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Dome was attacked by thousands of such kosams, and the dome could not stand it. Well, after the missiles, having broken through the fence separating israel from the gas sector with bulldozers and explosives, armed militants from the hamas group poured across the border on pickup trucks and motorcycles. Them first the victims were the very guests of the Music Festival and residents of border settlements. A week has already passed, and israel is still counting the number. Of victims of that terrible massacre. Yes, vadim, today it has been officially announced that 10,200 israelis became victims of saturdays hamas attack. In total, in a week of conflict, more than half a thousand people, more than 120 civilians and military personnel, were killed on the israeli side; hamas militants were captured and taken to the gaza strip. And dozens more residents of border settlements and guests of that Music Festival are still missing. But even those who. Ended up being held hostage by hamas, their families have little hope of seeing them alive; after the statement made by the militants, they said that they would kill the prisoners if israel did not stop the shelling from the gaza strip, alone. Yes , now israel is presenting a bloody bill to the palestinians not only for the most terrible day in the countrys history, but for the cup of humiliation that the israeli army and Intelligence Services had to drink. Who and how slept through the daring hamas attack, where were the israeli army and pr. And why modern tanks and planes were powerless against militants on pickup trucks, motorcycles and paragliders. Our reporter, anton chichulinsky, looked into these and many other issues. This is footage from israeli bombers. Official video of the Israeli Ministry of defense, without cuts, even with footage where it is obvious that civilians are being hit by bombs. Whats happening in gaza . Israel says it dropped this week. More than 6,000 bombs, almost as many as the americans dropped on afghanistan for a year, we were sleeping, they fired at our house, there are no resistance fighters in it, so a bbc cameraman films gases in alshi of the main hospital and finds his friends there. But the skynews presenter pisses off former israeli Prime Minister bennett. What will happen to the babies in the incubators after you cut off the Electricity Supply to the gas sector. Are you seriously asking me now about palestinian civilians, whats wrong with you, dont you see that we are fighting the nazis . The Israeli Defense minister speaks out even harsher. We are fighting against people and animals. For another week, no one in the world forgave such words or such actions, but the footage that the world saw in the past. Hamas open fire on the participants of the Music Festival, they even shoot up the toilet stalls, and these are the bodies of the dead, we will never have fun together again, here is the recording from the video recorder, the man ended up on the road, which was blocked by the hamas, they didnt even stop him. In these footage , an entire family is at gunpoint, the eldest daughter has already been killed, the voiceover belongs to a terrorist, relax, relax, no, no, no, sister, sister, my sister died. Relax, shes already in heaven. But how could these invaders on paragliders, pickup trucks, and motorcycles plunge such a highly technological country into such horror, crushing the front line of defense from. Literally with simple bulldozers. So, hamas breaks through the separation barrier, along the entire perimeter, as if it were just an ordinary fence. How is this possible . After all , israel has never spared money on protecting this border; before the attack, it was considered one of the most secure in the world. At some point, instead of israeli soldiers, they even installed remotecontrolled machine guns here. They placed it everywhere. Surveillance cameras were monitoring everything that was happening from the headquarters. And it was precisely this faith in technology that played a cruel joke on israel, because the first strikes by the Hamas Movement were carried out using drones precisely on cameras and communication towers. Then the entire line of defense was blinded by the firepower of remote controlled machine guns and became simply useless. Hamas leaders say they have been preparing the attack for more than a year. Look, this video was posted on the internet by the militants themselves, when they learned to fly paragliders, which they would later use to parachute to the festival. There is a version that when planning the attack, hamas used chinese smartphones, to which Israeli Intelligence had not yet found the key. According to another, there were enough signals, but they were not given any importance. Netanyahu was the one who gave hamas money to keep them quiet and peaceful, instead of destroying them. This is retired general noam tiban, that morning he was sunbathing with his wife on the beach in tel aviv, it was there that he received a message from his son. Father, terrorists are near my house. I wrote to him amir, go into a shelter with your family. ill raise everyones ears. I know all the army generals, the entire general staff, i commanded them. Yes, the kibbutz, that is, the commune where the son lives, right on the border with the gaza sector, along the way the general meets soldiers who served with him, persuades them to go with him, a kilometer before the kibbutz there is already a massacre, i took a helmet from one dead officer and m16 with optics, and you know, a soldier is a soldier, instantly i saw one terrorist, killed him, i saw another and shot, that one too fell, at about the same time, in another kibbutz in front of the house of adai, also retired officers , seven militants fell, adai and itar would not survive, but at the cost of their own lives, they would still save their oneyearold twins, who were hidden in the house. We saw this, terrorists killed even babies, even unborn children. Meanwhile, general tiban will load the Wounded Soldiers into the car and take them to his wife, whom he left in a bomb shelter. She will help them, and he himself will return to save his granddaughters son. We searched every house. Every corner we killed 10 more terrorists. Finally, i approached my sons house and shouted amir, dad is here, and he shouted yes, and my granddaughter opened the door for me. But there are more terrible tragedies, here is a father who tells how he found out that his daughter was not captured taken hostage, found dead. I said yes, i smiled, because this is the best news possible, what they are doing to people in the gas is worse than death. And these are tears live. Representatives of the American National security council, john kirby. Perhaps this is still a cry for the efforts that turned out to be even, because the white house was confident that under biden, peace had finally come to the middle east. Hamass global plan is to provoke israel into a retaliatory attack that could result in 20, or even 100,000 casualties. The famous american journalist black fleetwood believes that the world is on the verge of another global war. Hamas is going to use the blood of innocent palestinians who live in the gaza strip, this will cause a response from the entire arab community. In front of the gas sector already a fist of Israeli Armored vehicles has lined up, everyone is waiting for the start of the ground operation. Many fear that it could turn into near genocide. No mercy if they kill our children, i have no mercy for their children. Now i am making every effort so that we. Destroy gaza completely, when gaza is not bombed , this appears in the sky, as if something shiny and even inappropriately festive, these are leaflets with the last warning leave, for those who refuse to leave, perhaps the only thing left to do is pray. Anton chichulyunsky, alexander karlov, yuri ribokon, central television. Well, todays news continues this topic, israel is the debtor of