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More, nonsense or words of intent. The collected intelligence is subsequently distributed throughout nato countries. Erase it immediately. Artificial intelligence is resurrecting the dead and taking bread from artists. Is it possible to drive this emerging monster into the framework of law and morality . Welcome to horror. Watch it now. Hello, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we again have to start reporting on the next attacks on the russian regions bordering ukraine, again there were attempts by kiev terrorists to drop various aircraft into our territory, the head of the Belgorod Region vyacheslav glodkov this morning reported an emergency at an infrastructure facility. Here is a quote, it happened in the gubkinsky district, in general it must be said that in the Belgorod Region in two districts a missile attack was announced today, well, lets look at the footage, it is stated that this footage was received from the scene of the incident, a thick column of black smoke, one of the tanks on the territory of the gubkin oil depot is burning, the fire has now been localized, the fire probably broke out as a result of an attack by a ukrainian drone, there has been no official confirmation, Emergency Services are now working on the spot. Also tonight at almost 8 00 blocked traffic on the crimean bridge, residents of kirch wrote on social networks about loud bangs over the city, it was reported that air Defense Systems were working there. And today the pentagon responded to the russian request ryanovosti agency about the possible use of american fifth generation f35 fighters in ukraine. The United States claims that these aircraft are not used in ukraine. Why did this conversation even arise . Because it is. The United States is trying to refute the words of the minister of defense of singapore, who said that American Military aircraft, in particular the f35, are used by the americans to identify our air Defense System in ukraine. The f35 has been used to perform real missions, which is the final ultimate test of any combat platforms. For example, american and british f35s carried out successful strikes against isis in. During recent actions, the United States mobilized its f35s to detect the deployment of russian antiaircraft Missile Systems on ukrainian territory. The collected intelligence is subsequently distributed throughout nato countries. Scandals are not subsiding due to the leak of negotiations between luftwaf officers who discussed how they could more skillfully hit the crimean bridge with taurus missiles. German defense minister Boris Pistorius gave an entire press conference dedicated to this scandal. Said that he very angry, well, its probably noticeable in his face , well, at the same time he explained how it all happened, that secret negotiations were leaked, according to pistorius, the leak of a conversation between german officers was due to an unsecure connection, that is, one of the participants in this call using a mobile network or wifi in the hotel. We are probably talking about Brigadier General frank gref, here he is on your screens, who was in singapore at the time of the conversation. However, as pistorius states, a disciplinary investigation is underway. Regarding all participants this conversation, the discussion itself around the strikes on the crimean bridge, the head of the German Ministry of defense called unclassified, because these conversations have allegedly been going on for more than one month. Doesnt kick, perhaps, only the lazy ones, but the german publication bilt was horrified by the level of conspiracy and secrecy that exists in the bundeswehr, it turned out that the passwords used to encrypt messages from the head of the department, in general, they not only can be hacked, but practically hacked as a child. The reason was the official comment of the German Ministry of defense, the head of the Ministry Defense of Boris Pistorius, regarding the leak, which was posted on the bundeswehr website, access to it could be obtained via an internet link, the link is. Requires entering a password. The press service of the department, as bilt writes, gave a link to the nextcloud resource , where they posted audio recordings of the ministers response to journalists, and the file was protected with a password, which, of course, is impossible to guess 1 2 3 4. In addition, this password was carefully indicated right under the link, then is the next line. As bilt writes, a week ago all this would have been sounded like a joke, but now against the backdrop of the biggest wiretapping scandal in recent years, it looks at least ridiculous. I would. From the territory of ukraine, Andrei Vladimirovich here ruined our really serious conversation, because no one could convince him, because he said that remember, ukraine generally has enough of its own gas and not enough, then i even lost my temper a little and there he demanded from him that he somehow show respect, behave well, well, yes, because well, he took the conversation completely somewhere into debre, while andriy vladimirovich is not here, we will talk about this more seriously, but this is the first reason, the second reason is more expensive, as is the cost of storage, while the volume of russian gas pumped to europe through ukraine is growing in february and reached its maximum. The termination of gas supply contracts will be another shot in the knee and will further accelerate inflation and drive austrian business to a dead end. At the same time, the European Commission decided to completely abandon russian liquefied natural gas. They promise to adopt an official directive on this in april, and apparently, just for this. Extended total savings measures until march 31, 2025, europeans were obliged to consume gases at least 15 less than before the start of the special operation in ukraine. At the same time, the kiev authorities made it clear that they want to maintain transit, but only if brussels itself agrees on this with moscow. European countries, if European Countries act as a consortium or if one of the European Partners acts as a transit country for their gas, we are ready to provide such a service. As they did before, here the initiative is on the side the European Union, our European Partners, this could be the European Commission, a group of European Countries interested in preserving transit. Present as evidence of the difficulties , if they were sitting on the floor, it was possible that arise without western help, so lets go back to gas, which means that georgi valeevich here, there are a lot of characters who can be classified as victims, well, first of all, we , yes, because we sell this gas to our european customers, accordingly we will lose some money, the ukrainians, which naturally. Russia retains its dependence on ukraine, which means russia will not take any tough actions against kiev, then we should, this aunt said, we must get rid of russian gas, but at the same time they are depriving ukraine of the aid that they so unable to provide it in full, once again, yes, the point of maintaining the pipeline until the nwo was for russia to depend on ukraine , and ukraine would have leverage over russia, now, as if for some unknown reason , the nwo is underway, this is dependence. Im betting on this second part , which he said, European Countries , first of all, hungary and hungary slovakia, the country most interested, well, there was a list, but there was austria, that is, the former austrohungarian empire, and so slovakia fico met a month ago with this same shmygal, and he said quietly , he says, but we want, we want to continue gas transit, moreover, fitsa, if, well, i dont want to argue, but i want, ill tell you, that if god wills, he will fly to. So that i pay for transit through your territories, youre not too much, but this is the very thing, no, no, no, no, no, no, you understand, back in the days of the king of peas, when everything was good, everyone made money on transit, and hungary and slovakia earned theirs on transit , besides the fact that they bought russian gas, the bottom line is that the scheme is broken, now the shmygal will fill a glass like this, drink a glass of water, will be silent all autumn, just like that, the slovaks will bother hungary and so on. In fact , someone from the austrian leadership will say, dear europe, are you generally respected or no, which ones are you from, why are you confused , the shores or something, we are austria, we have no more opportunity to buy gas than russian, if they say, we will give it to you now, the americans will bring it in a tank, you know, well, it doesnt work, thats how the belgians want to impose sanctions, but they say we cant live without russian diamonds, and the austrians say we cant live without russian gas, well, we cant, i couldnt, i couldnt, so thats what will happen, but if you try to look in the mirror that this punishment is not for ukraine, conditional punishment for the same slovakia and hungary , which the European Commission wants to say , well, what do you mean, you didnt want, didnt want to coordinate support for ukraine, okay, didnt want to agree on sanctions , okay, sit here without gas, there are several layers here, firstly, from my point of view, this is certainly a fight against russia, this is a fight within the framework of a conflict in which. The Czech Republic is not punished, the Czech Republic is still given its place, europe is still divided into varieties, first, second, third, but the Czech Republic is somewhere second , here slovakia is already perhaps the third there and so on , well, there is one more point here, this is that firstly, of course, the desire to replace russian gas with liquefied natural gas will increase, but at the same time turkey is also strengthening here, because the same russian gas, it will go through turkey, but remember that mr. Fedorov shouted to us here, because it was in that program that andrei vach fedorov spoke turkish. The flows will also be northern, they will blow up all of them, i dont argue that there may be such, by the way, in general, supplies to the deretskim flows there go to another, but our military are also constantly on duty there so that the krovlenoma fleet is not blown up, and the Turkish Military is also there and so on, well, in general, from my point of view, this is a frank attempt to isolate russia by economic means, because of the imports that were once upon a time, as vasily elegantly put it to prince gorokha, it was gigantic. But can i distract you from the gas and generally ask you to take an even broader look, because what is happening now is this, you know, stop feeding ukraine, a feeling, because from different sides kiev is constantly being told listen, this is what we used to give you as charity, this will no longer happen, this is either. Taiwan is quite a rich country. Why dont we do this by providing a favorable loan to all three allies . Let them pay us back when they can, if they can. Us president ial candidate donald trump also believes that money should work and compares ukraine to a young athlete who needs help at the initial stage of his career. But in the future it will become profitable investments. Here he really explained that he made such deals with athletes and gave them money, but only to those who. For all the help that the good poles have already managed to provide, the price of the issue is 100 billion zlotys, which for a second is 25 billion dollars. If we want to be respected, we must bill for our help. The confederation presented such an invoice to ukraine, valued this assistance at 100 billion zlotys, and the confederation will set clear and strict conditions for ukraine. Vladimir viktorovich, there is a feeling that im completely tired of supporting you for thanks, i want after all. Slogans sell very well, but therefore they can be traded ad infinitum, especially since it costs practically nothing, but you will really need to give something more than that, because it is clear that ukraine will not give up these huge billions not next year, not in 200 years, i suspect it wont give it back either, unless of course its some kind of meteorite, this is an awesome country that owes you the death of its life natural resources, that yes to everyone natural resources, politicians who will forever owe, because that if they behave badly, then they will be cut off from the edge, and there is a lot of everything here , well, well, okay, they will refuse the transit of russian gas, this is a billion a year loss for ukraine, even less, 3 billion, different estimates, but now with the transit that exists, there is no more transit for 3 billion, yes, now its 800 million dollars, thats all, and they are promised 50 billion from the European Union, 60 billion from the United States of america, yes, ugh, yes, these are 800. Millions, so