Understanding of what a person is, he was talking about not only about knowledge, reason, the idea of ​​​​eternal peace and about postulate when your actions are directed at other people, you cannot reduce a person to the level of a means, that is , you cannot turn him into a speaking instrument and force him to blindly follow someone elses will, but the german chancellor scholz suddenly claims practically the right to the brand, declaring putin should not quote kant, because his ideas are contrary to russias position on ukraine, seriously, isnt putin all this time. Trying to get through, repeating both about peace negotiations and their impossibility with those who blindly follow the instructions of advisers fight to the last. And you already need to hear from the former military Intelligence Officer shafer. American strategists see the whole world as nails that they want to hit with a hammer. They justify everything with words about democracy, but in the end it all comes down to the desire to sell a new iphone to the natives. You just need to say the name nuland. It was she who imposed and imposed a twostep strategy turning ukraine into a source. Everything for europe from gas to wheat, for this it was necessary to take possession of it and separate ukraine from russia, which should have led to the collapse of both russia and putin, it is clear that the vivid images are about the fact that the americans threw a package of military aid to ukraine like a life jacket, and it is in icy water and far from the shore, as the economist writes, and about the fact that it is no longer a cold war, but an ice war, as the in bloomberg ferguson, boiled down to simple terms by military historian obrien, forget about article 5 on collective defense. Nato send troops to ukraine, make this a sovereign decision of the countries included in the alliance. But obrian immediately makes a reservation the americans should not participate in this, they are a nuclear power. And theres not even a question here, but what about Nuclear France and britain then . It is rather interesting that the pentagon simultaneously announces we do not plan to increase the number of advisers in ukraine, we have no intention of conducting combat operations there. Anatoly mayurov figured it out. If now in the magazine the specter, the British Military adviser to ukraine grant, raises the question should. Europe send troops to ukraine . And he answers it himself talk that this will lead to a bigger war is exaggerated, if ukraine loses, we will have to fight anyway, we just need to now push the process slightly. As far as others understand, the british have always provoked wars on the continent, this has always been the basis of their policy of interests, because grant , contrary to all the postulates of kant, promises that from the continuation of supplies, western countries will gain a lot of interesting experience, and kiev in this scheme is an instrument that. Are used, trying to find out how to stop our advance , what vulnerable points we still have and how to build a philosophy of confrontation further, despite the fact that welt admits that the russians are hitting us. A train coming from europe to ukraine, trying to destroy weapons before they reach the front line. Russia, 155. Berlin handed over a lot of captured foreign weapons to ukraine. Russian marines captured hundreds of units. For the defense of this village, kiev did not spare the scarce bull, supplying vseushnikov to the detriment of other sectors of the front. There were eight people each, and then we did six, then generally switched to the tactics of working in twos, specifically, guys, in twos, two, building a building. Very few shelters, almost no, and it is impractical to move a group of six people, because then they have nowhere to hide. The assault twos proved their effectiveness in these shots the work of the group of troops of the east. Come on, come on, brother, brother, come on, come on, come on, where only two took eight, went around, or rather quietly crawled around the fortified area , struck from where the allears were not waiting, exactly from the rear. And while they understand that it is. Not them, but us, so to speak, it was already too late, that is, we manage to take a huge number of enemies with a small number, gain a foothold, how received me, welcome, at times vehemently, for one assault on our paratroopers from ulaanude , almost the entire squad asked to be captured, those who did not want to lay down their arms made the biggest mistake in their lives, and there are a lot of such friends of his, they did not wanted to surrender to the Russian Troops and we them. And our sniper pair of ivanovo paratroopers there won a firstclass foreign shooter in a sniper duel, that intelligence warned in advance that another group of mercenaries was waiting at the artyomovsky site the lady wants, weve already seen through a sniper scope, how we dont consider women now, we consider them as opponents, i made a mistake, you can be more specific, you cant appear in the same place twice, she appeared, that is, its. Perhaps the one the very reserve that kiev was talking about, most likely yes, most likely yes, in a week, in all operational directions, Russian Troops improved the situation along the front, nine counterattacks were repulsed in the kupinsky sector, the enemy lost almost 300 people, three were fired, the first corrected us, then the two were right on target. On the zaporozhye front, kiev lost as many as nine foreign howitzers in a week, in the southern donetsk direction there were almost 4,000 manpower losses, in the ssu. The spanish newspaper el paiz on monday said that due to attack drones, the value of german leopards is now zero, just like the entire military theory from nato, as once dreamed of in kiev, to cheers in the west, imported tanks will soon really be in moscow. Yes, not on its own, in the form of exhibition exhibits, leopards, american evacuation vehicles and barrier vehicles based on the abrams tank, ours were pulled out from the front, and the engineers had already drawn them in every detail. All vulnerabilities have been studied; this will be useful to us in the future to destroy this equipment. And this is on the eve of the next supply of imported weapons to ukraine. There is no optimism in the American Press, the New York Times, about the longawaited american aid. Writes that even armed to the teeth, the Ukrainian Armed forces will not stop russias offensive. Kiev does not need weapons, time and respite for replenishment no one will give kiev human reserves, but neither people nor time. That is why the head of ukrainian intelligence, even on the eve of the supply of american weapons, warns everyone that things will soon get worse. According to our assessment , a rather difficult situation awaits us in the near future; there will be problems in midmay. The ukrainian head of state, syrsky, announced the same yesterday. And the British Ministry of defense on friday foresaw the fall of a number of ukrainian settlements. Only zelensky, as usual, will stop everyone with optimism, he will win and send superpowerful weapons to the russians, when his own people from the front tell him, even attack uavs, of which kiev really has a lot, have recently become useless. The enemy does not stand still and uses new tactics in antidrone weapons. The enemy has a lot of different equipment that can be classified as rap. The merit is not only of the domestic militaryindustrial complex, but of the volunteer movement, which now unites engineers, philanthropists, selftaught technicians and everyone who helps the front. In belgorod , there are 12,000 people in one of the largest volunteer groups, every