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Okay, come on, see you tomorrow, come on hi, dad, hi, rot, youre going to smoke, yeah, my mom just bought my favorite caesar, try it, its really delicious, come on, dad, i wanted to talk to you, tell me how you think about me going to study. To an American University, but what about the institute . Are you going to leave him or what . Well, it turns out thats the case . Is that news . It seemed like you were going to visit your mother for 2 weeks, but now it turns out youre leaving for 5 years or so . Why for 5 years, i ill come to. Come to you, but what are you going to do after graduating from an American University . Well, ill go to work, my mother says that in america programmers are paid very well, in america, what are you talking about . Are you planning to move, dad, i dont know, my mom just says that it would be better for me, but if mom says, then yes, but she knows better, you, of course, go, dad, and , you definitely dont mind, no, what are you saying, this is your life . It s up to you to decide how to determine your destiny, yeah, thank you, dad, yeah, really, i will i miss you very much, no, you too, everything here, yes, you dont have to reread this. Crazy trusakov has already bullied me, maybe well kick him out of the department, as long as we can tolerate his tricks, he wont do it anymore, well , weve already heard that, i need rusakov, i want him to work, well, whatever you say, if hes so dear to you, then keep it for yourself, but i warn you, if Something Like this happens again, it will fly out of your organs in a moment. Take your 15 million rubles commission, i wont take it, keep it for yourself, i dont play such games. What do you need . I usually go to the site early, i have three of them, you understand, today its already a little dawn, ive already started cleaning up here. Yes, yes, okay, further, further, further, i started to clean up near the car, there was a sweeping place, i saw a man sitting there, i looked in, it was a corpse, well, i ll call yours right away, yeah, hi, lech, great, wheres roma, too at the murder, malyakha showed up again, and arkashka was already here, except he went, well, lets do it by driving the chickens, well, they killed komarov, the owner of the market, the shot was fired from a pistol, through drivers window in the head, it was clearly done by a professional. He didnt leave any ships, so what are the versions . Well, nothing yet, but definitely not a robbery, the victims briefcase was in the car, dorin took it, whats in the briefcase . Yes , some documents, i didnt have time to look, but where . Well, yes, what, nothing, not a single cctv camera, just the victims purse, who do we have here . Something familiar, i had her somewhere, and i remembered where i saw her, where in the brothel, then lyokha chose her, and then who did you choose, zina, zina, okay, russians, lets get to the point, come on, the maniac killed another prostitute, so he only kills them, why . Psycho has his own program, he can consider himself a forest orderly, yeah, maybe some other ideas . By killing prostitutes, he gets sexual satisfaction, so, well, come on, throw on, throw on, well , revenge, revenge, prostitutes did something bad to him and now he cuts them all indiscriminately, its very possible, roma, can i have you for a second , maybe yes. As for the girl, the same thing happened to her as with everyone else, you can take it, yes, please, lets be careful, the maniac used the same murder weapon, and in general the handwriting is the same, but you want coffee, and you and thank you, no, next to the body i found two footprints, before committing the murder, the maniac probably stepped on clay, so the imprint is very distinct, ill try to work with it, how much time do you need , offhand, we practically dont have it, arkash , you know me very well, i cant say offhand, ill try as quickly as possible, although come on, with sugar, i have there was a premonition that it could end badly , what do you mean, and my husband didnt tell me the details, but i know that he had some serious trouble at work, but what kind of trouble . He was going to build a large Trading House on the site of his market, but it didnt work out. Why . The lands on which construction was to be carried out were taken away from him. And who took it . Burov, what, vitya, have you gone on a rampage . Why did you kill my debtor . Where did you get the idea that we killed him . Come on, everyone in the area knows that you had a conflict with komarov, but you never know, what kind of conflicts, so why immediately wet it now . Listen, vitya, dont tell me this bullshit, you better tell me who will give me the money that mosquitoes owe me, how much he owes you, a million bucks, one and a half lemons, yes. You were unlucky, you got caught, what does it mean you got caught, which means unlucky, so you will give them to me, under what article, we didnt take anything from you, and we dont owe you anything, you killed my debtor, that means everyone owes obligations pass to what kind of nonsense are you talking about, dont drive the snowstorm away. I want to get my money, thats understandable, and i advise you to give it to me as quickly as possible, otherwise, vitya, when the cops come to me, i wont remain silent, you understand . You scared me with the cops, funny, the conversation is over, you wont