its very convenient to plant them now, theyll be around forever are obliged, always must, and give, so you can demand anything, factories, ships, lands, politicians, yes, even though you can give back to the same mobilized people, then the question is, is there a chance, peredon pavlovich, that kiev and the terrorist zelensky will not agree to this, that they will start kicking, listen, you have been giving us everything for 2 years, even more, why do we continue to fight, they will not give these loans, they are temporary workers, they will sit out, and then let, let the country, the people think further about how these loans by the way, we will give until the end we cannot at all assess what kind of Financial Condition current ukraine is in, we dont know how the agreements were concluded, on what terms, how much credit money is there, how much irrevocable money is there, we dont know this, we will find out later, when this regime is in place dismantled, but here it is. Remember, from lisbon to vladivostok, it seems to me that this project actually became, if not the main, but one of the reasons for everything that we witnessed, why, because i see how russia is being attacked, yes through the ukraine project, but not germany is also attacked to a lesser extent, who attacks the british, who left the European Union, i think they did not leave in order to make the European Union stronger, well, they certainly did. Energy resources with modern technologies, this puts at risk, if such an economic unification takes place, then the next question will be, can this economic unification be selfsufficient . The germans understand this, but the question, the question is not just understood, the question is the level of their dependence on the americans, for example, i am firmly convinced that the German National government does not really represent the interests of the german people, it acts in the wake of the policy of the United States, it, it absolutely consistently implements this policy, just as i am convinced that all the leaders from the first to the last in the European Union. Take it, pay, but take it, there is nothing to pay with, thats all, then why, why then are they forced to refuse transit, i mean, and as for transit, i say again, the question is not what ukraine will lose, the question is that stopping transit will cause a collapse in general in ensuring the internal supply of gas to ukraine, this entire system of internal supply and distribution of gas throughout ukraine, it is tied exclusively to the Gas Transportation system, this cannot be done, we will develop options when there will be european gas is stored there, but it is impossible to deliver it, because if transit is stopped , it will be necessary to find an additional 34 billion dollars in order to rebuild it, in order to at least ensure internal gas transit, to provide the territory with everything, you said correctly, i did not declare it open. I think that the ultimate goal, although no one talks about it, is to include ukraine in the Unified Energy System of the European Union. What do you mean why . In fact, the soviet union and. The unity of the soviet republics was built to a very large extent on a Unified Energy System, well, lenin laid this down in guelros plan, thats accordingly. To dismantle this system the inclusion of ukraine in the Unified Energy System of the European Union could give good results. As for excuse me, i will ask you to explain again, to tear you away from russia forever. And what will happen there, where will this result come from, if gas from russia does not flow into this pipe, no, this is the second question, will they restore relations with russia, will they . A short pause and we will continue, the third corpse in 3 months, the first two we of course hid with you, but now everything that you cant see for yourself, the killer is somewhere here, among the prisoners, you will find him for me, im afraid if take off his uniform, just the cops shoulder straps, who would throw a cop into a strict zone . This doesnt happen, give me at least one reason why i should let you live, im the only person you can trust as yourself, theyve already found out about your woodcutter, if they believe it, if they themselves ask you to find this woodcutter, Northern Star on wednesday and thursday at 20 00 on ntv. Gdr final today at 20 00 on ntv. Alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25 cashback. I will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. I am for myself i decided that i shouldnt congratulate my wife on march 8th. More precisely, congratulations, but not only on the eighth. And every day i make it, even if its a small one, a holiday. Make your loved ones happy every march with a discount. 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This is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, lets start with reports from the Supreme Court of the United States, it unanimously ruled in favor of donald trump, allowing him to continue campaigning. The Supreme Court overturned a decision by a Colorado Court that found the expresident participated in insurrection in connection with the attack on the capitol in january 2021. The highest court judges ruled that colorado and other states where trump wanted to cross it out. From the ballots do not have the right to do this, and if anyone should decide questions about trumps admission, it is congress. The Supreme Courts decision is an important victory for trump. Now he can campaign without fear of being disqualified from the race. Trump has already made an official statement, challenged biden to a fair fight and called not to hide behind prosecutors and other people in an attempt to win the election. President biden, first, stop weaponizing judges. And prosecutors, fight your own battles, and dont use judges and prosecutors to harass your opponent in an attempt to hurt him and win the election that way. Our country is much more than that. The main mouthpiece of the democrats, cnn, which is traditionally opposed to trump , reacted to the news from the Supreme Court , surprisingly straightforwardly, he called trumps victory huge, this presenter, his name is jake tapper, was so taken aback that when. He told everyone about it , began to confuse words and pronounced a consonant in english pronunciation of the word rebellion, tried to pronounce it, but pronounced the word erection. There was no explanation, and i liked donald