week they send assistance with vehicles to the front, kamikaze drones, quadcopters, drone suppressors, one of the groups latest developments is the rap daisy product, in honor of a military doctor with a similar call sign who died at the front. You can not only install. Cars can be worn in the form of a backpack, this rap, that is, we will now be used in assault units in the infantry, a Fresh Development that has already proven itself in the troops, when such things exist. Such things, the success of the operation is guaranteed, the success of the units our grouping center is the most problematic area for kiev, avdeevka, they took a house, there was a separate seger brigade stationed here, this is the village of ocheretina, a settlement at a strategically important height, where our assault groups have already established a foothold, they write that the situation is desperate, a whole lot of people left their positions without permission, or the same 115 already swear that they are not to blame, and that the professional command is not to blame. We have to survive until nightfall to destroy it. A bunch of 200, a bunch of 300. This is the second time in 2 weeks that ukrainian brigades have unauthorizedly exposed the front. It is likely that the Ukrainian Armed forces unit from krasnogorovka is next in line. There, Russian Troops have already taken a Brick Factory in the center. The attack aircraft are supported by our tanks in action and the same one. The famous kingbarbecue or turtle, covered with armor plates in a circle. This week this monster came into the picture again and showed itself from all sides. Anatoly, adugi week, tv component. But when putin explains success on the battlefield depends on how quickly technological problems are solved, we succeed, this is precisely what new armor for tanks has been invented, done, and about our new drones, and about response systems to those that kiev is fighting with. And when an ally. Kiev announces the invaluable experience that they will gain if they continue deliveries, this is precisely because for them the ukrainian battlefield is a field for testing their weapons in a real situation, they are interested in reports from the front insofar as for them these are prototypes and strategy, not about ukraine. Why is all philosophy so far geared towards pushing the conflict to the next stage . And here it is question, because for the sake of creating a sense of inevitability, biden already assures that after Ukraine Russia can send. Their tanks on nato members, it will be september 11th in europe, pistorius is already announcing, we have noticed that the russians are producing so many weapons that they are not sent to the front, to warehouses, only the naive will explain this as a precaution, the russians are clearly planning something or conceived, seriously, yes, it could well be attributed to the fact that pistorius has to admit that german warehouses are empty, but ours are not, despite confrontation with all weapons capabilities, not even nato, everyone who can be persuaded, even australia. Promises ukraine its air defense shells, that is, on the one hand , australia may consider all the talk about the chinese threat exaggerated, on the other hand, that it, like europeans, americans was forced to give up weapons even to the detriment of its own security, if only ukraine had it, but rather pistorius is trying explain why the entire european continent should risk putting itself at risk, because we have already warned, do not turn yourself into a legitimate goal, do not take the war to a new level, but you can consider the imperial minister of education, prince shirinsky shikhmatov. As a shareholder, remembered by the phrase the benefits of philosophy have not been proven, harm from it is possible, but you can try to understand without labels that now the game is philosophy in reality can lead to incredible consequences, that, contrary to kant, turning people into instruments and executors of someone elses will is dangerous, despite the fact that, as bloomberg writes, the europeans in the next package of sanctions will ban any reexport of our gas, but will continue buying it themselves means simply, they have found an explanation for themselves why it is morally justified for them. For others, no, but valeria olyokhina was looking into what zelensky is now being offered to base the logic of continuing the war on, because they give him weapons, but he doesnt have enough people, and these are irreparable losses that could have been avoided, because the New York Times is already assuring the return of ukraine to prewar positions is unlikely. Ukraine needs to accept reality and come to an agreement, at least this is better than unconditional surrender. Huge queue attempts by force to break into the representation. Again, those who left ukraine from february twentytwo received legal status and social benefits in other countries only because they are citizens of ukraine, we should not forget about this when they say that the state owes them something, they. Will also be lowered to 18 years of age, so that students will still have to prepare, as ukrainian media reports , the authorities have already instructed universities to transfer to the military registration and enlistment offices the data of everyone who wants to enroll in a correspondence course or get a second degree. Higher, according to the new law on mobilization, such applicants and students are now deprived of deferment, we are also talking about parttime teachers, as a result, classrooms may remain completely empty, in particular at the nikolaev National University and the odessa maritime academy, as the journalist claims. For nato, which is fighting the russians, there is no need to sacrifice its soldiers. There is a price to pay for ukraine to win. We cant avoid this. We must pay for the security of ukraine. This is good for them, and we need it. Nato secretary general calls on europe to spend more on war. And politicians readily agree. British Prime Minister suna, who this week, like stoltenberg, visited first poland and then germany, announced that he was transferring the countrys militaryindustrial complex to war mode and planned to increase spending on defense to 2. 5 of gdp. At the same time announced another Largest Military aid package of all time for ukraine in the amount of more than half a million dollars. Now london is competing with berlin to see who has invested more in ukrainian conflict . Germany is ukraines biggest supporter. Since the beginning of the war, we have supplied almost 28 billion euros worth of weapons. This is the most in europe. Together with the united kingdom, we are transferring different and effective funds to ukraine. And they will continue to transfer money and weapons on the principle that assistance to ukraine is a priority and should not be asked. Russia, were recently found in germany and it turned out that 160 children, about whom kiev had previously stated that they were taken against their will , experts tried to figure out how they established that from the war zone of germany, they left voluntarily due to the laws on pequons, the topic was hushed up in the western media. This is a huge scandal, ukraine was caught in a lie, there were no abductions, but western propaganda does not want to refute the fake news that only russia, especially those, is to blame for all the troubles. With children always excites people, and we follow orders from the United States, and the states say that ukraine should be given unconditional support, including in the media, so as not to tarnish the image of ukraine. