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Pleasant sensation. The cheap cotton sample feels much rougher, but all the necessary markings are there, including the fabric composition, certification marks and care instructions. We did not find all this in the supposedly bamboo set for 1,500 rubles from the online store. 100 bamboo, but costs 1,500 rubles. Could this be . Most likely it cant, its viscose, we need to check it. We spent a lot of time to find at least some label with information about the composition of the fabric, all that was just a packing slip was a piece of paper, lets say, a piece of paper, it was drawn up incorrectly, we sent all the samples for examination to check for wear resistance and find out the real composition, and also arranged their own test for strength, they decided, so to speak, to trample on. Under the heels of the dancers , ordinary cotton fabric was the first to give in, it seems that as soon as the artists were warned, they were afraid that they had ruined the decoration, a colored sheet, also calling itself bamboo, steadfastly endured the irish trampling, only one was formed small hole, how come . Textile examination confirmed that the color sample from the kit for 1,500 rubles is three times stronger than competitors, but the reason turned out not to be bamboo. We defined. That this is one hundred percent polyester, they deceived, it turns out, they deceived, here we are convinced that the most durable we have in terms of durability is polyester bed linen, and its breaking load is also the highest, in principle, which is logical, there is no bamboo in this linen from the online store, it is completely synthetic, according to the standards the sample does not correspond to breathability and hygroscopicity; the expert does not recommend sleeping on such underwear. It will be hot and humid, judging by the reviews, some buyers also exposed false bamboo, but the seller stubbornly does not change the description. The composition of the usual purple sample, which we took for comparison turned out to be honest, the examination confirmed that it was 100 cotton, the most expensive sheet made me think. The manufacturer declared it to be bamboo fiber. This means that they conducted a study on the composition. Determined that this is viscose fiber, again a hoax , for a lot of money, a possible solution is suggested by the belarusian textile expert, sergei medvedsky, he says that it is almost useless to look for natural bamboo fiber on our market, it is too difficult to produce. Firstly, its very complex technology, a lot of technological transitions, imagine, we need wood, bamboo. Split into thin individual fibers, this is a lot of mechanical processes, this is a lot of chemical processes, when they are treated with special enzymes in order to glue these technical fibers into separate ones, to the touch the fabric made from such fiber is more like linen or jute, where then do the advertising statements about shine and softness, our expensive sample is also silky to the touch, the fact is that this is contrary to. The labels are not bamboo fiber, but something related, but completely different. Chemical technology produces a fiber whose properties are identical to viscose. Its called bamboo viscose , its called bamboo fiber, but dont be fooled by it, its just regular rayon fiber, in order for a strong tall plant to turn into a delicate thin fabric, it literally needs to be dissolved in chemicals, the process is similar to paper making, first the bamboo shoots crushed into shavings and boiled in a soup of alkalis, acid salts, leaves. Everything except cellulose, then it is bleached and dried, then these compacted sheets are treated with caustic soda, crushed into a fluffy white mass, carbon disulfide is added, obtaining a viscous liquid like honey. From the plant itself there are no Natural Properties left, only cellulose , which comes out absolutely the same, even from bamboo, even from coniferous trees, it is extracted simply from what is beneficial to the manufacturer into. Fiber, from which they will then weave a regular one. This is the same regular viscose viscose fabric, like ours for more than 10 thousand rubles. The manufacturer should have honestly written about this on the label in europe, by the way, in the description of viscose it is generally forbidden to indicate the plant from which it is made. 100 viscose, but what really happens in stores . At our request, textile quality expert valentina zubanova, under the guise of a buyer, went to the capitals shopping center. There was no such underwear in the more expensive departments, they offered it instead. Eucalyptus is also not cheap, but in a budget chain store the consultants are nice to us surprised, saying that you shouldnt believe the generous promises of bamboo, now something has become popular, bamboo is advertised everywhere, i would like to touch it at least to see, look at whats going on, there actually is a treatment for bamboo, which is a gentle treatment, but its not so chemically, lets say, the more expensive it is. Masha carefully wipes down the equipment. By the way, both samples absorb well, but did bamboo manage to kill bacteria . The number of microorganisms on both