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Deputies want to outlaw magicians, healers and fortune tellers, why did all previous initiatives become a curse for the state duma . Guys, stop, it will be worse for you, believe me, watch it right now. Hello, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin. My colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, well, right after our birthday another wonderful holiday came, the first day of the calendar winter, with which we welcome you, spring, spring, its time to rest, the real russian spring, the real one, well, how is it, who survived 3 months, and according to the campaign of the fourth month, its time to run for president of the United States, and andrei vladimirovich, of course you are not missing the moment, but just wait, we remember that you are today they should bring us a certificate, i even saw it. From afar , so dont rush yet, the one who laughs last laughs best, well, jokes are jokes, holidays are holidays, no one canceled work, not for us, not for anyone there was none, including for our special services, and we will now show you the footage that was distributed today by the federal Security Service of our country is actually the detention of two attackers, or rather its like that, one attacker and one attacker, who were planning to carry out terrorist acts in the territory of crimea, lets take a look. What kind of plans were there, one of the detainees was a 40yearold man, he is a russian citizen, a native of simferopol, it is reported that he intended to commit a terrorist attack on one of the crimean transport facilities , helped ukrainian saboteurs carry out blowing up a railway in the simferopol region, this was in may last year, during searches they found a radiocontrolled homemade explosive device with destructive elements, electric detonators, foreignmade explosives in. She was born in the eightysixth year, she has dual citizenship of our country and ukraine, during interrogation, admitted that she was preparing a terrorist attack against a black sea serviceman , so the second detainee was a woman from the navy. In july of twentythree, an sbu officer contacted me, who introduced himself as anton and proposed. Cooperation, on his instructions i had to establish surveillance of a serviceman of the black sea fleet, establish his daily routine, what car he drives, his position, so for his further liquidation. Chief artie also shared extremely interesting information from her comrades in uniform this morning, and it was in her hands to. Be connected with the targets that this system hits. Scholz said these words in german soldiers under no circumstances should monday, explaining to journalists why he against the supply of german tauras missiles to ukraine, while london and paris sent their longrange shells, storeshadow from scalp. However, neither the british nor the french authorities confirmed that. The armed forces, how they are involved in controlling these very missiles, scholzs words were left there without comment, while the telegraph newspaper quotes deputies of the british parliament, it is there that scholzs words are called, i quote, the allies slapped, as well as a blatant abuse of intelligence data. An awkward attempt to justify myself for his words, scholz had done the day before, speaking to the residents of dresdon, in my opinion, it only turned out to worsen all this. Well, lets listen some more. A Cruise Missile with a range of 500 km is a weapon that, if used incorrectly, can reach a specific target somewhere in moscow. Thats why i would formulate this in all diplomatic abstraction. Others also made sure they knew exactly where to land everything. In the case of germany, this would mean that it would be necessary to accept participation in the deployment of taurus, in turn, i believe that this is excluded. Well, speaking of taurs missiles. Margarita simonyan, as promised. I published just a few minutes ago those same recordings of negotiations between bundeswehr officers, where four officers are discussing how to transfer 100 taurus missiles to the armed forces of ukraine, they are going to do this in two parties, i think that the audio will be published in the next few hours, but in any case we will try to decipher it during the broadcast , but it would be very interesting after that this such a large german bloc, Pay Attention to the details of this conversation, that is, i am not me and the cows. The United States is talking about arms control, but only if washington is ready to discuss the conflict in ukraine. In fact, western journalists distorted the president s words; in his message he spoke only about russias possible response to the aggressive plans of its western allies in ukraine. They started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine. But we remember fate. The fate of those who once directed their contingents into the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they are inventing everything now, which scares the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of Nuclear Weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization. Pentagon chief lloyd ostien made it quite clear that there will be a war between nato and russia. Frankly speaking, i really think if ukraine. True, he said this in a trembling voice, and what is important, at the hearings in the us congress, where he was called, in order to properly make a case for his january hospitalization, which he did not notify the white house about, so it is likely that by talking about the war with russia, austin was simply trying to divert the attention of congressmen, well, this is kind of our assumption, because of course the unfortunate man, at first there were problems with the prostate, then when i left the hospital again. I ended up there with a bladder, in general, god bless him, nevertheless, alexey sergeevich, by his status, and minister rosti, well, hes probably number one in world hierarchy, how would you interpret this is his statement about the war with russia, well, this is a statement, it fits into the framework outlined by zelensky and his others so that they are called likeminded people, likeminded people, that russia is going to attack nato countries. After the situation in ukraine is over, this, in general , directly contradicts the words of the russian president , and i would note that there was an interesting publication yesterday in foreign policy, in my opinion, it was just analyzed when Vladimir Putin reminded about the possibility of Nuclear Response to some kind of intervention affairs of russia, including in