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to allocate multimilliondollar tranches to ukraine and explain to citizens who are increasingly coming out to protest. This is a rally in greece. The greek government has decided to supply the meat death machine in ukraine with military equipment for the dollars that will receive from its sale, but as a result hundreds of people will be killed. We say no to us. Reports that greeces allies are putting pressure on spain to send air Defense Systems to ukraine, but athens refused, madrid agreed to supply only a set of missiles for petrat. The french also came out to antiwar protests, after macrons speech at the university of sarbona, where he outlined his vision for the future of the eu ahead of the European Parliament elections in june. Europe, in his opinion, should not only send weapons to ukraine, but rearm itself and be ready for war. Europe could die today. Depends on our choice, we must ourselves develop a strategic concept of reliable european defense, we must produce more quickly, purchase weapons in europe for our security, not the militarization of europe. And the new system of International Relations on based on the sovereignty of national interests, this is what should become the eus priority, says hungarian Prime Minister orban. At the International Forum in budapest, he also spoke about the future. Liberal hegemony has failed, this world order has created wars, chaos, unrest, economic collapse and confusion in international politics. Leaders who have extended this order fail to cope with the assigned tasks, rather than making mistake after mistake. Orban calls arms supplies to ukraine a mistake; the same position is held by western support will not help if kiev does not mobilize at least 250 thousand more ukrainians. Valery olyokhin, the end of the week from ntv television. But think about it, when macron announces that europe can die, then the continuation of his logic europe must show that it is not a vassal of america, a balanced power that speaks to the rest of the world and refuses bipolar confrontation, then this is not even about the fact that he is practically completely repeats the logic of sizenping, no, you need to see it here already. Another, his desire to insist on independence of europe, as the main condition for its survival, he understands that from an economic point of view this already looks unlikely, perhaps he understands, he understands that he himself is building everything on the logic of war, he also hardly understands how this is combined, yes, exactly the thesis will be world peace , because a law has been signed, and this is about arms supplies signed by biden to three regions at once to ukraine, israel and taiwan, and this is called peace through force, to protect the world from us, china and iran. And in defense one magazine is already speculating that by the summer of next year america will be able to triple the production of Artillery Ammunition to 100 thousand per month. That is, on the one hand, we must understand that this particular year, until the american militaryindustrial complex has reached full capacity, is a window of opportunity for us in diplomacy. On the other hand, that the americans will expand production and are unlikely to want to quickly curtail it; for them, this means money and jobs. Biden clearly needs new promises and new successes, and the report that he will be ahead of the russians in a year will look brighter than the fact that he was now able to persuade haiti to assemble an interim government, that is , the theory of a crane in his hands, practically the philosophy of his team before the elections, if not other victories, if it is not possible, contrary to all beliefs, even to stop netanyahu in the gas sector, but. Anton ponemarev figured out how right those who assure closer to the elections are, they decided to change the image of biden instead of kennedy and the cuban missile crisis, with which they tried to build analogies , from they will make him a new truman, who used a nuclear bomb and started a fortyyear cold war, in which the americans consider themselves winners, because the world has changed, then america was not as divided and vulnerable from the inside as it is now, then it produced half of the worlds industrial product, and not 16 , like now. This is 95 billion for three, but the president mentions ukraine primarily. If putin wins in ukraine, he may next attack his ally ponat. Deliveries to ukraine will begin immediately, within few hours. The american ammunition was already ready to be sent from poland; a hundred longrange missiles to attack the ms had been secretly sent the day before and had already been used in the attack on crimea. Air defense shells, longrange missiles. The New York Post responded to the demand of the socalled moscow congresswoman green with this cartoon, but she is not the only one expressing similar thoughts that ukraines victory over russia is impossible. Despite the help, putin will still win. For many, the thought of losing any country on the planet that defends the west is a major defeat. This is how you felt about our withdrawal from afghanistan, but afghanistan and ukraine are not of great importance to us. Our only concern is a nuclear war with russia, which is why, as biden said, the us military will not participate in a war in ukraine. You wont even be able to change the course of a military operation, no matter how many weapons you send to ukraine. We really need to do more diplomatically to stop the killing. Ukrainians are losing 30 thousand troops a month, and this is a problem, they simply have no one to fight, the remaining 30 Million People against 140 million russians, the ukrainians will not win this war. In the sights of snipers, but in the administration of universities these people are called neutrally observers. New York University is boarded up with plywood, the tent camp here has been dispersed. Columbia closed its campus to outsiders and switched to Remote Learning for the rest of the Academic Year for the safety of both jewish students and faculty. The famous First Amendment to the american constitution, not so first, important. On paper it says there will be no congress. Johnson arrives at Columbia University with the only message that the National Guard will help disperse the propalestinian campus. We cannot allow hatred and antisemitism to flourish in our universities. Those who commit this violence must be arrested. I see some support from the russians regarding what is happening. I believe in the sincerity of many. Demonstrators, but something there, it seems to me, has a russian flavor. While the russian trace only seems to her, the israelis have left such a legacy that student protests in america cannot be stopped quickly. At nasr hospital in khan yunis, gaza strip rescuers discovered 380 buried bodies, bound hands and feet, signs of torture, and internal organs were removed from some of the dead. The usa, europe, and the un demand an investigation from israel. The fact is that this is a mass grave, as it seems. In other places it appeared after the seizure of territory by the israeli military, no one has any doubts. The degree of protest will grow along with israels military capabilities; in texas, for example, protesters are no longer treated on ceremony, especially after hamas approved the actions of american students, and the closer to the elections, the more politicized the progaza rallies will become. The campus of Columbia University is still a civil confrontation in. Miniature against israel, for israel, when president ial candidates and their views are added here, the scale of this discord will become completely different. In cinemas, the fall of the empire has already begun, separatists, civil confrontation, everything, as