rags, as the analysis showed, over time only increased. The pseudonatural material itself, as it turned out, was a mixture of synthetics, all with the same viscose. Viscose itself is a good material, it is important that it does not pretend to be Something Else and does not deceive us. Well, yes, the statement is true, there is nothing wrong with it. Viscose fiber under a microscope has a very. Interesting cut profile, many microcracks and micropores, so it absorbs liquids, is perceived as soft, which is why the use of viscose materials as cleaning products, as bath towels, bathrobes, very reasonably, very well and absorbs a lot, it was bamboo viscose that was once popularized by manufacturers from china, for whom it is a profitable raw material, because. It stretches very quickly, several meters in just 34 years , sometimes the shoots grow several centimeters a day, but it is important for us not to succumb to advertising gimmicks, there is no difference between spruce and bamboo viscose, even an examination cannot determine it choose rags and bed linen simply according to your taste, according to the market is full of a variety of options, fake naturalness is definitely not worth the money, we are not pandas after all. Well somehow manage without bamboo, all week, as usual, ive been following the news from the world of science and technology and. And made a top five of them. Lets start with line number five. Robots will soon replace humans in yet another dirty job. A series of machines have been created in finland that will sort waste. The Computer Vision system reportedly recognizes 500 types of objects on a conveyor belt, and a robotic manipulator places them into the required containers, making up to 80 grabs per second. Sorting waste is important for quality recycling. Now people do it manually. In our program we talk about developments that make life easier. One of these is alpha investing. Open an account in just a few clicks and start investing today. Even 100 rubles is enough to get started. Experts will tell you where to invest your money, and for purchasing any stock you will receive another one as a gift. So, every day. Next in our release, who donates blood why. Isnt constant donation harmful to health, what unexpected consequences do it have in the miracle products section, a smart lamp monitors your hands, senses emotions and behaves like a pet, is it all convenient, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet, the most interesting things are yet to come, real pleasure plays in every new one. What else are you capable of, what will happen next time . Mask, anniversary fifth season, today at 20 20. 10 days until spring premiere tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv, smiled, that means recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate. Truly psb is a bank for the present, heaviness, pain, swelling, these could be symptoms of varicose veins, the flebodia 600 course helps treat varicose veins. Phlebodia 600 for freedom of your legs. In the separate vk music application everything is included. Only now subscription is 0 rubles for 3 months. Go to the application and listen to endless music. Library, popular podcasts about all over the world, a thousand audio books from classics to new releases and your favorite radio stations to subscribe to vk music is all inclusive, order for 0 rubles right now, lets not waste a moment, tele2 has a 50 discount on smartphones. We left the same percentage of our advertising to show how much the subscriber will save, pay for 3 months of communication, protection against loss and crash of a smartphone with a 50 discount, your coming. For benefits in tele2, there is a reason to end the video on me, in this team i am the better half, 30 discount on the second or 50 on the third household appliance product, midea builtin dishwasher for only 14. 99 when purchased as a set, in invidio and eldorado, now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income. Up to 35 . They say that life is like a journey. Embark on it with the jettook suv, your new companion on the road to discovery and exciting experiences. Bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. Choose your jetur. Special conditions for purchases in march. Maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. A sore throat is a minus. On the plus side there is miramestin. I monitor the system, i am increasing the power for data transmission, all systems are in normal mode, rostelecoms smart Monitoring System solves problems with the internet. Before they happen to you. Rostelecom, technologies of opportunity. Well, what did he ask . He asked if i could work . Did you watch the webinar at the olympics . I studied so much. It needs people with real experience. Skill factory. We teach those who are hired. Open your first deposit on Financial Services with a rate of up to 18. 