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Hamas wing says that as a result of the latest israeli airstrikes in the gaza strip , 13 hostages were killed, it is noted that among them there are foreigners, the nationality is not specified. Last night, the Israeli Defense forces attacked 750 military targets in gaza. According to the idf statement, the strikes were carried out on underground tunnels, military complexes , residences of highranking militants, which were used as command centers and a warehouse for hamas announced new strikes on the israeli ashkilon isderrot a total of 200 rockets were fired into the cities, the big news after which people started talking about how israel was preparing in the near future for a powerful ground attack on the gaza strip was the hatsal order that more than a million palestinians must evacuate to the south of the enclave within 24 hours. I would like to read out verbatim the message we are sending in arabic to the local population in gaza. The idf calls for the evacuation of all civilians from the gas from their homes to the south, for their own security protection. The israeli authorities notified the un about this order. The representative of the secretary general of the organization, stefan dyurika, noted that the requirements apply to all un employees, as well as those who have taken refuge in its institutions, including schools and medical facilities. Clinic centers. Dujarique, on behalf of the organization , called for the order to be reversed, as such a transfer cannot occur without devastating humanitarian consequences. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine how more than a Million People can be withdrawn in a day, thats more than 40,000 people per hour. In hamas advised residents of gaza to stay at home, and quote to show firmness in the face of this disgusting psychological. Meanwhile, us secretary of state Antony Blinken met with the president of the state of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas today in jordan. She reported that the purpose of blinkens visit to oman was negotiations on the opening of humanitarian corridors for the delivery of food and medicine to the population of the gaza strip, as well as efforts to quickly release hostages, and some or the agreements reached have not yet been reported, how high the chances are, that the tsakh. After the call for the evacuation of the residents of gaza, will actually launch a ground attack on the enclave, we learn from ntv correspondent in tel aviv sergei kholoshevsky. Of course, it is already obvious that there are only a few hours left before the start of a largescale ground operation, which the israeli army called iron swords, and this is a warning, or rather an order for more than a million gazans to leave their homes within 24 hours and move south of the line. In the gaza wade in the vicinity of the city of khan yunis, it is almost next to the egyptian border, indicates that the israeli army is determined and will act very, very tough, although the press Service States that this order was made primarily in the interests of the safety of the palestinians themselves, they were told that they would be able to return to their homes only after the corresponding order from the israeli the army and all palestinians are prohibited from approaching from. For 24 hours, this is not clear, it will practically be associated with large, large costs, who will provide medical care, in this case the victims of the palestinians during this ground operation are also unclear, and today, throughout the gaza strip, israeli aircraft continued to carry out massive air strikes. According to the idf press service, 750 objects were hit, including 12 multistorey buildings. The parties exchange such. Mutual accusations, for example, hamas calls on the palestinians not to submit to the demands of the israeli army and announces today around the world, calls on its supporters to declare a day of rage, in this case, the Israeli Foreign Ministry Says that it expects some kind of attacks on Israeli Citizens who are now abroad, calling on them to be vigilant and not to participate in any mass events, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on. That the country was left with no choice, either life or death, and hamas must be destroyed, in turn , a hamas representative said that their operation was preventive, they knew about israels plans to attack the gaza strip and were forced to act proactively, here it is uttered a very interesting phrase that they expect an attack, they expected a largescale land operation from israel, they are ready for it and act according to a clear sergei kholoshevsky about preparations for an Israeli Ground operation in the gaza strip, and as for these calls for a day of rage, now from lebanon jordan and jordan receive video footage like this, there are mass marches in support of palestine, hundreds of people with palestinian flags are supposedly heading towards the border with israel. On other topics , a meeting of the council of heads of state of the cis is being held in beshka; in addition to the russian president , the leaders of kyrgyzstan, belarus, azerbaijan, tajikistan, kazakhstan and uzbekistan are taking part in it. Before the meeting, they took a photo together and then went into the hall. The meeting is currently being held in a narrow format with only the leaders participating. The main topic on todays agenda is trade and economic partnership, security and ecology. The commonwealth remains. Reliable and certainly in demand and effective format cooperation, within the framework of which the participating states build relations exclusively on the principles of partnership, Mutual Benefit and taking into account each others interests, and this seems to be such a common diplomatic formation, but behind it there are real affairs and the real state of our relations, this is how it really is. Yes, this was also mentioned, some countries that used to be, perhaps today , are still listed there as part of the cis, they do not work in this format, but what i would like to say is, well, it all started with georgia after unsuccessful attempts, the former president of georgia and to solve some internal