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Problem for us. Lets be more optimistic and 40, lets say, for our country, for our country, maybe even 50, 50 , thank you very much, thats it, volodya, with a probability of 60 , that is , more than half, in 10 years science will defeat the earthquake, and i was very happy when i heard today that these works are still being carried out in our country. I understand that funding has been reduced, but at least at the fundamental level they will remain, of course we are lucky with the land that we got with a wonderful, we have everything, and at the same time we are not very shaken, but the most important thing is that science is moving, and here , really, the main thing is to obey, they said to build houses of the sejm more stable, well, that means we need to build houses of the sejm that are sustainable, go out into the street, dont be there, here, too, sometimes, when a fire alarm goes off, even a drill, everyone starts chatting, and it s a drill or not a drill, but go out, dont go out, well, you wrote it, so far youve received it, you have to listen to science, everything will be fine, everything it will be great, it was the program, science and us a program about how science will change our lives, including yours, in the next 10 years, learning is interesting, science is interesting to listen to, stay with us, see you in a week, bye 58 108 years. 5 years sewing workshop together with pavlova sewing workshop zenukovich 58 10 8 letova 58 8 10 letova 58 10 7 years coachman 583 12 years ulyaeva 586 10 years so at home lyudkis 586 10 years with her. Kudneva 58 10 5 years old sunakova 5810 7 letyanko 58 10 7 letina 586 10 years old, uhhuh, skate, 7, 8, 10 years old, city, household work, cleaning of premises, her city, goncherova, let kampotik drink kampot, drink kampot, antonin petron. Wonderful fish, the baby needs to eat well, he needs phosphorus, they need calcium, eat, eat fish, alla, alla, thank you very much, ive had enough, phosphorus, eat, eat, eat. Pavlova, pavlova, you got a letter there, come in during the break. Hello, pavlova, they told me a letter from whom, the Central Information office of the nkvd of the ussr, thank you, we inform you that your daughter is pavlova svetlana konstantinovna, born in 1935. Was among those evacuated to kyiv area, the train in which your daughter was located came under enemy fire and was destroyed. Among the living dead, your daughter was not found, and therefore is considered missing. Pavlova, pavlova, wait, wait, pavlova, what happened . What is palova, look at me, look at me, im telling you, what happened, what happened , what is it, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what is it, pavlova, i say that happened, calm down, sit down. When he hanged himself from here, i cried when my mother disappeared, and i didnt cry when you the house was taken away, she didnt cry, well, its written here, she was not found among the dead and wounded, the region was evacuated , thats good, we need to look for her, pavlova, look for her, and not shed tears in the corners, send requests, i broke the machine, what you also did pavlova, now theyll give me a new sentence, its sabotage , yes, calm down, calm down, i said, i broke nothing, why . Like with our hands, like i was a mechanic at a factory for 2 years before the police, my mother worked there, neck, well just fix it at night so that no one knocks, no handicrafts. First of all, like new chief physician, i must make sure of the professional qualities of the hospital workers. I warn you right away that i dont need a nonprofessional, unqualified element here, and i also dont allow the slightest amateur activity in terms of prescribing drugs, i heard rumors here that some unconventional methods of treatment are practiced in this hospital, so im doing all this i will drive the antiscientific heresy out of here with a filthy broom. Sidin is busy here, ive already been rejected twice, im on my third refusal. Where are you going, olya, be quiet, i need swedes, urgently, then ill tell you, and if theres a check , amerik has gone completely crazy, i have no other choice, its a matter of life or death, okay, let me stick my leg out like this, if they count. Thank you, yes, alexander sergeevich, i dont know what to do, what happened . It seems to me that i cant, i wont be able to pass the certification, youll just open the abscess, take blood from the vein, whatever is required, do it no worse than any real felche, if i dont succeed, im even scared to imagine what will happen to us, if the deception is revealed. It will work out, you after all, my real student, and a very talented one, and a beauty, wish, flew into the fat of the shuttle. Well, the caliper holder is deformed, the shaft is beating , you hear, were working two shifts, and the equipment cant withstand the powerful one. And the girls are already poor and afraid to go to work, as if something might break during their shift, of course, ill try to do something, but this. For 23 days, then everything will be the same, you need to write a rapport, so i talked to miron, im still trying to figure it out, maybe hell listen to you, maybe he ll listen, what are you doing, hello, inject yourself . Yeah, in general, what is the result, we need new components, here. Attention, come on, stand up, line up, get out, get up, mattresses, pillows, everything in the aisle, quickly, he said, after two shifts they wont sleep, whats wrong, hey, doctor, where are you . And rip his trousers, help, he has an acute obsession from an old wound, the fistula has opened , now well bandage it and he needs to be taken to the hospital urgently, otherwise he might. Die, thats what dogs have to do, serezhenka, m, earring, earring, are you