we already saw 4 years ago after the next elections, the military is making its way into the white house and the fate of its owner are sad and gloomy. Based on the real fears of ordinary americans, the real split is closer than it seems in the film, reviews of the main american newspapers are disappointing, like the latest polls for. The current head of state anton panomariov, results of the week, ntv television company. And musk is already writing on social networks war will come, whether we want it or not. And this is his reaction to the thesis of the canadian political scientist saad. The path of the west leads to civil war. He is committing civilizational suicide. Many western men who are now asleep at the wheel will wake up and realize they dont like it when their freedoms are compressed, their women and their religion are not respected. That is, he talks specifically about the layer. And this is about domestic interests, this is already happening in europe, it is hardly less dangerous than Nuclear Bombs in terms of the destruction of civilization and his colleague derbers savagery is the result of how he promotes the philosophy of the american dream. While america itself is in a state of extreme decline, it continues to encourage. Has already refused to accept migrants to namibia with the words of not a single person, they fled from your wars, we have nothing to do with it for any money. Despite the fact that the times is already writing britain is trying to negotiate with armenia and moldova to settle refugees there. Yes, this is the simplest explanation of why london wants to participate in the karabakh settlement, why moldova is called the european union. But the savagery lies precisely in the fact that until now europe has accepted everyone, and compassion for those in need of protection has been a basic european value. And now they are trying to subsume it another base, despite the fact that the president of portugal for the first time admits that his country is responsible for the slave trade, because it sold more than 6 million africans, more than any other european country, and still in portuguese textbooks colonies are a reason for pride, with the fact that now austria did not allow our delegation to attend the celebrations in honor of the liberation of the mauthausen concentration camp, which was built under our captivity, where they were starved, that is, they tried to bring them to adichaniye, but in the archives. Just records that people held on, retaining their human appearance even in such conditions. Lets quickly look at the advertisements and try to understand why they are talking about savagery right now, because when they talk about split, decline, degradation of social institutions, this all seems like abstract reasoning for which a vaccine should work, because the free world is built on the ideas of kant, about man, the world , god, the meaning of existence, but it seems that just these ideas can turn into abstraction. Start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program, thank you, receive 10 cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. Sberbusiness. Yandex tv station pro. Culet screen with antiglare coating, Voice Control. Unlimited content all the capabilities of the station. Alice, continue the film. I turn it on. Forget the Remote Control. 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Not just profitable. Alpha is profitable. Im erat zeynalova, and these are the results of the week. And so now follow the logic further they so often repeat about the cold war and its consequences, they so often argue about what went wrong, why it was replaced by the ice war, that clearly the source of the problems of todays world must be sought in what is called the unipolar moment, that is, time , when the union disappeared, america declared itself the world sheriff, peacefully. They called history complete as flat, that is , it was precisely the volumetricity in which there was a choice between the poles that disappeared; history was pushed forward by the competition between the liberal world and the soviet systems. Why was this important . Because the winners trap was clearly that he did not understand, despite all kissingers warnings, that russia always recovers from defeat, that it takes 1015 years to do this, that it is powerful because of its size, resources, cultural, scientific basis for the persistence of community. And if all this is not crushed, history will repeat itself, that is , kissingers idea was simple russia needs to be dismantled into pieces, otherwise it will be reborn again. If in the american system the world has countries, sources of resources, there are countries sources of human potential, there are Transit Route countries, then the russians unite everything, they are strong in this, this strength, they must be deprived or used, but for this it is necessary to show that they are guaranteed a place among equals, and this place can be formed for them, then the americans missed the moment when. We needed not to threaten, not to call a gas station, not to pump out brains and money, but to promise a place at the table of equals somewhere between nato and the eu seven, because we understood who is not at the table, on the menu. Yes, we were invited to a partnership for peace, in nato council russia, the seven plus the russians, but they didnt even hide that these were all decorations that disappeared quite quickly, starting with the munich speech, when they realized that we were returning to the world stage, then in the fourteenth, after the coup on the maidan and crimea. When we realized that we didnt want to tolerate other peoples combinations. In the twentysecond they dismantled it completely, without even hiding the fact that a game with high stakes had begun, which was not played after the collapse of the union, that is, of strategic defeat and tearing russia apart. And it may well be that we we managed to get ahead of the curve by prescribing in the new version of the constitution the traditional values ​​around which we will further build our philosophy of existence, and the incredible Information Campaign against this showed why we hit the mark. Because its clear that the west plays around values, turning them into leverage, and its technologists can build the destruction of the country from a basic foundation, that is, the destruction of the idea of ​​family destroys the structure of society, relying on individualism makes one more vulnerable, and we are conservative enough for such the conflict has made us weaker, as proven by what is happening in america, as the political scientist dzhentseli assures, ours and hers are a multinational state, held together by an idea, a common ideology and a common goal; if they do not exist, disintegration begins in. All nations. Olim yusupov tried to understand whether even such steps as the idea of ​​choosing gender and abandoning what we consider traditional values ​​could provoke the destruction of large structures, because it is unlikely that the line. The split around the idea of ​​multiple genders takes place almost in the same place as between the globalists and supporters of the idea of ​​preserving nation states, and this is not an accident. Educational videos in one of the american schools invite students to practice their attitude towards lgbt people on cats, or rather dogs who think that they are cats. Miss madison. Bari thinks he is a cat. But thats normal. He meows and plays with a ball of wool. here i am a dog who behaves like a dog, this is normal, no, not normal, its just more common, so that the allegory is clearer, because the video for the youngest bari has a rainbow collar, only here are the persistent