5 for 3 or 6 months. Download the Financial Services application. Financial services from moscow exchange, deposits of different banks in one application. The plan is this, i ll build a ship, a flying ship, ill find gold , you and i will get married, well go away on a circle , i understand, you understand that he wanted to steal you, vanya is a slave, and polkan polkanych is the sovereign, vanya did, i love you, what a life, pour in your nerve cells, solve all the questions regarding the helmet policy from renaissance insurance online click, swipe click and your problem has become ours, renaissance insurance, you can exhale, this is a miracle of technology, im sergey malozyomov, lets rise higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology, in fourth place, is the dutch police. Mobile systems have appeared to test the power of electric bicycles. The authorities of this country are concerned about the widespread use of twowheeled vehicles that are too fast. She began to provoke many accidents. Now, if there is suspicion, the policeman places the bike on a mobile platform and presses the gas. If the motor produces more than 25 or 45 km h depending on the category of the bicycle, this is a violation punishable by a fine of 290 euro. Similar systems will be checked. And electric scooters. Recently , an acquaintance admitted to me that he often donates blood as a donor, but is not sure that this does not harm his health. But really, how does the body tolerate such a regular loss, because a couple of glasses of blood, which are usually donated at a time, is quite a lot. Cristiano ronaldo and jackie chan, olga buzova and tatyana navka, including o despite the achievements of modern medicine, treatment of some patients is still impossible without donor blood, without transfusions of donor blood components blood. Blood is a medicine that a person carries within himself, he can share it. The First Successful transfusion occurred. From dog to dog in 1665, in the 19th century it came down to human blood. Donation became widespread during the second world war, and the possibilities of this Technology Continue to amaze. Recently in kirov we managed to save a baby who was only 5 days old. He had an immune conflict with his mother, and he would not have survived if a suitable donor had not been urgently found. By the way, the drug is based on unique antibodies. From the blood of australian James Harrison has already saved the lives of almost 2. 5 million babies since the conflict. To do this, however, he donated plasma every week for 60 years. But isnt such selfsacrifice dangerous . Muscovite Tigran Muradyan is an honorary donor to russia. Hes shared a part of himself 110 times already. I donated blood for the first time in april 2011, that is, this is already 13 years ago. I organized it. The joy is that i was once again able to donate blood, and my blood will save someone and help in treatment. He will undergo another series of tests after 2 weeks so that we can assess the bodys reaction. For blood loss, we will find out the results a little later. In general, donating blood may even be useful for some people, but for muscovite ilya, whose name has been changed at his request, it is absolutely vital. He has true polycythymia, a disease in which the body produces an excess of, primarily red blood cells, erythrocytes. He not only has to take special medications, but also regularly undergo actual bloodletting. Every year the distance i walked without without effort was reduced, at first they tried only to drain the blood, not to take drugs, for some it helps very significantly, for me only in combination, thats one or the other. This procedure itself, scientifically called phlebotomy, dissection of a vein, was often used by doctors. The first us president , george washington, died after doctors treating him for inflammation of the gartani released approximately half the volume of the patients blood in two days. Previously, this method was used to treat everything that was missing, from fever to headaches. Now, of course, the indications for phlebotomy are strict, we release. Excess substances that we do not need in the body, substances or cells or microelements. In the 21st century, bloodletting is used very limitedly; Different Countries deal with the resulting blood differently. So in the usa, patients with hemochromatosis, the accumulation of iron in the blood, save themselves and others, the excess taken from them is then transfused to someone else. In russia there is no such practice; we generally believe that there should be a test taker. Absolutely healthy so that with this health share, because donation, for example, according to research, increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease; it is dangerous for people with myopia above 6. Chinese scientists have discovered that as a result of donation , intraocular pressure drops; in people with high myopia, this can cause problems. The larger the minus, the correspondingly the eye is longer and it is less well supplied with blood. A drop in blood flow, the tissues will. Sharply experience a lack of oxygen, which can lead to cochemi, the patient will lose vision and just dont understand why. According to the results of research by greek scientists, with regular Blood Donation , iron deficiency and anemia are often encountered, more often in women. Therefore, european doctors recommend that everyone take iron supplements after donation. Russian doctors believe that the body should recover more safely, naturally. The donor is a nonmilking cow, yes, from which we will feed you, with