get any money , goodbye, no one has ever cheated me out of that kind of money, you, vitya, wont succeed, youll bring it to me in your teeth, understand . Reporting guys, what did you dig up . Komarov was killed with one shot to the head, it was obvious that the hitman was working, so who was the customer . We met with komarovas wife, she believes that only one person benefited from the death of her husband, who . Unexpected turn, but does she have proof . And i studied the papers of the murdered man and found in them confirmation of komarovas version, so this is a decree that komarov must vacate the territory occupied by his market within a month, this is this, this is black accounting, it was in the briefcase of the murdered man, from these papers you can understand that komarov received a significant amount of money in black money for the construction of a Shopping Mall center, most of them presumably. But these are all your assumptions. Where are the facts, the evidence, where . There is no direct evidence, there is only a statement from komarova, in which she accuses burov of organizing the murder of her husband. It would be wrong to call burov for interrogation without the approval of the spy, what do you think, guys, i wouldnt want to go back to the cell, ill go talk to our boss, yes, the victims wife thinks its burov, he ordered it. On what basis does she think so, what evidence does he have, he doesnt have it, but there is there are many people ready to confirm that there was a business conflict between komarov and burov, i understand that, yes, but first you need to find the contractor, and then think about how to get to burov, i agree, but burov still needs to be interrogated, why . There is a statement from komarovs wife, in which she specifically names the surname. The alleged customer, if you dont interrogate him, it means following the lead of the alleged criminal, i , for example, am not ready and i wont hush up this matter, but you , i want the investigation to be conducted within the framework of the law, i want it too, so you give the goahead interrogation burov, or should i go to another office with this matter, where they wont subordinate me. But i have nothing to lose, ill leave the authorities even today, but ive never gone under the bandits, i wont go, i dont advise you. Whats happened . An hour ago rusakov called me, what does he want . Summons you for questioning regarding the murder of komarov, did you call the police . Yes, he doesnt answer the phone, what is he up to, its interesting, i think its nothing good, okay, ill talk to my father, let him bring out the species in himself and insert a piston in him. What about the interrogation . Dont go anywhere yet, wait for my instructions. What do you allow yourself, timur, i, when i called you to moscow, i very clearly formulated your tasks. Under my leadership, crime detection in the district has doubled. But what does disclosure have to do with it . You must first of all provide forceful cover for my business. I was not aware that your business was criminal. What you said . You think i dont know about your exploits with rusakov, how you extort funds from businessmen, one word from me and today you will find yourself on a bunk, do what you think is necessary. But i cannot replace the komarov murder case, there is evidence witnesses calling burov the customer, and i cannot forbid rusakov to call burov for interrogation, i did not expect this from you, timur, i wanted to present this to you for a reward, to give an apartment to moscow, i would be grateful if you send me figuratively to kazan, easy department. Do you want me to think about your future boyfriend , yes, vitya, you made a mess, but what could i do, sit and wait for his killer to kill me, a lot of people know about your conflict, but what does your father say . What about father . Wedge of species . But he wont remove it can, the authorities wont understand the shuffle with personnel, you know, that means youll still have to go for interrogation, you go, nothing will happen to you, they dont have anything specific about you, but in principle i dont like this situation, and so im not happy with the layout, are there any other ideas . I didnt immediately like this idea of ​​raising money. Tromoper should catch bandits, not collect money. Now youre talking just like vidov. What types . I dont envy him, hes walking between a rock and a hard place now. Well its his problem. You better tell me what we are going to do now . General kharlomov must come. Thus . Here. Ago his wife died, she was only in her early 30s, the official cause of death was heart failure, yeah, a strange diagnostician for such a young woman, yeah, there were various rumors circulating around management, including those that he would go to the next world, to his wife , the general himself helped, we need to check this information, van, can my daughter tell me about you . Its not worth it, she has her own life, i dont even know how to tell zinka about this, but do they know each other . There were, they were both fellow countrymen, the obsessive of the vladimir region, lyokh, take your mind off your sad thoughts, give me information about the late wife of general kharvalov, but what interests you, im interested in everything, where did she live . Zaks number, where the death certificate was issued, the name of the District Police officer at the