The implementation of the murmansk st. Petersburg project this is a plant for the liquefaction of natural gas, which is planned to be built on the kola peninsula. The president noted in difficult conditions. Russia not only confirms its energy independence, protection from external shocks and still occupies a key position in the Global Energy sector, at the same time, putin instructed to keep domestic prices under control , i want to emphasize that the main task of the oil and gas industry of the entire domestic not only own needs of our country, the interests of all russian consumers, both business entrepreneurs and citizens, to their economy, including the continuation of the most Important Program of gasification of the country. Maintaining a balance between the profitability of mining, retail processing and the availability of relevant products and services for industry and the public allowing for serious price spikes , these tasks must be constantly monitored and solved in a dialogue, lets do the community. We confirm the words of the president in the arkhangelsk region, almost a dozen m2, settlements gained access to centralized gas supplies in the region built a pipeline with a length of 39 km. It will make it possible to connect to the supply of fuel, at least 9,000 households, an intervillage branch line. It was erected as part of the program for the development of gas supply to gasification, which gazprom is implementing from the main pipe. Already laid 15 branches, the company is actively engaged in the socalled longterm construction, that is, it brings the boundaries of land plots to communication. At the moment , almost 4,000 applications and more have been received from residents of the arkhangelsk region half of them were completed before the end of the year in the region. Gazprom is putting into operation another 50 km. Cuba of wires is added to the number of Gas Pipelines of residents who use gas and this creates the conditions when gas in russia will come to every house where it can come, where is it needed . Such a largescale social debtification program was launched in our country by the decision of vladimir vladimirovich, and today gazprom has already received more than a million applications for gas supply 600,000 has already been done and there is no doubt that all tasks set by the president. They will be fulfilled, and the moldovan authorities transferred their Gas Transportation system for 5 years to the control of the romanian company. Chisinau explains the decision by the need to follow the rules of the Third Energy Package of the european union. Moldova is not a member of the eu. However, it has assumed many obligations. The third package prescribes to separate the supply of transportation and the sale of energy resources. That is, all this cannot be done by one company in order to comply with the rules of moldova, the gas created back in the ninetyninth year in equal shares with the russian gazprom, began to hastily share. It did not work out quickly, and in july chisinau simply revoked the license to manage the Gas Transportation system. Well, now it has been transferred to another company. It does not matter that romanian debts to gazprom over the past 4 years amounted to more than 700 million dollars, the government of the republic denies these debts. Militants of the kiev regime inflicted massive strikes on the Donetsk Republic from largecaliber artillery fired exclusively at civilian targets fell on the territory of the trolleybus depot. The control room and six cars of a broken power line in residential areas of the city were damaged by fragments, several highrise buildings were damaged. Two people were wounded, our servicemen retaliated against ukrainian business positions. In the area of ​​​​harvest and novomikhaylovka. They destroyed several ammunition depots and angarsk Armored Vehicles for such attacks are used , including the drone kamikaze andrey shamin saw how our fighters hone their skills and control drones. Kamikaze in zone, they often work in tandem with conventional household quadrocopters. One directs the second attacks the range of the combat bird from 3 to 5 km. Each charge is assembled by hand in about five minutes , the design is extremely simple. For example , a fuse from a regular clothespin and an electronic batterypowered fuse. When diving. Here is a fivepoint system something without any of its action. She gives a signal. There are two batteries here. It gives a signal , a signal is sent to the fuse , detonation occurs. Here. As ammunition shots of a handheld antitank grenade launcher. But before lifting the dangerous load, when conditions allow , they train on one and a half liter bottles of water, they are identical in weight. The most important thing is attentiveness, you never forget that the enemy is not asleep. They always Pay Attention to every little thing, where what and why it moves. Heres how we see it working now. Guys , this unit of the Central Military district has left the front line for one of the rear areas, but nevertheless continues to prepare and hone combat skills. Star star i volga took you watching the gap. Explosions are a signal to the action of an Assault Group in a real battle, damn it, even infantry takes enemy strongholds. Under cover from the air, be it artillery. Or the same kamikaze drones in a training battle and holly performs explosioncontrolled packages, the main thing is to hone the coherence of actions. Entry into the trenches takes place at lightning speed, but already under the cover of a machine gun. And to the positions of the enemy, in the meantime , enemy reinforcements are coming. Right now the fighters are working out the capture of the enemys stronghold. We are trying to keep up with them it is surprising that in this situation, despite the fact that this is a teaching, the guys still work with live ammunition. The fighters would still be joking, where do they come from in the zone of their singles . Each of them took during the special operation, not one opornik, sometimes there is resistance , sometimes they leave right away, sometimes there are even like impellers, dont shoot, it happens. Well, well , we are people. We dont achieve anything like that, we dont do it, if a person himself understands what he wants, how would it go to us. We, as it were , give such an opportunity to the task