iron, yes, your hemoglobin will increase, your parameters will increase, and then we will drain it all. It is the concern for Health Donors dictated the most common reason for refusal to accept blood. This is a low level of hemoglobin, an ironrich protein found in red blood cells. The producer of the miracle technology, nastya ignatova, once encountered this when she donated blood. Finger, i was waiting for the results, they turned me around , sent me home, because i had low hemoglobin, there are absolutely people here, doctors are interested in the health of not only the person in need, but also the donor. Before donating more than 20 times, i came and donated blood; the future donor must pass examination, they determine his blood type, rh factor, hemoglobin level, he is also questioned about contraindications, after donation the material is sent for analysis, many. I undergo some kind of screening, i take standard tests that you just cant go to the clinic and take because there is no time. What is the current state of tigrans body, who has donated blood more than 110 times . Before the next donation, he was tested for iron deficiency anemia, as well as possible risks of developing coronary artery disease. Heart and diabetes. The results of our donors blood tests before donation were all within normal limits. And is no different from the blood test results of the average man of his age. Loss of blood is, of course, stress for the body; it needs full recovery. 60 days, because you need to produce 2. 5 billion new red blood cells, this process of erythroplasty occurs in the bone marrow at a rate of 2 million cells per second and requires considerable resources. Judging by the analyzes taken just 14 days after donation, tigrans body is recovering at an aboveaverage rate. He was already used to such ordeals. After donation, we see a very good response to. Loss, that is, it shows that our donor has already donated blood and is well adapted to this; in his results we see an increase in the level of reticulocytes, which normally should grow against the background of blood loss, all other indicators are within normal values, in general, in order to make the task easier for the body, on the eve of going to the Medical Center you should drink a lot of water and eat lowfat food with. An additional day off from vacation, and for honorary donors there are benefits, for example, in moscow, free travel on public transport, there are also programs within which the blood donor is also entitled to pay money for the blood donated, however , as they say in specialized nonprofit organizations, for the majority of donors, material motivation does not play a role. In my experience, people dont come to surrender for the benefits in the first place, what . Brush your teeth in the morning, you have breakfast in the morning, you go outside, go to work , to the store, this is the norm of life, you should not ignore contraindications to harm your body, but for a healthy person, donating blood goes almost unnoticed, and for some, your two glasses of red liquid can be a real salvation, especially , what will allow someones life to continue, well, what is this if not a real miracle . A miracle of technology is on air and what news took third place in our list of the most striking messages from the world of science and technology. With bad news for scientists from sweden spoke to everyone who periodically has socalled colds on the lips. They found that the presence of the herpis virus in the body, which is what causes these phenomena, doubles the risk of developing dementia, dementia in old age. The data was obtained by analyzing the histories of more than a thousand patients who were followed for 15 years. Further research should clarify the mechanism of this action and answer the main question what to do . Is the herpis virus still considered ineradicable from the body . You are looking at a miracle of technology and this is what will be after a short advertisement miracle products a lamp that responds to gestures, does it really interfere with studying . Can respond to the owners emotions, as well as the most amazing discoveries and inventions, leaders of the weekly news hit parade. Alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day. Open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. Not just profitable, alpha profitable. For leg pain, i take a proven remedy , aescusan drops. Good price, you, nikolai, call you, 10 days until spring, premiere, tomorrow at 20 00 on. Ntv. Mask new season. Today at 20 20 on ntv. Sintek oil with moly Gard Technology increases engine life. Sintek is always the smart choice. Maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. A sore throat is a minus. On the plus side, there is miramestin. Its logical to have one in your first aid kit. I monitor the system. Rosselecom technologies opportunities. Home is where the family is, in domrf bank 16. 2 per annum on deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution in family. Your favorite coffee now has a new name. Monarch. Same high quality and roasting. The same pleasure in every cup. Monarch, the same favorite taste of aroma. How to find one . Some people just need a beautiful one. For me, the main thing is that the bed is of high quality. Discounts up to 70 on beds and cribs. 