previous place of residence, relatives, well, in general, everything that you find, yeah, i understand, well do it, okay, volodya, what are you, sour . Rodney was planning to move to america, but it looks like yes, no, well, this is wrong, what should he do there, its not for nothing that they say where he was born, there he will it came in handy, i need to talk to him, but lets go fishing, i ll talk to them there, listen, its a great idea, well , especially since we havent been there for a long time, well, catch the fish, make cinnabar and sing along to the guitar, right . Yes, were going fishing, youre like, lyokha, of course, great , are you going fishing, cool idea, i still have my fathers spinning rod, its never been used. Yeah, youll take me, of course, well take what we have with a print, well , i cant please you with anything special, judging by the prints, the boot, mank wears a frill of the first size, also on the prints traces of clay fertilizers were discovered, which summer residents use on their plots, there is, unfortunately, nothing special in this clay, ordinary clay, which in the Moscow Region is like ridges, sad, in general, it has been added to our knowledge about the maniac. But with in this case, he could go out of town, i dont know, fishing, for example, and there he stepped somewhere near a river in clay that was mixed, i agree with everything except fishing, why . Well, why . Because a bad person cannot be a fisherman, and i agree, yes. Hello, federal service for control drug trafficking, i have information for you, in the car state number a234 he197 there is a shipment of drugs, write down the address where the car is, hello, timur, i also miss you very much, but you know, i wont be able to see you today , a friend came to visit me, just for one day, well, of course, ill see you tomorrow. And i kiss you, bye bye, good afternoon, captain zholudev, federal drug control service. Is this your car . Yes, whats the matter . Mayora Investigative Committee. Any questions . Sorry, comrade major. But we have information that there is a shipment of drugs in your car. Yes, what nonsense . Please have your trunk inspected. Search warrant. If you have nothing to hide, then you could open the trunk. Yes, please watch. What kind of bag . Can i watch it . This is not my bag. And whose . I dont know. You have a bag in your car, but you dont even know whose it is. I said, i dont know, invite witnesses, well formalize it. Lets tell Olga Vladimirovna who you got the drugs from and who you owe them to. I must say, this is some kind of misunderstanding, i have nothing to do with these drugs, i was framed, who, why . I dont know this yet, tell me, can you let me out on bail and not eat me out . No, the matter is too serious, you were caught redhanded with a large amount of cocaine, no matter what. Desire to let you go, i cant, you understand, yes, can i make one call, i beg you, call, thank you, yes, hello, timur, its me, listen to me carefully, i was arrested, they planted drugs on me. In the garage, doing business Lieutenant Colonel nemov, i am now in his office, please give it to him, friend, now , excuse me, could you talk to the Lieutenant Colonel, im listening to you, we need to meet with you, when will you be, in an hour, okay, when you arrive, call , i ll go out, goodbye, see you. This is her place, this is where she was taken, so there are cctv cameras, only at the entrance and exit , there are no cameras in the parking lot itself, but how can one get here , one entrance is through the elevator, the second is through the parking lot, and the third is emergency, at the old mans house, and you can watch it, of course. Yes, timur, didnt olya call you . I went to the market to buy groceries, then i called and said, i dont know when hell be back, i cant find a place for myself, but dont worry, youre right , i talked on the phone today, i ll come see you in the evening, yes, goodbye, strange, open , hacked. They took her by phone, they told us the address and number of the car, i was today where she was seized, talked with the security guard, the emergency door leading to the park was broken into, you understand, well, they took her redhanded, he also keeps telling me, that she was framed, but this still needs to be proven, and that drugs were found in his car, this is a fact, there is no need to prove it, yes, i understand, i understand, but what should i do in this situation, bring me proof that the drugs were not her, that then i will close the case against her and release her, excuse me, yes, they will meet, but let s tomorrow, or better yet in a week, you need this urgently, but urgently, okay, ill call you, yes, yes, i heard you, they will proof, well, you give me, ive completely lost my fear, i never had it, and who should i be afraid of . You that is it . Do you hope for general kharalov that he will cover you . First of all, i always rely only on myself. Well, what do you want for this record . A few things. First, you close komarovas case, your idiots dont interfere and dont ask us their questions. Second, you start working for us. What does it mean . We pay ourselves a good salary, and you solve all our problems and dont forget to report on your every step. The amateur performance that existed before does not suit us. Wont the muzzle crack . Dont be rude timur, you dont want olya to go to the prison camp, do you . And you