the sector. For another 6 hours to evacuate to the south of the enclave, and of course, everyone is now worried about the question what will follow this, will israel decide to send its troops into gaza . Yul, do you have an answer . To these questions, well, vadim, the additional time that israel gave the residents of the gaza strip to move to the south, away from the bombings, the glass was already 3 hours ago, and the question of what will happen next remains open, meanwhile the israeli aviation and artillery are striking hamas targets in gaza; tanks and Armored Vehicles are already stationed close to the borders of the enclave. It can be assumed that the clock is already ticking until the start of the ground operation. Idf representatives said that before starting. They will estimate the number of civilians who remain in the north of the enclave; by this moment there is evidence that almost 8,000 residents of the gas have fled to the south. In turn, hamas continues to fire rockets at israeli territory, today four of them exploded in zderot; bengurion international airport. The Russian Embassy in israel said that the number of russians killed after the hamas attack has increased to 16. Another eight are still missing. Yes, but even before it flared up in the middle east, many western media wrote and talked about fatigue from the ukrainian crisis, but now this fatigue is about to develop into real apathy. As if, having sensed this, the ukrainian president rushed to brussels for the next meeting of nato generals in the ramstein format, and the reason for this it seems that zelsky did not even hide his sudden visit. But vadim, lets be frank, even if he wanted to hide it, it is unlikely that he would have succeeded, because everything is already obvious. In an interview with tv channel 2, zelensky expressed concern that the International Community is, quote turning away from ukraine. If assistance to kiev is interrupted, the advantage will be on the side of the russian military, the ukrainian president said and expressed hope that us support for ukraine will continue. Yes, but here it arises the question is will the american boulevard, or rather the pentagon, endure two at once. Conflict, each of which at any moment can turn into a big global fire. The Biden Administration has already encountered problems when it tried to push another package of military aid to kiev through congress. Now the white house is going to use a trick, wrap the package of ukrainian aid in a package of military aid to israel and send it to a vote in this form. It is possible that they will give it a ride, but only at first. For now. That the pentacon, lets say, what saves us is the fact that israel and ukraine have Different Military needs. The israelis need missiles for their iron dome, and the ukrainians need shells for their gunships. But if sahal launches a ground operation in the gas sector, israel will also need the same shells in huge quantities. Will the states want to take on the difficult time of a war on two fronts, or will some of the warring countries face a rather harsh response from washington . Compulsion to peace, our reporter, alexey petrushko, tried to understand. Arriving at nato headquarters in brussels, the ukrainian president , it seems, did not count on anything more than a handshake, so he tries to greet the general secretary, but he rushes into his arms, a warmer welcome, it seems that it was difficult to come up with, but not a minute passes before zelsky , having either received some news or instructions from stolteng, is already thoughtfully chewing his beard, and having answered a couple of questions for the press, to the president. And in front of everyone, he gets stabbed in the back, if it was just an accident, it looks very symbolic, because it is precisely fearing a blow to back from the west after the start of the middle eastern meat slaughter, zelsky probably rushed to brussels for ramsteins meeting, although he usually did it online. Yes, we see disputes in the us Congress Regarding the next tranche of aid to ukraine. But will the conflict in israel have any impact on american aid to ukraine . I think not, partly because, whatever one may say, well, israel has military superiority, this conflict is unlikely to last long. Now us assistance consists of the supply of precisionguided munitions for modern western aircraft and the iron dome system, which ukraine does not have, so this is completely different assistance. Officially, the ukrainian president seemed to have come to meet the new chief of the American Military chiefs of staff, charles brown, here he is to the left of pentagon chief austin. The generals admonished ukraine for a new offensive. Actions this winter, and the ukrainian president himself, in general, did not leave emptyhanded, with a new package of military assistance worth 200 million. If you think that everything has stopped and stopped, dont, ill say it again, that group exists here troops, which can still cause significant damage, a blow, a final one, but a blow, for this reason they applaud him, because his role. Has not yet been fully played, but today we are one step away from the ukrainian troops in the ssu turning around lets go to kiev. Of course, you think you can endlessly fuck and destroy people . No, on the one hand , zelsky says that the militarypolitical donor of ukraine has cracked, and this is supported by the opinions of western analysts and experts, they say that now is the time to work for moscow, moscow has found other ransomers for its oil, it rapidly pumped money into the economy to finance its war machine. On the other hand, yes, washington seems ready to play the long game, because of the planning horizon. In the east, he hasnt started anything seriously yet, and if the white houses money for war is ready to pour in like these autumn leaves, it seems that the main question now is whose vacuum cleaner sucks more, and this is how the preparations for the state visit to bishkek of Vladimir Putin look, from the alarcha residence, where minutes negotiations between the president s of kyrgyzstan begin. And russia are almost 500 km to telyaviv, 3,500 km to kiev, but any meeting at such a high level is now taking place in the shadow of two brutal conflicts in the middle east and ukraine. Putins first foreign visit this year was also marked by the cis summit taking place here, and if the ukrainian conflict put all postsoviet countries between a hammer and a hard place, because for decades they maneuvered the Foreign Policy contours of russia and the west in search of a better life, then the middle east conflict, as the western press writes, may completely tighten the geopolitical noose around their necks, well, in particular , they say that this may weaken western support for ukraine, or, on the contrary, it will unite the west, for example, in the fight not only with russia, but for example , with iran and hamas , well, now there are a lot of rants on this subject, one thing is probably obvious, that there is a certain fatigue from both mr. Zelsky personally and from the ukrainian issues in western European Countries in the United States in addition, more and more questions arise from the taxpayers of these countries; this will all add questions to zelsky personally and he will have to answer them. Here we must say a few words about the platform for negotiations the state residence of the president of kyrgyzstan, in fact. Complex, for example, the president of uzbekistan is located in this house, his colleague from tajikistan lives over there, purely theoretically , the flag of ukraine could be located on one of these houses, because dery, no matter how strange it may seem, she is still remains a member of the cis, which means that the summit taking place here could become a platform for negotiations . Lets say this is what zelsky had in mind when, during a visit to romania, in an interview with local journalists, either in his heart or by letting it slip, he made. Such a