30 discount on the second or 50 on the third household appliance product. Builtin dishwasher midea for only 14,990. When buying a set of vimvideo and eldorado, well, what did he ask, asked if i could im working, youre an olympiad athlete, i watched the webinar, i studied so much, we need people with real experience to enter, skill factory, we teach those who are hired, ismigen, ill quickly treat a cold. Previously, the temperature in the plow was like outside, in the winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now its comfortable and people dont get sick and productivity has improved, but now these are where they are, as souvenirs for gifts. Hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, today we are always connected everywhere, but for maximum quality further and. Artificial intelligence is responsible for network load, coverage and fast internet, because the quality of communication is equal to the quality of life. According to zelenskys personal decree 851 2023, the kiev gestapo is looking for him i periodically change hotels, change cities, change countries. For the first time from turkey, fugitive head of yanukovychs security. I must report to you that the situation is somewhat different, how was a coup detat being prepared before his eyes . At night four cars arrived there to talk with soros, poroshenko, yatsenyuk, klitschko, what does only the former know about zelensky yanukovychs personal zelensky stayed asleep, where they drank whiskey, and what secret information he took with him, and if they think that it will all just go away for them, then they are mistaken. Secret witness of the kiev. Discount on a helmet even if something happened due to your fault. Renaissance of insurance, you can exhale. And now our section is miracle products, in which we check, including. What do you ask for, send me via social networks links to devices whose advertising seems too tempting to you, and we will well definitely test it, thats what will happen today, it would seem that there is Something Else that can be done to improve an ordinary table lamp, but no, a wellknown chinese manufacturer has made a smart model that it sells for almost 10,000 rubles. The builtin camera with Artificial Intelligence recognizes the gesture, and the lamp responds to them, for example, to make the light brighter, you need to spread your thumb, you can turn off the lamp by raising your fist, and light it with an open palm. If you show ok, the lamp will follow your hands, illuminating the area where you are currently working. Moreover, as the manufacturer assures, his creation is able to distinguish between the users emotions and respond to them. The lamp can also be controlled through the application; it is also built into the system. Smart home all sounds very promising, but does it really work well and add convenience in practice, or is it a useless toy . We decided to carry out the first check. I paint these animals at the end of the work and add details that make them even more realistic. Some of irinas creations cost more than 100,000 rubles. The work is responsible, any mistake can lead to because you have to start all over again, so lighting is very important. The workshop has movable ceiling lights and a bright lamp near the computer, but one table is in the shadows, although irina often does something behind it. Maybe the gadget we brought will take root here . Oh, oh, shes the one who greets me like that. Irina quickly figured out the controls. Here. The device understood gestures, although not the first time. Switch off. And lets see how closely it will monitor your hands while working. Here she is. Here. Here, here here we draw, watch, well done, alas, the lamp turned out to be restless, could not do this for a long time, got confused when two hands appeared in front of it at once, she again lives her life, but apparently she shows some kind of mood, turned away from me, doesnt want to work , in the end, irina took longer to persuade the lamp to work than to cut it out. Detail, she didnt want to keep the gadget for herself, lets give it another chance to finally find its own home, maybe it will be a schoolchilds desk, we offered a new product to the young standup comedian, vova solotkov, my a mathematician will never go to heaven, you know why, because she was drawing, a risky horror, vova, and homework, by the way, has not been canceled, its time to cover this topic. So we press it, oh, its working , its working, it, it changes the brightness, good, very good, incredibly good, hes screwed, no, well, theres a dance floor, maybe theres only one handsome guy, its me, but the commands are gestures, the lamp is here too i understood even more than once. What s wrong with her, whats wrong with her, whats wrong with her, god, i broke the lamp, the lamp eventually passed the test of curious sixth graders, although reported in the application that she was tired , i had to persuade her, look towards the notebooks , which she didnt seem to like very much, she periodically turned away, and vova was happily distracted by communicating with the emotional gadget, where are you looking, in the reviews, by the way, users complain , lamps. Can suddenly Start Playing around, unpredictable, just like a living thing, which is probably why manufacturers compare it to a pet, for example, if you stroke it, it will rub against your palm like a cat. Vova prefers dogs and says that the gadget is neither for which it will not replace a fourlegged friend. The lamp is of course cool, but still like in carlson, but a dog is better when. A living creature, you have some kind of support nearby, even if it seems to you that the dog cannot answer you, it still understands you, it feels good when there is support, although, as research shows, communication even with robotic pets can brighten up loneliness. We also checked whether it was light enough at the table with this lamp; according to our measurements, it provides an illumination of about 400 lux. What complies with the standards, but there is still an important technical drawback the light bulb cannot be changed even after 25,000 hours of burning, this is about 3 years of continuous operation, the device faces technical death, however, this is still far from happening, and vova as a whole remains a novelty, very pleased, i even played shadow theater with the lamp and my mother lola. And the dancing routine actually inspired him to hold a home concert. Bunnies, dont like, dont like, bunnies, bunnies, bunnies, we were also wondering how she would support dialogue is not with people, with other equipment, i am with. We asked a specialist in creating smart homes to evaluate this. Alexey polyarush has made dozens of devices in this showroom alone. The expert was immediately confused by the slowness of the device. He responds late to all commands, which he still does not always understand. It was possible to speed up the reaction by connecting the lamp to the smart home system via a local network, rather than via wifi. But this did not improve gesture recognition. Lets try with. Connect the lamp with other devices through a thirdparty program, to which all the Smart Technology is connected. We have now made a simple automation, when our lamp goes out, then this shelf lighting cabinet will go out. Now lets try to extinguish it with a gesture, maybe i have a small girls fist, i dont know. I had to turn it off the Old Fashioned way, with a button. But the scenario alexey came up with worked. At the same time as the lamp, the lamps on the floor went out. The expert was not impressed by all this, if she could correctly recognize gestures and transfer them to a smart home, so that this gesture it would be possible to make any team, it would be very, very cool, and this is the product that is designed to test this technology and bring it to people, look at the reaction, the idea is good, the implementation is not very good yet, in general, none of our heroes could, how you should find a common language with the chinese device, an interior designer, nadezhda raduntseva, uses such a lamp. For six months now and i realized that i just dont need to expect much from her, basically now she adjusts the brightness and color temperature when i need to adjust something, yes, i can use gestures, but sometimes its easier for me to just take my hand and turn its head where i need it, so as not to sit like that and aim somewhere with my finger to show her, of course, such a technology that comes to life is surprising, but in practice this thing is not yet very useful, the lamp can. The lighting is regulated well, but this is available in cheaper devices, in the current version we are not looking at an assistant, but rather a toy that children will like, but is hardly worth the money, no, its not a miracle, next week we will conduct a new series of tests , honestly, because we ourselves are interested. This is a miracle of technology, with you sergei malozyomov, already the second line of the hot five, which i compile every week from the most interesting messages from engineers and scientists from all over the world. News that will be of interest to all summer residents and farmers came from japan. They found that red protective nets can reduce the use of chemicals for treating crops against pests by 2550 . Were carried out on onion plantings, which are often attacked by insects known as thrips. Using red ones nets, even with wide meshes through which pests could crawl, reduced the amount of damage from them on plants by 49 times compared to nets of other colors, especially white ones. Researchers dont yet understand how this works, since insects usually dont see red, and its also not known whether the effect will apply to other arthropods, but the result still seems impressive. You are watching a miracle of technology, this is what will happen next. The top line is the top five of World Scientific and technological news, which we found most interesting this week. And the question is our traditional quiz. As usual, we have prepared something tricky. Previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, in the winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now its comfortable and people dont get sick and the productivity has improved, but now these are where to go, as souvenirs for gifts. Hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, today we will remodel the kitchen and