completely close the wound. If there are any pockets, we close them too. All the other group at this time is working out ways to stop bleeding and the situation. Here, one to one, as with the storming of the dugout, everyone knows everything and knows how, but the movements must be brought to automatism. This is a skill, like any other, like driving a car, like, uh, that is, if you dont train it constantly, the skill is forgotten , it dies, literally there in the first 1015 minutes, if the rabbits stop the massive, then something will not even reach the doctors it is this division that is currently resting from work on it is at such moments that the lines of combat contact are located and the minutes for letters from everyone who supports the fighters is the coolest letter. This is probably, well, understandable family, but in general from schoolchildren, when they are written with errors, you read it right away , it tells so pleasantly that a cat appeared there for me. And well, these are the moments, lets say domesticated, damn it, its already goosebumps and pleasant and well, its like its coming right away, so kids well done thank you very much andrey shemny alexander stefanyuk ntv zone of a special military operation of russian and belarusian swimmers were decided to be admitted to international competitions, but with their hands tied, its different those unthinkable conditions that were voiced by the International Federation cannot be characterized. Here is the sevenpage regulation. It has a neutral status on points without the flag of the anthem and other signs indicating belonging to the country, only a white uniform and the logo of the organization , only individual standings, that is, no teams and relay races. This means that our synchronized swimmers, who have no equal in more than one competition, as well as water polo players, immediately disappear, except to this end, only one participant from russia will be allowed in each discipline, while athletes should not show support for the special operation, they are forbidden to go to press conferences, communicate with journalists and even appear in the mix in the zone. In social networks, fans are already joking if our athletes behave well. They even pour water into the pool, while the return of russians and belarusians almost voted. 70 of international respondents stressing that without our athletes, competitions lose their meaning of the requirements of the International Federation water sports in russia have already been called insanity and absurdity, as well as an attempt to split the national team. We are waiting for a response from our swimming federation. A crab the size of a fivestory building and a window right in the crater of the volcano are just some of the giant paintings that can now be seen on the walls of houses in petropavlovskkamchatsky. There, the graffiti festival brought together artists from all over the country. What kind of theme became the main thing in their work and what contribution did the residents themselves make to the transformation of the city did sergey gypsy know, if anything, if suddenly anyone is interested, here is such a view, beautiful opens up to creative nature, it is common to be distracted from work for the participants of the allrussian graffiti festival. This is even beneficial in the picturesque landscapes that petropavlovskkamchatsky is surrounded on all sides, Young Artists find sources for inspiration for their art to monumentally match the natural landscape, and therefore each of the eighteen contestants cannot do without construction cradles. It is necessary to transfer to the entire wall of a fivestory building. Its very difficult to work at the top, uh, yes. Eh, fear. Uh, again, when you work on a tower everything needs to be done. The main thing is to be careful, because after all this technique is very sharp and you need to be on the alert and always be safe in our apartment buildings officially allowed in the mayors office, petropavlovskkamchatsky and such an opportunity for selfexpression in russian. The rc society decided not to let the company of the local artist come from colleagues from moscow from st. Petersburg, sochi, krasnoyarsk , vladivostok before spending hundreds of cans of paint and bringing modern art to residential areas. Authors the sketches had to be preliminarily coordinated with the City Department of culture, the mathematics of the festival, this is the cultural cat of kamchatka basically. This is the history of kamchatka sights, nature, ours, and local tourism. Our local sport. The territory of art is the residential quarters of petropavlovskkamchatsky for the fourth year in a row and the participants of the current festival. They tried not to repeat the work of their predecessors, according to the organizers , the fantasy did not let anyone down from 72. There is not a single similar drawing in the giant graffiti each of them has an image familiar to the locals. On the ends of the fivestory buildings are depicted volcanoes of kamchatka, red book sea lions, unique plants of protected forests and tundra. And those who are not afraid to challenge. Harsh nature, peninsula. Desperate snowboarders ruffers. And, of course, mushers in a hugging hushusk, an artist from st. Barely isnt all the kids here an event this is just a volleyball match and i decided to portray it. Eh, volleyball players at the moment a second before the impact, at the moment when it is twisted like a spring, and just about the sketches of the inhabitants of the houses also took the most active part. The experience of the first festivals showed this very case when modern art helps to diversify rather modest architecture. The appearance in petropavlovskkamchatsky is many quarters with typical soviet buildings, our facades wish we dreamed of the best. These shabby houses were discussed to all the houses, we were sent a sketch. It was very interesting that the author of the best graffiti was determined by the residents of the kamchatka capital themselves, however, regardless of the voting results. Each artist has already received his share of popular recognition. After the next festival, graffiti and two dozen more houses literally sparkled with bright colors and acquired an individuality not characteristic of the old days ministers of the Anglican Church 2 3 priests. According to the survey, we