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To see the costumes, they came to the theater, it s always been like that and should remain like that, so it can eat a hole in the budget if you always need a costume to earn more, it means you have to do performances that will ask people, people will come, well, no one has repealed this law, engels even tried, it didnt work, he only confirmed it, so no, no, no, i think theater is joy, its a big, big, event with people who came specifically to visit you for money , this doesnt reassure me, if i would just be free, come in for free, yes, yes, why not, we also have this category of people, but we sell goods, but how, yes, we have a different format , please, the attic of satire, and there is how you and i are sitting, such a distance to the viewer, and all these things are not needed there, i need your eyes. Your clicking thats how nervous you are or not, thats where youre shaking, yeah, thats what were talking about there, oh such problems, again human, family, you know, we have a play called this child, uhhuh, look, a very problematic thing, fathers of children, an always problematic story. Its going very well here, its being received very well, and so we watched it, it was written there, this is a drama, the genre of drama, this year, drama in the theater of satire, satire, the concept of rassira, but here are the girls who are involved in the development , pr, they offered me to change the genre, yeah, and i just thought how correctly they figured it out, now it will be called an encyclopedia of parental errors or misconceptions, Something Like that, so im very happy about this, i like how everything is developing, sergey, thank you very much for the conversation, thank you for a very interesting conversation, thank you. Hello, in russia the decade of science and technology, the ntv Television Company and the Rosatom State Corporation present a program, we are science , science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, i am vladimir antokhin, i am ekaterina shugaeva, in 10 years nauga will win. Hypertension, well, very much so i wanted to believe in it, so i invited optimists who believe that in 10 years science will really defeat hypertension, this is olga tarasenko, an expert in laboratory medicine, good evening, and nikolai dupik , a cardiologist, hello, good evening, its my tradition visiting skeptics andrei tyazhelnikov, a doctor, good evening, and svetlana konevskaya, also a doctor, good evening, good evening, at the end of the program, our guests are optimists, they will make a forecast with what probability in 10 years science will defeat hypertension. Tells about the history of hypertension our expert, professor kapustin. Since ancient times, the treatment for what was called pulse disease was to reduce the amount of blood through bloodletting. The most humane method is known to us all, thanks to durimaru, a seller of medicinal leeches, which, by the way, perfectly reduce Blood Pressure. Today , 25 of men and 20 of women suffer from hypertension. Scientific research on hypertension begins in the 16th century, simultaneously with the description of cardiac circulation. First Blood Pressure measurement. In 1733, a revolutionary step was taken at the end of the 19th century century, when the sphygmomanometer was invented, which made it possible to measure Blood Pressure, fully automatic sphygmomanometers appeared at the end of the last century, and today there are them in the pharmacy for every taste and budget, well, i have a personal question for you, for every taste and budget, and you are following yours. Blood pressure, no, thats the one thats 90x60, no, thats the one thats 120x80, it seems like it should be, no, i dont keep track, but you do, have you ever measured your Blood Pressure, well, when i was at the doctors, i measured it then, and that too i had enough, olga anatolyevna, well really, and when did people find out that Blood Pressure exists, how was it measured, or tried to do it, well , really historically, we will look at that, but today coolie you said that we have a lot in pharmacies, there is other methods, thats what historically, until today, two directions, they can be traced. So, first of all, how could a person determine that there is pressure , there is no pressure, of course, only by getting inside, well, first of all, this was done in 1773, 250 years ago, for the first time it was Blood Pressure was measured in a horse, it began to develop further in the 14th century, it is known to everyone, known to everyone, i say right away , because jeanleonarzel had other discoveries, he discovered and measured pressure using a mercury manometer, for the first time, that is, it appeared mercury units, millimeters of mercury, were made, but it is clear that when we penetrate inside the vessel. This is always an additional trauma for the body, although i can say that these are invasive methods, and today they are in great demand, i specifically i looked on the website of roszdravnadzor, registered medical products for invasive tanometry and in cardiac surgery, vascular surgeons very actively use this, they have it directly when necessary, of course, there are already modern products, modern methods, but they are invasive, the second part, but it is impossible. Everything its time to determine if you get inside, it means