trump. Didnt say that he was involved in an erection and i have to rebel, sorry, i meant to say rebel and i have to say that today i got up at 5 am and i was very tired. Another bad news for the democrats, former us first Lady Michelle obama, who was called the reserve candidate for the presidency, the president , in the event that joe biden becomes completely ill and cannot run, so now she is definitely it is known that she is not going to run for president , her headquarters officially commented on this , while, as. Nbc clarifies instead of president ial ambitions, the former first lady of the United States should focus on actively helping biden during the election race, here Andrei Vladimirovich, your legendary phrase michelle obama, man , thank you, thats it, i just thought that this is what the presenter should think about in the news to say the word er erection, you know, when i make a reservation there instead of the last, first day of spring, i say, first day of winter here this is it, donich, for you . You see, its written with all my heart, the audience from the moskovsky cinema house last friday said, let s continue, like you, van said before the second story, that its like this idea, its taking over more and more minds in the west, that ukrainians must do at least something on their own, yes, yes, yes, and at least pay for something, yes, but this concerns not only the financial side, but also the direct conduct of hostilities, in general, now we will show you here how. At least they will call up some number soldiers, they will be sent as a priority to strengthen these defensive lines. Six months have already passed since the Ukrainian Armed forces miserably failed the summer counteroffensive, but not a day goes by without western journalists rubbing their noses in it. Even argentine newspapers call this the end point of the collapse of the kiev regime. All attempts by washington and london failed due to unprofessional leadership on the ground. The New York Times concluded that. You cant defeat the russian bear in a conventional war, so its better to have an ugly world than such a war. The american taxpayer is not at all obligated to allocate another 100 billion to ukraine, especially since there is significant corruption there. At the same time, the western press is trying to understand what is wrong with the vaunted abrams and leopards. The problem is not considered to be in tanks, but in the ukrainians, who do not take care of them, unlike the United States, which uses tanks in conjunction with infantry aviation, the vsushniki throw western equipment into battle without cover. Forbes gave valuable advice back in the fall do not drive german tanks directly to the positions without infantry support russian army as they come under attack. Artillery, drones or minefields, the conclusion is the Ukrainian Army simply does not know how to fight. And ill add, just a few minutes ago, during a commercial break, vanya and i were sitting there, he opened the computer, Foreign Policy, and he writes, well, a wellknown publication, we quote him quite often, in general, they published material , where they advise Vladimir Zelensky to change it, change his decree banning negotiations, and somehow rewrite it a little, so that. In the first part they talked about denis schmegal , here he is, the Prime Minister said yesterday, he made simply a sensational statement, he made or presented a claim, and the amount was 16 billion euros, and the first was 10 billion for the eu, the second for poland was 6 billion. What is the point . Last year they collected money for ukraine, at first they collected 10 billion on the European Union platform, which was supposed to go to help ukraine, and after some period. In poland they collected 6 billion, and so shmygal said that ukraine received zero , that is, you understand, accusations are coming as if in one one way, i mean, well, this is normal in principle, then the other way, yes, if something doesnt work out for you, start each other, thats normal, if we are partners, if ukraine is partners with the west, the west doesnt give money , deceives, throws away, directly takes 16 billion money, if you are such partners, each of whom wants to deceive the other partner. Then this statement from the Washington Post is a serious bell for zelensky personally, when zelensky is told that he was the first European Commissioner to say that zelensky lied or misunderstood something about the supply of shells, but remember, yes, that is, he mixed up, that is, zelensky is inadequate, when washington, when the Washington Post writes in approximately the same pocket that president zelensky is inadequate, that is he does not understand. So, for six months now, they have been poked into the toilet about the fact that they failed the counteroffensive, and how they spent at least six months talking about what a powerful counteroffensive it would be, so they sang defamations to their future selves, how they are developing banners, everyone forgot about this, he said that this is not always the case, look, the fact that defeat is always an orphan is a fact, and indeed. When there is a defeat, ukrainian propaganda blames the west, the Washington Post and other western publications blame ukraine, this is all clear, the main thing is different, none of them says what to do in this situation, there is no clear understanding of the strategy, now we have heard from the publication foren policy that zelensky must solve the problem, because well, because it is obvious that there are no negotiations it will happen even if zelensky risks going against the decision. Verkhovna rada to risk his rating and open the possibility of negotiations with russia, who will talk to him . This is not a solution to the problem , this is a simulation of a solution, none of them, they have a clear understanding of what to do in this situation constructively, how to change everything so that the situation reaches the strategic defeat of russia, in order to somehow ensure the victory of the ukrainian regime or at least not a defeat is an important point, and if zelensky suddenly takes over now, hell read Foreign Policy and opens up the possibility of this . These negotiations, you want to say that moscow will no longer agree to any negotiations with the terrorist zelensky, because in istanbul we still communicated with his representatives, russia cannot openly say that we will not negotiate with zelensky, because