Minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. Hello. Vladimir putin today held a working meeting with Sergei Sobyanin in the kremlin; the mayor of moscow told the president about the socioeconomic situation in the capital, including the development of transport infrastructure. Among the Landmark Projects are the large ring metro line, which was launched a year ago, and the moscow highspeed ​​diameter. Sergei sobyanin also spoke about the record growth in pharmaceutical production, electronics and Automotive Industry in moscow. Nakhit bobaev in more detail i must report to you, vladimirich, despite the actions of enemies, all kinds of sanctions, we have more friends, i dont know about others, but everything is going very well for us. This phrase, spoken by Sergei Sobyanin to the president at the beginning of the report, is like an announcement of the entire conversation. The threats that they are trying to create for us are not empty, and we must keep this in mind. An absolute record in the manufacturing industries, plus almost 23 . There is new industrialization in moscow. In recent years in the city built dozens of plants and factories. Lets say that the production of drugs alone has increased 2 and a half times in 5 years. Moscow is sensitive to the needs of the market, so in the rudnevo industrial park, on behalf of the president , a Federal Center for Unmanned Aircraft systems was opened; it unites leading Russian Developers and manufacturers. I came up with it here. Birds are collected and tested. Electric transport in the capital has long been no longer uncommon. About one and a half thousand electric buses travel around the city. Since the end of the twenty second year, electric cars have been assembled under brand moskvich, but batteries for them are still imported from china. Next year the situation should change dramatically. In the fall, construction of russias first gigafactory for the production of lithium ion batteries began in moscow. The plants capacity is designed to produce 50,000. Batteries per year for various types of transport, from electric cars to electric scooters. And after all, new plants, factories, Research Centers also mean new jobs, and there are more of them in the capital. Total investments under the program stimulating job creation will exceed 1 trillion rubles. The mayor paid special attention in his report to the development of transport infrastructure; the Worlds Largest metro ring was built. The 70 km long bcl has relieved the load on existing stations and shortened them. Stands, meaning traffic jams, now all of moscow flies, including thanks to the moscow highspeed diameter, which connected the north of the city with the southeast and south, 400,000 cars travel along the msd every day. The development of transport, said Sergei Sobyanin, will continue in plans construction of the troitskaya metro line, surface Rail Transport will connect moscow with other cities of central russia. One of the priorities of the capital authorities is the relocation of muscovites from uncomfortable and inferior housing to. New houses under the Renovation Program , more than 150 thousand residents of fivestory buildings have already moved or are now moving. By 2027, it is planned to build comfortable housing for another 350. It demonstrates very high dynamics, many city programs eventually become federal, this applies to, say, moscow electronic school, which is a unified digital educational environment for teachers, students and parents. Mash became the basis for the federal system my school. Usually, when talking about achievements, it is customary to say the first in russia, the best in the country, and so moscow has long been operating in other categories, the first in europe, the best in the world, and the city, according to Sergei Sobyanin. must develop, despite the machinations of enemies. Nakhit babaev, Anna Kiseleva and vyacheslav zubarev, ntv. Su34 fighter bombers attacked enemy stronghold in the krasnolimansk direction. During the attack , powerful fabot bombs were used, equipped with a planning module; they were capable of hitting even reinforced concrete fortifications with maximum precision. In the avdeevsky direction, artillery groups of the center troops struck the enemys fortified area and the accumulation of nationalist equipment, using our fire. Employees conducted at night to hide their movements, well, in the liberated avdeevka itself, russian fighters continue to find enemy equipment, we retreat, the militants abandoned not only small arms, but armored personnel carriers. Ilya lyadvin examined the war trophies. Following the main stronghold in the avdeevka direction, the enemy had already lost the northern and thin swallow. The villages of kiev are suffering colossal losses not only in people, but also in equipment. This american m113 was delivered to our rear by fighters from the center group from the south. Outskirts of avdeevka itself a few days ago. The armored personnel carrier was simply abandoned, although it is in almost perfect condition, only in some places it was slightly cut fragments. This is despite the fact that the vehicle was not used at the front line, it worked like a pumping mortar, which was installed here in an unskilled manner; german engineers did the work. The armored personnel carrier was equipped with 120 western temple mortars, and our technicians replaced it with a soviet gun of the same caliber. Any equipment will be useful at the front. And i do not exclude that in the near future this machine will be used in the interests of the actions of our troops, in the interests of performing quite specific tasks. Moreover, from the technical side this an armored personnel carrier has no value; during the northern military district, our forces have already captured a dozen of these complete vehicles, and some of them were