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Even leaving such a house, there are very few residents in the destroyed city. We are currently in avdeevka; there was contact in the valley for about 6 km. We are in an already destroyed area. Almost all of the regular residents were taken out of here; they now live in hostels in donetsk. Yards urban area, which is called khimik, shows a volunteer of the espanola brigade. This is the result of a fall of fap 1500. How much is in diameter, how much is in depth . Means to give away the location of the uav detachment of the hispaniola brigade. We hunt everyone, everyone hunts us. Now all people are divided into two types uav operators and those who hide from them. And even hymers consumption for fpv calculations, as far as i know, is normal. On the table are batteries for reconnaissance drones, a laptop for viewing footage and exchanging information with other units. Drones in this war, and eyes, and ammunition, even an attack aircraft says a volunteer. After 10, at first, when his leg was torn off by a mine, he did not feel anything, the former media worker in his telegram channel will start joking about his injury right from his hospital bed, the last photo in which my right leg is with me, life is good for those who one leg, he is given a pension, no need for a boot, a poem from the first world war, in fact, his wife, pregnant with their first child, who did not want to let her husband go again, is waiting for him at home to war, but the hussar believes that if a wounded man does not fight, he is as good as killed for the common cause, but he wants to be alive, at the front now everything cannot be said stable, but at least expected. Yaractions, they can occur with some kind of strikes, there, i dont know, on peaceful cities, they usually do this, at the front they have opportunities for. Another piraction turned out to be bloody a massive ukrainian attack on the belgorod and kursk regions , clearly timed to coincide with the russian president ial elections. If ukraine fails to achieve results on the battlefield, she tries to hit civilians, says the mayor of novaya kokhovka , vladimir leontyev. Exactly a year ago, vladimir leontiev, we walked near the City Administration building, from there we could see the dnieper, on the other bank of which the armed forces of ukraine. Now it is deadly to walk there, and even to the humanitarian Aid Distribution Center where we are located. A drone arrived recently, but there are no military personnel here. On the first day when. Today i vote for the first time for the president of russia, most of the village residents are ethnic bulgarians, they have lived here for centuries, Maria Ignatievna worked at a local school as a Primary School teacher for 49 years, i taught a lesson here in calarovka, where am i going, where not everyone knows me, and this is berdyansk, the local bakery bakes 8 tons of bread and 2 tons of buns a day, they put the filling in them still in the Old Fashioned way, by hand, not a single day before. Which monitors the course of the elections, they promised that they would try to identify every ballot spoiled as a result of provocations. Several episodes were recorded the day before when attackers managed to pour money into ballot boxes. Ink or paint, the Public Chamber notes that Law Enforcement agencies will give a legal assessment of such actions. But work to restore every vote already cast will certainly be carried out. Violation. Provocations that could affect the Voting Results in the Public Chamber have not yet been noted; foreign observers who work not only in moscow, but in russian regions, also speak about this. This years elections, it must be said, will become not only the main political topic in russia, and not only the main topic for the American Media and ordinary americans, they are also electing a new, or rather old new, president this year. Half of the worlds inhabitants will go to the polls in 2024; president ial and parliamentary campaigns will take place in more than sixty countries. And we can say that this year will be one of the most politically significant in history. But taking into account the fact that the twentyfourth year is also a leap year, people have accumulated a lot of not very good omens on this score, not only various kinds of vangas heirs, but quite a lot serious experts and political scientists are making very different and mostly alarming forecasts. It is clear that this global Election Year will affect the course of world history, but will it not turn out that history will end there . Our reporter klin sonavkin examined the gloomiest forecasts. Ntv team, Central Television with vadim takmenev. The results of the week and the program today will be combined in one sunday broadcast to talk about the main information event of 2024. Final preparations are being completed in the studios and control rooms. The main broadcast of the country, from here, this sunday we will tell how the most important event of this year, the russian president ial elections, will take place, together on ntv. And it just so happens that almost half of humanity will choose their future in 2024. Yes, besides the elections in russia, the world. Is watching the Election Campaign of another leader of the nation, the United States of america. Joe biden seems to be throwing his last strength into battle, looking cheerful as he speaks before congress, while his aides, shouting and waving their arms, push journalists away from the current president , not allowing him to ask even a couple of questions, although biden himself was not against it. Ask you a few questions, thanks guys, goodbye everyone, thank you very much, but what about trump . Trump is waiting for march 25, when the first criminal trial in