ukraine. There were three cases. The first case is on february 24 , 2022, when the special operation began, the second case is when Russian Troops withdrew from kharkovsk in the fall of the same year. History of the northern military district, and i would interpret these statements as evidence that the west understands that the situation is now key, an important stage is now being resolved, is passing, they do not have a specific plan of action, there was an amazing, amazing comment from one of the american ambassadors who was in russia , he says, which means putins statement is not necessary. I think that there is only a very simple thing here, this is some kind of shaky ground that provides them with only two solutions, either they need to accordingly invest even more in ukraine while there are still people there, or directly send their troops there, that is, to fight, but in ukraine, that is , to fight in the hope that the war will not come out of this conventional fence, that no one will use Nuclear Weapons, so we will butt heads there in ukraine, because in fact there are specialists there in quotes, they are there all the time special military operation before. Maybe then we will show the story about macron, so that we can complete the picture of this whole story, because macron actually, i think, he said everything, then after him the officials somehow erased it all a little. No, the french president is not calming down, he is being asked questions again, and he does not want to retreat from those positions that he outlined then after the european meeting on ukraine. Terrorist zelensky was very happy with macrons napoleonic plan to send troops to ukraine announced that he couldnt wait. A french friend in kiev by midmarch to discuss everything in detail, and at the same time remind about the promised money. Macron said that he will talk about new ideas on how to strengthen ukraine, and he will share information with me when he arrives in ukraine. I think he has already officially stated that he will be here in midmarch. True, paris itself has not decided whether to prepare for a campaign against ukraine or not. All sorts of highranking french are trying to somehow backtrack and shield the boss, the Prime Minister gabriel. And his defense minister unanimously assure the French Military can only go to ukraine to train others, but not to fight themselves. The French Foreign ministry promises the agitated madames that the french will not die. Scholz looked at his neighbors and decided that the image of a frightened liverwurst was still closer to him, he recorded a special video message in which he practically swore and swore that there were and would not be any nato soldiers in ukraine, and there were no allies. They allegedly support the liver chancellor. We dont want a war in russia against ukraine turned into a war between russia and nato. We agree on this with our allies. This also means no german participation in the war. To put it bluntly, as chancellor of germany, i will not send bundesfer soldiers to ukraine, thats true. Our soldiers can count on it, and you can count on it. Macron was supported only by estonian Prime Minister kaja kallas, the leader of the army. 7,200 people, announced that it was considering every possibility to defeat putin. We shouldnt be afraid of our own strength. Russia announces one or another step of escalation, but defense is not escalation. Andrei vladimirovich, given what is now being made public regarding scholz, that is, when his military is doing things directly opposite to what he says, doesnt it turn out that macron simply said what is said behind closed doors, and others did not say it publicly. Support, in fact , everyone is doing exactly what he, unfortunately for himself, announced, but i said yesterday that all the work is going in this direction, they will not be there, moreover, in fact, but few paid attention, in the west experts paid attention to some words spoken by vladimirovich putin, what kind of interventionists, and that this is a very interesting phrase, it is underestimated, but overestimated too, it turns out that if the troops there are french units there. This is his territory and what not, im just saying very much so its necessary thats why, by the way, putins speech, it will lead to increased military support for ukraine in the very near future, thats why there are troops there will appear, i spoke about this and will appear, they will appear very soon, but what is called a protective force will appear, but not and scholz also speaks very cunningly, as it was, i forgot again, english with andrei fedorov, he is always avoids the word military operations, he always says that there is no point in participating in military operations, they all talk about this, so the scheme is very simple, they will appear there very soon, these troops, they will perform these protective functions, well, for example they will stand near the Nuclear Power plant power plant, and then if russia is attacked, wait, here is a man from the german bundeswehr, in the uniform of the german bundeswehr, located somewhere in kiev, or maybe their insertion. This is her famous phrase, a lot is actually attributed to that, that, of course, this may not be true, please dont throw eggs or tomatoes at me right away, but i would like you to hug and kiss andrey vladimecha now, and no, im not talking about that, im because youre interested in the topic, this is how scholz is being actively discussed and what there with the pundeswehr, i wouldnt rush to write down the bogeyman, because its extremely dangerous, because as if the perception of yesterdays message putin is threatening, putin will attack us. Im talking about something completely different, that you need to listen to the recording, understand what level of officers there are and, accordingly, he spoke about the authenticity, so that i too wont be accused later, that i doubt something, now ill accuse him of something else, so about the tediousness , so you dont let me talk, i start talking, you re not talking about that, im talking about that, this directly related to what scholz says, if we give a signal to the west. In which we say that guys, if you do this , then we will have to respond this way or that, then scholz publicly, at least speaking, actually says that we understand this signal, which is why i am against having it there taurs, and i am against our military being there, who really motivates these words and actions, we do nt know, but at least formally and publicly, he says what is beneficial and necessary for us now, now as for macron and his