confession, this is the last part of the war, this is not its middle, like this statement i understand, well, i think as an admission of hopelessness, yeah, that is, inevitable capitulations and negotiations, well , if he said that this is the final stage, i cant help but trust him, the same hint of deescalation sounds like another statement president of ukraine, in which he promised not to strike at the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant, well, firstly, he said a somewhat contradictory idea, he said that the strike would not be carried out on the station, but all other options. And in this sense, of course, those blows that continue to hit the energy dar, but this is the case when , behind beautiful phrases, there are, in general, completely ugly goals, but perhaps all these contradictory statements are precisely what the summit demonstrates most clearly the cis, it would seem, should be his main intrigue whether or not Nikol Pashinyan came, the armenian Prime Minister did not come in the end, but against the backdrop of what is happening in the world , it looks like they simply forgot about him here, it is possible that this is what Vladimir Zelensky is most afraid of now, this is what his desire to do is connected with day after day to go to israel, although there may be questions for zelsky himself, after all, its no coincidence that all this talk about where hamas could get weapons . Do i think that weapons in the hands of amas will force western countries to turn away from ukraine, well it could force western countries to only tighten control, but we all understand that the fact of weapons leakage into the hands of third countries is inevitable during a conflict. Of such duration and intensity, they filled all the gray markets in the east with these weapons and sold them to all those who were willing to pay big money for them, to everyone. And if kievs involvement in the arms traffic to the gas sector, not rumors about reality, is confirmed that washington was essentially shooting at its own people, then the prolongation of the conflict in the middle east could pose the white house is faced with a difficult choice of whom to force in the end. World, israel or ukraine . Alexey petrushko, darya medikovova, denis anikin, central television. We will continue the story about the events of this week and saturdays news immediately after. Very short pause, thats what will happen next, wait, will washington really have to fight a war on two fronts, where the pentagon will find weapons and ammunition for israel, if the american arsenals were devastated by the ukrainian crisis, the american boulevard will definitely not take out two armed conflicts, does this mean , what is kyiv now waiting for peace to be forced . Extreme determination, after the hamas attack , the israeli army plows up shells and levels the gaza strip, and the israeli Prime Minister promises to change the middle east in response to the attack, but does changing really mean turning it into ruins . The current generation of russians will live in a dystopia, what is a social Rating System, how does it work in china and will it work here . A pill instead of the gym and exercise equipment . 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Singing like that at 9 years old is truly a success. The second semifinal, everything is for real in our show, tomorrow at 20 20 on ntv, this is central television, and we continue to work live and return to the conflict in the middle east, which at any moment could escalate into a major world war, and the point is not only that israel itself, if the escalation continues to escalate, is facing a war on five fronts at once ; news is now coming from europe, where there are already more refugees from the east than palestinians in the gaza strip, which resemble reports from a battle zone. Yes, vadim, french authorities introduced the maximum level of terrorist threat; after the escalation of the conflict, the country was overwhelmed by rallies in support of israel and palestine, while actions in defense of the palestinians are considered illegal. In a number of cities of the fifth. Republic , mass clashes with the police were recorded ; the day before, an attack took place in one of the countrys lyceums, a teacher was killed, a Security Guard was in critical condition, another teacher was injured, and many were injured. Security measures are being increased in other countries of the continent; in germany, the police have transferred to an enhanced work regime patrols that are on duty near a number of educational institutions, and some schools in the country have been completely closed. The same measures were taken in the capital of great britain, in italy, under special control, airports and districts where rallies of proisraeli or propalestinian supporters are possible. Meanwhile, due to the gas blockade from the country of israel, it was on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As the un noted, most residents do not have drinking water; according to the latest data, the number of victims of the conflict on the palestinian side has already exceeded 2,000 people. In turn, Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the countrys actions against hamas are, quote, just the beginning. Well, this is so threatening. And for the whole world the beginning. All previous arabisraeli wars did not go beyond the scope of a regional conflict. Global players, the United States and the soviet union, although they teetered on the brink of a nuclear confrontation, still preferred to remain above the fray and not interfere, at least openly directly. But a lot has changed since then. The old systems of checks and balances no longer work. At fiftysix on time. Crisis, the warring armies of israel and egypt were stopped and separated with the help of Un Peacekeeping forces, but now the United Nations organization is simply admitting its powerlessness. For a week now since the hamas attack, israeli aircraft have leveled the gaza strip, the most densely populated piece of land, 2 million residents of gaza, who simply have nowhere to run, have essentially become the same hostages of this massacre as those prisoners who were captured. And brought there are militants in the gas. But unlike the civilian population in gaza, hamas militants have somewhere to hide. Many years they dug and turned underground tunnels into welldefended shelters, and any ground operation that the israeli generals are talking about will, in fact, be an operation against civilians. To defeat the militants , hamas generals must prepare for an underground operation. But, as winston churcher aptly noted, generals are always preparing. To the last war , is there any other alternative to the next arabisraeli massacre . In fact, no one has any real working plan for reconciliation, and the principle of blood for blood, which is professed by both sides conflict, lead to even more blood, to real medieval barbarism with the taking of hostages and cutting off heads ; barbarism is opposed to each other, modern, civilized and hightech barbarism, when. A rocket is launched that demolishes a residential building or an entire block, after an attack by hamas militants, Prime Minister israel promised to change. But does changing this mean turning everything into ruins and burning it to the ground . Our reporter is talking about this. This is the seventh day since palestinian journalist plestia alakat became a hostage. This war. No, of course she is. Not one of those whom hamas militants captured and took from an israeli kibbutz, as happened with shaniluk, a girl who came from europe to that same rap party, and who is identified by her relatives in germany in the back of a pickup truck with broken arms and legs by her tattoo. Plestiye allakat was among the other 2 million hostages of this war, who now have to wake up and fall asleep under the blows of israeli bombs and missiles. I can breathe, so ill go out. The journalist can only guess whether her house