are sure that the United Kingdom is connected with christianity only historically in the country the number of atheists and representatives of islam is growing conservative values ​​are yielding under the pressure of the liberal agenda elizaveta herzen studied the issue of faith asked for 1,200 vicars. In captains and priests. The good news is that such a number of clergy in the church of england in general still found a bad question. Is it possible to call britain a christian country, threequarters answered in the negative 64 said that britain can be called christian, but historically, not at the present time, but nine percent. They simply answered no, the reason for such church desolation, according to the same times, is the willingness of priests to bless the marriage to gender issues. Which casts doubt on the gender even of jesus christ positive reaction to these negative figures is published by the ndband newspaper. I myself am married to a clergyman. And to this news i say, thank god much more traditional Orthodox Churches around the world are being strengthened while the anglican one is fading away. Andrei revolt came to the same conclusion on his own at the age of 25 in 1969, when he converted to orthodoxy. 15 years old. I realized that i had nothing in common with the church of england. And that orthodoxy is closer to me, because the Anglican Church. This is an invention of the state in 30 years. Ender married to the orthodox Maria Nikolaevna golitsyna daughter of white emigrants in 2009 they received permission from the district administration. The construction of a private chapel on their own land plot with the golitsyn familys own money, in particular, the application initially contained slyness in the Orthodox Church of the icon of the mother of god of all who sorrow, russian greeks, serbs and british from villages and towns within a radius of 50 miles come to serve. Church. For them open every day widows and childless give their temple, father. Andrey is going to his english godson. The same one who has lost faith in the church of england because the church of england itself has lost its bearings. I guess samesex marriage is the Cornerstone One church of england leader recently said if we dont rethink our policies people will never forgive us but think about it i mean the church of england is on the verge of fashion if it was real church, she would have led, but not led would have taught, and should not have a moral society here is something that you will not find with a candle. The American Church of the icon of saints xenia of petersburg and the botf of the ickinan anglosaxon saint of the seventh century patron of these lands, the saints are staunch and convinced christians , there were so many cases when the ancient saints or saints of later times stood to the death for their beliefs and perished, the Anglican Church does not have such fortitude, she will do what society wants from her. Why because the church of england is a product of the state. It was created by the state to serve its needs, and it never she will not object to the state, and she now recognizes things that cannot be recognized as a christian england of the times of henry the eighth lost churches both for the kings desire to find personal happiness with anna and for his need for money. Here is the hall of st. Peter from the building, built using architectural remains taken from the neighboring destroyed monastery in the 16th century, now here is the pub of st. Peter well, the Apostle Peter himself turns out to give way to the pagan god bahus the keys to the gates of paradise. Now replaced with the keys to the beer cellar to say that since the transformation , the demand for this building in the countryside has increased significantly. This is a monument of the battle with religion of the 16th century. And here is the same monument of theomachism, but of the 21st century. Here , quite recently, an empty church lays for tourists in bed with a tombstone at the head. And this one doesnt need an Anglican Church. In richmond, they were cut into apartments and sold as luxury housing with high floor ceilings, under which the remains of the parishioners of ancient times are buried, now heated, and instead of stained glass windows doubleglazed windows henry vii ruined and destroyed churches in modern england they are not needed, believers are put up for sale henry the eighth destroyed churches in england for the sake of it. The modern church of england is destroying itself for the sake of henrys marriage to heinrich and anna sanna elizaveta herzen boris khalfina maxim zaichenko ntv uk we are following developments. And its a sesame seed bun. Mm two onion patties, special cheese sauce, salads, cucumbers, the legendary look is the big hit burger number one cash on any goals are issued at lightning speed from three and nine percent per annum for the first month. Apply to gazprombank. Ru. The legend is back. That same feeling when you just received the money that was needed right now. Credit in tinkoff we approve your plans for money on the card immediately deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. Apply for a loan in the tinkoff app and get a deferred payment of up to 90 days works like a russian oven heats up quickly. 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In annunciation, it is slightly above 20 in the northern half of autumn. Acts even bolder and more decisively the temperature falls to the rains. Increasingly, snow is mixed in pevek, only plus four in anadyr and verkhoyansk no more than ten , the cold front washes away summer in southern siberia from rains and thunderstorms. It will already appear in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, there and in the irkutsk region even up to plus 25, but it will not reach the south of western siberia. Yes, up to twenty, and the rains in the autumn drizzling in the Northern Region of the anticyclone gives sunny days. In taimyr it is already autumn in the afternoon at about ten oclock, and in yamal it is still summer 20 in the center of the european part and in the northwest of the anticyclone, struggling to make the transition from season to season. There is little rainfall as soft as possible even before plus 23, but in the north the pressure from the north atlantic cyclone increases. 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