American History will begin against a former, possibly future us president. The elections fell in 2024, a leap year, and it just so happens that they always take place in this year in the United States. It seems that even these two elections in russia and the United States would be enough to set the direction for the whole world for the coming years. But the elections are in this there will be so many years that they will set, it seems, not only the direction of this world, but can also change the very course of history. Us neighbor mexico will elect a woman president for the first time. Panama, dominican republic, indonesia. Finland, iceland, elections all over the planet, but why can they change the course of history . Wall street financier and forecaster Charles Ortel is confident that our postindustrial society, which sits on the oil needle, is now experiencing a crisis, and this crisis could lead to the fall of our civilization and scrapping everything old. Artificial intelligence threatens to destroy incomes and jobs in the private sector. At the same time , civil servants, for example, in the usa. Protected by trade unions, they are difficult to fire. Our politicians seem to believe that they can just do things the old way and will never be held accountable for anything. Im afraid that we might actually end up not on the oil needle; that doesnt scare me so much, but on the needle of job losses. According to Charles Ortel, our society has essentially hit the ceiling in its development. In one of the wonderful books by the American Writer ernest hamingue, the old man and the sea, an old man is asked how he went bankrupt, and the answer was not immediately, but gradually. How it collapses. Civilization, not immediately, but gradually, we may be quite close to the moment when the government, which we considered very strong, including the us government, can very quickly go bankrupt, all this can lead to the worldwide collapse of our civilization, just like when. Then the society built in the era was destroyed industrial breakthroughs, before that a society built on the principles of slavery, if we really dig very deep, as it was, the great catastrophe of the bronze age. The catastrophe of the bronze age or the transition from bronze to iron was associated with irreversible changes in the social structure and the loss of many industrial cultural products. Traditions , writing was lost, all major states and cities of that time were destroyed. According to many historians, this catastrophe turned out to be worse than the fall of the roman empire, when the culture of the eastern mediterranean, with with all its progress and trade relations between states, it rolled back to where it began, to the zero level. Of course, i wasnt there then, so everything i know, i know from history, it seems to be true. In the us we are seeing, for example, a massive influx across our southern border and the consequences of ending up with millions of people we know little about, many of whom may be criminals and some of whom have already committed heinous criminal acts, the same and in europe, all this resembles the great exodus of peoples. Perhaps this time humanity will be lucky, relatively lucky, because moving from industrial to postindustrial society, the world escaped with a dozen revolutions. And two world wars, but one way or another, in the 20th century, humanity was kept from death, in contrast to the same roman empire, or in contrast to the collapse of the bronze age. Look whats happening now 60 of americans dont want to choose either biden or trump. If biden wins, trumps defenders will say the election was stolen again. On the other hand, if trump will win a landslide victory, then the left. Wont accept the election results, as they already say, so regardless of whether trump or biden wins, 2025, in my opinion, will be very difficult. Perhaps there is an alternative to the current society, in which the new bronze is lithium batteries and the fight for climate, just look at haiti. Back in 2021, the countrys president , this week the Prime Minister of haiti, ariel henry, was killed here under pressure from gangsters. Agreed to resign, local gangs took power in with their own hands, they rob not only the rich, but even the poorest. And if it seems that haiti is a special, unique story, then look at ecuador, where armed men took journalists hostage on Live Television earlier this year. And what if these are the very first bells of the death of our civilization. Klim sanatkina. Which western politicians are part of the war party and what are they really trying to achieve . Do you want to know why the unrest and chaos engulfing this country could be the last chinese warning . Washington before the decisive battle for latin america. Are movie stars and fashion bloggers dragging humanity back to the bronze age again . Why is the main skin color on everyone fashionable . Shows have again become all shades of bronze, how tanning makes a fortune and earns more than selling oil or drugs, why tanning can be a form of drug addiction, can the sun really kill faster than cigarettes and alcohol, and most importantly, who and why under with the appearance of dubious standards of beauty sells humanity certain death, and also our special guests are actor leonid irmolnik and director ilya the teacher, whose film the flying ship has every chance of becoming the main. Events of this year, clearly you are ready, ready to fly up, ready to repeat the impossible, ready to make noise with the team, play off onebet khl championship, only the best are left in the game, there is askafe for headaches. At an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. Askafen when you have a headache. Pay as conveniently as you like with alphapay with any smartphone and receive a superkick every time month. Not just profitable. 