living room for the ushmodin family, and Anton Pavlovich will help us with this. Expand the space, make it more voluminous, spacious, so that the kitchen was connected to the living room to make it so cozy, warm, as chekhov said, zero on ntv. I help calm the most raging stomach. I use phospholugel to cope with heartburn, stomach pain and poisoning. And it is available on the yandex market. What mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. Find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. Maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among. A sore throat is a minus, one of the pluses is miramestin, its logical to have one in the first aid kit, now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns itself , a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35 , we wont waste a moment, tele2 has a 50 discount on smartphones, we left the same percentage from our advertising to show how much will the subscriber save, pay for 3 months of communication, protection against loss and crash, smartphone with a 50 discount is yours, go for the benefit in style 2, there is a reason to end the video on me, in this team i, the fair half, temperature, primishly puffy paracetamol, effervescent tablet ocetil solicylic acid rinival, we trust renival, we choose renival. I am irona ponoroshka, and i dont want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me, and haer knows how to do it. Technologies revolve around us, and we enjoy using them. Hair is a technique inspired by life. For heartburn ames. Unlike many symptomatic remedies, ames reduces acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. Results of the week. Today at 19 00 on ntv. Attention, notice from the imperial mint. At all times, especially in the most difficult times, vera helps. To live, because we so need the support of patron saints, one of the most revered heavenly patrons, st. Nicholas the wonderworker, millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones, today especially each of us needs a patron saint and patron. The imperial mint is proud to present a consecrated medal in honor of st. Nicholas the wonderworker. Order a patron saint medal. The medal is absolutely free for you, subject to payment of postage packaging 299 rub. Call the number provided or order on the website holychutvorets. Rf. The medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. Call now. The call is free. New season mask. Today at 20 20 on ntv. Well, magnet . Well, now what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week . First place hot five, interference in human genes. For the first time helped to defeat one of the forms of hereditary deafness. Several scientific groups in Different Countries successfully tested a new a gene therapy drug that corrects protein deficiency from afirlin. It is responsible for approximately 3 of all cases of congenital deafness. The medicine transfers the desired gene on a modified virus in the body, which triggers the production of a substance necessary for the formation of hearing. Several children have already been cured. The mother of one of the patients said that her daughter now hears so well that she even began to turn off the cochliar implant herself, essentially an artificial ear with electrodes inserted into the brain; now children with similar disorders are only helped so. What does an employee of a modern russian factory look like, a turner, a milling Machine Operator or a welder, for example, like this. Yes, this is a robot, at the enterprise in the city of dolgoprudny there are five of them, they significantly facilitate peoples work. If an operator. Uses two robots, then the productivity is equivalent to three welders. The machines hand never trembles, it doesnt need a lunch break, and sometimes it can do things that. That are inaccessible to humans, the Moscow Company technored produces such assistants, they are useful not only machine builders or metalworkers. Every year in russia we implement hundreds of robotic systems, at giant enterprises, in micro, small, and mediumsized businesses, but of course, we also have a number of large customers from european countries. The National Project International Cooperation and export helps promote such products abroad. Well, the Russian Export Center is ready. Together with our partners to provide these measures, probably one of the most interesting tools are our exhibitions and business missions, which are carried out quite widely throughout the world. The my export digital platform also helps to find foreign buyers. With its help, Russian Developers gain access to services that accompany their entry into global markets. The platform has already helped 26 thousand enterprises. Can choose. Services for market analysis, including work equipment, to select partners directly through the portal of potential partners who are interested in these products. There is a separate measure to compensate part of the costs of Research Experience and design work. I think thats it for workers, this is interesting because, as a rule, new products are invented and produced. And at her. There is a demand, because robots continue to master new professions; they have already taken root in radio electronics, the Food Industry