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Sisters, a hero in an ordinary leather raincoat, and a photo with him must be on the phone, although he does not refuse anyone a selfie, to such popularity seventytwoyearold Mikhail Viktorovich is not used to it, instead of repairing aki, he meets rivers of fans and journalists, too much attention, but in his opinion, he committed an ordinary, human act, god forbid that it turned out this way, its scary not that the phone was taken away, but whats scary is that he could have hurt a child, but how it happens here, oh, oh, how can that be . Yes, there were a lot of people, but no one saw it, this is scary, the schoolboys parents are now thanking him for not leaving him in trouble, relatively recently the boy has already experienced a lot of stress, he was attacked by a dog, now another attack, fortunately this time there were no big shocks, but this does not change the attitude towards the criminal, we talked with the child, he is, as they say, a little impressionable boy, but he endured all this in in principle, its normal, this is not an attack on an adult, an attack on a child, children are all different, some children can fight such fears for a very long time, despite the fact that Mikhail Viktorovich released the robber, betraying what is called acceleration, and detained on the same day, thanks to witnesses , as soon as the video went online, the robbers were recognized as a man who lives not far from the school, he was often seen near the institution on a regular walk, it didnt look like it, according to locals, he seemed to be looking out for someone , now it is clear, the target, thirtyfiveyearold former employee of the local warehouse pavel potap, had long since gained fame among the locals as a peaceful drinker; at the time of the attack, apparently he was also intoxicated, lyudmila recalls, it was she who later came running to help the pensioner, but in what way intoxicated in the question, his eyes were completely inadequate, either he was drunk, or there was Something Like that, well, its not clear, and he didnt give in to anything, that the truth is not in the wine, the robbers mother elena potapova, with her son , is sure something has been going on for the second month now, hes acting strange. But before that he was absolutely adequate, although he went to the doctors. I dont know why this happened, well, i cant tell you that he left the house naked in the middle of the day, well, you have to go to the hospital, i dont know what the diagnosis was, but he went to the hospital once, i dont know, we do not have no certificate, but there are two convictions for drugs and theft, this will still play a role during the trial, while the police are finding out all the details of what happened, interviewing witnesses, inviting them to the department. The head of the Moscow Region head office decided to reward the man who did not remain indifferent assisted Police Officers in apprehending the attacker. Mikhail viktorovich unexpectedly received his first significant award that same evening, the administration gave him a certificate for the purchase of a new a domestic car, although the pensioner himself , of course, did not ask for anything. What do you want . Yes, you know, it would be nice to have some type. There are some fields there, again for household needs. However, makarov promised not to part with the old car. After all , she served faithfully for 17 years, and if it werent for her, he might not have been on the street at the right time. Ivan gubin, anton kuzmin, sava morozov and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. And the raw food blogger maxim lyutov is being tried in sochi. Online trainer in your blogs gave advice to subscribers on how to cleanse. Body with the help of yoga and meditation, but when a son was born into his family, lute and his wife behaved quite strangely, they did not go to the doctors, and meanwhile the child was developing incorrectly, as a result, when the baby went to the pediatricians with wheezing, convulsions, it was no longer possible to save him, maxim lyutovs wife gave us an exclusive interview, and now it becomes clear what was happening in their family, which in appearance seemed so successful and happy. It would seem that a person who has been for many years money from subscribers and followers, promoted eating exclusively raw fruits and vegetables, no meat, then completely convinced them to give up any foods by feeding e her sun in a month in pretrial detention , he was supposed to lose weight, but no, the raw foodist maxim is fierce, quite healthy, strong and speaks well feels well, and an explanation was found for this, lyuty immediately admitted , in his cell, he eats meat dishes with joy, it turns out that he betrayed himself, but the investigators are sure that it was precisely because of lyutys views on nutrition that his newborn son could have died, in fact from hunger and the diseases that developed because of this, i never restricted anyones food, all the people around me also ate whatever they wanted. I didnt have any fanatical mood about this, well , that is, you didnt refuse meat now, and i eat meat and not only meat and other products. According to the materials of the criminal case, lyutoys little son was only 28 days old, lyuty himself delivered the baby, they didnt go to the hospital, the baby wasnt even registered, essentially no one knew about his existence, therefore, few people realized that all these days the blogger soroyat forbade his partner and the childs mother mironova from feeding her son, and also poured cold water on the newborns