother passed away, no, no, but maybe there were some relatives besides aunt nina, i dont remember anyone, my mothers sister, she came to me a long time ago with her son sergei, when i got my own place , leaving the orphanage, cool the manager made sure that i was provided with housing in the future, yeah, yeah. And while you lived in the orphanage, no one from your relatives came to you, i dont remember, to be honest, i dont think there were such periods, maybe someone, maybe you corresponded with someone, we were in some kind of contact, i dont remember, we didnt correspond, yeah, its very strange that you dont remember, because i have something. I want to show you this postcard, maybe you will recognize it, that i am a weak person, i will read this to you postcard, dear Valentina Viktorovna, i congratulate you on International Womens day on march 8, i wish you all the best in life, comfort in the family, success in work, peaceful skies above your head, address barnau. To be honest, no, really not, alekseeva 40, honestly, i cant tell you anything and you wont recognize the text, no, take this postcard for now, let you have it, okay, thank you, i understand that you have a huge number of questions about yourself, about your past, and. The main question is who you are is looking for why we invited you here, yes, i promise you that today you will receive a lot of answers, but i must warn you that some information may turn out to be quite unpleasant and difficult, but i am sure that in the end everything will be fine, now i will ask you , come on, ill take you, move to our auditorium, have a good and simple listen. Will happen in the studio carefully, here, here you are, yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you, sit down and dont give yourself away, okay, okay, often a feeling of guilt motivates people to search in our program, and dont this fault always lies personally with the one who writes to us, some people feel family responsibility very keenly, today Valentina Viktorovna knyazkina arrived in our studio. Because she believes that her family members did wrong 35 years ago. Valentina viktorovna, come to us . hello, please, make yourself comfortable, where did you come to us from, tell me, i came from saransk, my cousin irina, please tell me what her mothers name was, mom valentina, and their last name, their last name, well, their fathers how name was razuvaev vladimir yakovlevich, yeah, her dad, my uncle. She was 5 years old, born in saransk on bugacheva, grew up to 5 years old, we were together, well, i babysat, played with her, her parents are leaving for barnaol, her they leave them on pugacheva street, they go to barnaul, well, to earn money, they were given an apartment there, then they came, or rather, it wasnt mom who came, but dad, well, to visit, and dad died tragically in saransk, dad died. This girl, here little sister is there, mom dies quickly, its also tragic that shes left alone, yeah, this one girl, then we find out that she was supposedly being sent to an orphanage, because maybe her relatives, then i was young, my relatives were afraid of all this, well, like responsibility. He was very guilty, and he didnt offend the child, how can i say, exactly you, we dont know, of course, they had an apartment when she was studying, then she, i remember, she sent a letter, i say, after the eighth grade she studied in the thirtythird city of barnaul, where she studied, when she says she will be 18, i can go into this apartment, because the child. They give us an apartment with my mother, we are moving to another area, we lived in a common kitchen, at first in a common kitchen, we leave it to you, i say, if irina sends it, then keep in mind, we will come, well, there to pick up a letter from her, and. From this girl, but the most important thing, the most important thing is that you corresponded with her, when she sent her barefoot with her husband, you received letters. Yes, i congratulated you on march 8th, i still had the last postcard on march 8th, yeah, thats the address of sptu33, the city of barnaul, just my husband and i, you know, i say, but shell graduate from this sptu, and we will definitely well meet, or well go ourselves, or well buy a ticket with our own money, shell come to us, weve always had someone like this, well, you see, she s gone somewhere, either shes in barnaol, or shes somewhere else i left, this is it, that is, it turns out like this. That you had a correspondence that ended when you moved, yes, yes, how many years ago was it, the last contact, when was it, oh, its already more than 35 years, now i think shes 50, 55, probably 53, it will be somewhere, like this, they gave us an apartment in ninetyone, since then, ninety first year, i would like to find it, its a pity for the girl, as it were, and my sister, my own blood , to be left without parents, yeah, its hard, i see that you are very worried, youre sorry that no one visited the girl in the orphanage, yes , it seems, you know, there are relatives, and there were, but its like one person and relatives and adults, i, of course, are young, but there were adults there. I dont, you were a child who didnt have any questions, but do you think she knows anything about herself at all, well, i think that she knows, well, like. That you sent, this is your mother, mother and dad, this is my father, this is her uncle, lets look at some photos, changes, and this is her father, vladimir, yeah. And in general, when she corresponded with you, did she ask something about her father . Well, she asked him, her father died tragically, how would she know that she also told about her mother that he was alone, uhhuh, what was left, you know, amazingly, irina doesnt remember any of this, she forgot who her father was, she even i forgot that. I fit in with you, uhhuh, can you imagine, this is how it happens, yes, it probably happens when in tragic events occur in a childs life, this is simply a protective reaction of the body, memory, yes, its forgetting something, throwing it out of life as if it didnt happen, it turned out that all these years she lived practically knowing nothing about herself, but very i would like someone to find her, i always wanted to tell you with all my heart, i need this, because all this time she was sitting in our hall listening to what you are telling, lets go see, maybe you will recognize her, and where to look, here in front of you, please, choose, in my opinion, hidden in someone turned, it seems to me, into another, cuckoo, eh, we asked you not to give yourself away, yes, show me, here, here is the artifact, im here, yes, really, come here, carefully, carefully, little world, are you really my good one, what we saw that you me, stoparirin vladimirovna, control yourself, im so ho oh, thank you very much, thank you very much, we are very grateful to you

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