that methods have been used that are not invasive, and here, too , what was already said about the sphegmograph was first discovered, this is 1854, they didnt use it further, they began to work on it further, and it was eliminated in an improved way, this is 1860, i specifically say by year, because this is very important, here in 1800. The year again goes to what it was, there were very complex products, we are now using the cuff, and the cuff appeared only in 1896 year, and this is also a discovery, but the most significant event , of course, in 905 was the speech of our surgeon nikolai sergevich korodkovo, who made a report on exactly what can be. Fictitiously, when measuring Blood Pressure, he heard sounds, tones and thus, after this report, this direction began to develop, for the first time in 1862 it was generally accepted that this method, the korotkov method, is the main method for measuring Blood Pressure, i will not name it further, because today there are already reference methods, there are bases of standards for pressure. All this is developing, and today we know that this is all a medical product, but there is also a direction that is very active, this is for sports, this is for everyday life, we already see that there are Blood Pressure measurements, there are watches and so on further, but these are not medical products, this is a different direction, but for a person this is also a comfortable direction, the following is also very important, that today we have a program health, healthcare of the Russian Federation and special gadgets with telemedicine devices are issued for transmitting data from the patient directly to the doctor, for the doctor to make a decision, thats why its not the patient whos watching us, its the doctor watching us, the doctor, yes, but this is already a device for which additional requirements are imposed, theres such a direction, well, okay, but when people generally understood that there are some diseases associated with Blood Pressure, well, it doesnt matter, high, low, the main thing is that its arterial, yes, yeah, well, first, id probably like to say that we are not skeptics after all, and. To a greater extent realists, yes, right away, so that there is an understanding of what we have, im not making excuses, but we have an understanding that, in principle , today we stand at a fairly high level in the development of the struggle with hypertension, yes, on the other hand, it is absolutely clear that thousands years ago, in ancient treatises, in oriental medicine, in folk medicine, various conditions, complaints and even methods of treating manifestations of what we today call hypertension were described, yes, but as colleagues have already said, it really only began in the 20th century be described as hypertension, as the corresponding symptoms, as the corresponding stages, and after that the treatment methods that are familiar to us today began to be developed, thank you, thank you very much, lets take a break for a moment, lets finally measure your Blood Pressure, advertising on ntv , military personnel under contract receive Regional Support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year , and other benefits from the state. Its not easy here, but here everyone is united, here everything is for the sake of a common cause, here everything is fair, serve under a contract , what are you doing, nikolai, im tightening the noose, the same and the same, i already see how you are a friend friend, breathe. Your vile faces, i assure you, this time has not come yet, tomorrow may be too late, no, no tomorrow, there is only today, dont be afraid, its hard to scare a person who has nothing to lose, suicide, National Security agent, return, finale , no, guys, i will push you to the end, tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv. The program we are science is on air. Science and a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. In 10 years , science will defeat hypertension. Well, at the end of the program our guests are optimists and skeptics will make a forecast with what probability in 10 years science will actually defeat hypertension. And our expert professor believes in this. According to who, today he suffers from hypertension. Unaware of his illness. Hypertension clearly correlates with poverty and wealth; the fewest patients are in switzerland and canada, the most in paraguay and jamaica. Russia is among the top ten countries in which the incidence of hypertension has decreased significantly in recent years. Highest. Treatment rate for hypertension in kazakhstan, but because 75 of women and 66 of men receive medications there. Hypertension is easy to diagnose; you just need to measure your Blood Pressure regularly; this can be done at home. The latest who recommendations are to reduce the consumption of salt, alcohol and trans fats, and in addition. Quit smoking and it is especially recommended to lead an active lifestyle, this can be walking, light jogging, nordic walking or skiing, swimming is especially useful and cycling, but if the pressure is high from the loads, it is better to refrain from replacing classes exercise, a quiet walk, or just walking up the stairs, and experience shows that regular physical exercise always brings benefits. And best of all is 10,000 steps per day. So, the main thing that i heard from kapustina