health. In the hospital, when the baby was finally brought in, the doctors could no longer help, now the truth is that the fierce one is proving that he had nothing to do with it and the father, who was forced to earn money, do work outside the home, i simply could not monitor him 24 hours a day as a child, i did not understand what a healthy child looks like, how he should behave, that is, i am not a mother child, i didnt do all this, although according to eyewitnesses of the bloggers followers, it was the paid courses, the socalled. Nutrition, that brought lyutoys main income, those who live next door in the sochi village, where lyutoy rented a house, say his trainings it was more like a meeting of some kind of community, and from the screens he called himself a guru. All my students are all my children , i bless you, my children are studying according to their own system, i will love you as my children, i promise, those who took classes with maxim lyutov unanimously assure me of character the blogger is clearly domineering and despotic, they say to always unquestioningly fulfill his demands, apparently, in order to achieve enlightenment, at some point he told his students they need to give up food completely and feed on the energy of the sun. Maxim had such a strange approach to women, yes, the girls who worked there, they were, well, in the position of a victim, again, if we return to this megalomania, yes, the man wanted them to see him in him. Well, you could say, probably even some kind of master. We were the first to communicate with the mother of the deceased baby, Oksana Mironova, who had already been convicted for the death of her son and was sentenced to correctional labor, told her story, came to the house of a fierce volunteer, helped, worked, fell in love, and then believed in the raw food guru, the blogger says, at some point began to ask to call him almost the messiah, those who contradicted him were punished, as if a totalitarian sect of savagery kept its followers in fear and dependence. Oksana, this is a community. Can a fierce one be called a sect . Well , i guess yes, what is he like . Well he imagined himself to be a god and asked everyone to call him that, and those who came to him, right . Yes, for people to see him like that, he wanted it, and he achieved it, including from me. When Oksana Mironova was convicted, the court took into account an important point, if not for her, the babies would not have lived for 28 days. Could have lived in secret from the fierce one, so as not to provoke his anger, oksana fed the baby, but the blogger did not give her food either, in the end the newborn essentially died in agony, carried out daily practices of fasting the child, and also poured cold water on the child water, as a result of which the child developed a deficiency of body weight, a disease in the form of cohexia, which caused serious harm to health and has a direct causeandeffect relationship with the onset of his death, as well as bronchopneumonia, for such. Experiments on his own little son maxim lutum faces a serious sentence of up to 15 years in prison, but it is already clear that the powerful blogger himself will shift all the blame onto his former lover. Pavel kuznetsov, Mikhail Vlasenko and alexander tutarin, ntv, krasnodar region. After beating a schoolboy to death, investigators a criminal case was opened, the children were crossing the road in the wrong place, one of the drivers decided to teach them a lesson, caught the teenager and dealt him several blows, now. Two schoolchildren didnt even immediately understand why an unfamiliar man was running after them, another moment he throws one of them onto the asphalt , the frightened child is afraid to move, but this does not save him, the man in a green suit, without explaining anything, hits him in the face several times , kicks, and then leaves indifferently, it turned out later that he decided to teach someone elses child a lesson the driver who almost hit a boy who was crossing the road in the wrong place. Hit me, i then fell , he then hit me on the head again, well, what did he shout, what did he say, uh, only when i left, did he say what he said, what did i say . Kirill is 9 years old and of course, his parents taught him how to cross the road correctly, the child confessed, hurried, and of course was very scared when the stranger hit him, because no one had ever hit him before, the boy clearly could not resist an adult man, with tears on his face. In his eyes i returned home and told my mother about everything, of course, my hands are still shaking , its very hard for me to look at his suffering, hes had a headache for the second day, the second day, were on pills, when the investigators, drivers, alexander kitelev became interested in the case he himself contacted christina, offered money, but the mother refused, especially after learning that this was not the first time kislev had behaved so aggressively with other people s children, and is it a coincidence, but all cases are connected with incidents on the road, not so long ago in the middle of a Pedestrian Crossing barely didnt hit a woman with a stroller was run over by the wheels of his car, and a man hit roma in the courtyard of his house while the boy was riding a bicycle, he received serious injuries and was unable to get up for 3 months. Scolded him with bad words, instead of supporting the child, saying that just be patient, baby , everything will be fine, now the ambulance will arrive there, yes, the doctors, they will help you, no, he didnt do that, for 3 years now romas parents have been trying to get it through the court