problems with the help of force and attacks on South Ossetia , this is where it all began, from the consequences that arose as a result of this adventure, ukraine once signed the fundamental documents on the cis, but after all in fact , it never joined in full format, ukraine did not ratify these documents, there was no ratification, it initially, in fact, shied away from fullscale cooperation. Well, a country like moldova is practically losing its identity, the elites of this country generally believe that they are not moldovans, they call themselves romanians, but this is their choice, loss , loss, complete loss of the countrys identity, this is the choice of the current leadership of moldova, but i repeat this, they want it this way, no one can do this prevent, except the people of moldova themselves, if. in this country there are people who still consider themselves moldovans, this is , as it were, the choice of each of us, we want to preserve our identity or not, and work within the cis, gives us this opportunity on the contrary, it strengthens our positions, without interfering with cooperation with each other and respecting our national characteristics, and before the meeting of the council of cis heads of state, putin held a separate meeting with the president of tajikistan and mamali rahmon. Both leaders emphasized the wide range of cooperation between moscow and dushanbe. Interaction covers almost all areas, from security to culture. Everything is developing as we planned. Colleagues are working, the government is working, Security Issues are being resolved. We just must meet and state that. Everything is going according to plan, and once again i want to congratulate you on your belated birthday. Vladimirovich, glad to meet you. Russia is an important Strategic Partner and ally of tajikistan. Russia remains the leading trading partner of tajikistan, expanding ties, now preparing with you the state, the prospect of mutual relations between our countries, as well as international and regional issues. Following the summit in bishke, it is planned to sign a joint package. According to the Russian Ministry of defense, four attempts to rotate ukrainian units were disrupted in the southern donetsk direction, artillery is now actively operating there with accurate shots, an Ammunition Depot was destroyed, and with the support of aviation, the places where manpower and equipment were deployed, as well as communications centers, were hit. In addition, a vso Reconnaissance Group was identified and liquidated near novodonskoye. Near elizavetovka, loitering. Hail rocket system, mortars are successfully operating in the kupinsky direction, they defeated the detected fortified enemy positions, and su34 pilots hit five military installations in ukraine, including another warehouse. Positional battles near kleshchievka and pervomaisky do not subside; the most difficult role in such battles is that of the infantry. The soldiers of these units meet the enemy face to face, with an advanced report by ilya ushenin. The fighters of the Southern Group of troops with the call signs gurman and chechen have just emerged from a tight battle, these okupas are a kind of resting place for them, the most important thing is to dig correctly, the attack aircraft say, then not a single shell is scary, and at the same time look up more often so that enemy copters dont caught by surprise yes, you sleep and dig and watch, but if the enemy is already working there, there is no time for food, and there is no time for anything at all, there is only you and there is him. Everything, there are machine guns, there is a distance, there is not a single surviving tree around, everything is cut by shrapnel, but these trenches are now perhaps the safest place. These are the conditions in which the infantrymen stay for several days at a time, this is exactly the same trench warfare that, as a rule, few people like to talk about, but it is precisely this kind of active defense that allows them to win. These shots show who is stronger, they show the combat work of attack aircraft in the urban development of marinka, they do not advance quickly, they protect people, unlike the enemy, and gradually take the necessary positions. Lets boil, fire, shoot, according to the fighters, now they are opposed by already unmotivated soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed forces, the age of the prisoners is rarely less than 45, as a rule, all these people are in no hurry to die in the socalled meat assaults, when, without much hope of success, they are thrown at our positions, such attempts always end in failure, the main forces of ukraine they have dried up, now they are recruiting everyone there, well, they are weaker at the very beginning , yes, these were the units there that were trained there, well, from experience, perhaps, but now they are putting everyone there in a row, well, of course, no training, they are immediately positions or assaults, but they cant do anything, the fighters assure, now in their ranks there are only those who definitely will not retreat back, as the enemy does, moreover, each of them went to fight voluntarily, and not because that the summons has arrived, and the commanders are saying this, only adds confidence, you can to be called a man only if you keep your word, keep yours. Relatives yes, mother in tears, wife in tears, brother shook hands , in general, uncle hugged, i must, im coming, ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company, the southern direction of the special military operation. The authorities decided to extend the increased duties on wine from unfriendly countries, they gave Business News and denis talalaev, denis, what is the reason, is it still like that on the market . A lot of western wine. Egor, well, apparently, there is still too much of it for domestic winemakers to compete with. Increased duties on the import of wine from so called unfriendly countries, which were introduced in august until the end of the twentythird year, will be extended. As the newspaper kommert writes, citing a source, such a decision has actually already been made. Import duties on wine, for example from the European Union, usa and australia , have almost increased. One and a half times from 12. 