statements. May agree to play this role , its quite normal, because if these statements were made by the Baltic States or poland, no one would seriously Pay Attention to them, they will Pay Attention to macron, i dont believe that macron has completely gone crazy and become crazy, he cannot help but understand the further actions and further reaction of russia and what all this will lead to, we cannot not consider the third version, which the french themselves consider so basic that it was simply a transfer of attention. With history with farmers, and now everyone has forgotten about them, well, listen, this picture, the mural that was painted there, macron is delirious, he saw this, yes, damned farmers, because of you, emmanue has stress, problems with erection, i think this is it may be one of the arguments, but this is not the main argument, the stakes are too serious, and macron, frankly speaking, is putting his face on this, i think that there is a more serious stake there than the farmers, well, lets say, okay, maybe macron can collect some trial contingent, conditionally 500600 people and send them like. Where is macron anyway . Probably more importantly, can they, within the framework of such a trial balloon, collect 500, which means brave french people, who will go to some relatively safe place, thereby breaking through some macron will come out and say listen, look, we sent, they feel great , they live there , they are guarding in ukraine, let s join us, and this will open the door, well, it turns out that everyone believes that those french volunteers in the multicams, it was not the same. Because people hear on both sides , as if warring, so people hear somehow very selectively, but they hear what they want to hear, this is normal, this applies to intelligence and the military, this concerns state leaders, this concerns everyone, this is how much one must not understand putin in order not to analyze the dynamics of his. Not just his performances, but his actions, starting , well, relatively speaking, from january 21, well, from november 21, when it was said in all the studios, it is clear that in the studios they are not saying everything out of the blue , thats when it was said in all the studios that we have full right to gather troops to the border of ukraine. Has the right to all these territories, so, how much should we not listen to the russian mass media . To hell with them, even if they dont understand anything, dont hear anything, you understand and hear, then explain what the latest statement of the russian president means, here considering all the changes that you are talking about now, its very simple, when we want, then well shy away, there shouldnt be any additional reasons for this desire. Intelligence officers transmitted information about the use Tactical Nuclear weapons of russia, allegedly that russia has a doctrine according to which Tactical Nuclear weapons are not strategic, which is shown to us, but tactical, which are used on the battlefield, russia can use in the event of an invasion of its territory in the event of the loss of 20 underwater Nuclear Missile carriers, that is, there is a tactic for using Nuclear Weapons in russia, there is a doctrine, this is openly discussed, and here you dont need to listen to understand Vladimir Putin, you need to look at the documents from. Dont miss the Central Television first information show about events and people of the week. Is macron really going on a campaign, if the Ukrainian Military cannot hold the front, nato soldiers will do it for them, we cannot exclude this. Why did the french president for the first time allow the possibility of sending western military personnel to ukraine . And is it really macron, who previously laid claim to laurels. Gdr premiere today at 20 00 on ntv. Alfa bank for business. Register for free and open a business account with free service. Alfabank is the best bank for business. Everyone has their own image of success. Some people dream of overcoming gravity and flying into space. Someone has personal space in their own apartment, and for another it is important to take their business to a new level, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, alen, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a debit card vtb cashback 25 , ill buy gifts for everyone. And to new neighbors, what a blessing that there is a sale and discounts of up to 70 . Give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology, inspiring sale of electronics on avito. Sintek oil with molyguard technology increases Engine Service life. Sintek is always a smart choice. 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Take part on march 15, 16, 17. In the president ial elections of the country, together , we are strong, we vote for russia, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, so, the head of arti margarita simonyan, less than half an hour ago, published a transcript, transcript negotiations between senior bundeswehr officers, where they discuss attacks on the crimean bridge, from this transcript. It becomes clear who exactly led this discussion. Let me list everyone in order. The head of the operations and exercises department of the German Air Force commands by the name of graefe, inspector of the German Air Force gerhards. I understand that this dick is represented here in the photo, employees of the air Operations Center fenske and frosstety. Well , lets see exactly how the German Military talks about potential strikes on the crimean bridge. Air force inspector bundeswede. Who took part in the discussion of the strike, allowed the transfer of 100 taurus missiles to kiev in two batches. A bundeswehr representative says that if the missiles are transferred to ukraine, they will be ready for use in 8 months. In order not to look like a country in conflict, german officers proposed sending the taurus missile manufacturer to ukraine to set them up on the spot, rather than their military specialists. At the same time, one of the officers mentioned a planned trip to ukraine not in 8 months. Very soon february 21st to coordinate strikes against russian targets. As for the strikes themselves, as follows from the conversation, the crimean bridge was supposed to be a potential target; the option of an attack was discussed, attacking the object with the help of the french dasorafal fighter. Another option for the germans, as follows from the published transcript, was to turn to the british for support. Lets listen to the fragment, well , lets look at the transcript, where the military is talking about. Sent to the german