this will undermine our international reputation, well, thats a fact, but we can do it in such a way that we set such conditions for negotiations that they will not happen, we have already done this, when the russian president speaks and the russian the minister of Foreign Affairs says that any negotiations will be conducted taking into account. Current territorial realities, that is , simply put, the question of the return of ukraine to its former territories, not only crimea, but also the donbass, is not discussed. And the future of the empire, the premiere, ended without time, i am the daughter of peter, and i will rule, according to its curtains, honor of womens day, a film about great women, march 8 at 15 15 on ntv. Stars, premieres on saturday at 21 20 on ntv. Do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account . Then open an account for. Order more from your Favorite Stores and restaurants and get more chances to win big prizes for yourself and those around you. Sbermarket for any occasion. After winter, you want the power of color, with a free Platinum Credit card. With a bright limited design until the end of march, get free service forever tenkov in rbt stores, touching discounts to make comfort accessible, such as an oasis microwave oven with a volume of 20 liters for 3,990 rubles. 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Write benefit in the ozone search bar, look for different discounts. This is the same hairdryer, the top hairdryer, and also top quality 20 cashback on everything. The hairdryer is equal in function and onization for only. 2. 999 alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25 cashback. I will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, now i will briefly remind you of our plans. On meetings outside the studio, because they are also important for me, i get information from there for thought, a little later i will explain what i mean, which means this week on march 8 i will be in perm, please hurry up, tickets to the gagarin palace of culture are quickly ending, march 16 in ekaterinburg, zheleznodorozhnikov palace of culture, april 3 moscow, magnus locus club, very close here on mira avenue, and april 6 tambov center ivushka, van, now then the news is small, it concerns the next, as i understand it, troubles. For Foreign Agents . Yes, yes, yes, yes, these are initiatives for Foreign Agents, which means that following the ban on advertising of russian brands by Foreign Agents, next week in the lower house they will discuss a ban on the payment of remuneration in everything related to copyright, again for Foreign Agents. The initiator of this new bill was the chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav volodin, he proposes to Pay Attention to the copyright deductions by a Foreign Agent to artists, by a Foreign Agent to writers, by a Foreign Agent to musicians who are abroad. They are engaged in discrediting the russian army, as volodin said, i will quote here, the quote is not short it is unacceptable to feed the scoundrels who sling mud at russia by transferring money to them at the expense of our citizens. End of quote. According to the chairman of the lower house, the ban on advertising by Foreign Agents adopted earlier by deputies, even before it officially came into force, had already brought its first fruits and shown its effectiveness. Here some agents have already rushed to announce that they are either closing theirs. Projects, or dismiss Editorial Staff due to lack of funds, and experts have calculated that Foreign Agents could lose up to 80 of their income; in total, we can talk about a figure of 4 billion rubles. So ill finish with such Foreign Agency news, okay, so now lets move on to our topic, first this epigraph, you remember, yesterday, when i also said hello to you after fridays conversation with our viewers, they noted your. Height about twix the cat, about conductor on the train, do you remember, yes, that means there was one more episode that i didnt tell yesterday, i specially kept it under todays topic, and when i answer questions, they come to my phone, we have such a poster there, phone number , so viewers send their questions or some comments to this number, which means the man writes, he didnt subscribe, but conveys words of gratitude to you, but because in one of your social networks, he didnt indicate this. He came across your next post, which means you supposedly posted a video, and some motorist who was driving down the street without turning on the turn signals, and you wrote, it means fantastic creatures and where they live, you wrote Something Like that, this would be a person who climbed very deep, this was 10 or 15 years ago, when i facebook, in short, to close this topic, this person said that he was ashamed after reading this, and now since then he himself has not done that. Because from time to time he was also there, only it was a little different, fantastic, maybe im doing something now, the main thing is that it was you, the real one, because, for example, i have a huge number of fake social networks, i dont know. Develop this Artificial Intelligence , because otherwise we will lag behind others, but at the same time that it needs to be developed, it needs to be able to control it, let s talk about this today, wont we soon end up together with Ivan Sergeevich in some kind of whirlpool like this, when we get tired of explaining to people that we didnt advise them anything bad and didnt post anything bad on our social networks, lets lets see the story, Neural Networks have learned to literally resurrect from. The dead , journalists from the Bloomberg Agency recently discovered in tiktok an alleged appeal from People Killed by hamas on october 7 in israel. These creepy messages, as it turned out, were generated by Neural Networks after the death of these people; due to user complaints, they were quickly deleted. In january, journalists were frightened by the firstperson account of twoyearold american alice bethguernsey about how she was killed by her own stepfather back in 2009. After the excitement on the networks, videos of children telling stories. Uses digital dead people in the Film Industry and advertising. In American Star wars, a few years ago , the Neural Network Princess Leia was completed ; carrie fisher, who played the role, died 3 years before the completion of the project. And russian Neural Networks revived the soviet actor leonid kuravlev. His