will do everything to save the woman you love. By the way, i also dreamed of marrying her, but for some reason she refused me. Chose you, its very clear why, because youre nobody, lets go without insults, so, we agreed, or not, should i take care of this record, or destroy it right now, then let Olga Vladimirovna get a sentence in full, to the fullest extent , i need time to think. Ill give you a day, volodya, well, ive got a tent, youve got a pot of fishing rods, yeah, take a couple of throws and some good bait, yes, i dont skimp on maggots with worms, i dont want it like last time, well, i dont understand fishing for pasta, i dont understand, thats it, then go ahead, call me, yes, indeed, a year ago we issued a death certificate in the name of vera yuryevna kharlamovo, born in 1982. Yeah, can i take a look at these documents on the basis of which the certificate was issued, well, i can make you a copy of these documents if you make an official request. You understand, i dont have time to wait, can i get them . Look right now, here in your office, it wont take more than 5 minutes, something serious . No no nothing. I just need to check some data, yeah, i see, lyubov valentinovna, please bring me a folder from the archives addressed to kharlamov and vera yurievna, syuga, hello, great, timur, youve completely lost something, so the guys and i dont forget you , they send you greetings all the time, thank you, greetings to them too. Well , how are you, how is it in moscow . Do you regret leaving . Yes, i dont have a definite answer, s from a work point of view, i regret it, there are changes in my personal life, im planning to marry, but okay, who . Her name is olga, but what does she do . The mayor of the Investigative Committee is one of ours, so thats good, so when is the wedding . Well, you know, we were planning on it in the near future, but we have some problems here. Some difficulties, my fiancee and i got into trouble, your help, about fishing, a good idea, by the way, i like it , but remember how last time you caught a churetka with a lure and caught five pike perches, well , maybe this time youll be lucky, and who will go . Roma, lyokha, you and i, listen, maybe we can take mom . Lets go without mom, itll be a purely male team, well catch fish, boil flies, okay, thats right, well go with tents, well, as usual, mom definitely wont like it in a tent, lets go without mom, thats great, svetlana anatolyevna, i didnt find it in our archive there are no documents in the names of kharlamova and vera yuryevna, i dont know where they went, well , we were undergoing renovations in the storage room, and maybe during the renovation. That the folder got lost, it couldnt have gone missing, you are free, love , valentinovna, you know what, you leave it to me my phone, and i will give the employees the task of looking for her. As soon as they find her, ill call you right away, its agreed, in general, there are a lot of different bosses living in my station, we recently had a case, and the patrolmen took the pilot boys from the playground, hello, she was drinking there, it turned out at the station that she had two of the fathers are generals of the ministry of internal affairs, and the third one actually has a father who works there, so you know how these patrolmen later got a hit for bringing these guys, the boss says, you have to look at who you take, but how will you understand when they are all they wear torn jeans. Go, understand whose dream he is, yes, this is a problem, what else, tell me, lieutenant, did you have to visit general kharlamovs home . No, well, that is, where he lives, in what apartment building, i know, but there was no need to come, and when his wife died, they called you . No, why so . Yes, i dont know, but he and his son somehow solved all the problems themselves, huh . But did the doctor come to them to establish the fact of death . I do nt know, this story passed me by, im somehow out of business, so what kind of doctors are they . Came, you dont know which of the cops was there for the examination, you dont know either, well, i dont know anything, go to the head of the department, hell tell you everything, but thanks for the good advice, no, im not happy with this, im urgent must. Lets at least postpone it until tomorrow, gulyansky can arrive at any moment, so there could be a scandal, i cant wait, i need it urgently, well, if its urgent, lets do it at night, okay, okay, at night, then at night, i ill wait, then when i get to the pretrial detention center, ill call, call, im the connection, the Football Club is a ritual, you better not win. Be buried, yes, no problem, vera yuryevna kharlamova was buried in your cemetery, well, i want to know whether she was cremated or not, if not, is exhumation possible, to carry out exhumation, you need the appropriate documents, i understand, but before collecting them, i want to find out in principle whether exhumation is possible, as you say, the name of the deceased is vera yuryevna kharlamova. There is one, she was cremated, buried in an urn at plot 483, would you like to see it, but no, not anymore, thank you. Mish, well, go and see what this place is like, okay, what did you want . Attacked, attacked, who are you, weapons on the floor, hands behind your head, on the floor, on the floor. Federal drug control service, Lieutenant Colonel pollock, what are you guys, guys, can i