is that you need to measure your Blood Pressure all the time, while you deal with the optimists, ill measure it for now. Nikolai vasilyevich , well, what is Blood Pressure, i have an artery and thats what its pressing on, thats how its a little wrong, in short, Blood Pressure is Blood Pressure, that is, incompressible fluid, incompressible fluid at the arterial. The diagram that we usually draw for our patients, as well as for students and residents. So, what exactly is the cardiovascular system . The cardiovascular system is a closed, complex hydrodynamic system consisting of a heart and blood vessels, a pump , correctly, a fourchambered heart, and , accordingly, a complex system of differentsized vessels, pipes, so, accordingly, the pump pumps fluid, blood inside the vessels creates arterial pressure. We have two circles of blood circulation, the pulmonary circulation, responsible for gas exchange in the lungs, we do not touch on it, because arterial hypertension is a problem of the systemic circulation, it is a problem of increased pressure inside the arteries, the systemic circulation, the task of which is the transport of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and cells of our body, and accordingly ensuring their metabolic needs. So, the two circles are not connected in any way, the one in the lungs and the one which, of course, are related, by and large this is if suddenly something happens. No, this is in any case, this is a single system, if something breaks somewhere, then trouble happens , its just that we are now really artificially isolating the systemic circulation, so , accordingly, the blood is from the left ventricle, which is the pump, the main pressure function, the main pumping mechanism, and from where the blood is pumped into the largest, largest artery, the aorta, through which the blood. In fact, flows to the peripheral tissues and organs. And gas exchange, metabolism generally occurs at the level of capillaries, these are small, the smallest vessels, this is when everything is already here, now we, now we will get to this, wait, let us erase this now, dont push, dont push, yes, between , the most terminal arterial, the most, the most Terminal Link of the arterial system, through which blood flow in the capillaries is actually ensured, are the socalled resistive resistive arteriules, you drew almost correctly, resistive arteries or resistive vessels, which have a large number of smooth muscle cells and , accordingly, can regulate their lumen in a wide range, remember this , absolutely precisely, they contract, narrow and expand, everyone knows about vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, they affect exactly this. Accordingly, blood supply to tissue organs and, accordingly, the second function this is indirectly pumped up, created together with the heart, of course , pressure inside the arterial system, and so once again we have blood flowing along the aorta to the heart from the heart, along the aorta from the heart and accordingly, somewhere here at a level 40 cm from the heart from the left ventricle, here is where you measure on the brachial artery using a manometer, tonometer, we measure the level of Blood Pressure, which normally should be less than, if possible, 120x80, arterial so im 124x81 there, thats why, in principle , your arrival is almost normal, this pressure level is generally called a normal pressure level, then from the capillaries the blood collects into the venous system, this is the socalled capacitance. Vessels so, the marker brings up, here are the capacitive vessels with the help of which the blood is collected and returned back to the heart, and accordingly, having such a system, we can derive a certain equation, excuse me, thats why our Blood Pressure is determined, my dad without a mathematician told me arterial nowhere, there will be no mathematics here , only a little logic here, which means Blood Pressure is determined by the power of. Our pump, this is cardiac output and, accordingly, depends on peripheral vascular resistance in resistive arteries, in arteriules, this is the socalled, their ability to contract and unclench, respectively, this is peripheral vascular resistance, in turn, cardiac output this is very important, we must introduce two more important players who regulate the level of Blood Pressure, in addition to the heart and arterioles , our cardiac output depends, as i already said, on the heart rate, which is normally yes, 6080 beats per minute, this is the pulse, this is the pulse, absolutely, and on the stroke volume, the stroke volume is that amount blood, which the heart throws out at one time, normally its 60 , a big athletic heart throws out a lot, a small childs heart throws out a lot , exactly, absolutely accurately, a big sports heart throws out a lot, but less often, thats why its somewhere around 60100 ml per. Since the heart ejects into the aorta and then it is distributed throughout the body, the stroke volume in turn depends on contractility , the power of the contractility pump and on the late return, this is extremely important, will it come back . Yes, if there is little blood, if, for example, a person is bleeding, little blood will get in, yes, absolutely, absolutely , it will work idle, so venous return, we introduce two important players, without which hypertension, without failures, without