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We have already talked about the Ukrainian Armed forces preelection activation of russian borders, but the main target for kiev political speakers this week, oddly enough, was the vatican. And here its not dispense with an obvious historical analogy. When the cardinals gathered in st. Peters basilica finally choose. For the new pope, white smoke is coming from the chimney of the cathedral, but this week, from all the cracks of this cathedral, another smoke has been emanating, informational, all week politicians from the bank have been throwing thunder and lightning towards st. Peters cathedral, accusing the pope of mixing up the color, so yes, vadim, yes, indeed, pope francis openly stated that ukraine is losing in a military conflict with russia, and especially emphasized that kiev must find within itself courage to admit. This fact of agreeing to negotiations, and, of course, the words of the pontiff that you need to have courage to raise the white flag hit all the headlines, it was this statement that spread throughout the world media that caused a fire of criticism from kiev, but that is, note , the pope did not call on kiev to capitulate, he only strongly advised zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table, like the same erdogan who persistently persuaded kiev to negotiate during zelenskys visit to turkey, but. Apparently, the cause of boris johnson, the former dowry Prime Minister, who 2 years ago persuaded the ukrainian establishment to simply continue to fight, is living and winning in kiev. Which western politician has picked up johnsons baton and supports the war party in kiev, in which, if things continue like this, only zelensky risks remaining. Our reporter, alexey petrushko, tried to figure this out with the help of experts on both sides of the atlantic. Perhaps there is no mysticism in what happened this wednesday in the vatican. The wind blows the white cap off the pontiffs head as he moves in his popemobile. As if, after his bold statement, macron is now playing out this game with all his might, the czech republic, poland and the entire baltic region have already come out in support of the introduction of troops into ukraine with various reservations, as if they were the ones who gave macron courage. Emmanuel macron raises a toast with a glass of whiskey, the evening of february 21 drags on longer than usual in the portrait salon of the elysee palace. In any case, within the next year i will have to send guys to odessa, relaxed. This trail, there are no ukrainian debts. On the other hand, if you look at how this week, in a single impulse, thousands of nato units confronted moscow right at the russian and belarusian borders, one gets the impression that in the west they had already decided everything for themselves long ago, choosing during these exercises as a military threat from the entire planet , russian kaliningrad, kievs allies are formally working out the actions of the fifth article. Nato charter, when the full might of the north atlantic is rushed to save the Baltic States bloc, but it seems from russia, the west seems to have been defended by ukraine so far. Naturally , the question arises why aim guns at kaliningrad, when you can continue to supply kiev with weapons and money . In this contradiction, perhaps lies the secret plan of the largest maneuvers since the cold war, in the absence of real threats to show that the nato military is not in vain eating its bread. In general, the visit of the polish president and Prime Minister to biden this week does not seem to be a mere coincidence, because warsaw is now the absolute leader in military spending on nato. To be honest, we dont care at all, but we, the civil authorities of the kaliningrad region, the people who live here, so to speak, well, we dont hear or see anything, and we feel completely calm, because we have one for the army corps , we have the baltic fleet, we have a lot of things here that allow us not to be afraid, yes, and we proceed from the fact that an attack on us is. Well , the last 15 minutes of the life of any of those who decided to attack kaliningrad. However, ukraine is persistently drawing the world into a funnel of escalation, be it absolutely senseless from a Military Point of view shelling of the Belgorod Region or suicidal attacks by the drg in the russian borderland. The purpose of these actions, senseless from a Military Point of view and criminal from a humanitarian point of view, is, as already mentioned, an attempt to interfere with the president ial elections. This is part of kievs strategy, increase spending and simply tell the russians that despite some of their successes, they will suffer losses, and if this continues, in the coming months and weeks, this will change the balance of power and strengthen ukraines position at the negotiating table. However, for now it looks more like some other concept, because the western media have recently forgotten about ukraine, in this sense we can say that kiev has achieved its goal with its attacks. When they met the western. Washington highlighted, on the one hand, just yesterday the republicans were like a rock against which all the efforts of the democrats in ukraine were broken, however, after the head of the cia put crimea on the map, promising in the event allocations of aid penetrating attacks on the peninsula, such as the speaker of the house of representatives johnson suddenly started talking about giving kiev at least something on credit or lendlease, however, if elections are not held in ukraine by the end of may , an illegitimate president will sit on the bank, a real pattern. A date that paris either forgot or chose not to remember. 