literally dismantled down to screws. Most trophies from the vietnam war, according to russian engineers, besides age, the main problem of the m113 in this conflict is the lack of maneuverability. Cars managed to get stuck in small ones. That is, they had to be pulled into the hands of our fighters in avdeevka, and this turkish armored car kirpi, yes, it had heavier equipment, is now going to so of course the adversary will light a cigarette there. Without the socalled spring thaw, there was more damage than on 113, but the car remained running and was also abandoned, and we basically didnt repair it, but its difficult to understand the dashboard, because everything is not in our language at random , as they say in russian, well, we figured it out. Traveled. According to the fighters, the car has a good engine, but despite its external similarity to our zsts, the brick is much heavier and taller, and because of this, handling suffers. And try this gift from foggy albion our engineers wont have to anymore. This is a pile of scrap metal, most likely a future museum exhibit. This is one of the twenty pinzgaurs provided to kiev by great britain. The car was less fortunate than other captured examples. According to our Intelligence Officers, the enemy on it ran into its own antitank mine, full of explosion. The front axle was torn off. After these trophies, the fighters of the repair battalions in the center group want to work with the famous abrams, these american tanks are already being thrown into battle by the forces of kiev and are being lost, trying to strengthen hastily prepared defense of western avdeevka. Ilya lyadvin and gormichkin, ntv, donbass. The reaction of german politicians to the published recording of a conversation between bundeswehr officers speaks volumes, Sergei Lavrov said today. Speaking at the session of the world Youth Festival, the head of the Russian Foreign ministry emphasized that berlin. The bridge, including ammunition depots, as they discuss among themselves, it does not cause surprise, audio recordings of highranking military personnel. Discusses details of possible sabotage on russian territory, in particular strikes along the crimean bridge with taurus missiles. The material was provided by the editorinchief of arti margarita simanyan. Germany confirmed the authenticity of the recording. Defense minister pistorius called the leak. Quote hybrid attack from russia. Today, the german ambassador to russia Alexander Lambsdorff was summoned to the Foreign Ministry because of this recording, where he spent about an hour. The Uk Conservative Party is facing a serious crisis. Polls predict political collapse for supporters of the current prime minister. Try to fix the situation sunok makes loud statements on Foreign Policy issues, supports israel and demands more and more supplies of weapons to ukraine. In the meantime, the daily mail writes that, according to the kingdoms intelligence, the level of internal terrorist threat has been raised to the maximum due to the situation in the middle east. The authors of the article cite the words of a representative of the London Police it is difficult to remember a more unstable dangerous world. Well, sunok did not fail to take advantage of this, he announced that democracy in the kingdom was under threat. and he will be her protector. What is he is going to do it Elizaveta Gerson found out. Britons were asked whether they would rather share a kebab with the leader of the labor party or the conservatives . It is symbolic that the dish chosen for the survey was not traditionally english, not fish chips, but an emigrant one. After all, the issues currently tearing British Society apart are related to matters outside the home, such as attitudes to migration and the crisis in the middle east. The people said they would rather dine with the labor leader. New british mp George Galloway wants to become with a separate head and a separate hat, he created the leadership of the British Workers Party and won the preelection elections in rochdale in a predominantly muslim area in the north of england. Galoi says that the british. A choice of two traditional political courses conservatives or labourists, he broke away from labor 20 years ago because of their bombing of iraq and now galoi has beaten the labourist candidate, as well as from all the others combined, he addressed the leader of his former party, keir starmer, as follows keir starmer, this is for your gas, you paid and you will also pay in full for the role you played in encouraging and covering up the catastrophe that is currently occurring in occupied palestine. In the gas sector. Labor has traditionally supported palestine, but now party leader starmer does not. The British Parliament never adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. Home secretary cleverly is considering how to crack down on propalestinian rallies. They are on in britain every weekend on october 7th. According to cleverly, the protesters have already spoken and enough. Sunok warned that such marches lead to lawlessness and that candidates like galloway would win. Islamists. Speaker of the house of commons lynsey hoyle has warned of a threat to british politics from the far right. Three women deputies were assigned security because of fears for their lives. I remembered the story of three years ago. In 1921, radical harbi ali assassinated conservative mp david ames. Ali indicated the following reason for the murder. Deputy amis voted for striking syria and was a member of the society. There are 650 deputies in parliament, but this one does not support the proamerican position of either the ruling party or the opposition, he also hosted his program on the arti tv channel, which is british. The authorities banned, yes, there is no war alone in the field, but geloway promises by the end of the year bring 50 of their likeminded people to parliament, so that a crack has appeared in the english wall, which most firmly supports american interests in europe, as english publications write. Elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and valeria polukhina, ntv television company, london. The European Commission fined apple almost 2 billion euros. Next on the air is business news, with us denis tolalayev, denis. Why such an impressive fine . For behavior on the music market . The European Commission fined apple 1. 