attempts of some to endlessly push the boundaries of normality, encounter the same stubborn resistance of others, and it seems that these are already two americas, and living like cats and dogs, in one of them a teacher becomes the head of the school board of a district with a Million People, they take an oath, holding hand not on the bible, on stacks of gay literature. I swear to uphold the constitution of the United States. And in another , parents are trying to get the authorities to ban childrens access to just the same books. And if in democratic minnesota these parents seem to lose, then in louisiana the republicans who came to power, on the contrary , veto the liberal laws of the previous administration. School should teach reading, writing and arithmetic; this is not a place for social engineering or infiltration. On what furies, but the point, it seems, is not at all about who said woof conservative politicians saw in fur activists another attack on the traditional way of life, in their country many parents, some of whom blame not even the schools, but the government. I dont want to lose my daughter due to the fault of the state. Amber lanvin is filing a lawsuit in federal court, believing that government officials violated the fundamental constitutional right to education. According to her, they allow schools to encourage a childs gender change and. A device to make a girls breasts invisible, it turned out that the School Social worker gave it to her, and there were several of these, it hurts to know that she hid her thoughts from me, but whats even worse is that adults contributed to this, the problem of encouraging gender reassignment among minors remains, perhaps, the most pressing issue in all debates about the boundaries of tolerance; in recent years, most western countries have confidently moved along the path of provision. Maximum freedom, in germany, back in the eighties, a special law on transsexuals appeared, which made it possible to change gender on paper and surgically, but now it seemed to german legislators that this was not enough, from now on changes can be made to documents every year, and the previously necessary conclusions of psychologists and Court Decisions are no longer needed. And the most scandalous part is that now even citizens under 14 years of age can change their legal gender, that is, in fact, children, and there is no lower age limit, me. From kindergarten, of course, in this case the parents must submit applications, but how to figure this out, critics of the law are interested in, where the interests of the child end, the strange desires of the mother and father begin, who, perhaps, have not yet matured too much psychologically. In the bundestag, the decision was made in an atmosphere of heated debate with a narrow margin, in spain, where after after long debates, a similar law appeared last year, and people are already reaping its curious fruits. Male military personnel in one of the garrisons. Began to apply for gender reassignment. The reason turned out to be simple women in the army receive bonuses and benefits. Therefore , many people were refused, suspecting fraud, but it is already difficult to turn them back. In britain, where the government commissioned a special study of the problem, its author, dr. Hillary cass, immediately began to receive threats. The doctor asked for protection from the police, because its conclusions about many years of british the practice of almost uncontrolled hormonal therapy and surgical operations for children and adolescents who allegedly wanted to change their sex. Turned out to be disappointing. I think this is definitely a case where ideology has influenced the delivery of medical care when, on the contrary, medical care should have been based on normal pediatric principles. Physical Mental Health of the child. The kingdom seems to have come to its senses somewhat; Prime Minister risha sunoth said that dr. Kass report should go to the basis of the Public Health systems approach, but for already crippled young people in britain, the us and other countries, the clock cannot be turned back. Those who realized that they made a mistake by following transideology say that the system always plays against them. 2 months after the operation, i wrote to them that i decided to do a reverse transition and return to my gender. I wanted to talk to my surgeon to see if everything could be restored, or if i would have to live with this for the rest of my life. They answered we need to wait 23 years and work with a psychologist, but they didnt offer any psychologist before cutting off my breasts. Having secured positions once occupied, trans activists are not going to retreat. Lgbt people seem to be on the verge of almost founding their own church. The multimillionstrong association of american methodists has split into two camps the conservative one, in which churches are decorated with rainbow colors. Flags to the vaticans recent statement that gender theory sex change is an affront to human dignity, lgbt responds, that means we dont need the vatican. This was the last cable, the document is a failure because it incorrectly presents the concept of human dignity, and catholics see this very well, and i think that in the near future we will see more and more believers leaving the church, and this is a very, very sad result. A war of the sexes in a situation where there are several officially recognized genders in the west. Like in these videos where one person is trying to ride a rainbow escalator without touching the steps, and another makes a heroic attempt to climb the same ladder. Olim yusupov, results of the week, ntv television company. And from this we can draw a rather harsh conclusion everything that happens around the topic of choice is used for political and economic purposes. At the moment when the wildness described by derber leads precisely to the collapse of the social state and its replacement with the ideas of libertarianism, when everyone is for himself and for himself, and the state is so weak that it abdicates all responsibility for what is happening, this is where you need to try understand, yes, the state really shouldnt interfere in the private life of the state, this is a closed topic for it, but those who make their choice also do not have the right to impose it on others, and at the same time, if the state wants to maintain its position. It must constantly prove his effectiveness through feedback, through requesting justice, through caring for those who need his help. Yes, in our National Security strategy, the First Priority is the people taking care of them, this is higher on the list than territorial integrity, because it is the basis of power and sovereignty. That is why putin, meeting with members of the council of legislators in the tauride palace, focuses on the work of the authorities to support families , on the fact that these are precisely the traditional values ​​that we offer, including helping us today to develop friendly relations with most countries on the planet, to participate in the formation of a fair multipolar world order based on mutual trust, respect and the identity of our peoples, i ask you to take into account such pragmatic balanced approaches and. They work incredibly tough. In eu documents this is called efficiency in the target country. And the most striking example now is moldova, where not just huge grants are given to those who promote the idea of ​​merging it with romania for the sake of joining the eu. There is already a complete ban on the st. George ribbon by may 9th. They promise to introduce punishment for those who use mir cards, because we signed an agreement with gogauz to join this system. There