5 to 20 , as explained, in order to protect the domestic producer, russian importers indicated that if wine eventually becomes more expensive on the shelves, then consumers can switch for other types of alcohol. According to market participants, in august, imports of all wines excluding the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union fell by 30 . Supplies from italy, spain, and france have decreased. The wine Trading Company ford notes that they will reduce purchases of wines, which have risen in price by more than. 2545 . They explain that the consumer will not buy for 600 rubles what previously cost 350. Telegram is obliged to appoint until february 17 next year. Representative for communication with the European Commission. The Agency Reports this tas, citing the words of the representative of the European Commission johannes barke. He says that if the platform is suspected of violations, an investigation may be launched against it and fines of up to 6 may be issued. Well, the last resort is blocking the platform. The Eu Digital Services act came into force in august, making social media operators responsible for the content posted on their sites. They will primarily monitor calls for terrorism and xenophobic propaganda. Now the European Commission has already sent the first letters of complaints to recognized as an extremist in russia, x and tiktok are banned due to the conflict in israel. The russian stock market starts friday with weak growth, keeping an eye on rising oil prices. The government has not yet announced what percentage of Foreign Exchange earnings it will require exporters to sell. The list of exporters itself, as announced yesterday in the kremlin , will generally remain secret. In this situation, the ruble decided that it could rise in price a little more. The dollar costs 97. 19, the euro 1029. The financial authorities of the g7 countries announced that frozen russian assets amount to almost 300 billions of dollars will remain in this state until quote russia pays for the damage it caused to ukraine. This was stated in a joint statement by the g7 finance ministers and heads of Central Banks following a meeting in marrakesh. Russias actions towards ukraine are called in the statement, quote illegal and unjustified. In addition, the g7 promises to study how private Companies Receive windfall profits from frozen ones. Russian assets could be used to support ukraine. In g7 countries and the European Union now has a special group, which is called for short. She is looking for russian assets that are subject to sanctions and in this way has now managed to freeze 280 billion of russian assets. The day before , belgian Prime Minister alexandre droz announced that the country was transferring one billion 700 Million Euros to ukraine, these are taxes from those same frozen russian ones. Thank you, denis talalaev, for Business News. Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko met with Prime Minister of india naredra modi. The conversation took place on the sidelines of the ninth summit of speakers of parliaments of the g20 countries in new delhi. It started the day before. More than 350 delegates take part in the forum. The summit brings together the heads of legislative bodies of the g20 countries and invited governments. Problems, also on the sidelines of the forum, Valentina Matvienko managed to talk with representatives of south africa, indonesia and the united arab emirates. On the day of national unity, november 4 , the International Exhibition forum of russia will open at vdnkh; it will be dedicated to the achievements of our countries, all subjects of the federation will become its participants. Largest corporations, public organizations and foreign countries. During the exhibition , cultural, entertainment, educational and business programs are planned. This was not only discussed today at the press conference dedicated to the upcoming largescale event. The Russian Knowledge Society will be the general partner of the educational program. The president of our country rebooted the oldest Educational Organization 2 years ago. And well it seems that we were able to to return to the status of the main prosto organization that once was in the soviet union, and now we can also attribute this to our achievements. Thank you very much, the Exhibition Forum will last until april 12 next year, admission will be free for all visitors. Next on ntv, watch the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us. Marrat, what do you have today . Yegor, 80 years later, the medal for military merit was returned to the heros family, lost during the battle in belarus, and a decade later the award was discovered in a city park in the grass by a resident of siberian barnaul, as the medal ended up thousands of kilometers from the battle site, in whose hands it was, and how we managed to find the family of its real owner, well tell you in a few minutes. Thank you, marat, chpp, further, well, i ll say goodbye to you for now, until the next newscast on ntv at 16, see you. A future in which you dont have to choose between form and substance, between safety and comfort, fastback crossover amoda c5, with an intelligent allwheel drive system. Receive up to 15 on your balance with a free sofcom bank debit card. We wouldnt recommend why . So we fly, stably, at speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second. 