Foreign Ministry and chancellor scholz, no one has responded yet. Ministry of defence germany also refuses to comment on the report about the recording of a conversation between the German Military about an attack on the crimean bridge. Well, in my opinion, comprehensive evidence, you wanted some details, you see, well done, our intelligence is all this, yes, i was listening just now, when i was thinking, a serious level, but i would have paid attention to two two two points first, that means the question is now. Is scholz aware of these conversations and has he sanctioned these things, because after all, different conversations can take place in the kissphere, it is quite possible that no matter how aware he is of all these conversations, this is the first important point, the second point is that we are talking about, excuse me, then we can clarify, on whose initiative then do highranking officers even begin to have such a conversation, but they are part of the nato bloc, so maybe you still think, again, i dont know, i dont know, a highranking officer. Receives an order that the german chancellor does not know about, we have no authority, wait, wait, firstly, such a word was received by the order, here there is no mention of an order, they are discussing the possibility, as if a technical possibility , they cannot discuss it, so that then yes, yes, of course, here it is, lets do it, yes, i just dont know this second point, look, of course its all terrible, but its not freaks that they are discussing this in principle, crimea is russia, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that starting from the twentysecond, and even before, they talked about it. That the goals in crimea are legal from a point of view for ukraine, because this is not the territory of russia, that is, that is, this is also an important point, that is, a technical point, so they convey, it seems like they are transmitting 100 missiles in two batches, and they say that even 20 missiles will not be enough, and in order to hit the crimean bridge with so many missiles at the same time, how many planes do they have to fly into the sky . Lift and how close they should fly, tauros has 500 km. Also, according to actual data , 500 km, so this is a missile of the same class, the only difference is that the taurus is a little smarter and it has a more modern warhead with more penetrating capabilities, but the crimean brain is a really huge structure and in fact so many missiles will make a hole in it, ill just give an example, now they ask us why we dont destroy the bridges, heres a living example, a living example, kokhovka, remember that old soviet bridge, which how many. Well, what i can see, just , excuse the pun, with the naked eye , and sitting in the car, because everywhere there is simply something that protects it, shouldnt we somehow reconsider this threat and maybe there must be something extra there what to do, taking into account this information that the taurus are smarter, but here we can only do one thing, is to deploy Additional Air defense layers, there are, in principle , quite a lot, but i emphasize there is no air defense system. Bus platforms are, about the rafale f16 is a combat aircraft, thanks to andrey vladim, the point is that different combat aircraft launch different machines, they all launch the same, not sporty, sales are very important, the nato commander has no authority to give orders to open fire they have headquarters in the city of monsk, well known to our military, too, probably the coordinates of this apartment are for something, no, i m not hinting at anything, im saying that. The authority to open fire is given only by the heads of the national fire, they can ask to analyze the military are making all these calculations on how the contingent can be deployed. What can we give to ukraine, what can we do and what consequences will there be for us here, i agree with anton valerievich, we need here in this regard the scholz once again, not to vacuum it with liverwurst, not call everything Something Like that, because this person who says we will not send troops to ukraine, what they are discussing to us, how they will hit us on the crimean bridge, we will call him a liver kanzen, if he does not know about it , hes even more generous, you know, we praise, that means we admire macron, a rooster with eggs, who says, ill enter everything now, i ll spoil everyone here, what he says. What scholz says is correct, this is what at least an adequate leader of the country should say, that the military are discussing, let s understand, dont cause panic, the military is discussing everything, our military is also discussing a lot of things and doing the right thing, this is the work of the military, a political decision, they discussed, came to some conclusion, then came to vistorius, then came to scholz they said so and so, we are more than that piece of paper that you have today, lets see, lets see. I agree with the discussion, but anything can be discussed, even there a number of belarusians simply discussed the belarusian government; they were then sent to prison as conspirators, so to speak. Places are not so remote, as for taurus, taurus hits further up to 700 km, secondly, it is a concretepiercing missile, this is very important, bunkerpiercing, thirdly, here you know, im sure that along the crimean bridge, well, maybe they will beat, but this is just to show that we can, but like the germans themselves. More precisely, the germans with the ukrainians, i dont know how to say this, these are the aunwehrmacht alliances, they will not hit the bridge, they will hit moscow, oil refineries, militaryindustrial complex enterprises, thats where they will hit, they can get it if at least three or four taurus arrive in moscow, and there will be some destruction here, it will indeed be a declaration of war, but it will be a very big failure for us, for our diplomacy, for our politics, for everything, thats what. And can you explain why the light seemed to converge like a wedge on the crimean bridge, because now, indeed, colleagues are saying that the highway is already working, additional ferry crossings, and now we are starting the railway. Wait, its been around for quite a long time time between the annexation of crimea and the construction of this bridge, just look, you just made such an accusatory speech that they do not understand putin, as far as i remember, and there in the west there has always been such an idea that the crimean bridge is for putin something completely special, if Something Like this is done with this bridge, then there will