were searches of everyone who attended the moscow opposition congress, including leader of gagauzia. For what . Why maintaining influence is about people, their perception of the proposed philosophy of existence, which is why you need to clearly see how harshly in such a situation they are playing not even against us, but against china, they are not just closing confucius institutions in many countries, just as they are closing russian houses, even tiktok requires selling, and most importantly, transferring programming codes and its priorities. Americans already understand perfectly well what it means to work with an audience through social networks and promote ideas, while the chinese understand how to its no worse. And in this clash of liberalism and confucianism, practically a battle of philosophy, the winner will be the one who turns out to be not just richer from an economic point of view, but more effective in promoting his ideas. Ksenia nikrasova watched c play from military maneuvers to receiving an incoming blink. And it is the details of the presentation of information that are analyzed, because it is they that determine peoples attitude to what is happening, in order to understand how right ferguson is when he assures that china is now a more powerful rival, what the soviet union was for americans. Xi will not wait for the year twentyseven, which they call the start of the war for taiwan. He may take the americans by surprise and it is important for him to convince india now not to interfere in any way, and he will try to play on its philosophy of nonresistance and non interference. Demonstrating its ability to retaliate against an enemy nuclear attack, a Chinese Submarine launches a julan2 ballistic missile. Such personnel are the chinese army. Publishes extremely rarely only on special occasions, this time in honor the seventyfifth anniversary of the chinese navy, but in the west the video was immediately timed to coincide with blinkens visit, at whom, according to the American Press, the demonstration of force was aimed, however, the head of the state department himself began his trip to china with a threat. Anthony blinken announced some of the actions that the United States is ready to take against china if it does not stop helping russia in its actions in ukraine. The us secretary promised to send the clearest warning that the us has ever conveyed personally to the chinese leadership. The United States intends to punish beijing for its ties with moscow, and speaking at a press conference, blinken said that america will do everything to break off this cooperation. Ensuring transatlantic security is a fundamental us interest. In our discussions today, i made it clear that if china does not solve this problem, we will. The us has already imposed sanctions. Against more than 100 chinese entities. This time, for connections with russia and the United States, as the wall street journal reports, it plans to cut off chinese banks from the Global Financial system. The americans expect that, due to the threat of losing access to the dollar, china will follow the antirussian course of the west. Beijing responds harshly there is no need to try to denigrate other peoples relations, and calls washington and nato the main instigators of the ukrainian conflict. On the one hand, the usa was presented. A largescale bill to help ukraine, on the other hand , they made unfounded accusations against normal economic and trade exchanges between china and russia. This practice is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible. China strongly opposes this. On against the backdrop of increasing rapprochement between russia and china, the states are trying to look for at least some Common Ground with china, and blinkin in beijing finally found them in a music store, where the head of the state department bought a couple of records by a chinese rocker. Blinken admitted that he was stuck in the seventies; these years were also notable for uschinese relations, when , taking advantage of the tension between the prc and the soviet union, washington and beijing began to bring closer each other; this scheme the states would really like to repeat now, building a new strategic triangle. But us goals like and. The American Press called the secretary of state a failure, Anthony Blinken himself, having returned to washington, again accused the prc of interference, this time in the upcoming us president ial elections, no evidence was ever presented, and yet the head of the state department was in beijing more than once warned about dangerous miscalculations, including the personality of ping, who advised the states to decide who china is for them, a rival or a partner . Both countries must achieve mutual success, but about the taiwan issue, because for now Anthony Blinken assured the chinese leadership that he respected the onechina principle, at which time the us senate allocated another 8 billion for military assistance to taipei in general to contain beijing in the indopacific region. Just this week, the states launched the Largest Military maneuver with the philippines in 30 years. The americans tried to convince that the deployment of hymers and mediumrange missiles was purely defensive in nature. But the filipinos stated bluntly these exercises are preparation for war. The main reason we conduct exercises is to strengthen relations with the United States and in the event of a possible war, we will be able to better interact with each other. For the first time, the baleikatan exercises are taking place in the area of ​​the territorial dispute between the philippines and china, so the chinese army is closely monitoring the maneuvers. Their reconnaissance ship was spotted in the exercise area. Beijing warns against encircling blockade of islands. Will plunge the world into a dangerous whirlpool, while the Chinese Military is always ready to launch a counterstrike, which the prc naval forces showed during their exercises in South China Sea . Once the attack is confirmed, we will definitely strike back, we do not attack first because we have selfconfidence, but we will never leave our enemy a chance to continue his attack. The usa has big plans. At one time in cambodia due to its proximity to china, the riam naval base was generally a place for joint training of the american and cambodian military. After phnom pey began cooperation with beijing, washington went on the offensive. First the us tried conduct searches at a military facility, but cambodia said why on earth. Then came the information attack. This week, the American Center for strategic and international studies. Tried to accuse china of a military presence and a desire to establish chinese control at the kampadji base of riam due to the fact that two chinese ships allegedly did not leave the new pier for several months. Satellite images suggest that the chinese ships moored in cambodia may be type 56 corvettes. Not only chinese, but the cambodian authorities have repeatedly denied the american accusations, and even according to cambodian laws, there cannot be any foreigners here. Military base, Chinese Military and construction workers were invited to riam solely to help build their local naval infrastructure. All this, according to the chinese authorities, the head of the knnri foreign ministry, just this week on a visit to cambodia, is necessary for phnom penh to protect its own sovereignty, russia is also interested in a stable asiapacific region, Sergei Shaigu stated this at negotiations with his chinese colleague, according to. The ministers of cooperation between moscow and beijing are the key to regional and global security, largely thanks to confidential dialogue, primarily at