will end up on israeli maps designated as one of the Points Associated with the Hamas Movement. This is where everyone dine together, right next to the window. In the meantime, she is filming her war diary, and in the rubble, someone is showing photographs of her family. This. Destroyed houses, streets, she records short videos while there is internet and her mobile phone is charging enough. Its been about 12 hours, still no electricity, no internet, phone charging only 2 . The inhabitants of gaza literally found themselves between two fires; israel rained down cast lead on them from the sky, at the same time from underground plumes of smoke and flames erupt right among residential buildings; hamas rockets in underground Storage Facilities are detonating from airstrikes. Israeli defense minister jew galland ordered a complete blockade of the gaza strip, emphasizing that jerusalem is fighting against humans and animals and is acting accordingly. This is michael berenbaum, a professor at the American Jewish university, in his words, intending to uproot hamas from the sect. Gaza into ruins, the problem arises of what to do with the residents who have nowhere to go, all the places where hamas is in this city of evil, all places where hamas hides and operates, we will turn into ruins, it seems that in order to fulfill our promises, it was worth striking in a different way. That where the highest executive body of israel, the government, is located, because the roots of the Hamas Movement can be found here, a man confined to a wheelchair, akhmetin, the eighties israeli politicians could talk about him in words from a song, and not a friend, and not an enemy, here to the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, who warmly greets him in these shots, a man in. Will soon become worst enemy. It was yesin who founded the Hamas Movement, which at first was not engaged in explosions, but in charity work, the construction of schools, kindergartens, hospitals. In those years, israel not only supported, but even financed hamas, seeing in it a counterweight to arafats militants. But by the end of the eighties, the Palestine Liberation Organization officially abandoned terrorist methods in ninety three. Palestine of the israeli conflict, within a year both will receive the nobel peace prize. It was at this moment that the followers hamas begins its terrorist activities. In this regard, former Us State Department counterterrorism official Larry Johnson will say the israelis. Know that guy who sets his hair on fire and then tries to put out the fire with a hammer. The former Israeli Foreign minister, abba even, once said, unfortunately, prophetic words the palestinians have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, for 30 years the palestinians could have lived in a palestinian state, but all these years the radicals on both sides not only the parties. But also jewish radicals are trying to disrupt any possible peace negotiations. Now the heirs of Yasser Arafat and the Fatah Movement are considered. With moderate force, hamas militants control the gaza strip , a small strip of land 40 km long and 6 to 16 km wide, surrounded on one side by the Mediterranean Sea and on the other by an insurmountable wall, as it seemed recently. In 2007, in response to hamas coming to power in the gaza strip, israel announced a blockade of the palestinian enclave. There is nothing in the gas, here already. The electricity in gas comes from israel and is also being shut down by israel; almost a Million People here have no jobs. We live in a big prison, we are slowly dying here, we are being killed gradually. But why was this blockade needed . It seemed that since israel fenced itself off from the gaza strip with a wall, then these problems of the arabs would be solved by the arabs and neighboring egypt, but it also fenced itself off from gaza with a wall, and the only checkpoint was also under attack. 2 Million People were locked in a boiling cauldron. The purpose of building a wall on the border with the gas sector was primarily security, to prevent gas, not only the supply of weapons, but everything that could become weapons, the fact that this goal has failed, as evidenced by the traces in the sky from palestinian rockets, and now it seems that throughout. The territory of israel it is no longer possible to find a single safe place. For centuries, the middle east has been a boiling cauldron of seething, and it seems that insoluble contradictions are here more often than anywhere else, the pages of history are being rewritten and the border lines on world maps are changing, take the same israel, which just a few decades ago on these there simply werent any maps. And it seems that this is precisely the goal to return the map on which there were no borders of israel that the ideologists set themselves. I think that israeli retaliatory measures will not solve the palestinianisraeli conflict, but most importantly, and this is the only way to resolve this issue. The palestinians must accept that they cannot destroy israel, they must learn to live with israel, this will only be possible after deterrence is restored, everyone understands that israel is here for the long haul. In the meantime, the action plan is this israel called on the entire population of the north. Parts of the gas sector, more than a Million People, will move to the south, it seems that the boiling cauldron will boil even more. Klim sanatkin, Natalya Usenko and vladislav kulachikhin, central television. Here i would like to say that any discussion of the conflict that has broken out in the middle east sooner or later turns to the topic of another crisis, the ukrainian one. And as a rule, at the moment when the calculation begins, how much these two wars will cost the american people. And the european taxpayer, namely on against this background, washington seems to be again discussing the possibility of financing military assistance to kiev with russian money. Yes, vadim, indeed, as the Washington Post reports, citing its sources in the Biden Administration, states have become more active in persuading European Countries to use the frozen reserves of the Russian Central Bank to help ukraine. As the publications interlocutor said, the United States has become much more open not only to the capture, but also to the use of russian reserves. We are talking about an amount of almost 300 billion dollars. Is it true in the United States , there are hardly five billion frozen russian assets. However, according to the same Washington Post, the heads of the Central Banks of European Countries are not yet inclined to make such a decision, and they are doing the right thing. Yes, well, we already talked about fatigue from the ukrainian crisis today, and maybe following fatigue. And something else, cutting off, for example, in this sense, the story with the baltic connector gas pipeline, which connects Gas Transportation networks , is quite indicative estonia and finland, in at the beginning of the week, the pressure dropped sharply in a pipe located at the bottom of the baltic sea, in tallinn they immediately assumed that the cause was deliberate sabotage, and nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg managed to promise a decisive response if it was confirmed that the european. Gas pipeline was attacked, but the finnish authorities, instead of inflating the version about the russian trace, the insidious hand of moscow, and replicating the already existing nonsense that someone deliberately torpedoed the european pipe, stated that the seismic stations were not recorded at the accident site no explosion and suggested that the reason for the damage to the gas pipeline could have been the anchor of a passing ship, and if we talk about traces, then the very. After all , questions are already arising about where the hamas militants got the weapons that allowed them to crush Mikhail Bogdanov will continue this topic. Even if an ordinary european or american suddenly wanted