which hypertension does not develop, what do you think it is . Thats right, these are the kidneys, the kidneys and a little smaller, but also the adrenal glands, the adrenal glands, in principle, in principle, they have the ability to regulate the level of Blood Pressure at any heart power, at any resistance, at any, so to speak, volume of peripheral resistance, no matter how bad it is the system worked, good kidneys will cope, they will regulate, it is believed that, in principle , persistent arterial hypertension, that is , hypertension most often, develops only when the kidneys are for some completely unclear reason, and kidney failure is incomprehensible. This is a consequence when the kidneys can no longer regulate the volume of circulating fluid, they cannot regulate the volume of blood. So lets get to hypertension, where it is very important, then, very important, another important system that starts through the kidneys, and which is actually the main, so to speak, pathogenetic link and therapeutic target, is renin , angiotensin, the aldesterone system, for some reason the kidneys suffer, a large amount of renin, which in the blood converts, in principle, harmless angiotensinogen produced in the liver, through a number of metabolic, intermediate products, so to speak, are converted into extremely harmful angiotensin 2, angiotensin 2, it is designated like this everywhere, angiotensin 2, which causes vascular spasm, and they they just stop, yes, which retains, which stimulates the production of desterone over the kidney and desterone this is another vessel , which, another hormone that affects the kidneys , retains sodium, retains fluid, as a result, vasospasm, fluid retention, sodium retention, development of fibrosis in these vessels, their loss of the ability to expand by and large, all this leads to a persistent increase in Blood Pressure, and this already triggers, give the floor to the skeptics , to defeat hypertension the system is very they painted everything optimistically in such a way that. Yes, wow, system, ill go and measure the pressure on my right arm, so, svetlana sergeevna, get ready, i also have a question for you, so, weve sorted out the Blood Pressure, okay, now lets talk about hypertension , specifically, really , what is hypertension, is it something that shouldnt work that way in this large system, or all together, look, but when a patient comes to see me and i measure his Blood Pressure, i determine that his Blood Pressure is elevated, then i m starting to conduct a series of examinations to understand the reason for the increase in Blood Pressure, because high Blood Pressure itself is a syndrome, high Blood Pressure is more than 120 to 80, in any case, you are obliged to conduct an additional examination, that is, if i measured 124, in theory you should already have examined me, this it will be situational during the transfer, you need to look at the pressure in a calm state, one is associated with some diseases that can be cured, these are symptomatic arterial hypertension, for example, in a patient with congenital renal artery stenosis, the kidney receives little blood, experiences oxygen starvation, begins to throw out a large amount of these substances, so that at least somehow there is blood circulation in the kidney. If we find this, we can operate on this vessel, it will expand, and we have cured the patient, and there are those situations that Nikolai Vasilyevich spoke about now, when we do not know what the trigger mechanism is, there are no symptomatic problems, but hypertension begins , and here that same evidencebased research comes into play, we say that medicine is now based based on evidence, this year marks the 75th anniversary of. The study, this is the first huge multicenter study, when they took the city of framingham, residents, 32 km from boston, and began to observe them, at an average age of 25 and older, as they live, develop, what diseases they suffer from, what they die from, what they eat, how they move, and where the risk factors first began, from there, from this study , the roots of the risk factors grow, why they need to move. Why you should eat less trans fats, why you need to eat less salt, its just that in this study over these 75 years it was proven that patients who suffer from hypertension die more often from heart attacks and strokes , therefore they began to sound the alarm and look for what mechanisms and risk factors can trigger it and what were the reasons for their hypertension then , mainly just a sedentary lifestyle , poor nutrition, so that for true hypertension today the reason is still unknown, why it cannot be cured . Look when the doctor does genetics have any influence . Genetics is one possible factor. Look, when a patient comes to the doctor, i have three types of treatment in my arsenal. For example, he came with a headache, i give him an analgin tablet, i relieve the headache, this is a common symptomatic treatment, it is not very effective for the patient, or for example, a patient comes, he has a headache and high Blood Pressure, i know how to block the work of this renin, the angiotensinosterone system, i give special drugs that block the receptors and the pressure returns to normal, you again treat only the symptoms, im treating the pathogenesis, the mechanism of development, while im giving the pills, the Blood