105 years ago, the french army already entered ukrainian territory, although it did not stay there very long. This happened during the civil war. December 2nd in 1918, the french battleship mirabeau arrived in odessa, and a week later a French Infantry Division landed in the odessa port. The commander of the french contingent, general selm, issued an order in which he announced. France and its allies came to russia to enable all factors of goodwill and patriotism to restore order in the region. But after a couple of months , discipline in the allied troops was thoroughly undermined by revolutionary agitation; french sailors in the odessa taverns sang the internationale at the top of their lungs, in the spring of 1919, that is, 105 years ago, the french command decided to leave odessa. The evacuation was officially called. This is the unloading document, it was announced that the troops were being withdrawn in order to reduce the food shortage in the city. However, it cannot be ruled out that french politicians, and macron himself, remember this inglorious episode and are not even going to get involved in the ukrainian conflict. We have already talked about the american abrams burning in the battle zone and the british challengers drowning in ukrainian mud. The french army also has them in service. A powerful heavy leclerc tank, but paris refused to supply it to kiev, as well as the completely modern french mirage fighters, which are in no way inferior to the american f16. But while american, british, german and other nato equipment is burning and sinking in the steppes of ukraine, french equipment is selling well for export. And by the way, there is official data on this matter. Yes, everything is true, as he claims. France has become the second largest arms exporter to the United States after the United States. World. At the same time, other traditional suppliers, such as germany and the uk, are rapidly losing their positions. The main secret of french success is the rafale fighters. Large contracts for their supply have been concluded by india, egypt, indonesia, qatar and greece. Well , french armored vehicles, warships and. Submarines are also in demand, well, that is, it turns out that the catchphrase of alageak is now correctly interpreted as follows nothing personal, just business. Well, we will return to russia. Our militaryindustrial complex over time ukrainian conflict, greatly surprised western politicians and western strategists, having withstood the stress test and tests with sanctions. And our reporter alexey simastin continues to study the experience of those russian entrepreneurs who, without waiting for any decrees from above, have already rebuilt their business. Production of products that are now urgently needed in the combat zone. In a couple more seconds, here is the turn of the plant in pryazen near moscow, where they produce trailers, and a twowheeled tactical electric cart is coming out. We lay out the cart, mostly fighters use a sitting position. The electric trolley is turned on from a toggle switch, has three speed positions, that is, we have an automatic transmission, thats right, so basically we press the throttle and lets go. The tactical evacuation cart is electric, can withstand a weight of up to 150 kg, there are already more than 200 of them at the front, and thats. Thousands of lives saved, heres the feedback from the frontline auction cart, here it is now, despite all the disadvantages, it helps the boys a lot, in any case , no one told me that they were not needed, in one side provisions in the other direction two so. The electric motor power is 500 w, and the Battery Charge lasts for at least 25 km; it was specially designed by the plant engineer to order from soldiers serving in the home zone. The development of ural engineers can help confidently hold the defense and save the lives of soldiers on the front line. The design of the firing point is not metal, but is made of heavyduty concrete. For those fortified structures , of course, we will not reveal everything; it uses slightly different reinforcement schemes, it more durable and reliable. The invention of ural engineers has already been tested and will soon receive a patent. Why is it this shape . We laid out such a section angle so that everything that goes here. Only a durable design, rubber balls were installed inside to imitate personnel, now well find out whether the bot can withstand a direct hit from a t80 tank. They fired at the firing point from different distances, from 900 m and virtually pointblank, and although the point has excellent camouflage properties, it is invisible to the enemy, as it blends into the terrain terrain, but then what about attack quadcopters, the firing point can easily take a hit . Expended a landmine with a capacity of 800 g, she practically didnt feel it, there was a crater the depth of a plate, the ae firing point confirmed all its declared protective characteristics, plant worker anatoly ivantsev, he was cutting reinforcement for a mobile firing point, he himself last year, having received a concussion, returned with the frontline from under the flint, there were 28 people, seven people just came out, but heroes, well, who . No, no, didnt hurt, didnt kill. Anatoly, who gained combat experience, im sure that with such a firing point in the northern military district zone it will be easier to hold the defense line and save the lives of the soldiers on the front line. A very good thing, you need it at checkpoints, yes, definitely. And this is odintsova, located near moscow. Here, a womens sewing battalion of volunteers, with the support of the popular front, is sewing an antifragmentation blanket. In addition to antifragmentation blankets, the composition of which is a military