840 Million Euros, finding it guilty of abusing its dominant market position in the music streaming application apple music. This was announced by Deputy President of the European Commission margaret vestager. According to her, apple illegally limited the ability of developers to inform users what kind of music outside the ecosystem. As they say to the consumer. The amount of 1,800 Million Euros is the third ever antitrust fine in the united europe. Google was fined 4. 300 million. The Music Streaming Service spotify filed a complaint against apple 5 years ago. Bitcoin today reached a twoyear high, breaking the 65,000 mark. Only. Over the last 24 hours it has grown by 5 , since the beginning of the year by 50, and this week, according to forecasts , it may break the historical record of 69,000. The main merit in so quickly, so stormy cryptocurrency growth is a decision of the us securities and exchange commission. In january, it allowed spot exchangetraded funds for bitcoin. In other words, investors can now invest in bitcoin directly, rather than in some contracts tied to the value of bitcoin. And invest in this cryptocurrency. Investors can follow a very simple procedure, without even opening a crypto wallet, which obviously attracts a large mass of nonprofessional investors to bitcoin. Also, the demand for bitcoin is fueled by the upcoming halving in april. This is a technical update after which it becomes more difficult to mine bitcoins. The bitcoin generation algorithm is designed so that their number cannot exceed 21 million units. The japanese nike stock index exceeded 40,000 points for the first time. Obviously. Investors received optimism from overseas; the american s p500 and nazdak indices also set new records on friday. The russian stock market also continues to grow. Investors continue to celebrate that there was nothing critical in the latest round of sanctions. The dollar is now becoming cheaper compared to other currencies, the ruble is worth 91. 38 at these minutes. Here , investors are waiting for new us statistics this week, which may indicate when the Us Federal Reserve will begin to decline. They want to transfer the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant of businessman yuri antipov to rostec. Rbc learned from its sources that the government began to discuss the prospects of chmk. In february, the Court Granted the claim of the Prosecutor Generals Office to recognize the illegal privatization of three plants of the Industrial Group of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant back in nineties and decided to return them to the state. The Prosecutor Generals Office indicated that these enterprises are larger. In the country for the production of ferroalloys, which are needed for the production of steel for military equipment and shells. As rbcs interlocutors note, the current working scheme for transferring assets to the state looks like this a blocking stake of 25 goes to rostec, and the remaining 75 , as rbc sources formulate, goes to the most effective investorpartner. Moreover, Vladimir Putin stated that some of the chelyabinsk metallurgical plants facilities are hazardous production and should be move outside the city limits, according to estimates. Experts interviewed by rbc, this could cost from 200 to 400 billion rubles and take from 4 to 7 years. Last fall, also following the search of the Prosecutor Generals Office, the court recovered in favor of the state 94 of the shares of metrax chemicals, one of the largest producers of formalin and methanol in russia. And in midfebruary of this year , it became known that the Prosecutor Generals Office was demanding that the ivanovo heavy machine tool plant, which was privatized in the nineties, be returned to the state. Ilya is all about economics. Thank you, denis tovalayev, for your economic review. Ntv viewers in the capital. Next up is the release of the program today in moscow. And we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. Trade turnover between russia and kazakhstan last year exceeded 25 rubles, breaking the 2022 record. About this today in negotiations with my kazakh. Kazakhstan and despite the turbulence in the global economy, countries are strengthening countries are strengthening. Close cooperation, the importance of partnership is confirmed by the fact that its the new head of the government of kazakhstan made his first foreign trip to russia; i am confident that russia and kazakhstan have enormous potential for interaction in the field of transport and logistics infrastructure; we are connected by the longest land border in the world, more than 7,500 km. The most important transit routes pass through the territories of our countries. Eurasia, and of course, we pay special attention to the development of the international northsouth corridor, its eastern transcaspian routes, i am convinced that in the future it will become such a Global Transport artery in the interests of all states of the eurasian region, on the russian side, mishustin also noted that branches of several russian universities are successfully operating in kazakhstan, over 60 thousand students from the republic study in russia, special thanks. Online services for public transport schedules, available only to residents of a number of Large Russian cities, can now be used by passengers