be. Some changes with putin himself, this is exactly the same as what they used to say, that for putin sports is absolutely a thing so untouchable, lets do that russian athletes are there somewhere , why nothing, but this is in their heads because there are no needles in the egg , why do they always think that they are because they believe that they are counting. Because if taurus crashes somewhere, we will immediately understand that it is taurus, it will be immediately clear, which means that as for calming down, i really see two opposite trends, on the one hand they pump up the audience that russia will attack, we will fight, with on the other hand, hell ending there yesterdays stupid statement by the chief of the British Defense staff that russia will not attack because it will lose quickly, russia really will not attack because putin has brains in his head, and this chief of staff. There is something wrong with my wife, everything is fine with her so far, but we are waiting for results from you, dont let her go to the west, dont let her go to the west, kdr, the main premiere of the year, and what are you fighting for, i took the oath , however, like you, isnt it, we call it a contract. By the way, i have a contract with homeland, today at 20 00 on ntv. Mask, new season, sunday at 20 20 on ntv. Desires do not come true themselves, but in you. Those who just choose their own path and believe that everything will definitely work out. Those who love. Make small surprises and give great joy to those who are far away, but are ready to overcome any distance to be close to their closest ones. We believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, sberbank will help you realize everything you have planned. When the history of developers lies on the surface. 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So, on march 8, i will remind you, perm, gagarin palace of culture, 16 ekaterinburg, palace of culture railway workers, april 6 tambov center ivushka, and in general you can go to the website andrenorkin. Rf, there is a complete schedule of all our upcoming meetings. So in the news we have some kind of sensation again, yes vanya, yes, really sensational details about the corruption schemes of the son of president hunter biden, this wednesday at 7 00 he testified behind closed doors, in fact regarding the impeachment of joe biden, told by biden jr. Carefully this man took notes, his name is james comer, he directly is leading the investigation, so the daily mail newspaper shares some details, not of course not two pages themselves, but a little smaller, as the publication reports . During interrogation , hunter strongly denied that his father, the president of the United States, was in any way involved in his shady dealings. At the same time , he admitted that over the years he had repeatedly put his father on speakerphone when communicating with international partners, and also invited biden the elder to participate in business dinners. Hunter could not reveal the content of these seemingly business negotiations. Because, according to him, during these negotiations he was drunk or high. Hunter insists there is no money. His father joe biden did not receive any money for all these broadcasts. The words Ukraine Ukrainian appear 43 times in the interrogation transcript, the name of the company burizma, well known to us, where biden jr. Worked, 87 times. So hunter denied that he was hired to lobby for the companys interest through his father. His version is like this. Biden jr. Joined the companys board of directors to counter russian aggression. In order for the american leaders speech to take place without the usual incidents, all the necessary biden security measures were taken, he was given a giant teleprompter and many sheets of cheat sheets were prepared for him. Just the day before , biden used cheat sheets, not only at big speeches, the former said speaker of the house of representatives kevin mccarthy. He still has a teleprompter. At closed meetings in a narrow format, and in general, there are hint cards. Are you two together . He is with cards, well there were four of us, but yes, ah if you deviate from the topic, he still clings to the cards, and if the conversation deviates from them, he cannot continue, at the same time, bidens sworn enemy donald trump came to texas, here, of course, you need to look at the footage of how the us president was greeted , you just saw them, and how they greet trump, he is greeted by the national guard, he is met by the state governor, you see, he is in a wheelchair, in general, these are huge, two big differences, as they say, and of course, trump did not miss case, somehow give biden another kick. This man is negotiating Nuclear Weapons with putin with chairman xi, and he has no idea what s going on, and he cant. The chronicles of american old men are ending, so biden should definitely consult with the heroes whom we will now discuss during this hour. The informational occasion is very hot, this week a clairvoyant was detained in moscow, who. To put it mildly, received several tens of millions of rubles for her services, i didnt make a mistake here, well, dont, wait, why are you all waving your arms, this is if you watched the previous parts, here one gentleman did not behave in a very appropriate way, no need to repeat after him, you are also some kind of clairvoyant, well, you have to understand that nothing like this will work with me, so lets watch the plot first. On tuesday , swindler lyuba omaeva was arrested in moscow. The woman presented herself as a clairvoyant, promised to remove damage and drive out spirits, and ended up scamming her client out of 67 million rubles. The victim sold apartment and also got some loans. Omaev was recommended to a capital entrepreneur when her mother was seriously ill. At first there was no talk of paying for services, the witch gained confidence, covered herself with religion, but soon money was needed for rituals, for which they needed either sheep or. A woman right on the street was convinced that she was seriously ill, and then they offered to perform a magical ritual, for which money and gold were required. The trusting pensioner agreed and took all the jewelry outside. During the ceremony the woman was sent to wash her face, but they didnt wait for the washed swindler to return , she took out the money, then i asked her to go and wash herself, bring me dirty water, and when she left, i left. In early february , vladivostok Police Detained witches who were predicting the future at city pharmacies. One yearling eavesdropped on the