from kiselyov compensation for long treatment, since they never received an apology, and the beating of kirill, the drivers considered a normal conflict situation. I did not attack the child, there was a conflict situation there, i dont want to talk to you, we resolve all issues through the investigation, this is what the childs parents wanted, but if in the case of roma they did not see any corpus delicti in kiselyovs actions, then now the aggressive driver is unlikely to face criminal liability whether it can be avoided, a case has already been opened under the article of hooliganism. The identity of the person who committed the crime has been established, he was interrogated by an investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation as suspect. The necessary procedures are currently being carried out. Investigative and procedural actions are aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. Doctors suspect that kiril has a concussion, after a short course of treatment the headache will go away, it will take much more time for the child to understand everything that happened, for this he will need the help of psychologists. Daria vezyvay, alina elyukhina, valentin lyubimov and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. And then, five against one in solletsk, the criminals brutally they beat a fifteenyearold cadet, a young man. There will be a long course of rehabilitation, but if it werent for the eyewitnesses of this attack, the consequences could have been even more serious, why they treated the khadet so cruelly and what threatens these people, well tell you, but after the advertisement. Ukraine, palestine and israel, where will it fall next . Afghan mathematician sidik afghan, who warned us all, a mathematician will come. Who will predict everything, goes to vanga, now humanity is in danger, everything is being destroyed, search for unknown prophecies, a great clairvoyant. The third world war will begin when a special episode from bulgaria on sunday at 6 pm on nnb. With frequent urge to urinate, pitoprost restores prostate function, helping to eliminate symptoms. Take advantage of the special offer. Details of the promotion on vitopprost. Ru. Sberbiness presents a green week of discounts. Become a client of sberbank and take advantage of the best offers for your business, only from november 9 to 17. 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Results of the week on sundays at 19 00 on contract workers, you should know this. When you enlist in the military, you receive a number of benefits and guarantees, but there is also something that has no price to be shoulder to shoulder with your comrades, to defend your family and homeland, to fight for what is right, to gain new knowledge and skills, to become stronger. Join us. To your people, serve under a contract, there is another emergency on the air and we continue our graduation, a fifteenyearold cadet, artyom glubokov, brutally beaten in salt letsk , underwent several complex operations, now he faces rehabilitation, training, while it is available. Only in a remote format , artyom was attacked by five teenagers , there was no reason for this, if not for the eyewitnesses who scared off the criminals, it is unknown how this could have ended, however, everything was filmed by surveillance cameras. Any careless movement brings pain to artyom, he is a 15yearold cadet, temporarily out of commission, he received a complex fracture of the jaw with displacement and numerous injuries after he was attacked by a group of teenagers and beaten until he lost consciousness. My son was recently discharged. From the hospital, who his offenders are, they dont even know, says irina glubokova, although there are recordings from cctv cameras that she managed to obtain on her own, they show artyom being beaten by several people, we dont know who they are, we from the police they said that these were locals, from soleletsk, but from the villages, home to his native soleletsk, artyom came because of the announced quarantine at the cadet school, together with my cousin, i decided to visit a teacher who runs a militarypatriotic circle, and on the way we stopped at a store. Where we ran into aggressive teenagers who were obviously just looking for a reason for conflict. And the guys didnt like how they touched us with our shoulders, when we touched them, we didnt notice it ourselves , so to speak, and my brother immediately apologized, well, so as not to start a conflict and so on, but they dragged us, behind the store they already stood like they would grab my nephew by the neck and pull him down. Artyom couldnt do anything differently, he stood up for him for my brother, then the High School Students turned their attention. They hit him with the whole crowd, they beat him vilely, even when the cadet lost consciousness, many eyewitnesses simply watched from the sidelines, they stopped the lawlessness of a man who drove up in a car, she could not come to her senses for a long time, irina recalls, when she saw her son in the hospital, he was vomiting with blood, its such a big puddle, i started crying , i started screaming, lord, dont take my child from me, irina glubokova is a mother of many children, she has four children, she now admits, is in fifth place. Artyom is the eldest child, he admits that he is a real man; in these shots, a student of the cadet school helps her in everything during drill training. Surgeons performed a complex operation on artyom , which lasted almost 3 hours; due to the fact that the bones of his face were crushed, they had to install a metal plate. In addition, the student