to distance themselves from the middle east conflict that flared up with renewed vigor. He wouldnt have been able to do it while watching a man with a palestinian flag trash a koshad restaurant in amsterdam. How berlin schoolchildren beat up a teacher who tried to take away the exact same palestinian flag from one of his students. How they disperse demonstrations in paris with water cannons, how in a French School yard, an attacker kills a teacher with a knife and wounds several more people, demonstrations, unrest, fights on the streets of berlin, rome, new york, where jews and arabs live next door, as in the middle east , which suddenly suddenly becomes closer to a parisian or a londoner, one has only to go outside or just look out the window against such a background, many, like the head. Hungary, Peter Szijjarto notice the obvious thing, the focus of attention is shifting. After a long time, the main topic of the International Consultation will not be the war in ukraine; the attack on israel, like a Lightning Strike from the sky, shook international politics. And now even the head of the Main Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kiril budanov, who recently stated that in the twenty third ukraine would return crimea, donetsk and lugansk, is reducing the degree of rhetoric. We are behind schedule, let everyone make the most of it. Your conclusion, even if now from the schedule choose, what will happen when several eaters begin to claim the same pie of military aid, asks peter kuznik, a professor in the department of history at the American University in washington. The concern is that the United States is starving taiwan, leaving the island without support. If you look at the people in the Biden Administration, there are many more hawks on china than there are hawks on russia. Thus , there is strong pressure on biden that he took part of the weapons that go to ukraine and transferred them to taiwan, and now there is pressure to redirect some of these weapons to israel. But the opinion of many ordinary americans will be expressed by republican senator from missouri, josh holley. Israel faces an existential threat. Any funding for ukraine should be immediately redirected to israel. Hearing this, many ukrainian politicians, like budanov, suddenly decide to link the conflict in the middle east with the long arm of moscow. Tsya trophy zbroya, yaku stench. Captured weapons, which the russians give to hamas, how does it help in the fighting . Chi, how he helps them, the terrorists use this weapon, how it helps, well, it helps, they still see. What weapon are we talking about . Mainly about infantry weapons. It turns out that ukraine , through the mouth of its military and its president , directly accuses russia of military and Financial Assistance to terrorists. Russia supports hamas operations in one way or another. Former professor. New York University mike richtenwald, looking through the news, notices that kiev is now doing everything not to talk about it they forgot, and Many American politicians are ready to play along with him. In fact, they are going to combine all this into one big aid package, and also try to make ukraine socalled synonymous with support for israel. The Biden Administration is even trying to get us congressmen to vote on what is called one package of aid to ukraine and israel. But many in the states wonder like michaelent. But wouldnt helping kiev, on the contrary, help hamas . According to some sources, the weapon that was sent to ukraine fell into the hands of hamas militants. This is quite likely, it turned out that the weapons may have come under the control of terrorists due to corruption in the ranks of the ukrainians; in all likelihood, Ukrainian Military officials sold some of the weapons. Rows of captured weapons in patriot park, retired colonel viktor, seeing these tons of iron, says that you can get it from ukraine without a fight. The black market in ukraine is very active; since 2000 , ukraine has been a supplier of weapons to many countries, officially white supplies, but established connections with arms sellers around the world, with american, english, french, arab, Southeast Asian connections, these connections are working, that ukrainian fingerprints can be found on weapons fired now in the middle east, he spoke at the cis summit in bishkek and Vladimir Putin. I doubt they were. I doubt it, but i have no doubt that there is a leak of weapons from ukraine, well, the level of corruption in ukraine is known, it is very high, and the black market is developing in such a way that there are many people willing to buy, there are many people in ukraine who want it sell, in modern criminology about chekhovs gun, which. Not only to be sure to shoot, they scroll, but in reverse order. One of the first to realize that traces on a bullet could lead to the gun from which this bullet was fired, and therefore, lets say, to the wall on which this gun hung, was retired american major calvin gadart. It was he who, having carefully examined the bullets extracted from the bodies of the murdered Cash Register guards under a microscope, sent two suspects to the electric chair, the names of which will soon be given to factories and factories in the ussr, the names of which will be written directly in the passports of many soviet citizens. It was godards research that would lead to the electric chair, sacca and vanze, two american anarchists of italian origin accused of murdering collectors, after whom streets in almost all cities of the former ussr would be named. Thousands of bullets were fired during the hamas attack on israel, so now too many have a revengefuelled curiosity about. To the news of the day and the main events of the week we well be back right after a very short pause, thats what well talk about next, dont switch gears, the current generation of russians will live in a dystopia, what is a social Rating System, how does it work in china and will it work here, a tablet instead of a gym and exercise equipment a New Invention by scientists opens up a world of limitless possibilities, as much as you like, surprise everyone with an ideal figure , is this really possible now, as well as a special guest of central television, a singer, a bright star who flashed in the midnineties, where she disappeared so abruptly and where larisa chernikova spent all these years, well, now a little Important Information on another topic, in the new. Economic realities, the National Project of International Cooperation helps russian business to find buyers abroad and expand the geography of trade export, let me remind you, is carried out by decision of the president of russia. Businesses enter foreign markets, exporters receive financial and other Government Support measures. How to enter the best marketplaces in the world, what products are expected border, where to find new customers and how to expand sales geography. Answers to these and many other questions. You can find my export on the digital platform, with its help in one window mode, companies can receive Online Services in the field of foreign economic activity, without a pile of papers and tedious waiting in queues, for example, apply for Government Support measures, issue permits. Over the 3 years of operation, the number of services on the my expo platform has exceeded a hundred, and registered on it there are over 20,000 companies today. The National Project International Cooperation export was created for the development and significant increase in nongreen, nonenergy exports, medical equipment, Agricultural Machinery and much more. You can look at these and other russian products that are popular all over the world at the International Export forum made in russia, which will be held in moscow from october 19 to 20. Well, well take a break right now. For a couple of minutes, well be back on air very soon, be sure to wait for us, you wont believe it, who did Masha Rasputina move into the fireplace room of her country mansion . I say, guys, goodbye, this is not necessary, who punishes alexander damagarov, and sometimes they put him in a corner, believe me, why Tatyana Tarasova is so worried about alexei yagudin, i am very upset. Of course, you dont give up hiding , how did singer Ekaterina Semyonova manage to forgive her cheating husband, things never go smoothly for anyone, it can be very disgusting, it can be scary, how much does a night with Anfisa Chekhova cost . I already know im in the dead men folder, you dont would you believe it, today at 20 20 on ntv, i will pay, i have cashback up to 25 in rubles, amazonbank . Look, you have a lot of customers here, already more than 25 million, and what about 10 cashback, well, yes, you can return the entire amount of purchases, wow, pizza for the entire office, mini pizza, azonbank up to 25 in rubles, the opportunity to return up to 100 spending and free service on the card, often pulls to the toilet, cystitis always pulls in the wrong place, tell cystitis cyston, 14 natural components against cystitis, cystitis i say syston vtb team with you free card with 10 cashback on everything. Apply for a debit card for life at vtb. Ru or at a bank office. 