conversations of ukaz visitors and passed information on to the second one, who was standing guard on the street. She, in turn, caught gullible pensioners on the way out and scared them of damage to you, and soon death awaits you. In such a magical way citizens managed to withdraw 700,000 rubles. An elderly woman handed over a bundle of money. Stranger, she took it, turned it away, whispered something and returned it, after which she left. A few days later, the pensioner took out the package and discovered that 170,000 rubles were missing. Using the same scheme, the attackers managed to deceive three more residents of vladivostok. Just some kind of session at variety. Tell me, this is a very correct question in my opinion, colleagues here. You are asked why we constantly hear news coming from different parts of the country that talk about facts of fraud, deception, but we have no reports that some kind of miracle happened there, a person was healed of illness, thats how you explain it, okay, ill answer this question, you know, yes, that we have created an organization , which is called the association of metaphysical practitioners, i apologize, but i didnt know about it, thanks to you, now they found out, and it was created on purpose. So that there are no such scammers, in order to regulate the situation in this market, that is , you understand that this market is for scammers created specifically, that is, because there are a lot of people who do not have gifts, abilities, this is what is now shown, these are gypsies, the real gypsygypsy hypnosis, which acts instantly, introducing a person into an altered state of consciousness, and of course , he goes out of fear, pulls out all his funds , savings, accordingly, here is the organization that you mentioned, as far as i understand, so you check him, does he really have such abilities there or is he a charlatan , of course, we are doing this conferences and for this we hold congresses, because different people come to them, some people are charlatans, and some are real. Really scammers and magicians, and the difference here will only be misleading, respectively, and you correctly started the transfer with what, with the result, a tangible result, according to the activity of this specialist, yes, as such, because we cannot measure this and the victims , well, we cant deny that there really are people who can to do what others cannot even imagine, magicians do exist. He will draw up legal documents in such a way that , unfortunately, Law Enforcement agencies will not be able to bring him to justice within the framework of the legislation that exists. It makes no sense to dissuade you , because, because i am so stupid, in no case do you have the right to your opinion, and your opinion is actually very objective, but if we approach this problem, lets separate the chaff from the wheat there are people , unregistered, individual entrepreneurs, they go there, they deceive someone, yes, no question, this is the field of activity of article 159 of the criminal code, so lets separate them. Because unscrupulous people are found in absolutely any profession, in absolutely any profession, in Law Enforcement agencies, in medicine, no matter where, they always meet, but there are 15,000 registered entrepreneurs, i give our data 25,000, yes, yes, yes, but 15 this is more or less the data that i have at the moment, which has akvet 9605, the provision of other personal services, thats 1500. Superintuition, well, people have ordinary intuition, superintuition, and if a person , with the help of superintuition, predicts the future of the order of 4060 , no more, we can listen to him, because he tells me, he tells me, you , im just a spoiled person, thats why im listening to you, i remember the famous saying , i can smell it with my ass, well, this is probably superintuition, god , so there are 25,000 registered according to your data, according to my 15. There are entire regions that turn to shamans, that is, wait a second, means, if i come to you and say, i want some services from you, its in the contract that we will conclude with you, so that i can understand how. It will be written on the piece of paper that you will predict my future by 4060 for the next 3 years, after 3 years, just 3 years , i came to you, i said hello, according to the offer agreement you are right, according to the offer agreement you are right, this is how it works, Everything Else was met on the market, 600,000 came, some millions look, im really horrified, call centers are closed, advertising has been banned on television, guys, where do you even come from . Thats it, what is this going on, ive been on the market for 25 years. From 6 to 7 for guaranteed services, and there are those too , we return the money, im not ashamed to look my client in the eye, because everything is honest and transparent, im the first about such millions, it s not just the first time, i look like this just like you, i watch ntv tv, im surprised where you these people come from, i dont know, this needs to be comprehended first. Im not clairvoyant, but i know exactly what s going to happen now, theres going to be an advertisement now, a short pause, you, nikolai, youre on the phone. 10 days until spring, premiere, soon on ntv. Gdr, premiere, today at 20 00 on ntv. Where else can dance become a World Heritage . Spot into the invincible machine. With us. In vocation, technology, live communication, tradition in innovation, only here, in the country on which the sun never sets. Tinkof 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. Holiday discounts in magnet. Persil 4299. Give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20 cashback on everything. And 200 days without interest. The peculiarity of doshirak is fermentation technology. Doshirak the secret of taste in broth. At teens insurance, we make life simple. We issue policies and accept Accident Claims online. And we pay damages according to osaga in just one day. Car insurance with cashback up to 30 for clients using the osaga form in the application. Tinkov. Welcome spring with wild gress. Funky prints and monochromatic sets from unicute will lift your mood and diversify the interior of your bedroom. Choose with discounts on wildberries. Oh, who washed everything so well here . Register for free and open a business account with free service. Alfa bank the best bank for business. In rosbank at 16 per annum rosbank real opportunities, give love and technology with summary columns of sberbank, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with. I will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, this