sleeping, uhhuh , then sleep, we can cope without you. Its because of her that you think i cant see you look at her, how you take care of her, your giggles and giggles. She is a member of the family for you, its like im a stranger, sometimes it seems to me that its me. And i, im only one of the students, why is everything like this, why, why am i so dishonest, do you love me, seryozha . Seryozha, seryozha, tell me, do you love me. Police, hands, where are you going, have you lost your mind . In the first department, everything is as usual. What s going on, where did you get in again . Ivan kolesnikov thinks whether it is possible to force a person to commit murder using psychic abilities. You will be serious consider this version with the inner voice that he heard there . Sergei zharkov is running around, but what do you want from me, am i a negotiator, or what . Youre an officer, are you drinking everything away, or what . Let them go, but now they will have to run and think twice as fast. You are my most faithful and devoted friend, help me out, brother, there is nothing else, is there something youre not telling me . I, first department, new season, you shibanu youre completely naked, its you, shibanov, crazy, premiere from monday at 20 00 on ntv, they gave doctors, quickly, advanced to me, fractures of the lower leg, as if directly. So and mediocre, that is, braids, often difficult, doctor, doctor, they brought a sick boss there, lets go quickly, something serious, where he sleeps, usually at home at this time, call, insert it there, antonina scissor, this is ustiomit, urgently to the operating room , take the stretcher, dont sit behind me, can you. He just has an abscess , the source of inflammation needs to be washed out, otherwise he will die, the head of the Operational Department of our camp, he recognizes me, at the moment it doesnt matter, get ready for the operation, well figure it out later. Tampon, but with antonina vasilievna, its time to show what you can do. Change places, proceed, swab, clamp, there is a foreign body here. Good job, it will be stitched up, no, only secondary healing, great, continue, well done, who asked you to write this report . Exactly schlaga, if we dont replace parts and do preventive maintenance, the shop will stop working in a week, im speaking as a former mechanic, youre a former mechanic in many ways, glotov, mironov, markov says, im listening, tach, general, i want to express special gratitude from all of our management, of course, and on my own behalf, your help to the front is priceless, to the soviet union, keep it up, mironov, we wont let you down, but general, well, it happens. Give it here, well burn it, what is needed here, god forbid, but what god forbid, the lag has started, go, eat. But be careful, quietly, quietly, quietly, lift your finger, i wish you health, health, health, well, how are we doing, lets apply a plaster splint carefully, sculpted, maybe somehow without plaster, then i have a lot to do, well, thats how we are. There was a piece of clothing left in the fabrics, well, thats where it all started, you say cool, cool, hes sleeping, i wanted to ask you, by chance youre not sending anyone to the Regional Center in the near future, i dammit, someone is knocking on you, theyre knocking, theyre knocking on me from the warehouses, they brought fabrics, i should have time to take them, okay, ill tell glotov. Say, or better yet, you know what, send pavlova with him, otherwise hell definitely take something wrong, and she wont miss, well, yes, maybe there s someone else there to guard someone else with them, let them take a walk, we are not a camp here, but a pioneer camp, yes, i understand, okay, okay, i wont interfere. Take a walk . Trofim, i love you, did you oversalt the cutlets . Skudneva, 586 10 years, 586 10 years. Yeah, construction work, coachman, 58, 8, 10 years old, afinogenova, 58, 10, 7 years old, and the skate, why are you standing, so i, go, bring benefit to society, move on, how. Eat so the first one is how to work the last one. Now lets see, yeah, yeah, there are 10 shuttles , and here are three more pieces, 10 pieces, thats it, bushings, five pieces, more tensioner threads, and we still have belts there, oh. Thread tensioners, belts, screw clamps, bobbin holders, crankshafts, im sorry, it hasnt arrived yet, what it means it didnt arrive so you dont understand, we have an invoice, heres the stamp, signature, todays date, we were told to come today, hey, you. A signature is a signature, and life is life, i m showing you the way repaired, thank god, the train has arrived, although it may not arrive tomorrow, god forbid, we need to return to the camp, today before the evening, otherwise, well, then well give a telegram that well sleep where well sleep, about spending the night, with this were all in order, now ill drop you an address, say from khodar, fyodor, its me and grandma lyusya we can receive you, just tell you from fedor, and come tomorrow and well get you ready. Are you sitting down, skate, get up, ah, ah ah, ah, ah, what happened, what, what, in the ninth month she will now give birth, what kind of birth, what should i do, this is an infection. Sit down, ill be back now. Little sister, where is the hospital, here it is, come here, where are you going, hello, who are you . Were business travelers, we dont have anywhere to spend the night, fyodor gave me the address from the warehouse, he said prom, but im only letting family in, i dont have a hangout here, so im his wife, they have bread and canned food, if what, oh well, come in, wow. Well , set up the bed, and you can undress, and now ill bring you a clean bed, you embroidered this yourself, right . No, this is one, they paid me for the stock, in algeria they have a