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And again live on central television, the first information show about the events that are being discussed and the people that are being talked about. Among lovers and supporters of various kinds of theories the plot, as they say in such cases, burns badly. Of course, judging by the loud headlines in the media, the current generation of russians will live in a real dystopia. A wave of information noise was caused by the statement that we were testing an experimental platform at the russian state social university. The very name of the platform immediately refers to the famous dystopia of the russian writer yevgeny zamyatin. But the details of the experiment are somewhat similar to another more modern dystopian british series black mirror. It quite colorfully describes a world in which peoples lives directly depend on their social rating. Russian scientists are proposing approximately the same thing, and if the experiment comes to life, it will become somewhat similar to a computer game, heroes who in their life path must earn points, well, having scored a high social. Rating, apparently switch to what thats a new level. And then, of course, the question arises julia, this question is probably for you, whats the catch . Well, to be honest, vadim, im not an expert on the mentioned series, but i will assume that the catch is probably that social rating points can not only be earned, but also lost, because they plan to take into account such factors as the presence of children and dependents, sources of income, Credit History, criminal records, accounts on social networks. Participation in public life, state awards, sports, a Healthy Lifestyle and knowledge of several languages, and, i would like to especially note, the chinese language is highlighted separately. This is understandable, but it definitely couldnt have happened without chinese experience, because they have had a social Rating System for a long time exists, our reporter Alexey Simakhin figured out how it works in china and how it threatens us . When saryuna gonchakova moved to china permanently 4 years ago, she could not even imagine that she would find herself in a revived cyberpunk universe. Hello everyone, my name is saryuna. I am from qingdao city and have 616 points. It seems that the bold prophecies of directors gipson and ridley scott are close to being realized in other countries of the world, for example, in the United States. This can be said to be a ticket to life to earn money for yourself good credit score and even conservative old england is not far behind the idea of ​​dragging its citizens, which instills horror in the majority of its inhabitants, into a digital ruckus. I live in the uk already. For more than 20 years, and like all britons, i am part of the National Insurance system, which is called here, but first in china, is this electronic devil as scary as it is painted, the social Rating System in the country has been launched in twelve cities, it is selective, so while not even all the inhabitants of the middle kingdom are aware of this experiment, their ratings given by the authorities, for example, saryunna accidentally discovered in the Payment System application, go to jfubal or. And go straight to that application, as you can see, here i have 616 points, below i can check the history of the accrual of these same points. In 2018, an Additional Health code application appeared to the Rating System, which, according to the chinese authorities, justified itself in the fight against the covid epidemic; the program read the users geology, essentially keeping track of those who violated the authorities recommendations in parts of quarantine compliance. You may be deprived of points if you dishonestly use car sharing, renting power banks, and so on, or if you do not pay on time for minor administrative violations, for smoking in public places, for violating traffic rules, points will be deducted while this is a social experiment. Which the chinese authorities conduct on their experimental citizens is more reminiscent of a trust rating, or. These people are not interested in freedom for people, they want to rule the world from some mountain in switzerland and tell you and me how much money to borrow, what to eat, what we need to switch from steaks to bugs, these are crazy people, a system, but somewhat similar to the chinese one, which, by an incredible coincidence, is also called dystopia notice, we they are already testing it in russia, it will work Something Like this. According to the developers, the social rating is a twocomment quick code, each of them a twodigit number. The first is the citizens current merits, education, Credit History, criminal record, family and children, the second is twodigit the number is his prospects, additional points can be awarded, for example, for caring for elderly relatives, punished, that is , points removed for misconduct, for example, for smoking in the wrong place, or for hooliganism, the deputy of the state duma on economic policy, stanislav naumov, even. If the experiment ends successfully, i would not vote for the social rating. In russia it already exists, the same Credit History, or, for example, the rating in a taxi aggregator. Any modern system is complexly organized, it has some obvious rules and there are incomprehensible rules, these incomprehensible rules must be explored, but in no case should anyone be divided into any groups, strata, layers, short pants, three matches, its like in some kind of kinzad then yes. No, this is all an excuse for social satire. The head of the faction , rightly rosov Sergei Mironov , solely for the sake of fairness, proposes to make russian officials the object of experiments. And so people are tense because their data is being used without their knowledge. A there are some other ratings here, if were going to start ratings, then not from the bottom, because it will never reach the top, but its better to start right at the top, start with our officials. On what scale to evaluate officials, as in the 16th century, only adjusted for modernity , to assign points based on the number of horses under the hood of a personal car, which was reminiscent of a social Rating System, for example, in the late middle ages, and of course, a costume strictly divided by class boundaries society, the number of layers, well, when the upper dress was put on over the lower one, or the number of buttons on a camisole spoke about the social status of the owner, his wealth and professional affiliation; if a person wore motya, he automatically became a beggar, it was immediately clear who was rich and who was poor, which is why there were more buttons than loops on ancient luxurious clothes, or shall we say . America in the mid20th century, when black citizens could