the highest level, Vladimir Putin will fly to beijing in may, and with a special gift for sidinping , chernishevskys book what to do, which was given to putin during the congress of the union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. The book is from 1953, this is the birthday and year of birth of shinzen pin, this is his. Favorite author and favorite book, a visit is planned, in may, i will definitely take this book with me and pass it on to our friend, he is a strong leader and a real man. Ksenia nekrasova, especially for the results of the week. But look, putin is going to beijing, and this could be his first visit after the inauguration, and china loves signs, and at the same time we must understand that the logic is that the visit will have zero results. After all the threats, now we can predict why . Because xi plays more difficult, he must balance economic levers, and the fact that now the volume of trade brix is ​​260 billion without calculations in dollars, but in dollar equivalent, this in itself is a big sign, especially for china, and the way they put pressure on it only takes the rivalry to a new level, because the chinese principle is that there is no sovereignty, there are areas where one or the other works, the americans emphasize do not accept, as a result, with their threats they provoke the si to be harsh. Answers, so the head of the american contingent in the pacific region, admiral aquilino, states that china is quickly becoming more aggressive in words and deeds throughout asia, so xi is revealing is going to serbia to mark the anniversary of the bombing of belgrade, during which an american bomb hit the chinese embassy. Yes, this is probably what the battle of formulations of ideas looks like in the war for the place of hegemon, which, according to wallerstein, always takes 30 years. Yes, you can argue how right he is, because the world has accelerated, but this is precisely about. The game of wording, and not about the content, because not only macron repeats almost verbatim the position of si we are talking to everyone and are not participating in the confrontation between the fields, but trudeau , despite all the confrontation with china, introduces canada system. Social rating, the same as in china, the same thing when the americans, together with japan, introduce a resolution to the Un Security Council on preventing the placement of Nuclear Weapons in space, meaning us, and china, when we, together with beijing, propose to ban any weapons altogether in orbit, block the amendment and announce, in the end , the russians vetoed the resolution because putin wants to send a nuclear bomb into space. Yes, it looks like the game is going on with erdogan, when the Prime Minister of the netherlands flies to him on one side. Powerful flood over the last half century, then lets quickly look at the advertisement and try to understand, if now in Southern China there is the most not so far from those regions where we are flooded, how to deal with this common disaster, because this is the real globality and the emerging problems that arise decisions. We are one step away from the finals and into the semifinals, guests traditionally come to us, there will be a holiday, there will be a holiday, the artistry is off the charts, the charisma is even off the charts, performed with Great Respect for the song and the singer. At bikfest you definitely choose double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50 cashback from alphabank, delicious, period. 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Money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose. Get an ozone card and pay where. Whatever, im irada zenalova, and these are the results of the week, now look carefully at how its drowning beyond the urals, in almost all of our regions, it is also drowning in many chinese regions, especially in the south. This is already about global problems, because globality is not only about international terrorism, the economic crisis or waves of migrants, and not just about climate change. Which can be argued and which sound too abstract, but about common threats that no one can cope with alone, precisely because they have no borders, we are definitely now faced with the consequences of common activities and precisely for prevention must Work Together is the only possible solution when the water system is out of control, why . Because its about satellite data and technology at a time when the water level continues to rise, and the water will go away, but it will clearly come again, when and where its difficult to predict everything. What a person can do is to help survive the consequences of the strike, try to calculate what depends on him will depend on him in the future, at least in order to minimize the scale of the threat, yes, we are now we help, resettle, restore, we empathize with the whole country, yes, every season we fight floods, fires, but also seasonal floods, seasonal fires, in themselves are also only a consequence and not just natural disasters, finding the causes is a complex, big task, in which. There are always many factors , there are always a lot of variables. Nikita kusenkov figured out how much everything is being done now to avoid a repetition, and what is being done to help those who have already suffered and who are trying to start life almost from scratch. We ourselves understand everything it is impossible to blame it on the planets anger. Yesterday there was a vegetable garden, there was no water, thats why there s a vegetable garden. Stopped, the wave of floods in tyumen selenazarova stopped last night like this, literally at the doorstep of houses, several thousand household plots were flooded in the region and the water continues to rise, yesterday we were asked to leave, to evacuate urgently, so my children and i were evacuated to abadtsy. The day before , obatskoe itself had to be partially resettled. The water level in local rivers has exceeded dangerous levels. Like this one the area now looks like from the air, as they say. Coming from the direction of the mound. 10 villages found themselves cut off from the mainland, where food, water and medicine are delivered by boat day and night. Its nice that they dont forget us; it gives us, so to speak, strength to get through this. In settlements on the other side of the river, residents are just preparing for the arrival of big water. On duty by the hour. At 2 00 in the morning, one gets up, at three in the morning the other gets up, at 4 in the morning the third gets up. And just like that , the girls on the shore, those who live, they are behind. This observes, if anything happens, immediately on the phone. The embankments on the shore are also being strengthened in three shifts. On the federal highway tyumenomsk, on the southern and northern dams of the obadsky district and in local villages where rescuers and volunteers work. Many thanks to the guys who came from everywhere to help, god bless them. And the locals. Everyone helps, from young to old, old and young, we all work. Simple mechanisms, shovels, spades, thats all. And most importantly , spirit, good spirits and collectivism, this is our district, this is our village, where we live, where we grew up, of course, we have to do this. We must help save, we help and support each other, in this farmstead they temporarily took animals from the surrounding villages, cows and horses, the rescuers brought out waistdeep water like this, there are a lot of cows with the nursery there, cattle of all sorts of beeches, well, all sorts of young calves there, in short, so that it would just flood them there, the houses themselves still seem to live somewhere else, and the sheds all