in all localities of our country. A unified state digital platform has been created in russia transport monitoring. With the help of its data , regions will be able, without creating additional infrastructure, to create their own mobile applications, where they can, for example, monitor transport on the route in real time. As they have already started testing the system in the region, aleksandrevich knows, you see an example of the operation of a realtime dispatch system in veliky novgorod. All transport at a glance and testing of the federal navigation Information System begins in the novgorod region, in this year they plan to connect five regions to it, next 20 more. Moscow is an example to others; science in the capital and a number of Large Russian cities is already successfully operating online forecast services. Public transport to bus stops, and this is very convenient, because even without a smartphone you can always find out when exactly your bus will arrive, thanks to the federal navigation Information System, the ability to launch your mobile applications or relay information to such electronic displays of smart stops, all regions will receive, without creating their own local infrastructure, which means that the subject of the federation. Will have to invest additional money and subsequently increase fares for public transport. Technology, its not new, the question is that moscow is a rich entity that can afford all the innovations, and for some entities these are serious costs, so that the entity does not bear these costs, we give down on gostekh, which is free replicates it later for each region russia, including new ones. All work with interfaces and functional blocks necessary to transfer the system to a Digital State one. The gostekh platform should be completed by the summer, subsequently taxis and corsharing and even small vessels will be integrated into the system, and now, in addition to monitoring public transport, you can monitor the movement of ambulances in real time, the decision to dispatch one or another ambulance is made by a person, in the future, this system will be able to work in a more automated mode, that is, using Artificial Intelligence will build the optimal route and thus potentially save money will occur. In the field of Digital Technologies of navigation systems. Already now, most vehicles have these sensors, yes, these are satellite navigation equipment and there is a large, as it specialists call a zoo of all kinds of systems, in half of the cases this is a foreign solution. Our task, as i said, is to replace imports seamlessly, because so that the regions. Do not feel this in any way both carriers and citizens did not feel it in their pockets. By increasing the efficiency of transport management, according to experts, it will be possible to reduce logistics costs by 2030 and quickly change the vehicle fleet. In addition, fnis is a new opportunity for the mass introduction of Unmanned Aircraft in a variety of industries in the novgorod region, where testing of the system began today, cargo drones are already connected to it. Spy intrigues, what real stories and events formed the basis of the gdr series, now she will appear. Well, whats there . A card that earns itself. Gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35 . This is a surprise nazon sale. Will you manage to surprise . Incredible discounts do not miss and now a powerful handheld steamer timberg for 3,099 rubles. Buy mia kara bed linen with discounts of up to 75 . We re going on vacation. And were going. Third year, so open a savings bank vtb. 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Here with the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16 per annum in Sberbank Sberbank with prime is more profitable, find out your Credit Rating on the compare website or in the application, its free, take a look , are you in arrears and has anyone taken out a loan in your name . Your Credit History is under control, perhaps your credit. History is better than you think, compare, the stars are on your side, premiere on march 9 at 21 20 on ntv. This is the program today, we continue our release. Moscow is always open to dialogue if it is proposed seriously for a long time, Sergei Lavrov stated this, speaking at a Panel Discussion of the world Youth Festival, where the minister. The International Festival on the Federal Territory of sirius brought together representatives from almost all countries; every day the Program Includes hundreds of events, from meetings with politicians before concerts. And fairs. Rastislav skidan visited the sites. Dear passengers and guests of vfm international airport. This airport offers the longest layover in the world 5 days. And 20 thousand passengers from 190 countries are only too happy about this. The organizers of the world Youth Festival are confident that the airport is the best place for new acquaintances and experiences. This is how sirius got its own air harbor of the future. Without a runway, but with advanced infrastructure. There are dozens of educational pavilions, congress halls, art galleries. In the International Departures area, there are exhibitions about art, sports, travel, and a terminal for domestic flights about russia. Citizenship, customs declarations, and documents are of no interest to anyone here. During the festival, all participants have a Single International passport, and in order to obtain, for example, a visa to the chelyabinsk region, if there is one, you need to correctly answer three questions about the region. And ill take advantage of my official position and ask for a visa. Travel several kilometers and end up at soul of russia square is the center of the city of the youth of the world with New Buildings specially built for the festival, these are exhibition pavilions and music stages and olympic venues that