not occupy the first four rows of seats on the bus, since they were intended only for whites. Racial segregation or social ranking, as in that childrens game, find 10 differences. This is another speculation, a purchased system built on lies, and this is a very dangerous system for any society that wants to prosper and compete against other societies that are becoming more successful and confident. In the usa, money has long become a second religion, and people. Object of total control, a Credit Rating is not given from birth, but is earned over the years, and it varies from 300 to 85, but to get 80, 850, you just need to have an impeccable Credit History, and when renting an apartment in usa, its owner will definitely ask you to show your Credit Rating. Ordinary people, like me, who, under a lease agreement, have a whole large apartment for one, two, three bedrooms, they will often ask you to demonstrate a good credit score, these points that you have collected, i use credit cards when buying a car, everything like that , that is, if you have a low level, you will not be given an ordinary room to rent, in general, the story is that a credit score is a Credit History that shapes the entire life of americans, because it is possible and necessary get a credit card to. Build yourself a good Credit History, buy a phone when money is short, buy a car, rent an apartment or house, judging by the fears associated with the social Rating System and judging by the name, Everyone Wants to settle us into some kind of dystopia, really, what will it matter at all if those scientists who put forward such a hypothesis turn out to be right, if the hypothesis, the simulation is correct, i dont think that the best way to characterize this is to say that a world that we perceive is a reality, if you believe the scientist nick bostrom, it turns out that the whole world is a computer simulation, and we all live in a matrix, daria mezikova, oksana veseleva, igor kirillov, Denis Gerasimov and anton yanchenko, central television, well, me personally, of course, im more concerned not with social ratings, but with the ratings that our viewers give us, right now i just cant wait to share with you this, very soon in november, at the beginning of november, ntv viewers will receive a premiere. The longawaited premiere of the Fourth Season of the music show superstar. Traditionally, 10 artists whose popularity peaked in the eighties, nineties, and 2000 will compete for the title of superstar. Of course, we are still keeping the names of the participants in the new season a secret, but right now we will reveal this secret a little just for you. One of the brightest stars of the midnineties, singer larisa chernikova. Today. Special guest of central television, larisa, hello, good evening, hello vadim, its a pleasure, very handsome, glad to see you, i wont pretend that we havent seen each other for 100 years, because we met just recently while filming, the fact is that superstar filming is already in full swing, and lets still start with this, otherwise , what interests absolutely everyone, your fans, where have you been all these years, tell me where ive been, ive been on another continent for 23 years, and on the other side of the globe, once upon a time, 23 years ago, i got married for an american, i left not for political reasons, but out of great love, i havent been in for a very long time russia, well, i was periodically, but several times, over 23 years, its like a grain of sand in the sea, now im very glad to be here. Im very happy about this project, can you, literally, briefly, but what was the reason for leaving, which, in fact, for many was even somewhat similar to flight, the death of a husband . Well, no, my first husband, and the first russian, the second american, my husband, the first andrey, he and he passed away wounded. And i was left alone, i was doing work, i had no help, support after he passed away, in at some point i met my second husband on the internet, with us, he came to moscow, we met several times in europe and decided that we would like to connect our lives, in general, but say, of course not, you you know, i had a lot, rather, the name larisa chernikova in my life really bothers me, because when men found out that i was larisa chernikova , some kind of problems immediately began in my life, and i decided that no, i really want a happy family life, and my chosen one is absolutely it should still be whether im famous or unknown, thats right, thats why i hid this matter very carefully and my second american husband, may he rest in heaven, he didnt know, but he found out that i was a singer somewhere a long, long time after the wedding , tell me, i just noticed that when you talk about your russian husband, tears still well up in your eyes . Although 23 years have passed, so is this story still so painful for you . Andrey chernikov was my first love, and he did a lot for me, i not only love him, i am very grateful to him, and of course, its good when in life next to a woman or next to a man there is such a wonderful person who understands, loves, supports you, and now there is such a person in your life , no, now theres such a person. no , my american husband died from covid in 9, he was gone, in general, he was the one bridge that connected me to america, now hes gone and im in this thought, listen, well, i dont know if youll return to russia completely, you wont, i i know that you havent made this decision yet, but anyway, lets talk about why you came here from america. Overcame these several thousand kilometers with problems, with some difficulties, right now for our viewers we will show for the first time exclusive footage from the filming of the Fourth Season, look, i love you, dima, what i need so much, you havent changed at all, here i am now i see as if this is that larisa chernikov. Which i knew then many years ago and whats most amazing is the voice i dont i know what and why the voice remained the same, you know they say you cant step into the same river twice, but you just had to dive headlong, not even into the river, into a real stormy stream modern show business, television filming, now tell me its hard , its wonderful, really because that i would not say that, that this is two times in the same river, this is a wonderful project, as a bioenergetic therapist, whom i retrained in america, i see this project as something special, you know, we are the quintessence of all the best that a person receives for his life, we were stars in the nineties, each of us has walked a path, each of us has acquired something, mentally, physically, energetically, now we are ready to give it out, we sing the best material that other people have created, this. Its so interesting, you know, i, uh, wanted to show the footage to our viewers, and the scandal that started filming, but right now at this second i decided that i wont do it, i wont, first of all, spoil it for you mood, and secondly, after all, let them wait at the beginning of our project they will find out about everything, because really such a mess turned up at the beginning just like that. The other day and at the very beginning of filming, and it was connected with your illness, with the flight, with adaptation, and so on and so forth, that is, it was really very difficult for you at first, but then, but then and now i hope that everything is cool, but in short, just tell me, have you decided to return to russia or not yet, this is a difficult question, because it is so difficult pick it up and move right away, i have it there in america, property, a house, this is necessary. Sell the house, come here, twice in the same river , so time has changed, uh, the nineties have already become 2023, now there is completely different music, a Different School of singing, im in america, thats what , you know, i want, if i move here, i will definitely open a singing school, because i studied american skills, i studied russian, i have something to share with people, great, this is