call, no, permission for. There is a weapon, there is one in the next room, in the office, lets go, show me, no problem, ill show you now, what are you doing . What are you doing here, conducting a search, what kind of search, which one . There is a resolution, so first there is a permit to carry weapons, and then we will talk about the rest. Yeah, there is permission, thats good, one less article, what article, what are you talking about . Show me your id, but what does kazan have to do with it . A week ago we took a large consignment of drugs together with the carrier, during interrogation he testified that you were supplying him with drugs, it was you who arranged everything, well, let me call, dont yell, otherwise well hurt you, youll be in big trouble, this i promise you, first you get out of here alive, and then threaten, otherwise i might spank you when you try to escape, and what are you going to do, a search in the presence of. Witnesses, so, bring me one of the servants, i think its better to start with the garage, timur, you are now digging a hole for yourself with your own hands, and these kazan cops will not help you, what is happening here now is your very big mistake, understand . It was a mistake to introduce olga, she didnt joke about shooting while trying to escape, i personally made it a pleasure, so be careful in your expressions, watch the fire, lets go. They realized they gathered what it was, well, you impudent one cocaine, what do you say now, lawless people, well, what are you going to do next . Will bring you to kazan, and what is it to kazan , and there they will open a criminal case against you, there is every reason for this, but if your friend kharlamo tries to help you, i will do everything to get you out of there. What you want . Flash drive with the movie you want me bye . Give me the flash drive here, thats all, no, not all, if theres even one more provocation on your part, i ll shoot you like a dog. I know the way to your house now, i helped a lot, okay, i think its in the calculations, you didnt leave me in either organ gorge, well, then there was a war, you wont have any problems with the authorities, dont forget to invite the wedding, so you will be a witness , after this word , wad, it looks like you were right, tell me, the death of kharlamovs wife really hides a secret, there is not a medical report, no police report, so where are they . Disappeared, everything disappeared in the basements of zaks, just like that, an interesting story, yeah, and when i tried to talk to the local District Police officer, he immediately tensed up and sent me, i hope not far, no, not far, to the authorities, i i thought that it would be nice to exhume vera yuryevnas body, but it turned out that she was cremated, oops, if we assume the fact of a violent death, then the general would not have called the police doctor, yeah, and since all the documents have disappeared, it turns out that kharlam has something to hide , are you crazy . Who gave you permission to bring the kazan amon . What could i do if your boer blackmailed me . There is no need to slander, but he is a respected businessman in the city, he is not a businessman, he is a bandit, and who are you . Are you planting drugs on someone . And i had to defend . I didnt think you were such an idiot, but now ill definitely dig you in where the makars divide the nepas. What do you have there, lets see who did it . Burov, burov, show him what he needs, lets not talk about it now, good, like mom, good, butchko, im her. I entertained with crossword puzzles, good, what about tea, youre good, marry me, i love you very much, i want you to become my wife, for some reason the water doesnt boil for a long time, i think, another five minutes and we can throw in the potatoes. Im hungry, im dying , damn it, we agreed without the women, but i went to bed with with his samovar, i forbade my mother to take my relatives, and he brought who knows who , why who knows who, and who, this is lyokhin s fate, im glad that he found what he was looking for, and who is interesting, he found, love, what are you saying, yes, zina will. Love him all his life, he wont find a more devoted wife, well , what else does a person need to be happy, this is fate, well, of course, you know better, you know better, gentlewoman, like her sister was , even closer, well , calm down, but neli, everything is fine, its just that first my sister, then nina, and now whats mine the turn has come, stop talking nonsense, dont lyosh, i have some kind of bad feeling, you know, i have a nightmare every night, as if my mother was calling me, listen to me, listen, i promise you, everything will be fine, ill catch you this maniac and nothing will happen to you, i caught it, i caught a huge pike, im going to give birth, dad, im coming, help, well , you see, you bastard . And what does it mean . Like what does this mean . It means that everything will be fine, zenulechka, thank you very much, the soup was royal, oh, thank you, zinul is a noble fish soup, its true, so glad. Im giving birth, im going to bed, okay , leave you alone, come on, sit here for a little while, okay, come on, lets go for a walk. Oh, well go for a walk, lets go, take a walk, take a walk, where did you learn to cook fish soup, god willing, god willing, dont get cold, your nose is frozen, your nose is frozen,

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