secret, they also sew bedspreads with special impregnation. Which thermal imagers dont see, well, weve probably already stitched about 4. M of these bedspreads, well, the reviews are the best good ones, that is, the fighters themselves constantly come to us, well, there are different reconnaissance units, attack aircraft, everyone uses them in their own way, especially at night, when enemy bpols perform reconnaissance with a thermal device, our fighters are covered with them and we become almost invisible to him, these shots show how. It works, the fighter is covered with a cloth and literally turns into an invisible man. The antiflying blanket is a unique russian development. It is easy to use, the most important thing is light, because, lets say, our Intelligence Officers are, well, lets say, in a modern war, heavily loaded with body armor, ammunition , and so on, it should be light, practical, what happened, well, lets go back to fryazino near moscow, here on the backwater, where are trailers produced, except for tele. A lightweight multipurpose motorcycle was developed and assembled for the wounded. Components from china, our engineering and refinement, assembly already. The uniqueness of this. During the years of the iron resistance there was a joke that russian tourists most often go to europe on a tank, but in fact, a silent military motorcycle is also a good means of transportation , isnt it, and especially since, in general, you wont be able to travel by car to europe, as it was before; from this day on, you can no longer travel in finland on cars with russian license plates. For violation of the rules, vehicles can be seized, a duty imposed, or taken outside the european union. However , students who live in the eu, even not permanently, and employees who have an Employment Contract with local company. The new rules do not apply to cars with diplomatic license plates. It is expected that drivers will be stopped on the roads and checked for their right to drive a car in the country. A similar ban began this week. From a chinese application or a complete ban on abortion. Last year, mike penze himself nominated himself for the president ial election, but quickly realized that his chances were insignificant, and therefore eventually abandoned all claims. Well, right now, according to tradition, we must pause for a moment so that we can immediately after a pause, tell, without hiding anything, about the events that everyone is discussing and the people they are talking about. But there is a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay tuned and dont switch. Do you want to know why the unrest and chaos engulfing this country may be the last chinese warning to washington before the decisive battle for latin america. Are movie stars and fashion bloggers dragging humanity back to the bronze age again . Why have all shades of bronze become the main skin color at all Fashion Shows again . How on they make a fortune by tanning and earn more than by selling oil or drugs. Why might tanning be one of them . Can the sun really kill faster than cigarettes and alcohol, and most importantly, who, under the guise of dubious standards of beauty, is selling certain death to humanity, as well as our special guests, actor leonid irmolnik and director ilya uchitel, whose film the flying ship has every chance of becoming the main one film event of this year, just so passengers can ride here. I came to pick up my brother, call sign passenger, already at the cinema, this the new one is your favorite show , stars, each star brought with them 2 million rubles, creating an unrealistic prize fund, 20 million rubles, where did she even get 2 million, maybe theres a pension there, i dont know, but im young, i did the right thing, yes thank god, here we are 2 million , i didnt know that it would be possible to sell my pijo so quickly, in the final of the project only one winning team will receive this amount, but how are we going to divide the money 50 for me, 50 for arthur pirozhkov, he and i are not just money well earn money, we ll win an oscar with him, thanks bro, and well have souls blacks should be together, i understand, the stars are sazamat musagaliev, what the hell dont give a fuck, chaliapin, prokhar, dont give a fuck, chaliapin, volochko, next. Someone mukhtar or a chair, she sits on the splits, all the time her first in the triangular coffin of the funeral, today at 21 20 on ntv. And are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were simply born into a family of musicians, at bigfest you definitely choose, a cheeseburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, delicious period, and even more profitable with 50 cashback from alfabank, and services . The body needs the key to launching internal resources to get rid of pain. Maz salvisar is a key for activating the bodys internal resources and helping to eliminate the source of pain and inflammation. Solvisar in Green Packaging is the key to a fulfilling life. There are few good clubs today. So i decided to make my own. The quality is no worse than imported ones. And in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively and take out a loan for business development. Manage the cost of your loan, reduce commission by 11 . Everyone. 