wonderful. Our meeting today, i really hope that you will make such a decision and really open this school named after larisa chernikova. Let me remind you that in our studio there was a real star larisa chernikova, who became a participant in the superstar megashow, which will air in early november, write it down, remember. Well, right now its saturday news, which yulia bekhterova, as always, is following, yulia, what do we have on the agencies feeds . Vladim, there is urgent news. In the middle east, as stated by the press service of the Israel Defense forces, the idfs battles have been deployed throughout the country and are ready for the next stage of military operations against hamas, with an emphasis on largescale ground operations. Operation. At the same time, one of the hamas leaders, ismail hane, said that the residents of the gaza strip would not leave the enclave and would not take refuge in egypt. And on other topics, the crimean bridge was completely restored after the july attack by ukrainian drones. The work was completed 18 days ahead of schedule. According to deputy Prime Minister marat khusnulin, traffic is open to vehicles on all four lanes. Well, joe biden did not submit again. Top called the staircase, the president of the United States only had to climb five steps, as you can see, biden overcame the first one, but the rest didnt work out. The head of the white house tried to turn it all into a joke, but republicans are now assuring voters that biden cannot be president due to health reasons. Well, lets return to the main topics of the week, now that the world as we knew it has recently been threatened with a real digestion. And we will not be talking about big politics at all, although the changes that are already happening right before our eyes will affect literally everyone. The cause of the coming apocalypse was an unexpected discovery scientists who were looking for a cure for diabetes, but found something that at first glance could Save Humanity from another problem, the problem of excess weight. But instead of rejoicing, these same scientists, along with doctors, economists, businessmen and even politicians, are now sounding the alarm what will happen when millions of people around the world lose their extra pounds at once, this is exactly what our reporter, tatyana, imagined proskuryakova atlantic ocean, miami beaches, fashion show of the new bikini collection. Probably, watching just such fashion shows, florida resident and geneticist Thomas Burris conceived his research. Today our film crew goes to the holy of holies laboratory, where history is made. The university of florida and the department of pharmacodynamics, this is where the main scientific sensation of the past week comes from, a drug that replaces exercise, one pill and your body thinks that you sweated for 2 hours in the gym, isnt this a dream . We are developing a drug that we call a memetic of physical control, it has. With real physical activity. Efficacy and safety so far it was proven only in mice, but most importantly there are no serious side effects. Over the course of a month , the obese rodents lost 12 of their weight simply by burning more calories while resting, while losing fat and growing muscle. We discovered what the muscles look like. As if they had been trained, although the mice simply walked around the cage in a normal rhythm; they retained the same diet. We need another year or two to move on to human trials. It seems that the professor is guaranteed a nobel prize in advance, because the linths are rooting for boris team all over the world, and what people are willing to do for the sake of easy weight loss is clear from the hype around another medicine. I lost weight so quickly that i cant believe it, its just magic. I lost 30 kg in 7 months. 2 years ago, it was a shameful secret to tell you that you inject a drug for diabetes without a doctors prescription in order to lose weight, because almost everyone who takes it experiences nausea, abdominal pain and migraines, bloggers talk about miracles, joke at the oscars and even elon musk, disappointed with beach photos, instead hall went to the pharmacy. Ilanmas, you are in excellent shape, but some patients suddenly lose weight and immediately become old; it feels like your face is melting like wax. Your face may have been very full earlier due to fat deposits on it, and of course the skin stretches , the same thing happens throughout the body, losing weight quickly, you get saggy wrinkled skin, but even such prospects do not frighten people who take this needle more than 10 Million People have become hooked, and. Continues to grow. The hype around appetite suppressants has led to their shortages around the world. Even the diabetics for whom this medicine was developed cannot find it on sale. The result was a gold rush. This is exactly the Washington Posts diagnosis of the weight loss industry. The active substance was officially recognized by the American Ministry of health as being in short supply. This means that any pharmacy can. Synthesize it in your laboratory and sell it legally. But the worst thing is online sales; no one knows where, from what raw materials, under what conditions, they produce. The drug that they sell it 10 times cheaper, but that is, having studied the formula on the internet, in general, any person, not just a chemistry teacher, can go to great lengths. This downtown new york spa recently added weightloss injections to its list of services. We received this batch today, but they are administering not the original drug, which costs 1,000, but a cheap analogue. We decided that i. Would be the guinea pig on whom we tested the injections before offering them to our clients. A reasonable question do these ampoules contain internet poison . Yes, yes, even if the formula of the medicine is correct, because simoglut is a hormone that was isolated from the venom of the most dangerous lizard on the planet, the gila monster. We very quickly understood how glp1 is produced in the lizards body and controls motor function, appetite and weight. Artificial peptide. The discovery was made by a canadian scientist back in ninetyfive, but only recently a Danish Company was able to turn it into medicine. In this laboratory they created a drug for diabetics, but they accidentally invented a magic elixir for obesity and miraculously took off in the price and shares of the company. The companys value has become higher than the gdp of the entire denmark. Now the new nordisk is worth 400 billion dollars, but if someone gets rich, then someone loses. And its hard to guess who. Shares of pepsi and cocacola have begun to fall as investors are spooked by news of the drugs surge in popularity for weight loss. Manufacturers of soda and chips and donuts demonstrate negative growth. The supermarket chain, which sells both medicine and groceries, has come to an alarming conclusion. Buyers began to buy less food by 20 . Walmart blames diabetes drugs. And this is one of the trendiest restaurants in manhattan, which recently had to completely rewrite its menu. We have many regular customers, they come, but they no longer have the appetite they used to have, and the danish vikings from novo nodisk have just begun their expansion. Our drug helps cope with uncontrolled appetite, but there is an assumption that it can also affect neighboring areas of the brain that are responsible for the formation of other addictions. Hypothesis is that the drug reduces dopamine production, meaning you dont get the reward of pleasure from your brain due to smoking or drinking, then you decide you dont need it anymore. Almost inevitably, humanity will face a brave new world where everyone will be thin, not addicted, but perhaps lose their appetite for life. Tatyana prosurkova, anastasia lunkova, yaroslav filatov, vladimir sharykin, central television. Yes, the main thing is not to lose your appetite for life. Our air time is on this

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