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Routine distracts the department, open a vtb current account, get a document designer, digital accounting, Legal Support and other services, do business, not routine. Vtb we help by doing. Emergency program at the marat seddikov studio, we are live. Psychologists doctors are working with a tenyearold girl who spent 5 hours in the apartment of a pedophile neighbor, a schoolgirl suffers from autism and for some reason just went out into the stairwell, there at that moment maxim rysev, a man with a rich criminal biography, was coming up to his place, he lured. Into i immediately connected my apartment, an hour later they were already looking for the girl, the police, volunteers, neighbors were inspecting the courtyards, attics, basements, and then they started inspecting the apartments. How this kidnapping could have ended for the captive, and where rysev tried to hide her, i found out tamara simonova. The reference to tenyearold katya, who left the house and disappeared in a matter of minutes, spread across social networks, height 138 cm, light brown hair and eyes, the girls mother contacted the police, who could not find her on her own, when she quietly left the apartment, in which was in home clothes, the situation was complicated by the fact that the schoolgirl is diagnosed with autism, the girl is removed from the outside world, and if something happens, she may withdraw into herself even more, not to mention calling for help, who came to the investigators, together with volunteers, combed the streets for several hours, given the cold weather , the girls condition and the way she was dressed, it was impossible to hesitate. It was impossible, at the same time they began a doortodoor search when they knocked on the door of the familys neighbor, he didnt want to open it for a long time, and when the Law Enforcement officers finally got inside they began to inspect the premises, they heard a report. All the neighbors here are still in a state of shock, in a state of shock, of course, a freak lived next to you, a girl in a state of shock, the doctors examined her and handed over her mother , maxim, who had previously been convicted, who had not worked anywhere, they detained her, she went to your apartment, did you offer to sit somewhere or what or what . No, that he wanted a bag of toys, showed the toys, shaggy in an old coat and limping in court with a lynx, it seems he didnt quite understand what was happening, the journalists tried to sober him up with questions. Maxim, how can you explain your actions, what you did with the child for 5 hours in your room, what rysev did to the child, investigators established. He tied up the girl and abused her for several hours, and when they knocked on his door, he wrapped him in his things , hid it in the sofa, and judging by the way rysev behaved, do not come to a policeman told him, for the child everything could have ended in death, so a criminal case was immediately opened against the detainee. According to investigators, on october 11, 2023, in the evening, the accused brought a young girl to his apartment located in the sormovsky district of the city of nizhny novgorod, living in the same house where he committed other sexual acts against a child. Compared to the previous crimes of maxim rysev, he was previously convicted of theft, first received a suspended sentence , then went to a settlement colony, after that he was in a general regime correctional institution, now he is facing a strict colony, where he will serve up to 20 years, so the schoolgirl still has a long time to work with psychologists, whose main task is to prevent the girl from completely withdrawing into herself, simonova, oksana goncharenko and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. Six people have already written a statement, but the residents of the building are talking about thirty broken cars, this is the result of a drunk driver driving into the otrada residential complex. An employee of the sushi bar was apparently celebrating something after work and decided to go home in his old foreign car, when the car crashed into a pole, it began to smoke, eyewitnesses rushed to save the driver. He said that he does not regret anything, perhaps the bill for the broken cars, ivan gubin will sober him up from the scene. That he has nothing left to lose the driver of the red foreign car decided to prove to everyone, first to the one who was driving the gazelle, then to a dozen others, whose cars he also rammed while circling around the yard, that only a lamppost could stop the madman, to whom apparently he was also trying to convey something, desperately pressing the gas pedal, and get him out of there. Help, after the collision , the violent driver was restrained by the owners of other cars, he didnt seem to understand what had happened at all, only the glassy gaze and the arrogant smile that never left his face spoke for miraculously, there were no people under the wheels of his car, but another outcome would hardly have brought him to his senses, he was having fun with what was happening, he allowed himself inappropriate jokes, and then he decided to parody the hero of a popular internet meme, who, after the accident i only felt sorry for the car, it was a brand, i understood, yes, it was a brand. They didnt appreciate the humor, and in general it was difficult to find logic in all his words, the only thing that was clear was that he doesnt regret anything and is even ready to repeat it, its not my fault, but at the same time i sense guilt behind me, yes, yes, you wont do that again, i will, you will, yes, yes , i have to answer something for you, in the courtyard they noticed a reckless man shortly before his prank, he was standing with some men and loudly discussing an accident on the moscow ring road, through within a few hours he became the culprit of something else. Reckless specifically damaged 10 cars , some of the owners ended up with scratches and dents, as in this case, and for others the damage was much more serious, it is obvious that the total amount will exceed 1 million rubles, in addition costs will be added for the restoration of the lamppost, for everything the driver of the red foreign car will have to pay. Little is known about who he is, the name of the violent driver is vladislav, 2 years ago he lived in this area, worked in a catering service, the guests cannot say anything bad about him, but his former colleagues know. Which he hid, he was an administrator, he worked there as an administrator, just how he worked under the influence of drugs, and he tells us that he drank two boxes of beer, 2 liters of vodka, what substances vlad was under the influence of, the police will have to find out , they were able to begin the interrogation when the detainee came to his senses, the police drew up administrative protocols against him, and the police are investigating the circumstances

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