character george miloslavsky was moved to modern times to advertise the banks services. The creators of the copies said that the actors descendants gave permission to use the image, and mosfilms copyrights were also taken into account. This Artificial Intelligence intervened. Technically we cant distinguish between a class, but ethically elina yurievna, all these dead people with whom they communicate there seem to cry, well, this is a commercial, to say, a good commercial idea, yes, how to exploit peoples feelings, but its clear that this everything is coming out, to be honest, i thought that you would say that this is satanism and take out a revolver from you today in a commissars jacket and shoot someone, its just commissars jackets. Stupider, at least, yes, because they stop think about the eternal, they will consider that these boundaries are quite passable, that is, this is some kind of experiment on the consciousness of people, well , wait, leave these same ones, and let the dead bury their dead, so a person died, he found peace, some good fellows they took him from a computer company, revived him, and that means hes kind of present with us again, from being used without his permission, there are several exceptions to this right, now we wont go into deep details, but lets say that you are now a living person , have in mind, or already dead too, and that there are no differences there, in article 152. 1 of the civil code it was rather unsuccessfully formulated that after death only the spouse, children and parents can authorize the use of a citizen, in this sense it is not entirely clear what to do, for example, when the children who survived this citizen died. But nevertheless , the issue with the image is relatively well resolved, we can ask one more clarifying question if the artist paints a portrait of, i dont know, Joseph Vissarionovich stalin, this is also where we somehow use the image the leader of the peoples or not , does not speak, but i dont know, are we just talking about moving images now or in general, remember how fimida is depicted, fimida is depicted as a woman with scales, well, there are different ones she is sometimes depicted without a bandage in front of a sword, yes, but if we take the context image that is most convenient for us for this, then each side puts its own arguments on the scales, so it is natural that the plaintiff will, for example, say that the image of stalin was used, and the defendant will bring their arguments, the problem will be interested parties, who on behalf of stalin can now defend his image, this is the question. This is how we feel about this . Well, quite rightly, as a lawyer colleague noted, this is the right to an image, the right to a voice, certain associations, all this was discussed with relatives with children, such consent was obtained and through not so complicated manipulations they were loaded, thank god there is a lot of zhirinovsky speeches, video, audio, that means everything. And in fact, in order to find out how vladimir volshevich felt about this or that issue, we can open this barn book, leaf through, leaf through, find out the answer to this question, or not find out, and if we are not talking about a political leader and the person who is anyway, this is the final story, because the book, you will only read what is written there, and what we are talking about is this certain creature, it does not stop there, it continues to discuss with you. While the Artificial Intelligence system has which simulates a personality, there is no own mechanism of will expression, there is no goal setting, in any case the person asks. From the cinema, because they thought that the train was going to hit them, were just not used to it, well get used to it, theres nothing wrong with there is no such thing, and the fact that people use this for some new experience of communicating with the dead, they are not communicating with the dead, they are communicating with themselves, they are experiencing some sensations of their own, this is perhaps a wonderful type of psychotherapy, with Artificial Intelligence there are actually a lot of threats , much more terrible, that you can face every day, for example, that your employer might install a camera at work and more often than not you spent longer in the toilet, whats wrong with you, or yes, good, great, for example , you have a camera on your tv, and you are watching the message to the federal assembly, and then they call you and Say Something Artificial Intelligence showed that you do not really welcome the decision of the party and the government, you had some sad emotions, this showed Artificial Intelligence for us, this is it problem. Artificial intelligence can build us a concentration camp that we have never seen, and communication with deceased relatives is amazing, really a completely new experience that we as humanity are discovering for ourselves, forward singularity and technologically, well, okay, then lets take advantage of this proposal from alexey sergeevich, and about the already existing possibilities of conversations with the dead, lets move on to something more serious and terrible. Are you nikolai, do you want me on the phone . 10 days until spring, premieres monday at 20 00 on ntv. 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This is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the previous part, somehow we focused more and more on the dead, with the living, in fact, Artificial Intelligence can do the same thing, take our voice, our place the image in some kind of video, absolutely unknown to us in advertising, in pornography, in porn advertising, anywhere, now the authorities, not only of our country, but also european, why are you laughing, you presented a porn advertisement, no, just from you. The spectrum may be the same, but the authorities of our country, but not only our country, are trying to somehow regulate all this so that a person understands how he can protect his right to voice and image. At the beginning of the year , erotic footage of american Singer Taylor Swift spread across social networks; they were completely generated. Artificial intelligence, but not all fans were able to recognize it, the footage gained millions of views in a matter of minutes, and now the star intends sue unknown authors who essentially stole her image. The white house even proposed to come up with a special law. While social Media Companies make their