Pressure is normal, i stopped taking the pills. He killed pneumonia, i cured pneumonia, there is no chronic pneumonia, unfortunately, the etiology, that is, we dont know the cause of real hypertension, so we cant cure it, like class, like pneumonia, we cant be stunned, okay, andrey aleksandrovich, what harm is hypertension harms the human body in general, maybe, well. I have hypertension, but i live with it, im calm with it, naturally, this is a risk of developing serious diseases, diseases primarily of the heart, this is chronic Heart Failure, for example, or the risk of developing a heart attack, stroke increases, in addition, of course, this is simply a deterioration in the quality of life, people have headaches, people have decreased ability to work, many other side effects with which. Hypertension is definitely necessary, this is what you have, look, if we take, this is a healthy vessel, this is how smooth and clean it is, when the patient has been suffering for a long time hypertension, this internal vascular lining, it begins, yes the substrate , it begins to feel bad and get sick from this pressure, that very atherosclerosis begins to be deposited in it, this very atherosclerotic plaque is formed, then in fact its the other way around. Plaques as a consequence of hypertension, i always thought that hypertension begins due to the fact that there are certain plaques, but it turns out in the opposite direction, maybe in the opposite direction, so they form, the blood flows worse, it actually gets worse on its own cleanses the blood vessels, it kind of squeezes the endothelium, it starts to deteriorate and lipids seem to come in to seal it up to treat it, in the end it turns out that they treat it a little, but when, for example, hypertonicity occurs. The pressure jumps too much, this is a plaque cover can burst, and the body, when a tire bursts, perceives this as an injury to the vessel, it gives the command to platelets to come running to seal it, it generally clogs the vessel, and it clogs the vessel and the risk of hypertension is untreated, these are heart attacks, strokes, Nikolai Vasilyevich, then but how do they treat hypertension today, only you just came and received a pill, how optimistic are you then, right . With this picture, without false modesty, i will say that in general , in my patients i manage, not to cure hypertension, of course, no, this is a chronic disease, to relieve the symptoms, to take it under control, as in the majority of these cases, thats all depends on whether i can convey this to the patient, the most important problem is compliance, the patients adherence to treatment, taking medications every day, and following the measures for changes lifestyle, here we come to how we treat hypertension, there is no medication, colleagues are already talking about this. Or nondrug methods of treatment, professor kapustin mentioned this, a healthy lifestyle, no matter how trite it may sound, give up smoking, from drinking alcohol, from consuming salt, limit the consumption of salt, trans fats, fatty foods in general, increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, and well, Vegetable Oil is acceptable, fish is very good, the mediterranean diet, everyone knows this, they know it very well, its delicious, its useful, because its not a fact that it will help, you write so many factors kidneys adrenal glands and it didnt sound strange, but in fact a person, for example, of middle age without any other severe pathology, without complications of hypertension, with hypertension first, so to speak , the first stage, the first degree, that is, a slightly elevated level of Blood Pressure, often these measures are sufficient, as well as an increase in physical activity, if you are overweight, that is, weight loss 1 mm 1 kg is 1 mm of a mulberry column, you will lose weight on 10 kg and you wont need medicine; its no longer 130, but 120, a direct linear relationship. But yes, well, shes practically like that, practically like that, you know, how i tell patients about risk factors, i say, there are risk factors that you can change, which Nikolai Vasilyevich just said, and there are risk factors that we we cant change it, its heredity, its age, and i say, look, you have a backpack that you always carry, you cant take it off, we put heredity there, genetic predisposition, age, you are carrying two suitcases in your hands, poor diet, poor lifestyle, sleep. If you throw away the suitcase tita it is much easier, and let the backpack remain, but at least the suitcases in your hands will not be an excellent example , you need to remember it, lets take a break for a while, ill go walk my 10,000 steps, advertising on mtv, we, alexander and dmitry koshnin, i calculated a model of a superhard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a supersensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we are passionate about science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties. Rf. The program is on air, we are science. Science and us, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. Well, if everyone plays sports like this and walks their 10,000 steps, then perhaps in 10 years science will defeat hypertension. Well, our expert, professor kapustin, doesnt believe this. Hypertension is not a cold, so getting rid of it. Is not easy, it wont be possible in one visit to the