have undergone a slight reconstruction, for example, the ice palace is now a large center for International Trade in art youth. There is dancing and music at the arab bazaar, coreligionists from iraq and mauritania clearly do not expect big profits, but neighbors from the middle kingdom are restrained. They artistically offer to buy trinkets, like these magic wands. The currency of this International Market russian ruble, prices are affordable, despite the sometimes difficult logistics, cesario pimental brought these homemade lamps from peru, i had to shell out a couple of tshirts, the artisan jokes. This keychain with a peruvian deity in the form of a knife will cost, can i pay . Rastislavsky, denmark orevzhanov, pavel velkovsky, sergei tashchiev, ntv television company. Sirius, city of the worlds youth. The final episode of one of the most talked about series of the gdr season is airing on ntv. The exciting spy drama unfolds against the backdrop of turning points for countries of political events. Soviet Intelligence Officer alexander nichaev goes to berlin to obtain a secret archive there. The plot is based on real stories. For example. Yeltsin among themselves, they are all built on real things, of which there are a lot of references to this, but as they talked about it, it was our artistic assumption, the real background in the image of jack evann. And a group of underground fighters who carry out sabotage in west berlin, a reference to german radicals, who are still wanted by the german intelligence services, just last year week it became known about the arrest of one of these terrorists, who had been hiding for 30 years, she is associated with. Several terrorist attacks are in the series and an episode from dresdon based on real events, where after the fall of the berlin wall the crowd first occupied the local branch of the steisi, and then came to the building of the ussr kgb residency, behind the archives of the special services, where at that moment they were hastily destroying operational documentation related to intelligence agents. Stop the crowd. Maybe this is a holiday for you, but that doesnt mean you need to rush in here all the time thunder. If you actually look at the character who was in dresdon, he has a scene where he practices judo, and he watches the scenes on video and trains, that is, in fact, we hinted at this anyway, but i repeat, we didnt say this anywhere directly, after all, his first and last names are different , so you can read it this way, you can read it that way, but no, there is another point, also so interesting, he once mentioned that i would leave for leningrad. A ghost hunt from which the creators of the gdr series drew there are many interesting facts, including about the archive of wolf, the former head of the stasi foreign intelligence service. And wolf is being watched by several western intelligence agencies. What are they hoping for . They are looking for wolfs archive. The archive existed, several intelligence agencies were hunting for it, well, first of all, that means. The cia and we, well, his fate so far, but we dont know where he is. As for the image of the main character, agent nichaev, it is collective, but there really were such patriots who entered into a contract with their homeland, as well as traitors. Will it be possible agent nichaev to track down the mole, get the archive and save love, we learn from the new episodes on ntv. Inna osipov, ulyana talpa, ivan ozerov, ntv television company. Well, now about the weather in the Capital Region today it is sunny, a slight plus, but its freezing at night , Irina Polyakova will tell us what will happen next, contact us from the meteorological studio. Irin, will this spring weather continue in the near future . Absolutely not, we are waiting for a colder stage, because winter has not said everything yet. Clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with visol. Only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. Avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. Do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies . Try replacing them with avisol. Only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. Avisol and valar are number one for cleansing the liver. So, its not a shame, but spring, having begun earlier than expected, from its seemingly rightful place, is now leaving. So i will talk about winter plans. Already today it has become noticeably colder in the north of saktyvkari, and ill show you whats next. Here. This one is cold the stage is fleeting, in the northwest it is even less intense, not at all persistent, but against the backdrop of sundays recordbreaking heat, it is noticeable, and the Central Regions will open brighter for a new good. A designated portion of fresh arctic air, usually such penetration is accompanied by precipitation, but in our case , high atmospheric pressure will reduce it to small stages, and not from the center to the middle volga. There will be some precipitation so far only in the mountains, and the temperature will hardly change for now, the key word is for now, because here too there are plans for cold weather is also relevant due to bad weather. About capitals after a break. It was a Weather Forecast for a country where the sun never sets, only here. In a large country in the world , an online bank could appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients. Tenkov. Tinkov 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. In st. Petersburg tomorrow there will be no precipitation and during the day it will no longer be above zero, in moscow too. Further minus both at night and during the day and. The coldest will most likely be thursday. Thank you, this was the Weather Forecast from Irina Polyakova. Were at it for now thats it, go to ntv. Ru, see you. 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