own independent decisions about content management, we believe they have an Important Role to play in enforcing their own rules to prevent the spread of misinformation and intimidation. Nonconsensual considerations of real people. This is not the first time. Stars have complained about elaborate fakes before. So Actress Scarlett Johansson sued the app. Powered by Artificial Intelligence. The actress accused the programs creators of using her name and image in Online Advertising without permission. Tom hanks was outraged by an advertisement for a dental clinic, which he did not know about, and there was a video with a character created by Artificial Intelligence very similar to him. But not always on eroset. Images are stolen from artists, a russian Communication Services company completely legally made a deep fake of the tough nut bruce willis, how much he received for selling his image is not is revealed, but willis himself was extremely pleased. Quote amazing image accuracy. Last year, they decided to test the technology in hollywood, where they decided to entrust the work on scripts and even images of extras to a Neural Network. And then the real actors and scriptwriters rebelled after. 150 days of strike had to be negotiated, but the problem is not only hollywood in russia, acres of dublizh , members of the russian announcers union launched a petition to protect their votes from synthesis fraud, signed a statement tatyana shitova, the voice of yandexs alice and her other colleagues, it all started after the scandal with the stolen voice of actress alena andronova, it was illegally available for any synthesis and was sold on the internet without her consent, and without even knowing it, alena voiced the video. The fact is that now technology is such that it is possible to fake any identity, any person who has ever left their digital trace on the internet, voice messages. This is a serious bank, they should have, they should have protected it then, as i understand it, no, they not only did not protect, they put my voice in the public domain, they began to sell it on any thirdparty resources, where without censorship, even with obscenities, even in the porn industry, anyone could generate anything, and even before this scandal on their landing page, you could go to their website to record a huge amount of text, voice anyone in my voice, so maybe then this is not a complaint against Artificial Intelligence, but against these managers of this bank, which. I realized that i had no one to turn to, that the law does not provide no protection of the voice at all, in principle the voice is almost not reflected in the legislation, because before that there were no mechanisms in principle for falsifying human voices and human personality and. Well, we began to study this, the union of announcers with whom i contacted there, i know that they also studied this topic, talked with their lawyers, and we decided that it is very important to convey the situation that our law is not ready for these changes that will happen, even in this time that has passed since then the moment i posted this video, when for synthesis you need there were many hours and pure materials to now, when for any synthesis a photograph and a couple of minutes of recording are enough, this is already a huge technological leap, that is, essentially now. Its not too late to somehow stop this and really take some measures to protect ourselves, because with the way Artificial Intelligence is getting smarter, there is a feeling that the level of its intelligence is growing much faster than the ways we react, look, you thats right, you talked about this at the very beginning, at the very beginning about. And we actually came with the announcers union to the Federation Council with our proposals , this is one of the things for which, in fact , my video, our petition was created, is to talk about all these legislative problems before all the issues of fraud become so publicly available, we probably didnt have time, because already now, you were talking about the fact that it is possible to synthesize your images, already now scammers on telegram are simply recording video circles of these messages with what they send with a persons face and his voice. Artificial intelligence can be a blessing and maybe the last time when legislators did not keep up with scientific progress was cloning, if i remember correctly, and here and there, one after another, countries began to simply ban or slow down the process for a certain moment, until there wont be some kind of discussion in society about whether we want this, lets pause , i just want to give a few more arguments to make it more clear how serious this thing is. Its time. Pay attention to it, so come on, who was in charge here, cro . Bnd, french. It turns out that either you or nichaev are a traitor . I dont believe. Prove that its not sasha. There may also be students from moscow. And they left their archive there. Everyone is looking for the archive, and sooner or later they will find it. Take him. How are we going to leave . It makes sense. Bdr, final i sincerely wanted peace, that everyone would feel good, today at 20 00 on ntv. Stars, premieres on saturday at 21 20 on ntv. 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A special casing provides additional protection when working in hardtoreach places. The electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. This saws chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. Call and order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. Mask march 8 at 19 25 on ntv. This is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, here i am offered a few more arguments in order to. Make it clearer why this is such an important topic and why it urgently needs to be paid attention to. A chatbot from google was caught outright lying. Users complain that Artificial Intelligence produces politically correct fakes when asking about historical events. So, instead of the white Founding Fathers of america and the first senators, the Neural Network draws blacks, asians and indians. This is what the german nazis looked like in 1943, according to the chatbot. From the reliable ones in these pictures. Looking article, it would be even more difficult to tell that it is fake. In a similar way, if they were built into a convincing Neural Network, it would generate photo chronicles of the blue plague that allegedly raged in the ussr in the