doctor. Over the past 30 years, the number of hypertensive patients among adults doubled from 650 million. Cardiovascular disease is responsible for a large number of disabilityrelated deaths worldwide, which has also been increasing over the past decade. Hypertension is one of the diseases. Which can equally threaten both men and women, and of different ages. Your chances of getting sick increase if your immediate family has cardiovascular disease. Bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, fast food, and especially fatty and sweet, but excess weight contributes to hypertension. In a word, until victory. We are still very, very far from achieving hypertension. Listen, on the one hand, you say, we need to improve our lifestyle, on which hypertension greatly depends, on the other hand , pharmacology is developing, which means it relaxes us, but if i know that there is a pill that i will take, then i dont need to go on my own 10,000 steps and run and eat better. Here, you see, we can uh, like any coin has two sides, on the one hand the pill heals, but any pill this is a medicine, and as hippocrates said, any poison is a medicine, any medicine. Depending on the dose, so when prescribing we can always get side effects, and if we have even the slightest chance of minimizing drug therapy, of course, it is important to do this, okay, good doctors, regarding increasing the chances, svetlana sergeevna, well, our friend pavel, he loves animals very much, he lives with, you wont believe it, a hypertensive chameleon, he is more beautiful when he blushes, pavel immediately understands that he has hypertensive so just a pill for you, okay, svetlana sergeevna, what kind of breakthrough , okay, i wanted to say, the attraction of a hypertensive chameleon awaits, science, in fact, its true, there will be some breakthroughs, or here we are, that there will be breakthroughs, in first, lets turn to genetics, today, when a person suffers from hypertension, there are medical, clinical recommendations on the basis of which we select treatment, there is a group of drugs that act on the mechanisms that nikolai described to us vasilyevich, and according to these medical recommendations, we must select this or that pill for the patient, but the trouble is that pills act differently in each human body, are metabolized, are excreted differently, there is a special. Molecule called cytochromes, which are responsible for the transformation of medicine inside our body, there are people who quickly process pills, and there are people who slowly process pills, and accordingly the dose should be different, based on these metabolization, we dont have it yet such a thing as a metabolic passport of the patient, genetic cytochromes that metabolize drugs, i think one of the possible breakthroughs in the next 10 years, when the patient. Will have such a passport and we will understand which cytochromes, how they metabolize drugs and select an individual dose , and this will minimize the risks of side effects. Olga anatolyevna, what kind of breakthrough are you expecting . In the next 10 years, maybe there will be a pill that you wont have to take every day for the rest of your life, yes, but considering that i am a specialist primarily in laboratory medicine, i want to say that at present there is already a breakthrough, because today we already know over half a thousand markers of hypertension, genetic, polymorphisms, today we already know oligonucleotides, which experimentally shown in animals how they work effectively when accessible, that is, they need to be delivered to certain targets in order for this to be effective, so this is the whole trend, as it is, and i want to say that they are doing this in absolutely all countries of the world, they are doing it very actively in the Russian Federation, and on the plus side i want to say that back in the soviet union, when they first began to voice the problem of aging, the problem of atherosclerosis, the problem of hypertension, they were so active , then in the chasovsk center a laboratory of lipids was created for the first time, and also Breakthrough Technologies for understanding and pathogenesis of diseases and the actual selection of drugs, sergeevna, olga anatelevna said, you know, i was immediately hooked, when she said that hypertension , research on hypertension is related to aging, that there were studies in russia, and about the connection between hypertension and aging, here it really is. I have a question, remember how zhvanetsky had what not to do with our man, he stubbornly moves towards the cemetery, fighting off people in white, and if we do, well, or somehow science will help defeat hypertension, this means that we will live longer, age later, if we learn to control hypertension, definitely Life Expectancy will increase because mortality from heart attacks, strokes, Heart Failure will decrease, that is, brain activity will remain more intact. And most importantly, a new medical direction is actually developing now, which is called, some call it, some call it preventive medicine, i call it functional medicine, when we understand how metabolism changes with age, how hormonal levels change with age, how this can be adjusted to keep it all high enough level, and this is a possible breakthrough in Life Expectancy, absolutely. Now, if a person follows certain rules, takes