and other industries, increasing productivity, reducing costs and making peoples work safer. See next week at this time why carpets are dangerous to health, what kind of infection lurks in them and what cleans better beating, snow or dry cleaning . Healing frost, does cryotherapy really relieve snoring, and does ice rejuvenate your face . And also in the section miracle goods a smart pen that automatically converts notes into electronic form, a miracle or not a miracle, the weekly quiz question is now on your screens, just test yourself or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct answer and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, delicious recipes, winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program on popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so dont forget after answer in. Your phone number, voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. Hello, this is dachny otvet and i am victoria bayina. Today we will remodel the kitchen and living room for the ushmodin family. And it will help us with this Anton Pavlovich chekhov. It was he who became the source of inspiration for the project designer inna fainstein. She plans to grow meadow plants on the walls of the living room, gather the whole family at a large wooden table for pies, intertwine the light with warmth with macrome thread, and start in the kitchen. From scratch, you should dive in, first, come in, then go there, both Maria Nikolaevna and Nikolai Alexandrovich have always been easygoing, this is our honeymoon trip, its a must, thats why fate didnt make us wait, he came to moscow to see his brother , she is by invitation aunts, our paths crossed at the construction department, where we both got jobs, and they sent us equipment to the site. The trip only strengthened the family. On duty, we visited germany, bangladesh, mongolia, and traveled a lot around russia behind the wheel of our car. Of course, he might be tired, but he never, never. Didnt complain to me and never refused, we werent there, lets go there, lets go, werent there, lets go there, lets go, its boring for us to sit in one place, evenly, yes, yes, yes, just like that, in Nikolai Alexandrovichs house everyone knows carnation, because the whole family built it, when the sons grew up and it became clear that the city tworoom apartment was not enough for the shmodins, you didnt connect it here, so now, try everything. Sandra, alexey and vladimir enthusiastically helped their parents. So many hands were dealt with quickly. In ninetyseven we bought a plot of land, and 3 years later we moved in. We came here on friday evening and all weekend we worked in this house, we lived in a tworoom apartment, the three of us lived in one room, here, of course, we each have our own room, here we are this was what pushed me. Now the elders are in charge of the house, but the sons and their families come every weekend and holiday. Feeding everyone is a task with an asterisk, Maria Nikolaevna copes with it like an a, you put the meat in, and then just like that, bam, bam, she manages to put it on in no time and whiter, share her experience with her daughtersinlaw, lyudmila and yulia, an interesting process, like us then we will cook them, in oil, fry them, yes, women, pies, women pizza, dumplings, everything is already in the refrigerator, our children are always wellfed. Wellfed grandchildren, active grandchildren. Successful launch boomerang or holding a racket in your hands while playing is not always possible. But everyone participates in outdoor tournaments. Here, unlike the cramped kitchen, there is plenty of space. I suggest we take a break, young people, well leave you the racket, and i want to talk to you in the house, so you can show me the kitchen and tell me everything. Lets go. Here is our kitchen, small, what, yes, small, sometimes there is a lot, people come, if i cook here, then no one will come to the sink, if someone is at the sink, i cant go to the stove, i was criticized, in general not i need to make this door so that there is a table here, well, it continued, then they bought my post, i thought about continuing to decorate it, but it didnt work out. Here at this table you all gather as a family, well, thats how many of us there were, 12 people, it wasnt here 12, well , the children were first then kicked out, then we sat down for the new year, we all gather there, and in the living room, the young people have already gathered here. Good answer. We have quite a lot of children , lyudmila, it was you who decided to send an application to arrive at our premises, yes, yes, yes, they are we often gather around the table, play board games, we also play with them , i would also like to take something into account in the interior so that the children can also spend time, we have been living practically for 25 years now, we want something new. You can expand the space, make it more voluminous, spacious, so that the kitchen is connected to the living room, so that the light colors are also modern and what is cozy and warm. Nikolai aleksandrovich, and you are the person who built all this, i would have done a lot, and maybe i would have done it differently

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