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Here is the evidence that was not long in coming; this week the committee on Homeland Security and the committee on china in the us house of representatives published the results of an interesting investigation. According to the document, it turned out that some chinese made cranes have 4g modems installed. Unknown purpose, in general, the answer to the question of who is to blame, one might say, has been found, but with the question, what to do now, for now nothing is clear at all 80 of the entire world market for port cranes is occupied by chinese manufacturers, and therefore there is absolutely nothing to replace the suspicious equipment with, well, except maybe start unloading ships manually one by one, well, yes, in general, what awaits us ahead, apparently , a new round of political smashing in the uschina. Will not be taiwan at all, but latin america, where beijing has long been ready to deal the first blow to washington. In the world of crime his name is barbecue, he is now the new master of portauprince, the capital of haiti, and he threatens to fry the entire island if the Prime Minister does not resign. The country is facing genocide. Im ready to make a deal with the devil. Im ready to sleep with the devil in the same bed. Premier ariel and henri are accused by bandits of murdering the president. Still , he was lucky when this bund band started. He was in africa, where he negotiated the sending of thousands of Police Officers from kenya to haiti. In fact, henri hoped that the americans would send their troops. But instead, secretary of state blinken decides to support the resignation of his yesterday. Faithful ally, this is the point a proposal developed by the Caribbean Community to speed up the political transition, but it seems that the situation was just recently in ecuador, where gangs also carried out massacres in police stations , seized prisons, and president daniel navoa also asked for american help. The United States very rarely lends a helping hand unless it is in their national interest, this is californias big one. China s relentless march to expand economic, diplomatic and military influence in latin america poses a challenge us influence in all these areas. Because of the monroe doctrine, the us still considers it its backyard, but now this continent is very important to the global south. But how did washington miss this moment . The us made a strategic mistake by concentrating resources in the middle east and asia, it began to ignore south america, which created a vacuum that china filled. He calls himself an economic killer, this is the former top manager of a large american corporation, john perkins, and he has been responsible for more than one destroyed latin american economy. My the job was to drive them into debt, to force them to hire our companies so that they could make big money on infrastructure. The celestial empire plans to stretch a Highspeed Railway across the whole of colombia, to build huge ports on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the atlantic, that is, this will be an alternative, some kind of alternative to the famous panama canal, according to the plan, this should produce the same revolution in world trade that it itself once produced panama canal. When china comes, it doesnt bring handicrafts two centuries ago, but absolutely dominant technologies. Colombian economist sigunda abraham abriago explains why Latin Americans will not cry bitterly if china does supplant the United States. The usa helped latin america become a consumer, but did not help it become a producer; they, for example, produce smartphones, and we give up all our little income to buy them. Emerald, beautiful these are the emerald mines of the famous chivor deposit, lets go down to show by example how it is beneficial to control latin american resources. I thought they would take us to some tourist place, but it was never touristy at all. Emeralds are still mined here like a century ago, except instead of a pickaxe, they use a jackhammer. This is the world center for emerald mining. This miners name is. The fact is that there is now an emerald boom in china; these stones are very reminiscent of jade, which is historically valued in the middle kingdom, higher than gold. This is what a found emerald looks like, and as soon as this stone crosses the colombian border, its value increases 67 times at once. It will be very good for the region if the chinese buy this field. The chinese invest well. Proamerican politicians are really going out of fashion. If there are centers of Economic Growth, these centers of Economic Growth need markets, this is a natural economic law, well , the roman world, the roman empire, collapsed, now there are states, it will collapse, this is natural, this is a native of saratov, mikhail krasnov, he offers his solution what should latin american countries do when the fight for them has become so intense. Well, right now, in the moment of colombia , it is more profitable to cooperate with china than with the United States, this is necessary, we must sit on all the chairs, if i were president today, i would sit on all the chairs, and with the states, with europe, with russia, with china, because uh, i wouldnt really conclude any military alliance, lets say, somehow, but here is the first sign, or rather the nest of chinese hawks, their military base in cuba, the existence of which has become known. More recently, its chinese Intelligence Center signal only 90 miles from the us mainland, this is certainly not a 2 0 cuban missile crisis, but many analysts agree on one thing if china is building a Global Trading empire, its next step will be to protect its routes, which means very soon the american chinese destroyers will appear on the shores, we must stop making cuba pay for the fact that they are deploying chinese capabilities on their territory, as far as we are concerned. Latin america may be its destiny to be a cash cow and give away all your wealth, since the time of the conquistadors. If the chinese win , goleons with gold will go west for the first time to get to the east. Anton chichulinsky, alexander karlov, yuri ribokon, Central Television. Well now lets talk about other amazing events this week. In los angeles, a