is a Meeting Place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear , we continue, we have already mentioned in our state duma today all sorts of attempts to do something legislatively, since 2008 some deputies have been consistently. Proposing to ban all this activity of spreading clouds with their hands and other things, but its not working out, its not going away yet, perhaps this is due to the fact that the colleagues of these deputies proposing to ban, other deputies , meet with all kinds of shamans and other sorcerers and even have some kind of professional discussion with them. A round table with psychics and healers was held in the state duma last fall, but the video of this meeting has only just now gone viral on social networks. Such practices are a daily way of life. The main argument of psychics in favor of recognition of their activities was the financial issue. According to russian according to forbes magazine, the market for such services is estimated at 200 billion rubles per year. Taxes from this amount actually do not go to the budget. Moreover, esotericists assure, part of the money from which the state could receive income simply flows out of russia. Russians go abroad for magical practices, for example, a magical tour to the island. Ball, where you can touch stones that fulfill wishes, costs from 2000 rubles. What we still cannot fully qualify, legalize and structure in others countries have turned into a profitable industry, largely enriching at the expense of tourists from russia. Tourists from russia leave for other countries and leave their money there. Land the idea. But not all deputies support the official recognition of esotericists and sorcerers. Vitaly milonov proposes to ban at least the publication of horoscopes and tarot cards, and his colleague Nikolai Nikolaev believes that even those who currently work officially, that is, astrologers and mediums, should be deprived of the right to conduct economic activities. They can now register your services as individual entrepreneurs and pay taxes. There are almost 2,500 such people in russia. Well, we sell vodka and cigarettes , theres still not much here, look, it seems to me that all this esotericism, sorcerers, magicians, and these are actions that parasitize on on a society that is in some way not satisfied, into a severe depressive state, the more depressed the state of society is, the more they will parasitize, i, as a psychologist, have no right to diagnose the disease and treat it using psychotherapeutic methods, but for starters , i send you to a doctor; when the doctor says that this is psychosomatics, then psychology works here. The same thing here, in principle , a person can, you know, if this is not some kind of global disease, its easy for him to go, this is a certain therapy, go to a shaman, a magician will say, dont limit your proposal, or what . Something to regulate such activities, this should be regulated, well , the proposal is what aleksandrevich said, at least ban advertising, well, now on we have these battles going on on all our channels, but why are they needed . This should be banned. I just, you know, kids, they are fans, i say hello to the friendly one, there is a lot on the channels that now, you know, people, when they see it on the screen, criticize, as if not without criticism, since it was shown on television, cant people treat this as a truly entertaining program, a show, which, only then , people go and bring their money with some specific requests and desires. In perm last year and the year before already year there was an event, a peruvian magician came, peruvian and from peru they invited the magician and invited him there, that is, it was in two brooms, that is, the residents of perm turned to us, they said, look, we have a sabbath taking place here, there are always some kind of conflicts, these people have, we wrote an appeal accordingly, well. And shabysh, what kind of shabysh shabysh or there, i dont know what they predicted for the future there, yes they are with these rituals, yes, that is, there are witches and so on yes, we wrote a letter to the fsb and we also checked state Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov joined in so that they could be checked, but they didnt seem to be able to hold this event, and they didnt invite this shaman from peru, well, one of them was caught by joint efforts with the rest, what to do . How we live now and what to expect from the future, the most important topics in the president s message to the federal assembly, what words of the president apply to each of us and how enemies will react to our truth. There is no consensus today, but nothing should be ruled out. This is macrons statement that nato troops may come to ukraine. The president of france wants world war iii, someone in the west can support him. Zelensky is openly lying about ukraines losses in combat, who does he want to deceive the west or his citizens, why the United States and europe are not ready to give kiev all the weapons it asks for. Watch today on. Ntv. Mask new season. On sunday at 20 20 on ntv. Give love and technology with sums of sberbank columns. Alain, again. 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The most holy theotokos, who gave the world the savior of mankind, is highly revered by orthodox christians. In front of the kazan icon the virgin mary has been prayed to by christians all over the world for more than 500 years. Kings prayed to her. And the great commanders liberated the russian lands with her and they trust her with their grief, ask for health and help in everyday needs, every believer needs a patron to be nearby. The imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to the miraculous image of the blessed virgin mary, the kazan mother of god. The medal is plated with pure silver. Order a free medal by phone number or on the medalkazan website. Rf. Medal for you are absolutely free, you only pay for delivery, 299 rubles. All medals are illuminated. Call and order right now by phone or on the medalkazanskaya. Rf website. What an amazing number. Fire, fire this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, dear povsekaki just tried to take me weakly, because during the commercial break he asked the question if this box would explode with our guests, they are here too attached, they heat up, so i said that yes, as a person with abilities, he should be great. Know your future and understand that this box will not explode, well , he said, this is who you have to work with, he was offended, i say that you are offended, i