sewing workshop there, they make these things there, but i didnt know, and god forbid you know anything, now ill feed you, sit down, sit down , heres some bread , now ill feed you, oh, cabbage, its still warm, now, where are your children, we dont have children, and i have six i had sons, thank you, everyone died of hunger, im alone now, its good that you are together, you stick with each other, help. Contract servicemen receive Regional Support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, two vacations a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. Diver, no external visible, no mask, air tank at zero, why the hell am i, an experienced detective, he was killed, valya, you know something, or emotions, an experienced diver, returned to his homeland after 12 years of absence, on the very first day he met the woman from his visions, they are on opposite sides of the barricades, with their backs to me, come on, i love this woman, and she blames herself for sleeping with you when her husband was killed, well, i ran into you, and i didnt like you right away, but they will have to fight the bandits together, let him remove the cop, drag the wad to the old borzha, diver. From monday at 22 15 on ntv, i didnt have time, i bought three tickets for the evening already no ticket, lets go quickly, its already starting, now, yes, now, come, pavlova, follow me. Come on, come in, here you are, where you are hiding from me, antonina vasilyevna, after the operation you never came in, i sent for you, sent for you, but you still dont come, and dont come, but i decided to thank you somehow. Thank you, why are you wearing a mask, people say you are beautiful, show your face, excuse me, please, this is an operating room, patients are not supposed to be here. And you really are a real beauty, antonina vasilievna, people are not delusional. But have you ever seen such houses, such people, relationships, thats who all these films are about, its better in the cinema, in the cinema it doesnt happen like in life, well, yes, i too, for example, watched at home, went to the factory , young woman. Became the head of the workshop, so her bright path leads to the palace, and me, yes, just because i know my husband, yes, i will cheat, but your mother will change, no, of course, so you know, my husband is talented himself . The man, of course, he wanted our country to have the best planes, why was he, 10 years without a license correspondence, you know what that means, right . Do you have any breeze ones . No, i dont have anyone, well, except for my mother, i never really had anyone , wait, please, okay, now, really, whats this to you . You, you, take it, thats it, take it, lets go, thank you very much, i havent eaten sweets for 7 years, lets open it, come on, but i dont like sweets at all, so its all for you. Prisoner skate, what . Oh, sorry, 7, 8, 10 years. I need to get an official explanation from you, but what happened at work today, uh, how are you feeling . Everything is fine, it seems everyone, speak up so loudly, i understood absolutely nothing, what was it . Order that you were sent to do hard work today, work orderer, foreman, but i dont know, i dont know the era , now, yes, stop pouring, the toilet is outside, were going to bed, its already, thats it, thats it, its late, go to bed, come on, ill lie down on the floor, and you go there, let me lie down, i said. If she comes in, what will she think, then move on, why are you making noise . Hello, how is it here, its very beautiful, i m glad you like it, were having some kind of holiday, its such a nervous day today. How there, nura . I, i worry about her, you have amazing instincts, nura has very good health, thats good, but what, child, thats all. Ok, ok, pour me a drink too, please, excuse me, or better yet, vodka, thank you, i have some toast. Lets drink to nyuras health, to the health of nyura and your baby, you meant ours, no, yours, what do you mean by this, i want to say that you are free. Im letting you go, ive been watching you lately, and you are so happy, young parents expecting their first child, i saw how you put your hand on her belly, so much tenderness, it seemed to you, no. It didnt seem like it, you never knew how to lie, and now you cant, youre happy when shes around, so happy, you ve never been like that with me, i see that, you are made for each other, i see that, and you it will be good for the two of us, the three of us, yes, it will be for you. Okay, ive already packed my suitcase, and i dont want scandals, i wont make a scene for you, dont be afraid, well, thats what you wanted, yes, yes, i, yes , i wanted it, it just didnt turn out the way i expected, but it happens, i, i tomorrow ill leave, dont be afraid and dont worry, i dont want to. Interfere, i, you dont have to leave, ill leave, hmm, when i saw this long line, i think, well, thats it, ironova herself will rip the shit off me if i dont bring the fabric, i m looking at the main thing, shes gone straight into the crowd, i think, thats it, now the woman is off her. I didnt get through the skinning, but can we stop for another minute, please, pavlo, are they waiting for me in the meeting room . Its infectious, it tears at your voice and nerves, you cant count the beats per minute, it brings you to wheezing, to goosebumps, to fever, to tears, we are all sick football, support football at the stadium, get a fan card on gosuslu. Ru, hello, hello, you are olga, yes. And im from kostya, from bone, dont worry, dont worry, hes alive, alive, in a settlement near magadan in nagaisk, heres a letter from him, well, im reading from him. I didnt write about him, he cant write, hes a log in a logging site, he has an injury, his spine, well, i

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