few days ago , oscar statuettes were handed out. Because of the hollywood strikes, writers and actors. This year the ceremony had to be moved from february to march. For the rest, the distribution of the main there were no surprises for cinema prizes. Well, if you dont consider it a surprise that the scandalous film barbie missed almost all the nominations, open gamer, on the contrary, was inundated with statuettes. Well, we can say that this, in the history of the socalled barbie gamer, is the end. To be honest, vadim, i would like to say that this point has finally been reached. Lets remember this. Last time, two completely different films opened in theaters almost on the same day, and therefore on social networks, then in the official media the barbie gamer meme became popular, that is, the viewers of the association. The name of these two films, and artists began to invent more and more advertising posters for this nonexistent picture. Well, the intrigue with the distribution of statues was resolved on the night from sunday to monday. Open gamer won in almost all the main categories. The film received awards for direction, leading actor, editing, music, cinematography, and of course, an oscar for best film. But a comedy about a doll, even though it was announced already eight nominations, flew by in faith, but on a tan, or rather on the fashion of frying yourself in the sun or in a solarium until the barbecue is almost ready, cunning businessmen can earn billions of dollars, well, its time to figure out who, why, under the guise of dubious beauty standards, is selling certain death to humanity. Silent under the hot sun, the texas desert comes to life at sunset, iron horses carry. Matthew mcconaughey and his wife, brazilian model camila alvas. The actor moved to rancha when he realized his soul belonged to his native state. It is the texas sun that creates his image, a modern cowboy with bronze skin and a snowwhite smile. We can change everything. For many years, mcconnachie has been the main ambassador of tanning in america. The actor chose sunbathing even when it was not in fashion. But it seems that now all of hollywood has converted to its faith. With the deafening roar of fans and blinding camera flashes, movie stars enter the czeslavia arena. Isnt it time for us to award some kind of oscar . Paporadians are recording a new, that is, a wellforgotten old fashion trend. Diamonds sparkle on Jennifer Lawrences tanned skin. The heiress of the hilton empire returned to the image of twenty years ago. Bradley cooper apparently fell asleep on the beach, this is how Kim Kardashian prepared for the ceremony. I have. There is a solarium and an infrared camera right in my office. This video caused a scandal in the United States because kardashians younger sister has been battling melanoma for 10 years. Another relapse occurred last year. There was a tiny dot on my cheek. I thought it was just a pigment spot, but it turned out to be a tumor. Now an entire association has come out against the stars passion for tanning. American dermatologists. This is mary lupa, doctor. New orleans, she explains, the most dangerous myth that kardashian and her followers believe is the ability to get vitamin d through a solarium. Tanning beds use a type of ultraviolet wave that does not affect the production of vitamin d. In this case, the radiation penetrates deep into cells and damages dna. For tanning bed users, the risk of developing melanoma increases by 70 . Dazzle those around you. The whiteness of their skin, the standard of beauty not only for greek goddesses, but for all women of antiquity. Lead whitewash was invented back then, and then came back into fashion during the renaissance. But how did it happen that at first people were poisoned by toxic cosmetics for the sake of porcelain skin, and then they began to be roasted by the sun en masse for the sake of a chocolate shade. But most importantly, why tanning does not go out of fashion today, although scientists have proven that the sun provokes cancer and, in general, the main reason is aging. Historical attitudes towards tanning are a matter of image, not health. Pallor indicated that the person was an aristocrat, not a peasant, does not work in the fields, but in the 20th century, when cities grew, light skin already meant grueling work in concrete. Boxes of a dusty factory, a tan has become a sign of wealth, who else can afford a daytime walk in a sunny park . 100 years ago , she returned from a vacation on the french riviera. She, the queen of fashion. Coco chanel amazed the public with her bronze tan; all the french women rushed to the beach. Its crazy to be afraid of imitation. For me, being copied is success. Appearing successful, handsome rich is what drives young britons who go to the solarium several times a week. I dont use sunscreen, i use baby oil, so im practically frying my body. Produce large amounts of melanin, which stimulates pigmentation, this substance is prohibited, but can be bought illegally. There is no safe way to get a tan, but this is the ideal of beauty created by companies that capitalize on peoples desire to look like a hollywood star, but lets hear it the voice of another star. With such an eerie sound at great speed. The sun is at its peak today, and the power of its flares can be judged by the northern lights, which are becoming the norm in southern latitudes, and this is like a reminder to humanity that the cult of tanning, being revived on earth, needs to be abolished, because the sun is the most influential star here. Tatyana proskuryakova, anastasia lunkova, alexander karlov, vladimir sharykin, Central Television. We already mentioned the oscars today, but. And now is the time to talk about maybe the main russian film event of the year, especially