ll tell you about it over the roaring air, he says, come on boris, so now, what if seriously speaking, we will now give you quite a large number of figures, this is sociology , this is media data, this is what i was talking about, that is, this is a need, so is demand, well, this is demand this is kind of a completely market story. Yes, the need exists, apparently, well, as long as we exist we, and further, yes, how it is now converted into numbers, money, interest, and so on. According to a survey in central asia, almost a third of russians believe in the ability of individuals to predict fate, a quarter in witchcraft and the ability to cast spells, and 12 accept as true the possibility of communicating with the souls of the dead. According to rbc, in the last few years business has become interested in the services of fortune tellers and astrologers. The researcher notes that during periods of economic instability, entrepreneurs turn to specialists in esoteric practitioners now some have their own advisors and consultants who, based on astrology, tarot, arcana, and human design , determine how suitable a particular candidate or partner is for key positions. This is often used when making some transactions and hiring key employees. According to the kommersant newspaper , last year the demand for. Esoteric goods, candles, stones, amulets increased by almost 100 . Tarot cards and esoteric literature are in demand. Attendance at online sites offering training in mystical techniques in januarymarch 2023 increased 19 times. People want to use the services of astrologers, esotericists and dreamers. According to the ozone online store, there is a demand for various types of amulets. All because 2024 is a weighty year, now he orders godlocks even for corporate events, the cost of the service is on average 500 rubles per hour, but you can tell fortunes for 100 rubles on the internet, cheap services are offered on social networks, in personal messages on live broadcasts. Mikhail 26, lyudmila 24, will there be a child . Write to whatsapp, girls, they are adding popularity to Fortune Teller Services bloggers, over the past few years a huge number of channels have developed on youtube, where personal lives and highprofile scandals with stars are analyzed using tarot cards, catchy headlines with famous names and dramatic predictions of their future gain hundreds of thousands of views per day. Whats going on with ksyusha sovchak now . We have a hanged cut, well, first of all, this is a midlife crisis card , the second cut is a five. Cups where she lived, she doesnt want to go back there, very much, so marine, you just gave us the numbers, so you can explain why this growth in popularity is happening, you say there are online platforms, there is the sale of various magical artifacts, why is this happening, well, because people believe, they want a miracle, well, why are there more people who want a miracle, it happened because people are in depressed states, they dont get it. They need this for so many people, we will never be able to fix it, for some reason i have this feeling, you know, yes, as i listen to opponents, i understand more and more that probably the story with the creation of a separate aquede was some kind of mistake, why . Because there is no production result, everything that colleagues are now describing to a large extent relates to either psychology or a cultural change. Dilute it all into the existing effective production capacities , and finally introduce a separate division that will deal with fraud and limit this flow of people who will go for help to those who do not tell them about it, that they are making a show, there is already talk about it. Are we on time, alexander andreevich, yes , maybe just a second, we have a very good experience, which i wanted to give an example of, the recent adoption of a law banning propaganda from creating an attractive image of a certain action that is alien to our traditional values, i will not do it to call it completely disguised to accept lgbt, because this too, because this is in a good sense in a bad way, you know, when they dont give the money. I came to ask for forgiveness from my daughter, he turned out to be a reveler, well, what a reveler, he loved women, i blame my mother for the fact that i cant build a normal relationship, she left, i ignored him, i took out loans because of him, now she thinks that she cant get married, that its my fault, resentment eats up very much from the inside, can you open this door and ask . Or not to open, the decision is yours, please forgive me, today at 16 50 on ntv. Gdr, premiere, today at 20 00 on ntv. 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Call right now 800 200 exactly 7567 and get clareol for just 1 ruble 800 200 exactly 7 567 call within russia free Central Television tomorrow at 19 00 on ntv. At the nt Meeting Place to stop. This is an image that there is no street magic, that its all a scam, if you really want to get this type of therapy, then you go to a specialist in some trusted establishments, and ill rephrase your question, is it necessary to fight peoples ignorance or with telephone scammers, whether it is necessary to fight with the ignorance of people or with telephone scammers to whom these people give money, its obvious that its obvious that with telephone scammers, andrei vladimirovich, well, you equate, well, its obvious that with telephone scammers, heres my answer. With telephone scammers, dont pick up the phone to an unfamiliar number when they call you, the same goes for here, but dont contact those people, i dont know how to check, in general, in short, im experienced. Mac will cure you of naivety and excessive gullibility; with 100 advance payment, 100 results are guaranteed. It was a Meeting Place that could not be changed. 14 00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. I went to the cinema house. Vladimir putin denied reports from the west about russias plans to deploy Nuclear Weapons in space. Five new National Projects rely on youth. How did russians perceive the president s speech, and what do those who will be directly affected by the innovations say . New threats from the head of the pentagon. If ukraine loses, im sure nato will go to war with russia. What about europe and what statements are now coming from paris . There is no progress. Lithuania closes two of four remaining border borders crossings from neighboring belarus. These decisions were made due to National Security concerns. What kind of problems did you see in truck drivers

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