previously prescribed therapy in a timely manner, monitors risk factors, fills out a selfcontrol diary in a timely manner, we can absolutely say that his Life Expectancy will increase, but at this the story should involve the patient, the doctor, the medical organization that is observing him, then i just have a question for our guests, optimists and skeptics, i just wanted to ask about aging, okay, no way, come on, come on, youre not in danger, dont worry, so doctors often complain that people dont listen to them, here you have unique opportunities and optimists and skeptics, here are the most dangerous myths misconceptions associated with hypertension, which you are now ready to destroy right on the air, Nikolai Vasilyevich, in my opinion, the most dangerous myth, the first thing i would like to point out is that hypertension does not have a course of treatment, course. Hobbies, there is such point of view, what if the pressure elevated, yes, i will take pills as soon as the Blood Pressure normalizes with the help of medications, and this can be achieved in most, in most cases, people stop taking medications and ask the question why, my Blood Pressure is normal, why would i poison myself with all sorts of chemicals, all sorts of nasty things, this is wrong, hypertension is a chronic disease, and we cannot cure it completely, but once again we can, with the help of medications and lets say Lifestyle Changes , take it under control, and this is important, take the prescribed medications daily if you several drugs are prescribed, it is important to take just a few drugs, because we influence different parts of the pathogenesis, due to this, due to the impact on different points, we manage to bring hypertension under control in most cases, and if the patient cancels it on his own, it will reduce dose, then this will accordingly lead to the ineffectiveness of treatment, so this is a very important myth. The second myth is important, many of you here said, how come, headache, dizziness and so on, ah, i i think it is important to convey to people that the vast majority of hypertension is actually asymptomatic, and it is important, it is important to control your Blood Pressure when you see a doctor, even if the doctor for some reason forgot to measure your Blood Pressure, ask him to do it, moreover, it is very important to monitor your Blood Pressure yourself, at least sometimes, at least once a month for 23 days, to take several measurements, and this is especially important, of course, when something is bothering you, although currently from Something Else exactly with the level Blood Pressure, there can be a variety of reasons for this, not necessarily Blood Pressure, therefore. Radically, at least, i dont know, after 25 years there, after 30 years , undergo medical examination, and independently, because as colleagues have already said, it is very important that the doctor, that the patient also participate in their treatment, i would also like and dispel the myth that hypertension can be cured with folk remedies, herbs, homeopathy, and this is an absolute utopia, it cannot be cured, we can drink, for example, sedatives herbs, but this will somewhat simply reduce our emotional intensity and background, but it is impossible to cure hypertension in this way, so in no case can you replace the medicine with folk remedies, but i doubt that plantain has vessels like this, but you have some, i you know, in fact, sometimes i hear people say that oh, my Blood Pressure is 140, i dont know, its 90, this is my normal Blood Pressure, is that what . Unfortunately, it is indeed a fairly common situation when there is too much. Many people think, well , everyone has Blood Pressure, yes, everyone has Blood Pressure, nothing theres nothing scary about this, in general, i, my relatives, everyone had Blood Pressure, everyone lived there until they were 90 years old, naturally, if your Blood Pressure rises, it needs to be somehow corrected by lifestyle or treatment, well the second story is when people still think that they need to be treated, but at the same time they think that they can go to the doctor, to the clinic, and they will prescribe you. Some kind of therapy, and thats enough, thats always it there is no such thing as enough, absolutely, the patient must be involved, involved in the admission process medications, that is, take them in a timely manner in the dosages in which they are prescribed, in no case can you cancel them yourself, well, besides this, in any case , you need to adjust your lifestyle, in any case, and i also have, can i say a few words literally, because everyone is talking about measuring. And here, too, there is a difficult situation, because everyone is sure that everyone is measuring it correctly, everyone is doing great, so they are confident in their own, they are unhappy that if the pressure is somehow taken every 2 minutes, they measure and say, no, it different means bad devices, and many other claims go towards the product, but do not go towards themselves, here it is necessary that every person, buying, acquiring, or is given this product. They must at least read the instructions, because even here the approaches to what device , how to measure, they are also different in order to evaluate correctly, because the difference can be 50 units and so on, and this is all quite serious, so