partially lost his memory. According to irina glubokova, they were able to initiate a criminal case only 20 days after the incident. But for some reason only in relation one of the attackers. I made a storyboard of the shots, he also kicks him there. The third guy was also standing nearby and doing the same thing. He kicked him, but he already kicked him when artyom had already lost consciousness, i was in shock, yes, it s hard for a mother when you see that three people are beating, but the police tell you that its only one, and you still need to prove it, after the story became public, the Investigative Committee became interested in the situation, as part of the investigation of the criminal case, the persons involved in the commission of this crime were identified, as well as his witnesses, in addition, investigators seized video recordings from external surveillance cameras and assigned a forensic examination. Artyom dreams of returning to school as soon as possible, but it is still unclear when he will be able to put on his Cadet Uniform again; rehabilitation may drag on for several months. His family expects that all participants in the conflict will receive fair punishment. Yulia oblitsova, natalya popova, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. A perfectionist student was removed from a train in bashkiria, rustem sheikhuddinov, his 42 graduated from university. Defending his thesis, he counted exclusively on an a, but the scientific work of the commission seemed weak, they wanted to give a three, but they took pity on their oldest student and gave him a four, not suspecting, of course, that for rustem this was just a personal insult, and he began to take revenge, the eternal student and the serial arsonist was detained at the station, rustem had already dozed off on the top shelf, and almost fell down. When guests in balaclavas looked into the train compartment. From such a position he all he could do was look at his shoes, but where exactly he was being taken and, most importantly, why, apparently, he understood perfectly well. As soon as the fortytwoyearold it specialist was seated on a chair, he dropped his head on his chest , sighed heavily, accepting defeat, an overaged student, a very emotional, touchy, vindictive person, a man was detained for arson. A teacher who lowered his grade for his diploma. Sharkova gave him a four. And rustem couldnt just leave it like that. I accepted his diploma, that is, he had defense of the thesis project, the thesis was really very weak. And all the members of the commission agreed that he was not worthy of an a. In the end, he was given a b. At that time i thought that the diploma was even worthy of a c grade. In any case, my specific decision would not have affected the assessment of the diploma, however, this citizen harbored a grudge against me, and therefore the car burned like a candle in the yard, thats all that was left of it, one island, which is definitely not subject to restoration , by the way, rustem had been preparing a plan for his place for as much as 2 years, probably waiting time so that emergency situations would not be associated with his offense, then he looked out for suitable cases, but this time he did not take into account the City Surveillance cameras, which is how he was found. The man tried to leave the republic by train. An investigator from Police Department number 9 of the city of ufa has opened a criminal case regarding the intentional destruction or damage of property. A search was carried out at the residence of the attacker. The suspect is checked for involvement in similar crimes committed on the territory of the republic. Rustem sheikhuddinov was sent to a pretrial detention center, it turned out that the man repeatedly solved the matter in such a radical way. An acquaintance did not please him in some way, seizing the moment and bringing grief with him. Set fire to a car, for the deliberate destruction of someone else s property by arson, they can be punished with up to 5 years in prison, so rustem has every chance to finally get his five years. Aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov and alena kryukova, ntv television company. But thats not all, see below, the equipment is with him, at a radar lesson at the Nizhny Novgorod technical school, one of the students filmed some features of sergei pozharnikovs teaching methods. An experienced teacher, you will find out in a couple of minutes what students complain about and what annoys the teacher about them. For 17 years now, anastasia from saratov has been making only one new years wish to find her biological mother, to find her sister and brother. I didnt suspect that i was living in a foster family, my cousin told me. Since early childhood, evgenia from chebaksary has been lighting a candle for the repose of her newborn sister, whom she saw only once. After me, she gave birth to a girl, nastenka, she gave birth at home, the baby is small, blue, and doesnt make any sounds. The doctor replied the child is not a liar. What secret are their families hiding from both women . How to tell another story, the parents had an accident, the parents and mother died. Didnt raise us, we raised her with our grandmother, asked to transfer money to the card 20,000, pretended that she was her mother, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17 50 what is her name . Computer to desk for 2999. Be irresistible this fall, choose products for skin care and the beauty of your hair at competitive prices at wildberries. 