seventies. Inexperienced users in the comments took the invention of Artificial Intelligence at face value, until others explained to them that it was a fairy. These shots from the film disasters the day after tomorrow with the symbol of america , the statue of liberty, destroyed by frozen new york 20 years ago, caused russian viewers to destroy Russia National symbols of the country are somehow not accepted, but western programs, using Artificial Intelligence, will now, in a couple of minutes, give any user a destroyed kremlin, a burntout st. Basils cathedral , or a red square covered in grass. Russian. The power of the exploited systems will be able to create alternative material, which , imagine a moment in time, when it can replace absolute reality for the generation that is now entering adulthood, that is, not just an alternative history will be written, but will a story has been written that will refer to facts, artifacts, written. Sources, that is, alexey sergeevich, everything is simulated, the present, the past and the future, well, to begin with, with your permission, one remark, here you say a good phrase, that in in our country it is not customary to destroy National Values ​​on the orders of a cannibal who died 71 years ago, the cathedral of christ the savior was blown up nearby, this is about the question of what different people do, i want to say that we need to get used to it, unfortunately, because those technologies that ivan spoke about today , for example, cloning, cloning requires a huge laboratory, creating nuclear. Weapons requires a network of laboratories, centrifuges, this is all immediately visible, creating weapons also requires some kind of weapons workshop, then we know when weapons are used, ballistic examination, rifling on the barrel there on the bullet and so on, to make a video like this with the kremlin, you just need an ordinary computer that is in your home, you have a gaming video card there, please, everything is generated for you and you can make a cyber Meeting Place for all of us , each person is generated, so the only way to resist this is to use your brains. They were just walking along the road , crossing the road where they were all used to cars , and before people wanted to, but now they walk in the pedestrian crossing, because a car will hit you, you wont be able to pick up the bones, in the same way, this is a skill that everyone will have to acquire, today we cant imagine, what will it look like, its time to adapt, sorry, that means they are needed. Then the rules here are also textbooks, textbooks are needed here , like this and some rules, thats where this artificial database for Artificial Intelligence is, well, ill frolic and ill oppose it a little , after all, people didnt go before, how did anyone get it into their head, horses with bells we also traveled and there might not have been any bones to collect, so returning to the point of singularity, which we are rushing at all times, on horses with a driver, in fact , it must be stated that this is exactly the rabbit with which we began our conversation, and its depth indeed, we have yet to evaluate. To climb there, karin jeanpierre once said that im talking to you , i wont climb into this rabbit bunk, but how can we not climb into it, if i dont know, we wont climb in, and thats it, so that the abyss doesnt peer into you, maybe you shouldnt peer into the abyss, oh , well, look, so that with our singularity we dont really have everything here for the entire 40 or 45 minutes that weve been discussing here, ive been constantly hearing the same thing, Artificial Intelligence this, artificial intellect everything, as if he himself was sitting and plotting against humanity. But on the contrary, can you guarantee that this will never happen . Someday , maybe it will be normal, i cant guarantee anything that wont happen there tomorrow, but today, at the level of technology we are at, in the next, well, lets say, 5 years , it could be up to the thirtieth in the years that remain, lets say the point of singularity is a hypothetical, like a place in time when the speed of Technology Development will be so high. 26 was, the childs body was numb, the body it was cool, but he was moving , showing signs of life, a child wrapped in bags was found in a yard garbage container, he heard either the meowing of a kitten, well, something alive, he went up to the container, opened it, saw the child, thanks to the cameras they managed to find the mother, who calmly threw her son out to die, she calmly goes there , calmly goes back, that she. Its amazing, what kind of person should she be, how is she still breathing, i dont understand, will she really be able to escape punishment, you want to say that grandmother, mother of this women, its her fault that her grandson ended up in the trash heap, yes, i think so, she constantly cut her hair, she constantly took advantage of it, she needs to be given a chance, she needs help, this is beyond the bounds today at 16 45. Do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not Pay Commission on transfers to your personal account . Then open a business account on btb. Ru. A loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive a 2 return in bonuses from ber. Thank you. Hurry up to get a loan with cashback at sbery with prime more profitable. We take loans. Easy to arrange. Alen is again shopping for gifts on marketplaces with a vtb debit card and 25 cashback. I will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. 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Come closer, touch the tv screen with your hand, put your other hand on the place that hurts you, that means the wife comes up to the tv, puts her hand on the screen, the other to her forehead, and stands like that, after a while her husband also comes up to the tv, then hand here, the other hand here in the groin area, she looks like that, says yasha, these are. Programs about healing diseases, and not about resurrecting the dead. It was a Meeting Place that could not be changed. 14 00 weekdays ntv. All the best to you, goodbye. Thank you, under reliable protection, as the pv forces cover our positions and shoot down ukrainian baba yaga drones. On the way to a new life , the renovated zaks building was opened today in mariupol. The allrussian Womens Council opened its doors to active participation in all spheres of life in the country

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