seem to be floating in the water, this stallion was rescued from a flooded house by responsive people neighbors, he had to wait out the flood on the balcony in the orenburg region. About seventy villages remain under water, some streets are still flooded in the regional capital. The peak of floods in the south of the urals passed at the beginning of the week. The elements are gradually leaving the flooded areas, but there is still a lot of water. This is the center of orenburg, where several residential buildings were flooded. The flood swept away a playground and a skate park. The water level here is still several meters above normal, and the pedestrian paths on the city embankment are still hidden under water. The village of spring has never been visited in its history. Flood family rustam received a plot here as a wedding gift. It took 10 years to build the house; the designer renovation, along with all the property, went under water in a few hours. We are flying through with this compensation, since the house is in my fathers name, my father lives nearby, he has his own house, two houses have sunk, so these two are still standing. And there are dozens of similar stories according to the law; only those whose only home was damaged can count on compensation. The head of orsk told the president about the problem during a meeting to which the leaders of the victims were invited. Municipalities, woman, eight children, she applied yesterday, a family of 10 people, they bought, have a house that is now flooded, they bought a small apartment with maternity capital, and this is an obstacle to receiving payments, it is necessary to look at this issue more carefully and informally decide, informally, this formalism in this case , uh. Has nothing to do with those measures that are aimed at state measures, but support for people who find themselves in difficult life situations, aimed at maintaining social justice. Help the Regional Governor has already taken control of the pankratov family from orsk. During the meeting , the president elaborated on the size of payments; they have not been indexed since 2008. Putin instructed to recalculate the amounts and adjust the procedure for assessing damaged housing. Indexes the cost of major repairs, as the head of state noted, approaches should be uniform and fair, regardless of the budget capacity of the regions. For citizens it doesnt matter, it doesnt matter at all, what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where are the powers, the main thing is that the problems that people face, including those of an emergency nature, are effectively resolved, so that people listen to their appeals in a timely manner. Responded appropriately. But here, according to the president , not everything is going smoothly yet. The head of state drew attention to the number of accepted requests for Financial Assistance and demanded that this work be accelerated. Of the 400 thousand applications, about 10 have been considered so far. In the affected areas, where the water has receded, a commission has already begun work to assess the damage. As it turned out, the amount of compensation it also depends on this approved list, which includes only certain types of property. It generally needs to be cancelled, this list of lost property. All of this needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well, what do you count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well, its some kind of nonsense, this whole list needs to be cancelled. All changes point by point are already being worked out by the government and the allocation of money to the regions and changes in legal norms. The head of the cabinet of ministers discusses the local situation in detail with the head of rospotrebnadzor popova, from the first days of the flood , Department Employees have been working in the region, vaccinating people, monitoring the disinfection of buildings, mobile laboratories have been deployed in cities to control the quality of drinking and tap water. Experts are monitoring the content of Hazardous Substances in air soil samples, including due to another disaster that is already affecting the regions. 16 natural fires are being extinguished in different parts of the country, including where water is still raging in the tyumen and kurgan regions. In neighboring bashkiria and during thirtydegree heat , the first forest fire of this year was registered near magnitogorsk, here is a burnt birch forest near omsk, a black spot, a burntout vusuri forest. This is a consequence of dry grass falling in crimea. The fire season has begun in the republic of crimea. So, excuse me, thats why we call it liturgy. Yes, you know there are certain rules. What kind of rules do they specifically remind you of . It is uncontrolled grass burning that is the main cause of fires, forests and peat bogs, the death of holiday villages and villages, forests and entire ecosystems in firehazardous areas, Forest Protection inspectors from the ministry of emergency situations inspect the territory from the air and identify violators. Season there are many reasons for concern, according to weather forecasters, the Central Regions of russia will experience record hot months with minimal precipitation, an aggravating factor, because ahead of the summer dacha season, long may holidays, time for trips into nature, and it depends on everyone what their consequences will be, only according to official statistics, the causes of 90 of natural fires are not natural phenomena or the spread of the elements, namely the human factor. Nikita gusenkov, this is weeks, ntv television company. And its true, this needs to be clearly stated. Yes, its a long weekend, i really want to go somewhere and somehow relax, but the grass on fire in the area, a piece of glass that turned into a lens under the sun, all this can become the starting point of a big fire. It sounds banal, everyone seems to understand the danger, but for some reason everything repeats itself every year, almost like rescue operations for those who go ice fishing in winter. After all, it all costs incredible money and incredible. Efforts, often the lives of those who come to the rescue, how to stop this, this is only at first glance a simple question with a simple answer, but this is precisely about that very savagery that cannot be allowed, about the fact that the idea is every man for himself and in the name of oneself is dangerous for everyone, no, this is not about state control over the individual, this is about the responsibility of everyone to everyone, and the wording turn on your head already seems simple and basic, almost like kant, dont do to others what you dont want for yourself. Or by to gorky, the essence of life is for a person to move further and further away from cattle, in principle it also seems simple, but in reality, this is incredibly difficult, but for this it is definitely worth living, because to make the environment a little better, a little safer, a little fairer, a little happier, this is the simple meaning of searching for answers from all philosophical schools, if you put the whole game into complex formulations, if we talk about finding solutions and choices, then you need to understand the may 7 ceremony the president ial inauguration, be sure to watch it on our channel in live, because this is the official starting point of the path that we must travel further together. These were the results of a week that, as always, has its own heroes and its own events, as ntv reporters saw them. Its always easier if you understand how and what is happening. We will meet again next week, and i wish you all the best and good luck. 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