it is necessary treat the product well and correctly you use it, i want to support olga anatolyevna, because many people measure Blood Pressure, measure it exclusively with hours, and even at that. Which allow you to sort of measure pressure, but still, well, with an error of 20 , but today its not worth relying on this, why am i not so bad, but almost everyone in a stressful situation, practically on clothes, they tried it on once, for with their backs, everything is wrong, theres another, you know, theres another myth, this probably applies more, they think that if the doctor doesnt prescribed drips, which means the doctor is bad, he doesnt treat, that means he doesnt treat, and we have now discussed hypertension, that one of the mechanisms is an increase in the volume of circulating blood, and what it means to instill additional fluid into the patients bloodstream, so hypertension is not treated ivs, this is very important to understand, ill take it home, take it from the advertisement on ntv. A fan card is an Electronic Service for safe and comfortable attendance at football matches. The card number is needed to purchase tickets and game passes. Russian premier league and russian football cup final. You can apply for registration at Government Services or in the state services fan card application. The service operates at the stadiums of all rp clubs in thirty cities. Get a fan card and watch football at the stadium. There is a Science Program on air and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. Dear guests, optimists and skeptics, we have a question for you all what is the likelihood, in your opinion , that science will defeat hypertension. Olga anatolyevna, lets start with you, well, i definitely optimist, taking into account everything that i said today, that my colleagues said, i believe that it is 70 . Despite the fact that we probably wont fully know the reasons for the disappearance. Its strange that its not 80, well, maybe yes, but 75 is recommended, lets 75 , 75, thank you very much, 75, in order to come up with a medicine that changes the genetic code, but large multicenter studies must be carried out, first in vitro, then on special groups of mice, then on a group of people, and then only go into mass production. In mass production, mass consumer, well, i would be 10 of the product, 10, thank you very much, 90 , 95 even percent, what makes me be so optimistic . She said that such a medicine should appear, firstly, i would like to say it again , what does it mean to cure, in my opinion, if we manage to control the patients Blood Pressure during treatment, the Blood Pressure is 120 to 80, the numbers are always normal he is up to 120 years old, great, we defeated the artery, two new drugs appeared this year, nothing like this has happened since 2007, here is the previous discovery of a new one class of drugs was 2007, this year articles were published on two new classes , yes this is. Phase one, this is phase one, but now everything very quickly goes through these phases, in fact from and so to speak, from from the introduction from from the opening of introduction into clinical practice, but this is somewhere in the region of 810 years, and at the same time this is an injection that is done once every six months, and for six months the pressure is kept at a normal level, at a normal level, but thats all after all, treatment is not a cure like pneumonia, not a victory, not a victory, take podcon, well, this is a victory. By 80, subject to not so complicated rules, once every six months compared to what we have now, this is a 95 victory, thank you very much, to think that they will invent some kind of magic remedy that will save us from hypertension forever in 10 years or even after a longer period, well, probably not necessary, and once again we all probably agreed that if you follow certain rules, follow the doctors recommendations, monitor your lifestyle, then today we we are at a fairly high point in the fight against hypertension, but you believe that people will do all this, but today they have all these opportunities, but if we are talking about a super magic drug, then accordingly the probability of this is not very high, well, now there is a complex probability, well, i think, no more than 10 . 10 , thank you very much, volodya, with a 47. 5 probability, science will defeat hypertension, but in fact, of course , it will not directly defeat hypertension itself, and the most important thing is that the patients desire is needed, because doctors already have the means and methods, thanks to which a person can live well, normally, even with hypertension, taking medicine or maintaining a normal lifestyle, you know, animals came to mind here , here you are. Well, one of the highest at least, and many people imagine themselves fat people reach like before giraffes, i would say, in general, they imagine themselves as a giraffe, like, well, i have Blood Pressure , okay, ill live with it, i suggest not being giraffes, if suddenly your Blood Pressure increases, for several days in a row, its better to measure it, you need to go to the doctors and get treatment, and not be afraid, because, in principle, science and specialists are ready to make your. Life full and long, it was a program, science and we are a program on how science

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