since a flying ship landed in our studio, this is the name of the romantic fairy tale that will be released in russian cinemas next week, and this, by the way, is not an invention of our 3d designers, the flying ship came to us straight from the film of the same name , well , we ll talk right now about whether the film itself will take off, director ilya, teacher and actor leonid yarmolnik, who. Played one of the main roles in the film, today are special guests of Central Television, good evening to you, but this is what i want to say right away, we all watched and rewatched the old soviet cartoon, the flying ship, many times, so talking about the film, i dont know if it would be a spoiler if i say that the film begins exactly like that the moment at which the cartoon ends , or or im wrong, that is, the fun Chimney Sweep in the cartoon flies away on a flying ship, no they fly away at the end, at the end, that is, mityolkin should achieve this, well, i mean ivan, the Chimney Sweep, heres the Chimney Sweep was in a cartoon, we have a sailor, and a sailor, sorry, yes, i havent read for a long time, the main thing is that i play the king, in general, this is the most important thing, finally i saw a lot of good artists in the film, wonderful ones, fede dobronrav, polina gagarina, heres metelkin, ksyushka our beauty, me i think thats it. Its interesting to listen to you, of course , we believe you, but lets look at a small fragment, come on, take it with me, where, when its light, you know how many miracles there are, fish have hidden there, people are waisthigh, the dragons egg is real, its a coconut, run, kiss, hug, judging by the computer graphics, you decided not to what to take aim at the howls of our shakespeare, but at, it seems to me, James Cameron himself, with his avatar and. And probably now its clear why the film took so long to be shot, thats why ilya . Well, of course, definitely, yes, in general there are 3,000 frames in our film, approximately, only 50 of them are without graphics, and of course, unfortunately, it took a lot of time, i myself would be happy if it happened a little faster , but since we have a lot of responsibility, we want the film to really work out it has already turned out the way we intended it, it has turned out that way. It turned out, yes, but i just want it to be seen not only by members, have ilyusha already seen it in its entirety, ive seen the movies are wonderful, you because the tsar is shown to you, yes, yes, they show it to me too, but we are going out in theaters since 21, with march 21, so i would like those who are watching us now, i dont know what plans people have, but just forget about one evening and come, everyone has already forgotten, it seems to me, i dont know yet, have you watched . Ilyusha has teachers, unlike his father, i ve developed a relationship with him, ive never acted with my dad, now my dad is terribly jealous of his son, and im happy, and hes even trying to come up with some kind of comedy, but so far everything is even, well, by the way, i want to watch a small piece with the role of the king, show us, this. I am the king in my family, and my kingdom, it is small, but with the same problems that a family has, so i enjoy the game, i also managed to sing in the film, there are a lot of songs in the film , please ask this question, or to the teacher, i asked, no, i didnt let you sing, no, ilya, ah, if it was my dream, well, you heard, yes, i had hearing when i was little, i studied at school, at the same time as music school, and then when i graduated, everything disappeared. Build a flying ship, and this is done in a cartoon, she simply says build me a flying ship, then ill marry you, after all, we shot a film and there are arts, they are real people, they must have motivation, otherwise this its just a little harder to believe, yeah, so we turned the Chimney Sweeps into a sailor so he could have one, lets say a ships worker, sailors have the same problems as Chimney Sweeps, this is how to arrange your life somehow, right . What i mean is that ivan comes up with the idea of ​​building a flying ship in our film, and since he is a sailor, what else could he come up with, which means there are a lot of songs, my Favorite Song will be there, here i am vodino, i am vodino, of course, and. Drags this crown behind the tsar, yes , with alekseyemfich it was funny, they let him into the pavilion, they imprisoned him and there was a condition like this here s your tea, heres your coffee and shut up, the last person this film is for, thats just it very briefly, for whom, for you , for television workers, including , among others, well, in general, this is a movie, if well, what we call today a family movie, you can go to this movie with a threeyearold child and you can invite him. Thank you very much, i remind you that on march 21, this wonderful blockbuster is coming out all over the country, the flying ship, and ilya uchitel and leonid ermolnik were in our studio today, well now, so as not to miss anything important, saturday news, for which i remind you follows yulia bekhtereva, yul, yes, today a special date is being celebrated in crimea, exactly 10 years ago there was a referendum on the status of the peninsula, almost. 7 of crimeans, more than 95 of sevastopol residents voted for reunification with russia. Over the 10 years that it has been part of russia , the peninsula has changed a lot. One of the main achievements is the construction of the crimean bridge, which connected the republic with the rest of russia. Also , new highways appeared on the peninsula, in particular the famous tavrida, large medical centers, social and sports facilities. They built the tavrecheskaya and baloklava power plants

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