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Are waiting for you in the five, five helps out, this is rostagroexport sour cream, its easy to recognize, just by one yellow stripe, simply delicious rostagroexport sour cream, just try it, superstar new season, november 4 at 20 20 on ntv eh, michelangelo, are you crazy . Heat, hold him, and as we sit, death occurred as a result of the blow. Well, it looks like its true, were looking for a serial killer, two bodies are not enough for a series, two victims are not enough for him, what a long time for another 10 minutes, fool, today at 22 15 on ntv. There is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. The ministry of education became interested in the unique teaching method of one teacher at the Nizhny Novgorod radio engineering college. Radar teacher, sergei pozharnikov, loves his subject and likes his lectures to be orderly and working environment, but if one of the students does something wrong, then the teacher changes his approach to the matter, which is what the masters students complain about, stanislav kostikov knows. Reserve officer of the basics of radar, sergei pozharnikov, decided to teach Army Formations in his classes at college , unshaven young men fell out of favor with the teacher, when communicating with them men use mostly obscene language, like a man in russian he tells you what you still dont understand , the teacher conducted face control in his classes, before each pair personally checks the presence of hair on the faces of students, students whose appearance does not meet his personal requirements, covers their mother every day. For example, makes them do squats or pushups right in the classroom, and what are we sitting around, what are we waiting for . Do pushups, no, but you can ask today, or you can today, with me, students filmed such pedagogical techniques of their mentor and posted them on social networks, now they are vigorously discussing the video on the internet, in college they are in no hurry to comment on the situation, no need, hes filming cameras. Let them film it, i have no one to hide, im not going to discuss with you either the teacher, or the students, or the director, even after the videos with sergei pozharnikovs participation became public knowledge, he did not change his pattern of behavior, and now he concentrated his claims on the student , who shot the very first video, i know, something paper wrote a statement, i have you in the roof, i understand, if you want me out of here, some other person will come to you, who he will flatter you, and i will write to him. Some College Teachers support their colleague, they say that young people today dont understand another language, and sergei pozharnikov, although he behaves harshly , knows his subject, well, hes probably right, after all, because his appearance also annoys me , when they come to trainings, as if in dirty tshirts, and facial hair has something to do with the educational process, but it doesnt, of course, but its still the order of the day, sometimes they provoke so much that its very. Difficult run in, you need patience. The teacher still behaves rudely in class, said that with such a rich teaching experience, dismissal does not frighten him and continues to struggle with unshaven hair. Should i decide based on your face . Are you normal or not, adequate or . The degree of adequacy of the teacher himself now remains to be determined by specialists. Students are not going to put up with this state of affairs, and if the teacher is not fired, they intend to contact the prosecutors office. Ntv television company. On this i have thats it, if you are in trouble or have encountered injustice, please report it, there is feedback in the official telegram channel of the Emergency Management agency, program correspondents read all your messages, be sure to leave your contacts, well, im maraddika, thank you for your attention and see you on ntv. Today in our program naval battle, in latvia they announced that they would block the baltic sea for russian ships. How will moscow respond to this impudence . The call is accepted. Is increasing its military presence in the baltic and conducting exercises under russias nose. What the alliance is achieving with its provocations. The baltic sea will become a naton sea, and there is also a shortage of hands in the country; there is an acute shortage of workers in the Domestic Labor market. Will we really have to open all doors to migrants . We need personnel, we need more qualified specialists. Watch it now. Hello, this is the Meeting Place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. I am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. Today we will start with a demonstration to you, and the footage, like some of our friends are so exalted, love post different videos, and it says shock , content, sensation, there. Look, we, well, when you, for some reason, suddenly open this video, there, of course, is some kind of complete bullshit, that is, you too youre doing it, yes, i havent done it for a long time, listen, well, here again gudkov, a senior foreign agent, but here he is there, its just that the headlines themselves surprise me, because there, in large font, well, some words are highlighted in a crepe lock that i dont understand, well, i opened it a couple of times, now i havent done it for a long time, but today somehow i remembered, because for many people there these shots are really such shocking content, which means that the ministry of defense demonstrated footage of combat work as part of an exercise to practice a retaliatory strike to an enemy nuclear strike. These exercises took place under direct orders

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